def _check_proof_of_identity(identity_workspace_contract, user_workspace_contract, white_list, mode) : global counter if identity_workspace_contract == user_workspace_contract : return True if contractsToOwners(user_workspace_contract, mode) in white_list : print('One issuer in round ',counter,' is in white list') return True proof_list = get_proof_list(user_workspace_contract, mode) print('There are ', len(proof_list), ' proof(s) of identity') if not proof_list : return False for proof in proof_list : issuer_workspace_contract = ownersToContracts(proof[3], mode) counter += 1 if _check_proof_of_identity(identity_workspace_contract, issuer_workspace_contract, white_list, mode) : return True counter -= 1 print('No Proof of Identity with a white listed issuer') return False
def load(self, mode, did) : if did.split(':')[1] not in ['web', 'tz', 'ethr', 'key'] : raise RepositoryException('DID method not supported') self.did = did self.private_key = '0x' + PBKDF2(did.encode(), SALT, 32, count=1000000, hmac_hash_module=SHA512).hex() self.address = helpers.ethereum_pvk_to_address(self.private_key) self.workspace_contract = ownersToContracts(self.address, mode) if not self.workspace_contract or self.workspace_contract == '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000' : logging.warning('no repository for this DID') return False self.RSA_private = privatekey.get_key(self.address, 'rsa_key', mode) if not self.RSA_private : logging.warning('RSA file not found') return False self.public_key = helpers.ethereum_pvk_to_pub(self.private_key) self.jwk = helpers.ethereum_to_jwk(self.private_key, 'ethr') self.private = privatekey.get_key(self.address, 'private', mode).hex() self.secret = privatekey.get_key(self.address, 'secret', mode).hex() self.category = get_category(self.workspace_contract, mode) = None # need email TODO return True
def create_user(username, email, mode, did='', password='', firstname=None, lastname=None, phone=''): email = email.lower() # Setup user address for repository account = mode.w3.eth.account.create('KEYSMASH FJAFJKLDSKF7JKFDJ 1530' + email) address = account.address private_key = account.key.hex() # create RSA key as derivative from Ethereum private key RSA_key, RSA_private, RSA_public = privatekey.create_rsa_key( private_key, mode) # Setup a key (symetric) named 'AES' to encrypt private data and to be shared with partnership AES_key = get_random_bytes(16) # Setup another key named 'SECRET' (symetric) to encrypt secret data SECRET_key = get_random_bytes(16) # AES key encrypted with RSA key cipher_rsa = AES_encrypted = cipher_rsa.encrypt(AES_key) # SECRET encrypted with RSA key cipher_rsa = SECRET_encrypted = cipher_rsa.encrypt(SECRET_key) # Email encrypted with RSA Key bemail = bytes(email, 'utf-8') # Ether transfer from TalaoGen wallet hash = ether_transfer(address, mode.ether2transfer, mode)'ether transfer done') # Talao tokens transfer from TalaoGen wallet hash = token_transfer(address, mode.talao_to_transfer, mode)'token transfer done') # CreateVaultAccess call in the token to declare the identity within the Talao Token smart contract hash = createVaultAccess(address, private_key, mode)'create vault acces done') # Identity setup contract = mode.w3.eth.contract(mode.workspacefactory_contract, abi=constante.Workspace_Factory_ABI) nonce = mode.w3.eth.getTransactionCount(address) txn = contract.functions.createWorkspace(1001, 1, 1, RSA_public, AES_encrypted, SECRET_encrypted, bemail).buildTransaction({ 'chainId': mode.CHAIN_ID, 'gas': 7500000, 'gasPrice': mode.w3.toWei( mode.GASPRICE, 'gwei'), 'nonce': nonce, }) signed_txn = mode.w3.eth.account.signTransaction(txn, private_key) mode.w3.eth.sendRawTransaction(signed_txn.rawTransaction) transaction_hash = mode.w3.toHex(mode.w3.keccak(signed_txn.rawTransaction)) if not mode.w3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt( transaction_hash, timeout=2000, poll_latency=1)['status']: logging.error('transaction createWorkspace failed') return None, None, None'createWorkspace done') # workspace_contract address to be read in fondation smart contract workspace_contract = ownersToContracts(address, mode)'workspace_contract has been setup = %s', workspace_contract) # store RSA key in file ./RSA_key/rinkeby, talaonet ou ethereum filename = "./RSA_key/" + mode.BLOCKCHAIN + '/did:talao:' + mode.BLOCKCHAIN + ':' + workspace_contract[ 2:] + ".pem" try: file = open(filename, "wb") file.write(RSA_private) file.close()'RSA key stored on disk') except: logging.error('RSA key not stored on disk') # add username to register in local nameservice Database if firstname and lastname: filename = mode.db_path + 'person.json' personal = json.load(open(filename, 