def build_inference_for_training(self): """Invokes depth and ego-motion networks and computes clouds if needed.""" (self.image_stack, self.intrinsic_mat, self.intrinsic_mat_inv) = (self.reader.read_data()) with tf.name_scope('egomotion_prediction'): self.egomotion, _ = nets.egomotion_net( self.image_stack, is_training=True, legacy_mode=self.legacy_mode) with tf.variable_scope('depth_prediction'): # Organized by ...[i][scale]. Note that the order is flipped in # variables in build_loss() below. self.disp = {} self.depth = {} if self.icp_weight > 0: = {} for i in range(self.seq_length): image = self.image_stack[:, :, :, 3 * i:3 * (i + 1)] multiscale_disps_i, _ = nets.disp_net(image, is_training=True) multiscale_depths_i = [1.0 / d for d in multiscale_disps_i] self.disp[i] = multiscale_disps_i self.depth[i] = multiscale_depths_i if self.icp_weight > 0: multiscale_clouds_i = [ project.get_cloud(d, self.intrinsic_mat_inv[:, s, :, :], name='cloud%d_%d' % (s, i)) for (s, d) in enumerate(multiscale_depths_i) ][i] = multiscale_clouds_i # Reuse the same depth graph for all images. tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables()'disp: %s',
def build_inference_for_training(self): """Invokes depth and ego-motion networks and computes clouds if needed.""" (self.image_stack, self.intrinsic_mat, self.intrinsic_mat_inv) = ( self.reader.read_data()) with tf.name_scope('egomotion_prediction'): self.egomotion, _ = nets.egomotion_net(self.image_stack, is_training=True, legacy_mode=self.legacy_mode) with tf.variable_scope('depth_prediction'): # Organized by ...[i][scale]. Note that the order is flipped in # variables in build_loss() below. self.disp = {} self.depth = {} if self.icp_weight > 0: = {} for i in range(self.seq_length): image = self.image_stack[:, :, :, 3 * i:3 * (i + 1)] multiscale_disps_i, _ = nets.disp_net(image, is_training=True) multiscale_depths_i = [1.0 / d for d in multiscale_disps_i] self.disp[i] = multiscale_disps_i self.depth[i] = multiscale_depths_i if self.icp_weight > 0: multiscale_clouds_i = [ project.get_cloud(d, self.intrinsic_mat_inv[:, s, :, :], name='cloud%d_%d' % (s, i)) for (s, d) in enumerate(multiscale_depths_i) ][i] = multiscale_clouds_i # Reuse the same depth graph for all images. tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables()'disp: %s',
def build_inference_for_training(self): """Invokes depth and ego-motion networks and computes clouds if needed.""" (self.image_stack, self.image_stack_norm, self.seg_stack, self.intrinsic_mat, self.intrinsic_mat_inv) = self.reader.read_data() with tf.variable_scope('depth_prediction'): # Organized by ...[i][scale]. Note that the order is flipped in # variables in build_loss() below. self.disp = {} self.depth = {} self.depth_upsampled = {} self.inf_loss = 0.0 # Organized by [i]. disp_bottlenecks = [None] * self.seq_length if self.icp_weight > 0: = {} for i in range(self.seq_length): image = self.image_stack_norm[:, :, :, 3 * i:3 * (i + 1)] multiscale_disps_i, disp_bottlenecks[i] = nets.disp_net( self.architecture, image, self.use_skip, self.weight_reg, True) multiscale_depths_i = [1.0 / d for d in multiscale_disps_i] self.disp[i] = multiscale_disps_i self.depth[i] = multiscale_depths_i if self.depth_upsampling: self.depth_upsampled[i] = [] # Upsample low-resolution depth maps using differentiable bilinear # interpolation. for s in range(len(multiscale_depths_i)): self.depth_upsampled[i].append(tf.image.resize_bilinear( multiscale_depths_i[s], [self.img_height, self.img_width], align_corners=True)) if self.icp_weight > 0: multiscale_clouds_i = [ project.get_cloud(d, self.intrinsic_mat_inv[:, s, :, :], name='cloud%d_%d' % (s, i)) for (s, d) in enumerate(multiscale_depths_i) ][i] = multiscale_clouds_i # Reuse the same depth graph for all images. tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables() if self.handle_motion: # Define egomotion network. This network can see the whole scene except # for any moving objects as indicated by the provided segmentation masks. # To avoid the network getting clues of motion by tracking those masks, we # define the segmentation masks as the union temporally. print('') print('') print('') print('HANDLE MOTION') print('') print('') print('') with tf.variable_scope('egomotion_prediction'): base_input = self.image_stack_norm # (B, H, W, 9) seg_input = self.seg_stack # (B, H, W, 9) ref_zero = tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.uint8) # Motion model is currently defined for three-frame sequences. object_mask1 = tf.equal(seg_input[:, :, :, 0], ref_zero) object_mask2 = tf.equal(seg_input[:, :, :, 3], ref_zero) object_mask3 = tf.equal(seg_input[:, :, :, 6], ref_zero) mask_complete = tf.expand_dims(tf.logical_and( # (B, H, W, 1) tf.logical_and(object_mask1, object_mask2), object_mask3), axis=3) mask_complete = tf.tile(mask_complete, (1, 1, 1, 9)) # (B, H, W, 9) # Now mask out base_input. self.mask_complete = tf.to_float(mask_complete) self.base_input_masked = base_input * self.mask_complete self.egomotion = nets.egomotion_net( image_stack=self.base_input_masked, disp_bottleneck_stack=None, joint_encoder=False, seq_length=self.seq_length, weight_reg=self.weight_reg) sess = tf.Session() with sess.as_default(): check_ego = print('') print('') print('egomotion = ', egomotion) print('') print('') # print('') # print('') # print('egomotion = ', egomotion) # print('') # print('') # Define object motion network for refinement. This network only sees # one object at a time over the whole sequence, and tries to estimate its # motion. The sequence of images are the respective warped frames. # For each scale, contains batch_size elements of shape (N, 2, 6). self.object_transforms = {} # For each scale, contains batch_size elements of shape (N, H, W, 9). self.object_masks = {} self.object_masks_warped = {} # For each scale, contains batch_size elements of size N. self.object_ids = {} self.egomotions_seq = {} self.warped_seq = {} self.inputs_objectmotion_net = {} with tf.variable_scope('objectmotion_prediction'): # First, warp raw images according to overall egomotion. for s in range(NUM_SCALES): self.warped_seq[s] = [] self.egomotions_seq[s] = [] for source_index in range(self.seq_length): egomotion_mat_i_1 = project.get_transform_mat( self.egomotion, source_index, 1) warped_image_i_1, _ = ( project.inverse_warp( self.image_stack[ :, :, :, source_index*3:(source_index+1)*3], self.depth_upsampled[1][s], egomotion_mat_i_1, self.intrinsic_mat[:, 0, :, :], self.intrinsic_mat_inv[:, 0, :, :])) self.warped_seq[s].append(warped_image_i_1) self.egomotions_seq[s].append(egomotion_mat_i_1) # Second, for every object in the segmentation mask, take its mask and # warp it according to the egomotion estimate. Then put a threshold to # binarize the warped result. Use this mask to mask out background and # other objects, and pass the filtered image to the object motion # network. self.object_transforms[s] = [] self.object_masks[s] = [] self.object_ids[s] = [] self.object_masks_warped[s] = [] self.inputs_objectmotion_net[s] = {} for i in range(self.batch_size): seg_sequence = self.seg_stack[i] # (H, W, 9=3*3) object_ids = tf.unique(tf.reshape(seg_sequence, [-1]))[0] self.object_ids[s].append(object_ids) color_stack = [] mask_stack = [] mask_stack_warped = [] for j