def init(self): # Setup formatting templates for emails, can be overridden if different look required # The default below creates a simple list format # Need two {{ and }} because it goes through a parser later at another layer # Also, since it goes to an email, CSS is avoided self.start_html_tag = '<html>' self.end_html_tag = "</html>" self.header_pre_tag = '<h3>' self.header_post_tag = "</h3>" self.begin_section_tag = "<ul>" self.end_section_tag = "</ul>" self.begin_list_tag = '<li>' self.end_list_tag = "</li>" self.colon = ":" self.attachment_header = 'Attachments' self.email_editing = False self.server = config_get_section_attribute('EMAIL', 'domain') if not self.server: print("Using localhost for mail server") self.server = 'localhost' = self.__class__.__name__.replace("_", " ") # Class-specific settings, which are delegated to sub-classes self.define() # Initial values month = day = year = if self.section_field: self.section_field_object = FieldObject(self.database_name, self.section_field) self.section_field_default_value = self.section_field_object.default_value() else: self.section_field_object = None self.section_field_default_value = None self.start_date_field = StartDateField(self.database_name, 'Start Date') self.end_date_field = EndDateField(self.database_name, 'End Date') self.process() self.edit_word = "Edit"
class ExtendMoodleDatabaseToAutoEmailer: """ Converts a database on moodle into a useable system that emails users """ #TODO: Make it simple to get the new kid on the block master_username = '******' shared_command_line_args_switches = ['verbose', 'use_samples', 'no_emails', 'update_date_fields'] shared_command_line_args_strings = {'passed_date':None} def __init__(self, database_name, date): """ Populate self.found with legitimate entries Works by looking for target date on the backend, and then finding all entries with matching dates... ... and then adding any entries with any that share the same recordid """ super().__init__() # Setup self.database_name = database_name self.dnet = MoodleDBSession() self.database_id = self.dnet.get_column_from_row("data", 'id', name=self.database_name) self.setup_date(date) def init(self): # Setup formatting templates for emails, can be overridden if different look required # The default below creates a simple list format # Need two {{ and }} because it goes through a parser later at another layer # Also, since it goes to an email, CSS is avoided self.start_html_tag = '<html>' self.end_html_tag = "</html>" self.header_pre_tag = '<h3>' self.header_post_tag = "</h3>" self.begin_section_tag = "<ul>" self.end_section_tag = "</ul>" self.begin_list_tag = '<li>' self.end_list_tag = "</li>" self.colon = ":" self.attachment_header = 'Attachments' self.email_editing = False self.server = config_get_section_attribute('EMAIL', 'domain') if not self.server: print("Using localhost for mail server") self.server = 'localhost' = self.__class__.__name__.replace("_", " ") # Class-specific settings, which are delegated to sub-classes self.define() # Initial values month = day = year = if self.section_field: self.section_field_object = FieldObject(self.database_name, self.section_field) self.section_field_default_value = self.section_field_object.default_value() else: self.section_field_object = None self.section_field_default_value = None self.start_date_field = StartDateField(self.database_name, 'Start Date') self.end_date_field = EndDateField(self.database_name, 'End Date') self.process() self.edit_word = "Edit" def update_date_fields(self): self.start_date_field.update_menu_relative_dates( forward_days = (4 * 7) ) self.end_date_field.update_menu_relative_dates( forward_days = (4 * 7) ) def process(self): """ Finds the objects (using model_items method) and writes them to self.database_objects, and then processes them accordingly. Can be overridden if necessary, but must define self.database_objects """ self.model = self.model_items() # DO NOT PASS IT A NAME, WE NEED A BLANK ONE self.database_objects = DatabaseObjects() stripper = TagKeeper(['a', 'b', 'i', 'ol', 'ul', 'li']) for item in self.model.items_within_date( stripper.clear_text() stripper.feed(item.full_content) item.full_content = stripper.get_data() item.determine_priority(, self.priority_ids) if self.section_field: item.determine_section(self.section_field, self.section_field_default_value) self.database_objects.add(item) def model_items(self): """ Returns a generator object that represents the potential rows in the database If