def calculate_entry_histograms( plots, chain ) : ##assert canvas is not None, "Canvas must be specified in calculate_histograms" # setup our 2d histos histos = [] chi2histos = [] for p in plots : entryhisto, chi2histo = initialize_histo( p ) histos.append(entryhisto) chi2histos.append(chi2histo) nentries = chain.GetEntries() prog = ProgressBar(0, nentries+1, 77, mode='fixed', char='#') for entry in range(0,nentries+1) : prog.increment_amount() print prog,'\r', stdout.flush() chain.GetEntry(entry) for h, c, plot in zip( histos, chi2histos, plots ) : indices = plot.get_indices() vals = [ chain.treeVars["predictions"][ index ] for index in indices ] nbins = plot.bins ibin = h.FindBin(*vals) max_bin = h.FindBin(*plot.max_vals) if ibin != 0 and ibin < max_bin : chi2 = chain.treeVars["predictions"][0] if chi2 < c.GetBinContent(ibin) : c.SetBinContent(ibin, chi2) h.SetBinContent(ibin, entry) print return histos
def integrate(F,t,y,tEnd,h, **opt): def run_kut4(F,t,y,h): K0 = h*F(t,y) K1 = h*F(t + h/2.0, y + K0/2.0) K2 = h*F(t + h/2.0, y + K1/2.0) K3 = h*F(t + h, y + K2) return (K0 + 2.0*K1 + 2.0*K2 + K3)/6.0 step = 0 initialStep = 0 if opt and opt["step"]: initialStep = opt["step"] T = [t] Y = [y] progress = ProgressBar('Runge Kutta 4', t, tEnd) while t < tEnd: y = y + run_kut4(F,t,y,h) t = t + h if initialStep == 0 or t >= step: T.append(t) Y.append(y) step += initialStep progress.setValue(t) return array(T), transpose(array(Y))
def download_file(self, file_name, sub_url): """ 传入字幕页面链接, 字幕包标题, 返回压缩包类型,压缩包字节数据 """ s = requests.session() r = s.get(sub_url, headers=self.headers) bs_obj = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') a = bs_obj.find('div', {'class': 'subtitle-links'}).a download_link = a.attrs['href'] try: with closing(requests.get(download_link, stream=True)) as response: chunk_size = 1024 # 单次请求最大值 # 内容体总大小 content_size = int(response.headers['content-length']) bar = ProgressBar(prefix + ' Get', file_name.strip(), content_size) sub_data_bytes = b'' for data in response.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size): sub_data_bytes += data bar.refresh(len(sub_data_bytes)) # sub_data_bytes = requests.get(download_link, timeout=10).content except requests.Timeout: return None, None if 'rar' in download_link: datatype = '.rar' elif 'zip' in download_link: datatype = '.zip' elif '7z' in download_link: datatype = '.7z' else: datatype = 'Unknown' return datatype, sub_data_bytes
def delete_files(self, file_list ): '''create files. The filenames are supplied as a list''' count = 0 total = len(file_list) if self.verbose: print "\nTrying to delete " + str(total) + " files" prog = ProgressBar(count, total, 77, mode='fixed', char='#') before = time.time() for file_name in file_list: ret = self.delete_file( file_name ) if self.verbose: count += 1 prog.increment_amount() print prog, '\r', sys.stdout.flush() if ret == False: print "Failed to delete file " + str( file_name ) return False print after = time.time() self.profiling_printer("Deleting " + str(len(file_list)) + " files", after - before) return True
def download_file(self, file_name, download_link): try: with closing(requests.get(download_link, stream=True)) as response: filename = response.headers['Content-Disposition'] chunk_size = 1024 # 单次请求最大值 # 内容体总大小 content_size = int(response.headers['content-length']) bar = ProgressBar(prefix + ' Get', file_name.strip(), content_size) sub_data_bytes = b'' for data in response.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size): sub_data_bytes += data bar.refresh(len(sub_data_bytes)) except requests.Timeout: return None, None, 'false' if '.rar' in filename: datatype = '.rar' elif '.zip' in filename: datatype = '.zip' elif '.7z' in filename: datatype = '.7z' else: datatype = 'Unknown' with open('', 'wb') as f: f.write(sub_data_bytes) return datatype, sub_data_bytes
def compute_initial_allocation(self,disp_progress = True): self.to_assign = np.random.permutation(range(self.N)).tolist() if disp_progress: prog = ProgressBar(0, len(self.to_assign), 77, mode='fixed') oldprog = str(prog) while True: if disp_progress: #<--display progress prog.increment_amount() if oldprog != str(prog): print prog, "\r", sys.stdout.flush() oldprog=str(prog) #--> i = self.to_assign.pop() dists = sdis.cdist(np.atleast_2d(self.X[i]),self.centroids,self.metric).ravel() sorted_centroids = np.argsort(dists) for c in sorted_centroids: if self.weight_per_cluster[c]+self.weights[i]<weight_limit: self.clusters[c].append(i) self.weight_per_cluster[c]+=self.weights[i] break if not(self.to_assign): break
def cuttree( oldname, newname, oldtree, branch, check ) : oldfile = r.TFile( oldname ) oldtree = oldfile.Get( oldtree ) nentries = oldtree.GetEntries() nTotVars = oldtree.GetLeaf( branch ).GetLen() chi2data = array('d',[0]*nTotVars) oldtree.SetBranchAddress( branch, chi2data ) newfile = r.TFile( newname, "recreate" ) newtree = oldtree.CloneTree(0) prog = ProgressBar(0, nentries, 77, mode='fixed') oldprog = str(prog) for i in range(0,nentries) : prog.increment_amount() if oldprog != str(prog): print prog, "\r", stdout.flush() oldprog=str(prog) oldtree.GetEntry(i) if check( chi2data[0] ) : newtree.Fill() newtree.AutoSave() oldfile.Close() newfile.Close()
def scan_E_scale(E_range, scale_range): logger.init(foldername='scan E-Scale',prefix='Scan2D') logger.title('E, Scale, SuccessRate') #bar = Progress('Main Scan',on=True) bar = ProgressBar() all=len(E_range)*len(scale_range) i=1 for scale in scale_range: for E in E_range: bar.log( i/all ) success_rate = tile_implementation(pick=[3,5], sample=True, train_sample=3000, test_sample=1000, standardize='normalize', w_dist_type='normal', w_dist_param=(0, scale), b_dist_type= 'uniform', b_dist_param=(0, math.pi), E = E ) i+=1 data = (E, scale, success_rate) logger.log(data) logger.finalize()
def solve_5(self, period, N): result = np.identity(N, dtype=np.complex) I = np.identity(N, dtype=np.complex) He = self.matrix_electric Hs = self.matrix_static prog = ProgressBar(0, self.fine_step / 6, 50, mode='fixed', char='#') #python version for i in xrange(0, self.fine_step, 6): prog.increment_amount() print prog, '\r', sys.stdout.flush() k1 = (He * self.E_arr[period][i] + Hs) tmp = He * self.E_arr[period][i + 1] + Hs k2 =, I + k1 * 0.25 * self.dt) tmp = He * self.E_arr[period][i + 2] + Hs k3 =, I + (k1 * 3.0 / 32.0 + k2 * 9.0 / 32.0) * self.dt) tmp = He * self.E_arr[period][i + 3] + Hs k4 = tmp, I + (k1 * 1932.0 - k2 * 7200.0 + k3 * 7296.0) * self.dt / 2197.0) tmp = He * self.E_arr[period][i + 4] + Hs k5 = tmp, I + (k1 * 439.0 / 216.0 - k2 * 8.0 + k3 * 3680.0 / 513.0 - k4 * 845.0 / 4104.0) * self.dt) tmp = He * self.E_arr[period][i + 5] + Hs k6 = tmp, I + (-1.0 * k1 * 8.0 / 27.0 - k2 * 2.0 - k3 * 3544.0 / 2565.0 + k4 * 1859.0 / 4104.0 - k5 * 11.0 / 40.0) * self.dt) result = I + (k1 * 16.0 / 135.0 + k3 * 6656.0 / 12825.0 + k4 * 28561.0 / 56430.0 - k5 * 9.0 / 50.0 + k6 * 2.0 / 55.0) * self.dt, result) return result
def _serial_distance_matrix(fnames, compression_fn, pairing_fn, **kwargs): """Serial calculation for distance matrix.""" sys.stderr.write('Compressing individual files...\n') progress_bar = ProgressBar(len(fnames)) def update_progress(fname): x = compression_fn(fname) progress_bar.increment() return x compressed_sizes = map(update_progress, fnames) zip_size = dict(zip(fnames, compressed_sizes)) sys.stderr.write('\nCompressing file pairs...\n') file_pairs = [(fname1, fname2) for fname1 in fnames for fname2 in fnames if fname1 < fname2] progress_bar = ProgressBar(len(file_pairs)) def update_progress(pair): fname1, fname2 = pair ncd_result = ncd(compression_fn, pairing_fn, fname1, fname2, (zip_size[fname1], zip_size[fname2]), **kwargs) progress_bar.increment() return ncd_result ncd_results = map(update_progress, file_pairs) sys.stderr.write('\n') return ncd_results
