Esempio n. 1
def fold_event_prof(ph_mjd, par_file, nbins=16):
    params = read_par(par_file, file_format='tempo2')
    # Fold data with psr_utils by first calculating phases for each MJD based on par file's F0, F1, ... only good for isolated puslar
    ph_phase = pu.calc_phs(ph_mjd, params['pepoch'], params['f'][0], params['f'][1], params['f'][2], params['f'][3])
    # Cast all negative phases to be between 0 and 1
    while (len(np.where(ph_phase <= 0.)[0]) > 0 ): # Need the [0] because output is a tuple...
        below_zero_ind = np.where(ph_phase <= 0.)
        ph_phase[below_zero_ind] += 1.0
    # Now do the same to ensure anything greater than 1.0 is between (0., 1.0)
    while (len(np.where(ph_phase > 1.0)[0]) > 0 ): # Need the [0] because output is a tuple...
        above_zero_ind = np.where(ph_phase > 1.0)
        ph_phase[below_zero_ind] -= 1.0

    # Now histogram phases to create profile for a given number of bins (and thus bin size), and give user option to split data into N equal parts
    prof, bin_edges = np.histogram(ph_phase, bins=nbins, range=(0.,1.))
    bin_size = (bin_edges[1] - bin_edges[0])
    bin_val = bin_edges[0: len(bin_edges)-1] + bin_size/2.
    prof_err = np.sqrt(prof)
    # Calculate central MJD and MJD span for profile from min/max event MJDs
    if(len(ph_mjd) > 0):
        mjd_mean = 0.5*(np.min(ph_mjd) + np.max(ph_mjd))
        mjd_span = np.max(ph_mjd) - np.min(ph_mjd)
        # spin phase at representative MJD of profile
        ref_phase = pu.calc_phs(mjd_mean, params['pepoch'], params['f'][0], params['f'][1], params['f'][2], params['f'][3])
        # Cast to be between 0 and 1
        while(ref_phase <= 0.):
            ref_phase += 1.0
        while(ref_phase > 1.0):
            ref_phase -= 1.0
        ref_freq  = pu.calc_freq(mjd_mean, params['pepoch'], params['f'][0], params['f'][1], params['f'][2], params['f'][3])
        mjd_mean = 0.
        ref_phase = 0.
        ref_freq = 0.
    profile = {'i':prof, 'i_err':prof_err, 'phase':bin_val, 'mjd':mjd_mean, 'mjd_span': mjd_span, 'psrname':params['psr'], 'ref_phase':ref_phase, 'ref_freq':ref_freq}
    return profile
Esempio n. 2
def main():

     progname = ''
     args = get_opt(progname)

# First, read in residuals data file, and assign each column to a separate
# numpy array     
     resid_data = read_resid(args.resfile, 
                             tempo2=args.tempo2, info_file=args.infofile, 

     # For now worry about ntoa in calculating chi2's but will implement 
     # par file reader to determine the number of DOF
     # ( = n_toa + n_free_param + 1 for fit for phase)
         n_param = 0
         param_name, para_val, param_fit = read_par(args.parfile, file_format=ffmt, return_tuple=True)
         n_param = param_fit.count(True)
#         param_data = read_par(args.parfile, file_format=ffmt)

     # Now get information from residuals
     rinfo = get_resid_info(resid_data, nparam=n_param)
     # Now print out results, to stdout for now:
     print ''
     print 'Residual file:  ', args.resfile
     print 'Par file:       ', args.parfile
     print 'Number of TOAs: ', rinfo['ntoa']
     print 'Number of parameters:  ', rinfo['nparam'] 
     print 'Number of DOF:         ', rinfo['ndof']
     print '\n'
     print 'Info        Total   Avg weight  Number     Chi^2    Adjusted chi^2     rms         rms        MJD range     Years   Centre'
     print '            weight   per TOA    of TOAs   per TOA     (per DOF)     unweighted   weighted                            freq '
     print ''
     for i_info in range(len(resid_data['info_val'])):
         print '{0:8}    {1:7.5f}  {2:7.5f}  {3:7d}  {4:10.4f}  {5:10.4f}     {6:10.4f}  {7:10.4f}    {8:5d} - {9:5d}  {10:5.2f}    {11:6.1f}'.format(
             resid_data['info_val'][i_info], rinfo['normwgt'][i_info], 
             rinfo['avgwgt'][i_info], rinfo['npts'][i_info], 
             rinfo['rchi2'][i_info], rinfo['rchi2x'][i_info], 
             rinfo['resrms'][i_info], rinfo['resrmsw'][i_info], 
             int(rinfo['mjdstart'][i_info]), int(rinfo['mjdend'][i_info]), 
             rinfo['cfreq'][i_info] )