'r')) personal['lastname']['claim_value'] = lastname personal['firstname']['claim_value'] = firstname personal = json.dumps(personal, ensure_ascii=False) else: personal = '' if not ns.add_identity(username, workspace_contract, email, mode, phone=phone, password=password, did=did, personal=personal): logging.error('add identity in nameservice.db failed') return None, None, None'add identity in nameservice.db done') # store Ethereum private key in keystore if not privatekey.add_private_key(private_key, mode): logging.error('add private key in keystore failed') return None, None, None else:'private key in keystore') # key 1 issued to Web Relay to act as agent. if not add_key(address, workspace_contract, address, workspace_contract, private_key, mode.relay_address, 1, mode): logging.error('add key 1 to web Relay failed') else:'key 1 to web Relay has been added') # emails send to user and admin Talao_message.messageLog(lastname, firstname, username, email, "", address, private_key, workspace_contract, "", email, "", "", mode) # By default an email is sent to user Talao_message.messageUser(lastname, firstname, username, email, address, private_key, workspace_contract, mode)'end of create identity') return address, private_key, workspace_contract
def show_certificate(mode): """ # display experience certificate for anybody. Stand alone routine # #route /guest/certificate # @route /certificate/ """ menu = session.get('menu', dict()) viewer = 'guest' if not session.get('username') else 'user' try : certificate_id = request.args['certificate_id'] method = certificate_id.split(':')[1] # translator for repository claim if method in ['web', 'tz', 'ethr'] : did = 'did:' + method + ':' + certificate_id.split(':')[2] private_key = '0x' + PBKDF2(did.encode(), SALT, 32, count=1000000, hmac_hash_module=SHA512).hex() address = helpers.ethereum_pvk_to_address(private_key) workspace_contract = ownersToContracts(address, mode) claim_id = certificate_id.split(':')[4] credential = Claim() credential.get_by_id( mode.relay_workspace_contract, None, workspace_contract, claim_id, mode) return jsonify(credential.claim_value) # standard elif method == 'talao' : try : doc_id = int(certificate_id.split(':')[5]) identity_workspace_contract = '0x'+ certificate_id.split(':')[3] except : content = json.dumps({'message' : 'request malformed'}) return Response(content, status=406, mimetype='application/json') else : content = json.dumps({'message' : 'method not supported'}) return Response(content, status=406, mimetype='application/json') except : content = json.dumps({'message' : 'request malformed'}) return Response(content, status=406, mimetype='application/json') try : self_claim = certificate_id.split(':')[6] except: self_claim = None if session.get('certificate_id') != request.args['certificate_id'] : certificate = Document('certificate') if not certificate.relay_get(identity_workspace_contract, doc_id, mode) : content = json.dumps({'message' : 'This credential does not exist or it has been deleted'}) return Response(content, status=406, mimetype='application/json') if certificate.privacy != 'public' : content = json.dumps({'message' : 'This credential is private'}) return Response(content, status=406, mimetype='application/json') session['displayed_certificate'] = certificate.__dict__ if self_claim == "experience" : description = session['displayed_certificate']['description'].replace('\r\n','<br>') my_badge = '' for skill in session['displayed_certificate']['skills'] : skill_to_display = skill.replace(" ", "").capitalize().strip(',') my_badge += """<span class="badge badge-pill badge-secondary" style="margin: 4px; padding: 8px;"> """+ skill_to_display + """</span>""" return render_template('./certificate/self_claim.html', **menu, type = 'Experience', certificate_id= certificate_id, company = session['displayed_certificate']['company']['name'], email = session['displayed_certificate']['company']['contact_email'], tel = session['displayed_certificate']['company']['contact_phone'], contact_name = session['displayed_certificate']['company']['contact_name'], start_date = session['displayed_certificate']['start_date'], end_date = session['displayed_certificate']['end_date'], description = description, badge = my_badge, viewer=viewer, title = session['displayed_certificate']['title'], ) if self_claim == "skills" : description = "" print (session['displayed_certificate']) for skill in session['displayed_certificate']['description'] : description += skill["skill_name"] + " " return render_template('./certificate/self_claim.html', **menu, type = 'Skill', certificate_id= certificate_id, description = description, viewer=viewer, ) if self_claim == "education" : description = session['displayed_certificate']['description'].replace('\r\n','<br>') my_badge = '' for skill in session['displayed_certificate']['skills'] : skill_to_display = skill.replace(" ", "").strip(',') if skill_to_display : my_badge = my_badge + """<span class="badge badge-pill badge-secondary" style="margin: 4px; padding: 8px;"> """+ skill_to_display.capitalize() + """</span>""" return render_template('./certificate/self_claim.html', **menu, type = 'Education', certificate_id= certificate_id, company = session['displayed_certificate']['organization']['name'], email = session['displayed_certificate']['organization']['contact_email'], tel = session['displayed_certificate']['organization']['contact_phone'], contact_name = session['displayed_certificate']['organization']['contact_name'], start_date = session['displayed_certificate']['start_date'], end_date = session['displayed_certificate']['end_date'], description = description, badge = my_badge, viewer=viewer, title = session['displayed_certificate']['title'], link = session['displayed_certificate']['certificate_link'] ) # Experience Credential Display if session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['credentialCategory'] == 'experience' : yellow_star = "color: rgb(251,211,5); font-size: 12px;" # yellow black_star = "color: rgb(0,0,0);font-size: 12px;" # black # Icon "fa-star" treatment score = [] context = dict() score.append(int(session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['reviewRecommendation']['reviewRating']['ratingValue'])) score.append(int(session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['reviewDelivery']['reviewRating']['ratingValue'])) score.append(int(session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['reviewSchedule']['reviewRating']['ratingValue'])) score.append(int(session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['reviewCommunication']['reviewRating']['ratingValue'])) for q in range(0,4) : for i in range(0,score[q]) : context["star"+str(q)+str(i)] = yellow_star for i in range(score[q],5) : context ["star"+str(q)+str(i)] = black_star if session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['skills'] : skills = session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['skills'] my_badge = "" for skill in skills : if skill['description'] : my_badge += """<span class="badge badge-pill badge-secondary" style="margin: 4px; padding: 8px;"> """+ skill['description'].strip(' ').capitalize() + """</span>""" else : my_badge = "" # if there is no signature one uses Picasso signature signature = session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['managerSignature'] if not signature : signature = 'QmS9TTtjw1Fr5oHkbW8gcU7TnnmDvnFVUxYP9BF36kgV7u' # if there is no logo one uses default logo logo = session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['companyLogo'] if not logo : logo = 'QmXKeAgNZhLibNjYJFHCiXFvGhqsqNV2sJCggzGxnxyhJ5' # upload signature and logo on server if not path.exists(mode.uploads_path + signature) : url = ''+ signature response = requests.get(url, stream=True) with open(mode.uploads_path + signature, 'wb') as out_file: shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, out_file) del response if not path.exists(mode.uploads_path + logo) : url = ''+ logo response = requests.get(url, stream=True) with open(mode.uploads_path + logo, 'wb') as out_file: shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, out_file) del response return render_template('./certificate/experience_certificate.html', **menu, managerName=session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['managerName'], companyName=session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['companyName'], badge=my_badge, title = session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['title'], subject_name = session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['name'], description=session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['description'], start_date=session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['startDate'], end_date=session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['endDate'], signature=signature, logo=logo, certificate_id=certificate_id, viewer=viewer, **context) # Recommendation Certificate Display if session['displayed_certificate']['type'] == 'recommendation' : issuer_picture = session['displayed_certificate'].get('logo') if session['displayed_certificate']['issuer']['category'] == 1001 : issuer_picture = session['displayed_certificate'].get('picture') else : issuer_picture = session['displayed_certificate'].get('logo') issuer_title = "" if not session['displayed_certificate'].get('title') else session['displayed_certificate']['title'] if