def run(self): self.running = True # epi = sound.Sound(self.soundfile) if self.skip: # if self.soundfile: # core.wait(self.TR * self.skip) # emulate T1 stabilization without data collection self.clock.reset() for vol in range(1, self.volumes + 1): # if self.sound: # epi.stop() # # epi.fadeOut(int(1500*self.TR)) if self.stopflag: break # "emit" a sync pulse by placing a key in the buffer: event._keyBuffer.append(self.sync) # wait for start of next volume, doing our own hogCPU for tighter sync: core.wait(self.timesleep - self.hogCPU, hogCPUperiod=0) while self.clock.getTime() < vol * self.TR: pass # ?? no need to pump pyglet window events because threaded (see core wait) if core.havePyglet: # events for sounds/video should run independently of wait() wins = pyglet.window.get_platform().get_default_display().get_windows() for win in wins: win.dispatch_events() # pump events on pyglet windows self.running = False
def testStaticPeriod(): static = StaticPeriod() static.start(0.1) wait(0.05) assert static.complete()==1 static.start(0.1) wait(0.11) assert static.complete()==0 win = Window(autoLog=False) static = StaticPeriod(screenHz=60, win=win) static.start(.002) assert win.recordFrameIntervals == False static.complete() assert static._winWasRecordingIntervals == win.recordFrameIntervals win.close() # Test if screenHz parameter is respected, i.e., if after completion of the # StaticPeriod, 1/screenHz seconds are still remaining, so the period will # complete after the next flip. refresh_rate = 100.0 period_duration = 0.1 timer = CountdownTimer() win = Window(autoLog=False) static = StaticPeriod(screenHz=refresh_rate, win=win) static.start(period_duration) timer.reset(period_duration ) static.complete() assert np.allclose(timer.getTime(), 1.0/refresh_rate, atol=0.001) win.close()
def __init__(self, files, threads=3, verbose=False): """Like `Speech2Text()`, but takes a list of sound files or a directory name to search for matching sound files, and returns a list of `(filename, response)` tuples. `response`'s are described in `Speech2Text.getResponse()`. Can use up to 5 concurrent threads. Intended for post-experiment processing of multiple files, in which waiting for a slow response is not a problem (better to get the data). If `files` is a string, it will be used as a directory name for glob (matching all `*.wav`, `*.flac`, and `*.spx` files). There's currently no re-try on http error.""" list.__init__(self) # [ (file1, resp1), (file2, resp2), ...] maxThreads = min(threads, 5) # I get http errors with 6 self.timeout = 30 if type(files) == str and os.path.isdir(files): f = glob.glob(os.path.join(files, '*.wav')) f += glob.glob(os.path.join(files, '*.flac')) f += glob.glob(os.path.join(files, '*.spx')) fileList = f else: fileList = list(files) web.requireInternetAccess() # needed to access google's speech API for i, filename in enumerate(fileList): gs = Speech2Text(filename, level=5) self.append((filename, gs.getThread())) # tuple if verbose:"%i %s" % (i, filename)) while self._activeCount() >= maxThreads: core.wait(.1, 0) # idle at max count
def display_instructions(): set_msg('INTRODUCTION','TITLE') set_msg('AXB control','MAIN') set_msg('Press any key to continue','KEY') win.flip() core.wait(0.5) event.waitKeys()
def testWait(duration=1.55): try: t1=getTime() wait(duration) t2=getTime() # Check that the actual duration of the wait was close to the requested delay. # # Note that I have had to set this to a relatively high value of # 50 msec because on my Win7, i7, 16GB machine I would get delta's of up to # 35 msec when I was testing this. # # This is 'way high', and I think is because the current wait() # implementation polls pyglet for events during the CPUhog period. # IMO, during the hog period, which should only need to be only 1 - 2 msec # , not the 200 msec default now, nothing should be done but tight looping # waiting for the wait() to expire. This is what I do in ioHub and on this same # PC I get actual vs. requested duration delta's of < 100 usec consitently. # # I have not changed the wait in psychopy until feedback is given, as I # may be missing a reason why the current wait() implementation is required. # assert np.fabs((t2-t1)-duration) < 0.05 printf(">> core.wait(%.2f) Test: PASSED"%(duration)) except Exception: printf(">> core.wait(%.2f) Test: FAILED. Actual Duration was %.3f"%(duration,(t2-t1))) printExceptionDetails() printf("-------------------------------------\n")
def showpix(stimpath, stim, duration): fixation() pix = visual.ImageStim(win =win, image = stimpath + stim, pos = [0,0], size = [800, 450], opacity = 1, units = 'pix' ) pix.draw() # win.logOnFlip('parallel port trigger picture: %d' %trigger_stim , level=logging.EXP) win.flip() stimOnset= trialClock.getTime() pparallel.setData(0) # sets all pin lo pparallel.setData(trigger_stim) # sets all pin lo core.wait(0.005) pparallel.setData(0) core.wait(duration) #mouse.getPressed() fixation() # get key press at the end of clip event.waitKeys(keyList=keyStop) respTime= trialClock.getTime() trials.addData('stimOnset', stimOnset) trials.addData('respTime',respTime)
def getResponse(self): """Calls `getThread()`, and then polls the thread until there's a response. Will time-out if no response comes within `timeout` seconds. Returns an object having the speech data in its namespace. If there's no match, generally the values will be equivalent to `None` (e.g., an empty string). If you do `resp = getResponse()`, you'll be able to access the data in several ways: `resp.word` : the best match, i.e., the most probably word, or `None` `resp.confidence` : Google's confidence about `.word`, ranging 0 to 1 `resp.words` : tuple of up to 5 guesses; so `.word` == `.words[0]` `resp.raw` : the raw response from Google (just a string) `resp.json` : a parsed version of raw, from `json.load(raw)` """ gsqthread = self.getThread() while gsqthread.elapsed() < self.timeout: # don't need precise timing to poll an http connection core.wait(0.05, 0) if not gsqthread.running: break if gsqthread.running: # timed out gsqthread.status = 408 # same as http code return gsqthread # word and time data are already in the namespace
def pheno(): #event.clear(Events) pparallel.setData(0) # sets all pin lo while vividRatingScale.noResponse: vivid_quest.draw() vividRatingScale.draw() win.flip() trig_resp = whatresp(vividRatingScale.getRating()) print "resp=", trig_resp, vividRatingScale.getRating() pparallel.setData(trig_resp) core.wait(0.005) pparallel.setData(0) while effRatingScale.noResponse: eff_quest.draw() effRatingScale.draw() win.flip() trig_resp = whatresp(effRatingScale.getRating()) print "resp=", trig_resp , effRatingScale.getRating() pparallel.setData(trig_resp) core.wait(0.005) pparallel.setData(0) trials.addData('scale1', vividRatingScale.getRating()) trials.addData('RTscale1', vividRatingScale.getRT()) trials.addData('scale2', effRatingScale.getRating()) trials.addData('RTscale2', effRatingScale.getRT()) vividRatingScale.reset() effRatingScale.reset()
def playclip(stimpath, stim): fixation() core.wait(0.3) #pparallel.setData(0) # sets all pin lo clip = visual.MovieStim(win=win, name= 'clip', filename= stimpath + stim, size = [800, 450], ori =0, pos=[0,0], opacity =1, depth = -1.0 ) pparallel.setData(trigger_stim) # sets all pin lo core.wait(0.005) pparallel.setData(0) stimOnset= trialClock.getTime() while clip.status != visual.FINISHED: clip.draw() win.flip() fixation() # get key press at the end of clip event.waitKeys(keyList=keyStop) respTime= trialClock.getTime() #mouse.clickReset() #button, time = mouse.getPressed(getTime=True) #print('mouse: ', button) #event.waitKeys(keyList= button) trials.addData('stimOnset', stimOnset) trials.addData('respTime',respTime)
def feedback(levelscore): rst.text = str(levelscore) questions.draw() feed.draw() rst.draw() mywin.flip() core.wait(6)
