Esempio n. 1
    def get_depth_phase1(self):
        slice_ = self.slice_sorted // N_PERM_4
        flip = self.flip
        twist = self.twist
        flipslice = N_FLIP * slice_ + flip
        classidx = sy.flipslice_classidx[flipslice]
        sym = sy.flipslice_sym[flipslice]
        depth_mod3 = pr.get_flipslice_twist_depth3(N_TWIST * classidx +
                                                   sy.twist_conj[(twist << 4) +

        depth = 0
        while flip != SOLVED or slice_ != SOLVED or twist != SOLVED:
            if depth_mod3 == 0:
                depth_mod3 = 3
            for m in enums.Move:
                twist1 = mv.twist_move[N_MOVE * twist + m]
                flip1 = mv.flip_move[N_MOVE * flip + m]
                slice1 = mv.slice_sorted_move[N_MOVE * slice_ * N_PERM_4 +
                                              m] // N_PERM_4
                flipslice1 = N_FLIP * slice1 + flip1
                classidx1 = sy.flipslice_classidx[flipslice1]
                sym = sy.flipslice_sym[flipslice1]
                if pr.get_flipslice_twist_depth3(
                        N_TWIST * classidx1 +
                        sy.twist_conj[(twist1 << 4) + sym]) == depth_mod3 - 1:
                    depth += 1
                    twist = twist1
                    flip = flip1
                    slice_ = slice1
                    depth_mod3 -= 1
        return depth
Esempio n. 2
    def search(self, flip, twist, slice_sorted, dist, togo_phase1):
        # ##############################################################################################################
        if self.terminated.is_set():
        if togo_phase1 == 0:  # phase 1 solved

            # if time.monotonic() > self.start_time + self.timeout and len( > 0:
            if 1000*(time.clock() - self.start_time) > self.timeout and len( > 0:

            # compute initial phase 2 coordinates
            if self.sofar_phase1:  # check if list is not empty
                m = self.sofar_phase1[-1]
                m = en.Move.U1  # value is irrelevant here, no phase 1 moves

            if m in [en.Move.R3, en.Move.F3, en.Move.L3, en.Move.B3]:  # phase 1 solution come in pairs
                corners = mv.corners_move[18 * self.cornersave + m - 1]  # apply R2, F2, L2 ord B2 on last ph1 solution
                corners = self.co_cube.corners
                for m in self.sofar_phase1:  # get current corner configuration
                    corners = mv.corners_move[18 * corners + m]
                self.cornersave = corners

            # new solution must be shorter and we do not use phase 2 maneuvers with length > 11 - 1 = 10
            togo2_limit = min(self.shortest_length[0] - len(self.sofar_phase1), 11)
            if pr.cornslice_depth[24 * corners + slice_sorted] >= togo2_limit: # this precheck speeds up the computation

            u_edges = self.co_cube.u_edges
            d_edges = self.co_cube.d_edges
            for m in self.sofar_phase1:
                u_edges = mv.u_edges_move[18 * u_edges + m]
                d_edges = mv.d_edges_move[18 * d_edges + m]
            ud_edges = coord.u_edges_plus_d_edges_to_ud_edges[24 * u_edges + d_edges % 24]

            dist2 = self.co_cube.get_depth_phase2(corners, ud_edges)
            for togo2 in range(dist2, togo2_limit):  # do not use more than togo2_limit - 1 moves in phase 2
                self.sofar_phase2 = []
                self.search_phase2(corners, ud_edges, slice_sorted, dist2, togo2)

            for m in en.Move:
                # dist = 0 means that we are already are in the subgroup H. If there are less than 5 moves left
                # this forces all remaining moves to be phase 2 moves. So we can forbid these at the end of phase 1
                # and generate these moves in phase 2.
                if dist == 0 and togo_phase1 < 5 and m in [en.Move.U1, en.Move.U2, en.Move.U3, en.Move.R2,
                                                           en.Move.F2, en.Move.D1, en.Move.D2, en.Move.D3,
                                                           en.Move.L2, en.Move.B2]:

                if len(self.sofar_phase1) > 0:
                    diff = self.sofar_phase1[-1] // 3 - m // 3
                    if diff in [0, 3]:  # successive moves: on same face or on same axis with wrong order

                flip_new = mv.flip_move[18 * flip + m]  # N_MOVE = 18
                twist_new = mv.twist_move[18 * twist + m]
                slice_sorted_new = mv.slice_sorted_move[18 * slice_sorted + m]

                flipslice = 2048 * (slice_sorted_new // 24) + flip_new  # N_FLIP * (slice_sorted // N_PERM_4) + flip
                classidx = sy.flipslice_classidx[flipslice]
                sym = sy.flipslice_sym[flipslice]
                dist_new_mod3 = pr.get_flipslice_twist_depth3(2187 * classidx + sy.twist_conj[(twist_new << 4) + sym])
                dist_new = pr.distance[3 * dist + dist_new_mod3]
                if dist_new >= togo_phase1:  # impossible to reach subgroup H in togo_phase1 - 1 moves

      , twist_new, slice_sorted_new, dist_new, togo_phase1 - 1)