Esempio n. 1
def test_js_module_types():

    code = create_js_module('baz.js', CODE, ['bb'], 'aa', 'hidden')
    assert 'define' not in code
    assert 'require' not in code
    assert 'bb' not in code
    assert 'aa' not in code
    assert 'return' not in code

    code = create_js_module('baz.js', CODE, ['bb'], 'aa', 'simple')
    assert 'define' not in code
    assert 'require' not in code
    assert 'bb' not in code
    assert 'return aa' in code

    code = create_js_module('baz.js', CODE, ['bb'], 'aa', 'amd')
    assert 'define' in code
    assert 'require' not in code
    assert 'bb' in code
    assert 'return aa' in code

    code = create_js_module('baz.js', CODE, ['bb'], 'aa', 'umd')
    assert 'define' in code
    assert 'require' in code
    assert 'bb' in code
    assert 'return aa' in code

    with raises(ValueError):  # type not a str
        create_js_module('baz.js', CODE, ['bb'], 'aa', 3)

    with raises(ValueError):  # invalid type
        create_js_module('baz.js', CODE, ['bb'], 'aa', 'not_known')
Esempio n. 2
def test_js_module_names():

    with raises(ValueError):  # name not a str
        create_js_module(3, CODE, ['bb'], 'aa', 'simple')

    with raises(ValueError):  # name empty str
        create_js_module('', CODE, ['bb'], 'aa', 'simple')

    code = create_js_module('foo.js', CODE, ['bb'], 'aa', 'simple')
    assert '.foo =' in code  # using safe names
Esempio n. 3
def test_js_module_exports():
    with raises(ValueError):  # exports not a str or list
        create_js_module('foo.js', CODE, ['bb'], 3, 'simple')
    with raises(ValueError):  # exports element not a str
        create_js_module('foo.js', CODE, ['bb'], ['aa', 3], 'simple')

    code = create_js_module('foo.js', CODE, ['bb'], 'aa', 'simple')
    assert 'return aa' in code

    code = create_js_module('foo.js', CODE, ['bb'], ['aa', 'bb'], 'simple')
    assert 'return {aa: aa, bb: bb}' in code
Esempio n. 4
def test_js_module_imports():
    with raises(ValueError):  # imports not a list
        create_js_module('foo.js', CODE, 'bb', 'aa', 'simple')

    with raises(ValueError):  # imports element not a str
        create_js_module('foo.js', CODE, ['bb', 4], 'aa', 'simple')

    for type in ('amd', 'umd'):
        code = create_js_module('foo.js', CODE, ['bb as cc', 'dd'], 'aa', type)
        assert '"bb"' in code
        assert '"dd"' in code
        assert '"cc"' not in code
        assert 'cc, dd' in code
Esempio n. 5
    def test_overload_usage(self):

        # Can only use in a function
        with raises(JSError) as err_info:
        assert 'PSCRIPT_OVERLOAD inside a function' in str(err_info.value)

        # Can only use with a bool
        def foo():
            PSCRIPT_OVERLOAD = 0
            return a + b

        with raises(JSError) as err_info:
        assert 'PSCRIPT_OVERLOAD with a bool' in str(err_info.value)
Esempio n. 6
def test_json_conversion():
    from commonast import Node, Assign, Name, BinOp, Bytes, Num

    # Test json conversion
    roota = Assign([Name('foo')], BinOp('Add', Name('a'), Num(3)))
    rootb = Assign([Name('foo')], BinOp('Add', None, Num(3.2)))
    rootc = Assign([Name('foo')], BinOp('Add', Bytes(b'xx'), Num(4j)))

    for node1 in (roota, rootb, rootc):
        js = node1.tojson()
        node2 = Node.fromjson(js)
        assert js.count('BinOp') == 1
        assert js.count('Num') == 1
        assert node2.target_nodes[0].name == node1.target_nodes[0].name
        assert node2.value_node.op == node1.value_node.op
        assert node2.value_node.left_node == node1.value_node.left_node
        assert node2.value_node.right_node.value == node1.value_node.right_node.value
        # In fact, we can do
        node1 == node2

    assert roota != rootb
    assert roota != rootc
    with raises(ValueError):
        roota == 5

    assert str(roota) == roota.tojson()
    assert len(repr(roota)) < 80
Esempio n. 7
 def test_import(self):
     with raises(JSError):
         py2js('import time')
     # But we do support special time funcs
     import time
     assert abs(float(evalpy('time()')) - time.time()) < 0.5
     evalpy('t0=perf_counter(); t1=perf_counter(); (t1-t0)').startswith('0.0')
Esempio n. 8
def test_python2_old_syntax():
    # We do not support tuple function arg; it would complicate things
    with raises(RuntimeError):
        commonast.parse('def foo((a,)=c):pass')
    # Print statement becomes print function
    assert commonast.parse('print(foo)') == commonast.parse('print foo')
    # Exec statement becomes a d function
    assert commonast.parse('exec(foo)') == commonast.parse('exec foo')
    # Backticks becomes repr function
    assert commonast.parse('repr(foo)') == commonast.parse('`foo`')
Esempio n. 9
    def test_print(self):
        # Test code
        assert py2js('print()') == 'console.log("");'
        assert py2js('print(3)') == 'console.log(3);'
        assert py2js('foo.print()') == 'foo.print();'