def waitEvents(self, downOnly=True, timeout=0, escape='escape', wait=0.002): '''Wait for and return the first button press event. Always calls `clearEvents()` first (like PsychoPy keyboard waitKeys). Use `downOnly=False` to include button-release events. `escape` is a list/tuple of keyboard events that, if pressed, will interrupt the bbox wait; `waitKeys` will return `None` in that case. `timeout` is the max time to wait in seconds before returning `None`. `timeout` of 0 means no time-out (= default). ''' self.clearEvents() # e.g., removes UP from previous DOWN if timeout > 0: c = core.Clock() if escape and not type(escape) in [list, tuple]: escape = [escape] while True: if wait: core.wait(wait, 0) # throttle CPU; event RTs come from bbox evt = self.getEvents(downOnly=downOnly) if evt: evt = evt[0] break if escape and event.getKeys(escape) or 0 < timeout < c.getTime(): return return evt
def pst(controller, outfile): duration = pstSettings(controller) if duration == -1: print 'PST Cancelled' return display.text(controller.experWin, 'Running PST') testWin = controller.testWin display.countdown(controller) display.fill_screen(testWin, [-1, -1, -1]) if not controller.testing: controller.tobii_cont.setDataFile(outfile) controller.tobii_cont.startTracking() controller.tobii_cont.setEventsAndParams(['task','duration']) controller.tobii_cont.setParam('task', 'pst') controller.tobii_cont.setParam('duration', duration) core.wait(duration) if not controller.testing: controller.tobii_cont.stopTracking() controller.tobii_cont.closeDataFile()
def fScore(): global score roundscore = 0 wordsToScore = wordsTheyRecalled wordList = './words/%s/words%s.txt' %(version, round-1) throwAwayWords = list(cor for cor in open(wordList).read().split("\n") if cor) for w in wordsToScore: instructions2[2].draw() core.wait(0.1) if w in throwAwayWords: risk = int(findBet(w)) throwAwayWords.remove(w) score += risk roundscore += risk acc = 1 writeToDataFile(scorefileName,w,risk,score,acc) print score for w in throwAwayWords: risk = int(findBet(w)) score -= risk roundscore -= risk acc = 0 writeToDataFile(scorefileName,w,risk,score, acc) print score return score,roundscore
def _record(self, sec, filename="", block=True, log=True): while self.recorder.running: pass self.duration = float(sec) self.onset = core.getTime() # for duration estimation, high precision self.fileOnset = core.getAbsTime() # for log and filename, 1 sec precision ms = "%.3f" % (core.getTime() - int(core.getTime())) if log and self.autoLog:"%s: Record: onset %d, capture %.3fs" % (self.loggingId, self.fileOnset, self.duration)) if not filename: onsettime = "-%d" % self.fileOnset + ms[1:] self.savedFile = onsettime.join(os.path.splitext(self.wavOutFilename)) else: self.savedFile = os.path.abspath(filename).strip(".wav") + ".wav" t0 = core.getTime(), self.duration, **self.options) self.rate = sound.pyoSndServer.getSamplingRate() if block: core.wait(self.duration, 0) if log and self.autoLog: logging.exp( "%s: Record: stop. %.3f, capture %.3fs (est)" % (self.loggingId, core.getTime(), core.getTime() - t0) ) while self.recorder.running: core.wait(0.001, 0) else: if log and self.autoLog: logging.exp("%s: Record: return immediately, no blocking" % (self.loggingId)) return self.savedFile
def playback(self, block=True, loops=0, stop=False, log=True): """Plays the saved .wav file, as just recorded or resampled. Execution blocks by default, but can return immediately with `block=False`. `loops` : number of extra repetitions; 0 = play once `stop` : True = immediately stop ongoing playback (if there is one), and return """ if not self.savedFile or not os.path.isfile(self.savedFile): msg = "%s: Playback requested but no saved file" % self.loggingId logging.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if stop: if hasattr(self, "current_recording") and self.current_recording.status == PLAYING: self.current_recording.stop() return # play this file: name = + ".current_recording" self.current_recording = sound.Sound(self.savedFile, name=name, loops=loops) if block: core.wait(self.duration * (loops + 1)) # set during record() if log and self.autoLog: if loops: logging.exp( "%s: Playback: play %.3fs x %d (est) %s" % (self.loggingId, self.duration, loops + 1, self.savedFile) ) else: logging.exp("%s: Playback: play %.3fs (est) %s" % (self.loggingId, self.duration, self.savedFile))
def PFparallel(vp,event,suf=''): ''' please run PFinit() first suf - output name suffix ''' path,inpath,fp=initPath(vp,event) E=np.load(inpath+'DG%s.npy'%suf)[:,:,:,:2] print E.shape stack=np.load(inpath+'stackPF.npy').tolist() f=open(inpath+''%suf,'r');dat=pickle.load(f);f.close() N=dat['N'] wind=Q.initDisplay() elem=visual.ElementArrayStim(wind,fieldShape='sqr', nElements=E.shape[1], sizes=Q.agentSize, elementMask=RING,elementTex=None,colors='white') while len(stack): jobid=stack.pop(0)'stackPF.npy',stack) PFextract(E,[jobid,N],wind=wind, elem=elem,inpath=inpath,suf=suf) loaded=False while not loaded: try: stack=np.load(inpath+'stackPF.npy').tolist() loaded=True except IOError: print 'IOError' core.wait(1) wind.close()
def triggerAndLog( trigCode, id_str, major_inc, minor_inc, payload, trigDuration=10 ): ''' Parallel port code, LSL and test logging. ''' global paraport global lsl_outlet_marker global USE_LSL global startTime id_str = str(id_str) major_inc = "{:02d}".format(major_inc) minor_inc = "{:02d}".format(minor_inc) payload = string.replace( payload, '\t', '_' ) outstr = '\t'.join([str((datetime.utcnow() - startTime).total_seconds()), str(trigCode), id_str, major_inc, minor_inc, payload]) # outstr = str( (datetime.utcnow() - startTime).total_seconds() ) + '\t' + str(trigCode) + '\t' + id_str + '\t' + major_inc + '\t' + minor_inc + '\t' + payload # Write string to log and also send to LSL outlet logThis(outstr) if triggers: windll.inpout32.Out32(paraport, trigCode) core.wait( trigDuration/1000.0, hogCPUperiod = trigDuration/1000.0 ) # <-- add this for parallel triggering windll.inpout32.Out32(paraport, portCodes['clear'] ) # <-- add this for parallel triggering if USE_LSL: lsl_outlet_marker.push_sample([trigCode])
def metronome_alone(): stim_win.flip() core.wait(stim_interval) metronome(cvc_slow_rate) metronome(cvc_faster_rate) metronome(cvc_faster_rate) metronome(cvc_faster_rate)
def wait_get_response(p, clock, oddball, wait_time): """Get response info specific to this experiment.""" check_clock = core.Clock() good_resp = False corr, response, resp_rt = 0, 0, -1 while not good_resp: keys = event.getKeys(timeStamped=clock) for key, stamp in keys: if key in p.quit_keys: print "Subject quit execution" core.quit() elif key in p.match_keys: corr = 0 if oddball else 1 response = 1 resp_rt = stamp good_resp = True break elif key in p.nonmatch_keys: corr = 1 if oddball else 0 response = 2 resp_rt = stamp good_resp = True break event.clearEvents() # Possibly exit with nothing if check_clock.getTime() >= wait_time: return corr, response, resp_rt # Wait the rest of the time core.wait(wait_time - resp_rt) return corr, response, resp_rt
def tapping_exp(win, randid ,hand='r'): if hand == 'l': keylist = LH_TAPPING_KEYLIST else: keylist = RH_TAPPING_KEYLIST #create some stimuli circle = visual.ImageStim(win=win, image=circle_image_path, pos=SA_circle_pos) #draw the stimuli and update the window stim_times = [] for i in range(int(ST_repetition_times)): #Escribimos el circulo circle.draw() #Enviamos la pantalla con el circulo win.flip() #Tomamos el tiempo en el que fue enviado stim_times.append(core.getTime()) #Lo mostramos por "ST_duration_time" segundos core.wait(ST_duration_time) #Mandamos pantalla en blanco win.flip() #Mostramos pantalla en blanco por "ST_interval_time" segundos. core.wait(ST_interval_time) #Vemos cuando fueron apretadas las teclas user_times = event.getKeys(keyList=keylist, timeStamped = True) return stim_times, user_times
def arrow_exp(win, randid ,hand='r'): if hand == 'l': keylist = LH_ARROWS_KEYLIST else: keylist = RH_ARROWS_KEYLIST #Create our stimuli arrow = visual.ImageStim(win=win, image=arrow_image_path, pos=ST_arrow_pos) stim_times = [] for i in range(int(SA_repetition_times)): #Escribimos el circulo arrow.size*= -1 #(hack ;) ) arrow.draw() #Enviamos la pantalla con el circulo win.flip() #Tomamos el tiempo en el que fue enviado stim_times.append(core.getTime()) #Lo mostramos por "SA_duration_time" segundos core.wait(SA_duration_time) #Mandamos pantalla en blanco win.flip() #Mostramos pantalla en blanco por "SA_interval_time" segundos. core.wait(SA_interval_time) #Vemos cuando fueron apretadas las teclas user_times = event.getKeys(keyList=keylist, timeStamped = True) return stim_times, user_times