def __init__(self, input_options=[], output_options=[], quiet=False, max_progress=100, has_audio=False, has_video=False, process_audio=True, process_video=True, audio_codec="pcm_s16le", video_codec="h264"): super().__init__(input_options, output_options) self.progress = ProgressBar(max_value=max_progress, quiet=quiet) self.has_video = has_video self.process_video = process_video self.video_codec = video_codec if (self.has_video): self.prepend_output_options(["-map", "[vconc]"]) if (self.process_video): self.prepend_output_options(["-pix_fmt", "yuv420p"]) self.prepend_output_options(["-codec:v", self.video_codec]) self.has_audio = has_audio self.process_audio = process_audio self.audio_codec = audio_codec if (self.has_audio): if (self.process_audio): self.prepend_output_options(["-ac", "1", "-map", "[anorm]"]) else: self.prepend_output_options(["-map", "[aconc]"]) self.prepend_output_options(["-codec:a", self.audio_codec]) self.filters = []
def fill_and_save_data_hists( mcf, plots,entry_hists, modes, contribs,predicts ) : axes = [ "X", "Y", "Z" ] chain = MCAnalysisChain( mcf ) nentries = chain.GetEntries() KOhack=KOhack_class(mcf) for p , h in zip(plots,entry_hists) : ############################################# if check_entry_KO_hack(p,KOhack): KOhack.init_hack(p) ############################################# histo_cont = {} contrib_cont = {} predict_cont = {} print p.short_names firstbin, lastbin = get_histogram_bin_range(h,space=p) for mode in modes : # here need to add in check on contrib and make one for each contribution hname = histo_name( p.short_names, entry_histo_prefix )+ "_" + mode histo_cont[mode] =initialize_histo( p,hname,data =True ) base_val = 1e9 if mode == "pval" : base_val = 0.0 for bin in range( firstbin, lastbin + 1 ) : histo_cont[mode].SetBinContent( bin, base_val ) for c in contribs : # contribs is a list of Contribution objects hname = histo_name( p.short_names, entry_histo_prefix )+ "_dX_" + c.short_name contrib_cont[c.short_name] = initialize_histo( p,hname,data =True ) for bin in range( firstbin, lastbin + 1 ) : contrib_cont[c.short_name].SetBinContent( bin, 0.0 ) for pred in predicts : # predicts is a list of Contribution objects hname = histo_name( p.short_names, entry_histo_prefix )+ "_pred_" + pred.short_name predict_cont[pred.short_name] = initialize_histo( p,hname,data =True ) for bin in range( firstbin, lastbin + 1 ) : predict_cont[pred.short_name].SetBinContent( bin, 0.0 ) prog = ProgressBar(0, (lastbin-firstbin)+1, 77, mode='fixed', char='#') for i in range( firstbin, lastbin+1 ) : prog.increment_amount() print prog,'\r', stdout.flush() entry = int( h.GetBinContent(i) ) if entry > 0 : chain.GetEntry(entry) ############################################# if check_entry_KO_hack(p,KOhack): KOhack.set_ssi_bin_centre(h,i) ############################################# fill_bins( histo_cont, contrib_cont,predict_cont, contribs,predicts , i, chain, mcf, KOhack ) perform_zero_offset( histo_cont["dchi"],space=p ) print save_hdict_to_root_file( histo_cont, mcf.FileName, mcf.DataDirectory) save_hdict_to_root_file( contrib_cont, mcf.FileName, mcf.DataDirectory) save_hdict_to_root_file( predict_cont, mcf.FileName, mcf.DataDirectory)
def _annotate_frame(video: VideoTk, y_coordinate: float, lane_distances: list, progress_bar: ProgressBar) -> None: if y_coordinate < 0.0: y_coordinate = 0.0 elif y_coordinate > 1.0: y_coordinate = 1.0 y_coordinate = round(y_coordinate, 2) print("[", video.current.index, "]: ", "height = ", y_coordinate) progress_bar.add_progress(video.current.index)
def __init__(self, min, max, width=0, value=None): self._width = None self._term_width = None self._oldsignal = None self._progress_bar = ProgressBar(min, max, min) if value is not None: self._progress_bar.set_value(value) # ширина в ноль означает, что полоска должна растянуться на все окно # при изменении размера окна полоска подстаивается под новый размер self.set_width(width)
def progbar(ip): r = redis.Redis(ip) initial = r.llen('blogs') prog = ProgressBar(0, initial, 77, mode='fixed', char='#') while True: prog.update_amount(initial - r.llen('blogs')) print prog, '\r', sys.stdout.flush() if initial - r.llen('blogs') == initial: break return
def sweep_multiprocessing(self,sweep_n,start,end,points,filename='./test.txt'): """ nu[sweep_n] is sweeped. Sweep the frequency and output the result to filename. """ ############################### ##multiprocessing preparation ############################## core = 10 points = points//core*core # points per thread self.result = [[0.0 for i in range(self.n+1)]for j in range(points)]#this is the matrix which store the result, it will be saved to file later. job = self.allocate_job(start,end,points,core) ################################ ##This are codes for progress bar ############################### prog = ProgressBar(0, points, 50, mode='fixed', char='#') ##the linear algebra start here a = np.zeros(self.N) a[self.N-1] = 1 #1 because rho_11+rho_22 ... =1 a = np.matrix(a) a = a.T done_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() process_list = [] for x in range(core): process_list.append(multiprocessing.Process(target = sweep_mp,args = (job[x],self.system,self.nu2,a,self.add_freq,self.index,sweep_n,self.n,done_queue))) tStart = time.time() print 'start' for p in process_list: p.start() stop_num = 0 while stop_num != core: a = done_queue.get() if a == 'STOP': stop_num += 1 else: self.result[a[0]] = a[1] prog.increment_amount() print prog, '\r', sys.stdout.flush() print '\n' for p in process_list: p.join() print "%s.exitcode = %s" %(, p.exitcode) tStop = time.time() print"spend",(tStop - tStart),"second" self.sweep_save_file(filename,points)
def _generate_AX(self): self.log('Creating features and adjacency matrices..') pr = ProgressBar(60, len( data = [] smiles = [] data_S = [] data_A = [] data_X = [] data_D = [] data_F = [] data_Le = [] data_Lv = [] max_length = max(mol.GetNumAtoms() for mol in max_length_s = max(len(Chem.MolToSmiles(mol)) for mol in for i, mol in enumerate( A = self._genA(mol, connected=True, max_length=max_length) D = np.count_nonzero(A, -1) if A is not None: data.append(mol) smiles.append(Chem.MolToSmiles(mol)) data_S.append(self._genS(mol, max_length=max_length_s)) data_A.append(A) data_X.append(self._genX(mol, max_length=max_length)) data_D.append(D) data_F.append(self._genF(mol, max_length=max_length)) L = np.diag(D) - A Le, Lv = np.linalg.eigh(L) data_Le.append(Le) data_Lv.append(Lv) pr.update(i + 1) self.log(date=False) self.log( 'Created {} features and adjacency matrices out of {} molecules!'. format(len(data), len( = data self.smiles = smiles self.data_S = data_S self.data_A = data_A self.data_X = data_X self.data_D = data_D self.data_F = data_F self.data_Le = data_Le self.data_Lv = data_Lv self.__len = len(
