Esempio n. 1
    def setup(self, **kwargs):
        This function ...
        :param kwargs:

        # Call the setup function of the base class
        super(Interpolator, self).setup(**kwargs)

        # Set input path
        if config.input is not None:
            input_path = fs.absolute_or_in_cwd(config.input)
            input_path = fs.cwd()

        # Set output path
        if config.output is not None:
            output_path = fs.absolute_or_in_cwd(config.output)
            output_path = fs.cwd()

        # Load the frame
        if "frame" in kwargs: self.frame = kwargs.pop("frame")
        else: self.load_frame()

        # Load the regions
        if "region" in kwargs: self.regions = [kwargs.pop("region")]
        elif "regions" in kwargs: self.regions = kwargs.pop("regions")
        else: self.load_regions()
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, command, description, settings, input_dict, cwd=None, finish=None, pts_settings=None):

        This function ...
        :param command:
        :param settings: dictionary
        :param input_dict: dictionary
        :param cwd:
        :param finish:
        :param pts_settings:

        # Set working directory
        if cwd is None:
            self.cwd_specified = False
            cwd = fs.cwd()
        else: self.cwd_specified = True

        # Set attributes
        self.command = command
        self.description = description
        self.settings = settings
        self.input_dict = input_dict
        self.cwd = cwd
        self.finish = finish
        self.pts_settings = pts_settings
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self,
        This function ...
        :param command:
        :param settings:
        :param input_dict:
        :param cwd:
        :param finish:

        # Set working directory
        if cwd is None:
            self.cwd_specified = False
            cwd = fs.cwd()
            self.cwd_specified = True

        # Set attributes
        self.command = command
        self.description = description
        self.settings = settings
        self.input_dict = input_dict
        self.cwd = cwd
        self.finish = finish
Esempio n. 4
from pts.dustpedia.core.sample import DustPediaSample
from import filesystem as fs
from import tostr
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

definition = ConfigurationDefinition()
definition.add_required("galaxy_name", "string", "galaxy name")

# Set
config = parse_arguments("get_mbb_parameters", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

path = fs.cwd()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the DustPedia sample
sample = DustPediaSample()
galaxy_name = sample.get_name(config.galaxy_name)

# Create the database
database = DustPediaDatabase()

# Login
username, password = get_account()
database.login(username, password)

# Get the parameters
Esempio n. 5
File: Progetto: SKIRT/PTS
def run_configurable(table_matches, args, tables):

    This function ...
    :param table_matches:
    :param args:
    :param tables:

    # Determine the configuration method
    configuration_method = None
    if args.interactive: configuration_method = "interactive"
    elif args.arguments: configuration_method = "arguments"
    elif args.configfile is not None: configuration_method = "file:" + args.configfile
    elif args.rerun: configuration_method = "last"

    # Regenerate the configuration method option
    if args.interactive: configuration_method_argument = "--interactive"
    elif args.arguments: configuration_method_argument = "--arguments"
    elif args.configfile is not None: configuration_method_argument = "--configfile '" + args.configfile + "'"
    elif args.rerun: configuration_method_argument = "--rerun"
    else: configuration_method_argument = ""

    # Resolve
    subproject, index = table_matches[0]
    resolved = introspection.resolve_from_match(subproject, tables[subproject], index)

    # Get properties
    title = resolved.title
    command_name = resolved.command_name
    hidden = resolved.hidden
    description = resolved.description
    module_path = resolved.module_path
    class_name = resolved.class_name
    configuration_method_table = resolved.configuration_method
    configuration_module_path = resolved.configuration_module_path
    subproject_path = introspection.pts_subproject_dir(subproject)

    # Set
    sys.argv[0] = fs.join(introspection.pts_root_dir, module_path.replace(".", "/") + ".py") # this is actually not necessary (and not really correct, it's not like we are calling the module where the class is..)
    del sys.argv[1] # but this is important

    # Get a list of the leftover arguments
    leftover_arguments = sys.argv[1:]

    # Welcome message
    if subproject == "modeling": welcome_modeling()
    elif subproject == "magic": welcome_magic()
    elif subproject == "dustpedia": welcome_dustpedia()
    elif subproject == "evolve": welcome_evolve()

