Esempio n. 1
class Test_Brush():
    """Test suite for Brush component"""
    def setup_class(self): = Window([128, 128],
                          pos=[50, 50],

    def teardown_class(self):

    def test_line_color(self):
        colors = ['black', 'red']
        for color in colors:
            testBrush = Brush(, lineColor=color)
            assert testBrush.lineColor == color

    def test_line_width(self):
        widths = [1, 5]
        for width in widths:
            testBrush = Brush(, lineWidth=width)
            assert testBrush.lineWidth == width

    def test_close_shape(self):
        testBrush = Brush(
        assert testBrush.closeShape == False

    def test_create_stroke(self):
        testBrush = Brush(
        assert len(testBrush.shapes) == 1
        assert isinstance(testBrush.shapes[0], ShapeStim)

    def test_brush_down(self):
        testBrush = Brush(
        assert testBrush.brushDown == False

    def test_brush_vertices(self):
        testBrush = Brush(
        assert testBrush.brushPos == []

    def test_at_start_point(self):
        testBrush = Brush(
        assert testBrush.atStartPoint == False

    def test_current_shape(self):
        testBrush = Brush(
        assert testBrush.currentShape == 0

    def test_reset(self):
        testBrush = Brush(
        assert testBrush.shapes == []
        assert testBrush.atStartPoint == False
Esempio n. 2
class Test_Slider(object):
    def setup_class(self): = Window([128, 128],
                          pos=[50, 50],

    def teardown_class(self):

    def test_color(self):
        colors = ['black', 'red']

        for color in colors:
            s = Slider(, color=color)

            assert s.line.color == color
            assert s.tickLines.colors == color

            for l in s.labelObjs:
                assert l.color == color

    def test_change_color(self):
        s = Slider(, color='black')

        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
            s.color = 'blue'

    def test_size(self):
        sizes = [(1, 0.1), (1.5, 0.5)]

        for size in sizes:
            s = Slider(, size=size)
            assert s.size == size

    def test_change_size(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))

        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
            s.size = (1.5, 0.5)

    def test_marker_scaling_factor(self):
        markerScalingFactors = [1, 1.0]

        for thisScalingFactor in markerScalingFactors:
            s = Slider(, markerScalingFactor=thisScalingFactor)
            assert s.markerScalingFactor == thisScalingFactor

    def test_change_marker_scaling_factor(self):
        s = Slider(, markerScalingFactor=1.0)

        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
            s.markerScalingFactor = 0.5
Esempio n. 3
class Test_Form(object):
    """Test suite for Form component"""
    def setup_class(self):
        # Create temp files for storing items
        self.temp_dir = mkdtemp()
        self.fileName_xlsx = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'items.xlsx')
        self.fileName_csv = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'items.csv')

        # create some questions
        self.questions = []
        self.genderItem = {
            "questionText": "What is your gender?",
            "questionWidth": 0.7,
            "type": "radio",
            "responseWidth": 0.3,
            "options": "Male, Female, Other",
            "layout": 'vert',
            "index": 0,
            "questionColor": "white",
            "responseColor": "white"
        # then a set of ratings
        items = ["running", "cake", "programming"]
        for idx, item in enumerate(items):
            entry = {
                "questionText": "How much you like {}".format(item),
                "questionWidth": 0.7,
                "type": "rating",
                "responseWidth": 0.3,
                "options": "Lots, some, Not a lot, Longest Option",
                "layout": 'horiz',
                "index": idx + 1,
                "questionColor": "white",
                "responseColor": "white"
            self.questions.append(entry) = Window(units='height', allowStencil=True, autoLog=False)
        self.survey = Form(,
                           size=(1.0, 0.3),
                           pos=(0.0, 0.0),

        # Create datafiles
        df = DataFrame(self.questions)
        df.to_excel(self.fileName_xlsx, index=False)
        df.to_csv(self.fileName_csv, index=False)

    def test_importItems(self):
        wrongFields = [{
            "a": "What is your gender?",
            "b": 0.7,
            "c": "radio",
            "d": 0.3,
            "e": "Male, Female, Other",
            "f": 'vert',
            "g": "white",
            "h": "white"

        # this doesn't include a itemText or questionText so should get an err
        missingHeader = [{
            "qText": "What is your gender?",
            "questionWidth": 0.7,
            "type": "radio",
            "responseWidth": 0.3,
            "options": "Other",
            "layout": 'vert',
            "index": 0,
            "questionColor": "white",
            "responseColor": "white"

        # Check options for list of dicts
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            self.survey = Form(,
                               size=(1.0, 0.3),
                               pos=(0.0, 0.0),

        # Check csv
        self.survey = Form(,
                           size=(1.0, 0.3),
                           pos=(0.0, 0.0),
        # Check Excel
        self.survey = Form(,
                           size=(1.0, 0.3),
                           pos=(0.0, 0.0),

    def test_set_scroll_speed(self):
        items = 2
        for multipliers in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
            assert self.survey.setScrollSpeed(
                [0] * items, multipliers) == items * multipliers
            assert self.survey.setScrollSpeed(
                [0] * items, multipliers) == items * multipliers
            assert self.survey.setScrollSpeed(
                [0] * items, multipliers) == items * multipliers

    def test_response_text_wrap(self):
        options = ['a', 'b', 'c']
        for size in [.2, .3, .4]:
            item = {"responseWidth": size, "options": options}

    def test_set_questions(self):
        survey = Form(,
                      size=(1.0, 0.3),
                      pos=(0.0, 0.0),
        ctrl, h, w = survey._setQuestion(self.genderItem)

        assert type(ctrl) == TextBox2
        assert type(h) in [float, np.float64]
        assert type(w) in [float, np.float64]

    def test_set_response(self):
        survey = Form(,
                      size=(1.0, 0.3),
                      pos=(0.0, 0.0),
        ctrl, h, w = survey._setQuestion(self.genderItem)
        sliderStim, respHeight = survey._setResponse(self.genderItem)

