Esempio n. 1
File: Progetto: Kalep/pymc
class MCMC(Sampler):
    This class fits probability models using Markov Chain Monte Carlo. Each stochastic variable
    is assigned a StepMethod object, which makes it take a single MCMC step conditional on the
    rest of the model. These step methods are called in turn.

      >>> A = MCMC(input, db, verbose=0)

        - input : module, list, tuple, dictionary, set, object or nothing.
            Model definition, in terms of Stochastics, Deterministics, Potentials and Containers.
            If nothing, all nodes are collected from the base namespace.
        - db : string
            The name of the database backend that will store the values
            of the stochastics and deterministics sampled during the MCMC loop.
        - verbose : integer
            Level of output verbosity: 0=none, 1=low, 2=medium, 3=high

    Inherits all methods and attributes from Model. Subclasses must define the _loop method:

        - _loop(self, *args, **kwargs): Can be called after a sampling run is interrupted
            (by pausing, halting or a KeyboardInterrupt) to continue the sampling run.
            _loop must be able to handle KeyboardInterrupts gracefully, and should monitor
            the sampler's status periodically. Available status values are:
            - 'ready': Ready to sample.
            - 'paused': A pause has been requested, or the sampler is paused. _loop should return control
                as soon as it is safe to do so.
            - 'halt': A halt has been requested, or the sampler is stopped. _loop should call halt as soon
                as it is safe to do so.
            - 'running': Sampling is in progress.

    :SeeAlso: Model, Sampler, StepMethod.
    def __init__(self, input=None, db='ram', name='MCMC', calc_deviance=True, **kwds):
        """Initialize an MCMC instance.

          - input : module, list, tuple, dictionary, set, object or nothing.
              Model definition, in terms of Stochastics, Deterministics, Potentials and Containers.
              If nothing, all nodes are collected from the base namespace.
          - db : string
              The name of the database backend that will store the values
              of the stochastics and deterministics sampled during the MCMC loop.
          - verbose : integer
              Level of output verbosity: 0=none, 1=low, 2=medium, 3=high
          - **kwds :
              Keywords arguments to be passed to the database instantiation method.
        Sampler.__init__(self, input, db, name, calc_deviance=calc_deviance, **kwds)

        self._sm_assigned = False
        self.step_method_dict = {}
        for s in self.stochastics:
            self.step_method_dict[s] = []

        self._state = ['status', '_current_iter', '_iter', '_tune_interval', '_burn',
                       '_thin', '_tuned_count', '_tune_throughout', '_burn_till_tuned']

    def use_step_method(self, step_method_class, *args, **kwds):
        M.use_step_method(step_method_class, *args, **kwds)

        Example of usage: To handle stochastic A with a Metropolis instance,

            M.use_step_method(Metropolis, A, sig=.1)

        To subsequently get a reference to the new step method,

            S = M.step_method_dict[A][0]

        new_method = step_method_class(*args, **kwds)
        if self.verbose > 1:
            print_('Using step method %s. Stochastics: ' % step_method_class.__name__)

        for s in new_method.stochastics:
            if self.verbose > 1:
        if self._sm_assigned:

        setattr(new_method, '_model', self)

    def remove_step_method(self, step_method):
        Removes a step method.
            for s in step_method.stochastics:
            if hasattr(self, "step_methods"):
            self._sm_assigned = False
        except AttributeError:
            for sm in step_method:

    def assign_step_methods(self, verbose=-1, draw_from_prior_when_possible = True):
        Make sure every stochastic variable has a step method. If not,
        assign a step method from the registry.

