def test_2D():
    from proteus.Quadrature import GaussTriangle
    polyOrders = [1, 2, 3]
    quadOrderMax = 6
    elements = [np.array([[0., 0.], [0., 1.], [1., 0.]])]
    phiList = [[-1., -1., -1.], [1., 1., 1.], [-1., 1., 1.], [0., 1., 1.],
               [1., 0., 0.]]
    for nP in polyOrders:
        for qO in range(nP, quadOrderMax):
            quad = GaussTriangle(order=qO)
            gf = eqp.Simplex(nSpace=2, nP=nP, nQ=len(quad.points))
            for phi in phiList:
                for e in elements:
                    b_0 = e[2, :] - e[0, :]
                    b_1 = e[1, :] - e[0, :]
                    Jac = np.array([b_0, b_1]).transpose()
                    dV = abs(np.linalg.det(Jac))
                    area = dV / 2.0
                    if phi[0] * phi[1] < 0.0 and phi[0] * phi[2] < 0.0:
                        theta0 = -phi[0] / (phi[1] - phi[0])
                        theta1 = -phi[0] / (phi[2] - phi[0])
                        x_0 = (1 - theta0) * e[0, :] + theta0 * e[1, :]
                        x_1 = (1 - theta1) * e[0, :] + theta1 * e[2, :]
                        b_0 = x_1 - e[0, :]
                        b_1 = x_0 - e[0, :]
                        Jac_0 = np.array([b_0, b_1]).transpose()
                        int_ImH_exact = np.linalg.det(Jac_0) / 2.0
                        int_H_exact = area - int_ImH_exact
                        int_D_exact = np.linalg.norm(x_1 - x_0)
                        if phi[0] > 0.0:
                            tmp = int_H_exact
                            int_H_exact = int_ImH_exact
                            int_ImH_exact = int_H_exact
                    elif phi[0] < 0.0:
                        int_H_exact = 0.0
                        int_ImH_exact = area
                        int_D_exact = 0.0
                    elif phi[0] > 0.0:
                        int_H_exact = area
                        int_ImH_exact = 0.0
                        int_D_exact = 0.0
                    elif phi[0] == 0.0:
                        if phi[1] > 0.0:
                            int_H_exact = area
                            int_ImH_exact = 0.0
                            int_D_exact = 0.0
                        if phi[1] < 0.0:
                            int_H_exact = 0.0
                            int_ImH_exact = area
                            int_D_exact = 1.0
                    elif phi[1] == 0.0:
                        if phi[0] > 0.0:
                            int_H_exact = area
                            int_ImH_exact = 0.0
                            int_D_exact = 0.0
                        if phi[0] < 0.0:
                            int_H_exact = 0.0
                            int_ImH_exact = area
                            int_D_exact = 1.0

                        np.array([[e[0, 0], e[0, 1],
                                   0.], [e[1, 0], e[1, 1], 0.],
                                  [e[2, 0], e[2, 1], 0.]]),
                    int_H = 0.0
                    int_ImH = 0.0
                    int_D = 0.0
                    for k in range(len(quad.points)):
                        int_H += quad.weights[k] * gf.H * dV
                        int_ImH += quad.weights[k] * gf.ImH * dV
                        int_D += quad.weights[k] * gf.D * dV
                    assert (int_H == approx(int_H_exact, 1e-15))
                    assert (int_ImH == approx(int_ImH_exact, 1e-15))
                    assert (int_D == approx(int_D_exact, 1e-15))
def test_3D():
    from proteus.Quadrature import GaussTetrahedron
    polyOrders = [2]  #1,2,3]
    quadOrderMax = 8
    elements = [
        np.array([[0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 1.], [0., 1., 0.], [1., 0., 0.]]),
        #np.array([[312.90104741, 109.12205319,  82.38957441],
        #          [371.40050898, 837.09283397, 117.87194133],
        #          [666.41881358, 107.49166421, 419.82032267],
        #          [659.82702468, 583.95327591, 217.72111178]])
    #phiList  = [[-348.3143481,   -10.31124012,   -2.73674249,    9.52267983]]
    phiList = [[-1., -1., -1., -1.], [1., 1., 1., 1.], [-1., 1., 1., 1.],
               [0., 1., 1., 1.], [1., 0., 0., 0.]]
