Esempio n. 1
class CylMeshGenerator(BaseMeshGenerator, BaseCylMixin):
    Simple 3D cylindrical mesh
    csx = properties.Float("cell size in the x-direction", default=25.)

    # padding factors in each direction
    pfx = properties.Float("padding factor to pad to infinity", default=1.5)

    # number of extra cells horizontally, above the air-earth interface and
    # below the casing
    nch = properties.Integer(
        "number of cells to add on each side of the mesh horizontally",

    # Instantiate the class with casing parameters
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(CylMeshGenerator, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self._discretizePair = discretize.CylMesh

    # number of cells in each direction
    def ncx(self):
        if getattr(self, '_ncx', None) is None:
            self._ncx = int(np.ceil(self.domain_x / self.csx) + self.nch)
        return self._ncx

    # cell spacings in each direction
    def hx(self):
        if getattr(self, '_hx', None) is None:
            self._hx = utils.meshTensor([(self.csx, self.ncx),
                                         (self.csx, self.npadx, self.pfx)])
        return self._hx
Esempio n. 2
class RasterMetaData(properties.HasProperties):
    """An object to contain all the information for a single swath.

    # Metadata
    data_provider = properties.String('The data provider')
    satellite = properties.String('The satellite from which data was aquired')
    instrument = properties.String('The instrument on the satellite')
    acquisition_date = properties.String('The date of acquisition', required=False)
    scene_center_time = properties.String('Center time', required=False)
    level1_production_date = properties.String('Production date', required=False)
    solar_angles = properties.Instance('The solar angles', SolarAngle, required=False)
    earth_sun_distance = properties.Float('The earth-sun distance', required=False)
    product_id = properties.String('Data product ID', required=False)
    lpgs_metadata_file = properties.String('metadata file', required=False)
    wrs = properties.Instance('WRS', WRS, required=False)
    # TODO modis = properties.Instance('Modis', Modis, required=False)

    corner = properties.List('The corner points', prop=Corner)

    # Spatial Reference
    bounding_coordinates = properties.Instance('The bounding coordinates', BoundingCoordinates)
    projection_information = properties.Instance('The projection', Projection)
    orientation_angle = properties.Float('The orientation angle', min=-360.0, max=360.0)
Esempio n. 3
class BaseWaveform(properties.HasProperties):

    hasInitialFields = properties.Bool(
        "Does the waveform have initial fields?", default=False

    offTime = properties.Float(
        "off-time of the source", default=0.

    eps = properties.Float(
        "window of time within which the waveform is considered on",

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        Utils.setKwargs(self, **kwargs)

    def _assertMatchesPair(self, pair):
        assert isinstance(self, pair), (
            "Waveform object must be an instance of a %s "
            "BaseWaveform class.".format(pair.__name__)

    def eval(self, time):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def evalDeriv(self, time):
        raise NotImplementedError  # needed for E-formulation
Esempio n. 4
class VTEMWaveform(BaseWaveform):

    offTime = properties.Float(
        "off-time of the source", default=4.2e-3

    peakTime = properties.Float(
        "Time at which the VTEM waveform is at its peak", default=2.73e-3

    a = properties.Float(
         "parameter controlling how quickly the waveform ramps on", default=3.

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        BaseWaveform.__init__(self, hasInitialFields=False, **kwargs)

    def eval(self, time):
        if time <= self.peakTime:
            return (
                (1. - np.exp(-self.a*time/self.peakTime))/(1.-np.exp(-self.a))
        elif (time < self.offTime) and (time > self.peakTime):
            return -1. / (self.offTime-self.peakTime) * (time - self.offTime)
            return 0.
Esempio n. 5
class Layers(Halfspace):
    A model containing an arbitrary number of layers

    sigma_layers = properties.List(
        "list containing the conductivity of each of the layers (S/m)",
            "conductivity of the layer (S/m)",

    layer_tops = properties.List(
        "top of each of the layers",
            "top of each of the layers, z (m)"

