Esempio n. 1
class Registry(object):
    Key binding registry.


        r = Registry()

        @r.add_binding(Keys.ControlX, Keys.ControlC, filter=INSERT)
        def handler(event):
            # Handle ControlX-ControlC key sequence.
    def __init__(self):
        self.key_bindings = []
        self._get_bindings_for_keys_cache = SimpleCache(maxsize=10000)
        self._get_bindings_starting_with_keys_cache = SimpleCache(maxsize=1000)

    def _clear_cache(self):

    def add_binding(self, *keys, **kwargs):
        Decorator for annotating key bindings.

        :param filter: :class:`~prompt_toolkit.filters.CLIFilter` to determine
            when this key binding is active.
        :param eager: :class:`~prompt_toolkit.filters.CLIFilter` or `bool`.
            When True, ignore potential longer matches when this key binding is
            hit. E.g. when there is an active eager key binding for Ctrl-X,
            execute the handler immediately and ignore the key binding for
            Ctrl-X Ctrl-E of which it is a prefix.
        :param save_before: Callable that takes an `Event` and returns True if
            we should save the current buffer, before handling the event.
            (That's the default.)
        filter = to_cli_filter(kwargs.pop('filter', True))
        eager = to_cli_filter(kwargs.pop('eager', False))
        save_before = kwargs.pop('save_before', lambda e: True)
        to_cli_filter(kwargs.pop('invalidate_ui', True))  # Deprecated! (ignored.)

        assert not kwargs
        assert keys
        assert all(isinstance(k, (Key, text_type)) for k in keys), \
            'Key bindings should consist of Key and string (unicode) instances.'
        assert callable(save_before)

        if isinstance(filter, Never):
            # When a filter is Never, it will always stay disabled, so in that case
            # don't bother putting it in the registry. It will slow down every key
            # press otherwise.
            def decorator(func):
                return func
            def decorator(func):
                    _Binding(keys, func, filter=filter, eager=eager,

                return func
        return decorator

    def remove_binding(self, function):
        Remove a key binding.

        This expects a function that was given to `add_binding` method as
        parameter. Raises `ValueError` when the given function was not
        registered before.
        assert callable(function)

        for b in self.key_bindings:
            if b.handler == function:

        # No key binding found for this function. Raise ValueError.
        raise ValueError('Binding not found: %r' % (function, ))

    def get_bindings_for_keys(self, keys):
        Return a list of key bindings that can handle this key.
        (This return also inactive bindings, so the `filter` still has to be
        called, for checking it.)

        :param keys: tuple of keys.
        def get():
            result = []
            for b in self.key_bindings:
                if len(keys) == len(b.keys):
                    match = True
                    any_count = 0

                    for i, j in zip(b.keys, keys):
                        if i != j and i != Keys.Any:
                            match = False

                        if i == Keys.Any:
                            any_count += 1

                    if match:
                        result.append((any_count, b))

            # Place bindings that have more 'Any' occurences in them at the end.
            result = sorted(result, key=lambda item: -item[0])

            return [item[1] for item in result]

        return self._get_bindings_for_keys_cache.get(keys, get)

    def get_bindings_starting_with_keys(self, keys):
        Return a list of key bindings that handle a key sequence starting with
        `keys`. (It does only return bindings for which the sequences are
        longer than `keys`. And like `get_bindings_for_keys`, it also includes
        inactive bindings.)

        :param keys: tuple of keys.
        def get():
            result = []
            for b in self.key_bindings:
                if len(keys) < len(b.keys):
                    match = True
                    for i, j in zip(b.keys, keys):
                        if i != j and i != Keys.Any:
                            match = False
                    if match:
            return result

        return self._get_bindings_starting_with_keys_cache.get(keys, get)
Esempio n. 2
class KeyBindings(KeyBindingsBase):
    A container for a set of key bindings.

    Example usage::

        kb = KeyBindings()

        def _(event):
            print('Control-T pressed')

        @kb.add('c-a', 'c-b')
        def _(event):
            print('Control-A pressed, followed by Control-B')

        @kb.add('c-x', filter=is_searching)
        def _(event):
            print('Control-X pressed')  # Works only if we are searching.


    def __init__(self):
        self.bindings = []
        self._get_bindings_for_keys_cache = SimpleCache(maxsize=10000)
        self._get_bindings_starting_with_keys_cache = SimpleCache(maxsize=1000)
        self.__version = 0  # For cache invalidation.

    def _clear_cache(self):
        self.__version += 1

    def _version(self):
        return self.__version

    def add(self, *keys, **kwargs):
        Decorator for adding a key bindings.