issuer_picture : if not path.exists(mode.uploads_path + issuer_picture) :'picture already on disk') url=''+ issuer_picture response = requests.get(url, stream=True) with open(mode.uploads_path + issuer_picture, 'wb') as out_file: shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, out_file) del response description = """ " """ + session['displayed_certificate']['description'] + """ " """ return render_template('./certificate/recommendation_certificate.html', **menu, #identity_firstname=identity_profil['firstname'], #identity_lastname=identity_profil['lastname'], description=description, issuer_picture=issuer_picture, issuer_title=issuer_title, issuer_firstname=session['displayed_certificate']['issuer']['firstname'] if session['displayed_certificate']['issuer']['category']== 1001 else "", issuer_lastname=session['displayed_certificate']['issuer']['lastname']if session['displayed_certificate']['issuer']['category']== 1001 else "", relationship=session['displayed_certificate']['relationship'], certificate_id=certificate_id, #identity_username=identity_username, #issuer_username=issuer_username, viewer=viewer ) # Skill Certificate Display if session['displayed_certificate']['type'] == 'skill' : issuer_picture = session['displayed_certificate'].get('picture') issuer_title = "" if not session['displayed_certificate'].get('title') else session['displayed_certificate']['title'] description = session['displayed_certificate']['description'].replace('\r\n','<br>') signature = session['displayed_certificate']['signature'] logo = session['displayed_certificate']['logo'] # if there is no signature one uses Picasso signature if not signature : signature = 'QmS9TTtjw1Fr5oHkbW8gcU7TnnmDvnFVUxYP9BF36kgV7u' # if there is no logo one uses default logo if not logo : logo = 'QmXKeAgNZhLibNjYJFHCiXFvGhqsqNV2sJCggzGxnxyhJ5' if not path.exists(mode.uploads_path + signature) : url = ''+ signature response = requests.get(url, stream=True) with open(mode.uploads_path + signature, 'wb') as out_file: shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, out_file) del response if not path.exists(mode.uploads_path + logo) : url = ''+ logo response = requests.get(url, stream=True) with open(mode.uploads_path + logo, 'wb') as out_file: shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, out_file) del response return render_template('./certificate/skill_certificate.html', **menu, manager= session['displayed_certificate']['manager'], #identity_firstname=identity_profil['firstname'], #identity_lastname=identity_profil['lastname'], #identity_name =identity_profil['firstname'] + ' ' + identity_profil['lastname'], description=description, issuer_picture=issuer_picture, signature=signature, logo=logo, certificate_id=certificate_id, title=session['displayed_certificate']['title'], #issuer_name=session['displayed_certificate']['issuer']['name'], viewer=viewer ) # agreement certificate display if session['displayed_certificate']['type'] == 'agreement': description = session['displayed_certificate']['description'].replace('\r\n','<br>') signature = session['displayed_certificate']['issued_by'].get('signature') logo = session['displayed_certificate']['issued_by'].get('logo') # if there is no signature or no logo , view is reduced see html else we download file rom ipfs if needed if signature and logo : if not path.exists(mode.uploads_path + signature) : url = ''+ signature response = requests.get(url, stream=True) with open(mode.uploads_path + signature, 'wb') as out_file: shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, out_file) del response if not path.exists(mode.uploads_path + logo) : url = ''+ logo response = requests.get(url, stream=True) with open(mode.uploads_path + logo, 'wb') as out_file: shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, out_file) del response if session['displayed_certificate']['service_product_group'] : products = session['displayed_certificate']['service_product_group'].replace(' ', '').split(",") service_product_group = "" for product in products: service_product_group = service_product_group + """<li class="text-dark my-2 mx-5">""" + product.capitalize() + "</li>" else : service_product_group = None return render_template('./certificate/agreement_certificate.html', **menu, date_of_issue = session['displayed_certificate']['date_of_issue'], date_of_validity = session['displayed_certificate']['valid_until'], location = session['displayed_certificate']['location'], description=description, logo=logo, issued_to_name = session['displayed_certificate']['issued_to'].get('name', ''), issuer_name = session['displayed_certificate']['issued_by'].get('name',''), issuer_siret = session['displayed_certificate']['issued_by'].get('siret', ''), title = session['displayed_certificate']['title'], signature=signature, viewer=viewer, standard=session['displayed_certificate']['standard'], registration_number = session['displayed_certificate']['registration_number'], service_product_group = service_product_group, certificate_id=certificate_id, ) # if reference credential display if session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['credentialCategory'] == 'reference' : yellow_star = "color: rgb(251,211,5); font-size: 12px;" # yellow black_star = "color: rgb(0,0,0);font-size: 12px;" # black description = session['displayed_certificate'].get('description','Unknown').replace('\r\n','<br>') signature = session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['managerSignature'] logo = session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['companyLogo'] if signature and logo : if not path.exists(mode.uploads_path + signature) : url = ''+ signature response = requests.get(url, stream=True) with open(mode.uploads_path + signature, 'wb') as out_file: shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, out_file) del response if not path.exists(mode.uploads_path + logo) : url = ''+ logo response = requests.get(url, stream=True) with open(mode.uploads_path + logo, 'wb') as out_file: shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, out_file) del response skills_str = "" try : for skill in session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['offers']['skills'] : skills_str += skill['description'] + ',' except : logging.warning('skills not found') return render_template('./certificate/reference_certificate.html', **menu, issued_to_name = session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['name'], issuanceDate = session['displayed_certificate']['issuanceDate'][:10], startDate = session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['offers']['startDate'], endDate = session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['offers']['endDate'], price = session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['offers']['price'], currency = session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['offers']['priceCurrency'], description=session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['offers']['description'], review= session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['review']['reviewBody'], location=session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['offers']['location'], logo=logo, issuer_name = session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['companyName'], title = session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['offers']['title'], signature=signature, manager = session['displayed_certificate']['credentialSubject']['companyName'], certificate_id=certificate_id, viewer=viewer, skills=skills_str ) else : # clean up to get a standard credential del session['displayed_certificate']['topic'] del session['displayed_certificate']['doc_id'] del session['displayed_certificate']['data_location'] del session['displayed_certificate']['privacy'] return jsonify(session['displayed_certificate'])
# for test only if __name__ == '__main__': import os import environment # Environment variables set in and transfered to mychain = os.getenv('MYCHAIN') myenv = os.getenv('MYENV') # Environment setup mode = environment.currentMode(mychain,myenv) # test1 address test1_address = '0x106A53E31557296Ed1a81643d81c52334bb6F435' test1_workspace_contract = '0x3B4bA595955c8E783aB565a9564D0E7F14a6CaaC' # thierry thevenet address tt_address = '0xE474E9a6DFD6D8A3D60A36C2aBC428Bf54d2B1E8' tt_workspace_contract = ownersToContracts(tt_address, mode) # wc de masociete workspace_contract = '0xc5C1B070b46138AC3079cD9Bce10010d6e1fCD8D' talao_workspace_contract = '0x4562DB03D8b84C5B10FfCDBa6a7A509FF0Cdcc68' # wc de newco 0xC15e3A2f17cD01c5A85F816165c455D9F954cBa9 newco_workspace_contract = '0xC15e3A2f17cD01c5A85F816165c455D9F954cBa9' print('proof index= ', check_proof_of_identity(newco_workspace_contract, workspace_contract, mode))
def _create_user_step_1(wallet_address, email, mode, firstname, lastname, rsa, private, secret, decentralized): """ Setup an initial random Ethereum private key and derive address This address will be eventually the owner if the wallet is used as an Alias in the centralized mode """ account = mode.w3.eth.account.create('KEYSMASH FJAFJKLDSKF7JKFDJ 1530' + email) address = account.address private_key = account.privateKey.hex() """ if mode = decentralized , all keys come from wallet if mode = centralized , all keys are generated by server """ if decentralized: # clean RSA pem key received (str) RSA_public = rsa.encode('utf-8') RSA_public = RSA_public.