    # todo: sanity checking that sigma_layers and layer_tops the same size

    def sigma(self, mesh):
        Construct the conductivity model on a mesh

        :param discretize.BaseMesh mesh: mesh to put conductivity model on
        sigma = super(Layers, self).sigma(mesh)
        for z, sig in zip(self.layer_tops, self.sigma_layers):
            z_inds = mesh.gridCC[:, 2] < z
            sigma[z_inds] = sig
        return sigma
Esempio n. 6
class CameraStandard(_BaseCamera):
    """Base class for Standard Cameras

    Both orthographic and perspective cameras are built on this
    mode = properties.StringChoice(
        'View mode of camera',
        choices=['perspective', 'orthographic'],
    target = properties.Vector3(
        'Center of rotation of camera relative to the scene origin',
        default=lambda: [0., 0., 0.],
    radius = properties.Float(
        'Distance of camera to target',
    zoom = properties.Float(
        'Zoom level of camera',
    rotation = properties.List(
        'Quaternion rotation of the camera relative to the scene',
        default=lambda: [0., 0., 0., 1.],
    up_direction = properties.Vector3(
        'Up direction of camera',
Esempio n. 7
class CircularLoop(MagDipole):

    radius = properties.Float("radius of the loop source",

    current = properties.Float("current in the loop", default=1.0)

    N = properties.Float("number of turns in the loop", default=1.0)

    def __init__(self, receiver_list=None, **kwargs):
        super(CircularLoop, self).__init__(receiver_list, **kwargs)

    def moment(self):
        return np.pi * self.radius**2 * self.current * self.N

    def _srcFct(self, obsLoc, coordinates="cartesian"):
        # return MagneticLoopVectorPotential(
        #     self.loc, obsLoc, component,, radius=self.radius
        # )

        if getattr(self, "_loop", None) is None:
            self._loop = CircularLoopWholeSpace(
        return self._loop.vector_potential(obsLoc, coordinates)
Esempio n. 8
class RockType(properties.HasProperties):
    mat_type = properties.String(
        'The rock type name corresponding to ``MaterialComponent.mat_type``.')

    Kd = properties.List(
        'Dimensionless solid sorption coefficient of the component', Param)
    KdFactor = properties.List(
        'Dimensionless solid sorption coefficient of the component', Param)

    tort = properties.List('The Tortuosity parameters per phase.', EqnParams)
    pc = properties.List('The pressure parameters per phase.', EqnParams)
    kr = properties.List('The relative permeability/saturation per phase.',

    K0 = properties.Float('The Kx value')
    K1 = properties.Float('The Kx value')
    K2 = properties.Float('The Kx value')

    porosity = properties.Float('The fractional porosity', min=0., max=1.)
    solid_density = properties.Float('The solid density value.')

    def _create(cls, mat_type, values, validate=True):
        if not isinstance(values, dict):
            raise RuntimeError('Input values must be a dictionary')
        props = cls()
        props.mat_type = mat_type
        for k, v in values.items():
            if k in cls._props:
                # If the value is simple, set it!
                if not isinstance(cls._props[k], properties.List):
                    p = props._props.get(k)
                    props._set(k, p.from_json(v))
                elif k in ['Kd', 'KdFactor']:
                    # v is a dictionary of name value pairs of params
                        [Param(name=n, value=float(p)) for n, p in v.items()])
                elif k in ['tort', 'pc', 'kr']:
                    phases = []
                    for phase, eqns in v.items():
                        opt = eqns.pop('option')
                        params = [
                            Param(name=n, value=float(p))
                            for n, p in eqns.items()
                            EqnParams(phase=phase, equation=opt,
                    props._set(k, phases)
                    #warnings.warn("({}:{}) property is not valid.".format(k, v))
                print('WARN: {} not a property of this class.'.format(k))
        if validate: props.validate()
        return props
Esempio n. 9
    def test_numbers(self):

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            pi = properties.Integer('My int', max=0)
            pi.min = 10
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            pi = properties.Integer('My int', min=10)
            pi.max = 0

        class NumOpts(properties.HasProperties):
            myint = properties.Integer("My int")
            myfloat = properties.Float("My float")
            myfloatmin = properties.Float("My min float", min=10.)
            myfloatmax = properties.Float("My max float", max=10.)
            myfloatrange = properties.Float("My max float", min=0., max=10.)

        nums = NumOpts()
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            nums.myint = 1.5
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            nums.myfloat = [1.0, 2.0]
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            nums.myfloatmin = 0.
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            nums.myfloatmax = 20.
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            nums.myfloatrange = -10.

