def blackbox(args): if is None: error_prompt('You have first to set a target.') return if args.type is None: error_prompt('You have to set an attack type.') error_prompt(f'Chose from this list: {BYTE_ATTACKS + GAMMA_ATTACKS}') return if args.inject is None: if args.type != PARTIAL_DOS: error_prompt('You have to set an injection amount.') return else: args.inject = 58 if 'gamma' in args.type: if args.goodware_folder is None: if global_state.goodware_folder is None: error_prompt( 'GAMMA needs to harvest samples from goodware, set --goodware_folder.' ) return args.goodware_folder = global_state.goodware_folder args.model = create_wrapper_for_global_target() attack = create_byte_based_black_box_attack( args) if 'gamma' not in args.type else create_gamma_black_box_attack( args) global_state.attack = attack success_prompt(f'Set up attack: {args.type}')
def data(args): path = args.path if path is None: error_prompt('You have to set a path to a file or folder.') return if not os.path.isfile(path) and not os.path.isdir(path): error_prompt('{path} does not point to a file or folder.') return if args.goodware: if os.path.isdir(args.path): global_state.goodware_folder = args.path success_prompt('Goodware folder path correctly loaded!') return error_prompt( "Goodware must be specified as a folder, not single files!") return if os.path.isfile(path): file_list = [path] else: file_list = sorted([os.path.join(path, f) for f in os.listdir(path)]) if args.magic: file_list = [f for f in file_list if args.magic in magic.from_file(f)] if args.contains is not None: file_list = [f for f in file_list if args.contains in f] if args.remove is not None: file_list = [f for f in file_list if args.remove not in f] if args.limit is not None: limit = int(args.limit) file_list = file_list[:limit] global_state.data_paths = file_list success_prompt('File path correctly loaded!')
def print_run_results(stats): separator_prompt() success_prompt('Adversarial attack concluded!') success_prompt(f'# Evasions: {stats["evasion"]} / {stats["total"]}') success_prompt(f'Detection Rate: {(1 - stats["evasion"] / stats["total"]) * 100} %') success_prompt(f'Mean Original Score: {stats["before_score"] / stats["total"]}') success_prompt(f'Mean Adv Score: {stats["adv_score"] / stats["total"]}')
def whitebox_attack(output_path=None): stats = _create_stats() for file_path in global_state.data_paths: with open(file_path, 'rb') as handle: bytecode = net: CClassifierEnd2EndMalware = attack: CEnd2EndMalwareEvasion = global_state.attack x = End2EndModel.bytes_to_numpy(bytecode, net.get_input_max_length(), net.get_embedding_value(), net.get_is_shifting_values()) x = CArray(x).atleast_2d() y = CArray([1]) try: adv_ds = _perform_optimization(attack, file_path, stats, x, y) if output_path is not None: name = os.path.basename(file_path) new_path = os.path.join(output_path, name + '_adv') attack.create_real_sample_from_adv(file_path, adv_ds.X[0, :], new_path) success_prompt(f'Adv malware created at {new_path}') except Exception as e: crash_prompt("Damn, something went wrong!") crash_prompt(f"Exception details: {e}") raise e print_run_results(stats)
def run(args): if is None: error_prompt('You must first set a target to attack (`target` command).') return if global_state.attack is None: error_prompt('You must first set an attack strategy (`whitebox` or `blackbox` commands).') return if global_state.data_paths is None: error_prompt('You must first set which samples to use (`data` command).') return if not strategy_check(): return if args.output is not None: if not os.path.isdir(args.output): os.mkdir(args.output) success_prompt(f'Folder {args.output} created!') if isinstance(global_state.attack, CEnd2EndMalwareEvasion): whitebox_attack(args.output) elif isinstance(global_state.attack, CBlackBoxProblem): blackbox_attack(args.output)
def do_set_atk(args): if global_state.attack is None: error_prompt('You must first define an attack to set its parameters.') return atk = global_state.attack if isinstance(atk, CEnd2EndMalwareEvasion): if args.key in wb_atk_map: atk_type = type(global_state.attack) if atk_type.__name__ not in wb_atk_map[args.key]: if not hasattr(atk, args.key): error_prompt(f'Key {args.key} not defined for object.') error_prompt(f'You can set: {wb_atk_map.keys()}.') setattr(atk, args.key, args.value) success_prompt(f'Correctly set {args.key} <- {args.value}') else: setattr(atk, wb_atk_map[args.key][atk_type.__name__], args.value) success_prompt(f'Correctly set "{args.key}" to {args.value}') else: error_prompt( f'Unable to set "{args.key}". Key not found or not-editable from here.' ) elif isinstance(atk, CBlackBoxProblem): if args.key in bb_atk_map: atk_type = type(global_state.attack) setattr(atk, bb_atk_map[args.key], args.value) success_prompt(f'Correctly set {args.key} <- {args.value}') else: error_prompt( 'Unable to set {args.key}. Key not found or not-editable from here.' )
def blackbox_attack(output_path=None): engine = CGeneticAlgorithm(global_state.attack) stats = _create_stats() for fp in global_state.data_paths: with open(fp, 'rb') as handle: code = x = CArray(np.frombuffer(code, dtype=np.uint8)).atleast_2d() y = CArray([1]) try: adv_ds = _perform_optimization(engine, fp, stats, x, y) if output_path is not None: name = os.path.basename(fp) new_path = os.path.join(output_path, name + '_adv') engine.write_adv_to_file(adv_ds.X[0, :], path=new_path) success_prompt(f'Adv malware created at {new_path}') except Exception as e: crash_prompt("Damn, something went wrong!") crash_prompt(f"Exception details: {e}") raise e print_run_results(stats)
def whitebox(args): if is None: error_prompt('You have first to set a target.') return if args.type is None: error_prompt('You have to set an attack type.') error_prompt(f'Chose from this list: {BYTE_ATTACKS}') return if args.inject is None: if args.type != PARTIAL_DOS: error_prompt('You have to set an injection amount.') return else: args.inject = 58 = attack = create_correct_whitebox_attack(args) global_state.attack = attack success_prompt(f'Set up attack: {args.type}')
def predict(args): if is None: error_prompt('First you need to set a target.') return if args.path is None: if global_state.data_paths is None: error_prompt('You have to give an input path.') return paths = global_state.data_paths elif not os.path.isfile(args.path): error_prompt(f'{args.path} does not exists.') return else: paths = [args.path] net = create_wrapper_for_global_target() stats = { 'detected': 0, 'total': 0, 'confidence': 0, } for p in paths: with open(p, 'rb') as handle: code = info_prompt(f'Computing prediction for {p}') code = CArray(np.frombuffer(code, dtype=np.uint8)).atleast_2d() y_pred, confidence = net.predict(code, return_decision_function=True) y_pred = y_pred.item() score = confidence[0, 1].item() stats['detected'] += int(y_pred != 0) stats['total'] += 1 stats['confidence'] += score info_prompt(f'predicted label: {y_pred}') info_prompt(f'confidence: {score}') print('-' * 20) if stats['total'] >= 1: separator_prompt() success_prompt('Prediction stats:') success_prompt(f'Detected: {stats["detected"]} / {stats["total"]}') success_prompt( f'Detection Rate: {stats["detected"] / stats["total"] * 100} %') success_prompt( f'Mean confidence: {stats["confidence"] / stats["total"]}')
def clear(): global_state.reset() success_prompt("everything has been reset!")