        :param filter: :class:`~prompt_toolkit.filters.Filter` to determine
            when this key binding is active.
        :param eager: :class:`~prompt_toolkit.filters.Filter` or `bool`.
            When True, ignore potential longer matches when this key binding is
            hit. E.g. when there is an active eager key binding for Ctrl-X,
            execute the handler immediately and ignore the key binding for
            Ctrl-X Ctrl-E of which it is a prefix.
        :param is_global: When this key bindings is added to a `Container` or
            `Control`, make it a global (always active) binding.
        :param save_before: Callable that takes an `Event` and returns True if
            we should save the current buffer, before handling the event.
            (That's the default.)
        :param record_in_macro: Record these key bindings when a macro is
            being recorded. (True by default.)
        filter = to_filter(kwargs.pop('filter', True))
        eager = to_filter(kwargs.pop('eager', False))
        is_global = to_filter(kwargs.pop('is_global', False))
        save_before = kwargs.pop('save_before', lambda e: True)
        record_in_macro = to_filter(kwargs.pop('record_in_macro', True))

        assert not kwargs
        assert keys
        assert callable(save_before)

        keys = tuple(_check_and_expand_key(k) for k in keys)

        if isinstance(filter, Never):
            # When a filter is Never, it will always stay disabled, so in that
            # case don't bother putting it in the key bindings. It will slow
            # down every key press otherwise.
            def decorator(func):
                return func
            def decorator(func):
                if isinstance(func, _Binding):
                    # We're adding an existing _Binding object.
                            keys, func.handler,
                            filter=func.filter & filter,
                            eager=eager | func.eager,
                            is_global=is_global | func.is_global,
                        _Binding(keys, func, filter=filter, eager=eager,
                                 is_global=is_global, save_before=save_before,

                return func
        return decorator

    def remove(self, *args):
        Remove a key binding.

        This expects either a function that was given to `add` method as
        parameter or a sequence of key bindings.

        Raises `ValueError` when no bindings was found.


            remove(handler)  # Pass handler.
            remove('c-x', 'c-a')  # Or pass the key bindings.
        found = False

        if callable(args[0]):
            assert len(args) == 1
            function = args[0]

            # Remove the given function.
            for b in self.bindings:
                if b.handler == function:
                    found = True

            assert len(args) > 0

            # Remove this sequence of key bindings.
            keys = tuple(_check_and_expand_key(k) for k in args)

            for b in self.bindings:
                if b.keys == keys:
                    found = True

        if found:
            # No key binding found for this function. Raise ValueError.
            raise ValueError('Binding not found: %r' % (function,))

    # For backwards-compatibility.
    add_binding = add
    remove_binding = remove

    def get_bindings_for_keys(self, keys):
        Return a list of key bindings that can handle this key.
        (This return also inactive bindings, so the `filter` still has to be
        called, for checking it.)

        :param keys: tuple of keys.

        def get():
            result = []
            for b in self.bindings:
                if len(keys) == len(b.keys):
                    match = True
                    any_count = 0

                    for i, j in zip(b.keys, keys):
                        if i != j and i != Keys.Any:
                            match = False

                        if i == Keys.Any:
                            any_count += 1

                    if match:
                        result.append((any_count, b))

            # Place bindings that have more 'Any' occurrences in them at the end.
            result = sorted(result, key=lambda item: -item[0])

            return [item[1] for item in result]

        return self._get_bindings_for_keys_cache.get(keys, get)

    def get_bindings_starting_with_keys(self, keys):
        Return a list of key bindings that handle a key sequence starting with
        `keys`. (It does only return bindings for which the sequences are
        longer than `keys`. And like `get_bindings_for_keys`, it also includes
        inactive bindings.)