    for nP in polyOrders:
        #cek hack: start at nP+1 because I think 2nd order tet rule is single precisionx
        #therefore np==2 and q0 == 2 fails unless tol is reduced below
        for qO in [4]:  #range(nP+1,quadOrderMax):
            quad = GaussTetrahedron(order=qO)
            gf = eqp.Simplex(nSpace=3, nP=nP, nQ=len(quad.points))
            for phi in phiList:
                for e in elements:
                    b_0 = e[3, :] - e[0, :]
                    b_1 = e[2, :] - e[0, :]
                    b_2 = e[1, :] - e[0, :]
                    Jac = np.array([b_0, b_1, b_2]).transpose()
                    dV = abs(np.linalg.det(Jac))
                    volume = dV / 6.0
                    if phi[0] * phi[1] < 0.0 and phi[0] * phi[2] < 0.0 and phi[
                            0] * phi[3] < 0.0:
                        theta0 = -phi[0] / (phi[1] - phi[0])
                        theta1 = -phi[0] / (phi[2] - phi[0])
                        theta2 = -phi[0] / (phi[3] - phi[0])
                        x_0 = (1 - theta0) * e[0, :] + theta0 * e[1, :]
                        x_1 = (1 - theta1) * e[0, :] + theta1 * e[2, :]
                        x_2 = (1 - theta1) * e[0, :] + theta1 * e[3, :]
                        b_0 = x_2 - e[0, :]
                        b_1 = x_1 - e[0, :]
                        b_2 = x_0 - e[0, :]
                        Jac_0 = np.array([b_0, b_1, b_2]).transpose()
                        int_ImH_exact = np.linalg.det(Jac_0) / 6.0
                        int_H_exact = volume - int_ImH_exact
                        int_D_exact = 0.5 * np.linalg.norm(
                            np.cross(x_2 - x_0, x_1 - x_0))
                        if phi[0] > 0.0:
                            tmp = int_H_exact
                            int_H_exact = int_ImH_exact
                            int_ImH_exact = int_H_exact
                    elif phi[0] < 0.0:
                        int_H_exact = 0.0
                        int_ImH_exact = volume
                        int_D_exact = 0.0
                    elif phi[0] > 0.0:
                        int_H_exact = volume
                        int_ImH_exact = 0.0
                        int_D_exact = 0.0
                    elif phi[0] == 0.0:
                        if phi[1] > 0.0:
                            int_H_exact = volume
                            int_ImH_exact = 0.0
                            int_D_exact = 0.0
                        if phi[1] < 0.0:
                            int_H_exact = 0.0
                            int_ImH_exact = volume
                            int_D_exact = 1.0
                    elif phi[1] == 0.0:
                        if phi[0] > 0.0:
                            int_H_exact = volume
                            int_ImH_exact = 0.0
                            int_D_exact = 0.0
                        if phi[0] < 0.0:
                            int_H_exact = 0.0
                            int_ImH_exact = volume
                            int_D_exact = 1.0

                    gf.calculate(np.array(phi), e, np.array(quad.points))
                    int_H = 0.0
                    int_ImH = 0.0
                    int_D = 0.0
                    for k in range(len(quad.points)):
                        int_H += quad.weights[k] * gf.H * dV
                        int_ImH += quad.weights[k] * gf.ImH * dV
                        int_D += quad.weights[k] * gf.D * dV
                    assert (int_H == approx(int_H_exact, 1e-15))
                    assert (int_ImH == approx(int_ImH_exact, 1e-15))
                    assert (int_D == approx(int_D_exact, 1e-15))
def test_1D():
    from proteus.Quadrature import GaussEdge
    polyOrders = [1, 2, 3]
    quadOrderMax = 9
    elements = [[0., 1.], [-2., 2.], [9., 10.]]
    phiList = [[-1., -1.], [1., 1.], [-1., 1.], [0., 1.], [1., 0.]]