        if not self._sm_assigned:

            if draw_from_prior_when_possible:
                # Assign dataless stepper first
                last_gen = set([])
                for s in self.stochastics - self.observed_stochastics:
                    if s._random is not None:
                        if len(s.extended_children)==0:

                dataless, dataless_gens = crawl_dataless(set(last_gen), [last_gen])
                if len(dataless):
                    new_method = DrawFromPrior(dataless, dataless_gens[::-1], verbose=verbose)
                    setattr(new_method, '_model', self)
                    for d in dataless:
                        if not d.observed:
                            if self.verbose > 1:
                                print_('Assigning step method %s to stochastic %s' % (new_method.__class__.__name__, d.__name__))

            for s in self.stochastics:
                # If not handled by any step method, make it a new step method using the registry
                if len(self.step_method_dict[s])==0:
                    new_method = assign_method(s, verbose=verbose)
                    setattr(new_method, '_model', self)
                    if self.verbose > 1:
                        print_('Assigning step method %s to stochastic %s' % (new_method.__class__.__name__, s.__name__))

            self.step_methods = set()
            for s in self.stochastics:
                self.step_methods |= set(self.step_method_dict[s])

            for sm in self.step_methods:
                if sm.tally:
                    for name in sm._tuning_info:
                        self._funs_to_tally[sm._id+'_'+name] = lambda name=name, sm=sm: getattr(sm, name)

            # Change verbosity for step methods
            for sm_key in self.step_method_dict:
                for sm in self.step_method_dict[sm_key]:
                    sm.verbose = verbose

        self._sm_assigned = True

    def sample(self, iter, burn=0, thin=1, tune_interval=1000, tune_throughout=True,
               save_interval=None, burn_till_tuned=False, stop_tuning_after=5,
               verbose=0, progress_bar=True):

        sample(iter, burn, thin, tune_interval, tune_throughout, save_interval, verbose, progress_bar)

        Initialize traces, run sampling loop, clean up afterward. Calls _loop.

          - iter : int
            Total number of iterations to do
          - burn : int
            Variables will not be tallied until this many iterations are complete, default 0
          - thin : int
            Variables will be tallied at intervals of this many iterations, default 1
          - tune_interval : int
            Step methods will be tuned at intervals of this many iterations, default 1000
          - tune_throughout : boolean
            If true, tuning will continue after the burnin period (True); otherwise tuning
            will halt at the end of the burnin period.
          - save_interval : int or None
            If given, the model state will be saved at intervals of this many iterations
          - verbose : boolean
          - progress_bar : boolean
            Display progress bar while sampling.
          - burn_till_tuned: boolean
            If True the Sampler would burn samples until all step methods are tuned.
            A tuned step methods is one that was not tuned for the last `stop_tuning_after` tuning intervals.
            The burn-in phase will have a minimum of 'burn' iterations but could be longer if
            tuning is needed. After the phase is done the sampler will run for another 
            (iter - burn) iterations, and will tally the samples according to the 'thin' argument.
            This means that the total number of iteration is update throughout the sampling
            If burn_till_tuned is True it also overrides the tune_thorughout argument, so no step method
            will be tuned when sample are being tallied.
          - stop_tuning_after: int
            the number of untuned successive tuning interval needed to be reach in order for
            the burn-in phase to be done (If burn_till_tuned is True).


        if burn > iter:
            raise ValueError('Burn interval cannot be larger than specified number of iterations.')

        self._n_tally = int(iter) - int(burn)
        if burn_till_tuned:
            self._stop_tuning_after = stop_tuning_after
            tune_throughout = False
            if verbose > 0:
                print "burn_til_tuned is True. tune_throughout is set to False"
            burn = int(max(burn, stop_tuning_after * tune_interval))
            iter = self._n_tally + burn

        self._iter = int(iter)
        self._burn = int(burn)
        self._thin = int(thin)
        self._tune_interval = int(tune_interval)
        self._tune_throughout = tune_throughout
        self._burn_till_tuned = burn_till_tuned
        self._save_interval = save_interval

        length = max(int(np.floor((1.0*iter-burn)/thin)), 1)
        self.max_trace_length = length

