def changeDir(log, path): """ Change to Directory """ try: os.chdir(path) printLog("Changed to dir " + path, log) except os.error, (errno, errstr): printLog("Could not change to directory '%s': Error (%d): %s" % (path, errno, errstr), log, err=True, isError=True)
def initAngularReferenceFile(_log, BlockWithAllExpImages, CtfGroupDirectory, CtfGroupRootName, DocFileName, DocFileWithOriginalAngles, SelFileName): '''Create Initial angular file. Either fill it with zeros or copy input''' printLog("initAngularReferenceFile", _log) import shutil MD = MetaData() if len(DocFileName) > 1: #shutil.copy(DocFileName,DocFileWithOriginalAngles) else: MD.addLabel(MDL_ANGLE_ROT) MD.addLabel(MDL_ANGLE_TILT) MD.addLabel(MDL_ANGLE_PSI) MD.write(BlockWithAllExpImages + '@' + DocFileWithOriginalAngles) block_name = 'ctfGroup' + str(1).zfill(FILENAMENUMBERLENGTH) + \ '@' + join(CtfGroupDirectory, CtfGroupRootName) + '_images.sel' blocklist = getBlocksInMetaDataFile(join(CtfGroupDirectory, CtfGroupRootName) + '_images.sel') MDctf = MetaData() mDaux = MetaData() mdList = [MDL_IMAGE] for block in blocklist: #read blocks + '@' + join(CtfGroupDirectory, CtfGroupRootName) + '_images.sel', mdList) #add angles to blocks mDaux.joinNatural(MD, MDctf) #MDctf.intersection(MD, MDL_IMAGE) block_name = block + '@' + DocFileWithOriginalAngles MDctf.write(block_name, MD_APPEND)
def run(self): try: script = self.getParam("--script") fromStep = self.getIntParam("--range", 0) toStep = self.getIntParam("--range", 1) project = XmippProject() project.load() # Create protocol instance from script and setup database protocol = project.getProtocolFromModule(script) protocol.runSetup(isMainLoop=False) self.db = protocol.Db # All nodes retrieve parallel steps to work on self.steps = self.db.getStepsRange(fromStep, toStep) comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD self.rank = comm.Get_rank() self.size = comm.Get_size() if self.rank: self.runWorker(comm) else: self.runMaster(comm) # comm.Disconnect() except Exception, e: if hasattr(self, "db"): printLog("Stopping MPI process because of error %s" % e, self.db.Log, out=True, err=True, isError=True) self.db.updateRunState(SqliteDb.RUN_FAILED) else: print "Stopping MPI process because of error %s" % e exit(1)
def deleteFile(log, filename, verbose=True): if exists(filename): os.remove(filename) if verbose: printLog('Deleted file %s' % filename, log) else: if verbose: printLog('Do not need to delete %s; already gone' % filename, log)
def runSingleStep(self, _connection, _cursor, stepRow): info = self._beginSingleStep(_connection, _cursor, stepRow) try: self._execSingleStep(stepRow, info) except Exception as e: err = " Step finished with error: %s: %s" % (info.stepStr, e) printLog(err, self.Log, out=True, err=True, isError=True) raise self._endSingleStep(_connection, _cursor, stepRow, info)
def linkAcquisitionInfo(log, InputFile, dirDest): ''' Search for the acquisition info file and if exists create a link in the specified folder''' acquisitionInfo = findAcquisitionInfo(InputFile) if acquisitionInfo is None: printLog("Couldn't find acquisition_info.xmd from file path: '%(InputFile)s'" % locals(), log, err=True, isError=True) else: createLink(log, acquisitionInfo, join(dirDest, ACQUISITION_INFO))
def createLink(log, source, dest): try: if exists(dest): os.remove(dest) destDir = split(dest)[0] os.symlink(relpath(source, destDir), dest) printLog("Linked '%s' to '%s'" % (source, dest)) except Exception, e: printLog("Could not link '%s' to '%s'. Error: %s" % (source, dest, str(e)), log, err=True, isError=True)
def copyDir(log, source, dest): try: from shutil import copytree if exists(dest): deleteDir(log, dest) copytree(source, dest, symlinks=True) printLog("Copied '%s' to '%s'" % (source, dest)) except Exception, e: printLog("Could not copy '%s' to '%s'. Error: %s" % (source, dest, str(e)), log, err=True, isError=True)
