Esempio n. 1
def test_ms_sign_myself(M, make_myself_wallet, segwit, num_ins, dev, clear_ms,
        fake_ms_txn, try_sign, bitcoind_finalizer, incl_xpubs, bitcoind_analyze, bitcoind_decode):

    # IMPORTANT: wont work if you start simulator with -m flag. Use no args

    all_out_styles = list(unmap_addr_fmt.keys())
    num_outs = len(all_out_styles)


    # create a wallet, with 3 bip39 pw's
    keys, select_wallet = make_myself_wallet(M, do_import=(not incl_xpubs))
    N = len(keys)

    psbt = fake_ms_txn(num_ins, num_outs, M, keys, segwit_in=segwit, incl_xpubs=incl_xpubs, 
                        outstyles=all_out_styles, change_outputs=list(range(1,num_outs)))

    open(f'debug/myself-before.psbt', 'wb').write(psbt)
    for idx in range(M):
        _, updated = try_sign(psbt, accept_ms_import=(incl_xpubs and (idx==0)))
        open(f'debug/myself-after.psbt', 'wb').write(updated)
        assert updated != psbt

        aft = BasicPSBT().parse(updated)

        # check all inputs gained a signature
        assert all(len(i.part_sigs)==(idx+1) for i in aft.inputs)

        psbt = updated

    # should be fully signed now.
    anal = bitcoind_analyze(aft.as_bytes())

        assert not any(inp.get('missing') for inp in anal['inputs']), "missing sigs: %r" % anal
        assert all(inp['next'] in {'finalizer','updater'} for inp in anal['inputs']), "other issue: %r" % anal
        # XXX seems to be a bug in analyzepsbt function ... not fully studied
        pprint(anal, stream=open('debug/analyzed.txt', 'wt'))
        decode = bitcoind_decode(aft.as_bytes())
        pprint(decode, stream=open('debug/decoded.txt', 'wt'))
        if M==N or segwit:
            # as observed, bug not trigged, so raise if it *does* happen
            print("ignoring bug in bitcoind")

    if 0:
        # why doesn't this work?
        extracted_psbt, txn, is_complete = bitcoind_finalizer(aft.as_bytes(), extract=True)

        ex = BasicPSBT().parse(extracted_psbt)
        assert is_complete
        assert ex != aft
Esempio n. 2
def test_bitcoind_cosigning(dev, bitcoind, start_sign, end_sign, import_ms_wallet, clear_ms, explora, try_sign, need_keypress, addr_style):
    # Make a P2SH wallet with local bitcoind as a co-signer (and simulator)
    # - send an receive various
    # - following text of <>
    # - the constructed multisig walelt will only work for a single pubkey on core side
    # - before starting this test, have some funds already deposited to bitcoind testnet wallet
    from pycoin.encoding import sec_to_public_pair
    from binascii import a2b_hex
    import re

    if addr_style == 'legacy':
        addr_fmt = AF_P2SH
    elif addr_style == 'p2sh-segwit':
        addr_fmt = AF_P2WSH_P2SH
    elif addr_style == 'bech32':
        addr_fmt = AF_P2WSH
        addr, = bitcoind.getaddressesbylabel("sim-cosign").keys()
        addr = bitcoind.getnewaddress("sim-cosign")

    info = bitcoind.getaddressinfo(addr)

    assert info['address'] == addr
    bc_xfp = swab32(int(info['hdmasterfingerprint'], 16))
    bc_deriv = info['hdkeypath']        # example: "m/0'/0'/3'"
    bc_pubkey = info['pubkey']          # 02f75ae81199559c4aa...

    pp = sec_to_public_pair(a2b_hex(bc_pubkey))

    # No means to export XPUB from bitcoind! Still. In 2019.
    # - this fake will only work for for one pubkey value, the first/topmost
    node = BIP32Node('XTN', b'\x23'*32, depth=len(bc_deriv.split('/'))-1,
                        parent_fingerprint=a2b_hex('%08x' % bc_xfp), public_pair=pp)

    keys = [
        (bc_xfp, None, node),
        (1130956047, None, BIP32Node.from_hwif('tpubD8NXmKsmWp3a3DXhbihAYbYLGaRNVdTnr6JoSxxfXYQcmwVtW2hv8QoDwng6JtEonmJoL3cNEwfd2cLXMpGezwZ2vL2dQ7259bueNKj9C8n')),     # simulator: m/45'


    import_ms_wallet(M, N, keys=keys, accept=1, name="core-cosign")

    cc_deriv = "m/45'/55"
    cc_pubkey = B2A(BIP32Node.from_hwif(simulator_fixed_xprv).subkey_for_path(cc_deriv[2:]).sec())


    # NOTE: bitcoind doesn't seem to implement pubkey sorting. We have to do it.
    resp = bitcoind.addmultisigaddress(M, list(sorted([cc_pubkey, bc_pubkey])),
                                                'shared-addr-'+addr_style, addr_style)
    ms_addr = resp['address']
    bc_redeem = a2b_hex(resp['redeemScript'])

    assert bc_redeem[0] == 0x52

    def mapper(cosigner_idx):
        return list(str2ipath(cc_deriv if cosigner_idx else bc_deriv))

    scr, pubkeys, xfp_paths = make_redeem(M, keys, mapper)

    assert scr == bc_redeem

    # check Coldcard calcs right address to match
    got_addr = dev.send_recv(CCProtocolPacker.show_p2sh_address(
                                M, xfp_paths, scr, addr_fmt=addr_fmt), timeout=None)
    assert got_addr == ms_addr
    need_keypress('x')      # clear screen / start over

    print(f"Will be signing an input from {ms_addr}")

    if xfp2str(bc_xfp) in ('5380D0ED', 'EDD08053'):
        # my own expected values
        assert ms_addr in ( '2NDT3ymKZc8iMfbWqsNd1kmZckcuhixT5U4',