def record(self, sec, file='', block=True): """Capture sound input for duration <sec>, save to a file. Return the path/name to the new file. Uses onset time (epoch) as a meaningful identifier for filename and log. """ while self.recorder.running: pass self.duration = float(sec) self.onset = core.getTime() # note: report onset time in log, and use in filename'%s: Record: onset %.3f, capture %.3fs' % (self.loggingId, self.onset, self.duration) ) if not file: onsettime = '-%.3f' % self.onset self.savedFile = onsettime.join(os.path.splitext(self.wavOutFilename)) else: self.savedFile = os.path.abspath(file).strip('.wav') + '.wav' t0 = core.getTime(), self.duration, self.sampletype) self.rate = sound.pyoSndServer.getSamplingRate() if block: core.wait(self.duration - .0008) # .0008 fudge factor for better reporting # actual timing is done by Clean_objects logging.exp('%s: Record: stop. %.3f, capture %.3fs (est)' % (self.loggingId, core.getTime(), core.getTime() - t0) ) else: logging.exp('%s: Record: return immediately, no blocking' % (self.loggingId) ) return self.savedFile
def general_trigger(port, code): if exp['use trigger']: core.wait(0.05) onflip_work(port, code=code) stim['window'].flip() core.wait(0.05) clear_port(port)
def run(self): self.running = True if self.skip: for i in range(int(self.skip)): if self.playSound: # pragma: no cover # emulate T1 stabilization without data collection core.wait(self.TR, hogCPUperiod=0) self.clock.reset() for vol in range(1, self.volumes + 1): if self.playSound: # pragma: no cover if self.stopflag: break # "emit" a sync pulse by placing a key in the buffer: event._onPygletKey(symbol=self.sync, modifiers=0, emulated=True) # wait for start of next volume, doing our own hogCPU for # tighter sync: core.wait(self.timesleep - self.hogCPU, hogCPUperiod=0) while self.clock.getTime() < vol * self.TR: pass # hogs the CPU for tighter sync self.running = False return self
def _record(self, sec, filename='', block=True): while self.recorder.running: pass self.duration = float(sec) self.onset = core.getTime() # for duration estimation, high precision self.fileOnset = core.getAbsTime() # for log and filename, 1 sec precision'%s: Record: onset %d, capture %.3fs' % (self.loggingId, self.fileOnset, self.duration) ) if not file: onsettime = '-%d' % self.fileOnset self.savedFile = onsettime.join(os.path.splitext(self.wavOutFilename)) else: self.savedFile = os.path.abspath(filename).strip('.wav') + '.wav' t0 = core.getTime(), self.duration, **self.options) self.rate = sound.pyoSndServer.getSamplingRate() if block: core.wait(self.duration, 0) logging.exp('%s: Record: stop. %.3f, capture %.3fs (est)' % (self.loggingId, core.getTime(), core.getTime() - t0) ) while self.recorder.running: core.wait(.001, 0) else: logging.exp('%s: Record: return immediately, no blocking' % (self.loggingId) ) return self.savedFile
def run(self): self.repmom= 0 self.chradius=0.65/2.0 if self.block==0: NT= 3; temp=[] for n in range(NT): temp.append(np.ones(self.nrtrials/NT)*n) self.trialType=np.concatenate(temp) self.trialType=self.trialType[np.random.permutation(self.nrtrials)] elif self.block==1: self.trialType=np.zeros(self.nrtrials) else: self.trialType=np.ones(self.nrtrials) self.chaser=HeatSeekingChaser(Q.nrframes,[18,18],(0,0),Q.pDirChange[1],Q.aSpeed,Q.phiRange[1],True) self.chaser.vis=visual.Circle(self.wind,radius=self.chradius,fillColor='red',lineColor='red',interpolate=False) self.pnt1=visual.Circle(self.wind,radius=self.chradius,fillColor='green',lineColor='green',interpolate=False) #stuff=[visual.Line(self.wind,start=[-0.2,0],end=[0.2,0],units='deg'),visual.Line(self.wind,start=[0,-0.2],end=[0,0.2],units='deg')] self.pnt2=visual.ShapeStim(self.wind, vertices=[(-0.5,0),(-0,0),(0,0.5),(0,0),(0.5,0),(0,-0),(0,-0.5),(-0,0), (-0.5,0)], closeShape=False,lineColor='white',interpolate=False) self.mouse=visual.CustomMouse(self.wind, leftLimit=-9,rightLimit=9,showLimitBox=True, topLimit=9,bottomLimit=-9,pointer=self.pnt2),prefix='') self.text1.setText(u'Der Block ist nun zu Ende.') self.text1.draw() self.wind.flip() core.wait(10) self.output.close() self.wind.close()
def showForXSec(self, text, sec): """ Show text for a given amount of seconds. """ self._display(text) core.wait(sec)
def test_write(self): win = visual.Window([600,400], units='height') svg = exp.SVG(win, filename='stims') circle = visual.Circle(win, pos=(-.5,0), fillColor='yellow', lineColor=None) circle.draw() svg.write(circle) line = visual.Line(win, pos=(0,0), lineColor='black', lineWidth=5) line.draw() svg.write(line) rect = visual.Rect(win, height=.8, pos=(.5,0)) rect.draw() svg.write(rect) shape = visual.ShapeStim(win, fillColor='blue', opacity=.5) shape.draw() svg.write(shape) text = visual.TextStim(win, pos=(.5,0.25)) text.draw() svg.write(text) thick = exp.ThickShapeStim(win, vertices=[(-.5,.5),(.5,-.5)], lineWidth=.01) thick.draw() svg.write(thick) win.flip() #win.getMovieFrame() #win.saveMovieFrames('stims.png') core.wait(5)
def fixation_screen(myClock, waittime=1): fixation.draw() win.logOnFlip(level=logging.EXP, msg='fixation cross on screen') #new log haoting win.flip() fixStart = myClock.getTime() #fixation cross onset core.wait(waittime) return fixStart
def test_Speech2Text(self): pytest.skip() # google speech API gives Error 400: Bad request try: web.requireInternetAccess() except web.NoInternetAccessError: pytest.skip() # load a known sound file testFile = join(self.tmp, 'red_16000.wav') gs = Speech2Text(filename=testFile) resp = gs.getResponse() assert resp.word == 'red' # test batch-discover files in a directory tmp = join(self.tmp, 'tmp') os.mkdir(tmp) shutil.copy(testFile, tmp) bs = BatchSpeech2Text(files=tmp) bs = BatchSpeech2Text(files=glob.glob(join(self.tmp, 'red_*.wav'))) while bs._activeCount(): core.wait(.1, 0) resp = bs[0][1] assert 0.6 < resp.confidence < 0.75 # 0.68801856 assert resp.word == 'red'
def onFlip(stimName, logName): "send trigger on flip, set keyboard clock, and save timepoint" trigger.send(stimName) kb.clock.reset( ) # this starts the keyboard clock as soon as stimulus appears datalog[logName] = mainClock.getTime() ############## # Introduction ############## # Display overview of session screen.show_overview() core.wait(CONF["timing"]["overview"]) # Optionally, display instructions if CONF["showInstructions"]: screen.show_instructions() key = event.waitKeys() quitExperimentIf(key[0] == 'q') eyetracker.start_recording( os.path.join(CONF["participant"], CONF["task"]["name"], CONF["session"])) ################# # Main experiment ################# mwtTimer = core.CountdownTimer(CONF["task"]["duration"])
trials.addData("Switch_pass", trials_after_switch) if positions[trial] == 0: gratings[0].pos = ( dist_to_center, 0 ) #position 1: vertical grating right, horizontal left gratings[1].pos = (-dist_to_center, 0) else: gratings[0].pos = ( -dist_to_center, 0 ) #position 2: vertical grating left, horizontal right gratings[1].pos = (dist_to_center, 0) fixation.draw() window.flip() core.wait(2) event.clearEvents(eventType="keyboard") my_clock.reset() while my_clock.getTime() < .2: fixation.draw() gratings[0].draw() gratings[1].draw() window.flip() fixation.draw() window.flip() response = event.waitKeys(keyList=["f", "j", "escape"]) if response[0] == "escape":
win.flip() n = 1 for char in char_intro_order: temp_instr = visual.TextStim(win, instr[n] + char, color='black', pos=(0, 0.3)) char_stim = char_dir + [i for i in os.listdir(char_dir) if i.startswith(char)][0]) char_stim.thumbnail(item_size, Image.ANTIALIAS) char_stim = visual.ImageStim(win, char_stim, pos=[0, -0.2]) temp_instr.draw() char_stim.draw() win.update() core.wait(time_intro) win.flip() n = n + 1 # Example of encoding presentation """temp_instr = visual.TextStim(win, instr[12], color='black', pos=[0,0]) temp_instr.draw() win.update() event.waitKeys(keyList=['space']) win.flip()""" """ temp_instr = visual.TextStim(win, instr[13], color='black', pos=[0,0.7]) temp_instr.draw() scene_stim = scene_dir+'example.png' item_stim ='books.png') item_stim.thumbnail(item_size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
