def setDetectors(run, camera=None, ebeam=None, gasdetector=None, eventid=None, xtcavpars=None): """ sets detector and data objects """ o = Empty() o._camera = camera if camera is not None else run.Detector( cons.DETNAME) # 'xtcav' o._ebeam = ebeam if ebeam is not None else run.Detector( cons.EBEAM) # 'ebeam' o._gasdetector = gasdetector if gasdetector is not None else run.Detector( cons.GAS_DETECTOR) # 'gasdetector' o._eventid = eventid if eventid is not None else run.Detector( cons.EVENTID) # 'eventid' o._xtcavpars = xtcavpars if xtcavpars is not None else run.Detector( cons.XTCAVPARS) # 'xtcavpars' o._camraw = xtup.get_attribute(o._camera, 'raw') o._valsebm = xtup.get_attribute(o._ebeam, 'valsebm') o._valsgd = xtup.get_attribute(o._gasdetector, 'valsgd') o._valseid = xtup.get_attribute(o._eventid, 'valseid') o._valsxtp = xtup.get_attribute(o._xtcavpars, 'valsxtp') if None in (o._camraw, o._valsebm, o._valsgd, o._valseid, o._valsxtp): sys.error( 'FATAL ERROR IN THE DETECTOR INTERFACE: MISSING ATTRIBUTE MUST BE IMPLEMENTED' ) return o
def data_xtcavpars(valsxtp, evt): """ ROI_SIZE_X_names = ['XTCAV_ROI_sizeX', 'ROI_X_Length', 'OTRS:DMP1:695:SizeX'] ROI_SIZE_Y_names = ['XTCAV_ROI_sizeY', 'ROI_Y_Length', 'OTRS:DMP1:695:SizeY'] ROI_START_X_names = ['XTCAV_ROI_startX', 'ROI_X_Offset', 'OTRS:DMP1:695:MinX'] ROI_START_Y_names = ['XTCAV_ROI_startY', 'ROI_Y_Offset', 'OTRS:DMP1:695:MinY'] UM_PER_PIX_names = ['XTCAV_calib_umPerPx','OTRS:DMP1:695:RESOLUTION'] STR_STRENGTH_names = ['XTCAV_strength_par_S','Streak_Strength','OTRS:DMP1:695:TCAL_X'] RF_AMP_CALIB_names = ['XTCAV_Amp_Des_calib_MV','XTCAV_Cal_Amp','SIOC:SYS0:ML01:AO214'] RF_PHASE_CALIB_names = ['XTCAV_Phas_Des_calib_deg','XTCAV_Cal_Phase','SIOC:SYS0:ML01:AO215'] DUMP_E_names = ['XTCAV_Beam_energy_dump_GeV','Dump_Energy','REFS:DMP1:400:EDES'] DUMP_DISP_names = ['XTCAV_calib_disp_posToEnergy','Dump_Disp','SIOC:SYS0:ML01:AO216'] o.XTCAV_calib_umPerPx = valsxtp.XTCAV_calib_umPerPx(evt) o.XTCAV_strength_par_S = valsxtp.XTCAV_strength_par_S(evt) ... a = valsxtp.getattr(valsxtp, 'OTRS:DMP1:695:SizeX', None) o.OTRS_DMP1_695_SizeX = None if a is None else a(evt) """ o = Empty() for lstname, names in cons.xtcav_varname.items(): for name in names: a = xtup.get_attribute(valsxtp, name) if a is not None: value = a(evt) o.setattr(name.replace(':', '_'), value) #convert name like 'UM_PER_PIX_names' to 'umperpix' varname = lstname.rstrip('_names').replace('_', '').lower() if value is not None: o.setattr(varname, value) return o
def getLasingOffShot(lon, fname_loff): results=lon._pulse_characterization loff = lon._lasingoffreference ibunch = 0 group = results.groupnum[ibunch] profs = loff.averaged_profiles ds = DataSource(files=fname_loff) run = next(ds.runs()) print('XXXX dir(run)', dir(run)) print('XXXX max_events', run.max_events) print('XXXX esm', run.esm) print('XXXX timestamp', run.timestamp) print('XXXX dm', print('XXXX smd_dm', run.smd_dm) #==================== sys.exit('TEST EXIT') #==================== camera = run.Detector(cons.DETNAME) camraw = xtup.get_attribute(camera,'raw') #LCLS1 stuff does not work here #times = run.times() #time = profs.eventTime[ibunch][group] #fid = profs.eventFid[ibunch][group] #et = EventTime(int(time),int(fid)) #evt_loff = run.event(et) if camraw is None: print('No lasing off image found for unixtime',time,'and fiducials',fid) print('Found lasing off shot in run', return camraw(evt_loff)