        # Flags for tuning
        self._tuning = True
        self._tuned_count = 0

        # Progress bar
        self.pbar = None
        if not verbose and progress_bar:
            self.pbar = ProgressBar(self._iter)

        # Run sampler
        Sampler.sample(self, iter, length, verbose)

    def _loop(self):
        # Set status flag
            while self._current_iter < self._iter and not self.status == 'halt':
                if self.status == 'paused':

                i = self._current_iter

                # Update progress bar
                if not (i+1) % 100 and self.pbar:

                # Tune at interval
                if i and not (i % self._tune_interval) and self._tuning:

                    #update _burn and _iter if needed
                    if self._burn_till_tuned and (self._tuned_count == 0):
                        new_burn = self._current_iter + int(self._stop_tuning_after * self._tune_interval)
                        self._burn =  max(new_burn, self._burn);
                        self._iter = self._burn + self._n_tally
                        self.pbar = ProgressBar(self._iter)

                # Manage burn-in
                if i == self._burn:
                    if self.verbose>0:
                        print_('\nBurn-in interval complete')
                    if not self._tune_throughout:
                        self._tuning = False

                # Tell all the step methods to take a step
                for step_method in self.step_methods:
                    if self.verbose > 2:
                        print_('Step method %s stepping' % step_method._id)
                    # Step the step method

                # Record sample to trace, if appropriate
                if i % self._thin == 0 and i >= self._burn:

                if self._save_interval is not None:
                    if i % self._save_interval==0:

                # Periodically commit samples to backend
                if not i % 1000:

                # Increment interation
                self._current_iter += 1

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            # Stop progress bar
            if self.pbar:

        if self.status == 'halt':

    def tune(self):
        Tell all step methods to tune themselves.

        # =======================================
        # = This is what makes puke... =
        # =======================================
        # Only tune during burn-in
        # if self._current_iter > self._burn:
        #     self._tuning = False
        #     return

        if self.verbose > 0:
            print_('\tTuning at iteration', self._current_iter)

        # Initialize counter for number of tuning stochastics
        tuning_count = 0

        for step_method in self.step_methods:
            verbose = self.verbose
            if step_method.verbose > -1:
                verbose = step_method.verbose
            # Tune step methods
            tuning_count += step_method.tune(verbose=self.verbose)
            if verbose > 1:
                print_('\t\tTuning step method %s, returned %i\n' %(step_method._id, tuning_count))

        if self._burn_till_tuned:
            if not tuning_count:
                # If no step methods needed tuning, increment count
                self._tuned_count += 1
                # Otherwise re-initialize count
                self._tuned_count = 0

            # n consecutive clean intervals removed tuning
            # n is equal to self._stop_tuning_after
            if self._tuned_count ==  self._stop_tuning_after:
                if self.verbose > 0: print_('\nFinished tuning')
                self._tuning = False

    def get_state(self):
        Return the sampler and step methods current state in order to
        restart sampling at a later time.

        self.step_methods = set()
        for s in self.stochastics:
            self.step_methods |= set(self.step_method_dict[s])

        state = Sampler.get_state(self)
        state['step_methods'] = {}

        # The state of each StepMethod.
        for sm in self.step_methods:
            state['step_methods'][sm._id] = sm.current_state().copy()

        return state

    def restore_sm_state(self):

        sm_state = self.db.getstate()

        if sm_state is not None:
            sm_state = sm_state.get('step_methods', {})

            # Restore stepping methods state
            for sm in self.step_methods:
                sm.__dict__.update(sm_state.get(sm._id, {}))

    def _calc_dic(self):
        """Calculates deviance information Criterion"""

        # Find mean deviance
        mean_deviance = np.mean(self.db.trace('deviance')(), axis=0)

        # Set values of all parameters to their mean
        for stochastic in self.stochastics:

            # Calculate mean of paramter
                mean_value = np.mean(self.db.trace(stochastic.__name__)(), axis=0)

                # Set current value to mean
                stochastic.value = mean_value

            except KeyError:
                print_("No trace available for %s. DIC value may not be valid." % stochastic.__name__)

