def delete_extra_files(index_by_cached_names, res_folder): extras = 0 scanned = 0 extra_files = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(res_folder): for name in files: scanned += 1 progress.write("Scanned %7.1d files (%7.1d extra)\r" % (scanned, extras)) parent_folder = os.path.split(root)[1] cached_name = "%s/%s" % (parent_folder, name) if cached_name not in index_by_cached_names: extras += 1 extra_files.append(os.path.join(root, name)) progress.clear() removed = 0 for filename in extra_files: try: progress.write("Removed %7.1d of %7.1d files\r" % (removed, extras)) os.remove(filename) removed += 1 except IOError: pass return extras
def resetDeviceState(self): if self.deviceState.has_key(self.device): del self.deviceState[self.device] pushConfig.recycleConfig(self.config) progress.clear(self.taskId, self.device) if allTaskProgress.has_key(self.taskId) and allTaskProgress[self.taskId] == self.device: del allTaskProgress[self.taskId]
def scan_missing_files(index, res_folder): num_files = len(index) missing = 0 scanned = 0 missing_files = [] missing_bytes = 0 missing_bytes_on_disk = 0 for entry in index: scanned += 1 progress.write( "%6.1d of %6.1d files (%6.1d missing - %10.10s - %10.10s on disk)\r" % (scanned, num_files, missing, format_memory(missing_bytes), format_memory(missing_bytes_on_disk))) filename = os.path.join(res_folder, entry.cached_name) if not os.path.exists(filename): missing += 1 missing_files.append(entry) missing_bytes += entry.compressed_size missing_bytes_on_disk += entry.size_in_bytes progress.clear() print "%6.1d files missing - %10.10s - %10.10s on disk\r" % \ (missing, format_memory(missing_bytes), format_memory(missing_bytes_on_disk)) print return missing_files
def verify_cache(index, res_folder): num_files = len(index) missing = 0 corrupt = 0 scanned = 0 for entry in index: scanned += 1 progress.write("Scanned %6.1d of %6.1d files (%6.1d corrupt, %6.1d missing)\r" % (scanned, num_files, corrupt, missing)) filename = os.path.join(res_folder, entry.cached_name) if not os.path.exists(filename): missing += 1 continue checksum = calc_checksum(filename) if checksum != entry.md5_checksum: corrupt += 1 try: os.remove(filename) except IOError: pass progress.clear() print "Verified %d files:" % num_files print " %6.1d files corrupt" % corrupt print " %6.1d files not yet downloaded" % missing return corrupt, missing
def main(): = sys.stdout if len(sys.argv) < 2: run_interactive() sys.exit() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="rescache is a tool for verifying and managing the EVE shared resource cache." ) parser.add_argument( "-i", "--index", default=DEFAULT_INDEX_FILENAME, help="The name of an index file to use - defaults to %s" % DEFAULT_INDEX_FILENAME ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--cache", default=get_shared_cache_folder(), help="The location of the shared cache to use - defaults to what the EVE client uses" ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--dir", action='append', help="Additional directories (EVE installs) to read indexes from" ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() parser_verify = subparsers.add_parser("verify") parser_verify.set_defaults(func=verify_command) parser_diff = subparsers.add_parser("diff") parser_diff.set_defaults(func=diff_command) parser_purge = subparsers.add_parser("purge") parser_purge.set_defaults(func=purge_command) parser_download = subparsers.add_parser("download") parser_download.set_defaults(func=download_command) parser_move = subparsers.add_parser("move") parser_move.add_argument( "destination", help="The name of the cache folder. This folder must not exist already." ) parser_move.set_defaults(func=move_command) args = parser.parse_args() try: args.func(args) except KeyboardInterrupt: progress.clear() print "Operation cancelled" sys.exit(1)