        assert type(sliderStim) == Slider
        assert type(respHeight) in [float, np.float64]

    def test_form_size(self):
        assert self.survey.size[0] == (1.0, 0.3)[0]  # width
        assert self.survey.size[1] == (1.0, 0.3)[1]  # height

    def test_aperture_size(self):
        assert self.survey.aperture.size[0] == self.survey.size[0]
        assert self.survey.aperture.size[1] == self.survey.size[1]

    def test_border_limits(self):
        survey = self.survey
        assert survey.leftEdge == survey.pos[0] - survey.size[0] / 2.0
        assert survey.rightEdge == survey.pos[0] + survey.size[0] / 2.0
        assert survey.topEdge == survey.pos[1] + survey.size[1] / 2.0

    def test_text_height(self):
        assert self.survey.textHeight == 0.02

    def test_item_padding(self):
        assert self.survey.itemPadding == 0.05

    def test_form_units(self):
        assert self.survey.units == 'height'

    def test_screen_status(self):
        """Test whether the object is visible"""
        assert self.survey._inRange(self.survey.items[0]['itemCtrl'])

    def test_get_data(self):
        self.survey = Form(,
                           size=(1.0, 0.3),
                           pos=(0.0, 0.0),
        data = self.survey.getData()
        Qs = [this['itemText'] for this in data]
        indices = [item['index'] for item in data]
        assert Qs == [
            'What is your gender?',
            'How much you like running',
            'How much you like cake',
            'How much you like programming',
        assert all([item['response'] is None for item in data])
        assert all([item['rt'] is None for item in data])
        assert list(indices) == list(range(4))

    def teardown_class(self):
Esempio n. 4
from psychopy import core
from psychopy import misc
from psychopy.visual.windowwarp import Warper
from psychopy.monitors import Monitor
from psychopy.visual.grating import GratingStim
from psychopy.visual.window import Window

mon = Monitor('GenericMonitor', width=33.169, distance=10)
mon.setSizePix((1440, 900))
win = Window((1440, 900),
warper = Warper(win, warp='spherical', warpGridsize=300, eyepoint=[0.5, 0.5])
stim = GratingStim(win=win,
                   size=misc.pix2deg(win.size, win.monitor))
print win.size
print 'win size', win.size
print 'mon size', win.monitor.getSizePix()
print 'as deg', misc.pix2deg(win.size, win.monitor)
Esempio n. 5
class Test_Form(object):
    """Test suite for Form component"""

    def setup_class(self):
        self.questions = [] = Window(units='height', allowStencil=True, autoLog=False)
        # create some questions
        self.genderItem = {"questionText": "What is your gender?",
                           "questionWidth": 0.7,
                           "type": "radio",
                           "responseWidth": 0.3,
                           "options": "Male, Female, Other",
                           "layout": 'vert',
                           "index": 0}
        # then a set of ratings
        items = ["running", "cake", "programming"]
        for idx, item in enumerate(items):
            entry = {"questionText": "How much you like {}".format(item),
                     "questionWidth": 0.7,
                     "type": "rating",
                     "responseWidth": 0.3,
                     "options":"Lots, some, Not a lot, Longest Option",
                     "layout": 'horiz',
                     "index": idx+1}
        self.survey = Form(, items=self.questions, size=(1.0, 0.3), pos=(0.0, 0.0), autoLog=False)

    def test_importItems(self):
        wrongFields = [{"a": "What is your gender?",
                      "b": 0.7,
                      "c": "radio",
                      "d": 0.3,
                      "e": "Male, Female, Other",
                      "f": 'vert'}]

        wrongOptions = [{"questionText": "What is your gender?",
                      "questionWidth": 0.7,
                      "type": "radio",
                      "responseWidth": 0.3,
                      "options": "Other",
                      "layout": 'vert',
                      "index": 0}]

        df = DataFrame(self.questions)
        df.to_excel(fileName_xlsx, index=False)
        df.to_csv(fileName_csv, index=False)

        # Check wrong field error
        with pytest.raises(NameError):
            self.survey = Form(, items=wrongFields, size=(1.0, 0.3), pos=(0.0, 0.0), autoLog=False)

        # Check options for list of dicts
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            self.survey = Form(, items=wrongOptions, size=(1.0, 0.3), pos=(0.0, 0.0), autoLog=False)

        # Check csv
        self.survey = Form(, items=fileName_csv,
                           size=(1.0, 0.3), pos=(0.0, 0.0), autoLog=False)
        # Check Excel
        self.survey = Form(, items=fileName_xlsx,
                           size=(1.0, 0.3), pos=(0.0, 0.0), randomize=False, autoLog=False)

    def test_randomize_items(self):
        assert self.questions == self.survey.items
        self.survey.randomize = True
        assert self.questions != self.survey.randomizeItems(self.questions)

    def test_set_scroll_speed(self):
        items = 2
        for multipliers in [1,2,3,4]:
            assert self.survey.setScrollSpeed([0] * items, multipliers) == items * multipliers
            assert self.survey.setScrollSpeed([0] * items, multipliers) == items * multipliers
            assert self.survey.setScrollSpeed([0] * items, multipliers) == items * multipliers

    def test_question_text_wrap(self):
        for size in [.2, .3, .4]:
            assert self.survey._questionTextWrap(size) == size * self.survey.size[0] - (self.survey.itemPadding * 2)

    def test_response_text_wrap(self):
        options = ['a', 'b', 'c']
        for size in [.2, .3, .4]:
            item = {"responseWidth": size, "options": options}
            assert self.survey._responseTextWrap(item) == size * self.survey.size[0] / len(options)

    def test_set_questions(self):
        survey = Form(, items=[self.genderItem], size=(1.0, 0.3), pos=(0.0, 0.0), autoLog=False)
        textStim, questionHeight, questionWidth = survey._setQuestion(self.genderItem)