        # Return twice deviance minus deviance at means
        return 2*mean_deviance - self.deviance

    # Make dic a property
    def _get_dic(self):
        return self._calc_dic()
    dic = property(_get_dic)
Esempio n. 2
File: Progetto: wqren/pymc
class MCMC(Sampler):
    This class fits probability models using Markov Chain Monte Carlo. Each stochastic variable
    is assigned a StepMethod object, which makes it take a single MCMC step conditional on the
    rest of the model. These step methods are called in turn.

      >>> A = MCMC(input, db, verbose=0)

        - input : module, list, tuple, dictionary, set, object or nothing.
            Model definition, in terms of Stochastics, Deterministics, Potentials and Containers.
            If nothing, all nodes are collected from the base namespace.
        - db : string
            The name of the database backend that will store the values
            of the stochastics and deterministics sampled during the MCMC loop.
        - verbose : integer
            Level of output verbosity: 0=none, 1=low, 2=medium, 3=high

    Inherits all methods and attributes from Model. Subclasses must define the _loop method:

        - _loop(self, *args, **kwargs): Can be called after a sampling run is interrupted
            (by pausing, halting or a KeyboardInterrupt) to continue the sampling run.
            _loop must be able to handle KeyboardInterrupts gracefully, and should monitor
            the sampler's status periodically. Available status values are:
            - 'ready': Ready to sample.
            - 'paused': A pause has been requested, or the sampler is paused. _loop should return control
                as soon as it is safe to do so.
            - 'halt': A halt has been requested, or the sampler is stopped. _loop should call halt as soon
                as it is safe to do so.
            - 'running': Sampling is in progress.

    :SeeAlso: Model, Sampler, StepMethod.
    def __init__(self,
        """Initialize an MCMC instance.

          - input : module, list, tuple, dictionary, set, object or nothing.
              Model definition, in terms of Stochastics, Deterministics, Potentials and Containers.
              If nothing, all nodes are collected from the base namespace.
          - db : string
              The name of the database backend that will store the values
              of the stochastics and deterministics sampled during the MCMC loop.
          - verbose : integer
              Level of output verbosity: 0=none, 1=low, 2=medium, 3=high
          - **kwds :
              Keywords arguments to be passed to the database instantiation method.

        self._sm_assigned = False
        self.step_method_dict = {}
        for s in self.stochastics:
            self.step_method_dict[s] = []

        self._state = [
            'status', '_current_iter', '_iter', '_tune_interval', '_burn',
            '_thin', '_tuned_count', '_tune_throughout', '_burn_till_tuned'

    def use_step_method(self, step_method_class, *args, **kwds):
        M.use_step_method(step_method_class, *args, **kwds)

        Example of usage: To handle stochastic A with a Metropolis instance,

            M.use_step_method(Metropolis, A, sig=.1)

        To subsequently get a reference to the new step method,

            S = M.step_method_dict[A][0]

        new_method = step_method_class(*args, **kwds)
        if self.verbose > 1:
            print_('Using step method %s. Stochastics: ' %

        for s in new_method.stochastics:
            if self.verbose > 1:
                print_('\t' + s.__name__)
        if self._sm_assigned:

        setattr(new_method, '_model', self)

    def remove_step_method(self, step_method):
        Removes a step method.
            for s in step_method.stochastics:
            if hasattr(self, "step_methods"):
            self._sm_assigned = False
        except AttributeError:
            for sm in step_method:

    def assign_step_methods(self,
        Make sure every stochastic variable has a step method. If not,
        assign a step method from the registry.