in range(self.seq_length): current_image = self.warped_seq[s][j][i] # (H, W, 3) current_seg = seg_sequence[:, :, j * 3:(j+1) * 3] # (H, W, 3) def process_obj_mask_warp(obj_id): """Performs warping of the individual object masks.""" obj_mask = tf.to_float(tf.equal(current_seg, obj_id)) # Warp obj_mask according to overall egomotion. obj_mask_warped, _ = ( project.inverse_warp( tf.expand_dims(obj_mask, axis=0), # Middle frame, highest scale, batch element i: tf.expand_dims(self.depth_upsampled[1][s][i], axis=0), # Matrix for warping j into middle frame, batch elem. i: tf.expand_dims(self.egomotions_seq[s][j][i], axis=0), tf.expand_dims(self.intrinsic_mat[i, 0, :, :], axis=0), tf.expand_dims(self.intrinsic_mat_inv[i, 0, :, :], axis=0))) obj_mask_warped = tf.squeeze(obj_mask_warped) obj_mask_binarized = tf.greater( # Threshold to binarize mask. obj_mask_warped, tf.constant(0.5)) return tf.to_float(obj_mask_binarized) def process_obj_mask(obj_id): """Returns the individual object masks separately.""" return tf.to_float(tf.equal(current_seg, obj_id)) object_masks = tf.map_fn( # (N, H, W, 3) process_obj_mask, object_ids, dtype=tf.float32) if self.size_constraint_weight > 0: # The object segmentation masks are all in object_masks. # We need to measure the height of every of them, and get the # approximate distance. # self.depth_upsampled of shape (seq_length, scale, B, H, W). depth_pred = self.depth_upsampled[j][s][i] # (H, W) def get_losses(obj_mask): """Get motion constraint loss.""" # Find height of segment. coords = tf.where(tf.greater( # Shape (num_true, 2=yx) obj_mask[:, :, 0], tf.constant(0.5, dtype=tf.float32))) y_max = tf.reduce_max(coords[:, 0]) y_min = tf.reduce_min(coords[:, 0]) seg_height = y_max - y_min f_y = self.intrinsic_mat[i, 0, 1, 1] approx_depth = ((f_y * self.global_scale_var) / tf.to_float(seg_height)) reference_pred = tf.boolean_mask( depth_pred, tf.greater( tf.reshape(obj_mask[:, :, 0], (self.img_height, self.img_width, 1)), tf.constant(0.5, dtype=tf.float32))) # Establish loss on approx_depth, a scalar, and # reference_pred, our dense prediction. Normalize both to # prevent degenerative depth shrinking. global_mean_depth_pred = tf.reduce_mean(depth_pred) reference_pred /= global_mean_depth_pred approx_depth /= global_mean_depth_pred spatial_err = tf.abs(reference_pred - approx_depth) print('') print('') print('spatial error =', spatial_err) print('') print('') #mean_spatial_err = tf.reduce_mean(tf.concat([spatial_err, tf.zeros(1)], axis = 0)) mean_spatial_err = tf.reduce_mean(spatial_err) return mean_spatial_err losses = tf.map_fn( get_losses, object_masks, dtype=tf.float32) print('') print('') print('Losses = ', losses) print('') print('') self.inf_loss += tf.reduce_mean(losses) print('') print('') print('self.inf_loss = ', self.inf_loss) print('') print('') object_masks_warped = tf.map_fn( # (N, H, W, 3) process_obj_mask_warp, object_ids, dtype=tf.float32) filtered_images = tf.map_fn( lambda mask: current_image * mask, object_masks_warped, dtype=tf.float32) # (N, H, W, 3) color_stack.append(filtered_images) mask_stack.append(object_masks) mask_stack_warped.append(object_masks_warped) # For this batch-element, if there are N moving objects, # color_stack, mask_stack and mask_stack_warped contain both # seq_length elements of shape (N, H, W, 3). # We can now concatenate them on the last axis, creating a tensor of # (N, H, W, 3*3 = 9), and, assuming N does not get too large so that # we have enough memory, pass them in a single batch to the object # motion network. mask_stack = tf.concat(mask_stack, axis=3) # (N, H, W, 9) mask_stack_warped = tf.concat(mask_stack_warped, axis=3) color_stack = tf.concat(color_stack, axis=3) # (N, H, W, 9) all_transforms = nets.objectmotion_net( # We cut the gradient flow here as the object motion gradient # should have no saying in how the egomotion network behaves. # One could try just stopping the gradient for egomotion, but # not for the depth prediction network. image_stack=tf.stop_gradient(color_stack), disp_bottleneck_stack=None, joint_encoder=False, # Joint encoder not supported. seq_length=self.seq_length, weight_reg=self.weight_reg) # all_transforms of shape (N, 2, 6). self.object_transforms[s].append(all_transforms) self.object_masks[s].append(mask_stack) self.object_masks_warped[s].append(mask_stack_warped) self.inputs_objectmotion_net[s][i] = color_stack tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables() print('') print('') print('') print('HANDLE MOTION22222') print('') print('') print('') else: # Don't handle motion, classic model formulation. with tf.name_scope('egomotion_prediction'): if self.joint_encoder: # Re-arrange disp_bottleneck_stack to be of shape # [B, h_hid, w_hid, c_hid * seq_length]. Currently, it is a list with # seq_length elements, each of dimension [B, h_hid, w_hid, c_hid]. disp_bottleneck_stack = tf.concat(disp_bottlenecks, axis=3) else: disp_bottleneck_stack = None self.egomotion = nets.egomotion_net( image_stack=self.image_stack_norm, disp_bottleneck_stack=disp_bottleneck_stack, joint_encoder=self.joint_encoder, seq_length=self.seq_length, weight_reg=self.weight_reg)
def build_inference_for_training(self): """Invokes depth and ego-motion networks and computes clouds if needed.""" (self.image_stack, self.image_stack_norm, self.seg_stack, self.intrinsic_mat, self.intrinsic_mat_inv) = self.reader.read_data() with tf.variable_scope('depth_prediction'): # Organized by ...[i][scale]. Note that the order is flipped in # variables in build_loss() below. self.disp = {} self.depth = {} self.depth_upsampled = {} self.inf_loss = 0.0 # Organized by [i]. disp_bottlenecks = [None] * self.seq_length if self.icp_weight > 0: = {} for i in range(self.seq_length): image = self.image_stack_norm[:, :, :, 3 * i:3 * (i + 1)] multiscale_disps_i, disp_bottlenecks[i] = nets.disp_net( self.architecture, image, self.use_skip, self.weight_reg, True) multiscale_depths_i = [1.0 / d for d in multiscale_disps_i] self.disp[i] = multiscale_disps_i self.depth[i] = multiscale_depths_i if self.depth_upsampling: self.depth_upsampled[i] = [] # Upsample low-resolution depth maps using differentiable bilinear # interpolation. for s in range(len(multiscale_depths_i)): self.depth_upsampled[i].append(tf.image.resize_bilinear( multiscale_depths_i[s], [self.img_height, self.img_width], align_corners=True)) if self.icp_weight > 0: multiscale_clouds_i = [ project.get_cloud(d, self.intrinsic_mat_inv[:, s, :, :], name='cloud%d_%d' % (s, i)) for (s, d) in enumerate(multiscale_depths_i) ][i] = multiscale_clouds_i # Reuse the same depth graph for all images. tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables() if self.handle_motion: # Define egomotion network. This network can see the whole scene except # for any moving objects as indicated by the provided segmentation masks. # To avoid the network getting clues of motion by tracking those masks, we # define the segmentation masks as the union temporally. with tf.variable_scope('egomotion_prediction'): base_input = self.image_stack_norm # (B, H, W, 9) seg_input = self.seg_stack # (B, H, W, 9) ref_zero = tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.uint8) # Motion model is currently defined for three-frame sequences. object_mask1 = tf.equal(seg_input[:, :, :, 