    # Special
    if subproject == "modeling": check_modeling_cwd(command_name, fs.cwd())

    # Get the configuration definition
    definition = introspection.get_configuration_definition_pts_not_yet_in_pythonpath(configuration_module_path)

    # If not specified on the command line (before the command name), then use the default specified in the commands.dat file
    if configuration_method is None: configuration_method = configuration_method_table

    # Check whether arguments are passed and the configuration method is interactive
    if configuration_method == "interactive" and len(leftover_arguments) > 0: raise ValueError("Arguments on the command-line are not supported by default for this command. Run with pts --arguments to change this behaviour.")

    # Create the configuration
    config = create_configuration(definition, command_name, description, configuration_method)

    ## SAVE THE CONFIG if requested
    if config.write_config:
        config_filepath = config.config_file_path(command_name)
    else: config_filepath = None

    # If this is not a re-run
    if not args.rerun:
        if not fs.is_directory(introspection.pts_user_config_dir): fs.create_directory(introspection.pts_user_config_dir)
        config_cache_path = fs.join(introspection.pts_user_config_dir, command_name + ".cfg")

    # Setup function
    if subproject == "modeling": setup_modeling(command_name, fs.cwd(), configuration_method_argument)
    elif subproject == "magic": setup_magic(command_name, fs.cwd())
    elif subproject == "dustpedia": setup_dustpedia(command_name, fs.cwd())
    elif subproject == "evolve": setup_evolve(command_name, fs.cwd())

    # Initialize the logger
    log = initialize_pts(config, remote=args.remote, command_name=command_name)

    # Exact command name
    exact_command_name = subproject + "/" + command_name

    # If the PTS command has to be executed remotely
    if args.remote is not None: run_remotely(exact_command_name, config, args.keep, args.remote, log)

    # The PTS command has to be executed locally
    else: run_locally(exact_command_name, module_path, class_name, config, args.input_files, args.output_files, args.output, log)

    # Finish function
    if subproject == "modeling": finish_modeling(command_name, fs.cwd(), config_path=config_filepath)
    elif subproject == "magic": finish_magic(command_name, fs.cwd())
    elif subproject == "dustpedia": finish_dustpedia(command_name, fs.cwd())
    elif subproject == "evolve": finish_evolve(command_name, fs.cwd())
Esempio n. 6
    "add this option to make sure the output is kept remotely after a subsequent retrieve attempt"

# Parse the command line arguments
arguments = parser.parse_args()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the remote execution environment
remote = Remote()

for path in fs.files_in_path(fs.cwd(), extension="sim"):

    # Create simulation
    sim = RemoteSimulation.from_file(path)

    if not sim.retrieved: continue

    local_output_path = sim.output_path

    remote_simulation_path = sim.remote_simulation_path
    remote_output_path = sim.remote_output_path
    remote_input_path = sim.remote_input_path

    if not remote.is_directory(remote_simulation_path):
    if not remote.is_directory(remote_output_path):
Esempio n. 7
File: Progetto: SKIRT/PTS
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from import filesystem as fs
from pts.core.launch.options import LoggingOptions, AnalysisOptions
from pts.core.simulation.output import output_type_choices

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Input and output
definition.add_optional("simulation_input", "directory_path", "input directory for the simulation(s)", letter="i")
definition.add_optional("simulation_output", "directory_path", "output directory for the simulation(s)", fs.cwd(), letter="o", convert_default=True)

# Various flags
definition.add_flag("relative", "treats the given input and output paths as being relative to the ski/fski file")
definition.add_flag("emulate", "emulate the simulation while limiting computation")

# Other
definition.add_flag("keep", "keep remote input and output")
definition.add_flag("keep_input", "keep remote input specifically")
definition.add_optional("retrieve_types", "string_list", "types of output files that have to be retrieved/retained (None means everything)", choices=output_type_choices)