        assert type(textStim) == TextStim
        assert type(questionHeight) == float
        assert type(questionWidth) == float

    def test_set_response(self):
        survey = Form(, items=[self.genderItem], size=(1.0, 0.3), pos=(0.0, 0.0), autoLog=False)
        textStim, questionHeight, questionWidth = survey._setQuestion(self.genderItem)
        sliderStim, respHeight = survey._setResponse(self.genderItem, textStim)

        assert type(sliderStim) == Slider
        assert type(respHeight) == float

    def test_form_size(self):
        assert self.survey.size[0] == (1.0, 0.3)[0]  # width
        assert self.survey.size[1] == (1.0, 0.3)[1]  # height

    def test_aperture_size(self):
        assert self.survey.aperture.size[0] == self.survey.size[0]
        assert self.survey.aperture.size[1] == self.survey.size[1]

    def test_border_limits(self):
        survey = self.survey
        assert survey.leftEdge == survey.pos[0] - survey.size[0]/2.0
        assert survey.rightEdge == survey.pos[0] + survey.size[0]/2.0
        assert survey.topEdge == survey.pos[1] + survey.size[1]/2.0

    def test_text_height(self):
        assert self.survey.textHeight == 0.02

    def test_item_padding(self):
        assert self.survey.itemPadding == 0.05

    def test_form_units(self):
        assert self.survey.units == 'height'

    def test_scroll_offset(self):
        for idx, positions in enumerate([1, 0]):  # 1 is start position
            self.survey.scrollbar.markerPos = positions
            posZeroOffset = (self.survey.size[1]
                             - self.survey.itemPadding
                             + min(self.survey._baseYpositions))
            assert self.survey._getScrollOffset() == [0., posZeroOffset][idx]

    def test_screen_status(self):
        assert self.survey._inRange(self.survey.formElements['question'][0])
        if constants.PY3:
            with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
                assert self.survey._inRange(self.survey.formElements['question'][3])

    def test_get_data(self):
        self.survey = Form(, items=self.questions, size=(1.0, 0.3), pos=(0.0, 0.0), autoLog=False)
        data = self.survey.getData()
        assert set(data['questions']) == {'What is your gender?',
                                          'How much you like running',
                                          'How much you like cake',
                                          'How much you like programming',}
        assert set(data['ratings']) == {None}
        assert set(data['rt']) == {None}
        assert set(data['itemIndex']) == {0, 1, 2, 3}

    def teardown_class(self):
Esempio n. 6
class Test_Slider(_TestColorMixin):
    def setup_class(self): = Window([128, 128],
                          pos=[50, 50],
        self.obj = Slider(,
                          size=(1, 0.1),
                          pos=(0, 0.5),
        self.obj.markerPos = 1

        # Pixel which is the border color
        self.borderPoint = (0, 127)
        self.borderUsed = True
        # Pixel which is the fill color
        self.fillPoint = (0, 0)
        self.fillUsed = True
        # Pixel which is the fore color
        self.forePoint = (0, 0)
        self.foreUsed = False

    def teardown_class(self):

    def test_size(self):
        sizes = [(1, 0.1), (1.5, 0.5)]

        for size in sizes:
            s = Slider(, size=size)
            assert s.size == size

    def test_change_size(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))

        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
            s.size = (1.5, 0.5)

    def test_lineLength(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        assert s._lineL == 1

    def test_tickWidth(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        assert s._lineW == (1 * s._lineAspectRatio)

    def test_horiz(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        assert s.horiz == True
        s = Slider(, size=(0.1, 1))
        assert s.horiz == False

    def test_reset(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        s.markerPos = 1
        s.history = [1]
        s.rating = 1
        s.rt = 1
        s.status = constants.STARTED
        assert s.markerPos == None
        assert s.history == []
        assert s.rating == None
        assert s.rt == None
        assert s.status == constants.NOT_STARTED

    def test_elements(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        assert type(s.line) == type(GratingStim(
        assert type(s.tickLines) == type(ElementArrayStim(
        assert type(s.marker) == type(Circle(
        assert type(s.validArea) == type(Rect(

    def test_pos(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        positions = [(.05, .05), (0.2, .2)]
        for newPos in positions:
            s.pos = newPos
            assert array_equal(s.pos, newPos)

    def test_ratingToPos(self):
        s = Slider(
            size=(1, 0.1),
        assert s._ratingToPos(3)[0][0] == 0
        assert s._ratingToPos(1)[0][0] == -.5
        assert s._ratingToPos(5)[0][0] == .5

    def test_posToRatingToPos(self):
        s = Slider(
            size=(1, 0.1),
        assert s._posToRating((0, 0)) == 3
        assert s._posToRating((-.5, 0)) == 1
        assert s._posToRating((.5, 0)) == 5

    def test_tickLocs(self):
        s = Slider(
            size=(1, 0.1),
        assert s.tickLocs[0][0] == -.5 and s.tickLocs[0][1] == 0.0
        assert s.tickLocs[1][0] == -.25 and s.tickLocs[1][1] == 0.0
        assert s.tickLocs[2][0] == .0 and s.tickLocs[2][1] == 0.0
        assert s.tickLocs[3][0] == .25 and s.tickLocs[3][1] == 0.0
        assert s.tickLocs[4][0] == .5 and s.tickLocs[4][1] == 0.0

    def test_labelLocs(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1), labels=('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'))
        assert s.labelLocs[0][0] == -.5 and s.labelLocs[0][1] == -.1
        assert s.labelLocs[1][0] == -.25 and s.labelLocs[1][1] == -.1
        assert s.labelLocs[2][0] == .0 and s.labelLocs[2][1] == -.1
        assert s.labelLocs[3][0] == .25 and s.labelLocs[3][1] == -.1
        assert s.labelLocs[4][0] == .5 and s.labelLocs[4][1] == -.1

    def test_granularity(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1), granularity=1)
        minRating, maxRating = 1, 5