0], ref_zero) object_mask2 = tf.equal(seg_input[:, :, :, 3], ref_zero) object_mask3 = tf.equal(seg_input[:, :, :, 6], ref_zero) mask_complete = tf.expand_dims(tf.logical_and( # (B, H, W, 1) tf.logical_and(object_mask1, object_mask2), object_mask3), axis=3) mask_complete = tf.tile(mask_complete, (1, 1, 1, 9)) # (B, H, W, 9) # Now mask out base_input. self.mask_complete = tf.to_float(mask_complete) self.base_input_masked = base_input * self.mask_complete self.egomotion = nets.egomotion_net( image_stack=self.base_input_masked, disp_bottleneck_stack=None, joint_encoder=False, seq_length=self.seq_length, weight_reg=self.weight_reg) # Define object motion network for refinement. This network only sees # one object at a time over the whole sequence, and tries to estimate its # motion. The sequence of images are the respective warped frames. # For each scale, contains batch_size elements of shape (N, 2, 6). self.object_transforms = {} # For each scale, contains batch_size elements of shape (N, H, W, 9). self.object_masks = {} self.object_masks_warped = {} # For each scale, contains batch_size elements of size N. self.object_ids = {} self.egomotions_seq = {} self.warped_seq = {} self.inputs_objectmotion_net = {} with tf.variable_scope('objectmotion_prediction'): # First, warp raw images according to overall egomotion. for s in range(NUM_SCALES): self.warped_seq[s] = [] self.egomotions_seq[s] = [] for source_index in range(self.seq_length): egomotion_mat_i_1 = project.get_transform_mat( self.egomotion, source_index, 1) warped_image_i_1, _ = ( project.inverse_warp( self.image_stack[ :, :, :, source_index*3:(source_index+1)*3], self.depth_upsampled[1][s], egomotion_mat_i_1, self.intrinsic_mat[:, 0, :, :], self.intrinsic_mat_inv[:, 0, :, :])) self.warped_seq[s].append(warped_image_i_1) self.egomotions_seq[s].append(egomotion_mat_i_1) # Second, for every object in the segmentation mask, take its mask and # warp it according to the egomotion estimate. Then put a threshold to # binarize the warped result. Use this mask to mask out background and # other objects, and pass the filtered image to the object motion # network. self.object_transforms[s] = [] self.object_masks[s] = [] self.object_ids[s] = [] self.object_masks_warped[s] = [] self.inputs_objectmotion_net[s] = {} for i in range(self.batch_size): seg_sequence = self.seg_stack[i] # (H, W, 9=3*3) object_ids = tf.unique(tf.reshape(seg_sequence, [-1]))[0] self.object_ids[s].append(object_ids) color_stack = [] mask_stack = [] mask_stack_warped = [] for j in range(self.seq_length): current_image = self.warped_seq[s][j][i] # (H, W, 3) current_seg = seg_sequence[:, :, j * 3:(j+1) * 3] # (H, W, 3) def process_obj_mask_warp(obj_id): """Performs warping of the individual object masks.""" obj_mask = tf.to_float(tf.equal(current_seg, obj_id)) # Warp obj_mask according to overall egomotion. obj_mask_warped, _ = ( project.inverse_warp( tf.expand_dims(obj_mask, axis=0), # Middle frame, highest scale, batch element i: tf.expand_dims(self.depth_upsampled[1][s][i], axis=0), # Matrix for warping j into middle frame, batch elem. i: tf.expand_dims(self.egomotions_seq[s][j][i], axis=0), tf.expand_dims(self.intrinsic_mat[i, 0, :, :], axis=0), tf.expand_dims(self.intrinsic_mat_inv[i, 0, :, :], axis=0))) obj_mask_warped = tf.squeeze(obj_mask_warped) obj_mask_binarized = tf.greater( # Threshold to binarize mask. obj_mask_warped, tf.constant(0.5)) return tf.to_float(obj_mask_binarized) def process_obj_mask(obj_id): """Returns the individual object masks separately.""" return tf.to_float(tf.equal(current_seg, obj_id)) object_masks = tf.map_fn( # (N, H, W, 