        if not self._sm_assigned:

            if draw_from_prior_when_possible:
                # Assign dataless stepper first
                last_gen = set([])
                for s in self.stochastics - self.observed_stochastics:
                    if s._random is not None:
                        if len(s.extended_children) == 0:

                dataless, dataless_gens = crawl_dataless(
                    set(last_gen), [last_gen])
                if len(dataless):
                    new_method = DrawFromPrior(dataless,
                    setattr(new_method, '_model', self)
                    for d in dataless:
                        if not d.observed:
                            if self.verbose > 1:
                                    'Assigning step method %s to stochastic %s'
                                    % (new_method.__class__.__name__,

            for s in self.stochastics:
                # If not handled by any step method, make it a new step method using the registry
                if len(self.step_method_dict[s]) == 0:
                    new_method = assign_method(s, verbose=verbose)
                    setattr(new_method, '_model', self)
                    if self.verbose > 1:
                        print_('Assigning step method %s to stochastic %s' %
                               (new_method.__class__.__name__, s.__name__))

            self.step_methods = set()
            for s in self.stochastics:
                self.step_methods |= set(self.step_method_dict[s])

            for sm in self.step_methods:
                if sm.tally:
                    for name in sm._tuning_info:
                            sm._id + '_' +
                            name] = lambda name=name, sm=sm: getattr(sm, name)

            # Change verbosity for step methods
            for sm_key in self.step_method_dict:
                for sm in self.step_method_dict[sm_key]:
                    sm.verbose = verbose

        self._sm_assigned = True

    def sample(self,
        sample(iter, burn, thin, tune_interval, tune_throughout, save_interval, verbose, progress_bar)

        Initialize traces, run sampling loop, clean up afterward. Calls _loop.

          - iter : int
            Total number of iterations to do
          - burn : int
            Variables will not be tallied until this many iterations are complete, default 0
          - thin : int
            Variables will be tallied at intervals of this many iterations, default 1
          - tune_interval : int
            Step methods will be tuned at intervals of this many iterations, default 1000
          - tune_throughout : boolean
            If true, tuning will continue after the burnin period (True); otherwise tuning
            will halt at the end of the burnin period.
          - save_interval : int or None
            If given, the model state will be saved at intervals of this many iterations
          - verbose : boolean
          - progress_bar : boolean
            Display progress bar while sampling.
          - burn_till_tuned: boolean
            If True the Sampler would burn samples until all step methods are tuned.
            A tuned step methods is one that was not tuned for the last `stop_tuning_after` tuning intervals.
            The burn-in phase will have a minimum of 'burn' iterations but could be longer if
            tuning is needed. After the phase is done the sampler will run for another 
            (iter - burn) iterations, and will tally the samples according to the 'thin' argument.
            This means that the total number of iteration is update throughout the sampling
            If burn_till_tuned is True it also overrides the tune_thorughout argument, so no step method
            will be tuned when sample are being tallied.
          - stop_tuning_adfter: int
            the number of untuned successive tuning interval needed to be reach in order for
            the burn-in phase to be done (If burn_till_tuned is True).


        if burn > iter:
            raise ValueError(
                'Burn interval cannot be larger than specified number of iterations.'

        self._n_tally = int(iter) - int(burn)
        if burn_till_tuned:
            self._stop_tuning_after = stop_tuning_after
            tune_throughout = False
            if verbose > 0:
                print "burn_til_tuned is True. tune_throughout is set to False"
            burn = int(max(burn, stop_tuning_after * tune_interval))
            iter = self._n_tally + burn

        self._iter = int(iter)
        self._burn = int(burn)
        self._thin = int(thin)
        self._tune_interval = int(tune_interval)
        self._tune_throughout = tune_throughout
        self._burn_till_tuned = burn_till_tuned
        self._save_interval = save_interval

        length = max(int(np.floor((1.0 * iter - burn) / thin)), 1)
        self.max_trace_length = length

        # Flags for tuning
        self._tuning = True
        self._tuned_count = 0

        # Progress bar
        self.pbar = None
        if not verbose and progress_bar:
            self.pbar = ProgressBar(self._iter)