def createDir(log, path): """ Create directory, does not add workingdir""" from distutils.dir_util import mkpath from distutils.errors import DistutilsFileError try: if not exists(path): mkpath(path, 0777, True) printLog("Created dir " + path, log) except DistutilsFileError, e: printLog("Couldn't create dir: '%(path)s': %(e)s" % locals(), log, err=True, isError=True)
def _endSingleStep(self, _connection, _cursor, stepRow, info): # Report step finish and update database msg = greenStr(" Step finished: %s" % info.stepStr) printLog(msg, self.Log, out=True, err=True) sqlCommand = ( """UPDATE %(TableSteps)s SET finish = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE step_id=%(step_id)d AND run_id=%(run_id)d""" % info.dict ) _cursor.execute(sqlCommand) _connection.commit()
def _beginSingleStep(self, _connection, _cursor, stepRow): info = self._getStepRowInfo(stepRow) # Print from pprint import pformat msg = blueStr("-------- Step start: %s" % info.stepStr) printLog(msg, self.Log, out=True, err=True) printLog(headerStr((info.command.split())[-1]), self.Log, out=True) printLog(pformat(info.args, indent=4, width=20), self.Log, out=False) # pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4, width=20,stream=self.log).pprint(info.args) # Set init time sqlCommand = ( """UPDATE %(TableSteps)s SET init = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE step_id=%(step_id)d AND run_id=%(run_id)d""" % info.dict ) _cursor.execute(sqlCommand) _connection.commit() return info
def copyFile(log, source, dest): try: copyfile(source, dest) printLog("Copied '%s' to '%s'" % (source, dest), log) except Exception, e: printLog("Could not copy '%s' to '%s'. Error: %s" % (source, dest, str(e)), log, err=True, isError=True)
def deleteDir(log, path): from distutils.dir_util import remove_tree if exists(path): remove_tree(path, True) printLog("Deleted directory " + path, log)
def runSteps(self): # Update run state to STARTED self.updateRunState(SqliteDb.RUN_STARTED) # Clean init and finish for unfinished and doAlways steps sqlCommand = ( """ UPDATE %(TableSteps)s SET init=NULL, finish=NULL WHERE run_id = %(run_id)d AND (finish IS NULL OR execution_mode = %(execution_always)d)""" % self.sqlDict ) self.cur.execute(sqlCommand) self.connection.commit() # Select steps to run, include parallel ones sqlCommand = ( """ SELECT step_id, iter, passDb, command, parameters, verifyFiles, execution_mode FROM %(TableSteps)s WHERE run_id = %(run_id)d AND finish IS NULL ORDER BY step_id """ % self.sqlDict ) self.cur.execute(sqlCommand) steps = self.cur.fetchall() n = len(steps) msg = "***************************** Protocol STARTED mode: %s" % self.runBehavior printLog(msg, self.Log, out=True, err=True) i = 0 final_status = (SqliteDb.RUN_FINISHED, "FINISHED") while i < n: # Execute the step try: # Detect if there are parallel steps and execute them in parallel first = i while i < n and steps[i]["execution_mode"] > SqliteDb.EXEC_MAINLOOP: i += 1 if first < i: # There are parallel steps mpiForParallelSteps = self.NumberOfMpi fromStep = steps[first]["step_id"] if i < n: toStep = steps[i]["step_id"] else: toStep = 99999 self.runParallelSteps(fromStep, toStep, mpiForParallelSteps) if i < n: # To be sure there are normal steps after parallels self.runSingleStep(self.connection, self.cur, steps[i]) i += 1 except Exception as e: msg = "Stopping batch execution" if self.runAborted(): msg += " ABORTED by user request" final_status = (SqliteDb.RUN_ABORTED, "ABORTED") else: msg += " since one of the steps could not be performed: %s" % str(e) final_status = (SqliteDb.RUN_FAILED, "FAILED") printLog(msg, self.Log, out=True, err=True, isError=True) break self.updateRunState(final_status[0]) msg = "***************************** Protocol %s" % final_status[1] printLog(msg, self.Log, out=True, err=True)