# Special things
definition.add_flag("dry", "dry run (don't actually launch the simulations)", False)
definition.add_flag("attached", "launch the simulations in attached mode (only works if remotes without scheduling system are used)")

# Logging options
Esempio n. 8
# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add optional arguments
    "image", str, "the name of the image for which to run the initialization")
definition.add_flag("visualise", "make visualisations")

# Get configuration
reader = ConfigurationReader("initialize_preparation")
config =

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Determine the log file path
logfile_path = fs.join(fs.cwd(), "log",
                       time.unique_name("log") +
                       ".txt") if else None

# Determine the log level
level = "DEBUG" if config.debug else "INFO"

# Initialize the logger
log = logging.setup_log(level=level, path=logfile_path)
log.start("Starting initialize_data ...")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

names_column = []
paths_column = []
prep_names_column = []
Esempio n. 9
File: Progetto: rag9704/PTS
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from pts.modeling.fitting.component import get_generation_names, get_last_finished_generation
from import filesystem as fs

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition(log_path="log", config_path="config")

# Add settings
definition.add_positional_optional("features", "string_list", "features to be plotted")
definition.add_positional_optional("generation", "string", "generation for which to plot the features", choices=get_generation_names(fs.cwd()), default=get_last_finished_generation(fs.cwd()))

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 10
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

## \package Get UKIDSS images for a particular galaxy.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Ensure Python 3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments
from import UKIDSS
from import filesystem as fs

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

definition = ConfigurationDefinition()
definition.add_required("galaxy_name", "string", "galaxy name")
config = parse_arguments("list_ukidss", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

ukidss = UKIDSS()
ukidss.download_images(config.galaxy_name, fs.cwd())

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 11
# -----------------------------------------------------------------

last_generation = None

# Check the index of the last generation
for name in fs.directories_in_path():
    if "reference" in name or "original" in name: continue
    generation = int(name.split("Generation ")[1])
    if last_generation is None or generation > last_generation:
        last_generation = generation

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

if last_generation is None:
    generation_path = fs.cwd()
    print("Current generation: the initial population")
    generation_path = fs.join(fs.cwd(), "Generation " + str(last_generation))
    print("Current generation: " + str(last_generation))

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Path to the current GA object
path = fs.join(generation_path, "ga.pickle")

# Path to the parameters table
parameters_path = fs.join(generation_path, "parameters.dat")

# Path to the chi squared table
chi_squared_path = fs.join(generation_path, "chi_squared.dat")
Esempio n. 12
from import catalogs

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the command-line parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("galaxies", type=str, help="the name of the file containing the galaxy catalog", nargs='?', default="galaxies.dat")
parser.add_argument("stars", type=str, help="the name of the file containing the stellar catalog", nargs='?', default="stars.dat")
parser.add_argument("--debug", type=str, help="debug mode")

# Parse the command line arguments
arguments = parser.parse_args()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

directory_path = fs.cwd()

# Determine the full paths to the galaxy and star catalog
galactic_catalog_path = fs.join(directory_path, arguments.galaxies)
stellar_catalog_path = fs.join(directory_path, arguments.stars)

# Open the galactic catalog (to get the name of the principal galaxy)
galactic_catalog = tables.from_file(galactic_catalog_path)

galaxy_name = None

# Loop over the entries of the galactic catalog
for i in range(len(galactic_catalog)):

    if galactic_catalog["Principal"][i]:
Esempio n. 13
# Local path
definition.add_positional_optional("local_path", "string", "path of the local directory to store the file/directory")

# Create configuration
config = parse_arguments("retrieve", definition, "Retrieve a file or directory from a remote host")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create remote
remote = Remote(host_id=config.remote)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Set full path of origin
origin = remote.absolute_path(config.remote_path)

# Set full path to the destination
if config.local_path is not None: destination = fs.absolute_or_in_cwd(config.local_path)
else: destination = fs.cwd()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Debugging
log.debug("Origin: " + origin)
log.debug("Destination: " + destination)

# Upload, destination)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 14
# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Determine the full path to the parameter file
arguments.filepath = fs.absolute(arguments.file)