        # Run sampler
        Sampler.sample(self, iter, length, verbose)

    def _loop(self):
        # Set status flag
        self.status = 'running'

            while self._current_iter < self._iter and not self.status == 'halt':
                if self.status == 'paused':

                i = self._current_iter

                # Update progress bar
                if not (i + 1) % 100 and self.pbar:
                    self.pbar.animate(i + 1)

                # Tune at interval
                if i and not (i % self._tune_interval) and self._tuning:

                    #update _burn and _iter if needed
                    if self._burn_till_tuned and (self._tuned_count == 0):
                        new_burn = self._current_iter + int(
                            self._stop_tuning_after * self._tune_interval)
                        self._burn = max(new_burn, self._burn)
                        self._iter = self._burn + self._n_tally
                        self.pbar = ProgressBar(self._iter)
                        self.pbar.animate(i + 1)

                # Manage burn-in
                if i == self._burn:
                    if self.verbose > 0:
                        print_('\nBurn-in interval complete')
                    if not self._tune_throughout:
                        self._tuning = False

                # Tell all the step methods to take a step
                for step_method in self.step_methods:
                    if self.verbose > 2:
                        print_('Step method %s stepping' % step_method._id)
                    # Step the step method

                # Record sample to trace, if appropriate
                if i % self._thin == 0 and i >= self._burn:

                if self._save_interval is not None:
                    if i % self._save_interval == 0:

                # Periodically commit samples to backend
                if not i % 1000:

                # Increment interation
                self._current_iter += 1

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            self.status = 'halt'
            # Stop progress bar
            if self.pbar:

        if self.status == 'halt':

    def tune(self):
        Tell all step methods to tune themselves.

        # =======================================
        # = This is what makes puke... =
        # =======================================
        # Only tune during burn-in
        # if self._current_iter > self._burn:
        #     self._tuning = False
        #     return

        if self.verbose > 0:
            print_('\tTuning at iteration', self._current_iter)

        # Initialize counter for number of tuning stochastics
        tuning_count = 0

        for step_method in self.step_methods:
            verbose = self.verbose
            if step_method.verbose > -1:
                verbose = step_method.verbose
            # Tune step methods
            tuning_count += step_method.tune(verbose=self.verbose)
            if verbose > 1:
                print_('\t\tTuning step method %s, returned %i\n' %
                       (step_method._id, tuning_count))

        if self._burn_till_tuned:
            if not tuning_count:
                # If no step methods needed tuning, increment count
                self._tuned_count += 1
                # Otherwise re-initialize count
                self._tuned_count = 0

            # n consecutive clean intervals removed tuning
            # n is equal to self._stop_tuning_after
            if self._tuned_count == self._stop_tuning_after:
                if self.verbose > 0: print_('\nFinished tuning')
                self._tuning = False

    def get_state(self):
        Return the sampler and step methods current state in order to
        restart sampling at a later time.

        self.step_methods = set()
        for s in self.stochastics:
            self.step_methods |= set(self.step_method_dict[s])

        state = Sampler.get_state(self)
        state['step_methods'] = {}

        # The state of each StepMethod.
        for sm in self.step_methods:
            state['step_methods'][sm._id] = sm.current_state().copy()

        return state

    def restore_sm_state(self):

        sm_state = self.db.getstate()

        if sm_state is not None:
            sm_state = sm_state.get('step_methods', {})

            # Restore stepping methods state
            for sm in self.step_methods:
                sm.__dict__.update(sm_state.get(sm._id, {}))

    def _calc_dic(self):
        """Calculates deviance information Criterion"""

        # Find mean deviance
        mean_deviance = np.mean(self.db.trace('deviance')(), axis=0)

        # Set values of all parameters to their mean
        for stochastic in self.stochastics:

            # Calculate mean of paramter
                mean_value = np.mean(self.db.trace(stochastic.__name__)(),

                # Set current value to mean
                stochastic.value = mean_value

            except KeyError:
                    "No trace available for %s. DIC value may not be valid." %

