Esempio n. 1
 def __sub__(self, other):
     result = PoseR2S2()
     result.x = (self.x - other.x) * cos(other.theta) + (self.y - other.y) * sin(other.theta)
     result.y = -(self.x - other.x) * sin(other.theta) + (self.y - other.y) * cos(other.theta)
     result.theta = helper.wrap_to_npi_pi(self.theta - other.theta)
     result.phi = self.phi
     return result
Esempio n. 2
 def __add__(self, other):
     result = PoseR2S2()
     result.x = self.x + other.x * cos(self.theta) - other.y * sin(self.theta)
     result.y = self.y + other.x * sin(self.theta) + other.y * cos(self.theta)
     result.theta = helper.wrap_to_npi_pi(self.theta + other.theta)
     result.phi = other.phi
     return result
Esempio n. 3
 def execute_motion(self, pose: PoseR2S2, v: float, w: float,
                    dt: float) -> PoseR2S2:
     theta1 = pose.theta
     theta2 = wrap_to_npi_pi(theta1 - pose.phi)
     # tan_alpha = w * self.tractor_l / v
     L2 = self.trailer_l + self.link_l
     x_new = pose.x + dt * v * cos(pose.phi) * cos(theta2)
     y_new = pose.y + dt * v * cos(pose.phi) * sin(theta2)
     theta_new = theta1 + dt * w
     phi_new = theta_new - (theta2 + dt * v * sin(pose.phi) / L2)
     return PoseR2S2(x_new, y_new, theta_new, phi_new)
Esempio n. 4
    def build_cpoints(self):
        from math import exp
        r = self.vehicle.tractor_l  # see ref 1
        # generate trajectories for each steering angle
        for alpha in np.arange(-self.alpha_max,
                               self.alpha_max + self.alpha_resolution,
            n = 0
            v = self.K * self.vehicle.v_max
            pose = PoseR2S2(0., 0., 0., self.init_phi)
            dist = 0.  # tp_space distance
            last_pose = pose.copy()
            w = v / self.vehicle.tractor_l * tan(alpha)  # rotational velocity
            rotation = 0.  # same as pose.theta but defined over the range [0: 2PI)
            cpoints_at_alpha = [CPoint(pose, 0., v, w,
                                       alpha)]  # type: List[CPoint]
            while abs(
            ) < 1.95 * PI and dist < self.d_max and n < self.n_max and abs(
                    pose.phi) <= self.vehicle.phi_max:

                # calculate control parameters
                delta = helper.wrap_to_npi_pi(alpha - pose.theta)
                v = self.K * self.vehicle.v_max * exp(-(delta / 1.)**2)
                w = self.K * self.vehicle.w_max * (-0.5 +
                                                   (1 /
                                                    (1 + exp(-delta / 1.))))
                pose = self.vehicle.execute_motion(pose, v, w, self.dt)
                rotation += w * self.dt
                v_tp_space = sqrt(v * v + (w * r) * (w * r))
                dist += v_tp_space * self.dt
                delta_pose = pose - last_pose
                dist1 = delta_pose.norm
                dist2 = abs(delta_pose.theta) * self.k_theta
                dist_max = max(dist1, dist2)
                if dist_max > self.min_dist_between_cpoints:
                        CPoint(pose.copy(), dist, v, w, alpha, n))
                    n += 1
        print('Completed building cpoints for {0}'.format(
Esempio n. 5
 def alpha2idx(self, alpha: float) -> int:
     alpha = helper.wrap_to_npi_pi(alpha)
     if abs(alpha) > self.alpha_max:
         alpha = np.sign(alpha) * self.alpha_max
     delta = alpha + self.alpha_max
     return int(np.rint(delta / self.alpha_resolution))
Esempio n. 6
 def diff(self, other):
     result = PoseR2S2(self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y, helper.wrap_to_npi_pi(self.theta - other.theta), self.phi)
     return result
Esempio n. 7
 def execute_motion(self, pose: PoseR2S2, v: float, w: float,
                    dt: float) -> PoseR2S2:
     x_new = pose.x + dt * v * cos(pose.theta)
     y_new = pose.y + dt * v * sin(pose.theta)
     theta_new = wrap_to_npi_pi(pose.theta + dt * w)
     return PoseR2S2(x_new, y_new, theta_new)