        assert s.granularity == 1
        assert s._granularRating(1) == minRating
        assert s._granularRating(5) == maxRating
        assert s._granularRating(0) == minRating
        assert s._granularRating(6) == maxRating

    def test_rating(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        minRating, maxRating = 1, 5

        s.rating = 1
        assert s.rating == minRating
        s.rating = 5
        assert s.rating == maxRating
        s.rating = 0
        assert s.rating == minRating
        s.rating = 6
        assert s.rating == maxRating

    def test_markerPos(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        s._updateMarkerPos = False
        minPos, maxPos = 1, 5

        assert s._updateMarkerPos != True
        s.markerPos = 1
        assert s.markerPos == minPos
        s.markerPos = 5
        assert s.markerPos == maxPos
        s.markerPos = 0
        assert s.markerPos == minPos
        s.markerPos = 6
        assert s.markerPos == maxPos
        assert s._updateMarkerPos == True

    def test_recordRating(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        minRating, maxRating = 1, 5

        counter = 0
        for rates in range(0, 7):
            s.recordRating(rates, random.random())
            counter += 1

        ratings = [rating[0] for rating in s.history]
        RT = [rt[1] for rt in s.history]

        assert len(s.history) == counter
        assert len(ratings) == counter
        assert min(ratings) == minRating
        assert max(ratings) == maxRating
        assert len(RT) == counter
        assert max(RT) <= 1
        assert min(RT) >= 0

    def test_getRating(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        minRating, maxRating = 1, 5
        s.rating = 1
        assert s.getRating() == minRating
        s.rating = 5
        assert s.getRating() == maxRating
        s.rating = 0
        assert s.getRating() == minRating
        s.rating = 6
        assert s.getRating() == maxRating

    def test_getRT(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        testRT = .89
        s.recordRating(2, testRT)
        assert s.history[-1][1] == s.getRT()
        assert type(s.getRT()) == float
        assert s.getRT() == testRT
Esempio n. 7
class Test_Form(object):
    """Test suite for Form component"""
    def setup_class(self):
        self.questions = [] = Window(units='height', allowStencil=True, autoLog=False)
        # create some questions
        self.genderItem = {
            "questionText": "What is your gender?",
            "questionWidth": 0.7,
            "type": "radio",
            "responseWidth": 0.3,
            "options": "Male, Female, Other",
            "layout": 'vert',
            "index": 0
        # then a set of ratings
        items = ["running", "cake", "programming"]
        for idx, item in enumerate(items):
            entry = {
                "questionText": "How much you like {}".format(item),
                "questionWidth": 0.7,
                "type": "rating",
                "responseWidth": 0.3,
                "options": "Lots, some, Not a lot, Longest Option",
                "layout": 'horiz',
                "index": idx + 1
        self.survey = Form(,
                           size=(1.0, 0.3),
                           pos=(0.0, 0.0),

    def test_importItems(self):
        wrongFields = [{
            "a": "What is your gender?",
            "b": 0.7,
            "c": "radio",
            "d": 0.3,
            "e": "Male, Female, Other",
            "f": 'vert'

        wrongOptions = [{
            "questionText": "What is your gender?",
            "questionWidth": 0.7,
            "type": "radio",
            "responseWidth": 0.3,
            "options": "Other",
            "layout": 'vert',
            "index": 0

        df = DataFrame(self.questions)
        df.to_excel(fileName_xlsx, index=False)
        df.to_csv(fileName_csv, index=False)

        # Check wrong field error
        with pytest.raises(NameError):
            self.survey = Form(,
                               size=(1.0, 0.3),
                               pos=(0.0, 0.0),

        # Check options for list of dicts
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            self.survey = Form(,
                               size=(1.0, 0.3),
                               pos=(0.0, 0.0),

        # Check csv
        self.survey = Form(,
                           size=(1.0, 0.3),
                           pos=(0.0, 0.0),
        # Check Excel
        self.survey = Form(,
                           size=(1.0, 0.3),
                           pos=(0.0, 0.0),

    def test_randomize_items(self):
        assert self.questions == self.survey.items
        self.survey.randomize = True
        assert self.questions != self.survey.randomizeItems(self.questions)

    def test_set_scroll_speed(self):
        items = 2
        for multipliers in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
            assert self.survey.setScrollSpeed(
                [0] * items, multipliers) == items * multipliers
            assert self.survey.setScrollSpeed(
                [0] * items, multipliers) == items * multipliers
            assert self.survey.setScrollSpeed(
                [0] * items, multipliers) == items * multipliers

    def test_question_text_wrap(self):
        for size in [.2, .3, .4]:
            assert self.survey._questionTextWrap(
                size) == size * self.survey.size[0] - (
                    self.survey.itemPadding * 2)

    def test_response_text_wrap(self):
        options = ['a', 'b', 'c']
        for size in [.2, .3, .4]:
            item = {"responseWidth": size, "options": options}
            assert self.survey._responseTextWrap(
                item) == size * self.survey.size[0] / len(options)

    def test_set_questions(self):
        survey = Form(,
                      size=(1.0, 0.3),
                      pos=(0.0, 0.0),
        textStim, questionHeight, questionWidth = survey._setQuestion(

        assert type(textStim) == TextStim
        assert type(questionHeight) == float
        assert type(questionWidth) == float

    def test_set_response(self):
        survey = Form(,
                      size=(1.0, 0.3),
                      pos=(0.0, 0.0),
        textStim, questionHeight, questionWidth = survey._setQuestion(
        sliderStim, respHeight = survey._setResponse(self.genderItem, textStim)

        assert type(sliderStim) == Slider
        assert type(respHeight) == float

    def test_form_size(self):
        assert self.survey.size[0] == (1.0, 0.3)[0]  # width
        assert self.survey.size[1] == (1.0, 0.3)[1]  # height

    def test_aperture_size(self):
        assert self.survey.aperture.size[0] == self.survey.size[0]
        assert self.survey.aperture.size[1] == self.survey.size[1]