        # Return twice deviance minus deviance at means
        return 2 * mean_deviance - self.deviance

    # Make dic a property
    def _get_dic(self):
        return self._calc_dic()

    dic = property(_get_dic)
Esempio n. 3
def make_crystal(N_ions=6, starting_ions=None, constant_ion=None,
                 progress=True, assymetry=None):
    This function iterates random steps in postion and recalculates the energy
    of the configuration of N ions, if the energy is decreased it accepts
    the move and repeats

    A = utility.get_potential_coefficient()
    tp = get_trap_parameters()
    sp = get_simulation_parameters()

    if assymetry:
        assy = assymetry
        assy = tp[4]
    pos_spread = sp[2]
    iterations = sp[1]
    step_size = sp[0]

    if progress:
        p = ProgressBar(iterations)
    N = N_ions
    ions = []
    if starting_ions is None:
        for _i in range(N):
            # initiate ions in random position
            x0 = (np.random.rand() - 0.5)*pos_spread
            y0 = (np.random.rand() - 0.5)*pos_spread
            ions.append(ion(x0, y0))
        # initiate ions in specified starting positions
        for starting_ion in starting_ions:
            ions.append(ion(starting_ion.x, starting_ion.y,
    E0 = total_energy(ions, assy)

    iters = 0
    E = [E0]
    last_E = E0
    if constant_ion is not None:
        for fixed in constant_ion:
            ions[fixed].constant = True
    while iters < iterations:
        if progress:
        iters += 1
        for particle in ions:
            if not particle.constant:  # Checks if ion is movable
                particle.lastx = particle.x
                particle.x = particle.x + (np.random.rand() - 0.5)*step_size
                particle.lasty = particle.y
                particle.y = particle.y + (np.random.rand() - 0.5)*step_size
                tot_E = total_energy(ions, assy, A)
                if tot_E < last_E:  # Check to take the position step or not
                    last_E = tot_E
                    particle.x = particle.lastx
                    particle.y = particle.lasty
    return E[-1], ions
Esempio n. 4
def make_crystal(N_ions=6,
    This function iterates random steps in postion and recalculates the energy
    of the configuration of N ions, if the energy is decreased it accepts
    the move and repeats

    A = utility.get_potential_coefficient()
    tp = get_trap_parameters()
    sp = get_simulation_parameters()

    if assymetry:
        assy = assymetry
        assy = tp[4]
    pos_spread = sp[2]
    iterations = sp[1]
    step_size = sp[0]

    if progress:
        p = ProgressBar(iterations)
    N = N_ions
    ions = []
    if starting_ions is None:
        for _i in range(N):
            # initiate ions in random position
            x0 = (np.random.rand() - 0.5) * pos_spread
            y0 = (np.random.rand() - 0.5) * pos_spread
            ions.append(ion(x0, y0))
        # initiate ions in specified starting positions
        for starting_ion in starting_ions:
            ions.append(ion(starting_ion.x, starting_ion.y,
    E0 = total_energy(ions, assy)

    iters = 0
    E = [E0]
    last_E = E0
    if constant_ion is not None:
        for fixed in constant_ion:
            ions[fixed].constant = True
    while iters < iterations:
        if progress:
        iters += 1
        for particle in ions:
            if not particle.constant:  # Checks if ion is movable
                particle.lastx = particle.x
                particle.x = particle.x + (np.random.rand() - 0.5) * step_size
                particle.lasty = particle.y
                particle.y = particle.y + (np.random.rand() - 0.5) * step_size
                tot_E = total_energy(ions, assy, A)
                if tot_E < last_E:  # Check to take the position step or not
                    last_E = tot_E
                    particle.x = particle.lastx
                    particle.y = particle.lasty
    return E[-1], ions