def reconstruction(_log , ARTReconstructionExtraCommand , WBPReconstructionExtraCommand , FourierReconstructionExtraCommand , Iteration_number , DoParallel , maskedFileNamesIter , MpiJobSize , NumberOfMpi , NumberOfThreads , ReconstructionMethod , FourierMaxFrequencyOfInterest , ARTLambda , SymmetryGroup , ReconstructionXmd , ReconstructedVolume , ResolSam , ResolutionXmdPrevIterMax , PaddingFactor , ConstantToAddToFiltration ): #if inout metadata is empty create a Blanck image if emptyMd(ReconstructionXmd): from protlib_utils import printLog img = Image(), DATA) #(x,y,z,n) = img.getDimensions() printLog("Metadata %s is empty. Creating a Black file named %s" % (ReconstructionXmd, ReconstructedVolume)) #createEmptyFile(ReconstructedVolume,x,y,z,n) img.initRandom() img.write(ReconstructedVolume) return print '*********************************************************************' print '* Reconstruct volume using ' if ReconstructionMethod == 'wbp': program = 'xmipp_reconstruct_wbp' parameters = ' -i ' + ReconstructionXmd + \ ' --doc ' + ReconstructionXmd + \ ' -o ' + ReconstructedVolume + \ ' --sym ' + SymmetryGroup + \ ' --weight --use_each_image ' parameters = parameters + WBPReconstructionExtraCommand elif ReconstructionMethod == 'art': program = 'xmipp_reconstruct_art' parameters = ' -i ' + ReconstructionXmd + \ ' -o ' + ReconstructedVolume + ' ' + \ ' --sym ' + SymmetryGroup + \ ' --thr ' + str(NumberOfThreads) + \ ' --WLS ' if len(ARTLambda) > 1: parameters = parameters + ' -l ' + ARTLambda + ' ' parameters = parameters + ARTReconstructionExtraCommand NumberOfMpi = 1 NumberOfThreads = 1 DoParallel = False elif ReconstructionMethod == 'fourier': if FourierMaxFrequencyOfInterest == -1: md = MetaData(ResolutionXmdPrevIterMax) id = md.firstObject() FourierMaxFrequencyOfInterest = md.getValue(MDL_RESOLUTION_FREQREAL, id) FourierMaxFrequencyOfInterest = ResolSam / FourierMaxFrequencyOfInterest + float(ConstantToAddToFiltration) if FourierMaxFrequencyOfInterest > 0.5: FourierMaxFrequencyOfInterest = 0.5 elif FourierMaxFrequencyOfInterest < 0.: FourierMaxFrequencyOfInterest = 0.001 program = 'xmipp_reconstruct_fourier' parameters = ' -i ' + ReconstructionXmd + \ ' -o ' + ReconstructedVolume + \ ' --sym ' + SymmetryGroup + \ ' --thr ' + str(NumberOfThreads) + \ ' --weight ' + \ ' --max_resolution ' + str(FourierMaxFrequencyOfInterest) + \ ' --padding ' + str(PaddingFactor) + ' ' + str(PaddingFactor) if (DoParallel): parameters = parameters + ' --mpi_job_size ' + str(MpiJobSize) runJob(_log , program , parameters , NumberOfMpi , NumberOfThreads )
def executeCtfGroups (_log, CTFDatName, CtfGroupDirectory, CtfGroupMaxDiff, CtfGroupMaxResol, CtfGroupRootName, DataArePhaseFlipped, DoAutoCtfGroup, DoCtfCorrection, PaddingFactor, SamplingRate , SelFileName, SplitDefocusDocFile, WienerConstant, ) : import glob, sys, shutil from protlib_utils import runJob if not os.path.exists(CtfGroupDirectory): os.makedirs(CtfGroupDirectory) printLog("executeCtfGroups01"+ CTFDatName, _log) if(not DoCtfCorrection): MD = MetaData(SelFileName) block_name = 'ctfGroup' + str(1).zfill(FILENAMENUMBERLENGTH) + \ '@' + join(CtfGroupDirectory, CtfGroupRootName) + '_images.sel' MD.write(block_name) return 1 # print '*********************************************************************' # print '* Make CTF groups' # remove all entries not present in sel file by # join between selfile and metadatafile MDctfdata = MetaData(); MDsel = MetaData(); MDctfdata.intersection(MDsel, MDL_IMAGE) tmpCtfdat = uniqueFilename(CTFDatName) MDctfdata.write(tmpCtfdat) command = \ ' --ctfdat ' + tmpCtfdat + \ ' -o ' + CtfGroupDirectory + '/' + CtfGroupRootName + ':stk'\ ' --wiener --wc ' + str(WienerConstant) + \ ' --pad ' + str(PaddingFactor) + \ ' --sampling_rate ' + str (SamplingRate) if (DataArePhaseFlipped): command += ' --phase_flipped ' if (DoAutoCtfGroup): command += ' --error ' + str(CtfGroupMaxDiff) + \ ' --resol ' + str(CtfGroupMaxResol) else: if (len(SplitDefocusDocFile) > 0): command += ' --split ' + SplitDefocusDocFile else: message = "Error: for non-automated ctf grouping, please provide a docfile!" print '* ', message sys.exit() if runJob(_log, "xmipp_ctf_group", command): return 1
def renameFile(log, source, dest): try: os.rename(source, dest) printLog("Renamed '%s' to '%s'" % (source, dest)) except Exception, e: printLog("Could not rename '%s' to '%s'. Error: %s" % (source, dest, str(e)), log, err=True, isError=True)