def process_frame_segments(args, segments, width, height): """Post-process frame segments to set frame images, etc.""" fn = "process_frame_segments""Processing frames...") frame_segments = [s for s in segments if isinstance(s, FrameSegment)] n = len(frame_segments) globals.log.debug("{fn}(): num frames = {n}".format(fn=fn, n=n)) progress = ProgressBar(max_value=n, quiet=args.quiet or args.debug or n == 0) progress.update(0) for i, f in enumerate(frame_segments): try: globals.log.debug( "{fn}(): frame (before) = {b}".format(fn=fn, b=f)) # Frame segments that use a frame from the previous segment. if (f.input_file == "^"): if (f.segment_number > 0): prev = segments[f.segment_number - 1] globals.log.debug( "{fn}(): prev = {p}".format(fn=fn, p=prev)) prev.generate_temp_file(args.output, width=width, height=height) f.use_frame( prev.generate_frame(f.frame_number, args.output, width=width, height=height)) else: globals.log.error( "frame segment {s} is attempting to use the last " "frame of a non-existent previous " "segment".format(s=f.segment_number)) sys.exit(1) # Frame segments whose frame comes from a PDF file. else: suffix = PurePath(f.input_file).suffix if (suffix.lower() == ".pdf"): f.use_frame(f.generate_temp_file(args.output, width=width, height=height)) else: globals.log.error( 'unexpected input file type "{s}" for frame segment ' "{f}".format(s=suffix, f=f.segment_number)) sys.exit(1) progress.update(i) globals.log.debug("{fn}(): frame (after) = ""{a}".format(fn=fn, a=f)) except SegmentError as e: progress.finish() globals.log.exception(e) sys.exit(1) else: progress.finish()
def _generate_AX(self): self.log('Creating features and adjacency matrices..') pr = ProgressBar(60, len( data_ax = [] smiles = [] data_s = [] data_a = [] data_x = [] data_d = [] data_f = [] data_le = [] data_lv = [] max_length = max(mol.GetNumAtoms() for mol in max_length_s = max(len(Chem.MolToSmiles(mol)) for mol in for i, mol in enumerate( a = self._genA(mol, connected=True, max_length=max_length) d = np.count_nonzero(a, -1) if a is not None: data_ax.append(mol) smiles.append(Chem.MolToSmiles(mol)) data_s.append(self._genS(mol, max_length=max_length_s)) data_a.append(a) data_x.append(self._genX(mol, max_length=max_length)) data_d.append(d) data_f.append(self._genF(mol, max_length=max_length)) le, lv = np.linalg.eigh(d - a) data_le.append(le) data_lv.append(lv) pr.update(i + 1) self.log(date=False) self.log('Created {} features and adjacency matrices out of {} molecules!'.format(len(data_ax), len( = data_ax self.smiles = smiles self.data_S = data_s self.data_A = data_a self.data_X = data_x self.data_D = data_d self.data_F = data_f self.data_Le = data_le self.data_Lv = data_lv self.__len = len(
class ProgressDialog(Pmw.Dialog): def __init__(self, parent=None, **args): th = args.pop('toplevel_height', 200) tw = args.pop('toplevel_width', 400) ac = args.pop('activatecommand', None) self.no_bar = args.pop('nobar', False) Pmw.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, buttons=[], activatecommand = ac) self.component('hull').overrideredirect(1) w = self.interior() w.pack_propagate(0) w.configure(bd=5, relief='raised', height=th, width=tw) self.text = args.pop('text', 'Progress bar') self.text_var = Tkinter.StringVar() self.text_var.set(self.text) Tkinter.Label(w, textvariable=self.text_var).pack(fill='y', expand=1) if not self.no_bar: self.pb = ProgressBar(w, **args) self.pb.pack(side='top', expand=1, anchor='n') self.counter = 0 self.pb.updateProgress(self.counter) def incr(self): self.counter += 1 self.pb.updateProgress(self.counter) def set(self, value, max=None): self.counter = value self.pb.updateProgress(self.counter, max) def message(self, text): self.text = text self.text_var.set(self.text)
def createDemand(self): def determineStartingInterval(): start_interval = P_constrain(np.random.normal(), -3.0, 3.0) start_interval = P_map(start_interval, -3.0, 3.0, 15 * 60, self.MAX_INTERVAL - self.MAX_DURATION - 1) start_interval = int(P_constrain(start_interval, 0, self.MAX_INTERVAL - self.MAX_DURATION - 1)) return start_interval def determineSkillAssignments(): SKILLS = ['LEVEL_1', 'LEVEL_2', 'LEVEL_3'] skill = random.choice(SKILLS) return skill def determineDuration(): return int(P_map(P_constrain(np.random.normal(), -3.0, 3.0), -3.0, 3.0, 5, self.MAX_DURATION)) print('Creating demand list...') toolbar_width = 40 pb = ProgressBar(toolbar_width=toolbar_width) for x_ in range(self.NUM_CALLS): pb.update(x_, self.NUM_CALLS) start_interval = determineStartingInterval() duration = determineDuration() skill = determineSkillAssignments() self.addDemand({'id': x_ + 10, 'interval': start_interval, 'duration': duration, 'skill': skill}) pb.update(1, 1) pb.clean()
def generate_hierarchy(event_list, stack_dict): prog = ProgressBar(0, len(event_list), 77, mode='fixed', char='#', autoprint=True) #create a hierarchal track of the allocation event root = CallStatistics(0) #create a heap to track live allocated blocks and current memory status overall heap = Heap() for event in event_list: # print event.text() # if the event is a free then we need to find out the size of the block we are freeing # @todo this could be part of the event stream when using debug CRT but probably not for release builds? if event.event_type == Event.eFree: size_free = heap.block_size(event.pData) elif event.event_type == Event.eRealloc: size_free = heap.block_size(event.pDataPrev) else: size_free = 0 if event.event_type == Event.eAlloc or event.event_type == Event.eRealloc: size_alloc = event.allocSize else: size_alloc = 0 # only now that we have our size information on potential free blocks do we # let heap track event (since the block in question might get freed) heap.track(event) # start at the tree root and walk each stack call in this event and tally the event with this call and it's callee's stat_obj = root # start at the first call and walk down until we hit the desired leaf stack = stack_dict[event.stack_id] for index in range(len(stack.calls) - 1, stack.leaf_index - 2, -1): call = stack.calls[index] child_obj = stat_obj.add_child_call(call) # add stats for the child to the parent stat_obj.sample_child_event(size_alloc, size_free) if index == stack.leaf_index - 1: # add leaf stats on the child leaf node child_obj.sample_self_event(size_alloc, size_free) stat_obj = child_obj # step down the tree for next call prog.increment_amount() print "\n\n" return root
class ProgressBarTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """Test the ProgressBar class.""" DEFAULT_VALUE = 0 DEFAULT_MAX_VALUE = 100 DEFAULT_PRINT_WIDTH = 50 DEFAULT_NEWLINE = "\r" def setUp(self): """Set up for test.""" = ProgressBar(quiet=True) def tearDown(self): """Clean up after test.""" = None def test_defaults(self): """Test default values are correct.""" test_data = ( (, self.DEFAULT_VALUE, "default value = {v}".format(v=self.DEFAULT_VALUE)), (, self.DEFAULT_VALUE, "default initial value = {v}".format(v=self.DEFAULT_VALUE)), (, self.DEFAULT_MAX_VALUE, "default max value = {v}".format(v=self.DEFAULT_MAX_VALUE)), (, self.DEFAULT_PRINT_WIDTH, "default print width = {v}".format(v=self.DEFAULT_PRINT_WIDTH)), (, self.DEFAULT_NEWLINE, "default newline = {v}".format(v=self.DEFAULT_NEWLINE)), ) for actual, expected, description in test_data: with self.subTest(msg=description): self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_set_and_reset(self): """Test setting and resetting the current value.""" self.assertEqual(, 50) self.assertEqual(, 0) def test_update_ad_draw(self): """Test updating and drawing the progress bar.""" = False for i in range(, + 1): percent = int(i * 100 / dots = int(i * / expected_bar = "{nl}[{c}{nc}] {p}% ".format( c="".join(["+"] * dots), nc="".join(["."] * ( - dots)), p=percent, with captured_output() as (out, _): with self.subTest(msg="value = {v}".format(v=i)): self.assertEqual(, i) with self.subTest(msg="output = {v}".format(v=expected_bar)): self.assertEqual(out.getvalue(), expected_bar)