def __init__(self, args): """ """ #self.args = args fname = getattr( args, 'fname', '/reg/g/psdm/detector/data2_test/xtc/data-amox23616-r0131-e000200-xtcav-v2.xtc2' ) experiment = getattr(args, 'experiment', 'amox23616') run_number = getattr(args, 'run_number', 131) max_shots = getattr(args, 'max_shots', 401) #Maximum number of shots to process validity_range = getattr(args, 'validity_range', None) save_to_file = getattr(args, 'save_to_file', True) calibration_path = getattr(args, 'calibration_path', '') start_image = getattr(args, 'start_image', 0) dark_reference_path = getattr(args, 'dark_reference_path', None) #Dark reference information num_bunches = getattr(args, 'num_bunches', 1) #Number of bunches num_groups = getattr(args, 'num_groups', None) #Number of profiles to average together snr_filter = getattr(args, 'snr_filter', 10) #Number of sigmas for the noise threshold roi_expand = getattr(args, 'roi_expand', 1) #Parameter for the roi location roi_fraction = getattr(args, 'roi_fraction', cons.ROI_PIXEL_FRACTION) island_split_method = getattr( args, 'island_split_method', cons.DEFAULT_SPLIT_METHOD) #Method for island splitting island_split_par1 = getattr( args, 'island_split_par1', 3.0 ) #Ratio between number of pixels between largest and second largest groups when calling scipy.label island_split_par2 = getattr( args, 'island_split_par2', 5. ) #Ratio between number of pixels between second/third largest groups when calling scipy.label PLOT_IMAGE = getattr(args, 'plot_image', False) if PLOT_IMAGE: self.fig, self.axim, self.axcb = gr.fig_img_cbar_axes(fig=None,\ win_axim=(0.05, 0.05, 0.87, 0.93),\ win_axcb=(0.923, 0.05, 0.02, 0.93)) #, **kwargs) #if type(run_number) == int: # run_number = str(run_number) self.parameters = LasingOffParameters( experiment=experiment, max_shots=max_shots, run_number=run_number, start_image=start_image, validity_range=validity_range, dark_reference_path=dark_reference_path, num_bunches=num_bunches, num_groups=num_groups, snr_filter=snr_filter, roi_expand=roi_expand, roi_fraction=roi_fraction, island_split_method=island_split_method, island_split_par2=island_split_par2, island_split_par1=island_split_par1, calibration_path=calibration_path, fname=fname, version=1) if rank == 0: print('Lasing off reference') print('\t File name: %s' % self.parameters.fname) print('\t Experiment: %s' % self.parameters.experiment) print('\t Runs: %s' % self.parameters.run_number) print('\t Number of bunches: %d' % self.parameters.num_bunches) print('\t Valid shots to process: %d' % self.parameters.max_shots) print('\t Dark reference run: %s' % self.parameters.dark_reference_path) #Loading the data, this way of working should be compatible with both xtc and hdf5 files #ds = psana.DataSource("exp=%s:run=%s:idx" % (self.parameters.experiment, self.parameters.run_number)) ds = DataSource(files=fname) run = next(ds.runs()) # run = ds.runs().next() #env = SimulatorEnvironment() # ds.env() #Camera for the xtcav images, Ebeam type, eventid, gas detectors camera = run.Detector(cons.DETNAME) # psana.Detector(cons.DETNAME) ebeam = run.Detector( cons.EBEAM) #SimulatorEBeam() # psana.Detector(cons.EBEAM) eventid = run.Detector( cons.EVENTID) #SimulatorEventId() # evt.get(psana.EventId) gasdetector = run.Detector( cons.GAS_DETECTOR ) #SimulatorGasDetector() # psana.Detector(cons.GAS_DETECTOR) xtcavpars = run.Detector(cons.XTCAVPARS) # Empty list for the statistics obtained from each image, the shot to shot properties, # and the ROI of each image (although this ROI is initially the same for each shot, # it becomes different when the image is cropped around the trace) list_image_profiles = [] #dark_background = self._getDarkBackground(env) dark_data, dark_meta = xtup.get_calibconst(camera, 'xtcav_pedestals', cons.DETNAME, experiment, run_number) logger.debug('==== dark_meta:\n%s' % str(dark_meta)) dark_background = xtu.xtcav_calib_object_from_dict(dark_data) logger.debug('==== dir(dark_background):\n%s' % str(dir(dark_background))) logger.debug('==== dark_background.ROI:\n%s' % str(dark_background.ROI)) logger.debug( info_ndarr(dark_background.image, '==== dark_background.image:')) print('\n', 100 * '_', '\n') camraw = xtup.get_attribute(camera, 