Esempio n. 1
class TimezoneField(ChoiceField):
    """ Timezone field. Field name is ``timezone``."""

    error_msg = _('Invalid timezone "${val}"')

    _tzs = dict((str(tz).lower(), str(tz)) for tz in pytz.all_timezones)
    vocabulary = vocabulary.Vocabulary(
        *[(str(tz).lower(), str(tz).lower(), str(tz))
          for tz in pytz.all_timezones])

    def to_form(self, value):
        if value is null:
            return null

        return str(value).lower()

    def to_field(self, value):
        if value is null or not value:
            return null

            v = str(value).lower()
            if v.startswith('gmt'):
                v = 'etc/%s' % v
                return pytz.timezone(v)
                return pytz.timezone(self._tzs[v])
            raise Invalid(self.error_msg, self, {'val': value})
Esempio n. 2
class BoolField(RadioField):
    """Boolean input widget. Field name is ``bool``."""

    vocabulary = vocabulary.Vocabulary(
        (True, 'true',  'yes'),
        (False, 'false',  'no'))

    inline = True
Esempio n. 3
    def test_ctor_from_3_tuple(self):
        """ Create vocabulary from list of 3 items tuples """
        voc = vocabulary.Vocabulary((1, 'one', 'One'), (2, 'two', 'Two'))

        self.assertEqual(2, len(voc))
        self.assertIn(1, voc)

        term = voc.get_term(2)
        self.assertEqual(term.value, 2)
        self.assertEqual(term.token, 'two')
        self.assertEqual(term.title, 'Two')
Esempio n. 4
    def test_ctor_from_other(self):
        """ Create vocabulary from integers """
        voc = vocabulary.Vocabulary(1, 2)

        self.assertEqual(2, len(voc))
        self.assertIn(1, voc)

        term = voc.get_term(2)
        self.assertEqual(term.value, 2)
        self.assertEqual(term.token, '2')
        self.assertEqual(term.title, '2')
Esempio n. 5
    def test_ctor_from_strings(self):
        """ Create vocabulary from strings """
        voc = vocabulary.Vocabulary('one', 'two')

        self.assertEqual(2, len(voc))
        self.assertIn('one', voc)

        term = voc.get_term('two')
        self.assertEqual(term.value, 'two')
        self.assertEqual(term.token, 'two')
        self.assertEqual(term.title, 'two')
Esempio n. 6
    def test_ctor_from_terms(self):
        """ Create vocabulary from list of 4 items tuples """
        voc = vocabulary.Vocabulary(
            vocabulary.Term(1, 'one', 'One', 'One d'),
            vocabulary.Term(2, 'two', 'Two', 'Two desc'))

        self.assertEqual(2, len(voc))
        self.assertIn(1, voc)

        term = voc.get_term(2)
        self.assertEqual(term.value, 2)
        self.assertEqual(term.token, 'two')
        self.assertEqual(term.title, 'Two')
        self.assertEqual(term.description, 'Two desc')
Esempio n. 7
    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
        super(VocabularyField, self).__init__(*args, **kw)

        if self.voc_factory is None and self.vocabulary is None:
            raise ValueError("Vocabulary or vocabulary factory is required.")

        if self.voc_factory is not None and self.vocabulary is not None:
            raise ValueError("Vocabulary and vocabulary factory are defined.")

        # convert vocabulary
        voc = self.vocabulary
        if (voc is not None and not IVocabulary.providedBy(voc)):
            self.vocabulary = vocabulary.Vocabulary(*voc)

        if self.voc_factory is not None:
            self.voc_factory = voc_factory_mapper(self.voc_factory)
Esempio n. 8
    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
        super(OptionsField, self).__init__(*args, **kw)

        voc = vocabulary.Vocabulary(
            *[vocabulary.Term(fname, fname, field.title)
              for fname, field in self.fields.items()])

        if not self.key:
            self.key =

        self.fields = Fieldset(
                missing = voc[0].value,
                default = voc[0].value,
                required = False,
                vocabulary = voc)) + self.fields
Esempio n. 9
class VocabularyTests(TestCase):

    list_vocab = vocabulary.Vocabulary(1, 2, 3)
    items_vocab = vocabulary.Vocabulary((1, 'one'), (2, 'two'), (3, 'three'),
                                        (4, 'fore!'))

    def test_ctor_from_strings(self):
        """ Create vocabulary from strings """
        voc = vocabulary.Vocabulary('one', 'two')

        self.assertEqual(2, len(voc))
        self.assertIn('one', voc)

        term = voc.get_term('two')
        self.assertEqual(term.value, 'two')
        self.assertEqual(term.token, 'two')
        self.assertEqual(term.title, 'two')

    def test_ctor_from_other(self):
        """ Create vocabulary from integers """
        voc = vocabulary.Vocabulary(1, 2)

        self.assertEqual(2, len(voc))
        self.assertIn(1, voc)

        term = voc.get_term(2)
        self.assertEqual(term.value, 2)
        self.assertEqual(term.token, '2')
        self.assertEqual(term.title, '2')

    def test_ctor_from_2_tuple(self):
        """ Create vocabulary from list of 2 items tuples """
        voc = vocabulary.Vocabulary((1, 'one'), (2, 'two'))

        self.assertEqual(2, len(voc))
        self.assertIn(1, voc)