        # Test single
        assert evalpy('print(3)') == '3'
        assert evalpy('print(3); print(3)') == '3\n3'
        assert evalpy('print(); print(3)') == '\n3'  # Test \n
        assert evalpy('print("hello world")') == 'hello world'
        # Test multiple args
        assert evalpy('print(3, "hello")') == '3 hello'
        assert evalpy('print(3+1, "hello", 3+1)') == '4 hello 4'
        # Test sep and end
        assert evalpy('print(3, 4, 5)') == '3 4 5'
        assert evalpy('print(3, 4, 5, sep="")') == '345'
        assert evalpy('print(3, 4, 5, sep="\\n")') == '3\n4\n5'
        assert evalpy('print(3, 4, 5, sep="--")') == '3--4--5'
        assert evalpy('print(3, 4, 5, end="-")') == '3 4 5-'
        assert evalpy('print(3, 4, 5, end="\\n\\n-")') == '3 4 5\n\n-'

        raises(JSError, py2js, 'print(foo, file=x)')
        raises(JSError, py2js, 'print(foo, bar=x)')
Esempio n. 10
def test_raw_js():
    with raises(TypeError):
    with raises(TypeError):
    # Empty
    r1 = RawJS('')
    assert str(r1) == ''
    assert r1.get_code() == ''
    assert r1.get_code(4) == ''
    assert '0' in repr(r1)
    assert r1.__module__.endswith(__name__)
    # Short single line
    r2 = RawJS('require("foobar")')
    assert 'require(' in repr(r2)
    assert 'require(' in str(r2)
    assert r2.get_code().startswith('require')
    assert r2.get_code(4).startswith('    require')
    assert r2.get_code(2).startswith('  require')
    assert '\n' not in r2.get_code()
    # Long single line
    r2b = RawJS('require("foobar")'*10)
    assert 'require(' not in repr(r2b)
    assert '1' in repr(r2b)
    # Multiline, start at first line
    r3 = RawJS("""for ... {
    assert 'lines' in repr(r3)
    assert 'for ...' in str(r3)
    assert str(r3).endswith('}\n')
    assert r3.get_code().count('\n') == 3
    assert r3.get_code().startswith('for')
    assert r3.get_code(4).startswith('    for')
    assert '\n    yyyy\n' in r3.get_code(0)
    assert '\n        yyyy\n' in r3.get_code(4)
    # Multiline, exactly the same, but start at second line; same results
    r4 = RawJS("""
        for ... {
    assert 'lines' in repr(r4)
    assert 'for ...' in str(r4)
    assert str(r4).endswith('}\n')
    assert r4.get_code().count('\n') == 3
    assert r4.get_code().startswith('for')
    assert r4.get_code(4).startswith('    for')
    assert '\n    yyyy\n' in r4.get_code(0)
    assert '\n        yyyy\n' in r4.get_code(4)
    # Multiline, now newline at the ned
    r5 = RawJS("""
        for ... {
    assert r5.get_code().count('\n') == 2
    assert str(r5).endswith('}')
Esempio n. 11
def test_py2js_on_wrong_vals():
    raises(ValueError, py2js, [])
    raises(ValueError, py2js, {})
    raises(ValueError, py2js, str)  # cannot find source for str
Esempio n. 12
 def test_for(self):
     # Test all possible ranges
     line = nowhitespace(py2js('for i in range(9): pass', inline_stdlib=False))
     assert line == 'vari;for(i=0;i<9;i+=1){}'
     line = nowhitespace(py2js('for i in range(2, 99): pass', inline_stdlib=False))
     assert line == 'vari;for(i=2;i<99;i+=1){}'
     line = nowhitespace(py2js('for i in range(100, 0, -1): pass', inline_stdlib=False))
     assert line == 'vari;for(i=100;i>0;i+=-1){}'
     # Test enumeration (code)
     assert ' in ' not in py2js('for i in [1, 2, 3]: pass')
     assert ' in ' not in py2js('for i in {1:2, 2:3}: pass')
     # Test declaration of iteration variable
     assert 'var aa' in py2js('for aa in x: pass')
     assert 'var aa' in py2js('aa=""\nfor aa in x: pass')
     assert 'var aa' in py2js('j=aa=""\nfor aa in x: pass')
     # Test output for range
     assert evalpy('for i in range(3):\n  print(i)') == '0\n1\n2'
     assert evalpy('for i in range(1,6,2):\n  print(i)') == '1\n3\n5'
     # Range with complex input
     assert evalpy('for i in range(sum([2, 3])): print(i)') == '0\n1\n2\n3\n4'
     # Test explicit for-array iteration
     code = py2js('a=[7,8]\nfor i in range(len(a)):\n  print(a[i])')
     assert ' in ' not in code and evaljs(code) == '7\n8'
     # Test enumeration over arrays - should use actual for-loop
     code = py2js('for k in [7, 8]:\n  print(k)')
     assert ' in ' not in code and evaljs(code) == '7\n8'
     # compile time tests
     raises(JSError, py2js, 'for i, j in range(10): pass')
     # Test enumeration over dicts
     # Python cannot see its a dict, and uses a for-loop
     code = py2js('d = {3:7, 4:8}\nfor k in d:\n  print(k)')
     assert ' in ' not in code and evaljs(code) == '3\n4'
     code = py2js('d = {3:7, 4:8}\nfor k in d:\n  print(d[k])')
     assert ' in ' not in code and evaljs(code) == '7\n8'
     # .keys()
     code = py2js('d = {3:7, 4:8}\nfor k in d.keys():\n  print(d[k])')
     assert evaljs(code) == '7\n8'  # and ' in ' in code
     # .values()
     code = py2js('d = {3:7, 4:8}\nfor v in d.values():\n  print(v)')
     assert ' in ' in code and evaljs(code) == '7\n8'
     # .items()
     code = py2js('d = {3:7, 4:8}\nfor k,v in d.items():\n  print(k)')
     assert ' in ' in code and evaljs(code) == '3\n4'
     code = py2js('d = {3:7, 4:8}\nfor k,v in d.items():\n  print(v)')
     assert ' in ' in code and evaljs(code) == '7\n8'
     # compile time tests
     raises(JSError, py2js, 'for i, j in x.keys(): pass')
     raises(JSError, py2js, 'for i, j in x.values(): pass')
     raises(JSError, py2js, 'for i in x.items(): pass')
     raises(JSError, py2js, 'for i, j, k in x.items(): pass')
     # Test iterate over strings
     code = py2js('for c in "foo":\n  print(c)')
     assert evaljs(code) == 'f\no\no'
     # Break and continue
     for9 = 'for i in range(9):\n  '
     assert evalpy(for9 + 'if i==4:break\n  print(i)') == '0\n1\n2\n3'
     assert evalpy(for9 + 'if i<5:continue\n  print(i)') == '5\n6\n7\n8'
     # Else
     assert evalpy(for9 + 'if i==3:break\nelse: print(99)\n0') == '0'
     assert evalpy(for9 + 'if i==30:break\nelse: print(99)\n0') == '99\n0'
     # Nested loops correct else
     code = py2js(self.method_for)
     assert evaljs('%s method_for()' % code) == 'ok\nok\nnull'
     # Tuple iterators
     assert evalpy('for i, j in [[1, 2], [3, 4]]: print(i+j)') == '3\n7'
     assert evalpy('for i, j, k in [[1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 5]]: print(i+j+k)') == '6\n12'
Esempio n. 13
def test_js_module_code():
    with raises(ValueError):  # code not a str
        create_js_module('foo.js', 4, ['bb'], 'aa', 'simple')
Esempio n. 14
def test_Node_creation():