        nums.myint = 1.
        assert nums.myint == 1
        nums.myfloat = 1
        assert nums.myfloat == 1.
        nums.myfloatmin = nums.myfloatmax = nums.myfloatrange = 10.

        nums.myfloat = np.float32(1)
        assert nums.myfloat == 1.

        assert properties.Integer.to_json(5) == 5
        assert properties.Float.to_json(5.) == 5.
        assert properties.Float.to_json(np.nan) == 'nan'
        assert properties.Float.to_json(np.inf) == 'inf'

        assert properties.Integer.from_json(5) == 5
        assert properties.Integer.from_json('5') == 5
        assert properties.Float.from_json(5.0) == 5.
        assert properties.Float.from_json('5.0') == 5.
        assert np.isnan(properties.Float.from_json('nan'))
        assert np.isinf(properties.Float.from_json('inf'))

        serialized = {'myint': 1, 'myfloat': 1., 'myfloatmin': 10.,
                      'myfloatmax': 10., 'myfloatrange': 10.}
        self.assertEqual(nums.serialize(include_class=False), serialized)
        assert NumOpts.deserialize(serialized).myfloatrange == 10.

        assert properties.Integer('').equal(5, 5)
        assert properties.Float('').equal(5, 5.)
        assert not properties.Float('').equal(5, 5.1)
        assert not properties.Float('').equal('hi', 'hi')
Esempio n. 10
File: Progetto: gz159/geoana
class BaseElectricDipole(BaseDipole):

    length = properties.Float(help='length of the dipole (m)',

    current = properties.Float(help='size of the injected current (A)',
Esempio n. 11
class CasingMeshGenerator(BaseMeshGenerator, BaseCylMixin):
    Mesh that makes sense for casing examples

    # X-direction of the mesh
    csx1 = properties.Float("finest cells in the x-direction", default=2.5e-3)
    csx2 = properties.Float("second uniform cell region in x-direction",
    pfx1 = properties.Float("padding factor to pad from csx1 to csx2",
    pfx2 = properties.Float("padding factor to pad to infinity", default=1.5)

    # Instantiate the class with casing parameters
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(CasingMeshGenerator, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self._discretizePair = discretize.CylMesh

    def ncx1(self):
        """number of cells with size csx1"""
        return np.ceil(self.modelParameters.casing_b / self.csx1 + 2)

    def npadx1(self):
        """number of padding cells to get from csx1 to csx2"""
        return np.floor(np.log(self.csx2 / self.csx1) / np.log(self.pfx1))

    def hx(self):
        cell spacings in the x-direction
        if getattr(self, '_hx', None) is None:

            # finest uniform region
            hx1a = Utils.meshTensor([(self.csx1, self.ncx1)])

            # pad to second uniform region
            hx1b = Utils.meshTensor([(self.csx1, self.npadx1, self.pfx1)])

            # scale padding so it matches cell size properly
            dx1 = sum(hx1a) + sum(hx1b)
            dx1 = np.floor(dx1 / self.csx2)
            hx1b *= (dx1 * self.csx2 - sum(hx1a)) / sum(hx1b)

            # second uniform chunk of mesh
            ncx2 = np.ceil((self.domain_x - dx1) / self.csx2)
            hx2a = Utils.meshTensor([(self.csx2, ncx2)])

            # pad to infinity
            hx2b = Utils.meshTensor([(self.csx2, self.npadx, self.pfx2)])

            self._hx = np.hstack([hx1a, hx1b, hx2a, hx2b])

        return self._hx
Esempio n. 12
class BaseElectricDipole(BaseDipole):
    Base class for electric current dipoles

    length = properties.Float("length of the dipole (m)", default=1.0, min=0.0)

    current = properties.Float("magnitude of the injected current (A)",
Esempio n. 13
class ExponentialSinusoidSimulation(LinearSimulation):
    This is the simulation class for the linear problem consisting of
    exponentially decaying sinusoids. The rows of the G matrix are

    .. math::