def main(): a = get_args() tempdir = os.path.join(a.out_dir, 'a') os.makedirs(tempdir, exist_ok=True) ptfiles = file_list(a.in_dir, 'pt') ptest = torch.load(ptfiles[0]) if isinstance(ptest, list): ptest = ptest[0] shape = [*ptest.shape[:3], (ptest.shape[3] - 1) * 2] vsteps = int(a.length * 25 / len(ptfiles)) if a.steps is None else a.steps # 25 fps pbar = ProgressBar(vsteps * len(ptfiles)) for px in range(len(ptfiles)): params1 = read_pt(ptfiles[px]) params2 = read_pt(ptfiles[(px + 1) % len(ptfiles)]) params, image_f, _ = fft_image(shape, resume=params1) image_f = to_valid_rgb(image_f) for i in range(vsteps): with torch.no_grad(): img = image_f( (params2 - params1) * math.sin(1.5708 * i / vsteps)**2)[0].permute(1, 2, 0) img = torch.clip(img * 255, 0, 255).cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8) imsave(os.path.join(tempdir, '%05d.jpg' % (px * vsteps + i)), img) if a.verbose is True: cvshow(img) pbar.upd() os.system('ffmpeg -v warning -y -i %s/\%%05d.jpg "%s-pts.mp4"' % (tempdir, a.in_dir))
def get_progress_bar_iterator(iterator, every=None, size=None, labeling_fun=_default_labeling_fun, display=True, hide_bar_on_success=False, hide_on_success=False): if size is None: try: size = len(iterator) except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass pb = ProgressBar(every=every, size=size, labeling_fun=labeling_fun, display=display) def _iter(): try: for item in iterator: yield item pb.increase() pb.stop(True) if hide_bar_on_success: pb.hide_bar() if hide_on_success: pb.hide() except: pb.stop(False) raise finally: pb.update() return pb, _iter()
def create_pdf_documents(self): pool: multiprocessing.Pool = multiprocessing.Pool() results: list = list() print('\nCreating PDF...') progress: ProgressBar = ProgressBar(len(self.barcodes_dict.keys())) for key in self.barcodes_dict.keys(): if config.create_title_page and key != 'barcodes': title: str or None = key else: title = None staging_folders: str = '' for i in range(1, config.num_grouping_characters): staging_folders += f'{key[0:i]}/' path: str = f'{config.pdf_documents_folder}/{staging_folders}{key}.pdf' folder_path: str = os.path.split(path)[0] if not os.path.exists(folder_path): os.makedirs(folder_path) results.append( pool.apply_async(self.create_pdf_document, ( self.barcodes_dict[key], path, title, ))) for result in results: result.get(timeout=60) self.barcodes_dict.clear()
def test_negative(self): bar = ProgressBar() self.assertRaises( ProgressBarNumberError, bar.load, end=-1 )
def test_number_string(self): bar = ProgressBar() self.assertRaises( ProgressBarIntegerNumberError, bar.load, end='1' )
def main(): """A multi-thread tool to crop sub images.""" input_folder = a.in_dir save_folder = a.out_dir n_thread = a.workers crop_size = a.size step = a.size // 2 if a.step is None else a.step min_step = a.size // 8 os.makedirs(save_folder, exist_ok=True) images = img_list(input_folder, subdir=True) def update(arg): pbar.upd(arg) pbar = ProgressBar(len(images)) pool = Pool(n_thread) for path in images: pool.apply_async(worker, args=(path, save_folder, crop_size, step, min_step), callback=update) pool.close() pool.join() print('All subprocesses done.')
def test_number_100(self): bar = ProgressBar() self.assertRaises( ProgressBarNumberError, bar.load, end=101 )
def main(): import numpy as np options = parse_options() os.makedirs(options.dir, exist_ok=True) config_logger(options.dir) with open(options.config, 'r') as stream: try: opt = yaml.safe_load(stream) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: print(exc) logging.exception(exc) exit(1) gt_dir = f"{options.dir}/original" data_dir = f"{options.dir}/spoiled" export_dir = f"{options.dir}/export" os.makedirs(data_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(gt_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(export_dir, exist_ok=True) seed = opt.get('seed', None) if not seed: seed = random.randint(0, 2**32 - 1) opt['seed'] = seed opt['n_workers'] = options.workers"Starting generation with seed {seed} ") n_workers = opt.get('n_workers', None) n_workers = n_workers or options.workers # ensure determinism filler = [None for _ in range(n_workers - (options.size % n_workers))] vals = np.concatenate([np.arange(options.size), filler]).reshape(-1, n_workers).transpose() vals = [[ f'{options.out_name}_{val:04}' for val in values if val is not None ] for values in vals] processes = [] random.seed(seed) pbar = ProgressBar(options.size) def update_pbar(item): pbar.update(f"Generated {item}") for i in range(n_workers): seed = random.randint(0, 2**32 - 1) generator = Generator(opt) spoiler = Spoiler() exporters = from_options(opt, export_dir) visitors = [spoiler] + exporters p = Process(target=gen_image_pool, args=(generator, visitors, vals[i], options, seed, update_pbar)) p.start() processes.append(p) for p in processes: p.join() with open(f"{options.dir}/config.yml", 'w') as f: yaml.dump(opt, f)
def test_numbers(self): bar = ProgressBar() self.assertRaises( ProgressBarHigherNumberError, bar.load, start=10, end=0, )
def build_callstack_detail_html(stack_dict): html = "" prog = ProgressBar(0, len(stack_dict), 77, mode='fixed', char='#', autoprint=True) stacks_sorted = sorted(stack_dict.values(), key=operator.attrgetter('display_id')) for i, stack in enumerate(stacks_sorted): if MemTrack.call_stack_write_limit > 0 and i > MemTrack.call_stack_write_limit: break html += stack.html_table() html += "\n\n" prog.increment_amount() return html
def _parallel_distance_matrix(fnames, compression_name, pairing_name, **kwargs): """Parallel calculation of distance matrix.""" num_cpus = mp.cpu_count() manager = mp.Manager() pool = mp.Pool(num_cpus) queue = manager.Queue(2 * num_cpus) sys.stderr.write('Compressing individual files...\n') progress_bar = ProgressBar(len(fnames)) compression_args = [{ 'cname': compression_name, 'fname': fname, 'queue': queue, 'kwargs': kwargs } for fname in fnames] async_result = pool.map_async(_parallel_compression_worker, compression_args) for _ in xrange(len(fnames)): queue.get(timeout=5) progress_bar.increment() compressed_sizes = async_result.get() zip_size = dict(zip(fnames, compressed_sizes)) sys.stderr.write('\nCompressing file pairs...\n') file_pairs = [(fname1, fname2) for fname1 in fnames for fname2 in fnames if fname1 < fname2] progress_bar = ProgressBar(len(file_pairs)) ncd_args = [{ 'cname': compression_name, 'pname': pairing_name, 'f1': fname1, 'f2': fname2, 'queue': queue, 'zip': (zip_size[fname1], zip_size[fname2]), 'kwargs': kwargs } for fname1, fname2 in file_pairs] async_result = pool.map_async(_parallel_ncd_worker, ncd_args) pool.close() for _ in xrange(len(file_pairs)): queue.get(timeout=5) progress_bar.increment() ncd_results = async_result.get() sys.stderr.write('\n') return ncd_results
def __main__(stat): engine_NM = "R4y-Search: " print(engine_NM+stat) print("Commands : \n[a] - start search\n[c] - quit") e = input() if e == "a": search = input("\nEnter here ") search_word = search print("Finding results for :"+search) progress = ProgressBar(20, fmt=ProgressBar.FULL) for x in range( progress.current += 1 progress() sleep(0.01) progress.done() Search(search) elif e == "c": print("Bye!") sys.exit(0)