def runTestTrial(self, trialType, trialNumber, curTrial, updateScore, updateEveryXTrials, totalScore, runningScore, feedback, feedback2="none"): setAndPresentStimulus(, [ self.background, self.score, self.treasurePic, self.clockFrame, self.clockCenter, self.startPrompt ]) event.waitKeys(keyList=['space']) curTrial['header'] = self.header #reset clock hand self.clockHand.ori = int(curTrial['angle']) #base stimulus array baseStims = [ self.background, self.score, self.treasurePic, self.clockFrame, self.clockCenter, self.clockHand ] promptStims = baseStims + [self.textPrompt, self.textPrompt2] #draw clock setAndPresentStimulus(, promptStims) if trialType == "test": #responded=False timer = core.Clock() label = self.enterText(promptStims, 1, self.timeoutTime) RT = timer.getTime() * 1000 elif trialType == "name": timer = core.Clock() label = self.enterText(promptStims, 1, self.learnTimeoutTime) RT = timer.getTime() * 1000 #while not responded: # if self.myMouse.getPressed()[0]==1 and (numWheelTurnsUp>0 or numWheelTurnsDown>0): # RT = timer.getTime()*1000 # responded=True if trialType == "recordName": RT = self.recordIt(self.runTimeVars['subjCode'] + "_" + str(trialNumber) + "_" + curTrial['label'], baseStims, chunk=1024) label = "NA" core.wait(self.audioEndTime) isRight = 'NA' if trialType == "name": isRight = 0 if label == curTrial['target']: isRight = 1 curScore = 0 if trialType == "name": if label == curTrial['target']: curScore = self.namingScore if trialType == "test": if label in self.labelList: curScore = int(curTrial[label]) curScore = int( round( curScore * (1 + (self.timeoutTime * 1000 - RT) / (self.timeoutTime * 1000)), 0)) totalScore += curScore runningScore += curScore #write runtime and indep variables responses = [curTrial[_] for _ in curTrial['header']] resp = 'NA' #write dep variables responses.extend( [trialType, trialNumber, resp, label, isRight, RT, curScore]) writeToFile(self.outputFile, responses, separator='\t', sync=True, writeNewLine=True) #feedback if feedback == "yes": #update feedback text self.feedbackText.text = "+" + str(curScore) self.feedbackLabel.text = "You entered: " + label if not (label in self.labelList): setAndPresentStimulus(, baseStims + [ self.feedbackText, self.feedbackLabel, self.incorrLabelFeedback, self.treasurePicFeedback, self.elfFeedback ]) else: setAndPresentStimulus(, baseStims + [ self.feedbackText, self.feedbackLabel, self.treasurePicFeedback, self.elfFeedback ]) core.wait(self.feedbackTime) elif feedback == "partial": self.feedbackLabel.text = "You entered: " + label if not (label in self.labelList): setAndPresentStimulus(, baseStims + [self.feedbackLabel, self.incorrLabelFeedback]) else: setAndPresentStimulus(, baseStims + [self.feedbackLabel]) core.wait(self.feedbackTime) if feedback2 == "cumulative": #update feedback text self.feedbackText.text = "+" + str(runningScore) self.feedback2Text.text = "You helped the elves collect " + str( runningScore) + " treasure coins on your last " + str( self.numFeedbackBlocks) + " hunts combined." setAndPresentStimulus(, baseStims + [ self.feedbackText, self.feedback2Text, self.treasurePicFeedback, self.elfFeedback ]) core.wait(self.feedback2Time) endTrialStims = [ self.background, self.clockFrame, self.clockCenter, self.score, self.treasurePic ] self.textBoxEntry.text = "" if int(updateScore) == 1 and trialNumber % updateEveryXTrials == 0: self.score.text = str(totalScore) setAndPresentStimulus(, endTrialStims) core.wait(self.ITI) return [curScore, totalScore, runningScore]
def runLearningTrial(self, trialType, trialNumber, curTrial, totalScore, labelFeedback=0, feedback=True): curTrial['header'] = self.header #reset clock hand self.clockHand.ori = int(curTrial['angle']) #set label choices if trialType == "name" and labelFeedback == 0: self.learnPrompt.text = 'This direction is called ' + curTrial[ 'target'] elif trialType == "name" and labelFeedback == 1: self.learnPrompt.text = 'What is this direction called?' elif trialType == "pairLearn": self.learnPrompt.text = curTrial['left'] + " or " + curTrial[ 'right'] + '?' elif trialType == "finalName": self.learnPrompt.text = 'What is this direction called?' #base stimulus array baseStims = [ self.background, self.clockFrame, self.clockCenter, self.clockHand, self.learnPrompt, self.learnResponseInfo ] #enter text response timer = core.Clock() label = self.enterText(baseStims, 0) RT = timer.getTime() * 1000 #check if correct isRight = int(curTrial['target'] == label) #write runtime and indep variables to responses = [curTrial[_] for _ in curTrial['header']] resp = "NA" #write dep variables responses.extend( [trialType, trialNumber, resp, label, isRight, RT, totalScore]) writeToFile(self.outputFile, responses, separator='\t', sync=True, writeNewLine=True) if feedback: #feedback if isRight == 1: feedbackColor = "green" totalScore += 1 feedbackSound = "bleep" else: feedbackColor = "red" feedbackSound = "buzz" self.textBoxInner.color = feedbackColor self.textBoxEntry.text = label #draw clock with feedback on response stimArray = [ self.background, self.clockFrame, self.clockCenter, self.clockHand, self.learnPrompt, self.learnResponseInfo, self.textBoxOuter, self.textBoxInner, self.textBoxEntry ] if labelFeedback == 1 and isRight == 0: self.labelFeedbackText.text = "The correct label is " + curTrial[ 'target'] stimArray = stimArray + [self.labelFeedbackText] setAndPresentStimulus(, stimArray) #play feedback sound playAndWait(self.sounds[feedbackSound]) core.wait(self.learnFeedbackTime) #flip screen setAndPresentStimulus(, [self.background, self.clockFrame, self.clockCenter]) core.wait(self.ITI) self.textBoxInner.color = "white" self.textBoxEntry.text = "" return totalScore
def runLearningTrial2AFC(self, trialType, trialNumber, curTrial, totalScore): curTrial['header'] = self.header #reset clock hand self.clockHand.ori = int(curTrial['angle']) #set label choices self.learningTextLeft.text = curTrial['left'] self.learningTextRight.text = curTrial['right'] #draw clock & options setAndPresentStimulus(, [ self.background, self.clockFrame, self.clockCenter, self.clockHand, self.learningBoxOuterLeft, self.learningBoxInnerLeft, self.learningBoxOuterRight, self.learningBoxInnerRight, self.learningTextLeft, self.learningTextRight, self.learningPrompt, self.learningResponseInfo ]) #get keyboard response [resp, RT] = getKeyboardResponse(self.learningResponses, duration=0) RT = RT * 1000 label = curTrial[resp] #check if correct isRight = int(curTrial['target'] == label) #write runtime and indep variables to responses = [curTrial[_] for _ in curTrial['header']] #write dep variables responses.extend( [trialType, trialNumber, resp, label, isRight, RT, totalScore]) writeToFile(self.outputFile, responses, separator='\t', sync=True, writeNewLine=True) #feedback if isRight == 1: feedbackColor = "green" totalScore += 1 else: feedbackColor = "red" if resp == "left": self.learningBoxInnerLeft.color = feedbackColor else: self.learningBoxInnerRight.color = feedbackColor #draw clock with feedback on response setAndPresentStimulus(, [ self.background, self.clockFrame, self.clockCenter, self.clockHand, self.learningBoxOuterLeft, self.learningBoxInnerLeft, self.learningBoxOuterRight, self.learningBoxInnerRight, self.learningTextLeft, self.learningTextRight, self.learningPrompt, self.learningResponseInfo ]) core.wait(self.learnFeedbackTime) #flip screen setAndPresentStimulus(, [self.background, self.clockFrame, self.clockCenter]) core.wait(self.ITI) self.learningBoxInnerLeft.color = "white" self.learningBoxInnerRight.color = "white" return totalScore