    # Need some UTXO to sign
    # - but bitcoind can't give me that (using listunspent) because it's only a watched addr??
    did_fund = False
    while 1:
        rr = explora('address', ms_addr, 'utxo')

        avail = []
        amt = 0
        for i in rr:
            txn = i['txid']
            vout = i['vout']
            avail.append( (txn, vout) )
            amt += i['value']

            # just use first UTXO available; save other for later tests

            # doesn't need to confirm, but does need to reach public testnet/blockstream
            assert not amt and not avail

            if not did_fund:
                print(f"Sending some XTN to {ms_addr}  (wait)")
                bitcoind.sendtoaddress(ms_addr, 0.0001, 'fund testing')
                did_fund = True
                print(f"Still waiting ...")


        if amt: break

    ret_addr = bitcoind.getrawchangeaddress()

    ''' If you get insufficent funds, even tho we provide the UTXO (!!), do this:

            bitcoin-cli importaddress "2NDT3ymKZc8iMfbWqsNd1kmZckcuhixT5U4" true true

        Better method: always fund addresses for testing here from same wallet (ie.
        got from non-multisig to multisig on same bitcoin-qt instance).
        -> Now doing that, automated, above.
    resp = bitcoind.walletcreatefundedpsbt([dict(txid=t, vout=o) for t,o in avail],
               [{ret_addr: amt/1E8}], 0,
                {'subtractFeeFromOutputs': [0], 'includeWatching': True}, True)

    assert resp['changepos'] == -1
    psbt = b64decode(resp['psbt'])

    open('debug/funded.psbt', 'wb').write(psbt)

    # patch up the PSBT a little ... bitcoind doesn't know the path for the CC's key
    ex = BasicPSBT().parse(psbt)
    cxpk = a2b_hex(cc_pubkey)
    for i in ex.inputs:
        assert cxpk in i.bip32_paths, 'input not to be signed by CC?'
        i.bip32_paths[cxpk] = pack('<3I', keys[1][0], *str2ipath(cc_deriv))

    psbt = ex.as_bytes()

    open('debug/patched.psbt', 'wb').write(psbt)

    _, updated = try_sign(psbt, finalize=False)

    open('debug/cc-updated.psbt', 'wb').write(updated)

    # have bitcoind do the rest of the signing
    rr = bitcoind.walletprocesspsbt(b64encode(updated).decode('ascii'))

    open('debug/bc-processed.psbt', 'wt').write(rr['psbt'])
    assert rr['complete']

    # finalize and send
    rr = bitcoind.finalizepsbt(rr['psbt'], True)
    open('debug/bc-final-txn.txn', 'wt').write(rr['hex'])
    assert rr['complete']

    txn_id = bitcoind.sendrawtransaction(rr['hex'])
Esempio n. 3
def build_psbt(ctx, xfp, addrs, pubkey=None, xpubs=None, redeem=None):
    payout_address = ctx.obj['payout_address']
    out_psbt = ctx.obj['output_psbt']

    if pubkey:
        assert len(addrs) == 1  # can only be single addr in that case
        assert len(pubkey) == 33

    spending = []
    total = 0
    psbt = BasicPSBT()

    for path, addr in addrs:
        print(f"addr: {path} => {addr} ... ", end='')

        rr = explora('address', addr, 'utxo')

        if not rr:

        here = 0
        for u in rr:
            here += u['value']

            tt = TxIn(h2b_rev(u['txid']), u['vout'])

            pin = BasicPSBTInput(idx=len(psbt.inputs))

            pubkey = pubkey or calc_pubkey(xpubs, path)

            pin.bip32_paths[pubkey] = str2path(xfp, path)

            # fetch the UTXO for witness signging
            td = explora('tx', u['txid'], 'hex', is_json=False)

            #print(f"txis {u['txid']}:\b{td!r}")
            outpt = Tx.from_hex(td.decode('ascii')).txs_out[u['vout']]

            with BytesIO() as b:
                pin.witness_utxo = b.getvalue()

            if redeem:
                pin.redeem_script = redeem

        print('%.8f BTC' % (here / 1E8))
        total += here

        if len(spending) > 15:
            print("Reached practical limit on # of inputs. "
                  "You'll need to repeat this process again later.")

    assert total, "Sorry! Didn't find any UTXO"

    print("Found total: %.8f BTC" % (total / 1E8))

    if payout_address:
        print("Planning to send to: %s" % payout_address)
        dest_scr = BTC.contract.for_address(payout_address)

        txn = Tx(2, spending, [TxOut(total, dest_scr)])
        print("Output section of PSBT will be empty. Change downstream")
        txn = Tx(2, spending, [])

    fee = tx_fee.recommended_fee_for_tx(txn)

    # placeholder, single output that isn't change
    pout = BasicPSBTOutput(idx=0)

    print("Guestimate fee: %.8f BTC" % (fee / 1E8))

    if txn.txs_out:
        txn.txs_out[0].coin_value -= fee

    # write txn into PSBT
    with BytesIO() as b:
        psbt.txn = b.getvalue()


    print("PSBT to be signed:\n\n\t" +, end='\n\n')