        \\int_x e^{p j_k x} \\cos(\\pi q j_k x) \\quad, j_k \\in [j_0, ..., j_n]

    n_kernels = properties.Integer(
        "number of kernels defining the linear problem", default=20

    p = properties.Float("rate of exponential decay of the kernel", default=-0.25)

    q = properties.Float("rate of oscillation of the kernel", default=0.25)

    j0 = properties.Float("maximum value for :math:`j_k = j_0`", default=0.0)

    jn = properties.Float("maximum value for :math:`j_k = j_n`", default=60.0)

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(ExponentialSinusoidSimulation, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def jk(self):
        Parameters controlling the spread of kernel functions
        if getattr(self, "_jk", None) is None:
            self._jk = np.linspace(self.j0, self.jn, self.n_kernels)
        return self._jk

    def g(self, k):
        Kernel functions for the decaying oscillating exponential functions.
        return np.exp(self.p * self.jk[k] * self.mesh.vectorCCx) * np.cos(
            np.pi * self.q * self.jk[k] * self.mesh.vectorCCx

    def G(self):
        Matrix whose rows are the kernel functions
        if getattr(self, "_G", None) is None:
            G = np.empty((self.n_kernels, self.mesh.nC))

            for i in range(self.n_kernels):
                G[i, :] = self.g(i) * self.mesh.hx

            self._G = G
        return self._G
Esempio n. 14
File: Progetto: gz159/geoana
class BaseEM(properties.HasProperties):

    mu = properties.Float(help='Magnetic permeability.', default=mu_0, min=0.0)

    sigma = properties.Float(help='Electrical conductivity (S/m)',

    epsilon = properties.Float(help='Permitivity value',
Esempio n. 15
class Band(properties.HasProperties):
    """Contains raster metadata and data for a single band."""

    # metadata attributes
    name = properties.String('Name of the band')
    data_type = properties.String('Band data type')
    nlines = properties.Integer('number of lines')
    nsamps = properties.Integer('number of samples')
    product = properties.String('Data product')
    # Not required
    app_version = properties.String('app version', required=False)
    production_date = properties.String('production date', required=False)
    resample_method = properties.String('resample method', required=False)
    category = properties.String('Band category', required=False)
    source = properties.String('Band source', required=False)
    qa_description = properties.String('QA description', required=False)
    # TODO: class_values
    percent_coverage = properties.Float('percent coverage', required=False)

    # metadata: All required
    short_name = properties.String('Short name')
    long_name = properties.String('Long display name')
    file_name = properties.String('Original file name')
    pixel_size = properties.Instance('The pixel size', PixelSize)

    # data information
    fill_value = properties.Integer('fill value', default=-9999)
    saturate_value = properties.Integer('Saturate value', required=False)
    add_offset = properties.Float('Add offset', required=False)
    data_units = properties.String('Data units', required=False)
    scale_factor = properties.Float('Scaling factor', required=False)
    valid_range = properties.Instance('The valid data range',
    radiance = properties.Instance('The radiance', Lum, required=False)
    reflectance = properties.Instance('The reflectance', Lum, required=False)
    thermal_const = properties.Instance('The thermal const',

    bitmap_description = properties.Dictionary(
        'band bitmap description (not always present)',
        key_prop=properties.String('Key value'),
        value_prop=properties.String('Bitmap value description'))

    # TODO: data validation causes a MAJOR slowdown. WAAAAYYY faster to not set
    #       the data as a `properties` attribute.
    # data = properties.Array(
    #     'The band data as a 2D NumPy data',
    #     shape=('*','*'),
    #     )
    data = None
Esempio n. 16
class TriangularWaveform(TrapezoidWaveform):
    TriangularWaveform is a special case of TrapezoidWaveform where there's no pleateau

    offTime = properties.Float("off-time of the source")
    peakTime = properties.Float("Time at which the Triangular waveform is at its peak")