def init(rate=44100, stereo=True, buffer=128): """setup the pyo (sound) server """ global pyoSndServer, Sound, audioDriver, duplex, maxChnls Sound = SoundPyo global pyo try: assert pyo except NameError: # pragma: no cover import pyo # can be needed for microphone.switchOn(), which calls init even # if audioLib is something else # subclass the pyo.Server so that we can insert a __del__ function that # shuts it down skip coverage since the class is never used if we have # a recent version of pyo class _Server(pyo.Server): # pragma: no cover # make libs class variables so they don't get deleted first core = core logging = logging def __del__(self): self.stop() # make sure enough time passes for the server to shutdown self.core.wait(0.5) self.shutdown() # make sure enough time passes for the server to shutdown self.core.wait(0.5) # this may never get printed self.logging.debug('pyo sound server shutdown') if '.'.join(map(str, pyo.getVersion())) < '0.6.4': Server = _Server else: Server = pyo.Server # if we already have a server, just re-initialize it if 'pyoSndServer' in globals() and hasattr(pyoSndServer, 'shutdown'): pyoSndServer.stop() # make sure enough time passes for the server to shutdown core.wait(0.5) pyoSndServer.shutdown() core.wait(0.5) pyoSndServer.reinit(sr=rate, nchnls=maxChnls, buffersize=buffer, audio=audioDriver) pyoSndServer.boot() else: if sys.platform == 'win32': # check for output device/driver #todo: Throwing errors on one users' config devNames, devIDs = get_output_devices() audioDriver, outputID = _bestDriver(devNames, devIDs) if outputID is None: # using the default output because we didn't find the one(s) # requested audioDriver = 'Windows Default Output' outputID = pyo.pa_get_default_output() if outputID is not None:'Using sound driver: %s (ID=%i)' % (audioDriver, outputID)) maxOutputChnls = pyo.pa_get_output_max_channels(outputID) else: logging.warning( 'No audio outputs found (no speakers connected?') return -1 # check for valid input (mic) # If no input device is available, devNames and devIDs are empty # lists. devNames, devIDs = get_input_devices() audioInputName, inputID = _bestDriver(devNames, devIDs) # Input devices were found, but requested devices were not found if len(devIDs) > 0 and inputID is None: defaultID = pyo.pa_get_default_input() if defaultID is not None and defaultID != -1: # default input is found # use the default input because we didn't find the one(s) # requested audioInputName = 'Windows Default Input' inputID = defaultID else: # default input is not available inputID = None if inputID is not None: msg = u'Using sound-input driver: %s (ID=%i)' % (audioInputName, inputID)) maxInputChnls = pyo.pa_get_input_max_channels(inputID) duplex = bool(maxInputChnls > 0) else: maxInputChnls = 0 duplex = False # for other platforms set duplex to True (if microphone is available) else: audioDriver = prefs.hardware['audioDriver'][0] maxInputChnls = pyo.pa_get_input_max_channels( pyo.pa_get_default_input()) maxOutputChnls = pyo.pa_get_output_max_channels( pyo.pa_get_default_output()) duplex = bool(maxInputChnls > 0) maxChnls = min(maxInputChnls, maxOutputChnls) if maxInputChnls < 1: # pragma: no cover msg = (u'%s.init could not find microphone hardware; ' u'recording not available') logging.warning(msg % __name__) maxChnls = maxOutputChnls if maxOutputChnls < 1: # pragma: no cover msg = (u'%s.init could not find speaker hardware; ' u'sound not available') logging.error(msg % __name__) return -1 # create the instance of the server: if sys.platform == 'darwin' or sys.platform.startswith('linux'): # for mac/linux we set the backend using the server audio param pyoSndServer = Server(sr=rate, nchnls=maxChnls, buffersize=buffer, audio=audioDriver) else: # with others we just use portaudio and then set the OutputDevice # below pyoSndServer = Server(sr=rate, nchnls=maxChnls, buffersize=buffer) pyoSndServer.setVerbosity(1) if sys.platform == 'win32': pyoSndServer.setOutputDevice(outputID) if inputID is not None: pyoSndServer.setInputDevice(inputID) # do other config here as needed (setDuplex? setOutputDevice?) pyoSndServer.setDuplex(duplex) pyoSndServer.boot() core.wait(0.5) # wait for server to boot before starting the sound stream pyoSndServer.start() # atexit is filo, will call stop then shutdown upon closing atexit.register(pyoSndServer.shutdown) atexit.register(pyoSndServer.stop) try: Sound() # test creation, no play except pyo.PyoServerStateException: msg = "Failed to start pyo sound Server" if sys.platform == 'darwin' and audioDriver != 'portaudio': msg += "; maybe try prefs.general.audioDriver 'portaudio'?" logging.error(msg) core.quit() logging.debug('pyo sound server started') logging.flush()
# that is actually stimulated (this is typically a square at the centre of # the screen, flanked by unstimulated areas on the left and right side). aryFrames = np.zeros((pixCover, pixCover, NrOfVols), dtype=np.int16) # Make sure that pixCover is of interger type: pixCover = int(np.around(pixCover)) # Counter for screenshots: idxFrame = 0 # %% """RENDER_LOOP""" # Create Counters i = 0 # give the system time to settle core.wait(1) if not (lgcLogMde): # wait for scanner trigger triggerText.draw() myWin.flip() event.waitKeys(keyList=['5'], timeStamped=False) # reset clocks clock.reset()'StartOfRun' + unicode(expInfo['run'])) while clock.getTime() < totalTime: # noqa # get key for motion direction keyPos = Conditions[i, 0]
timeWithLabjack = True maxReps = 100 # setup labjack U3 ports = u3.U3() ports.__del__ = ports.close # try to autoclose the ports if script crashes # get zero value of FIO6 startVal = ports.getFIOState(6) # is FIO6 high or low? print('FIO6 is at', startVal, end='') print('AIN0 is at', ports.getAIN(0)) if timeWithLabjack: print('OS\tOSver\taudioAPI\tPsychoPy\trate\tbuffer\tmean\tsd\tmin\tmax') snd = sound.Sound(1000, secs=0.1) core.wait(2) # give the system time to settle? delays = [] nReps = 0 while True: # run the repeats for this sound server if event.getKeys('q'): core.quit() nReps += 1 # do this repeatedly for timing tests ports.setFIOState(4, 0) # start FIO4 low # draw black square stim.draw() win.flip() if not timeWithLabjack: # wait for a key press
stimuli.setImage(exp_info['training stimuli directory'] + '\stim15_' + dino + '.jpg') # sets the stimuli stimuli.draw() win.flip() press = event.waitKeys(keyList=['a', 'l']) RT = trial_clock.getTime() RTs.append(str(RT)) # logs RT feedback_text = visual.TextStim(win, height=20, color='white') if ((press[0] == 'a') & (dino in ffpA)) | ( (press[0] == 'l') & (dino in ffpB)): # checks if the answer was correct feedback_text.setText( feedback[0]) # sets the feedback massage to correct feedback_text.draw() win.flip() core.wait(0.5) answers.append('1') # logs that it was correct else: feedback_text.setText( feedback[1]) # sets feedback massage to incorrect feedback_text.draw() win.flip() core.wait(0.5) answers.append('0') # logs that it was incorrect order = [i for i in range(1, (3 * len(ffp)) + 1) ] # makes a list of the numbers from 1 to the length of the training log = zip( order, training_presented, answers, RTs ) # puts together the order number, the code, the hit and the RT for each training stimuli #test
def show_instructions(): title.setAutoDraw(True) instrText.setText(instructions1) instrText.setAutoDraw(True) win.flip() #core.wait(20) instrKey.setText("PRESS 2 [pointer finger] to continue") instrKey.draw() win.flip() event.waitKeys(keyList=['2']) instrText.setText(instructions2) win.flip() #core.wait(20) instrKey.setText("PRESS 3 [middle finger] to begin...") instrKey.draw() win.flip() event.waitKeys(keyList=['3']) instrText.setAutoDraw(False) p1_ticker = "." p3_ticker = "." p1_ticker_end = 120 p3_ticker_end = 425 title.setText('Joining VBT Game Room') instr_p1.setText("PLAYER 1: Wating for player to join") instr_p2.setText("PLAYER 2: Welcome %s" % player_name) instr_p3.setText("PLAYER 3: Wating for player to join") instr_p1.setAutoDraw(True) instr_p2.setAutoDraw(True) instr_p3.setAutoDraw(True) p1_tick.setAutoDraw(True) p3_tick.setAutoDraw(True) win.flip() for tick in range(500): if tick == p1_ticker_end: instr_p1.setText("PLAYER 1: Welcome %s" % player1_name) p1_tick.setAutoDraw(False) elif tick == p3_ticker_end: instr_p3.setText("PLAYER 3: Welcome %s" % player3_name) p3_tick.setAutoDraw(False) else: if tick % 10 == 0: p1_ticker = p1_ticker + "." if len(p1_ticker) > 6: p1_ticker = "" if tick % 12 == 0: p3_ticker = p3_ticker + "." if len(p3_ticker) > 6: p3_ticker = "" if tick < p1_ticker_end: p1_tick.setText(p1_ticker) if tick < p3_ticker_end: p3_tick.setText(p3_ticker) win.flip() core.wait(2) title.setAutoDraw(False) instr_p1.setAutoDraw(False) instr_p2.setAutoDraw(False) instr_p3.setAutoDraw(False)