def summarize(cmds, key, type, stack_dict): #create a summary list based off of accumulating stats based on the given key prog = ProgressBar(0, len(cmds), 77, mode='fixed', char='#', autoprint=True) all_total = 0 summary_dict = {} null_summary_key = CallStatistics(0) for cmd in cmds: if type == Event.eAny or cmd.event_type == type: size = cmd.allocSize all_total += size stack = stack_dict.get( cmd.stack_id) # lookup the stack for this event # check stack for key first if stack.__dict__.has_key(key): summary_key = stack.__dict__[key] elif SymbolDB.symbol_cache.has_key(stack.leaf()): addr_info = SymbolDB.symbol_cache[stack.leaf()] summary_key = addr_info.__dict__[key] else: summary_key = null_summary_key summary = summary_dict.setdefault(summary_key, Summary()) summary.sample(cmd, stack) summary.key = summary_key prog.increment_amount() print "\n\n" summaries_sorted = sorted(summary_dict.items(), key=lambda (k, v): v.accumulator.value, reverse=True) # after all the summaries are collected go ahead and generate some of the # final stats in each summary summaries = [summary[1] for summary in summaries_sorted] for summary in summaries: summary.prepare(all_total) return summaries
def calculate_entry_histograms( plots, chain ) : ##assert canvas is not None, "Canvas must be specified in calculate_histograms" # setup our 2d histos vars = v.mc_variables() # KOhack class gets initiated, because it has to be checked "if KOhack is applied" KOhack=KOhack_class(plots[0].mcf) histos = [] chi2histos = [] for p in plots : hname = histo_name( p.short_names, entry_histo_prefix ) cname = histo_name( p.short_names, chi2_histo_prefix ) entryhisto = initialize_histo( p,hname,entry=True ) chi2histo = initialize_histo( p,cname,chi2 =True ) histos.append(entryhisto) chi2histos.append(chi2histo) if check_entry_KO_hack(p,KOhack): KOhack.init_hack(p) nentries = chain.GetEntries() prog = ProgressBar(0, nentries+1, 77, mode='fixed', char='#') for entry in range(0,nentries+1) : prog.increment_amount() print prog,'\r', stdout.flush() chain.GetEntry(entry) for h, c, plot in zip( histos, chi2histos, plots ) : vals_list = get_values_list_from_chain_and_histo(chain,plot,vars,s,KOhack,h) for vals in vals_list: nbins = plot.bins ibin = h.FindBin(*vals) max_bin = h.FindBin(*plot.max_vals) if ibin != 0 and ibin < max_bin : chi2 = get_modified_entry_chi2(vals,chain,KOhack) if chi2 < c.GetBinContent(ibin) : c.SetBinContent(ibin, chi2) h.SetBinContent(ibin, entry) print return histos
def create_files(self, file_list ): '''create files. The filenames are supplied as a list''' count = 0 total = len(file_list) if self.verbose: print "\nTrying to create " + str(total) + " files" prog = ProgressBar(count, total, 77, mode='fixed', char='#') counter = 0 last_time =time.time() before = time.time() for file_name in file_list: ret = self.create_empty_file( file_name ) if self.verbose: count += 1 prog.increment_amount() print prog, '\r', sys.stdout.flush() if ret == False: print "Failed to create file " + str( file_name ) return False else: counter+=1 if counter % 1000 == 0 and self.profiling: diff = time.time() - last_time last_time = time.time() f = open("/tmp/basicStat.csv","a") f.write(str(counter) + "," + str(diff) + "\n") f.flush() f.close() print after = time.time() files_per_second = str( len(file_list) / (after-before) ) self.profiling_printer("Creating " + str(len(file_list)) + " files (" + files_per_second + " per second)", after - before) return True
def solve_5(self, period,N): result = np.identity(N,dtype = np.complex) I = np.identity(N,dtype = np.complex) He = self.matrix_electric Hs = self.matrix_static prog = ProgressBar(0, self.fine_step/6, 50, mode='fixed', char='#') #python version for i in xrange(0,self.fine_step,6): prog.increment_amount() print prog, '\r', sys.stdout.flush() k1 = (He*self.E_arr[period][i] + Hs) tmp = He*self.E_arr[period][i+1]+Hs k2 =,I+k1*0.25*self.dt) tmp = He*self.E_arr[period][i+2]+Hs k3 =,I+(k1*3.0/32.0+k2*9.0/32.0)*self.dt) tmp = He*self.E_arr[period][i+3]+Hs k4 =,I+(k1*1932.0-k2*7200.0+k3*7296.0)*self.dt/2197.0) tmp = He*self.E_arr[period][i+4]+Hs k5 =,I+(k1*439.0/216.0-k2*8.0+k3*3680.0/513.0-k4*845.0/4104.0)*self.dt) tmp = He*self.E_arr[period][i+5]+Hs k6 =,I+(-1.0*k1*8.0/27.0-k2*2.0-k3*3544.0/2565.0+k4*1859.0/4104.0-k5*11.0/40.0)*self.dt) result =*16.0/135.0+k3*6656.0/12825.0+k4*28561.0/56430.0-k5*9.0/50.0+k6*2.0/55.0)*self.dt,result) return result
def _parallel_distance_matrix(fnames, compression_name, pairing_name, **kwargs): """Parallel calculation of distance matrix.""" num_cpus = mp.cpu_count() manager = mp.Manager() pool = mp.Pool(num_cpus) queue = manager.Queue(2*num_cpus) sys.stderr.write('Compressing individual files...\n') progress_bar = ProgressBar(len(fnames)) compression_args = [{ 'cname': compression_name, 'fname': fname, 'queue': queue, 'kwargs': kwargs} for fname in fnames] async_result = pool.map_async(_parallel_compression_worker, compression_args) for _ in xrange(len(fnames)): queue.get(timeout=5) progress_bar.increment() compressed_sizes = async_result.get() zip_size = dict(zip(fnames, compressed_sizes)) sys.stderr.write('\nCompressing file pairs...\n') file_pairs = [(fname1, fname2) for fname1 in fnames for fname2 in fnames if fname1 < fname2] progress_bar = ProgressBar(len(file_pairs)) ncd_args = [{ 'cname': compression_name, 'pname': pairing_name, 'f1': fname1, 'f2': fname2, 'queue': queue, 'zip': (zip_size[fname1], zip_size[fname2]), 'kwargs': kwargs} for fname1, fname2 in file_pairs] async_result = pool.map_async(_parallel_ncd_worker, ncd_args) pool.close() for _ in xrange(len(file_pairs)): queue.get(timeout=5) progress_bar.increment() ncd_results = async_result.get() sys.stderr.write('\n') return ncd_results
def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv data = {0:[]} songs = data[max(list(data.keys()))] print ("Would you like to:\n\t[1]Load a previous saved generation\n\t[2]Generate a new random generation\n\t[3]Print Previous Generation Data") choice = prompt("Please select an option", ["1", "2", "3"], True) if choice == "1": print ("Loading last generation") data = pickle.load(open(filename+".pkl", "rb")) songs = data[max(list(data.keys()))] for song in songs: print ("%d.%d: %s" % (song.generation, song.songnum, if song.score == -1: while True: try: score = float(prompt("Song score")) song.score = score pickle.dump(data, open(filename+".pkl", "wb")) break except ValueError: print("Please enter a valid number") else: print ("Score: %s" % (song.score)) print () elif choice == "2": print ("Generating Songs") for i in ProgressBar.progressbar(range(generationSize)): songs.append(Song()) s = songs[-1] s.songnum = i s.createFile() pickle.dump(data, open(filename+".pkl", "wb")) print("Generation 0 generated and saved to file") else: data = pickle.load(open(filename+".pkl", "rb")) pprint(data[max(list(data.keys()))])
AND key.number_of_accidentals=2 ''' parser = ArgumentParser(description="Convert notes in tunes to CSV") parser.add_argument('db', metavar='DATABASE', type=str) parser.add_argument('output', metavar='CSVFILE', type=str) args = parser.parse_args() conn = sqlite3.connect(args.db) c = conn.cursor() c.execute(TUNE_COUNT_SQL) tune_count = c.fetchone()[0] progress = ProgressBar(tune_count) progress.width = 80 with file(args.output, 'wb') as output: writer = csv.writer(output) for i, (tuneId, abc) in enumerate(c.execute(TUNE_SQL)): progress.update_time(i) print progress, chr(27) + '[A' try: score = converter.parseData(abc, format='abc') row = [tuneId] for note in score.flat.notesAndRests: duration = note.quarterLength