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(TriangularWaveform, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.hasInitialFields = False
        self.ramp_on = np.r_[0.0, self.peakTime]
        self.ramp_off = np.r_[self.peakTime, self.offTime]
Esempio n. 17
        class AddTask(Task):

            addend_a = properties.Float('First add argument')
            addend_b = properties.Float('Second add argument')

            class Result(BaseResult):
                value = properties.Float('Result of add operation')

            def __call__(self):
                self.report_status({'progress': 0., 'message': 'Starting'})
                if self.addend_a == self.addend_b:
                    raise PermanentTaskFailure()
                return self.Result(value=self.addend_a + self.addend_b)
Esempio n. 18
class BaseEM(properties.HasProperties):
    Base class for electromanetics. Contains physical properties that are
    relevant to all problems that use Maxwell's equations

    mu = properties.Float("Magnetic permeability (H/m)", default=mu_0, min=0.0)

    sigma = properties.Float("Electrical conductivity (S/m)",

    epsilon = properties.Float("Permitivity value (F/m)",
Esempio n. 19
class CircularLoop(MagDipole):
    Circular loop magnetic source calculated by taking the curl of a magnetic
    vector potential. By taking the discrete curl, we ensure that the magnetic
    flux density is divergence free (no magnetic monopoles!).

    This approach uses a primary-secondary in frequency in the same fashion as
    the MagDipole.

    :param list rxList: receiver list
    :param float freq: frequency
    :param numpy.ndarray loc: source location
        (ie: :code:`np.r_[xloc,yloc,zloc]`)
    :param string orientation: 'X', 'Y', 'Z'
    :param float moment: magnetic dipole moment
    :param float mu: background magnetic permeability

    radius = properties.Float("radius of the loop", default=1., min=0.)

    def __init__(self, rxList, freq, loc, **kwargs):
        super(CircularLoop, self).__init__(
            rxList, freq, loc, **kwargs

    def _srcFct(self, obsLoc, component):
        return emutils.MagneticLoopVectorPotential(
            self.loc, obsLoc, component,, radius=self.radius,
Esempio n. 20
class Volume(ObjectiveFunction.BaseObjectiveFunction):
    A regularization on the volume integral of the model

    .. math::

        \phi_v = \frac{1}{2}|| \int_V m dV - \text{knownVolume} ||^2

    knownVolume = properties.Float("known volume", default=0., min=0.)

    def __init__(self, mesh, **kwargs):
        self.mesh = mesh
        super(Volume, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def __call__(self, m):
        return 0.5 * (self.estVol(m) - self.knownVolume)**2

    def estVol(self, m):
        return np.inner(self.mesh.vol, m)

    def deriv(self, m):
        # return (self.mesh.vol * np.inner(self.mesh.vol, m))
        return self.mesh.vol * (self.knownVolume - np.inner(self.mesh.vol, m))

    def deriv2(self, m, v=None):
        if v is not None:
            return Utils.mkvc(self.mesh.vol * np.inner(self.mesh.vol, v))
            # TODO: this is inefficent. It is a fully dense matrix
            return sp.csc_matrix(np.outer(self.mesh.vol, self.mesh.vol))
Esempio n. 21
class SquareLoop(Point):
    """Square loop receiver

    Measurements with this type of receiver are the field, integrated over the
    area of the loop, then multiplied by the number of coils, then normalized
    by the dipole moment. As a result, the units for fields predicted with this
    type of receiver are the same as 'h', 'b', 'dhdt' and 'dbdt', respectively.


    width = properties.Float("Square loop width", min=1e-6)
    nTurns = properties.Integer("Number of loop turns", min=1, default=1)
    quadOrder = properties.Integer(
        "Order for numerical quadrature integration over loop",

    def __init__(self, locations, **kwargs):

        if locations.shape[1] != 3:
            raise ValueError(
                "Rx locations (xi,yi,zi) must be np.array(N,3) where N is the number of stations"

        super(SquareLoop, self).__init__(locations, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 22
class ScalarColormap(ContentModel):
    """Length-128 color gradient with min/max values, used with ScalarData"""
    gradient = properties.Instance(
        'length-128 ColorArray defining the gradient',
    limits = properties.List(
        'Data range associated with the gradient',

    def _check_gradient_length(self, change):                                  #pylint: disable=no-self-use
        """Ensure gradient is length-128"""
        if len(change['value']) != 128:
            raise ValueError('Colormap gradient must be length 128')

    def _check_limits_on_change(self, change):                                 #pylint: disable=no-self-use
        """Ensure limits are valid"""
        if change['value'][0] > change['value'][1]:
            raise ValueError('Colormap limits[0] must be <= limits[1]')

    def _check_limits_on_validate(self):
        """Ensure limits are valid"""
        self._check_limits_on_change({'value': self.limits})
Esempio n. 23
class LineCurrent(BaseFDEMSrc):
    Line current source. Given the wire path provided by the (n,3) loc
    array the cells intersected by the wire path are identified and integrated
    src terms are computed