     print ''
     print '{0:8}    {1:7.5f}  {2:7.5f}  {3:7d}  {4:10.4f}  {5:10.4f}     {6:10.4f}  {7:10.4f}    {8:5d} - {9:5d}  {10:5.2f}    {11:6.1f}'.format(
         'Total', rinfo['sum_normwgt'], 
         rinfo['sum_avgwgt'], rinfo['sum_npts'], 
         rinfo['sum_rchi2'], rinfo['sum_rchi2x'], 
         rinfo['sum_resrms'], rinfo['sum_resrmsw'], 
         int(rinfo['sum_mjdstart']), int(rinfo['sum_mjdend']), 
         rinfo['sum_cfreq'] )
Esempio n. 3
def main():
    progname = ''
    args = get_opt(progname)

    if(args.psrname == None):
        outfile_base = ''
        outfile_base = args.psrname
# Set par and tim files
#    par_base = '/Users/ferdman/Work/pulsar/1756-2251/timing/tempo/1756.dd.par.BASE'
#    tim_file = '/Users/ferdman/Work/pulsar/1756-2251/timing/tempo/1756.tempo.tim'

# Prepare par file for grid fitting
    # First, read in par file:
    par_base_contents = []
    f_par = open(args.parfile, 'r')
    for par_line in f_par.readlines():
        if ((par_line.split()[0] != 'SINI') & (par_line.split()[0]!='M2')):
    #par_base_contents = [par_line.split() for par_line in f_par.readlines()]

    parfile_base = 'par_base.par'
    f_par_base = open(parfile_base, 'w')
    for par_line in par_base_contents:                
        f_par_base.write(' '.join(par_line)+'\n')
    # read in pb and asini from par file, adn calculation mass function:
        tempo_ver = 'tempo2'
        tempo_ver = 'tempo1'
    params=read_par(args.parfile, file_format=tempo_ver)
    # asini is in (light) seconds.  Convert pb to secs as well.
    # tsun is in us to give f_mass in solar units.
    tsun = 4.925490947
    tsun_secs = tsun*10**(-6)
    pb_secs = float(params['pb'])*86400.0
    f_mass = 4*np.pi*np.pi*(float(params['a1'])**3.)/(tsun_secs*(pb_secs**2.))
#    f_mass = 4*np.pi*np.pi*(float(params['a1'])**3.)/(tsun*(float(params['pb'])**2.))
    print 'pb = ', float(params['pb']), ' = ', pb_secs, ' sec'
    print 'a1 = ', float(params['a1'])
    print 'fmass = ', f_mass
        p_out =  grid_fit_shapiro_tempo(parfile_base, args.timfile, 
                                        n_m2=args.nm2, n_cosi=args.ncosi,

            save_file = 'm2cosi_grid_{0}_{1}'.format(args.nm2, args.ncosi)
            save_array = np.array([p_out['m2'], p_out['cosi'], p_out['sini'], 
                                    p_out['m1'], p_out['m1_prob']])
  '_params', save_array)
  '_prob', p_out['norm_like'])
        load_array = np.load(args.loadfile+'_params.npy')
        # for the purposes of this routine, only need the following 
        # things in p_out
        p_out = {'m2':load_array[0],
        p_out['norm_like'] = np.load(args.loadfile+'_prob.npy')

