def __init__(self, project, attributes=None, uuid=None): """ Default contructor, creates a derivative activity :param uuid: optional uuid...used mostly for reading in existing NIDM document :param attributes: optional dictionary of attributes to add qname:value """ if uuid is None: self._uuid = getUUID() #execute default parent class constructor super(Derivative,self).__init__(project.graph, pm.QualifiedName(pm.Namespace("niiri",Constants.NIIRI),self.get_uuid()),attributes) else: self._uuid = uuid super(Derivative,self).__init__(project.graph, pm.Identifier(uuid),attributes) project.graph._add_record(self) #list to store acquisition objects associated with this activity self._derivative_objects=[] #if constructor is called with a session object then add this acquisition to the session #carry graph object around self.graph = project.graph project.add_derivatives(self)
def get_anon_id(self, obj, local_prefix="id"): if obj not in self._cache: self._count += 1 self._cache[obj] = pm.Identifier( '_:%s%d' % (local_prefix, self._count) ).uri return self._cache[obj]
def __init__(self, project, attributes=None, uuid=None, add_default_type=True): """ Default contructor, creates an acquisition object and links to acquisition activity object :param project: NIDM project to add data element entity to.\ :param attributes: optional attributes to add to entity :param uuid: optional uuid...used mostly for reading in existing NIDM document :return: none """ if uuid is None: #execute default parent class constructor super(DataElement,self).__init__(project.graph, pm.QualifiedName(pm.Namespace("niiri",Constants.NIIRI),getUUID()),attributes) else: super(DataElement,self).__init__(project.graph,pm.Identifier(uuid),attributes) project.graph._add_record(self) if add_default_type: self.add_attributes({pm.PROV_TYPE: Constants.NIDM_DATAELEMENT}) project.add_dataelements(self) self.graph = project.graph #list to store acquisition objects associated with this activity self._derivative_objects=[]
def __init__(self, derivative,attributes=None, uuid=None): """ Default contructor, creates an derivative object and links to derivative activity object :param derivative: a Derivative activity object :param attributes: optional attributes to add to entity :param uuid: optional uuid...used mostly for reading in existing NIDM document :return: none """ if uuid is None: #execute default parent class constructor super(DerivativeObject,self).__init__(derivative.graph, pm.QualifiedName(pm.Namespace("niiri",Constants.NIIRI),getUUID()),attributes) else: super(DerivativeObject,self).__init__(derivative.graph, pm.Identifier(uuid),attributes) derivative.graph._add_record(self) #carry graph object around self.graph = derivative.graph #create link to acquisition activity derivative.add_derivative_object(self)
def add_records(old_entity, new_entity, instance_dict): ''' function adding instantiated records (entities and relations) to a prov document and containing bundles calls the match() and attr_match() functions for the instantiation Args: old_entity (bundle or ProvDocument): Prov template for structre info new_entity (bundle or ProvDocument): Instantiated entity with matched records (entities and relations) instance_dict: Instantiation dictionary Returns: new_entity (bundle or ProvDocument): Instantiated entity Todo: change return values of functions (this one and the ones called) ''' #print("Here add recs") relations = [] nodes = [] # for late use: # node_label = six.text_type(record.identifier) # uri = record.identifier.uri # uri = qname.uri for rec in old_entity.records: if rec.is_element(): nodes.append(rec) #print(rec) elif rec.is_relation(): relations.append(rec) else: print("Warning: Unrecognized element type: ",rec) linkedInfo=checkLinked(nodes, instance_dict) nodes_sorted=linkedInfo["nodes"] numInstances=linkedInfo["numInstances"] linkedGroups=linkedInfo["linkedGroups"] for rec in nodes_sorted: eid = rec.identifier attr = rec.attributes args = rec.args #print(attr) #print eid._str #dirty trick neid = match(eid._str,instance_dict, True, numInstances[eid]) #print repr(neid) #print repr(eid) #IF no match found then this var is unbound. In case of entities, this is always an error according to # if neid == eid._str: if "var:" in eid._str and eid._str[:4]=="var:": raise UnboundMandatoryVariableException("Variable " + eid._str + " at mandatory position is unbound.") #print(repr(instance_dict)) props_raw = attr_match(attr,instance_dict) props=dict() #eliminate tmpl:linked for p in props_raw: log.debug(type(p)) log.debug(repr(p)) if "tmpl:linked"!=p._str: props[p]=props_raw[p] """ print ("-------------------") print (repr(rec)) print (rec) print (rec.get_asserted_types()) print (rec.get_type()) print ("######################") print (repr(eid)) print (repr(neid)) print (repr(props)) print (repr(args)) print ("-------------------") """ #here we cann inject vargen things if there is a linked attr if isinstance(neid,list): i = 0 for n in neid: oa=prop_select(props,i) #print (repr(oa)) otherAttr=list() for ea1 in oa: #print (ea1) #ea1_match=match(ea1[1], instance_dict, False) if isinstance(oa[ea1], list): for a in oa[ea1]: otherAttr.append(tuple([ea1, a])) else: otherAttr.append(tuple([ea1, oa[ea1]])) #print (n) newRec=prov.ProvRecord(rec.bundle, n,attributes=otherAttr) newRec._prov_type=rec.get_type() #print (newRec) new_node = new_entity.add_record(newRec) #new_node = new_entity.entity(prov.Identifier(n),other_attributes=prop_select(props,i)) i += 1 else: #print (eid) #print (repr(neid)) #print (instance_dict) #print (numInstances) #print (linkedGroups) #print (repr(props)) newprop=list() for p in props: if isinstance(props[p], list): for a in props[p]: newprop.append(tuple([p, a])) else: newprop.append(tuple([p, props[p]])) """ print (repr(newprop)) print (rec.bundle) print (prov.Identifier(neid)) """ #DG NEW: WE MUST CORRECTLY EXPAND NESTED ATTRS HERE newRec=prov.ProvRecord(rec.bundle, prov.Identifier(neid),attributes=newprop) newRec._prov_type=rec.get_type() #print (newRec) new_node = new_entity.add_record(newRec) #new_node = new_entity.entity(prov.Identifier(neid),other_attributes=props) for rel in relations: #print (rel) #translate any tmpl entries #print (repr(rel)) #print (repr(rel.attributes)) #expand all possible formal attributes linkedMatrix=collections.OrderedDict() expAttr=collections.OrderedDict() for fa1 in rel.formal_attributes: linkedMatrix[fa1[0]]=collections.OrderedDict() for fa2 in rel.formal_attributes: linkedMatrix[fa1[0]][fa2[0]]=False for group in linkedGroups: if fa1[1] in group and fa2[1] in group: linkedMatrix[fa1[0]][fa2[0]]=True if fa1[1] != None: expAttr[fa1[0]]=match(fa1[1], instance_dict, False) if not isinstance(expAttr[fa1[0]], list): expAttr[fa1[0]]=[expAttr[fa1[0]]] else: #SPECUIAL CASE: prov:timea if fa1[0]._str=="prov:time": expAttr[fa1[0]]=[None] for ea1 in rel.extra_attributes: if ea1[0]._str=="tmpl:time": expAttr[fa1[0]]=match(ea1[1], instance_dict, False) if not isinstance(expAttr[fa1[0]], list): expAttr[fa1[0]]=[expAttr[fa1[0]]] else: expAttr[fa1[0]]=[None] #dont forget extra attrs. these are not expanded but taken as is. #we also want grouped relation