    def test_border_limits(self):
        survey = self.survey
        assert survey.leftEdge == survey.pos[0] - survey.size[0] / 2.0
        assert survey.rightEdge == survey.pos[0] + survey.size[0] / 2.0
        assert survey.topEdge == survey.pos[1] + survey.size[1] / 2.0

    def test_text_height(self):
        assert self.survey.textHeight == 0.02

    def test_item_padding(self):
        assert self.survey.itemPadding == 0.05

    def test_form_units(self):
        assert self.survey.units == 'height'

    def test_scroll_offset(self):
        for idx, positions in enumerate([1, 0]):  # 1 is start position
            self.survey.scrollbar.markerPos = positions
            posZeroOffset = (self.survey.size[1] - self.survey.itemPadding +
            assert self.survey._getScrollOffset() == [0., posZeroOffset][idx]

    def test_screen_status(self):
        assert self.survey._inRange(self.survey.formElements['question'][0])
        if constants.PY3:
            with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
                assert self.survey._inRange(

    def test_get_data(self):
        self.survey = Form(,
                           size=(1.0, 0.3),
                           pos=(0.0, 0.0),
        data = self.survey.getData()
        assert set(data['questions']) == {
            'What is your gender?',
            'How much you like running',
            'How much you like cake',
            'How much you like programming',
        assert set(data['ratings']) == {None}
        assert set(data['rt']) == {None}
        assert set(data['itemIndex']) == {0, 1, 2, 3}

    def teardown_class(self):
Esempio n. 8
class Test_Slider(_TestColorMixin):
    def setup_class(self): = Window([128, 128],
                          pos=[50, 50],
        self.obj = Slider(,
                          size=(1, 0.1),
                          pos=(0, 0.5),
        self.obj.markerPos = 1

        # Pixel which is the border color
        self.borderPoint = (0, 127)
        self.borderUsed = True
        # Pixel which is the fill color
        self.fillPoint = (0, 0)
        self.fillUsed = True
        # Pixel which is the fore color
        self.forePoint = (0, 0)
        self.foreUsed = False

    def teardown_class(self):

    def test_horiz(self):
        # Define cases
        exemplars = [
                'size': (1, 0.2),
                'ori': 0,
                'horiz': True,
                'tag': 'horiz'
            },  # Wide slider, no rotation
                'size': (0.2, 1),
                'ori': 0,
                'horiz': False,
                'tag': 'vert'
            },  # Tall slider, no rotation
                'size': (1, 0.2),
                'ori': 90,
                'horiz': False,
                'tag': 'vert'
            },  # Wide slider, 90deg rotation
                'size': (0.2, 1),
                'ori': 90,
                'horiz': True,
                'tag': 'horiz'
            },  # Tall slider, 90deg rotation
        tykes = [
                'size': (1, 0.2),
                'ori': 25,
                'horiz': True,
                'tag': 'accute_horiz'
            },  # Wide slider, accute rotation
                'size': (0.2, 1),
                'ori': 25,
                'horiz': False,
                'tag': 'accute_vert'
            },  # Tall slider, accute rotation
                'size': (1, 0.2),
                'ori': 115,
                'horiz': False,
                'tag': 'obtuse_horiz'
            },  # Wide slider, obtuse rotation
                'size': (0.2, 1),
                'ori': 115,
                'horiz': True,
                'tag': 'obtuse_vert'
            },  # Tall slider, obtuse rotation
        # Try each case
        for case in exemplars + tykes:
            # Make sure horiz is set as intended
            obj = Slider(,
                         labels=["a", "b", "c", "d"],
                         ticks=[1, 2, 3, 4],
            assert obj.horiz == case['horiz']
            # Make sure slider looks as intended
            filename = f"test_slider_horiz_{case['tag']}.png"
            #'back').save(Path(utils.TESTS_DATA_PATH) / filename)
            utils.compareScreenshot(Path(utils.TESTS_DATA_PATH) / filename,

    def test_reset(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        s.markerPos = 1
        s.history = [1]
        s.rating = 1
        s.rt = 1
        s.status = constants.STARTED
        assert s.markerPos == None
        assert s.history == []
        assert s.rating == None
        assert s.rt == None
        assert s.status == constants.NOT_STARTED

    def test_elements(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        assert type(s.line) == type(Rect(
        assert type(s.tickLines) == type(ElementArrayStim(
        assert type(s.marker) == type(ShapeStim(
        assert type(s.validArea) == type(Rect(

    def test_pos(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        positions = [(.05, .05), (0.2, .2)]
        for newPos in positions:
            s.pos = newPos
            assert array_equal(s.pos, newPos)

    def test_ratingToPos(self):
        s = Slider(
            size=(1, 0.1),
        assert s._ratingToPos(3)[0] == 0
        assert s._ratingToPos(1)[0] == -.5
        assert s._ratingToPos(5)[0] == .5

    def test_posToRatingToPos(self):
        s = Slider(
            size=(1, 0.1),
        assert s._posToRating((0, 0)) == 3
        assert s._posToRating((-.5, 0)) == 1
        assert s._posToRating((.5, 0)) == 5

    def test_tick_and_label_locs(self):
        exemplars = [
                'ticks': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
                'labels': ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"],
                'tag': "simple"
                'ticks': [1, 2, 3, 9, 10],
                'labels': ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"],
                'tag': "clustered"
                'ticks': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
                'labels': ["", "b", "c", "d", ""],
                'tag': "blanks"
                'ticks': None,
                'labels': ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"],
                'tag': "noticks"
                'ticks': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
                'labels': None,
                'tag': "nolabels"
        tykes = [
                'ticks': [1, 2, 3],
                'labels': ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"],
                'tag': "morelabels"
                'ticks': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
                'labels': ["a", "b", "c"],
                'tag': "moreticks"
                'ticks': [1, 9, 10],
                'labels': ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"],
                'tag': "morelabelsclustered"
                'ticks': [1, 7, 8, 9, 10],
                'labels': ["a", "b", "c", "d"],
                'tag': "moreticksclustered"
        # Test all cases
        for case in exemplars + tykes:
            # Make vertical slider
            vert = Slider(,
                          size=(0.1, 0.5),
                          pos=(-0.25, 0),
            # Make horizontal slider
            horiz = Slider(,
                           size=(0.5, 0.1),
                           pos=(0.2, 0),
            # Compare screenshot
            filename = "test_slider_ticklabelloc_%(tag)s.png" % case
  'back').save(Path(utils.TESTS_DATA_PATH) / filename)
                Path(utils.TESTS_DATA_PATH) / filename,