    for nP in polyOrders:
        for qO in range(nP, quadOrderMax):
            quad = GaussEdge(order=qO)
            gf = eqp.Simplex(nSpace=1, nP=nP, nQ=len(quad.points))
            for phi in phiList:
                for e in elements:
                    print(e, phi)
                    dV = e[1] - e[0]
                    assert (dV > 0)
                    if phi[0] * phi[1] < 0.0:
                        theta = -phi[0] / (phi[1] - phi[0])
                        x_0 = (1 - theta) * e[0] + theta * e[1]
                        int_H_exact = abs(e[1] - x_0)
                        int_ImH_exact = abs(x_0 - e[0])
                        int_D_exact = 1.0
                        if phi[0] > 0.0:
                            tmp = int_H_exact
                            int_H_exact = int_ImH_exact
                            int_ImH_exact = int_H_exact
                    elif phi[0] < 0.0:
                        int_H_exact = 0.0
                        int_ImH_exact = dV
                        int_D_exact = 0.0
                    elif phi[0] > 0.0:
                        int_H_exact = dV
                        int_ImH_exact = 0.0
                        int_D_exact = 0.0
                    elif phi[0] == 0.0:
                        if phi[1] > 0.0:
                            int_H_exact = dV
                            int_ImH_exact = 0.0
                            int_D_exact = 0.0
                        if phi[1] < 0.0:
                            int_H_exact = 0.0
                            int_ImH_exact = dV
                            int_D_exact = 1.0
                    elif phi[1] == 0.0:
                        if phi[0] > 0.0:
                            int_H_exact = dV
                            int_ImH_exact = 0.0
                            int_D_exact = 0.0
                        if phi[0] < 0.0:
                            int_H_exact = 0.0
                            int_ImH_exact = dV
                            int_D_exact = 1.0

                                 np.array([[e[0], 0., 0.], [e[1], 0., 0.]]),
                    int_H = 0.0
                    int_ImH = 0.0
                    int_D = 0.0
                    for k in range(len(quad.points)):
                        int_H += quad.weights[k] * gf.H * dV
                        int_ImH += quad.weights[k] * gf.ImH * dV
                        int_D += quad.weights[k] * gf.D * dV
                    assert (int_H == approx(int_H_exact, 1e-15))
                    assert (int_ImH == approx(int_ImH_exact, 1e-15))
                    assert (int_D == approx(int_D_exact, 1e-15))
Esempio n. 4
def test_3D():
    from proteus.Quadrature import GaussTetrahedron
    polyOrders = [1, 2, 3]
    quadOrderMax = 8
    elements = [
        np.array([[0., 0., 0.], [1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]]),
        np.array([[659.82702468, 583.95327591, 217.72111178],
                  [312.90104741, 109.12205319, 82.38957441],
                  [371.40050898, 837.09283397, 117.87194133],
                  [666.41881358, 107.49166421, 419.82032267]]),
        np.array([[1., 1., 0.5], [0., 0., 1.25], [0., 1., 0.5], [
    phiList = [[-1., -1., -1., -1.], [1., 1., 1., 1.], [-1., 1., 1., 1.],
               [1., -1., -1., -1.], [-1., 1., -1., -1.], [1., -1., 1., 1.],
               [-1., 1., -1., -1.], [1., 1., -1., 1.], [-1., -1., 1., -1.],
               [1., 1., 1., -1.], [-1., -1., -1., 1.], [-1., 1., 1., -1.],
               [1., -1., -1., 1.], [-1., 1., 1., -1.], [-2., 3., 4., 5.],
               [3., -2., -4., -5.], [-2., 3., -4., -5.], [3., -2., 4., 5.],
               [-2., 3., -4., -5.], [3., 4., -2., 5.], [-2., -3., 4., -5.],
               [3., 4., 5., -2.], [-2., -3., -4., 5.], [0., 1., 1., 1.],
               [9.52267983, -348.3143481, -10.31124012, -2.73674249],
               [-9.52267983, 348.3143481, -10.31124012, -2.73674249],
               [-9.52267983, -348.3143481, 10.31124012, -2.73674249],
               [-9.52267983, -348.3143481, -10.31124012, 2.73674249],
