Esempio n. 1
def search_path(board, row, col, path, paths, is_sorted = False):
    This function recursive builds all capturing paths started at a certain
    row/col position. 
    path.append(proj10.deindexify(row, col))
    jumps = get_jumps(board, row, col, is_sorted)
    if not jumps:
        for position in jumps:
            (row_to, col_to) = proj10.indexify(position)
            piece = copy.copy(board.get(row, col))
            board.remove(row, col)
  , col_to, piece)
            if (piece.color() == 'black' \
                and row_to == board.get_length() - 1) \
                    or (piece.color() == 'white' \
                        and row_to == 0) \
                            and (not piece.is_king()):
            row_mid = row + 1 if row_to > row else row - 1
            col_mid = col + 1 if col_to > col else col - 1
            capture = board.get(row_mid, col_mid)
            board.remove(row_mid, col_mid)
            search_path(board, row_to, col_to, copy.copy(path), paths)
  , col_mid, capture)
            board.remove(row_to, col_to)
  , col, piece)
Esempio n. 2
def get_jumps(board, row, col, is_sorted = False):
    This function is very similar to the get_moves() function. This function
    lists all the capture for a single piece on the board located at the row,
    col position. To capture the piece needs to "jump". A checker may move 
    more than one space if they can jump one of the opponent's checker pieces 
    which is located immediately in their diagonal vicinity and onto a free 
    space. This function returns a list of valid captures in terms of string 
    positions, like 'a1', 'b4' etc. The rules are follows:
        a. All the captures(s) must be inside the board.
        b. If the given row, col position has no piece (i.e. empty), this
            function returns an empty list.
        c. To make a jump, there must be an opponent piece on the immediate
        d. If the piece is not a king then it will return a list of at most 
            two diagonal positions. For a black piece, the diagonals will be 
            bottom-left and bottom-right.
        e. If the piece is a king, then it will return a list of at most 
            four diagonal positions. Irrespective of color, the diagonals 
            will be bottom and top, left and right.
        f. By default, is_sorted flag is set to False, if it's True then
            the final returning list must be sorted. Remember that the list
            is a list of string positions.
    down, up = [(+1, -1), (+1, +1)], [(-1, -1), (-1, +1)]
    length = board.get_length()
    piece = board.get(row, col)
    if piece:
        bottom = \
            [proj10.deindexify(row + 2 * x, col + 2 * y) for (x, y) in down \
             if (0 <= (row + 2 * x) < length) \
                 and (0 <= (col + 2 * y) < length) \
                 and board.is_free(row + 2 * x, col + 2 * y) \
                 and (not board.is_free(row + x, col + y)) \
                 and (board.get(row + x, col + y).color() != piece.color())]
        top = \
            [proj10.deindexify(row + 2 * x, col + 2 * y) for (x, y) in up \
             if (0 <= (row + 2 * x) < length) \
                 and (0 <= (col + 2 * y) < length) \
                 and board.is_free(row + 2 * x, col + 2 * y) \
                 and (not board.is_free(row + x, col + y)) \
                 and (board.get(row + x, col + y).color() != piece.color())]
        return (sorted(bottom + top) if piece.is_king() else \
                (sorted(bottom) if piece.is_black() else sorted(top))) \
                    if is_sorted else (bottom + top if piece.is_king() else \
                                       (bottom if piece.is_black() else top))
    return []
Esempio n. 3
def get_moves(board, row, col, is_sorted = False):
    This function returns moves for a given single piece at row,col position.
    This function returns a list of valid moves in terms of string positions,
    like 'a1', 'b4' etc. The rules are follows:
        a. All the move(s) must be inside the board.
        b. If the given row, col position has no piece (i.e. empty), this
            function returns an empty list.
        c. If the piece is not a king then it will return a list of at most 
            two diagonal positions. For a black piece, the diagonals will be 
            bottom-left and bottom-right. For a white, they will be top-left 
            and top-right.
        d. If the piece is a king, then it will return a list of at most 
            four diagonal positions. Irrespective of color, the diagonals 
            will be bottom and top, left and right.
        e. By default, is_sorted flag is set to False, if it's True then
            the final returning list must be sorted. Remember that the list
            is a list of string positions.
    down, up = [(+1, -1), (+1, +1)], [(-1, -1), (-1, +1)]
    length = board.get_length()
    piece = board.get(row, col)
    if piece:
        bottom = [proj10.deindexify(row + x, col + y) for (x, y) in down \
                      if (0 <= (row + x) < length) \
                          and (0 <= (col + y) < length) \
                          and board.is_free(row + x, col + y)]
        top = [proj10.deindexify(row + x, col + y) for (x, y) in up \
                   if (0 <= (row + x) < length) \
                       and (0 <= (col + y) < length) \
                       and board.is_free(row + x, col + y)]
        return (sorted(bottom + top) if piece.is_king() else \
                (sorted(bottom) if piece.is_black() else sorted(top))) \
                    if is_sorted else (bottom + top if piece.is_king() else \
                                       (bottom if piece.is_black() else top))
    return []