'raw') valsxtp = xtup.get_attribute(xtcavpars, 'valsxtp') valsebm = xtup.get_attribute(ebeam, 'valsebm') valseid = xtup.get_attribute(eventid, 'valseid') valsgd = xtup.get_attribute(gasdetector, 'valsgd') if None in (camraw, valsxtp, valsebm, eventid, valsgd): sys.error( 'FATAL ERROR IN THE DETECTOR INTERFACE: MISSING ATTRIBUTE MUST BE IMPLEMENTED' ) #times = run.times() #image_numbers = xtup.divideImageTasks(first_event, len(times), rank, size) roi_xtcav, global_calibration, saturation_value = None, None, None num_processed = 0 #Counter for the total number of xtcav images processed within the run for nev, evt in enumerate('Event %03d'%nev) img = camraw(evt) if img is None: continue if roi_xtcav is None: # get calibration values needed to process images. resp = self._getCalibrationValues(nev, evt, camraw, valsxtp) if resp is None: continue roi_xtcav, global_calibration, saturation_value = resp #Obtain the shot to shot parameters necessary for the retrieval of the x and y axis in time and energy units shot_to_shot = xtup.getShotToShotParameters( evt, valsebm, valsgd, valseid) #logger.debug('shot_to_shot: %s' % str(shot_to_shot)) if not shot_to_shot.valid: continue image_profile, _ = xtu.processImage(img, self.parameters, dark_background, global_calibration, saturation_value, roi_xtcav, shot_to_shot) #logger.debug(info_ndarr(image_profile, 'LasingOffReference image_profile')) if not image_profile: continue #Append only image profile, omit processed image list_image_profiles.append(image_profile) num_processed += 1 self._printProgressStatements(num_processed) if num_processed >= np.ceil( self.parameters.max_shots / float(size)): break if PLOT_IMAGE: nda = img mean, std = nda.mean(), nda.std() aran = (mean - 3 * std, mean + 5 * std) self.axim.clear() self.axcb.clear() imsh = gr.imshow(self.axim, nda, amp_range=aran, extent=None, interpolation='nearest',\ aspect='auto', origin='upper', orientation='horizontal', cmap='inferno') cbar = gr.colorbar(self.fig, imsh, self.axcb, orientation='vertical', amp_range=aran) gr.set_win_title(self.fig, 'Event: %d' % nev) gr.draw_fig(self.fig)'non-hold') # here gather all shots in one core, add all lists #image_profiles = comm.gather(list_image_profiles, root=0) image_profiles = list_image_profiles if rank != 0: return sys.stdout.write('\n') # Flatten gathered arrays #image_profiles = [item for sublist in image_profiles for item in sublist] #for i,ipf in enumerate(image_profiles) : # print('XXX image_profiles %d:\n %s'%(i,str(ipf))) #Since there are 12 cores it is possible that there are more references than needed. In that case we discard some if len(image_profiles) > self.parameters.max_shots: image_profiles = image_profiles[0:self.parameters.max_shots] #At the end, all the reference profiles are converted to Physical units, grouped and averaged together averaged_profiles = xtu.averageXTCAVProfilesGroups( image_profiles, self.parameters.num_groups) self.averaged_profiles, num_groups = averaged_profiles self.n = num_processed self.parameters = self.parameters._replace(num_groups=num_groups) logger.debug('self.parameters.validity_range: %s type: %s' % (self.parameters.validity_range, type(self.parameters.validity_range))) logger.debug( 'self.parameters.run_number: %d type: %s' % (self.parameters.run_number, type(self.parameters.run_number))) # Set validity range, replace 'end' -> 9999 othervise save does not work... if not self.parameters.validity_range or not type( self.parameters.validity_range) == tuple: self.parameters = self.parameters._replace( validity_range=(self.parameters.run_number, 9999)) # IT WAS 'end')) elif len(self.parameters.validity_range) == 1: self.parameters = self.parameters._replace( validity_range=(self.parameters.validity_range[0], 9999)) # 'end')) #===================== #sys.exit('TEST EXIT') #===================== if save_to_file: #cp = CalibrationPaths(env, self.parameters.calibration_path) #file = cp.newCalFileName(cons.LOR_FILE_NAME, self.parameters.validity_range[0], self.parameters.validity_range[1]) fname = '' % (run.expt, run.runnum ) # , cons.DETNAME)