# Determine the full path to the input and output directories
if arguments.input is not None:
    arguments.input_path = fs.absolute(arguments.input)
if arguments.output is not None:
    arguments.output_path = fs.absolute(arguments.output)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Determine the log file path
logfile_path = fs.join(fs.cwd(), time.unique_name("launch") + ".txt") if else None

# Determine the log level
level = "DEBUG" if arguments.debug else "INFO"

# Initialize the logger
log = logging.setup_log(level=level, path=logfile_path)
log.start("Starting launch ...")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Either create a SkirtRemoteLauncher or a SkirtLauncher
if arguments.remote:
    launcher = SkirtRemoteLauncher.from_arguments(arguments)
    launcher = SkirtLauncher.from_arguments(arguments)
Esempio n. 15
# Galaxy name
definition.add_required("galaxy_name", str, "the name of the galaxy")
definition.add_required("band", str, "the band (GALEX or SDSS u/g/r/i/z)")

# Optional
definition.add_optional("remote", str, "the remote host name", None)

# Get configuration
reader = ConfigurationReader("get_poisson_errors", "Calculate poisson error maps for DustPedia UV and optical images")
config =
arguments = reader.get_arguments()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Determine the log file path
logfile_path = fs.join(fs.cwd(), time.unique_name("log") + ".txt") if else None

# Determine the log level
level = "DEBUG" if config.debug else "INFO"

# Initialize the logger
log = logging.setup_log(level=level, path=logfile_path)
log.start("Starting get_poisson_errors ...")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

temp_name = time.unique_name(" ", ""))

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Remotely
Esempio n. 16
# Create the command-line parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("remote", nargs='?', default=None, help="the name of the remote host to connect to")
parser.add_argument("ids", type=parsing.simulation_ids, help="unretrieve the simulations with these ID's")
parser.add_argument("--keep", action="store_true", help="add this option to make sure the output is kept remotely after a subsequent retrieve attempt")

# Parse the command line arguments
arguments = parser.parse_args()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the remote execution environment
remote = Remote()

for path in fs.files_in_path(fs.cwd(), extension="sim"):
    # Create simulation
    sim = RemoteSimulation.from_file(path)
    if not sim.retrieved: continue
    local_output_path = sim.output_path
    remote_simulation_path = sim.remote_simulation_path
    remote_output_path = sim.remote_output_path
    remote_input_path = sim.remote_input_path
    if not remote.is_directory(remote_simulation_path): remote.create_directory(remote_simulation_path)
    if not remote.is_directory(remote_output_path): remote.create_directory(remote_output_path)
Esempio n. 17
config = parse_arguments("scaling_plots", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Set figsize
if config.small:
    figsize = "8,6"
    figsize_timelines = "8,8"
    figsize = "12,9"
    figsize_timelines = "12,12"

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Locate the scaling test suite directory
suite_path = fs.join(fs.cwd(), config.suite_name)
if not fs.is_directory(suite_path):
    raise ValueError("The directory '" + suite_path + "' does not exist")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Make directory for output
output_path = fs.create_directory_in(fs.cwd(),

# Make subdirectories
single_node_path = fs.create_directory_in(output_path,
                                          "Single-node comparison")
multi_node_path = fs.create_directory_in(
    output_path, "Load balancing and multi-node scaling")
communication_path = fs.create_directory_in(output_path, "Communication")
Esempio n. 18
# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add flags
definition.add_flag("table", "save the extracted progress table")

# Get configuration
reader = ConfigurationReader("plotprogress")
config =

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Look for a file in the current working directory that contains extracted progress information
progress_table_path = fs.join(fs.cwd(), "progress.dat")
if fs.is_file(progress_table_path):
    table = ProgressTable.from_file(progress_table_path)

    # If extracted progress information is not present, first perform the extraction

    # Create a SkirtSimulation object based on a log file present in the current working directory
    simulation = createsimulations(single=True)

    # Create a new ProgressExtractor instance
    extractor = ProgressExtractor()

    # Run the extractor and get the table
    table =
Esempio n. 19
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()
definition.add_positional_optional("seed", int, "the random seed", 4357)

# Get configuration
reader = ConfigurationReader("explore")
config =

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

seed = config.seed
prng = setup_prng(seed)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# path to the GA object
path = fs.join(fs.cwd(), "ga.pickle")

# Path to the parameter table
parameters_path = fs.join(fs.cwd(), "parameters.dat")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Inform the user"Creating the GA engine ...")