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n') # get bytes from keys generated and encrypted client side. Keys have been passed (JS=>Python) un hex trsing AES_encrypted = bytes.fromhex(private[2:]) SECRET_encrypted = bytes.fromhex(secret[2:]) else: # create RSA key as derivative from Ethereum private key RSA_key, RSA_private, RSA_public = privatekey.create_rsa_key( private_key, mode) # Setup a key (symetric) named 'AES' to encrypt private data and to be shared with partnership AES_key = get_random_bytes(16) # Setup another key named 'SECRET' (symetric) to encrypt secret data SECRET_key = get_random_bytes(16) # AES key encrypted with RSA key cipher_rsa = AES_encrypted = cipher_rsa.encrypt(AES_key) # SECRET encrypted with RSA key cipher_rsa = SECRET_encrypted = cipher_rsa.encrypt(SECRET_key) # store Ethereum private key in keystore if not privatekey.add_private_key(private_key, mode): print('Error : add private key in keystore failed') return None, None, None else: print('Success : private key in keystore') # Email requested by solidity function. it will be encrypted later on #bemail = bytes(email.lower() , 'utf-8') bemail = bytes(" ".lower(), 'utf-8') # Ether transfer from TalaoGen wallet to address ether_transfer(address, mode.ether2transfer, mode) # Talao tokens transfer from TalaoGen wallet to address token_transfer(address, mode.talao_to_transfer, mode) # CreateVaultAccess call in the token to declare the identity within the Talao Token smart contract if not createVaultAccess(address, private_key, mode): print('Error : transaction createVaultAccess failed') return None, None, None # Deploy workspace contract on blockchain contract = mode.w3.eth.contract(mode.workspacefactory_contract, abi=constante.Workspace_Factory_ABI) nonce = mode.w3.eth.getTransactionCount(address) txn = contract.functions.createWorkspace(1001, 1, 1, RSA_public, AES_encrypted, SECRET_encrypted, bemail).buildTransaction({ 'chainId': mode.CHAIN_ID, 'gas': 7500000, 'gasPrice': mode.w3.toWei( mode.GASPRICE, 'gwei'), 'nonce': nonce, }) signed_txn = mode.w3.eth.account.signTransaction(txn, private_key) mode.w3.eth.sendRawTransaction(signed_txn.rawTransaction) transaction_hash = mode.w3.toHex(mode.w3.keccak(signed_txn.rawTransaction)) receipt = mode.w3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(transaction_hash, timeout=2000, poll_latency=1) if not receipt['status']: print('Error : transaction createWorkspace failed') return None, None, None # workspace_contract address to be read in foundation smart contract workspace_contract = ownersToContracts(address, mode) print('Success : workspace_contract has been setup = ', workspace_contract) # if centralized, store RSA key in file ./RSA_key/rinkeby, talaonet ou ethereum if not decentralized: filename = "./RSA_key/" + mode.BLOCKCHAIN + '/did:talao:' + mode.BLOCKCHAIN + ':' + workspace_contract[ 2:] + ".pem" try: file = open(filename, "wb") file.write(RSA_private) file.close() print('Success : RSA key stored on disk') except: print('Error : RSA key not stored on disk') # add hexpublic key for wallet address ns.add_publickey(wallet_address, mode) # claims for firstname and lastname if firstname and lastname: if not update_self_claims(address, private_key, { 'firstname': firstname, 'lastname': lastname }, mode): print('Error : firstname and lastname not updated') print('Success : firstname and lastname updated') print("Success : create identity process step 1 is over") return address, private_key, workspace_contract
def create(self, did, mode, email=None, password=False, phone=None, wallet=None, category=1001) : """ Main function to create a repository for a user category is 1001 for person and 2001 for company DID is used to generate an ethereum private key email is used to recover in case of did keys are lost Talao smart contract is deployed on talaonet """ # Setup with DID as password, deterministic way to generate an address if not did : logging.error('did malformed') return False if did.split(':')[1] not in ['web', 'tz', 'ethr', 'key'] : logging.error('did not supported') return False repository = Repository() if repository.load(mode, did) : logging.error('A repository already exists for this DID') return False self.did = did = email if email else "" if category not in [1001, 2001] : logging.error('wrong category') return False self.category = category self.private_key = '0x' + PBKDF2(self.did.encode(), SALT, 32, count=1000000, hmac_hash_module=SHA512).hex() self.address = helpers.ethereum_pvk_to_address(self.private_key) self.public_key = helpers.ethereum_pvk_to_pub(self.private_key) self.jwk = helpers.ethereum_to_jwk(self.private_key, 'ethr') # create RSA key RSA_key = RSA.generate(2048) self.RSA_private = RSA_key.exportKey('PEM') self.RSA_public = RSA_key.publickey().exportKey('PEM')'RSA key generated') # Setup an AES key named 'private' to encrypt private data and to be shared with partnership private = get_random_bytes(16) self.private = private.hex() # Setup an AES key named 'secret' to encrypt secret data FIXME secret = get_random_bytes(16) self.secret = secret.hex() # AES private encrypted with RSA key cipher_rsa = private_encrypted = cipher_rsa.encrypt(private) # AES secret encrypted with RSA key cipher_rsa = secret_encrypted = cipher_rsa.encrypt(secret) try : # Ether transfer from TalaoGen wallet ether_transfer(self.address, mode.ether2transfer,mode)'ether transfer done ') # Talao tokens transfer from TalaoGen wallet token_transfer(self.address, mode.talao_to_transfer, mode)'token transfer done') # CreateVaultAccess call in the token to declare the identity within the Talao Token smart contract createVaultAccess(self.address, self.private_key, mode)'vault access created') except : logging.error('init Talao protocol failed') return False # Identity setup contract = mode.w3.eth.contract(mode.workspacefactory_contract,abi=constante.Workspace_Factory_ABI) nonce = mode.w3.eth.getTransactionCount(self.address) bemail = bytes( , 'utf-8') txn = contract.functions.createWorkspace(self.category, 1, 1, self.RSA_public, private_encrypted, secret_encrypted, bemail).buildTransaction({'chainId': mode.CHAIN_ID, 'gas': 7500000, 'gasPrice': mode.w3.toWei(mode.GASPRICE, 'gwei'), 'nonce': nonce}) signed_txn = mode.w3.eth.account.signTransaction(txn, self.private_key) mode.w3.eth.sendRawTransaction(signed_txn.rawTransaction) transaction_hash = mode.w3.toHex(mode.w3.keccak(signed_txn.rawTransaction)) receipt = mode.w3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(transaction_hash, timeout=2000, poll_latency=1) if not receipt['status'] : logging.error('transaction to create repository failed') return False # workspace_contract address to be read in fondation smart contract self.workspace_contract = ownersToContracts(self.address, mode)'repository has been deployed') # store RSA key in file ./RSA_key/rinkeby, talaonet ou ethereum filename = "./RSA_key/" + mode.BLOCKCHAIN + '/did:talao:' + mode.BLOCKCHAIN + ':' + self.workspace_contract[2:] + ".pem" try : file = open(filename,"wb") file.write( self.RSA_private) file.close()'RSA key stored on server') except : logging.error('RSA key not stored on server') return False # store Ethereum private key in keystore if not privatekey.add_private_key(self.private_key, mode) : logging.error('private key storage failed') return False else :'private key stored on server') # ERC725 key 1 issued to Web Relay as the Repository Manager if not add_key(self.address, self.workspace_contract, self.address, self.workspace_contract, self.private_key, mode.relay_address, 1, mode) : logging.error('ERC725 key 1 to repository manager failed') return False else : logging.error('ERC725 key 1 isued to repository manager') # rewrite email for recovery if Claim().add(self.address, self.workspace_contract, self.address, self.workspace_contract, self.private_key, 'email',, 'public', mode)[0] :'email encryted updated') else : logging.warning('email encrypted not updated')'end of create repository') return True
def history_html(workspace_contract, days, mode): history = dict() history_string = """ """ contract = mode.w3.eth.contract(workspace_contract, abi=constante.workspace_ABI) block_number = mode.w3.eth.getBlock('latest')['number'] # 30 days behind, one transaction every 15s except for Talaonet... if mode.BLOCKCHAIN == 'talaonet': fromblock = mode.fromBlock else: fromblock = block_number - (days * 24 * 60 * 4) filter_list = [, toBlock='latest'),, toBlock='latest'),, toBlock='latest'),, toBlock='latest'),, toBlock='latest'),, toBlock='latest'),, toBlock='latest'),, toBlock='latest') ] for i in range(0, len(filter_list)): eventlist = filter_list[i].get_all_entries() for doc in eventlist: transactionhash = doc['transactionHash'] transaction = mode.w3.eth.getTransaction(transactionhash) issuer = transaction['from'] issuer_workspace_contract = ownersToContracts(issuer, mode) profil, category = read_profil(issuer_workspace_contract, mode, loading='light') if category == 1001: firstname = "Unknown" if profil[ 'firstname'] is None else profil['firstname'] lastname = "Unknown" if profil['lastname'] is None else profil[ 'lastname'] issuer_name = firstname + ' ' + lastname if category == 2001: issuer_name = 'unknown' if profil['name'] is None else profil[ 'name'] blockNumber = transaction['blockNumber'] block = mode.w3.eth.getBlock(blockNumber) date = datetime.fromtimestamp(block['timestamp']) # html view