def __init__(self, args): #self.args = args fname = getattr( args, 'fname', '/reg/g/psdm/detector/data2_test/xtc/data-amox23616-r0104-e000400-xtcav-v2.xtc2' ) experiment = getattr(args, 'experiment', 'amox23616') run_number = getattr(args, 'run_number', 104) max_shots = getattr(args, 'max_shots', 400) validity_range = getattr(args, 'validity_range', None) save_to_file = getattr(args, 'save_to_file', True) calibration_path = getattr(args, 'calibration_path', '') start_image = getattr(args, 'start_image', 0) self.image = None self.ROI = None self.n = 0 self.parameters = DarkBackgroundParameters( experiment=experiment, max_shots=max_shots, run_number=run_number, validity_range=validity_range, calibration_path=calibration_path) """ After setting all the parameters, this method has to be called to generate the dark reference and save it in the proper location. """'dark background reference')'\t Data file: %s' % fname)'\t Experiment: %s' % self.parameters.experiment)'\t Run: %s' % self.parameters.run_number)'\t Valid shots to process: %d' % self.parameters.max_shots)'\t Detector name: %s' % cons.DETNAME) #Loading the dataset from the "dark" run, this way of working should be compatible with both xtc and hdf5 files ds = DataSource(files=fname) run = next(ds.runs())'\t RunInfo expt: %s runnum: %d\n' % (run.expt, run.runnum)) #Camera and type for the xtcav images camera = run.Detector(cons.DETNAME) #ebeam = run.Detector(cons.EBEAM) #eventid = run.Detector(cons.EVENTID) #gasdetector = run.Detector(cons.GAS_DETECTOR) xtcavpars = run.Detector(cons.XTCAVPARS) #Stores for environment variables #configStore=dataSource.env().configStore() #epicsStore=dataSource.env().epicsStore() print('\n', 100 * '_', '\n') camraw = xtup.get_attribute(camera, 'raw') valsxtp = xtup.get_attribute(xtcavpars, 'valsxtp') #valsebm = xtup.get_attribute(ebeam, 'valsebm') #valseid = xtup.get_attribute(eventid, 'valseid') #valsgd = xtup.get_attribute(gasdetector, 'valsgd') if None in (camraw, valsxtp): # valsebm, eventid, valsgd) : sys.error( 'FATAL ERROR IN THE DETECTOR INTERFACE: MISSING ATTRIBUTE MUST BE IMPLEMENTED' ) accumulator_xtcav = None n = 0 #Counter for the total number of xtcav images processed for nev, evt in enumerate( #print('Event %03d'%nev, end='') img = camera.raw(evt) if img is None: continue if self.ROI is None: if not self._getImageROI(nev, evt, camraw, valsxtp): continue accumulator_xtcav = np.zeros((self.ROI.yN, self.ROI.xN), dtype=np.float64) accumulator_xtcav += img n += 1 if n % 5 == 0: sys.stdout.write('\r%.1f %% done, %d / %d' % (float(n) / self.parameters.max_shots * 100, n, self.parameters.max_shots)) sys.stdout.flush() if n >= self.parameters.max_shots: break #At the end of the program the total accumulator is saved sys.stdout.write('\nMaximum number of images processed\n') self.image = accumulator_xtcav / n if not self.parameters.validity_range or not type( self.parameters.validity_range) == tuple: self.parameters = self.parameters._replace( validity_range=(self.parameters.run_number, 9999)) #'end')) elif len(self.parameters.validity_range) == 1: self.parameters = self.parameters._replace( validity_range=(self.parameters.validity_range[0], 9999)) #'end')), 'averaged raw:'))'self.parameters: %s' % str(self.parameters)) if save_to_file: #cp = CalibrationPaths(dataSource.env(), self.parameters.calibration_path) #fname = cp.newCalFileName(cons.DB_FILE_NAME, self.parameters.validity_range[0], self.parameters.validity_range[1]) fname = '' % (run.expt, run.runnum ) #, cons.DETNAME)