def __init__(self, sockets): logfile = user_data_dir() + sep + "ICARUS.log" log_config(filename=logfile, level=DEBUG, format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s: %(message)s") log_info("icarus starting up") self.setpoints = [0.0, 0.0, 2.0] # x, y, z self.flight_time = 0 self.icarus_takeover = False self.emergency_land = False self.factory = ICARUS_MissionFactory self.fsm = flight_sm(self) self.landing_spots = LandingSpots(3.0) self.core = CoreInterface(sockets["core"], sockets["mon"]) # self.gps_shifter = GPS_Shifter() self.state_emitter = StateEmitter(sockets["state"]) self.powerman = PowerMan(sockets["power_ctrl"], sockets["power_mon"]) start_daemon_thread(self.power_state_monitor) start_daemon_thread(self.state_time_monitor) start_daemon_thread(self.core_monitor) self.activity = DummyActivity() self.activity.start() self.icarus_srv = ICARUS_Server(sockets["ctrl"], self) self.icarus_srv.start() log_info("icarus up and running")
class ICARUS: def __init__(self, sockets): logfile = user_data_dir() + sep + "ICARUS.log" log_config(filename=logfile, level=DEBUG, format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s: %(message)s") log_info("icarus starting up") self.setpoints = [0.0, 0.0, 2.0] # x, y, z self.flight_time = 0 self.icarus_takeover = False self.emergency_land = False self.factory = ICARUS_MissionFactory self.fsm = flight_sm(self) self.landing_spots = LandingSpots(3.0) self.core = CoreInterface(sockets["core"], sockets["mon"]) # self.gps_shifter = GPS_Shifter() self.state_emitter = StateEmitter(sockets["state"]) self.powerman = PowerMan(sockets["power_ctrl"], sockets["power_mon"]) start_daemon_thread(self.power_state_monitor) start_daemon_thread(self.state_time_monitor) start_daemon_thread(self.core_monitor) self.activity = DummyActivity() self.activity.start() self.icarus_srv = ICARUS_Server(sockets["ctrl"], self) self.icarus_srv.start() log_info("icarus up and running") def state_time_monitor(self): log_info("starting state time monitor") while True: if self.fsm._state != flight_Standing: # count the time for "in-the-air-states": self.flight_time += 1 else: # use system uptime here: up_file = open("/proc/uptime", "r") up_list = self.uptime = int(up_list[0]) up_file.close() sleep(1) def core_monitor(self): log_info("starting core state monitor") rc_timeout = 1.0 return_when_signal_lost = False self.mon_data = MonData() last_valid = time() while True: self.core.mon_read(self.mon_data) self.kalman_lat, self.kalman_lon = gps_add_meters( (self.core.params.start_lat, self.core.params.start_lon), self.setpoints[0:2] ) if self.mon_data.signal_valid: last_valid = time() else: if time() - rc_timeout < last_valid and return_when_signal_lost: if not self.icarus_takeover: self.icarus_takeover = True log_err("invalid RC signal, disabling mission interface") def power_state_monitor(self): log_info("starting power state monitor") while True: self.power_state = if self.power_state.critical: log_warn("critical power state: emergency landing") # disable system interface and take over control: self.icarus_takeover = True if not self.emergency_land: self.emergency_landing() def move_and_land(self, x, y): # try to stop and move somewhere try: self.fsm.stop() except: pass try: self.arg = IcarusReq() self.arg.type = MOVE self.arg.move_data.p0 = x self.arg.move_data.p1 = y self.fsm.move() except: pass try: except: pass def emergency_landing(self): return # TODO: test # we don't care about the system's state: # just try to stop and land it! try: self.fsm.stop() except: pass try: except: pass # after emergency landing, the interface will stay locked # and power circruitry will go offline def rotate(self, arg): if len(self.arg.pos) == 1: self.yaw_target = self.arg.pos[0] else: self.yaw_target = self.arg.pos[0], self.arg.pos[1] def yaw_update_thread(self): """ This method/thread is responsible for updating the yaw setpoint of the system. The code is only executed when the system is in a valid state. """ prev_yaw = None min_rot_z_ground = 1.0 while True: sleep(1) # when landing: setting a new rotation setpoint is not allowed: if self.fsm._state is flight_Landing: continue if self.mon_data.z_ground < self.min_rot_z_ground: print "system is able to rotate" try: if isinstance(self.yaw_target, float): print "fixed yaw mode" yaw = self.yaw else: poi_x = self.yaw_target[0] poi_y = self.yaw_target[1] print "POI mode, x =", poi_x, " y =", poi_y yaw = atan2(self.mon_data.y - poi_y, self.mon_data.x - poi_x) if prev_yaw != yaw: print "setting yaw to:", yaw self.core.set_ctrl_param(POS_YAW, yaw) prev_yaw = yaw except AttributeError: pass # called by ICARUS protocol driver: def handle(self, req, local=False): if not local and self.icarus_takeover: msg = "request rejected due to emergency take-over" log_err(msg) raise ICARUS_Exception(msg) self.arg = req if req.type == TAKEOFF: self.fsm.takeoff() elif req.type == LAND: elif req.type == MOVE: self.fsm.move() elif req.type == STOP: self.fsm.stop() elif req.type == ROT: self.rotate(arg) # following _prefix methods are called internally from state machine # and should not be called explicit (a) externally or (b) internally def _error(self): msg = "flight state machine error" log_err(msg) raise ICARUS_Exception(msg) def _broadcast(self): log_info("new state: %s" % to_string(self.fsm._state)) self.state_emitter.send(self.fsm._state) def _save_power_activity(self): log_info("standing") self.powerman.stand_power() def _takeoff_activity(self): log_info("taking off") self.landing_spots.add((self.mon_data.x, self.mon_data.y)) self.activity.cancel_and_join() self.powerman.flight_power() self.yaw_setpoint = self.mon_data.yaw self.activity = TakeoffActivity(self.fsm, self) self.activity.start() def _land_activity(self): log_info("landing") self.activity.cancel_and_join() self.activity = LandActivity(self) self.activity.start() def _move_activity(self): log_info("moving") self.activity.cancel_and_join() self.activity = MoveActivity(self) self.activity.start() def _stop_activity(self): log_info("stopping") self.activity.cancel_and_join() self.activity = StopActivity(self) self.activity.start()