        term = voc.get_term(2)
        self.assertEqual(term.value, 2)
        self.assertEqual(term.token, 'two')
        self.assertEqual(term.title, 'two')

    def test_ctor_from_3_tuple(self):
        """ Create vocabulary from list of 3 items tuples """
        voc = vocabulary.Vocabulary((1, 'one', 'One'), (2, 'two', 'Two'))

        self.assertEqual(2, len(voc))
        self.assertIn(1, voc)

        term = voc.get_term(2)
        self.assertEqual(term.value, 2)
        self.assertEqual(term.token, 'two')
        self.assertEqual(term.title, 'Two')

    def test_ctor_from_4_tuple(self):
        """ Create vocabulary from list of 4 items tuples """
        voc = vocabulary.Vocabulary((1, 'one', 'One', 'One d'),
                                    (2, 'two', 'Two', 'Two desc'))

        self.assertEqual(2, len(voc))
        self.assertIn(1, voc)

        term = voc.get_term(2)
        self.assertEqual(term.value, 2)
        self.assertEqual(term.token, 'two')
        self.assertEqual(term.title, 'Two')
        self.assertEqual(term.description, 'Two desc')

    def test_ctor_from_terms(self):
        """ Create vocabulary from list of 4 items tuples """
        voc = vocabulary.Vocabulary(
            vocabulary.Term(1, 'one', 'One', 'One d'),
            vocabulary.Term(2, 'two', 'Two', 'Two desc'))

        self.assertEqual(2, len(voc))
        self.assertIn(1, voc)

        term = voc.get_term(2)
        self.assertEqual(term.value, 2)
        self.assertEqual(term.token, 'two')
        self.assertEqual(term.title, 'Two')
        self.assertEqual(term.description, 'Two desc')

    def test_term_ctor(self):
        t = vocabulary.Term(1)
        self.assertEqual(t.value, 1)
        self.assertEqual(t.token, "1")
        t = vocabulary.Term(1, "One")
        self.assertEqual(t.value, 1)
        self.assertEqual(t.token, "One")
        self.assertEqual(repr(t), 'Term<"1:One:1">')

    def test_term_ctor_title(self):
        t = vocabulary.Term(1)
        self.assertEqual(t.title, '1')
        t = vocabulary.Term(1, title="Title")
        self.assertEqual(t.title, "Title")

    def test_order(self):
        value = 1
        for t in self.list_vocab:
            self.assertEqual(t.value, value)
            value += 1

        value = 1
        for t in self.items_vocab:
            self.assertEqual(t.value, value)
            value += 1

    def test_len(self):
        self.assertEqual(len(self.list_vocab), 3)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.items_vocab), 4)

    def test_contains(self):
        for v in (self.list_vocab, self.items_vocab):
            self.assert_(1 in v and 2 in v and 3 in v)
            self.assert_(5 not in v)

        self.assertNotIn([500], self.items_vocab)

    def test_iter_and_get_term(self):
        for v in (self.list_vocab, self.items_vocab):
            for term in v:
                self.assert_(v.get_term(term.value) is term)
                self.assert_(v.get_term_bytoken(term.token) is term)

    def test_getitem(self):
        t = self.list_vocab[0]
        self.assertIs(t, self.list_vocab.get_term(1))

    def test_getvalue(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.items_vocab.get_value('one'), 1)
        self.assertRaises(LookupError, self.items_vocab.get_value, 'unknown')

    def test_getterm(self):
        term = self.items_vocab.get_term(1)
        self.assertEqual(term.token, 'one')
        self.assertRaises(LookupError, self.items_vocab.get_term, 500)

    def test_getterm_bytoken(self):
        term = self.items_vocab.get_term_bytoken('one')
        self.assertEqual(term.token, 'one')
        self.assertEqual(term.value, 1)
        self.assertRaises(LookupError, self.items_vocab.get_term_bytoken,

    def test_nonunique_tokens(self):
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, vocabulary.Vocabulary, 2, '2')
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, vocabulary.Vocabulary, ('one', 1, 'one'),
                          ('another one', '1', 'another one'))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, vocabulary.Vocabulary, ('one', 0),
                          ('one', 1))

    def test_nonunique_token_message(self):
            vocabulary.Vocabulary(2, '2')
        except ValueError as e:
            self.assertEquals(str(e), "term tokens must be unique: '2'")

    def test_nonunique_token_messages(self):
            vocabulary.Vocabulary(('one', 0), ('one', 1))
        except ValueError as e:
            self.assertEquals(str(e), "term values must be unique: 'one'")

    def test_overriding_create_term(self):
        class MyTerm(object):
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
                self.token = repr(value)
                self.nextvalue = value + 1

        class MyVocabulary(vocabulary.Vocabulary):
            def create_term(cls, value):
                return MyTerm(value)

        vocab = MyVocabulary(1, 2, 3)
        for term in vocab:
            self.assertEqual(term.value + 1, term.nextvalue)
Esempio n. 10
 def test_nonunique_token_messages(self):
         vocabulary.Vocabulary(('one', 0), ('one', 1))
     except ValueError as e:
         self.assertEquals(str(e), "term values must be unique: 'one'")
Esempio n. 11
 def test_nonunique_token_message(self):
         vocabulary.Vocabulary(2, '2')
     except ValueError as e:
         self.assertEquals(str(e), "term tokens must be unique: '2'")