we are doing a dry-run then return a testing sample """ return DatabaseObjects(self.database_name) def setup_date(self, date): """ """ = date self.custom_date = custom_strftime('%A %B {S}, %Y', def email(self, email: "List or not", cc=None, bcc=None): """ USE THE Email API TO SEND AN EMAIL HANDLES IT WHETHER OR NOT LISTS ARE PASSED """ e = Email(self.server) e.define_sender(self.sender) if isinstance(email, list): for item in email: e.add_to(item) else: e.add_to(email) if cc: if isinstance(cc, list): for item in cc: e.add_cc(item) else: e.add_cc(cc) if bcc: if isinstance(bcc, list): for item in bcc: e.add_bcc(item) else: e.add_bcc(bcc) e.define_subject(self.get_subject()) e.define_content(self.get_html()) try: e.send() except smtplib.SMTPRecipientsRefused: self.print_email(email) def setup_priorities(self): self.priority_ids = [] for username in self.priority_usernames: self.priority_ids.append(self.dnet.get_column_from_row('user', 'id', username=username)) def define(self): """ OVERRIDE IN SUBCLASS """ # priority_ids self.priority_usernames = [] self.priority_ids = [] # priority_ids have to be list of id numbers of users whose posts should not "sink" as much as the others # section_field self.section_field = '' # If the form has a field that creates sections, give its name here, its contents will form section # in the output. # attachment_field self.attachment_field = '' # Attachments is any content that goes to the very bottom. # This was originally intended to be in lieu of files, but could have other applications as well # section_field self.section_field = '' # If there are multiple sections, then define the name in Moodle's field here # search_date self.search_date = "next day" # one of three values "next day", "same day", or "day before" which determines how is set up # "day before" is useful mostly for testing # agentmap self.agent_map = {} # keys are the tags, and the list of the object is who to send that information to # TODO: Implement # agents self.agents = [] # list of who to send all the data to def samples(self): """ Only called when use_samples is true. Intended to be overridden """ return [] def section_samples(self): """ Only called when use_samples is true. Intended to be overridden """ return [] def section_not_found(self, tag): """ Special processing for when tag not found? """ pass def html(self, the_html, format=True): if format: self.html_output += the_html.format(**self.__dict__) else: self.html_output += the_html def subject(self, the_subject): self.subject_output = the_subject.format(**self.__dict__) def derive_content(self, item: "Model.DatabaseObject"): """ Formats the content of the item if item.user is defined, adds user info at the end Removes the tailing </p> (which the model puts in by default) And calls self.list which just adds accordingly html Adds user info, and recloses it """ content_field = self.content_field.replace(' ', '_').lower() if not hasattr(item, content_field): return "This item does not have any content!" content = getattr(item, content_field) edit_phrase = "" # BLOCK FOR email_editing FEATURE # TODO GET A BETTER IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS! # edit_phrase CAN BE BETTER BECAUSE THE MODEL HAS MOST OF THIS INFO # ESPECIALLY THE dbid_id VARIABLE if self.email_editing and hasattr(item, 'dbid'): edit_phrase = '<br /><a href="{}&mode=list&advanced=0&filter=1&advanced=1&f_{}={}">{}</a> '.format( self.database_id, self.model.dbid_id, item.dbid, self.edit_word) # NOW EDIT THE CONTENT SO THAT <p> TAGS ARE REMOVED, AND ANY SPACES ARE CONSOLIDATED content = re.sub(r'</*p>', '', content) content = re.sub(r'\n', ' ', content) content = re.sub(' {2,}', ' ', content).strip() # BLOCK FOR INCLUDING THE USER INFORMATION if hasattr(item, 'user'): # item.user is defined, so process accordingly if content.endswith('</p>'): return self.list(content[:-4] + " (" + item.user + ") " + edit_phrase + "</p>") else: return self.list(content + " (" + item.user + ") " + edit_phrase) else: # no item.user, so just send the content back return self.list(content) def prepare_formatting(self, sections=[]): """ Responsible for setting up html_output and subject_output Default behavior assumes: * Tags are headers * Each item in the tag is a listed item in that tag """ self.colon = ':' self.html_output = "" self.subject_output = "" self.subject( + "{colon} {custom_date}") self.html("{start_html_tag}") # Set tags: What is passed trumps all, otherwise use the sections provided in define() sections_to_use = 'all' if sections: sections_to_use = sections else: if self.section_field: # Note, we can safely assume we have section_field_object defined # Use its method all_values(), which uses sql to get the values sections_to_use = self.section_field_object.all_values() if sections_to_use == 'all': sections_to_use = [None] # Iterate over the sections, if None then it'll get all of them, as indicated above for section in sections_to_use: # Set my header so I can format with it self.header = section if section else self.