def main(): = sys.stdout if len(sys.argv) < 2: run_interactive() sys.exit() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= "rescache is a tool for verifying and managing the EVE shared resource cache." ) parser.add_argument( "-i", "--index", default=DEFAULT_INDEX_FILENAME, help="The name of an index file to use - defaults to %s" % DEFAULT_INDEX_FILENAME) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--cache", default=get_shared_cache_folder(), help= "The location of the shared cache to use - defaults to what the EVE client uses" ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() parser_verify = subparsers.add_parser("verify") parser_verify.set_defaults(func=verify_command) parser_diff = subparsers.add_parser("diff") parser_diff.set_defaults(func=diff_command) parser_purge = subparsers.add_parser("purge") parser_purge.set_defaults(func=purge_command) parser_download = subparsers.add_parser("download") parser_download.set_defaults(func=download_command) parser_move = subparsers.add_parser("move") parser_move.add_argument( "destination", help="The name of the cache folder. This folder must not exist already." ) parser_move.set_defaults(func=move_command) args = parser.parse_args() try: args.func(args) except KeyboardInterrupt: progress.clear() print "Operation cancelled" sys.exit(1)
def download_missing_files(res_folder, files_to_download): q = Queue.Queue() for f in files_to_download: q.put(f) downloaded_files = 0 old_size = q.qsize() num_files = len(files_to_download) thread_list = [] for i in range(DOWNLOAD_THREAD_COUNT): t = DownloadThread(res_folder, q) thread_list.append(t) t.start() try: while not q.empty(): progress.write("Downloaded %6.1d of %6.1d files\r" % (downloaded_files, num_files)) new_size = q.qsize() d_size = old_size - new_size if d_size: downloaded_files += d_size old_size = new_size time.sleep(0.5) progress.clear() num_failed = 0 num_succeeded = 0 for t in thread_list: t.join() num_failed += t.failed num_succeeded += t.succeeded if t.messages: print t.messages return num_succeeded, num_failed except KeyboardInterrupt: progress.clear() print "Stopping download threads" for t in thread_list: t.stop() for t in thread_list: t.join() raise
def scan_extra_files(index_by_cached_names, res_folder): print "Scanning %s, checking for extra files" % res_folder extras = 0 extra_bytes = 0 scanned = 0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(res_folder): for name in files: scanned += 1 progress.write("Scanned %7.1d files (%7.1d extra)\r" % (scanned, extras)) parent_folder = os.path.split(root)[1] cached_name = "%s/%s" % (parent_folder, name) if cached_name not in index_by_cached_names: extras += 1 full_name = os.path.join(root, name) extra_bytes += os.path.getsize(full_name) progress.clear() return extras, extra_bytes
def scan_missing_files(index, res_folder): print "Scanning index, checking for missing files" num_files = len(index) missing = 0 missing_bytes = 0 missing_download_bytes = 0 scanned = 0 for entry in index: scanned += 1 progress.write("Scanned %6.1d of %6.1d files (%6.1d missing)\r" % (scanned, num_files, missing)) filename = os.path.join(res_folder, entry.cached_name) if not os.path.exists(filename): missing += 1 missing_download_bytes += entry.compressed_size missing_bytes += entry.size_in_bytes continue progress.clear() return missing, missing_bytes, missing_download_bytes
def scan_missing_files(index, res_folder): num_files = len(index) missing = 0 scanned = 0 missing_files = [] missing_bytes = 0 missing_bytes_on_disk = 0 for entry in index: scanned += 1 progress.write("%6.1d of %6.1d files (%6.1d missing - %10.10s - %10.10s on disk)\r" % (scanned, num_files, missing, format_memory(missing_bytes), format_memory(missing_bytes_on_disk))) filename = os.path.join(res_folder, entry.cached_name) if not os.path.exists(filename): missing += 1 missing_files.append(entry) missing_bytes += entry.compressed_size missing_bytes_on_disk += entry.size_in_bytes progress.clear() print "%6.1d files missing - %10.10s - %10.10s on disk\r" % \ (missing, format_memory(missing_bytes), format_memory(missing_bytes_on_disk)) print return missing_files
