Esempio n. 1
    def get_pseudos(options):
        Find pseudos in paths, return :class:`DojoTable` object sorted by atomic number Z.
        Accepts filepaths or directory.
        exts = ("psp8",)

        paths = options.pseudos
        if len(paths) == 1 and os.path.isdir(paths[0]):
            top = os.path.abspath(paths[0])
            # print("top", top)
            paths = find_exts(top, exts, exclude_dirs="_*")
            # table = DojoTable.from_dir(paths[0])

        pseudos = []
        for p in paths:
            except Exception as exc:
                warn("Error in %s:\n%s. This pseudo will be ignored" % (p, exc))

        table = DojoTable(pseudos)

        # Here we select a subset of pseudos according to family or rows
        if options.rows:
            table = table.select_rows(options.rows)
            table = table.select_families(

        if options.symbols:
            table = table.select_symbols(options.symbols)

        return table.sort_by_z()
Esempio n. 2
    def get_pseudos(options):
        Find pseudos in paths, return :class:`DojoTable` object sorted by atomic number Z.
        Accepts filepaths or directory.
        exts = ("psp8", "xml")

        paths = options.pseudos

        if len(paths) == 1:
            # Handle directory argument
            if os.path.isdir(paths[0]):
                top = os.path.abspath(paths[0])
                paths = find_exts(top, exts, exclude_dirs="_*")
            # Handle glob syntax e.g. "./*.psp8"
            elif "*" in paths[0]:
                paths = glob.glob(paths[0])

        if options.verbose > 1: print("Will read pseudo from: %s" % paths)

        pseudos = []
        for p in paths:
                pseudo = dojopseudo_from_file(p)
                if pseudo is None:
                    cprint("[%s] Pseudo.from_file returned None. Something wrong in file!" % p, "red")

            except Exception as exc:
                cprint("[%s] Python exception. This pseudo will be ignored" % p, "red")
                if options.verbose: print(exc)

        table = DojoTable(pseudos)

        # Here we select a subset of pseudos according to family or rows
        if options.rows:
            table = table.select_rows(options.rows)
            table = table.select_families(

        # here we select chemical symbols.
        if options.symbols:
            table = table.select_symbols(options.symbols)

        return table.sort_by_z()
Esempio n. 3
    def get_pseudos(options):
        Find pseudos in paths, return :class:`DojoTable` object sorted by atomic number Z.
        Accepts filepaths or directory.
        exts = ("psp8", "xml")

        paths = options.pseudos

        if len(paths) == 1:
            # Handle directory argument
            if os.path.isdir(paths[0]):
                top = os.path.abspath(paths[0])
                paths = find_exts(top, exts, exclude_dirs="_*")
            # Handle glob syntax e.g. "./*.psp8"
            elif "*" in paths[0]:
                paths = glob.glob(paths[0])

        if options.verbose > 1: print("Will read pseudo from: %s" % paths)

        pseudos = []
        for p in paths:
                pseudo = dojopseudo_from_file(p)
                if pseudo is None:
                    cprint("[%s] Pseudo.from_file returned None. Something wrong in file!" % p, "red")

            except Exception as exc:
                cprint("[%s] Python exception. This pseudo will be ignored" % p, "red")
                if options.verbose: print(exc)

        table = DojoTable(pseudos)

        # Here we select a subset of pseudos according to family or rows
        if options.rows:
            table = table.select_rows(options.rows)
            table = table.select_families(

        # here we select chemical symbols.
        if options.symbols:
            table = table.select_symbols(options.symbols)

        return table.sort_by_z()