preparation issuer_name = 'me' if issuer_name == 'Relay' else issuer_name issuer_name = 'me' if issuer_workspace_contract == workspace_contract else issuer_name if i == 4: history[date] = 'Document ' + str( doc['args']['id']) + ' removed by ' + issuer_name elif i == 3: history[date] = 'Document ' + str( doc['args']['id']) + ' created by ' + issuer_name elif i == 2 and doc['args']['purpose'] == 20002: history[date] = 'New Referent added' elif i == 2 and doc['args']['purpose'] == 5: history[date] = 'New issuer for White List' elif i == 6: history[date] = 'Personal Setting updated' elif i == 7 and doc['args']['purpose'] == 20002: history[date] = 'Referent removed' elif i == 7 and doc['args']['purpose'] == 5: history[date] = 'Issuer removed from White List' elif i == 7 and doc['args']['purpose'] == 3: history[date] = 'Claim Key removed' else: history[date] = 'unknown ' + doc['event'] sorted_history = sorted(history.items(), key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) for event in sorted_history: history_string = history_string + str( event[0]) + ' - ' + event[1] + """<br>""" return history_string
def create_company(email, username, did, mode, siren=None, name=None) : global relay_address # wallet init account = mode.w3.eth.account.create('KEYSMASH FJAFJKLDSKF7JKFDJ 1530') address = account.address private_key = account.privateKey.hex()'adresse = %s', address)'Success : private key = %s', private_key) # calculate RSA key RSA_key, RSA_private, RSA_public = privatekey.create_rsa_key(private_key, mode) # création de la cle AES AES_key = get_random_bytes(16) # création de la cle SECRET SECRET_key = get_random_bytes(16) # encryption de la cle AES avec la cle RSA cipher_rsa = AES_encrypted=cipher_rsa.encrypt(AES_key) # encryption de la cle SECRET avec la cle RSA cipher_rsa = SECRET_encrypted=cipher_rsa.encrypt(SECRET_key) # Email to bytes bemail = bytes(email , 'utf-8') try : # Transaction pour le transfert des nethers depuis le portfeuille TalaoGen h1 = ether_transfer(address, mode.ether2transfer, mode)'ether transfer done') # Transaction pour le transfert des tokens Talao depuis le portfeuille TalaoGen h2 = token_transfer(address, mode.talao_to_transfer, mode)'token transfer done') # Transaction pour l'acces dans le token Talao par createVaultAccess h3 = createVaultAccess(address, private_key, mode)'create vault access done') # Transaction pour la creation du workspace : bemail = bytes(email , 'utf-8') h4 = createWorkspace(address, private_key, RSA_public, AES_encrypted, SECRET_encrypted, bemail, mode, user_type=2001)'create create workspace done') except : logging.error('transaction failed') return None, None, None if not (h1 and h2 and h3 and h4) : logging.error('transaction failed') return None, None, None # lecture de l'adresse du workspace contract dans la fondation workspace_contract = ownersToContracts(address, mode) 'workspace contract = %s', workspace_contract) # store RSA key in file ./RSA_key/rinkeby, talaonet ou ethereum filename = "./RSA_key/" + mode.BLOCKCHAIN + '/did:talao:' + mode.BLOCKCHAIN + ':' + workspace_contract[2:] + ".pem" try : file = open(filename,"wb") file.write(RSA_private) file.close()'RSA key stored on disk') except : logging.error(' RSA key not stored on disk') # add private key in keystore if privatekey.add_private_key(private_key, mode) :'private key added in keystore ') else : logging.error('add private key failed') return None, None, None # update resolver and create local database for this company if not ns.add_identity(username, workspace_contract, email, mode, did=did) : logging.error('add identity in nameservice failed') return None, None, None # create database for manager within the company if not ns.init_host(username, mode) : logging.error('add company in nameservice failed') # For setup of new chain one need to first create workspaces for Relay and Talao if username != 'relay' and username != 'talao' : # management key (1) issued to Relay add_key(address, workspace_contract, address, workspace_contract, private_key, mode.relay_address, 1, mode) if username == 'relay' : # one stores relay address for Talao workspace setup relay_address = address if username == 'talao' : add_key(address, workspace_contract, address, workspace_contract, private_key, relay_address, 1, mode) # send messages Talao_message.messageLog("no lastname","no firstname", username, email, 'Company created by Talao', address, private_key, workspace_contract, "", email, "", "", mode) # one sends an email by default Talao_message.messageUser("no lastname", "no firstname", username, email, address, private_key, workspace_contract, mode)'end of of create company') return address, private_key, workspace_contract