               [0.5, -0.25, 0.5, 0.5]]
    for nP in polyOrders:
        for qO in range(nP, quadOrderMax):
            quad = GaussTetrahedron(order=qO)
            print("Simplex in ", 3, nP, len(quad.points))
            gf = eqp.Simplex(nSpace=3, nP=nP, nQ=len(quad.points))
            for phi in phiList:
                for e in elements:
                    b_0 = e[3, :] - e[0, :]
                    b_1 = e[2, :] - e[0, :]
                    b_2 = e[1, :] - e[0, :]
                    Jac = np.array([b_0, b_1, b_2]).transpose()
                    dV = abs(np.linalg.det(Jac))
                    volume = dV / 6.0
                    if phi[0] < 0.0 and phi[1] > 0.0 and phi[2] > 0.0 and phi[
                            3] < 0.0:
                        print("====quad cut===== ", phi)
                        print("qO ", qO)
                        print("nP ", nP)
                        theta01 = 0.5 - 0.5 * (phi[1] + phi[0]) / (phi[1] -
                        theta02 = 0.5 - 0.5 * (phi[2] + phi[0]) / (phi[2] -
                        theta31 = 0.5 - 0.5 * (phi[1] + phi[3]) / (phi[1] -
                        theta32 = 0.5 - 0.5 * (phi[2] + phi[3]) / (phi[2] -
                        x_01 = (1 - theta01) * e[0, :] + theta01 * e[1, :]
                        x_02 = (1 - theta02) * e[0, :] + theta02 * e[2, :]
                        x_31 = (1 - theta31) * e[3, :] + theta31 * e[1, :]
                        x_32 = (1 - theta32) * e[3, :] + theta32 * e[2, :]
                        b_0 = x_01 - e[1, :]
                        b_1 = x_02 - e[1, :]
                        b_2 = x_31 - e[1, :]
                        Jac_0 = np.array([b_0, b_1, b_2]).transpose()
                        int_ImH_exact = volume
                        int_H_exact = 0.0
                        int_D_exact = 0.0
                        int_H_exact += abs(np.linalg.det(Jac_0)) / 6.0
                        int_ImH_exact -= abs(np.linalg.det(Jac_0)) / 6.0
                        int_D_exact += 0.5 * np.linalg.norm(
                            np.cross(x_02 - x_01, x_32 - x_01))
                        b_0 = x_02 - e[2, :]
                        b_1 = x_32 - e[2, :]
                        b_2 = x_31 - e[2, :]
                        Jac_0 = np.array([b_0, b_1, b_2]).transpose()
                        int_H_exact += abs(np.linalg.det(Jac_0)) / 6.0
                        int_ImH_exact -= abs(np.linalg.det(Jac_0)) / 6.0
                        int_D_exact += 0.5 * np.linalg.norm(
                            np.cross(x_32 - x_01, x_31 - x_01))
                        b_0 = e[1, :] - x_02
                        b_1 = e[2, :] - x_02
                        b_2 = x_31 - x_02
                        Jac_0 = np.array([b_0, b_1, b_2]).transpose()
                        int_H_exact += abs(np.linalg.det(Jac_0)) / 6.0
                        int_ImH_exact -= abs(np.linalg.det(Jac_0)) / 6.0
                    elif phi[0] > 0.0 and phi[1] < 0.0 and phi[
                            2] < 0.0 and phi[3] > 0.0:
                        print("====quad cut=====  inside out", phi)
                        print("qO ", qO)
                        print("nP ", nP)
                        theta01 = 0.5 - 0.5 * (phi[1] + phi[0]) / (phi[1] -
                        theta02 = 0.5 - 0.5 * (phi[2] + phi[0]) / (phi[2] -
                        theta31 = 0.5 - 0.5 * (phi[1] + phi[3]) / (phi[1] -
                        theta32 = 0.5 - 0.5 * (phi[2] + phi[3]) / (phi[2] -
                        x_01 = (1 - theta01) * e[0, :] + theta01 * e[1, :]
                        x_02 = (1 - theta02) * e[0, :] + theta02 * e[2, :]
                        x_31 = (1 - theta31) * e[3, :] + theta31 * e[1, :]
                        x_32 = (1 - theta32) * e[3, :] + theta32 * e[2, :]
                        b_0 = x_01 - e[1, :]
                        b_1 = x_02 - e[1, :]
                        b_2 = x_31 - e[1, :]
                        Jac_0 = np.array([b_0, b_1, b_2]).transpose()
                        int_ImH_exact = 0.0
