def _get_positions_to_highlight(self, document: Document) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
        Return a list of (row, col) tuples that need to be highlighted.
        pos: Optional[int]

        # Try for the character under the cursor.
        if document.current_char and document.current_char in self.chars:
            pos = document.find_matching_bracket_position(
                    start_pos=document.cursor_position - self.max_cursor_distance,
                    end_pos=document.cursor_position + self.max_cursor_distance)

        # Try for the character before the cursor.
        elif (document.char_before_cursor and document.char_before_cursor in
              self._closing_braces and document.char_before_cursor in self.chars):
            document = Document(document.text, document.cursor_position - 1)

            pos = document.find_matching_bracket_position(
                    start_pos=document.cursor_position - self.max_cursor_distance,
                    end_pos=document.cursor_position + self.max_cursor_distance)
            pos = None

        # Return a list of (row, col) tuples that need to be highlighted.
        if pos:
            pos += document.cursor_position  # pos is relative.
            row, col = document.translate_index_to_position(pos)
            return [(row, col), (document.cursor_position_row, document.cursor_position_col)]
            return []