    def test_granularity(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1), granularity=1)
        minRating, maxRating = 1, 5

        assert s.granularity == 1
        assert s._granularRating(1) == minRating
        assert s._granularRating(5) == maxRating
        assert s._granularRating(0) == minRating
        assert s._granularRating(6) == maxRating

    def test_rating(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        minRating, maxRating = 1, 5

        s.rating = 1
        assert s.rating == minRating
        s.rating = 5
        assert s.rating == maxRating
        s.rating = 0
        assert s.rating == minRating
        s.rating = 6
        assert s.rating == maxRating

    def test_markerPos(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        s._updateMarkerPos = False
        minPos, maxPos = 1, 5

        assert s._updateMarkerPos != True
        s.markerPos = 1
        assert s.markerPos == minPos
        s.markerPos = 5
        assert s.markerPos == maxPos
        s.markerPos = 0
        assert s.markerPos == minPos
        s.markerPos = 6
        assert s.markerPos == maxPos
        assert s._updateMarkerPos == True

    def test_recordRating(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        minRating, maxRating = 1, 5

        counter = 0
        for rates in range(0, 7):
            s.recordRating(rates, random.random())
            counter += 1

        ratings = [rating[0] for rating in s.history]
        RT = [rt[1] for rt in s.history]

        assert len(s.history) == counter
        assert len(ratings) == counter
        assert min(ratings) == minRating
        assert max(ratings) == maxRating
        assert len(RT) == counter
        assert max(RT) <= 1
        assert min(RT) >= 0

    def test_getRating(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        minRating, maxRating = 1, 5
        s.rating = 1
        assert s.getRating() == minRating
        s.rating = 5
        assert s.getRating() == maxRating
        s.rating = 0
        assert s.getRating() == minRating
        s.rating = 6
        assert s.getRating() == maxRating

    def test_getRT(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        testRT = .89
        s.recordRating(2, testRT)
        assert s.history[-1][1] == s.getRT()
        assert type(s.getRT()) == float
        assert s.getRT() == testRT
Esempio n. 9
class Test_Slider(object):
    def setup_class(self): = Window([128, 128],
                          pos=[50, 50],

    def teardown_class(self):

    def test_color(self):
        colors = ['black', 'red']

        for color in colors:
            s = Slider(, color=color)

            assert s.line.color == color
            assert s.tickLines.colors == color

            for l in s.labelObjs:
                assert l.color == color

    def test_change_color(self):
        s = Slider(, color='black')

        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
            s.color = 'blue'

    def test_size(self):
        sizes = [(1, 0.1), (1.5, 0.5)]

        for size in sizes:
            s = Slider(, size=size)
            assert s.size == size

    def test_change_size(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))

        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
            s.size = (1.5, 0.5)

    def test_lineLength(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        assert s._lineL == 1

    def test_tickWidth(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        assert s._lineW == (1 * s._lineAspectRatio)

    def test_horiz(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        assert s.horiz == True
        s = Slider(, size=(0.1, 1))
        assert s.horiz == False

    def test_reset(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        s.markerPos = 1
        s.history = [1]
        s.rating = 1
        s.rt = 1
        s.status = constants.STARTED
        assert s.markerPos == None
        assert s.history == []
        assert s.rating == None
        assert s.rt == None
        assert s.status == constants.NOT_STARTED

    def test_elements(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        assert type(s.line) == type(GratingStim(
        assert type(s.tickLines) == type(ElementArrayStim(
        assert type(s.marker) == type(Circle(
        assert type(s.validArea) == type(Rect(

    def test_ratingToPos(self):
        s = Slider(
            size=(1, 0.1),
        assert s._ratingToPos(3)[0][0] == 0
        assert s._ratingToPos(1)[0][0] == -.5
        assert s._ratingToPos(5)[0][0] == .5

    def test_posToRatingToPos(self):
        s = Slider(
            size=(1, 0.1),
        assert s._posToRating((0, 0)) == 3
        assert s._posToRating((-.5, 0)) == 1
        assert s._posToRating((.5, 0)) == 5

    def test_tickLocs(self):
        s = Slider(
            size=(1, 0.1),
        assert s.tickLocs[0][0] == -.5 and s.tickLocs[0][1] == 0.0
        assert s.tickLocs[1][0] == -.25 and s.tickLocs[1][1] == 0.0
        assert s.tickLocs[2][0] == .0 and s.tickLocs[2][1] == 0.0
        assert s.tickLocs[3][0] == .25 and s.tickLocs[3][1] == 0.0
        assert s.tickLocs[4][0] == .5 and s.tickLocs[4][1] == 0.0

    def test_labelLocs(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1), labels=('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'))
        assert s.labelLocs[0][0] == -.5 and s.labelLocs[0][1] == -.1
        assert s.labelLocs[1][0] == -.25 and s.labelLocs[1][1] == -.1
        assert s.labelLocs[2][0] == .0 and s.labelLocs[2][1] == -.1
        assert s.labelLocs[3][0] == .25 and s.labelLocs[3][1] == -.1
        assert s.labelLocs[4][0] == .5 and s.labelLocs[4][1] == -.1

    def test_granularity(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1), granularity=1)
        minRating, maxRating = 1, 5