                        int_H_exact = volume
                        int_D_exact = 0.0
                        int_H_exact -= abs(np.linalg.det(Jac_0)) / 6.0
                        int_ImH_exact += abs(np.linalg.det(Jac_0)) / 6.0
                        int_D_exact += 0.5 * np.linalg.norm(
                            np.cross(x_02 - x_01, x_32 - x_01))
                        b_0 = x_02 - e[2, :]
                        b_1 = x_32 - e[2, :]
                        b_2 = x_31 - e[2, :]
                        Jac_0 = np.array([b_0, b_1, b_2]).transpose()
                        int_H_exact -= abs(np.linalg.det(Jac_0)) / 6.0
                        int_ImH_exact += abs(np.linalg.det(Jac_0)) / 6.0
                        int_D_exact += 0.5 * np.linalg.norm(
                            np.cross(x_32 - x_01, x_31 - x_01))
                        b_0 = e[1, :] - x_02
                        b_1 = e[2, :] - x_02
                        b_2 = x_31 - x_02
                        Jac_0 = np.array([b_0, b_1, b_2]).transpose()
                        int_H_exact -= abs(np.linalg.det(Jac_0)) / 6.0
                        int_ImH_exact += abs(np.linalg.det(Jac_0)) / 6.0
                    elif phi[0] * phi[1] < 0.0 and phi[0] * phi[
                            2] < 0.0 and phi[0] * phi[3] < 0.0:
                        theta0 = -phi[0] / (phi[1] - phi[0])
                        theta1 = -phi[0] / (phi[2] - phi[0])
                        theta2 = -phi[0] / (phi[3] - phi[0])
                        x_0 = (1 - theta0) * e[0, :] + theta0 * e[1, :]
                        x_1 = (1 - theta1) * e[0, :] + theta1 * e[2, :]
                        x_2 = (1 - theta2) * e[0, :] + theta2 * e[3, :]
                        b_0 = x_2 - e[0, :]
                        b_1 = x_1 - e[0, :]
                        b_2 = x_0 - e[0, :]
                        Jac_0 = np.array([b_0, b_1, b_2]).transpose()
                        int_ImH_exact = abs(np.linalg.det(Jac_0)) / 6.0
                        int_H_exact = volume - int_ImH_exact
                        int_D_exact = 0.5 * np.linalg.norm(
                            np.cross(x_2 - x_0, x_1 - x_0))
                        if phi[0] > 0.0:
                            tmp = int_H_exact
                            int_H_exact = int_ImH_exact
                            int_ImH_exact = tmp
                    elif phi[0] * phi[1] < 0.0 and phi[1] * phi[
                            2] < 0.0 and phi[1] * phi[3] < 0.0:
                        theta0 = -phi[1] / (phi[0] - phi[1])
                        theta1 = -phi[1] / (phi[2] - phi[1])
                        theta2 = -phi[1] / (phi[3] - phi[1])
                        x_0 = (1 - theta0) * e[1, :] + theta0 * e[0, :]
                        x_1 = (1 - theta1) * e[1, :] + theta1 * e[2, :]
                        x_2 = (1 - theta2) * e[1, :] + theta2 * e[3, :]
                        b_0 = x_2 - e[1, :]
                        b_1 = x_1 - e[1, :]
                        b_2 = x_0 - e[1, :]
                        Jac_0 = np.array([b_0, b_1, b_2]).transpose()
                        int_ImH_exact = abs(np.linalg.det(Jac_0)) / 6.0
                        int_H_exact = volume - int_ImH_exact
                        int_D_exact = 0.5 * np.linalg.norm(
                            np.cross(x_2 - x_0, x_1 - x_0))
                        if phi[1] > 0.0:
                            tmp = int_H_exact
                            int_H_exact = int_ImH_exact
                            int_ImH_exact = tmp
                    elif phi[0] * phi[2] < 0.0 and phi[1] * phi[
                            2] < 0.0 and phi[3] * phi[2] < 0.0:
                        theta0 = -phi[2] / (phi[0] - phi[2])
                        theta1 = -phi[2] / (phi[1] - phi[2])
                        theta2 = -phi[2] / (phi[3] - phi[2])
                        x_0 = (1 - theta0) * e[2, :] + theta0 * e[0, :]
                        x_1 = (1 - theta1) * e[2, :] + theta1 * e[1, :]
                        x_2 = (1 - theta2) * e[2, :] + theta2 * e[3, :]