def run_block(N, features, phase, task): """ Run the experiment for a trial list """ global cumulative_trials trials = make_trials(N, features, phase, task) # Show instruction N_text.text = instructions['N'] % (N, 'sekvenser' if N > 1 else 'sekvens') draw_trial(trials[0], targets=False) # Show task instructions. if phase != 'training': show_instruction(instructions[task]) else: # During training, the instructions have already been shown. show_instruction(instructions['training_start']) # Show trials for trial in trials: # Prepare stimuli draw_trial(trial) figure = figure_stims[trial['figure']] figure.fillColor = trial['color'] figure.pos = grid_coords[trial['position']] figure.draw() # Show it win.flip() if trial['sound_tested']: sounds[trial['sound']].play() clock.reset() event.clearEvents() # Control stimulus offset and responses flipped = False while clock.getTime() < RESPONSE_WINDOW[trial['factor']]: # Stimulus offset if clock.getTime() > VISUAL_DURATION and not flipped: draw_trial(trial) win.flip() flipped = True # Collect response and score it if DIALOGUE['simulate'] == 'no': responses = event.getKeys(keyList=RESPONSE_KEYS.keys()) else: responses = [random.choice(list(RESPONSE_KEYS.keys()))] if responses: for response in responses: response_feature = RESPONSE_KEYS[response] if response_feature in features: trial[response_feature + '_response'] = 1 trial[response_feature + '_score'] = int( trial[response_feature + '_target'] == 1) draw_trial(trial) win.flip() # Save on computer ressources. RT is not important core.wait(0.1, hogCPUperiod=0) # End of trial. Check for CR and misses for feature in features: if trial[feature + '_response'] == '': trial[feature + '_response'] = 0 trial[feature + '_score'] = int( trial[feature + '_target'] == trial[feature + '_response']) # Save this trial immediately writer.write(trial) writer.flush() # ... and give feedback draw_trial(trial) win.flip() core.wait(FEEDBACK_DURATION) # Quit and count cumulative_trials += 1 if event.getKeys(keyList=QUIT_KEYS): nice_quit() # Performance summary after each training block if phase == 'training': show_training_feedback(trials, features)
lineWidth=900, closeShape=False, lineColor='red') # Wait for trigger out = event.waitKeys(maxWait=inf, keyList=['5'], timeStamped=True) # Reset Clock globalClock = core.Clock() logging.setDefaultClock(globalClock) #First RED Cross currWindow.logOnFlip('', level=logging.EXP + 1) cross.draw() currWindow.flip() core.wait(infos['durRest']) # Read Keys while RED Cross if 'escape' in event.getKeys(keyList=['1', '2', '3', '4', 'escape'], timeStamped=globalClock): logging.flush() core.quit() mean = [] correctSeq = [] for nblock in range(0, infos['nbBlocks']): #StartPerformance currWindow.logOnFlip(str(nblock), level=logging.EXP + 2) cross.setLineColor('green')
"psychopy_monitor_name": psychopy_mon_name, "mcu.iosync.MCU": dict(serial_port='auto', monitor_event_types=[ 'DigitalInputEvent', ]), "experiment_code": exp_code, "session_code": sess_code } io = launchHubServer(**iohub_config) mcu = io.devices.mcu kb = io.devices.keyboard core.wait(0.5) mcu.enableEventReporting(True) io.clearEvents("all") while not kb.getEvents(): mcu_events = mcu.getEvents() for mcu_evt in mcu_events: print '{0}\t{1}'.format(mcu_evt.time, mcu_evt.state) core.wait(0.002, 0) io.clearEvents('all') except Exception: import traceback traceback.print_exc() finally: if mcu: mcu.enableEventReporting(False) if io:
event.waitKeys(keyList=['space']) event.clearEvents() clk = core.Clock() for i in range(len(trial_set)): for j in range(33): # 开始记录眼动数据 getEYELINK().startRecording(1, 1, 1, 1) # 如果记录的是双眼的数据则改为记录左眼; eye_used = getEYELINK().eyeAvailable() if eye_used == RIGHT_EYE: getEYELINK().sendMessage("EYE_USED 1 RIGHT") elif eye_used == LEFT_EYE or eye_used == BINOCULAR: getEYELINK().sendMessage("EYE_USED 0 LEFT") eye_used = LEFT_EYE core.wait(0.1) startTime = currentTime() getEYELINK().sendMessage("SYNCTIME %d" % (currentTime() - startTime)) k = 33*i + j # 数据 p_v = trial_set[i][j]['p'] x1, x2 = trial_set[i][j]['v'] message = "record_status_message 'Trial n%s, p:%s, x:%s, y:%s'" % (k, p_v, x1, x2) getEYELINK().sendCommand(message) msg = "TRIALID p:%s. x:%s. y:%s, n:%s" % (p_v, x1, x2, k) getEYELINK().sendMessage(msg) sure_reward = trial_set[i][j]['sure_reward'] np.random.shuffle(sure_reward) # 注视点 fix.draw()
try: ser = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.KeySerial1', 9600, timeout=1) ser.write('0') time.sleep(0.1) ser.write('255') ser.close() except: print("SCANNER NOT TRIGGERED") pass # end of trigger code logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg="START") # 8 sec disdaq fixation.setText("+") fixation.draw() win.flip() core.wait(8) round = 1 play_round() holder = 1 round = 2 play_round() goodbye.setText("Game Over!\nThanks for playing %s." % player_name) goodbye.draw() win.flip() core.wait(7.5) logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg="END")
def cycleThroughExperimentTrials(self, whichPart): #CHECK OUT PRACTICE STUFF curTrialIndex = 0 if whichPart == 'practice': for curTrial in self.practTrialList: if curTrialIndex == 0: waitingAnimation(, color="PowderBlue") if curTrialIndex > 0 and curTrialIndex % self.experiment.takeBreakEveryXTrials == 0: showText(, self.experiment.takeBreak, color=(-1, -1, -1), inputDevice=self.experiment.inputDevice) #take a break waitingAnimation(, color="PowderBlue") setAndPresentStimulus(, [self.fixSpot]) core.wait(1) setAndPresentStimulus(, [self.fixSpotReady]) core.wait(.5) setAndPresentStimulus(, [self.fixSpotPlay]) self.showTestTrial(curTrial, curTrialIndex, whichPart) curTrialIndex += 1 core.wait(.2) #self.experiment.eventTracker.close() #self.experiment.testFile.close() elif whichPart == 'experiment': for curTrial in self.trialList: if curTrialIndex == 0: waitingAnimation(, color="PowderBlue") if curTrialIndex > 0 and curTrialIndex % self.experiment.takeBreakEveryXTrials == 0: showText(, self.experiment.takeBreak, color=(-1, -1, -1), inputDevice=self.experiment.inputDevice) #take a break waitingAnimation(, color="PowderBlue") setAndPresentStimulus(, [self.fixSpot]) core.wait(1) setAndPresentStimulus(, [self.fixSpotReady]) core.wait(.5) setAndPresentStimulus(, [self.fixSpotPlay]) self.showTestTrial(curTrial, curTrialIndex, whichPart) curTrialIndex += 1 core.wait(.2) self.experiment.eventTracker.close() self.experiment.testFile.close()
remaining_bubbles = list(all_bubbles) # start trial el.trial(trial_num) #load and show stimulus img_num = subject_number stim = visual.SimpleImageStim( surf, image=path_to_fixdur_files + 'stimuli/multi_bubble_images/' + bubble_image + '/' + bubble_image + '_' + str(img_num) + '.png') stim.draw(surf) p.setData(int(5)) surf.flip() p.setData(int(7)) core.wait(0.07) #### p.setData(int(10)) #metainfos for tracker el.trialmetadata('BUBBLE_IMAGE', bubble_image) el.trialmetadata("forced_fix_onset", -1) el.trialmetadata("stimulus_onset", -1) el.trialmetadata("saccade_offset", -1) el.trialmetadata("DISPLAYED_BUBBLES", -1) el.trialmetadata("CHOSEN_BUBBLE", -1) el.trialmetadata('BUBBLE_DISPLAY_TIME', 6000) #fill meta_data subtrial_list = [{ 'trial': trial_num, 'img': bubble_image, 'img_num': img_num