        assert s.granularity == 1
        assert s._granularRating(1) == minRating
        assert s._granularRating(5) == maxRating
        assert s._granularRating(0) == minRating
        assert s._granularRating(6) == maxRating

    def test_rating(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        minRating, maxRating = 1, 5

        s.rating = 1
        assert s.rating == minRating
        s.rating = 5
        assert s.rating == maxRating
        s.rating = 0
        assert s.rating == minRating
        s.rating = 6
        assert s.rating == maxRating

    def test_markerPos(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        s._updateMarkerPos = False
        minPos, maxPos = 1, 5

        assert s._updateMarkerPos != True
        s.markerPos = 1
        assert s.markerPos == minPos
        s.markerPos = 5
        assert s.markerPos == maxPos
        s.markerPos = 0
        assert s.markerPos == minPos
        s.markerPos = 6
        assert s.markerPos == maxPos
        assert s._updateMarkerPos == True

    def test_recordRating(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        minRating, maxRating = 1, 5

        counter = 0
        for rates in range(0, 7):
            s.recordRating(rates, random.random())
            counter += 1

        ratings = [rating[0] for rating in s.history]
        RT = [rt[1] for rt in s.history]

        assert len(s.history) == counter
        assert len(ratings) == counter
        assert min(ratings) == minRating
        assert max(ratings) == maxRating
        assert len(RT) == counter
        assert max(RT) <= 1
        assert min(RT) >= 0

    def test_getRating(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        minRating, maxRating = 1, 5
        s.rating = 1
        assert s.getRating() == minRating
        s.rating = 5
        assert s.getRating() == maxRating
        s.rating = 0
        assert s.getRating() == minRating
        s.rating = 6
        assert s.getRating() == maxRating

    def test_getRT(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        testRT = .89
        s.recordRating(2, testRT)
        assert s.history[-1][1] == s.getRT()
        assert type(s.getRT()) == float
        assert s.getRT() == testRT
Esempio n. 10
def test_open_glfw_window():
    from psychopy.visual.window import Window
    win = Window(winType='glfw', autoLog=False)
    assert win.winType == 'glfw'
Esempio n. 11
def test_open_glfw_window():
    win = Window(winType='glfw', autoLog=False)
    assert win.winType == 'glfw'
Esempio n. 12
class Test_Form(object):
    """Test suite for Form component"""

    def setup_class(self):
        self.questions = [] = Window(units='height', allowStencil=True)
        # create some questions
        self.genderItem = {"qText": "What is your gender?",
                      "qWidth": 0.7,
                      "aType": "choice",
                      "aWidth": 0.3,
                      "aOptions": ["Male", "Female", "Other"],
                      "aLayout": 'vert'}
        # then a set of ratings
        items = ["running", "cake"]
        for item in items:
            entry = {"qText": "How much do you like {}".format(item),
                     "qWidth": 0.7,
                     "aType": "rating",
                     "aWidth": 0.3,
                     "aOptions": ["Lots", "Not a lot"],
                     "aLayout": 'horiz'}
        self.survey = Form(, items=self.questions, size=(1.0, 0.3), pos=(0.0, 0.0))

    def test_set_questions(self):
        survey = Form(, items=[], size=(1.0, 0.3), pos=(0.0, 0.0))
        textStim, qHeight, qWidth = survey._setQuestion(self.genderItem)

        assert type(textStim) == TextStim
        assert type(qHeight) == float
        assert type(qWidth) == float

    def test_set_response(self):
        survey = Form(, items=[], size=(1.0, 0.3), pos=(0.0, 0.0))
        textStim, qHeight, qWidth = survey._setQuestion(self.genderItem)
        sliderStim, aHeight = survey._setResponse(self.genderItem, textStim)

        assert type(sliderStim) == Slider
        assert type(aHeight) == float

    def test_questionHeight(self):
        for item in self.survey._items['question']:
            assert self.survey.getQuestionHeight(item) == item.boundingBox[1] / float([1] / 2)

    def test_questionWidth(self):
        for item in self.survey._items['question']:
            assert self.survey.getQuestionWidth(item) == item.boundingBox[0] / float([0] / 2)

    def test_respHeight(self):
        for item in self.survey.items:
            if item['aLayout'] == 'vert':
                assert self.survey.getRespHeight(item) == (len(item['aOptions']) * self.survey.textHeight)
            elif item['aLayout'] == 'horiz':
                assert self.survey.getRespHeight(item) == self.survey.textHeight

    def test_form_size(self):
        assert self.survey.size[0] == (1.0, 0.3)[0]  # width
        assert self.survey.size[1] == (1.0, 0.3)[1]  # height

    def test_aperture_size(self):
        assert self.survey.aperture.size[0] == self.survey.size[0]
        assert self.survey.aperture.size[1] == self.survey.size[1]

    def test_border_limits(self):
        survey = self.survey
        assert survey.leftEdge == survey.pos[0] - survey.size[0]/2.0
        assert survey.rightEdge == survey.pos[0] + survey.size[0]/2.0
        assert survey.topEdge == survey.pos[1] + survey.size[1]/2.0

    def test_text_height(self):
        assert self.survey.textHeight == 0.03

    def test_label_height(self):
        assert self.survey.labelHeight == 0.02

    def test_item_padding(self):
        assert self.survey.itemPadding == 0.05

    def test_form_units(self):
        assert self.survey.units == 'height'

    def test_virtual_height(self):
        assert isclose(self.survey.virtualHeight,
                       atol=0.02)  # TODO: liberal atol, needs tightening up

    def test_baseYpositions(self):
        survey = Form(, items=self.questions, size=(1.0, 0.3), pos=(0.0, 0.0))
        testPositions = []
        survey.virtualHeight = 0
        for item in survey.items:
            question, qHeight, qWidth = survey._setQuestion(item)
            response, aHeight, = survey._setResponse(item, question)
                                 - max(aHeight, qHeight)
                                 + (aHeight / 2)
                                 - survey.textHeight)
            survey.virtualHeight -= max(aHeight, qHeight) + survey.itemPadding