                        b_0 = x_2 - e[2, :]
                        b_1 = x_1 - e[2, :]
                        b_2 = x_0 - e[2, :]
                        Jac_0 = np.array([b_0, b_1, b_2]).transpose()
                        int_ImH_exact = abs(np.linalg.det(Jac_0)) / 6.0
                        int_H_exact = volume - int_ImH_exact
                        int_D_exact = 0.5 * np.linalg.norm(
                            np.cross(x_2 - x_0, x_1 - x_0))
                        if phi[2] > 0.0:
                            tmp = int_H_exact
                            int_H_exact = int_ImH_exact
                            int_ImH_exact = tmp
                    elif phi[0] * phi[3] < 0.0 and phi[1] * phi[
                            3] < 0.0 and phi[2] * phi[3] < 0.0:
                        theta0 = -phi[3] / (phi[0] - phi[3])
                        theta1 = -phi[3] / (phi[1] - phi[3])
                        theta2 = -phi[3] / (phi[2] - phi[3])
                        x_0 = (1 - theta0) * e[3, :] + theta0 * e[0, :]
                        x_1 = (1 - theta1) * e[3, :] + theta1 * e[1, :]
                        x_2 = (1 - theta2) * e[3, :] + theta2 * e[2, :]
                        b_0 = x_2 - e[3, :]
                        b_1 = x_1 - e[3, :]
                        b_2 = x_0 - e[3, :]
                        Jac_0 = np.array([b_0, b_1, b_2]).transpose()
                        int_ImH_exact = abs(np.linalg.det(Jac_0)) / 6.0
                        int_H_exact = volume - int_ImH_exact
                        int_D_exact = 0.5 * np.linalg.norm(
                            np.cross(x_2 - x_0, x_1 - x_0))
                        if phi[3] > 0.0:
                            tmp = int_H_exact
                            int_H_exact = int_ImH_exact
                            int_ImH_exact = tmp
                    elif phi[0] < 0.0:
                        int_H_exact = 0.0
                        int_ImH_exact = volume
                        int_D_exact = 0.0
                    elif phi[0] > 0.0:
                        int_H_exact = volume
                        int_ImH_exact = 0.0
                        int_D_exact = 0.0
                    elif phi[0] == 0.0:
                        if phi[1] > 0.0:
                            int_H_exact = volume
                            int_ImH_exact = 0.0
                            int_D_exact = 0.0
                        if phi[1] < 0.0:
                            int_H_exact = 0.0
                            int_ImH_exact = volume
                            int_D_exact = 1.0
                    elif phi[1] == 0.0:
                        if phi[0] > 0.0:
                            int_H_exact = volume
                            int_ImH_exact = 0.0
                            int_D_exact = 0.0
                        if phi[0] < 0.0:
                            int_H_exact = 0.0
                            int_ImH_exact = volume
                            int_D_exact = 1.0
                    phi_in = np.array(phi)
                    print("phi in ", phi_in)
                    nodesIn = e
                    print("nodes in ", nodesIn)
                    print("quad in ", np.array(quad.points))
                    gf.calculate(phi_in, nodesIn, np.array(quad.points))
                    int_H = 0.0
                    int_ImH = 0.0
                    int_D = 0.0
                    for k in range(len(quad.points)):
                        print("k ", k, gf.H, gf.ImH, gf.D)
                        int_H += quad.weights[k] * gf.H * dV
                        int_ImH += quad.weights[k] * gf.ImH * dV
                        int_D += quad.weights[k] * gf.D * dV
                    print("dV ", dV)
                    print(int_H, int_H_exact)
                    print(int_ImH, int_ImH_exact)
                    print(int_D, int_D_exact)
                    assert (int_H == approx(int_H_exact, 1e-12, 1e-12))
                    assert (int_ImH == approx(int_ImH_exact, 1e-12, 1e-12))
                    assert (int_D == approx(int_D_exact, 1e-11, 1e-11))