# Now make contour plots
    plot_contour_pdf(p_out['cosi'], p_out['m2'], p_out['norm_like'],
                         xlabel='|cos $i$|',
                         ylabel='Companion mass ($M_\\odot$)')
    # Add in m1 curves
    if(args.m1curve != None):
        for i_m1 in np.arange(len(args.m1curve)):
            sini_plot = ( (f_mass*(args.m1curve[i_m1]+p_out['m2'])**2.)**(1./3.) )/p_out['m2']
            cosi_plot = np.sqrt(1.0 - sini_plot**2.)
            plt.plot(cosi_plot, p_out['m2'], linestyle='dashed', color='black')

# Now plot 1D pdfs for m2 and cosi
    m2_pdf = np.sum(p_out['norm_like'], axis=1)
    m2_med, m2_prob_min, m2_prob_max = \
        get_pdf_prob(p_out['m2'], m2_pdf, prob_intervals)
    plot_pdf(p_out['m2'], m2_pdf, 
             xlabel='Companion mass ($M_\\odot$)', ylabel='Probability density',
             prob_lines=np.append(m2_prob_min, m2_prob_max),
    print 'M2 = ', m2_med
    print '   68%: ', m2_prob_min[0], m2_prob_max[0]
    print '   95%: ', m2_prob_min[1], m2_prob_max[1]
    print '   99%: ', m2_prob_min[2], m2_prob_max[2]
    print ' '

    sini_pdf = np.sum(p_out['norm_like'], axis=0)
    sini_med, sini_prob_min, sini_prob_max = \
        get_pdf_prob(p_out['sini'], sini_pdf, prob_intervals)
    plot_pdf(p_out['sini'], sini_pdf, 
             xlabel='Sine of inclination angle', ylabel='Probability density',
             prob_lines=np.append(sini_prob_min, sini_prob_max),
    print 'SINI = ', sini_med
    print '   68%: ', sini_prob_min[0], sini_prob_max[0]
    print '   95%: ', sini_prob_min[1], sini_prob_max[1]
    print '   99%: ', sini_prob_min[2], sini_prob_max[2]
    print ' '

    cosi_pdf = np.sum(p_out['norm_like'], axis=0)
    cosi_med, cosi_prob_min, cosi_prob_max = \
        get_pdf_prob(p_out['cosi'], cosi_pdf, prob_intervals)
    plot_pdf(p_out['cosi'], cosi_pdf, 
             xlabel='Total system mass ($M_\\odot$)', ylabel='Probability density',
             prob_lines=np.append(cosi_prob_min, cosi_prob_max),
    print 'COSI = ', cosi_med
    print '   68%: ', cosi_prob_min[0], cosi_prob_max[0]
    print '   95%: ', cosi_prob_min[1], cosi_prob_max[1]
    print '   99%: ', cosi_prob_min[2], cosi_prob_max[2]
    print ' '

    # Now deal with m1's:  create histogram weighted by likelihood
    m1_pdf, bin_edges = np.histogram(p_out['m1'], args.m1bins, 
                                    density=True, weights=p_out['m1_prob'])
    # We can define the bin centres as follows since our call to np/histogram gives 
    # back evenly spaced bins
    bin_size = bin_edges[1] - bin_edges[0]
    m1_val = bin_edges[0:len(bin_edges)-1] + 0.5*bin_size
    # Get PDF intervals and values:
    # pdf_rho = rho_hist/np.sum(rho_hist)
    m1_med, m1_prob_min, m1_prob_max = \
                        get_pdf_prob(m1_val, m1_pdf,prob_intervals, norm=True)
    plot_pdf(m1_val, m1_pdf, 
             xlabel='Pulsar mass ($M_\\odot$)', ylabel='Probability density',
             prob_lines=np.append(m1_prob_min, m1_prob_max),

    print ' '
    print 'M1 = ', m1_med
    print '  68%: ', m1_prob_min[0], '  ', m1_prob_max[0]
    print '  95%: ', m1_prob_min[1], '  ', m1_prob_max[1]
    print '  99%: ', m1_prob_min[2], '  ', m1_prob_max[2]
    print ' '