        for idx, pos in enumerate(survey._baseYpositions):
            assert testPositions[idx] == pos

    def test_scroll_offset(self):
        for idx, positions in enumerate([1, 0]):  # 1 is start position
            self.survey.scrollbar.markerPos = positions
            posZeroOffset = (self.survey.size[1]
                             - self.survey.itemPadding
                             + min(self.survey._baseYpositions))
            assert self.survey._getScrollOffet() == [0., posZeroOffset][idx]

    def test_screen_status(self):
        assert self.survey._inRange(self.survey._items['question'][0])
        with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
            assert self.survey._inRange(self.survey._items['question'][2])

    def teardown_class(self):
Esempio n. 13
class Test_Slider(object):
    def setup_class(self): = Window([128,128], pos=[50,50], allowGUI=False,

    def teardown_class(self):

    def test_color(self):
        colors = ['black', 'red']

        for color in colors:
            s = Slider(, color=color)

            assert s.line.color == color
            assert s.tickLines.colors == color

            for l in s.labelObjs:
                assert l.color == color

    def test_change_color(self):
        s = Slider(, color='black')

        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
            s.color = 'blue'

    def test_size(self):
        sizes = [(1, 0.1), (1.5, 0.5)]

        for size in sizes:
            s = Slider(, size=size)
            assert s.size == size

    def test_change_size(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))

        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
            s.size = (1.5, 0.5)

    def test_lineLength(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        assert s._lineL == 1

    def test_tickWidth(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        assert s._lineW == (1 * s._lineAspectRatio)

    def test_horiz(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        assert s.horiz == True
        s = Slider(, size=(0.1, 1))
        assert s.horiz == False

    def test_reset(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        s.markerPos = 1
        s.history = [1]
        s.rating = 1
        s.rt = 1
        s.status = constants.STARTED
        assert s.markerPos == None
        assert s.history == []
        assert s.rating == None
        assert s.rt == None
        assert s.status == constants.NOT_STARTED

    def test_elements(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        assert type(s.line) == type(GratingStim(
        assert type(s.tickLines) == type(ElementArrayStim(
        assert type(s.marker) == type(Circle(
        assert type(s.validArea) == type(Rect(
    def test_pos(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        positions = [(.05, .05),(0.2, .2)]
        for newPos in positions:
            s.pos = newPos
            assert array_equal(s.pos, newPos)
    def test_ratingToPos(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1), )
        assert s._ratingToPos(3)[0][0] == 0
        assert s._ratingToPos(1)[0][0] == -.5
        assert s._ratingToPos(5)[0][0] == .5

    def test_posToRatingToPos(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1), )
        assert s._posToRating((0, 0)) == 3
        assert s._posToRating((-.5, 0)) == 1
        assert s._posToRating((.5, 0)) == 5

    def test_tickLocs(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1), )
        assert s.tickLocs[0][0] == -.5 and s.tickLocs[0][1] == 0.0
        assert s.tickLocs[1][0] == -.25 and s.tickLocs[1][1] == 0.0
        assert s.tickLocs[2][0] == .0 and s.tickLocs[2][1] == 0.0
        assert s.tickLocs[3][0] == .25 and s.tickLocs[3][1] == 0.0
        assert s.tickLocs[4][0] == .5 and s.tickLocs[4][1] == 0.0

    def test_labelLocs(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1), labels=('a','b','c','d','e'))
        assert s.labelLocs[0][0] == -.5 and s.labelLocs[0][1] == -.1
        assert s.labelLocs[1][0] == -.25 and s.labelLocs[1][1] == -.1
        assert s.labelLocs[2][0] == .0 and s.labelLocs[2][1] == -.1
        assert s.labelLocs[3][0] == .25 and s.labelLocs[3][1] == -.1
        assert s.labelLocs[4][0] == .5 and s.labelLocs[4][1] == -.1

    def test_granularity(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1), granularity=1)
        minRating, maxRating = 1, 5

        assert s.granularity == 1
        assert s._granularRating(1) == minRating
        assert s._granularRating(5) == maxRating
        assert s._granularRating(0) == minRating
        assert s._granularRating(6) == maxRating

    def test_rating(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        minRating, maxRating = 1, 5

        s.rating = 1
        assert s.rating == minRating
        s.rating = 5
        assert s.rating == maxRating
        s.rating = 0
        assert s.rating == minRating
        s.rating = 6
        assert s.rating == maxRating

    def test_markerPos(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        s._updateMarkerPos = False
        minPos, maxPos = 1, 5

        assert s._updateMarkerPos != True
        s.markerPos = 1
        assert s.markerPos == minPos
        s.markerPos = 5
        assert s.markerPos == maxPos
        s.markerPos = 0
        assert s.markerPos == minPos
        s.markerPos = 6
        assert s.markerPos == maxPos
        assert s._updateMarkerPos == True

    def test_recordRating(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        minRating, maxRating = 1, 5

        counter = 0
        for rates in range(0,7):
            s.recordRating(rates, random.random())
            counter +=1

        ratings = [rating[0] for rating in s.history]
        RT = [rt[1] for rt in s.history]

        assert len(s.history) == counter
        assert len(ratings) == counter
        assert min(ratings) == minRating
        assert max(ratings) == maxRating
        assert len(RT) == counter
        assert max(RT) <= 1
        assert min(RT) >= 0

    def test_getRating(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        minRating, maxRating = 1, 5
        s.rating = 1
        assert s.getRating() == minRating
        s.rating = 5
        assert s.getRating() == maxRating
        s.rating = 0
        assert s.getRating() == minRating
        s.rating = 6
        assert s.getRating() == maxRating

    def test_getRT(self):
        s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1))
        testRT = .89
        s.recordRating(2, testRT)
        assert s.history[-1][1] == s.getRT()
        assert type(s.getRT()) == float
        assert s.getRT() == testRT