import csv parser = ArgumentParser(description="Calculate variability positionally across tunes") parser.add_argument("-a", "--accidentals", dest="accidentals", type=int, default=2) parser.add_argument("-t", "--type", dest="type", type=str, default="jig") parser.add_argument("-l", "--limit", dest="limit", type=int, default=100) args = parser.parse_args() tunes = Tune.objects.filter(rhythm=args.type, key__accidentals="s", key__number_of_accidentals=args.accidentals) if args.limit > 0: tunes = tunes[: args.limit] tune_count = tunes.count() progress = ProgressBar(tune_count) progress.width = 60 errors = 0 print progress, "{: >5,d} / {: <5,d}".format(0, tune_count), chr(27) + "[A" byOffset = {} byBeat = {} for i, tune in enumerate(tunes.values_list("raw_abc", flat=True)): progress.update_time(i) print progress, "{: >5,d} / {: <5,d}".format(i, tune_count), "Errors: {}".format(errors), chr(27) + "[A" try: score = parseData(tune, format="abc") key = score.analyze("key")
args = parser.parse_args() # Get the tunes from the database tunes = Tune.objects.filter(rhythm=args.type, key__number_of_accidentals=args.accidentals, key__accidentals='s') tune_count = tunes.count() # Get the features from music21 feature_list = featuresByCategory(args.categories) feature_count = len(feature_list) # Set up a CSV writer fieldnames = ['id'] + list(chain(*[feature().getAttributeLabels() for feature in feature_list])) writer = csv.DictWriter(open(args.output, 'wb'), fieldnames=fieldnames) # A little progress checking progressbar = ProgressBar(tune_count * len(feature_list)) # Store a count by feature name of all the errors, so that if one feature is particularly # troublesome, we can skip it when computing the singular value decomposition errors = 0 print('Extracting {} features from {} tunes'.format(len(feature_list), tunes.count())) for i, tune in enumerate(tunes.values('id', 'title', 'raw_abc')): try: score = converter.parseData(tune['raw_abc'], format='abc') row = {'id': tune['id']} for j, feature in enumerate(feature_list): try:
x,y = pos // img.shape[1], pos % img.shape[1] return img[x][y][rgb] & 1 with[1]) as img: with open(sys.argv[2], "w+") as out: arrimg = np.array(img) pos = 0 cur_char = '' size_str = "" while cur_char != "|": ord_chr = 0 for i in range(8): bit = get_bit(pos, arrimg) pos += 1 ord_chr = ord_chr | bit << i cur_char = chr(ord_chr) size_str += cur_char size = int(size_str[:-1]) pb = ProgressBar(size) pb.begin() for i in range(size): ord_chr = 0 for i in range(8): bit = get_bit(pos, arrimg) pos += 1 ord_chr = ord_chr | bit << i out.write(chr(ord_chr)) pb.add_progress()
def create_patches_at_center(img_basenames, annotation_dir, img_dir, size=50, step=40, grayscale=True, progressbar=True): if progressbar: pb = ProgressBar(len(img_basenames)) if not annotation_dir[-1] == os.path.sep: annotation_dir = annotation_dir + os.path.sep if not img_dir[-1] == os.path.sep: img_dir = img_dir + os.path.sep color_type = 0 if grayscale: channels=1 else: channels =3 pos = [] neg = [] s = 1 for img_filename in img_basenames: if progressbar: pb.step(s) s +=1 annotation_filename = annotation_dir + img_filename[:-3] + 'xml' boundingboxes = get_bounding_boxes_for_single_image(annotation_filename) #print '%d objects in %s' % (len(boundingboxes), img_filename) colortype = cv2.IMREAD_COLOR if grayscale: colortype = cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE img = cv2.imread(img_dir + img_filename, colortype) height,width=img.shape img = img.reshape((height, width,channels)) img = np.rollaxis(img,2) image_pos = get_image_positives(img,boundingboxes, size) pos.append(image_pos) image_neg = get_image_negatives(img, boundingboxes,size,step) neg.append(image_neg) else: img = cv2.imread(img_dir + img_filename, colortype) height,width,channels=img.shape img = img.reshape((height, width,channels)) img = np.rollaxis(img,2) image_pos = get_image_positives(img,boundingboxes, size) pos.append(image_pos) #print len(pos) image_neg = get_image_negatives(img, boundingboxes,size,step) neg.append(image_neg) #print len(neg) pos = [item for sublist in pos for item in sublist] print len(pos) neg = [item for sublist in neg for item in sublist] print len(neg) patches = pos+neg print len(patches) index = np.arange(len(patches)) np.random.seed(0) np.random.shuffle(index) np_patches = np.empty((len(patches),channels,size,size),dtype=np.uint8) np_labels = np.empty(len(patches),dtype=int) max_pos=len(pos) for i,j in zip(index,xrange(len(index))): if i < max_pos: np_patches[j,] = pos[i] np_labels[j] = 1 else: np_patches[j,] = neg[i-max_pos] np_labels[j] =0 #print '\nSplit each of ' + str(N) + ' images in ' + str(len(patches)) + \ #' ' + str(size) + 'x' + str(size) + ' patches' #print 'Total number of patches: ' + str(N*(len(patches))) #return np.array(np_labels).flatten(), np_patches return np_labels,np_patches
glacier = GlacierWrapper(account_id, PART_SIZE) glacier.set_vault_name(vault_name) # find all the files with the allowed extensions filenames = [f for f in os.listdir(directory) if f.lower().endswith(tuple(exts))] total = len(filenames) ind = 1 for filename in filenames: file_path = directory + '/' + filename file_size = os.path.getsize(file_path) expected_part_count = ceil(file_size / PART_SIZE) print('(' + str(ind) + '/' + str(total) + ') ' + filename + ': ' + str(round(file_size/1024/1024)) + 'MB') upload_id = glacier.initiate_multipart_upload(file_path) with open(file_path, mode = 'rb') as archive: progress_bar = ProgressBar(expected_part_count) part_ind = 0 content = while True: progress_bar.advance() if glacier.upload_multipart_part(upload_id, part_ind, content): archive_id = glacier.complete_multipart_upload(upload_id, archive) print(filename + ',' + archive_id, file = log) progress_bar.finish() break; else: content = part_ind += 1 archive.close() ind += 1
API_VERSION = "0.6" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert a ESRI Shapefile (POINT only) to .OSM') parser.add_argument('INFILE', help='The path to the input ESRI shapefile, will append .shp if omitted') parser.add_argument('OUTFILE', type=argparse.FileType('w'), default='out.osm', help='The path to the output OSM XML file') parser.add_argument('--quiet', action='store_true', default=False) args = parser.parse_args() osm_id = 0 dt = sf = shapefile.Reader(args.INFILE) f = sf.fields l = len(sf.shapes()) if not args.quiet: p = ProgressBar(l) w = XMLWriter(args.OUTFILE) w.start("osm", {"generator": "shape2osm " + str(__version__), "version": API_VERSION, "upload": "false"}) for shape in sf.shapeRecords(): osm_id -= 1 (x,y) = shape.shape.points[0] w.start("node", {"id": str(osm_id), "timestamp": dt.isoformat(), "version": "1", "visible": "true", "lon": str(x), "lat": str(y)}) for i in range(1,len(f)): w.element("tag", "", {"k": str(f[i][0]), "v": str(shape.record[i-1])}) w.end() if not args.quiet: p.update_time(l - (l + osm_id)) print "{0}\r".format(p), w.end() if not args.quiet:
from progress_bar import ProgressBar import sys import time def updateBar(step): p.update_time(step) sys.stdout.write("%s\r" % p) sys.stdout.flush() if __name__ == "__main__": wait_time = 100 # seconds p = ProgressBar(wait_time) p.unit = "%" # change the unit at the end of the progress bar p.empty_char = "." for step in range(wait_time+1): updateBar(step) time.sleep(1)
def recalc_to_file( collection, output_file = "" ) : model = models.get_model_from_file(collection) lhoods = models.get_lhood_from_file(collection) outfile = collection.FileName if output_file == "" else output_file print "Output file is %s" % outfile # initialise the MC-variables MCVdict=v.mc_variables() chain = MCRecalcChain( collection ) nentries = chain.GetEntries() begin = getattr( collection, "StartEntry", 0) end = getattr( collection, "EndEntry", nentries+1) total_delta = 0 # create trees in scope of outfile out = r.TFile(outfile,"recreate") chi2tree = chain.chains["predictions"].CloneTree(0) # might need to do address of on contirbvars nTotVars = chain.nTotVars["predictions"] contribvars = array('d',[0.0]*nTotVars) contribtree = r.TTree( 'contribtree', 'chi2 contributions') varsOutName = "vars[%d]/D" % ( nTotVars ) contribtree.SetMaxTreeSize(10*chi2tree.GetMaxTreeSize()) contribtree.Branch("vars",contribvars,varsOutName) # same with lhood nLHoods = len(lhoods.keys()) lhoodvars = array('d',[0.0]*nLHoods) lhoodtree = r.TTree( 'lhoodtree', 'lhood contributions') varsOutName = "vars[%d]/D" % ( nLHoods ) lhoodtree.SetMaxTreeSize(10*chi2tree.GetMaxTreeSize()) lhoodtree.Branch("vars",lhoodvars,varsOutName) # want to save best fit point entry number: create new tree and branch bfname = getattr( collection, "BestFitEntryName", "BestFitEntry" ) bft=r.TTree(bfname, "Entry") bfn=array('i',[0]) bft.Branch('EntryNo',bfn,'EntryNo/I') # and the minChi minEntry minChi=1e9 minEntry=-1 count=-1 # becuase the first entry has number 0 prog = ProgressBar(begin, end, 77, mode='fixed', char='#') for entry in range(begin,end) : prog.increment_amount() print prog,'\r', stdout.flush() chain.GetEntry(entry) if good_point( chain.treeVars["predictions"], collection ) : delta = 0. chi2 = 0 for constraint in model : MCV=MCVdict[constraint.short_name] v_index = MCV.get_index(collection) chi2_t = constraint.get_chi2( chain.treeVars["predictions"][v_index] ) contribvars[v_index] = chi2_t chi2 += chi2_t for i,lh in enumerate(lhoods.values()) : chi2_t = lh.get_chi2( chain.treeVars["predictions"] ) lhoodvars[i] = chi2_t chi2 += chi2_t chi2 += spectrum_constraints( chain.treeVars["predictions"], collection ) if chi2 > getattr(collection, "MinChi2", 0 ) and \ chi2 < getattr(collection, "MaxChi2", 1e9 ) : # This was inserted to check on if there was a significant # calculation error ( average deltachi2 per entry: 1e-15 ) if __DEBUG : delta_chi2_val = chi2_t - chain.treeVars["contributions"][key] delta = delta + delta_chi2_val total_delta = total_delta + abs(delta) chain.treeVars["predictions"][0] = chi2 contribvars[0] = chi2 chi2tree.Fill() contribtree.Fill() lhoodtree.Fill() count+=1 #dealing with minChi if chi2 < minChi: minChi=chi2 minEntry=count #Saving best fit Entry number bft.GetEntry(0) bfn[0]=minEntry bft.Fill() bft.AutoSave() chi2tree.AutoSave() contribtree.AutoSave() lhoodtree.AutoSave() out.Close() if __DEBUG : print "\n--------------------------\n" print " TOTAL ( MEAN )" print "%10e(%10e)" % ( total_delta, (total_delta/(end-begin)) ) print "\n--------------------------\n"
writeTagContents('comment', "", soup, 0, revfile) writeTagContents('text', 'id', soup, 1, revfile) #initialize variables revcount = 0 linecount = 0 revblock = "" isrevisionblock = False ispageblock = False isknownline = False pagetitle = "" pageid = "" pagecount = 0 pageRedirect = False prog = ProgressBar(linecount, numlinesinfile, 100, mode='fixed', char='#') for txtline in open(xmlfile): try: isknownline = False prog.increment_amount() linecount += 1 if isrevisionblock: revblock = revblock + txtline #start: this is what we do when we've finished a revision if txtline.find("</revision>") > 0: isrevisionblock = False isknownline = True try: processRevision(cleanString(revblock)) except:
def create_patches_at_center(img_basenames, annotation_dir, image_dir, size=50, step=40, grayscale=True, progressbar=True,downsample=1, objectclass=None, negative_discard_rate=.9): '''Extract a set of image patches with labels, from the supplied list of annotated images. Positive-labelled patches are extracted centered on the annotated bounding box; negative-lablled patches are extracted at random from any part of the image which does not overlap an annotated bounding box.''' if progressbar: pb = ProgressBar(len(img_basenames)) if not annotation_dir[-1] == os.path.sep: annotation_dir = annotation_dir + os.path.sep if not image_dir[-1] == os.path.sep: image_dir = image_dir + os.path.sep color_type = 0 if grayscale: channels=1 else: channels =3 pos = [] neg = [] s = 1 for img_filename in img_basenames: if progressbar: pb.step(s) s +=1 annotation_filename = annotation_dir + img_filename[:-3] + 'xml' boundingboxes = get_bounding_boxes_for_single_image(annotation_filename, objectclass) colortype = cv2.IMREAD_COLOR img = cv2.imread(image_dir + img_filename, colortype) height,width,channels=img.shape img = img.reshape((height, width,channels)) img = np.rollaxis(img,2) image_pos = get_image_positives(img,boundingboxes,size,downsample=downsample) pos.append(image_pos) image_neg = get_image_negatives(img,boundingboxes,size,step,downsample=downsample,discard_rate=negative_discard_rate) neg.append(image_neg) pos = [item for sublist in pos for item in sublist] neg = [item for sublist in neg for item in sublist] patches = pos+neg index = np.arange(len(patches)) np.random.seed(0) np.random.shuffle(index) np_patches = np.empty((len(patches),channels,size/downsample,size/downsample),dtype=np.uint8) np_labels = np.empty(len(patches),dtype=int) max_pos=len(pos) for i,j in zip(index,xrange(len(index))): if i < max_pos: np_patches[j,] = pos[i] np_labels[j] = 1 else: np_patches[j,] = neg[i-max_pos] np_labels[j] = 0 np_labels = np_labels.astype(np.uint8) return np_labels,np_patches
def fill_and_save_data_hists( mcf, modes, hlist, contribs,predicts ) : axes = [ "X", "Y", "Z" ] chain = MCAnalysisChain( mcf ) nentries = chain.GetEntries() for h in hlist : histo_cont = {} contrib_cont = {} predict_cont = {} h_dim = get_histogram_dimension(h) dim_range = range(h_dim) axis_nbins = [] axis_mins = [] axis_maxs = [] axis_bins = [] axis_titles = [] th_arg_list = [] user_notify_format = "" user_notify = [] title_format = "%s" title_items = [ h.GetTitle() ] for axis in dim_range : axis_nbins.append( eval( "h.GetNbins%s()" % axes[axis] ) ) axis_mins.append( eval( "h.Get%saxis().GetXmin()" % axes[axis] ) ) axis_maxs.append( eval( "h.Get%saxis().GetXmax()" % axes[axis] ) ) axis_bins.append( eval( "h.Get%saxis().GetXbins().GetArray()" % axes[axis] ) ) axis_titles.append( eval( "h.Get%saxis().GetTitle()" % axes[axis] ) ) th_arg_list.append( axis_nbins[-1] ) th_arg_list.append( axis_mins[-1] ) th_arg_list.append( axis_maxs[-1] ) user_notify_format += ": [ %.2e, %.2e ] :" user_notify.append( axis_mins[-1] ) user_notify.append( axis_maxs[-1] ) title_format += ";%s" title_items.append( axis_titles[-1] ) print user_notify_format % tuple(user_notify) title = title_format % tuple(title_items) firstbin, lastbin = get_histogram_bin_range(h) for mode in modes : # here need to add in check on contrib and make one for each contribution histo_cont[mode] = eval( 'r.TH%dD( h.GetName() + "_" + mode, title, *th_arg_list )' % h_dim ) base_val = 1e9 if mode == "pval" : base_val = 0.0 for bin in range( firstbin, lastbin + 1 ) : histo_cont[mode].SetBinContent( bin, base_val ) for c in contribs : # contribs is a list of Contribution objects contrib_cont[c.short_name] = eval( 'r.TH%dD( h.GetName() + "_dX_" + c.short_name, title, *th_arg_list )' % h_dim ) for bin in range( firstbin, lastbin + 1 ) : contrib_cont[c.short_name].SetBinContent( bin, 0.0 ) for p in predicts : # predicts is a list of Contribution objects predict_cont[p.short_name] = eval( 'r.TH%dD( h.GetName() + "_pred_" + p.short_name, title, *th_arg_list )' % h_dim ) for bin in range( firstbin, lastbin + 1 ) : predict_cont[p.short_name].SetBinContent( bin, 0.0 ) print "yes", p prog = ProgressBar(0, (lastbin-firstbin)+1, 77, mode='fixed', char='#') for i in range( firstbin, lastbin+1 ) : prog.increment_amount() print prog,'\r', stdout.flush() entry = int( h.GetBinContent(i) ) if entry > 0 : chain.GetEntry(entry) fill_bins( histo_cont, contrib_cont,predict_cont, contribs,predicts , i, chain, mcf ) perform_zero_offset( histo_cont["dchi"] ) print save_hdict_to_root_file( histo_cont, mcf.FileName, mcf.DataDirectory) save_hdict_to_root_file( contrib_cont, mcf.FileName, mcf.DataDirectory) save_hdict_to_root_file( predict_cont, mcf.FileName, mcf.DataDirectory)
def greedy_for_bound(self,best_in_next = 100, direction = 'west', disp_progress=True,width=40,wgpenalty=0,start=-180,init=True): if init: print 'initialization...' self.to_assign = np.random.permutation(range(self.N)).tolist() ''' if not(np.all([self.centroids[i][1]<=self.centroids[i+1][1] for i in range(len(self.centroids)-1)])): print 'warning: centroids were not sorted by longitude. I reorder them' self.centroids = np.array(sorted(self.centroids, key=lambda x: x[1])) self.init_clusters_with_centroids() ''' self.centroids = np.zeros((0,2)) self.K = 0 shiftedlong = np.where(self.X[self.to_assign][:,1]<start,self.X[self.to_assign][:,1]+360,self.X[self.to_assign][:,1]) if direction=='west': print 'sorting gifts per longitude...' self.to_assign = np.array(self.to_assign)[np.argsort(shiftedlong)] elif direction=='east': print 'sorting gifts per longitude...' self.to_assign = np.array(self.to_assign)[np.argsort(shiftedlong)[::-1]] elif direction=='south': print 'sorting gifts per latitude...' self.to_assign = np.array(self.to_assign)[np.argsort(self.X[self.to_assign][:,0])[::-1]] elif direction=='north': print 'sorting gifts per latitude...' self.to_assign = np.array(self.to_assign)[np.argsort(self.X[self.to_assign][:,0])] else: raise ValueError('direction not implemented') self.to_assign = self.to_assign.tolist() print 'done.' if disp_progress: prog = ProgressBar(0, len(self.to_assign), 77, mode='fixed') oldprog = str(prog) while True: if disp_progress: #<--display progress prog.increment_amount() if oldprog != str(prog): print prog, "\r", sys.stdout.flush() oldprog=str(prog) #--> if self.K == 0: self.create_new_cluster(self.to_assign[0]) del self.to_assign[0] continue candidates = self.to_assign[:best_in_next] bounds_inc = [] for i in candidates: km = np.searchsorted(self.centroids[:,1], self.X[i][1]-width) kp = np.searchsorted(self.centroids[:,1], self.X[i][1]+width) bounds_inc.extend([(self.bound_increase_for_adding_gift_in_cluster(i,k),i,k) for k in range(km,kp) if self.weight_per_cluster[k]+self.weights[i]<weight_limit-wgpenalty]) if not bounds_inc: self.create_new_cluster(self.to_assign[0]) del self.to_assign[0] continue sorted_bounds_inc = sorted(bounds_inc) assigned = False for inc,i,c in sorted_bounds_inc: if inc> 2*self.distances_to_pole[i]*sleigh_weight: #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() self.create_new_cluster(self.to_assign[0]) assigned = True del self.to_assign[0] #print 'one more clust '+str(self.K) #if self.K>1500: # import pdb;pdb.set_trace()#TMP break if self.weight_per_cluster[c]+self.weights[i]<weight_limit-wgpenalty: self.add_in_tour(i,c) assigned = True self.to_assign.remove(i) break if not assigned: raise Exception('not able to assign a trip in this window of longitudes.') if not(self.to_assign): break
def __init__(self): self.editors = NestedDict() def add(self,editor,version): if editor in self.editors: if version in self.editors[editor]: self.editors[editor][version] += 1 else: self.editors[editor][version] = 1 else: self.editors[editor] = {} r = Results() editors = open(infile,'r') lc = 0 lines = int(os.popen('wc -l %s' % (infile)).read().split(' ')[0]) pb = ProgressBar(lines) for line in editors: lc += 1 if not '-q' in sys.argv and not lc % 10000: pb.update_time(lines - (lines - lc)) print "{0}\r".format(pb), # if not lc % 10000 : continue # if lc == 10000: break if 'JOSM' in line: ro ='\d{4}', line) if ro: version = else: version = None r.add('JOSM',version)
class ProgressBarController(object): """управление полоской прогресса""" __slots__ = ('_width', '_term_width', '_progress_bar', '_oldsignal') def __init__(self, min, max, width=0, value=None): self._width = None self._term_width = None self._oldsignal = None self._progress_bar = ProgressBar(min, max, min) if value is not None: self._progress_bar.set_value(value) # ширина в ноль означает, что полоска должна растянуться на все окно # при изменении размера окна полоска подстаивается под новый размер self.set_width(width) def update_term_width(self): # узнать ширину окна self._term_width = get_term_width() # self._term_height = int(rd[0]) def sigwinch_handler(self, sig, frame): if self._width == 0: self.set_width(0) else: pass if hasattr(self._oldsignal, '__call__'): self._oldsignal(sig, frame) def redraw(self): import sys s = str(self._progress_bar) l = len(s) sys.stdout.write(s + ESC + str(l) + "D") sys.stdout.flush() def set_value(self, value, animated=False): import sys if not animated: self._set_value(value) sys.stdout.write(str(self._progress_bar)) else: from animation_controller import \ AnimationController, AnimationTimingQuad start_value = self.value() delta = value - start_value def step_hook(progress): self._set_value(start_value + (delta * progress)) self.redraw() def complete_hook(): self._set_value(value) self.redraw() sys.stdout.write(ESC + str(len(str(self._progress_bar))) + "C") anim = AnimationController(step=step_hook, timing=AnimationTimingQuad, complete=complete_hook) anim.begin() def _set_value(self, value): self._progress_bar.set_value(value) def value(self): return self._progress_bar.value() def set_width(self, width): self.update_term_width() if width < 0: raise ValueError('set_width: width must be >= 0') elif width == 0 or width >= self._term_width - 1: self._width = 0 self._progress_bar.set_width(self._term_width - 1) self._oldsignal = \ signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, self.sigwinch_handler) else: self._width = width self._progress_bar.set_width(width) sig = self._oldsignal if self._oldsignal else signal.SIG_DFL signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, sig) self._oldsignal = None def width(self): if self._width == 0: return self._term_width - 1 else: return self._width def progress_bar(self): return self._progress_bar def set_progress_bar(self, pb): self._progress_bar = pb pb.set_width(self._width) def __str__(self): return str(self._progress_bar) def __repr__(self): pb = self._progress_bar return 'ProgressBarController(min=%f, max=%f, width=%d, value=%f)' %\ (pb.min(), pb.max(), pb.width(), pb.value())