# Genome instance
genome = G1DList(2)
genome.setParams(rangemin=0., rangemax=50., bestrawscore=0.00, rounddecimal=2)
Esempio n. 20
# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add flags
definition.add_flag("table", "save the extracted memory table")

# Get the configuration
config = parse_arguments("plotmemory", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Look for a file in the current working directory that contains extracted memory information
memory_table_path = fs.join(fs.cwd(), "memory.dat")
if fs.is_file(memory_table_path):
    table = MemoryUsageTable.from_file(memory_table_path)

    # If extracted memory information is not present, first perform the extraction

    # Create a SkirtSimulation object based on a log file present in the current working directory
    simulation = createsimulations(single=True)

    # Create a new MemoryExtractor instance
    extractor = MemoryExtractor()

    # Run the extractor and get the memory table
    table =
Esempio n. 21
from import load_state, save_state

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

last_generation = None

# Check the index of the last generation
for name in fs.directories_in_path():
    if "reference" in name or "original" in name: continue
    generation = int(name.split("Generation ")[1])
    if last_generation is None or generation > last_generation: last_generation = generation

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

if last_generation is None:
    generation_path = fs.cwd()
    print("Current generation: the initial population")
    generation_path = fs.join(fs.cwd(), "Generation " + str(last_generation))
    print("Current generation: " + str(last_generation))

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Path to the current GA object
path = fs.join(generation_path, "ga.pickle")

# Path to the parameters table
parameters_path = fs.join(generation_path, "parameters.dat")

# Path to the chi squared table
chi_squared_path = fs.join(generation_path, "chi_squared.dat")
Esempio n. 22
definition.add_required("band", str, "the band (GALEX or SDSS u/g/r/i/z)")

# Optional
definition.add_optional("remote", str, "the remote host name", None)

# Get configuration
reader = ConfigurationReader(
    "Calculate poisson error maps for DustPedia UV and optical images")
config =
arguments = reader.get_arguments()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Determine the log file path
logfile_path = fs.join(fs.cwd(),
                       time.unique_name("log") +
                       ".txt") if else None

# Determine the log level
level = "DEBUG" if config.debug else "INFO"

# Initialize the logger
log = logging.setup_log(level=level, path=logfile_path)
log.start("Starting get_poisson_errors ...")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

temp_name = time.unique_name(" ", ""))

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 23
                    help="the name of the file containing the galaxy catalog",
                    help="the name of the file containing the stellar catalog",
parser.add_argument("--debug", type=str, help="debug mode")

# Parse the command line arguments
arguments = parser.parse_args()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

directory_path = fs.cwd()

# Determine the full paths to the galaxy and star catalog
galactic_catalog_path = fs.join(directory_path, arguments.galaxies)
stellar_catalog_path = fs.join(directory_path, arguments.stars)

# Open the galactic catalog (to get the name of the principal galaxy)
galactic_catalog = tables.from_file(galactic_catalog_path)

galaxy_name = None

# Loop over the entries of the galactic catalog
for i in range(len(galactic_catalog)):

    if galactic_catalog["Principal"][i]:
Esempio n. 24
## \package Plot MAPPINGS examples.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Ensure Python 3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments
from import filesystem as fs
from pts.modeling.misc.playground import plot_mappings_examples
from pts.core.basics.log import log

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()
definition.add_positional_optional("directory", "directory_path", "output directory", fs.cwd())
config = parse_arguments("plot_mappings", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create temp path
temp_path = fs.create_directory_in(, "seds")

# Plot
plot_mappings_examples(, temp_path=temp_path)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 25
# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add setting
definition.add_required("step", str, "the modeling step for which to clear the output")

