def get_responsive_nids(rec): """Get responsive nids (those with at least 1 detected response event in their PSTH) by finding the responsive nids in each state separately, then taking their superset""" rnids = [] allnids = sorted(rec.alln) for statei in [0, 1]: # 0 is desynched, 1 is synched tranges = REC2STATETRANGES[rec.absname] trange = tranges[statei] t, psths, spikets = rec.psth(nids=allnids, natexps=False, blank=BLANK, strange=trange, plot=False, binw=BINW, tres=TRES, gauss=GAUSS, norm='ntrials') for nid, psth, ts in zip(allnids, psths, spikets): # run PSTH peak detection: baseline = MEDIANX * np.median(psth) thresh = baseline + MINTHRESH # peak detection threshold print("n%d" % nid, end='') peakis, lis, ris = get_psth_peaks_gac(ts, t, psth, thresh) npeaks = len(peakis) if npeaks > 0: rnids.append(nid) print() # newline rnids = np.unique(rnids) return rnids
rts = {} # index into by [rec.absname][statei] rpsths = {} # index into by [rec.absname][statei][nid] for rec, nids, strange, state in zip(recs, recsecnids, stranges, states): print(rec.absname, state) statei = {'desynch': 0, 'synch': 1}[state] if rec.absname not in rts: rts[rec.absname] = [None, None] # init, index into using statei rpsths[rec.absname] = [{}, {}] # init, index into using statei t, psths, spikets = rec.psth(nids=nids, natexps=False, blank=BLANK, strange=strange, plot=False, binw=BINW, tres=TRES, gauss=GAUSS, norm='ntrials') rts[rec.absname][statei] = t for nid, psth, ts in zip(nids, psths, spikets): # run PSTH peak detection: baseline = MEDIANX * np.median(psth) thresh = baseline + MINTHRESH # peak detection threshold peakis, lis, ris = get_psth_peaks_gac(ts, t, psth, thresh) if len(peakis) == 0: # not a responsive PSTH continue rpsths[rec.absname][statei][nid] = psth print('\n') # two newlines # correlate each PSTH in each recording section with movie signals. Also, collect # movie motion-PSTH sparseness pairs: motrhostats, conrhostats, lumrhostats = [], [], [] for corrdelay in CORRDELAYS: motrhos = {'desynch': [], 'synch': []} conrhos = {'desynch': [], 'synch': []} lumrhos = {'desynch': [], 'synch': []} motscatspars = {'desynch': [], 'synch': []} NULLRHO = -1 recsecscatmotrhos = {} # index into with [rec.absname][nid][statei], first 2 are dict keys
for n in ns: nid = rec = n.sort.r stranges = REC2STATETRANGES[rec.absname] # [desynched, synched] figure(figsize=figsize) for strange, c in zip(stranges[::-1], ['r', 'b']): # [synched, desynched] # calculate PSTH: t, psths, spikets = rec.psth(nids=[nid], strange=strange, binw=BINW, tres=TRES, gauss=True, norm='ntrials', plot=False) psth, ts = psths[0], spikets[0] # lists of len 1 # run PSTH peak detection: baseline = MEDIANX * np.median(psth) thresh = baseline + MINTHRESH # peak detection threshold print("n%d" % nid, end='') peakis, lis, ris = get_psth_peaks_gac(ts, t, psth, thresh, sigma=sigma) plot(t, psth, c=c, marker=None, ls='-') if len(peakis) > 0: plot(t[peakis], psth[peakis], c=c, marker='.', linestyle='none', ms=ms, mec='none') ''' if len(lis) > 0: plot(t[lis], psth[lis], c='e', marker='.', linestyle='none', ms=ms, mec='none') if len(ris) > 0: plot(t[ris], psth[ris], c='k', marker='.', linestyle='none', ms=ms, mec='none') ''' xlim(xmin=0, xmax=t[-1]) #ylim(0, 1) # arbitrary units #yticks([0, 1]) yticks([]) gcfm().window.setWindowTitle(rec.absname+'_n'+str(nid)+'_PSTHs') tight_layout(pad=0.3) # crop figure to contents
show() # n2count is needed for calculating reliability: n2count = rec.bintraster(nids=nids, ttranges=ttranges, natexps=False, blank=BLANK, strange=None, binw=TRASTERBINW, tres=TRASTERTRES, gauss=GAUSS)[0] for nid, psth, ts in zip(nids, psths, spikets): # run PSTH peak detection: baseline = MEDIANX * np.median(psth) thresh = baseline + MINTHRESH # peak detection threshold print("n%d" % nid, end='') peakis, lis, ris = get_psth_peaks_gac(ts, t, psth, thresh) psthparams[nid] = t, psth, thresh, baseline, peakis, lis, ris #psthparams[nid] = get_psth_peaks(t, psth, nid) #t, psth, thresh, baseline, peakis, lis, ris = psthparams[nid] # unpack if PLOTPSTH: plot_psth(psthparams, nid, FMTS[state]) show() npeaks = len(peakis) if npeaks == 0: nrnids[state].append( nid) # save nonresponsive nids by state continue # this PSTH has no peaks, skip all subsequent measures ntotpeaks += npeaks rnids[state].append(nid) # save responsive nids by state rpsths[state].append(psth) # save responsive PSTH by state peaktimes[state].append(peakis * TRES) # save peak times, s