3) process_obj_mask, object_ids, dtype=tf.float32) if self.size_constraint_weight > 0: # The object segmentation masks are all in object_masks. # We need to measure the height of every of them, and get the # approximate distance. # self.depth_upsampled of shape (seq_length, scale, B, H, W). depth_pred = self.depth_upsampled[j][s][i] # (H, W) def get_losses(obj_mask): """Get motion constraint loss.""" # Find height of segment. coords = tf.where(tf.greater( # Shape (num_true, 2=yx) obj_mask[:, :, 0], tf.constant(0.5, dtype=tf.float32))) y_max = tf.reduce_max(coords[:, 0]) y_min = tf.reduce_min(coords[:, 0]) seg_height = y_max - y_min f_y = self.intrinsic_mat[i, 0, 1, 1] approx_depth = ((f_y * self.global_scale_var) / tf.to_float(seg_height)) reference_pred = tf.boolean_mask( depth_pred, tf.greater( tf.reshape(obj_mask[:, :, 0], (self.img_height, self.img_width, 1)), tf.constant(0.5, dtype=tf.float32))) # Establish loss on approx_depth, a scalar, and # reference_pred, our dense prediction. Normalize both to # prevent degenerative depth shrinking. global_mean_depth_pred = tf.reduce_mean(depth_pred) reference_pred /= global_mean_depth_pred approx_depth /= global_mean_depth_pred spatial_err = tf.abs(reference_pred - approx_depth) mean_spatial_err = tf.reduce_mean(spatial_err) return mean_spatial_err losses = tf.map_fn( get_losses, object_masks, dtype=tf.float32) self.inf_loss += tf.reduce_mean(losses) object_masks_warped = tf.map_fn( # (N, H, W, 3) process_obj_mask_warp, object_ids, dtype=tf.float32) filtered_images = tf.map_fn( lambda mask: current_image * mask, object_masks_warped, dtype=tf.float32) # (N, H, W, 3) color_stack.append(filtered_images) mask_stack.append(object_masks) mask_stack_warped.append(object_masks_warped) # For this batch-element, if there are N moving objects, # color_stack, mask_stack and mask_stack_warped contain both # seq_length elements of shape (N, H, W, 3). # We can now concatenate them on the last axis, creating a tensor of # (N, H, W, 3*3 = 9), and, assuming N does not get too large so that # we have enough memory, pass them in a single batch to the object # motion network. mask_stack = tf.concat(mask_stack, axis=3) # (N, H, W, 9) mask_stack_warped = tf.concat(mask_stack_warped, axis=3) color_stack = tf.concat(color_stack, axis=3) # (N, H, W, 9) all_transforms = nets.objectmotion_net( # We cut the gradient flow here as the object motion gradient # should have no saying in how the egomotion network behaves. # One could try just stopping the gradient for egomotion, but # not for the depth prediction network. image_stack=tf.stop_gradient(color_stack), disp_bottleneck_stack=None, joint_encoder=False, # Joint encoder not supported. seq_length=self.seq_length, weight_reg=self.weight_reg) # all_transforms of shape (N, 2, 6). self.object_transforms[s].append(all_transforms) self.object_masks[s].append(mask_stack) self.object_masks_warped[s].append(mask_stack_warped) self.inputs_objectmotion_net[s][i] = color_stack tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables() else: # Don't handle motion, classic model formulation. with tf.name_scope('egomotion_prediction'): if self.joint_encoder: # Re-arrange disp_bottleneck_stack to be of shape # [B, h_hid, w_hid, c_hid * seq_length]. Currently, it is a list with # seq_length elements, each of dimension [B, h_hid, w_hid, c_hid]. disp_bottleneck_stack = tf.concat(disp_bottlenecks, axis=3) else: disp_bottleneck_stack = None self.egomotion = nets.egomotion_net( image_stack=self.image_stack_norm, disp_bottleneck_stack=disp_bottleneck_stack, joint_encoder=self.joint_encoder, seq_length=self.seq_length, weight_reg=self.weight_reg)