        :param keys: tuple of keys.

        def get():
            result = []
            for b in self.bindings:
                if len(keys) < len(b.keys):
                    match = True
                    for i, j in zip(b.keys, keys):
                        if i != j and i != Keys.Any:
                            match = False
                    if match:
            return result

        return self._get_bindings_starting_with_keys_cache.get(keys, get)
Esempio n. 3
class Registry(object):
    Key binding registry.


        r = Registry()

        @r.add_binding(Keys.ControlX, Keys.ControlC, filter=INSERT)
        def handler(event):
            # Handle ControlX-ControlC key sequence.
    def __init__(self):
        self.key_bindings = []
        self._get_bindings_for_keys_cache = SimpleCache(maxsize=10000)
        self._get_bindings_starting_with_keys_cache = SimpleCache(maxsize=1000)

    def _clear_cache(self):

    def add_binding(self, *keys, **kwargs):
        Decorator for annotating key bindings.

        :param filter: :class:`~prompt_toolkit.filters.CLIFilter` to determine
            when this key binding is active.
        :param eager: :class:`~prompt_toolkit.filters.CLIFilter` or `bool`.
            When True, ignore potential longer matches when this key binding is
            hit. E.g. when there is an active eager key binding for Ctrl-X,
            execute the handler immediately and ignore the key binding for
            Ctrl-X Ctrl-E of which it is a prefix.
        :param save_before: Callable that takes an `Event` and returns True if
            we should save the current buffer, before handling the event.
            (That's the default.)
        filter = to_cli_filter(kwargs.pop('filter', True))
        eager = to_cli_filter(kwargs.pop('eager', False))
        save_before = kwargs.pop('save_before', lambda e: True)
                                 True))  # Deprecated! (ignored.)

        assert not kwargs
        assert keys
        assert all(isinstance(k, (Key, text_type)) for k in keys), \
            'Key bindings should consist of Key and string (unicode) instances.'
        assert callable(save_before)

        def decorator(func):
            # When a filter is Never, it will always stay disabled, so in that case
            # don't bother putting it in the registry. It will slow down every key
            # press otherwise.
            if not isinstance(filter, Never):

            return func

        return decorator

    def remove_binding(self, function):
        Remove a key binding.

        This expects a function that was given to `add_binding` method as
        parameter. Raises `ValueError` when the given function was not
        registered before.
        assert callable(function)

        for b in self.key_bindings:
            if b.handler == function:

        # No key binding found for this function. Raise ValueError.
        raise ValueError('Binding not found: %r' % (function, ))

    def get_bindings_for_keys(self, keys):
        Return a list of key bindings that can handle this key.
        (This return also inactive bindings, so the `filter` still has to be
        called, for checking it.)

        :param keys: tuple of keys.
        def get():
            result = []
            for b in self.key_bindings:
                if len(keys) == len(b.keys):
                    match = True
                    any_count = 0

                    for i, j in zip(b.keys, keys):
                        if i != j and i != Keys.Any:
                            match = False

                        if i == Keys.Any:
                            any_count += 1

                    if match:
                        result.append((any_count, b))

            # Place bindings that have more 'Any' occurences in them at the end.
            result = sorted(result, key=lambda item: -item[0])

            return [item[1] for item in result]

        return self._get_bindings_for_keys_cache.get(keys, get)

    def get_bindings_starting_with_keys(self, keys):
        Return a list of key bindings that handle a key sequence starting with
        `keys`. (It does only return bindings for which the sequences are
        longer than `keys`. And like `get_bindings_for_keys`, it also includes
        inactive bindings.)

        :param keys: tuple of keys.
        def get():
            result = []
            for b in self.key_bindings:
                if len(keys) < len(b.keys):
                    match = True
                    for i, j in zip(b.keys, keys):
                        if i != j and i != Keys.Any:
                            match = False
                    if match:
            return result

        return self._get_bindings_starting_with_keys_cache.get(keys, get)
class KeyBindings(KeyBindingsBase):
    A container for a set of key bindings.

    Example usage::

        kb = KeyBindings()

        def _(event):
            print('Control-T pressed')

        @kb.add('c-a', 'c-b')
        def _(event):
            print('Control-A pressed, followed by Control-B')

        @kb.add('c-x', filter=is_searching)
        def _(event):
            print('Control-X pressed')  # Works only if we are searching.

    def __init__(self):
        self.bindings = []
        self._get_bindings_for_keys_cache = SimpleCache(maxsize=10000)
        self._get_bindings_starting_with_keys_cache = SimpleCache(maxsize=1000)
        self.__version = 0  # For cache invalidation.

    def _clear_cache(self):
        self.__version += 1

    def _version(self):
        return self.__version

    def add(self, *keys, **kwargs):
        Decorator for adding a key bindings.