    :param list rxList: receiver list
    :param float freq: src frequency
    :param (n,3) array locations: points defining src path

    location = properties.Array("location of the source", shape=("*", 3))
    current = properties.Float("current in the line", default=1.0)

    def Mejs(self, simulation):
        if getattr(self, "_Mejs", None) is None:
            mesh = simulation.mesh
            locs = self.location
            self._Mejs = self.current * segmented_line_current_source_term(
                mesh, locs)
        return self._Mejs

    def getRHSdc(self, simulation):
        Grad = simulation.mesh.nodalGrad
        return Grad.T * self.Mejs(simulation)

    def s_m(self, simulation):
        return Zero()

    def s_e(self, simulation):
        if simulation._formulation != "EB":
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "LineCurrents are only implemented for EB formulations")
        return self.Mejs(simulation)
Esempio n. 24
class SingleLayer(Halfspace):
    A model consisting of air, subsurface and a single subsurface layer
    sigma_layer = properties.Float(
        "conductivity of the layer (S/m)",

    layer_z = properties.Array(
        "z-limits of the layer",
        default=np.r_[-1000., -900.]

    def ind_layer(self, mesh):
        return (
            (mesh.gridCC[:, 2] < self.layer_z[1]) &
            (mesh.gridCC[:, 2] > self.layer_z[0])

    def sigma(self, mesh):
        sigma = super(self, sigma)(mesh)
        sigma[self.ind_layer(mesh)] = self.sigma_layer
        return sigma
Esempio n. 25
class AnnotationInk(_BaseAnnotation):
    """Pen-drawn annotation on a slide"""
    path = properties.List(
        'Ink path vertices, relative to position',
        properties.List('', properties.Float(''), min_length=2, max_length=2),
Esempio n. 26
            class HasDynamicProperty(properties.HasProperties):
                my_float = properties.Float('a float')

                @properties.Integer('a dynamic int')
                def my_doubled_int(self):
                    return self.my_float * 2

Esempio n. 27
class BaseMagneticDipole(BaseDipole):
    Base class for magnetic dipoles

    moment = properties.Float("moment of the dipole (Am^2)",
Esempio n. 28
class OptionsStaticOpacity(_BaseOptionsItem):
    """Option for a static opacity value"""
    value = properties.Float(
        'Single opacity value',
class Effect(BaseModel):
    """Represents an effect profile."""

    euphoria = properties.Float(
        'Euphoric effect.',
    creativity = properties.Float(
        'Creativity effect',
    calming = properties.Float(
        'Calming effect',
    numbness = properties.Float(
        'Numbness effect',
    appetite_gain = properties.Float(
        'Appetite gain effect',
    dry_mouth = properties.Float(
        'Dry mouth effect',
    anxiety = properties.Float(
        'Anxiety effect',
class MenuItem(BaseModel):
    """Menu items for dispensaries."""

    name = properties.String('Name of the item.', )
    type = properties.StringChoice(
        'Type of item.',
        choices=['strain', 'flower', 'extract', 'edible', 'product'],
    item = properties.Property('The strain, extract, edible, or product.', )
    price = properties.Float(
        'The price for the item. This is not set for strains and extracts.', )
    price_half_gram = properties.Float(
        'Price for one half gram of the item. This is not set for edibles '
        'and products.', )
    price_gram = properties.Float(
        'Price for one gram of this item. This is not set for edibles and '
        'products.', )
    price_eighth = properties.Float(
        'Price for one eighth ounce of this item. This is not set for '
        'edibles and products.', )
    price_quarter = properties.Float(
        'Price for one quarter ounce of this item. This is not set for '
        'edibles and products.', )
    price_half_ounce = properties.Float(
        'Price for one half ounce of this item. This is not set for '
        'edibles and products.', )
    price_ounce = properties.Float(
        'Price for one ounce of this item. This is not set for '
        'edibles and products.', )