def main(argv): t1=time.time() global app global cfg global ignore_list global defaultArgs global substderr global options config_tool_path = os.path.split(argv[0])[0] + "/" fast = False parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] BENCHMARK") parser.add_option("--min", type="int", dest="min", default=1) parser.add_option("-n", "--random", "--max", type="int", dest="n", default=-1) parser.add_option("--offset", type="int", dest="offset", default=0) parser.add_option("--max-sec", type="float", dest="maxsec", default=0) parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug", default=False) parser.add_option("-f", "--fast", action="store_true", dest="fast", default=False) parser.add_option("--threads", type="int", dest="threads", default=pbutil.cpuCount()) parser.add_option("-c", "--config", dest="config", default=None) parser.add_option("--noisolation", action="store_true", dest="noisolation", default=False) parser.add_option("--print", action="store_true", dest="justprint", default=False) parser.add_option("--time", action="store_true", dest="time", default=False) parser.add_option("--acctrials", type="int", dest="acctrials", default=None) parser.add_option("--accimprovetries", type="int", dest="accimprovetries", default=None) parser.add_option("--trials", type="int", dest="trials", default=None) parser.add_option("--trials-sec", type="float", dest="trialssec", default=None) parser.add_option("--trials-max", type="int", dest="trialsmax", default=None) parser.add_option("--transform", dest="transform", default=None) options,args = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.error("expected benchmark name as arg") cfg=options.config app=args[0] pbutil.chdirToPetabricksRoot() pbutil.compilePetabricks() app = pbutil.normalizeBenchmarkName(app) pbutil.compileBenchmarks([app]) if options.debug: substderr = sys.__stderr__ if cfg is None: cfg = pbutil.benchmarkToCfg(app) defaultArgs = ['--config='+cfg, '--threads=%d'%options.threads, '--offset=%d'%options.offset, '--min=%d'%options.min] if options.noisolation: defaultArgs.append("--noisolation") if options.acctrials is not None: defaultArgs.append("--acctrials=%d"%options.acctrials) if options.trials is not None: defaultArgs.append("--trials=%d"%options.trials) if options.trialssec is not None: defaultArgs.append("--trials-sec=%f"%options.trialssec) if options.trialsmax is not None: defaultArgs.append("--trials-max=%d"%options.trialsmax) if options.accimprovetries is not None: defaultArgs.append("--accimprovetries=%d"%options.accimprovetries) getIgnoreList() try: infoxml = parse(pbutil.benchmarkToInfo(app)) except: print "Cannot parse:", pbutil.benchmarkToInfo(app) sys.exit(-1) #print "Reseting config entries" #reset() #build index of transforms for t in infoxml.getElementsByTagName("transform"): transforms[nameof(t)]=t if t.getAttribute("templateChoice")=="0": transforms[t.getAttribute("templateName")] = t if options.transform is None: maintx = transforms[mainname()] else: maintx = transforms[options.transform] print "Call tree:" walkCallTree(maintx, fnup=printTx) print print "Autotuning:" progress.status("building work queue") if options.n <= 0: tasks.append(TuneTask("determineInputSizes", determineInputSizes)) if options.time: tasks.append(TuneTask("runTimingTest", lambda:runTimingTest(maintx))) #build list of tasks if not walkCallTree(maintx, lambda tx, depth, loops: enqueueAutotuneCmds(tx, maintx, 1, depth, loops)) walkCallTree(maintx, lambda tx, depth, loops: enqueueAutotuneCmds(tx, maintx, 2, depth, loops)) if options.time: tasks.append(TuneTask("runTimingTest", lambda:runTimingTest(maintx))) progress.status("autotuning") while len(tasks)>0: w1=remainingTaskWeight() task=tasks.pop(0) w2=remainingTaskWeight() progress.remaining(w1, w2) progress.clear() t2=time.time() sec=t2-t1 print "autotuning took %.2f sec"%(t2-t1) for k,v in taskStats.items(): print " %.2f sec in %s"%(v.sec, k) sec -= v.sec print " %.2f sec in unknown"%sec names=taskStats.keys() weights=map(lambda x: x.sec/float(max(x.count, 1)), taskStats.values()) scale=len(weights)/sum(weights) print "Suggested weights:" print "taskStats = {" + ", ".join(map(lambda i: "'%s':TaskStats(%.2f)"%(names[i], scale*weights[i]), xrange(len(names)))) + "}"