# Get the configuration
reader = ConfigurationReader("clear")
config =

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Determine the log file path
logfile_path = fs.join(fs.cwd(), "log", time.unique_name("log") + ".txt") if else None

# Determine the log level
level = "DEBUG" if config.arguments.debug else "INFO"

# Initialize the logger
log = logging.setup_log(level=level, path=logfile_path)
log.start("Starting clear ...")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

prep_path = fs.join(config.path, "prep")
components_path = fs.join(config.path, "components")
truncated_path = fs.join(config.path, "truncated")
phot_path = fs.join(config.path, "phot")
maps_path = fs.join(config.path, "maps")
Esempio n. 26
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from import filesystem as fs
from import find_host_ids

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add required arguments
definition.add_required("ski", "file_path", "name/path of the ski file")
definition.add_required("fski", "file_path", "name/path of the fski file")

# Input and output
definition.add_optional("input", "directory_path", "input directory for the simulation(s)", letter="i")
definition.add_optional("output", "directory_path", "output directory for the simulation(s)", fs.cwd(), letter="o", convert_default=True)

# Add positional arguments
definition.add_positional_optional("remote", "string", "the remote host on which to run the simulation (if none is specified, the simulation is run locally", choices=find_host_ids())

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 27
File: Progetto: SKIRT/PTS
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.modeling.fitting.component import get_generation_names, get_last_finished_generation
from import filesystem as fs
from pts.modeling.config.component import definition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

definition = definition.copy()

# Add settings
definition.add_positional_optional("features", "string_list", "features to be plotted")
definition.add_positional_optional("generation", "string", "generation for which to plot the features", choices=get_generation_names(fs.cwd()), default=get_last_finished_generation(fs.cwd()))

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 28
# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Ensure Python 3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments
from import filesystem as fs
from import load_dict
from import sequences
from import formatting as fmt

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Find methods file
methods_path = fs.join(fs.cwd(), "methods.txt")
if not fs.is_file(methods_path): raise IOError("Methods file not found")
methods = load_dict(methods_path)

# Find origins file
origins_path = fs.join(fs.cwd(), "origins.txt")
if not fs.is_file(origins_path): raise IOError("Origins file not found")
origins = load_dict(origins_path)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

filenames = fs.files_in_path(fs.cwd(), returns="name", extension="fits")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

map_names = sequences.union(methods.keys(), origins.keys(), filenames)
Esempio n. 29

    #print(remote.items_in_path(find_path, recursive=True))

    # Loop over the files
    paths = remote.files_in_path(find_path, contains=config.contains, not_contains=config.not_contains, extension=config.extension, recursive=config.recursive)

    if len(paths) == 0: log.warning("No files found")
        for path in paths:
            if config.full: print(path)
            else: print(path.split(find_path)[1])


    # Determine path
    find_path = fs.cwd()

    # Loop over the files
    paths =  fs.files_in_path(find_path, contains=config.contains, extension=config.extension, recursive=config.recursive)

    if len(paths) == 0: log.warning("No files found")
        for path in paths:
            if config.full: print(path)
            else: print(path.split(find_path)[1])

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 30
definition.add_optional("max_npixels", "positive_integer", "maximum number of pixels")
definition.add_optional("downsample", "positive_real", "downsample with this factor")
definition.add_flag("show", "show after creating", False)
config = parse_arguments("fits_to_png", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Inform the user"Loading the FITS file ...")

# Load the FITS file
frame = Frame.from_file(config.filename)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

if config.output is not None: filepath = fs.absolute_or_in(config.output, fs.cwd())

    # Determine the path
    name = fs.strip_extension(
    filepath = fs.absolute_path(name + ".png")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Max npixels
if config.max_npixels is not None:

    # Determine downsample factor
    if frame.xsize > config.max_npixels or frame.ysize > config.max_npixels:

        factor = max(frame.xsize, frame.ysize) / float(config.max_npixels)
Esempio n. 31
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from import get_features
from pts.modeling.config.plot import definition
from import filesystem as fs