__class__.__name__.replace("_", ' ') # Get the right items, depending on what the value of section is if section is None: items = self.database_objects.get_all_items() else: items = self.database_objects.get_items_by_section(section) # Check and make sure we actually have content in this section (cont ...) if not items: self.section_not_found(section) else: self.html("{header_pre_tag}{header}{colon}{header_post_tag}") self.html("{begin_section_tag}") # Now actually output the content of each item for item in items: self.html(self.derive_content(item)) # puts in the content # ... this last if statement is continuation from check above if items: self.html("{end_section_tag}") header = False for item in self.database_objects: vrble_frm_strng = lambda strng: strng.replace(' ', '_').lower() get_attachment_content = lambda objct, strng: getattr(objct, vrble_frm_strng(strng)) item_has_attachment_available = lambda objct, strng: hasattr(objct, vrble_frm_strng(strng)) if item_has_attachment_available(item, self.attachment_field): attachment = get_attachment_content(item, self.attachment_field) if attachment: if not header: self.header = self.attachment_header self.html("{header_pre_tag}{header}{colon}{header_post_tag}") header = True self.html(attachment) self.html("{end_html_tag}") def print_email(self, recipient_list, format=True): if format: self.prepare_formatting() print("Email from {} to: {}".format(self.sender, recipient_list)) print(self.get_subject()) print(self.get_html()) def email_to_agents(self, format=True): """ Follows the internal constructs and sends emails with associated tags to the agents """ if format: self.prepare_formatting() if self.agents: if self.agent_map: for agent in self.agent_map.keys(): sections = self.agent_map[agent] def post_to_wordpress(self, url, blog, author, hour, format=True): """ SIMPLISTIC WAY TO GET WHAT COULD BE AN EMAIL ONTO A WORDPRESS BLOG REQUIRES wp-cli """ if format: self.prepare_formatting() path_to_wordpress = config_get_section_attribute('SITES', 'path_to_docroot', required=True) path_to_wpcli = config_get_section_attribute('SITES', 'path_to_wpcli', required=True) if not url: wordpress_url = config_get_section_attribute('SITES', 'url', required=True) else: wordpress_url = url # Get the user information first command = "{} --path={} user get {} --format=json ".format(path_to_wpcli, path_to_wordpress, author) to_call = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) result, err = to_call.communicate() import json user = json.loads(result.decode()) # Now clean up the html, add links if not there and remove errant tags, also clean up for passing on try: from lxml.html.clean import Cleaner from lxml.html.clean import autolink_html except ImportError: click.secho('We need lxml!', fg='red') content = self.get_html() cleaner = Cleaner(remove_tags=['p', 'div']) # Moodle's editor has loads of lonely p and div tags content = cleaner.clean_html(content) content = autolink_html(content) replace_apostrophes = "'\\''" content = content.replace("'", replace_apostrophes).replace('\r', ' ') # escape apostrophes for bash date_as_string = '{}-{}-{} {}:{}:00'.format(,,, hour.tm_hour, hour.tm_min) d = { 'title': self.get_subject(), # remove the 'Student Notices for' part 'author': user['ID'], 'content': content, 'date': date_as_string, 'blog': blog, 'url': wordpress_url, 'path_to_wpcli': path_to_wpcli, 'path_to_docroot': path_to_wordpress } command = """{path_to_wpcli} post create --path={path_to_docroot} --post_type=post --post_title='{title}' --post_content='{content}' --post_author={author} --post_status=future --post_date='{date}' --url={url}/{blog}""".format(**d), shell=True) def get_subject(self, **kwargs): return self.subject_output.format(**kwargs) def get_html(self, **kwargs): return self.html_output.format(**kwargs) def list(self, s): """ Can be used by formatting engine to make a list """ return "{}{}{}".format(self.begin_list_tag, s.strip('\n'), self.end_list_tag)