        :param filter: :class:`~prompt_toolkit.filters.Filter` to determine
            when this key binding is active.
        :param eager: :class:`~prompt_toolkit.filters.Filter` or `bool`.
            When True, ignore potential longer matches when this key binding is
            hit. E.g. when there is an active eager key binding for Ctrl-X,
            execute the handler immediately and ignore the key binding for
            Ctrl-X Ctrl-E of which it is a prefix.
        :param is_global: When this key bindings is added to a `Container` or
            `Control`, make it a global (always active) binding.
        :param save_before: Callable that takes an `Event` and returns True if
            we should save the current buffer, before handling the event.
            (That's the default.)
        :param record_in_macro: Record these key bindings when a macro is
            being recorded. (True by default.)
        filter = to_filter(kwargs.pop('filter', True))
        eager = to_filter(kwargs.pop('eager', False))
        is_global = to_filter(kwargs.pop('is_global', False))
        save_before = kwargs.pop('save_before', lambda e: True)
        record_in_macro = to_filter(kwargs.pop('record_in_macro', True))

        assert not kwargs
        assert keys
        assert callable(save_before)

        keys = tuple(_check_and_expand_key(k) for k in keys)

        if isinstance(filter, Never):
            # When a filter is Never, it will always stay disabled, so in that
            # case don't bother putting it in the key bindings. It will slow
            # down every key press otherwise.
            def decorator(func):
                return func
            def decorator(func):
                if isinstance(func, _Binding):
                    # We're adding an existing _Binding object.
                            keys, func.handler,
                            filter=func.filter & filter,
                            eager=eager | func.eager,
                            is_global = is_global | func.is_global,
                        _Binding(keys, func, filter=filter, eager=eager,
                                 is_global=is_global, save_before=save_before,

                return func
        return decorator

    def remove(self, *args):
        Remove a key binding.

        This expects either a function that was given to `add` method as
        parameter or a sequence of key bindings.

        Raises `ValueError` when no bindings was found.


            remove(handler)  # Pass handler.
            remove('c-x', 'c-a')  # Or pass the key bindings.
        found = False

        if callable(args[0]):
            assert len(args) == 1
            function = args[0]

            # Remove the given function.
            for b in self.bindings:
                if b.handler == function:
                    found = True

            assert len(args) > 0

            # Remove this sequence of key bindings.
            keys = tuple(_check_and_expand_key(k) for k in args)

            for b in self.bindings:
                if b.keys == keys:
                    found = True

        if found:
            # No key binding found for this function. Raise ValueError.
            raise ValueError('Binding not found: %r' % (function, ))

    # For backwards-compatibility.
    add_binding = add
    remove_binding = remove

    def get_bindings_for_keys(self, keys):
        Return a list of key bindings that can handle this key.
        (This return also inactive bindings, so the `filter` still has to be
        called, for checking it.)

        :param keys: tuple of keys.
        def get():
            result = []
            for b in self.bindings:
                if len(keys) == len(b.keys):
                    match = True
                    any_count = 0

                    for i, j in zip(b.keys, keys):
                        if i != j and i != Keys.Any:
                            match = False

                        if i == Keys.Any:
                            any_count += 1

                    if match:
                        result.append((any_count, b))

            # Place bindings that have more 'Any' occurrences in them at the end.
            result = sorted(result, key=lambda item: -item[0])

            return [item[1] for item in result]

        return self._get_bindings_for_keys_cache.get(keys, get)

    def get_bindings_starting_with_keys(self, keys):
        Return a list of key bindings that handle a key sequence starting with
        `keys`. (It does only return bindings for which the sequences are
        longer than `keys`. And like `get_bindings_for_keys`, it also includes
        inactive bindings.)

        :param keys: tuple of keys.
        def get():
            result = []
            for b in self.bindings:
                if len(keys) < len(b.keys):
                    match = True
                    for i, j in zip(b.keys, keys):
                        if i != j and i != Keys.Any:
                            match = False
                    if match:
            return result

        return self._get_bindings_starting_with_keys_cache.get(keys, get)