    Node = commonast.Node

    class MyNodeWithoutSlots(Node):

    class MyStubNode(Node):
        __slots__ = ()

    class MyNode(Node):
        __slots__ = 'name', 'op', 'foo_node', 'foo_nodes', 'bar'

    stubnode = MyStubNode()
    stubnodes = [MyStubNode(), MyStubNode(), MyStubNode()]

    # Node is an abstract class
    raises(AssertionError, Node)
    # Nodes must have slots (and no __dict__ to preserve memory)
    raises(AssertionError, MyNodeWithoutSlots)
    # number of names must match
    raises(AssertionError, MyStubNode, 1)
    raises(AssertionError, MyNode, 'a', 'Add', stubnode, stubnodes, 1, 2)

    # These work
    node = MyNode('a', 'Add', stubnode, stubnodes, 1)
    node = MyNode('a', 'Add', None, stubnodes, 1)
    node = MyNode('a', 'Add', stubnode, [], 1)
    node = MyNode('a', 'Add', stubnode, stubnodes, 'bla')
    node = MyNode('a', 'Add', stubnode, stubnodes, [1, 2, 3])
    node = MyNode('a', 'Mult', stubnode, stubnodes, 1)
    node = MyNode('blas asdasd as', 'Mult', stubnode, stubnodes, 1)
    # Name must be a string
    raises(AssertionError, MyNode, 1, 'Add', stubnode, stubnodes, 1)
    # op must be an existing operator
    raises(AssertionError, MyNode, 'a', 'crap', stubnode, stubnodes, 1)
    # names ending with _node must be a node, and _nodes must be a list of nodes
    raises(AssertionError, MyNode, 'a', 'Add', 1, stubnodes, 1)
    raises(AssertionError, MyNode, 'a', 'Add', 'x', stubnodes, 1)
    raises(AssertionError, MyNode, 'a', 'Add', stubnode, 'not a node', 1)
    raises(AssertionError, MyNode, 'a', 'Add', stubnode, [1, 2], 1)
    # bar can be anything, but not a Node or list of Nodes
    raises(AssertionError, MyNode, 'a', 'Add', stubnode, stubnodes, stubnode)
    raises(AssertionError, MyNode, 'a', 'Add', stubnode, stubnodes, stubnodes)