def run_trial(self, rot, cond, count): # for negative start values in staircases, because *.par files only give abs values if cond['label'].endswith('m'): rot = -rot # set two reference left = cond['leftRef'] right = cond['rightRef'] leftRef = self.patch_ref(left) leftRef.pos = self.cfg['leftRef.pos'] rightRef = self.patch_ref(right) rightRef.pos = self.cfg['rightRef.pos'] # set colors of two stimuli standard = cond['standard'] # standard should be fixed test = standard + rot sPatch = self.patch_stim() tPatch = self.patch_stim() sPatch.colors, tPatch.colors = self.choose_con(standard, test) # randomly assign patch positions: upper (+) or lower (-) patchpos = [self.cfg['standard.ylim'], self.cfg['test.ylim']] rndpos = patchpos.copy() np.random.shuffle(rndpos) sPatch.xys = self.patch_pos(self.cfg['standard.xlim'], rndpos[0]) tPatch.xys = self.patch_pos(self.cfg['test.xlim'], rndpos[1]) # fixation cross fix = visual.TextStim(, text="+", units='deg', pos=[0, 0], height=0.4, color='black', colorSpace=self.ColorSpace) # number of trial num = visual.TextStim(, text="trial " + str(count), units='deg', pos=[12, -10], height=0.4, color='black', colorSpace=self.ColorSpace) trial_time_start = time.time() # first present references for 0.5 sec fix.draw() num.draw() leftRef.draw() rightRef.draw() core.wait(0.5) # then present the standard and the test stimuli as well for 1 sec fix.draw() num.draw() leftRef.draw() rightRef.draw() sPatch.draw() tPatch.draw() if self.trial_dur: # show stimuli for some time core.wait(self.trial_dur) # refresh the window, clear references and stimuli num.draw() # get response judge = None while judge is None: allkeys = event.waitKeys() for key in allkeys: if (key == 'left' and rot * rndpos[0][0] > 0) or ( key == 'right' and rot * rndpos[0][0] < 0): judge = 1 # correct thiskey = key elif (key == 'left' and rot * rndpos[0][0] < 0) or ( key == 'right' and rot * rndpos[0][0] > 0): judge = 0 # incorrect thiskey = key elif key == 'escape': breakinfo = 'userbreak' # xrl.add_break(breakinfo) config_tools.write_xrl(self.subject, break_info='userbreak') core.quit() trial_time = time.time() - trial_time_start return judge, thiskey, trial_time
} io=launchHubServer(**iohub_config) mcu=io.devices.mcu kb=io.devices.keyboard ain=io.devices.ain experiment=io.devices.experiment mcu.setDigitalOutputByte(0) mcu.enableEventReporting(True) ain.enableEventReporting(True) delay_offset=ain.getDelayOffset() print() print('>> Running test using a delay_offset of',delay_offset) print('>> Please wait.') print() core.wait(1.0) mcu.getRequestResponse() io.clearEvents("all") response_times=[] for i,c in enumerate(ttl_bytes): ain_channel_name='AI_%d'%c v=np.power(2,c) r=mcu.setDigitalOutputByte(v) dout_id=r['id'] found_analog_trigger=False found_dout_response=False stime=getTime() ai_event_results[i,:]=0.0 while getTime()-stime < 2.0: if found_analog_trigger is False: ai_events=ain.getEvents(asType='dict')
display_message(myWin, display_text, fix_MSG) display_text.setText( "Please press s for short, and l for long to judge the oddball duration against the standard" ) for ix, dur in enumerate(possibleOddballDurations): print(oddBallType[ix]) if oddBallType[ix] == 0: oddBallStim = loomingStim elif oddBallType[ix] == 1: oddBallStim = starStim elif oddBallType[ix] == 2: oddBallStim = redStim fixation.setAutoDraw(True) myWin.flip() core.wait(1) for num in range(1, randint(7, 12)): theta = random.uniform(0, 359) * np.pi / 180 standardStim.setPos([ eccentricity[ix] * np.cos(theta), eccentricity[ix] * np.sin(theta) ]) standardStim.setAutoDraw(True) myWin.flip() omega = .01 direction = np.random.choice([-1, 1]) changeDirection = np.random.choice([0, 1]) changeDirection = random.randint(10, 64) standardBallClock.reset() counter = 0 #core.wait(Durations) #Standard stimuli for a duration of 1050msec while standardBallClock.getTime() < Durations:
def showTestTrial(self, curTrial, trialIndex, whichPart): #s=sound.Sound(self.soundMatrix[curTrial['label']]) print 'trial: ' + str(trialIndex + 1) + ' ' + curTrial['filename'] responseInfoReminder = visual.TextStim(, text=self.experiment.responseInfoReminder, pos=(0, -200), height=30, color="blue") questionText = visual.TextStim(, text=curTrial['Question'], pos=(0, 0), height=30, color="black") if self.experiment.subjVariables['useParallel'] == 'yes': playSentenceAndTriggerNonVisual(, self.soundMatrix[curTrial['filename']], curTrial['onsetDet'], curTrial['waitForDetOffset'], curTrial['waitForNounOffset'], curTrial['waitForEnd'], curTrial['trigDet'], curTrial['trigOffsetNoun'], self.experiment.eventTracker, curTrial, self.expTimer) else: playSentenceNoTriggerNonVisual(, self.soundMatrix[curTrial['filename']], curTrial['onsetDet'], curTrial['waitForDetOffset'], curTrial['waitForNounOffset'], curTrial['waitForEnd'], curTrial['trigDet'], curTrial['trigOffsetNoun'], self.experiment.eventTracker, curTrial, self.expTimer) core.wait(self.experiment.afterSentenceDelay) response = -99 isRight = -99 rt = -99 if curTrial['hasQuestion'] == 1: setAndPresentStimulus(, [responseInfoReminder, questionText]) (response, rt) = getKeyboardResponse(self.experiment.validResponses.keys()) ### Try getting 'response' locally? since it is assigned in that current loop. ### Try assigning a 'dummy' value to response before the if Question as this may not have been created on the first trial. if self.experiment.validResponses[response] == curTrial['yesOrNo']: isRight = 1 print 'correctlyAnswered' playAndWait(self.soundMatrix['bleep']) else: isRight = 0 print 'incorrectlyAnswered' playAndWait(self.soundMatrix['buzz']) fieldVars = [] if whichPart != 'practice': for curField in self.fieldNames: fieldVars.append(curTrial[curField]) [header, curLine] = createRespNew(self.experiment.optionList, self.experiment.subjVariables, self.fieldNames, fieldVars, a_expTimer=self.expTimer.getTime(), b_whichPart=curTrial['part'], c_trialIndex=trialIndex, f_response=response, g_isRight=isRight, h_rt=rt * 1000) writeToFile(self.experiment.testFile, curLine) #write the header with col names to the file if trialIndex == 0 and curTrial['part'] != 'practice': print "Writing header to file..." dirtyHack = {} dirtyHack['trialNum'] = 1 writeHeader(dirtyHack, header, 'header_test' + self.experiment.expName)
Y_NT1_Dist = round(cm2pix(radius * sin(radians(angle_NT1_Dist))), decimals) X_NT2_Dist = round(cm2pix(radius * cos(radians(angle_NT2_Dist))), decimals) Y_NT2_Dist = round(cm2pix(radius * sin(radians(angle_NT2_Dist))), decimals) #order (1 or 2) and quadrant order = trial['order'] quadrant = trial['quadrant_target'] axis_response = trial['axis_response'] horiz_vertical = trial['axis_response'] ############# Start the display of the task ############################# ############################# ITI Inter-trial-interval ############################# win.flip() core.wait(inter_trial_period) display_time = core.Clock() display_time.reset() #Draw the components of the fixation square and the circle FIX() win.flip() ############################# ############################# Pre cue period (between fixation and presentation of the cue) ############################# core.wait(float(pre_cue_period)) ############################# #CUE PERIOD (commend this for the WM gratting scroll) ############################# if order != 2: #==1 or ==0 (controls)
fixation = visual.GratingStim(win=win, size=0.01, pos=[0, 0], sf=0, rgb='black') fixation.draw() event.Mouse(visible=False) keys = event.waitKeys( keyList=['space']) # Wait for space bar press to begin trial win.flip() clock = core.Clock() while clock.getTime() < iti_dur: core.wait(0.001) #%% Present Target color # Grab target color current_targ_degree = target_color[x - 1] current_targ_color = ((degree_rgb['r'][current_targ_degree]), (degree_rgb['g'][current_targ_degree]), (degree_rgb['b'][current_targ_degree])) # Draw circle in target color circle = visual.Circle( win=win, units="pix", radius=200, #Adjust circle radius to fit suitable size fillColorSpace='rgb255',
if event.getKeys(['escape']): core.quit() ''' Additional pause after both ratings: myItem.draw() ratingScale.draw() familiarityScale.draw() ratingTitle.draw() familiarityTitle.draw() win.flip(); core.wait(0.35) # Brief pause ''' # assigns response to corresponding image ratings[imageList.index(image)] = ratingScale.getRating() familiarity[imageList.index(image)] = familiarityScale.getRating() win.flip() core.wait(0.35) # brief pause, slightly smoother for the subject # Write to .csv file with participants name, subj_id, in file name f = open(subj_id + ' task a results.csv', 'w') for i in range(0, len(imageList)): # Remove filepath from imageList[i] string picName = os.path.relpath( imageList[i], '..\..\JOCN\task a\images\\') #..\..\JOCN\task a\images\ f.write(picName + ',' + ratings[i] + ',' + familiarity[i] + "\n") f.close() # Thank participant thank_you_screen.draw() win.flip() core.wait(1.5)