attribute names linkedRelAttrs=[] # I think this is the problem, we need to distinguish if linkedGroups is just one or multiple groups #print ("------") #print (repr(linkedGroups)) #print (repr(rel.formal_attributes)) for group in linkedGroups: lst=[] for fa1 in rel.formal_attributes: if fa1[1] in group: lst.append(fa1[0]) if len(lst)>0: linkedRelAttrs.append(lst) #print (linkedRelAttrs) #print repr(linkedRelAttrs) args = rel.args linked=False #print ("ITERATING THROUGH " + str(len(linkedGroups)) + " LINKEDGROUPS") for group in linkedGroups: #print ("------------") #print (repr(group)) #print "IS " + str(args[0]) + " linked with " + str(args[1]) if args[0] in group and args[1] in group: #print repr(group) #print str(args[0]) + " linked with " + str(args[1]) linked=True break (nfirst,nsecond) = (match(args[0],instance_dict, False),match(args[1],instance_dict, False)) log.debug("NEW REL") log.debug((nfirst,nsecond)) #print(repr(instance_dict)) log.debug(repr(rel.extra_attributes)) relprops_raw = attr_match(rel.extra_attributes, instance_dict) relprops=dict() log.debug(repr(relprops_raw)) #eliminate tmpl:linked for relp in relprops_raw: log.debug(type(relp)) log.debug(repr(relp)) if "tmpl:linked"!=relp._str: log.debug(repr(relprops_raw[relp])) props[relp]=relprops_raw[relp] # WE MOVE THAT TO THE POINT WHERE WE NOW HOW MANY RELS WE HAVE FOR THE VAR PAIR ##dont forget extra attrs ## we need to rerrange this into #otherAttr=list() #for ea1 in props: # # if ea1._str != "tmpl:time": # #DG NEW: #we can have multiple cases now # #if the other attr tuple is "fix"/"var", then ... it depends on the state of the link. If its projection # # #should be relatively simple: # # if provided as simple list, then the attrs are expected to apply to all the connected instances # # #if the other attr tuple is "var/var", its more complicated # # # imagine multiple cases # # key_match=match(ea1[0], instance_dict, False) # va1_match=match(ea1[1], instance_dict, False) # if isinstance(key_match, list): # for a in ea1_match: # otherAttr.append(tuple([ea1[0], a])) # else: # otherAttr.append(tuple([ea1[0], ea1_match])) ##dont forget that the key can also be a variable idents=match(rel.identifier, instance_dict, False) """ print ("rel -------------------------------") print(repr(rel)) print ("idents -------------------------------") print(repr(idents)) """ log.debug(repr(idents)) """ print ("expAttr -------------------------------") print(repr(expAttr)) """ log.debug(repr(expAttr)) """ print ("linkedRelaTTRlinkedRelaTTRSS -------------------------------") print(repr(linkedRelAttrs)) """ log.debug(repr(linkedRelAttrs)) """ print ("relprops_raw -------------------------------") print(repr(relprops_raw)) """ #We need to check if instances are linked new_rel = set_rel(new_entity,rel,idents, expAttr,linkedRelAttrs, relprops_raw) #new_rel = set_rel(new_entity,rel,idents, expAttr,linkedRelAttrs, otherAttr) ##new_rel = set_rel_o(new_entity,rel,nfirst,nsecond, linked) return new_entity
tmpl_NS, "2dvalue_" + str(cnt1) + "_" + str(cnt2)) #attr="tmpl:2dvalue_" + str(cnt1) + "_" + str(cnt2) cnt2 += 1 attrs[attr] = b else: attr = prov.QualifiedName( tmpl_NS, "2dvalue_" + str(cnt1) + "_" + str(cnt2)) #attr="tmpl:2dvalue_" + str(cnt1) + "_" + str(cnt2) attrs[attr] = a else: attr = prov.QualifiedName(tmpl_NS, "value_" + str(cnt1)) attrs[attr] = a cnt1 += 1 #print ID #print attrs bindDoc.new_record(prov.PROV_ENTITY, prov.Identifier(ID), attributes=attrs) bindDoc.new_record(prov.PROV_ENTITY, prov.Identifier("var:dendroPlan"), { "tmpl:value_0": "ex:thePlan1", "tmpl:value_1": "ex:thePlan2" }) bindDoc.new_record(prov.PROV_ENTITY, prov.Identifier("var:organization"), {"tmpl:value_0": "ex:theOrganization"}) outfileBind = open("excelProvTemplate_bin.ttl", "w") #outfileBind.write(bindDoc.serialize(format="provn")) #outfileBind.write(bindDoc.serialize(format="provn", rdf_form="xml")) outfileBind.write(bindDoc.serialize(format="rdf", rdf_form="ttl")) outfileBind_json = open("excelProvTemplate_bin.json", "w") #outfileBind.write(bindDoc.serialize(format="provn")) #outfileBind.write(bindDoc.serialize(format="provn", rdf_form="xml"))
def add_records(old_entity, new_entity, instance_dict): ''' function adding instantiated records (entities and relations) to a prov document and containing bundles calls the match() and attr_match() functions for the instantiation Args: old_entity (bundle or ProvDocument): Prov template for structre info new_entity (bundle or ProvDocument): Instantiated entity with matched records (entities and relations) instance_dict: Instantiation dictionary Returns: new_entity (bundle or ProvDocument): Instantiated entity Todo: change return values of functions (this one and the ones called) ''' #print("Here add recs") relations = [] nodes = [] # for late use: # node_label = six.text_type(record.identifier) # uri = record.identifier.uri # uri = qname.uri for rec in old_entity.records: if rec.is_element(): nodes.append(rec) #print(rec) elif rec.is_relation(): relations.append(rec) else: print("Warning: Unrecognized element type: ", rec) linkedInfo = checkLinked(nodes, instance_dict) nodes_sorted = linkedInfo["nodes"] numInstances = linkedInfo["numInstances"] linkedGroups = linkedInfo["linkedGroups"] for rec in nodes_sorted: eid = rec.identifier attr = rec.attributes args = rec.args #print(attr) #print eid._str #dirty trick neid = match(eid._str, instance_dict, True, numInstances[eid]) #print repr(neid) #print repr(eid) #IF no match found then this var is unbound. In case of entities, this is always an error according to # if neid == eid._str: if "var:" in eid._str and eid._str[:4] == "var:": raise UnboundMandatoryVariableException( "Variable " + eid._str + " at mandatory position is unbound.") #print(repr(instance_dict)) props_raw = attr_match(attr, instance_dict) props = dict() #eliminate tmpl:linked for p in props_raw: if "tmpl:linked" != p._str: props[p] = props_raw[p] """ print ("-------------------") print (repr(rec)) print (rec) print (rec.get_asserted_types()) print (rec.get_type()) print ("######################") print (repr(eid)) print (repr(neid)) print (repr(props)) print (repr(args)) print ("-------------------") """ #here we cann inject vargen things if there is a linked attr if isinstance(neid, list): i = 0 for n in neid: oa = prop_select(props, i) #print (repr(oa)) otherAttr = list() for ea1 in oa: #print (ea1) #ea1_match=match(ea1[1], instance_dict, False) if isinstance(oa[ea1], list): for a in oa[ea1]: otherAttr.append(tuple([ea1, a])) else: otherAttr.append(tuple([ea1, oa[ea1]])) #print (n) newRec = prov.ProvRecord(rec.bundle, n, attributes=otherAttr) newRec._prov_type = rec.get_type() #print (newRec) new_node = new_entity.add_record(newRec) #new_node = new_entity.entity(prov.Identifier(n),other_attributes=prop_select(props,i)) i += 1 else: #print (eid) #print (repr(neid)) #print (instance_dict) #print (numInstances) #print (linkedGroups) #print (repr(props)) newprop = list() for p in props: if isinstance(props[p], list): for a in props[p]: newprop.append(tuple([p, a])) else: newprop.append(tuple([p, props[p]])) print(repr(newprop)) print(rec.bundle) print(prov.Identifier(neid)) newRec = prov.ProvRecord(rec.bundle, prov.Identifier(neid), attributes=newprop) newRec._prov_type = rec.get_type() print(newRec) new_node = new_entity.add_record(newRec) #new_node = new_entity.entity(prov.Identifier(neid),other_attributes=props) for rel in relations: #print (rel) #translate any tmpl entries #print (repr(rel)) #print (repr(rel.attributes)) #expand all possible formal attributes linkedMatrix = collections.OrderedDict() expAttr = collections.OrderedDict() for fa1 in rel.formal_attributes: linkedMatrix[fa1[0]] = collections.OrderedDict() for fa2 in rel.formal_attributes: linkedMatrix[fa1[0]][fa2[0]] = False for group in linkedGroups: if fa1[1] in group and fa2[1] in group: linkedMatrix[fa1[0]][fa2[0]] = True if fa1[1] != None: expAttr[fa1[0]] = match(fa1[1], instance_dict, False) if not isinstance(expAttr[fa1[0]], list): expAttr[fa1[0]] = [expAttr[fa1[0]]] else: #SPECUIAL CASE: prov:timea if fa1[0]._str == "prov:time": expAttr[fa1[0]] = [None] for ea1 in rel.extra_attributes: if ea1[0]._str == "tmpl:time": expAttr[fa1[0]] = match(ea1[1], instance_dict, False) if not isinstance(expAttr[fa1[0]], list): expAttr[fa1[0]] = [expAttr[fa1[0]]] else: expAttr[fa1[0]] = [None] #dont forget extra attrs. these are not expanded but taken as is. #we also want grouped relation attribute names linkedRelAttrs = [] for group in linkedGroups: lst = [] for fa1 in rel.formal_attributes: if fa1[1] in group: lst.append(fa1[0]) if len(lst) > 0: linkedRelAttrs.append(lst) #print repr(linkedRelAttrs) args = rel.args linked = False for group in linkedGroups: #print "IS " + str(args[0]) + " linked with " + str(args[1]) if args[0] in group and args[1] in group: #print repr(group) #print str(args[0]) + " linked with " + str(args[1]) linked = True break (nfirst, nsecond) = (match(args[0], instance_dict, False), match(args[1], instance_dict, False)) #dont forget extra attrs otherAttr = list() for ea1 in rel.extra_attributes: if ea1[0]._str != "tmpl:time": ea1_match = match(ea1[1], instance_dict, False) if isinstance(ea1_match, list): for a in ea1_match: otherAttr.append(tuple([ea1[0], a])) else: otherAttr.append(tuple([ea1[0], ea1_match])) idents = match(rel.identifier, instance_dict, False) #We need to check if instances are linked new_rel = set_rel(new_entity, rel, idents, expAttr, linkedRelAttrs, otherAttr) #new_rel = set_rel_o(new_entity,rel,nfirst,nsecond, linked) return new_entity
for b in a: #attr=prov.QualifiedName(tmpl_NS, "2dvalue_" + str(cnt1) + "_" + str(cnt2)) attr="tmpl:2dvalue_" + str(cnt1) + "_" + str(cnt2) cnt2+=1 attrs[attr]=b else: #attr=prov.QualifiedName(tmpl_NS, "2dvalue_" + str(cnt1) + "_" + str(cnt2)) attr="tmpl:2dvalue_" + str(cnt1) + "_" + str(cnt2) attrs[attr]=a else: attr=prov.QualifiedName(tmpl_NS, "value_" + str(cnt1)) attrs[attr]=a cnt1+=1 #print ID #print attrs bindDoc.new_record(prov.PROV_ENTITY, prov.Identifier(ID), attributes=attrs) persDict={} persList=[] counter=0 for p in persons: prop="tmpl:value_"+str(counter) persDict[prop]=prov.QualifiedName(prov.Namespace(outNSpref,outNS), urllib.quote(str(p.encode('utf8', 'replace')))) persList.append(prov.QualifiedName(prov.Namespace(outNSpref,outNS), urllib.quote(str(p.encode('utf8', 'replace'))))) counter+=1 bindDoc.new_record(prov.PROV_ENTITY, prov.Identifier("var:readingAgent"), persDict) bind_dict["var:readingAgent"]=persList bindDoc.new_record(prov.PROV_ENTITY, prov.Identifier("var:dendroPlan"), { "tmpl:value_0" : prov.QualifiedName(prov.Namespace(outNSpref,outNS), "thePlan1"), "tmpl:value_1" : prov.QualifiedName(prov.Namespace(outNSpref,outNS), "thePlan2")})