def main(argv): t1 = time.time() global app global cfg global ignore_list global defaultArgs global substderr global options config_tool_path = os.path.split(argv[0])[0] + "/" fast = False parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] BENCHMARK") parser.add_option("--min", type="int", dest="min", default=1) parser.add_option("-n", "--random", "--max", type="int", dest="n", default=-1) parser.add_option("--offset", type="int", dest="offset", default=0) parser.add_option("--max-sec", type="float", dest="maxsec", default=0) parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug", default=False) parser.add_option("-f", "--fast", action="store_true", dest="fast", default=False) parser.add_option("--threads", type="int", dest="threads", default=pbutil.cpuCount()) parser.add_option("-c", "--config", dest="config", default=None) parser.add_option("--noisolation", action="store_true", dest="noisolation", default=False) parser.add_option("--print", action="store_true", dest="justprint", default=False) parser.add_option("--time", action="store_true", dest="time", default=False) parser.add_option("--acctrials", type="int", dest="acctrials", default=None) parser.add_option("--accimprovetries", type="int", dest="accimprovetries", default=None) parser.add_option("--trials", type="int", dest="trials", default=None) parser.add_option("--trials-sec", type="float", dest="trialssec", default=None) parser.add_option("--trials-max", type="int", dest="trialsmax", default=None) parser.add_option("--transform", dest="transform", default=None) options, args = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.error("expected benchmark name as arg") cfg = options.config app = args[0] pbutil.chdirToPetabricksRoot() pbutil.compilePetabricks() app = pbutil.normalizeBenchmarkName(app) pbutil.compileBenchmarks([app]) if options.debug: substderr = sys.__stderr__ if cfg is None: cfg = pbutil.benchmarkToCfg(app) defaultArgs = [ '--config=' + cfg, '--threads=%d' % options.threads, '--offset=%d' % options.offset, '--min=%d' % options.min ] if options.noisolation: defaultArgs.append("--noisolation") if options.acctrials is not None: defaultArgs.append("--acctrials=%d" % options.acctrials) if options.trials is not None: defaultArgs.append("--trials=%d" % options.trials) if options.trialssec is not None: defaultArgs.append("--trials-sec=%f" % options.trialssec) if options.trialsmax is not None: defaultArgs.append("--trials-max=%d" % options.trialsmax) if options.accimprovetries is not None: defaultArgs.append("--accimprovetries=%d" % options.accimprovetries) getIgnoreList() try: infoxml = parse(pbutil.benchmarkToInfo(app)) except: print "Cannot parse:", pbutil.benchmarkToInfo(app) sys.exit(-1) #print "Reseting config entries" #reset() #build index of transforms for t in infoxml.getElementsByTagName("transform"): transforms[nameof(t)] = t if t.getAttribute("templateChoice") == "0": transforms[t.getAttribute("templateName")] = t if options.transform is None: maintx = transforms[mainname()] else: maintx = transforms[options.transform] print "Call tree:" walkCallTree(maintx, fnup=printTx) print print "Autotuning:" progress.status("building work queue") if options.n <= 0: tasks.append(TuneTask("determineInputSizes", determineInputSizes)) if options.time: tasks.append(TuneTask("runTimingTest", lambda: runTimingTest(maintx))) #build list of tasks if not walkCallTree( maintx, lambda tx, depth, loops: enqueueAutotuneCmds( tx, maintx, 1, depth, loops)) walkCallTree( maintx, lambda tx, depth, loops: enqueueAutotuneCmds( tx, maintx, 2, depth, loops)) if options.time: tasks.append(TuneTask("runTimingTest", lambda: runTimingTest(maintx))) progress.status("autotuning") while len(tasks) > 0: w1 = remainingTaskWeight() task = tasks.pop(0) w2 = remainingTaskWeight() progress.remaining(w1, w2) progress.clear() t2 = time.time() sec = t2 - t1 print "autotuning took %.2f sec" % (t2 - t1) for k, v in taskStats.items(): print " %.2f sec in %s" % (v.sec, k) sec -= v.sec print " %.2f sec in unknown" % sec names = taskStats.keys() weights = map(lambda x: x.sec / float(max(x.count, 1)), taskStats.values()) scale = len(weights) / sum(weights) print "Suggested weights:" print "taskStats = {" + ", ".join( map(lambda i: "'%s':TaskStats(%.2f)" % (names[i], scale * weights[i]), xrange(len(names)))) + "}"