#mov._audioStream = testSound for trl in range(0, 20): # mov = visual.MovieStim3(win, r'C:\TCDTIMIT\volunteersSmall\s60T\straightcam\TestVideo.mp4',flipVert=False, size=720, flipHoriz=False, loop=False,noAudio=True) testSound = sound.Sound( r'C:\TCDTIMIT\volunteersSmall\s60T\straightcam\TestVideo.wav', sampleRate=48000) mov = visual.MovieStim3( win, r'C:\TCDTIMIT\volunteersSmall\s60T\straightcam\TestVideo.mp4', flipVert=False, size=720, flipHoriz=False, loop=False, noAudio=True) #mov = visual.MovieStim(win, r'C:\TCDTIMIT\volunteersSmall\s60T\straightcam\TestVideo.mp4') core.wait(.5) print('orig movie size=%s' % (mov.size)) print('duration=%.2fs' % (mov.duration)) soundStart = 0 trig2 = 1 cnt = 1 #roundStart = globalClock.getTime() #win.flip() mov.draw() portTime = 0 # while mov.getCurrentFrameTime() <= 0: # time.sleep(0.001) while mov.status != visual.FINISHED:
def run_trials(win, line, txt, mouse, distances, durations, screen_refresh_rate, filename, username, between_stim_and_resp_time, time_after_click_before_stim, time_after_user_input_is_finalized, practice=False): # Total number of trials = distances*durations *2, since there are two # types of trials number_of_trials = len(distances) * len(durations) * 2 # Create a list of indicies between 0 and number_of_trials-1 # This will be looped over and will determine the conditions for # each trial trial_indicies = list(range(number_of_trials)) # Shuffle the order of the trial indicies to randomize random.shuffle(trial_indicies) print(trial_indicies) # Loop through the trial_indicies list, each time through the # loop representing one trial # NOTE: # trial_num = 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., ie how many times through # the loop it's been # trial_id = 17, 93, 23, ..., ie the number from the # shuffled list trial_indicies, which # indicates the properties of the trial for trial_num, trial_id in enumerate(trial_indicies): print(f"Trial number: {trial_num}\nCondition ID: {trial_id}") # First, figure out what type of trial it is, # ie time or distance, which will determine which type of # response will be collected this_trial_type = get_trial_type(trial_id, number_of_trials) # Get the distance value that will be used this_distance = distances[get_distance_index(trial_id, distances, number_of_trials)] # Get the duration value that will be used this_duration = durations[get_duration_index(trial_id, durations)] # Get the current duration in frames, rather than seconds this_duration_frames = screen_refresh_rate * this_duration # Just to make sure everything is working, print out the trial conditions to the console # print([this_trial_type, this_distance, this_duration]) # Present a message indicating which type of trial it will be, ie duration or distance trial_type_message_presented = present_trial_type_message( win, txt, this_trial_type, practice) # Then present a line of length this_distance for a duration this_duration stimulus_finished_presenting = present_stimulus( win, line, this_distance, this_duration_frames, time_after_click_before_stim) # Then wait another period of time core.wait(between_stim_and_resp_time) # Then either collect a time response or duration response, depending on this_trial_type if this_trial_type == "distance": user_stimulus_estimate = collect_distance_response( win, line, mouse, txt, time_after_user_input_is_finalized, practice) # Write the data from this trial to file with open(filename, 'a') as fp: writer = csv.writer(fp) writer.writerow([ trial_num, username, practice,, stimulus_finished_presenting, trial_id, this_trial_type, this_distance, this_duration, user_stimulus_estimate, 'NaN' ]) else: # then it's duration user_stimulus_estimate = collect_duration_response( win, line, mouse, txt, time_after_user_input_is_finalized, practice) # Write the data from this trial to file with open(filename, 'a') as fp: writer = csv.writer(fp) writer.writerow([ trial_num, username, practice,, stimulus_finished_presenting, trial_id, this_trial_type, this_distance, this_duration, 'NaN', user_stimulus_estimate / screen_refresh_rate ])
event.waitKeys() ##### TTL Pulse trigger if EEGflag: win.callonFlip(port.setData, startSaveflag) #port.write(startSaveflag) #port.close() #### Setting up a global clock to track initiation of experiment to end #Time_Since_Run = core.MonotonicClock() # to track the time since experiment started, this way it is very flexible compared to psychopy.clock RT_clock = core.Clock() ##### 2 seconds Intial fixation Fix_Cue.draw() win.flip() core.wait(Initial_wait_time) ##### Start trials for trial_num in range(len(Trial_dict)): #range(len(Trial_dict)) if Trial_dict[trial_num]['cue'] == 'dcr' or Trial_dict[trial_num][ 'cue'] == 'dpr': if Trial_dict[trial_num]['pic'] == 'Face': corr_resp = yes_key else: corr_resp = no_key if Trial_dict[trial_num]['cue'] == 'fpr' or Trial_dict[trial_num][ 'cue'] == 'fpb': if Trial_dict[trial_num]['pic'] == 'Face': corr_resp = yes_key
def collect_distance_response(win, line, mouse, txt, time_after_user_input_is_finalized, practice): # Create a line at center of screen, less than minimum distance line.start = [0, 0] line.end = [0, 0] line.lineColor = 'blue' line.draw() # If it's practice, give some direction messages if practice: txt.pos = [-300, 250] txt.text = 'Move the mouse to change the length of the line.\nOnce you have the line as long as you want, click once to finalize.\nThe line will turn red, and you will move on to the next trial.' txt.draw() win.flip() # Reset mouse mouse.clickReset() # When getTime is set to true, mouse.getPressed will return a # tuple of size two. The first element will be a list of 3 booleans, # each of which corresponds to whether the mouse button 0,1,2 # has been pressed since the last time mouse.clickReset was called. # The second element will be a list of timestamps of when the # mouse was clicked. while True not in mouse.getPressed(getTime=True)[0]: # Get mouse position # mouse.getPos() returns a tuple of size 2, indicating the current # x and y positions -- (0,0) is at the center of the window mouse_position = mouse.getPos() # Update line start,end to -/+ mouse x-pos line.start = [-mouse_position[0], 0] line.end = [mouse_position[0], 0] line.draw() if practice: txt.draw() win.flip() # Store x pos so that it can be returned # Double it, since 0 is at the center of window so the mouse position's # x value only represents half of the length of the line user_inputted_length = 2 * abs(line.start[0]) # Change the color of the line, or something, to indicate its clicked line.lineColor = 'red' line.draw() win.flip() # Wait a second or two core.wait(time_after_user_input_is_finalized) # Flip the screen to make it blank again win.flip() # Reset the color of the line for future use line.lineColor = 'black' return user_inputted_length
image=trialInfo.loc[ thisTrial, 'scenes'], # read in the trialInfo for the column scenes in the xlsx file size=1, pos=(0, 0), interpolate=True) thisScene.draw() # record trial prarameters out.loc[thisTrial, 'scene'] = trialInfo.loc[ thisTrial, 'scenes'] # record which scene is presented in this trial out.loc[thisTrial, 'trial'] = thisTrial + 1 # record trial index # present fixation for isi duration while trialClock.getTime() < isiDur: core.wait(.001) # then present stimuli after fixation is done win.flip() # this will flip "thisScene" stimClock.reset() # record when stimulus was prsented out.loc[thisTrial, 'stimOn'] = expClock.getTime() # set how long is each image presented while stimClock.getTime() < sceneDur: thisScene.draw() win.flip() event.clearEvents() # clear any early response # then present question for response