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Add settings
features = get_features(fs.cwd())
definition.pos_optional["features"].choices = features
definition.pos_optional["features"].default = features.keys()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 32
if fs.is_file(memory_table_path): table = MemoryUsageTable.from_file(memory_table_path)

# If extracted memory information is not present, first perform the extraction

    # Create a SkirtSimulation object based on a log file present in the current working directory
    simulation = createsimulations(single=True)

    # Create a new MemoryExtractor instance
    extractor = MemoryExtractor()

    # Run the extractor and get the memory table
    table =

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

if config.table and not fs.is_file(memory_table_path): table.saveto(memory_table_path)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Determine the path to the plotting directory
plot_path = fs.join(fs.cwd())

# Create a MemoryPlotter instance
plotter = MemoryPlotter()

# Run the memory plotter, plot_path)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 33
# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# If an input directory is given
if arguments.input is not None:

    # Determine the full path to the input directory
    input_path = fs.absolute(arguments.input)

    # Give an error if the input directory does not exist
    if not fs.is_directory(input_path):
        raise argparse.ArgumentError(input_path,
                                     "The input directory does not exist")

# If no input directory is given, assume the input is placed in the current working directory
    input_path = fs.cwd()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# If an output directory is given
if arguments.output is not None:

    # Determine the full path to the output directory
    output_path = fs.absolute(arguments.output)

    # Create the directory if it does not yet exist
    if not fs.is_directory(output_path): fs.create_directory(output_path)

# If no output directory is given, place the output in the current working directory
    output_path = fs.cwd()
Esempio n. 34
                    help="the name of a configuration file")

# Visualisation
                    help="make visualisations")

# Parse the command line arguments
arguments = parser.parse_args()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Determine the full input and output paths
if arguments.output is None: arguments.output = fs.cwd()
if arguments.input is None: arguments.input = fs.cwd()
arguments.input = fs.absolute(arguments.input)
arguments.output = fs.absolute(arguments.output)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Determine the log file path
logfile_path = fs.join(arguments.output,
                       time.unique_name("log") +
                       ".txt") if else None

# Determine the log level
level = "DEBUG" if arguments.debug else "INFO"

# Initialize the logger
Esempio n. 35

# Evolve

print("Final generation:", ga.currentGeneration)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Determine the path to the reference directory
ref_path = fs.join(fs.cwd(), "original")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

best = ga.bestIndividual()

best_parameter_a = best.genomeList[0]
best_parameter_b = best.genomeList[1]

best_path = fs.join(ref_path, "best.dat")

with open(best_path, "w") as best_file:
    best_file.write("Parameter a: " + str(best_parameter_a) + "\n")
    best_file.write("Parameter b: " + str(best_parameter_b) + "\n")
Esempio n. 36

# Evolve

print("Final generation:", ga.currentGeneration)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Determine the path to the reference directory
ref_path = fs.join(fs.cwd(), "original")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

best = ga.bestIndividual()

best_parameter_a = best.genomeList[0]
best_parameter_b = best.genomeList[1]

best_path = fs.join(ref_path, "best.dat")

with open(best_path, 'w') as best_file:
    best_file.write("Parameter a: " + str(best_parameter_a) + "\n")
    best_file.write("Parameter b: " + str(best_parameter_b) + "\n")
Esempio n. 37
arguments = parser.parse_args()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# If an input directory is given
if arguments.input is not None:

    # Determine the full path to the input directory
    input_path = fs.absolute(arguments.input)

    # Give an error if the input directory does not exist
    if not fs.is_directory(input_path):
        raise argparse.ArgumentError(input_path, "The input directory does not exist")

# If no input directory is given, assume the input is placed in the current working directory
else: input_path = fs.cwd()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# If an output directory is given
if arguments.output is not None:
    # Determine the full path to the output directory
    output_path = fs.absolute(arguments.output)
    # Create the directory if it does not yet exist
    if not fs.is_directory(output_path): fs.create_directory(output_path)

# If no output directory is given, place the output in the current working directory
else: output_path = fs.cwd()
Esempio n. 38
parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help="enable debug logging mode")
parser.add_argument("--report", action='store_true', help="write a report file")

parser.add_argument("--steps", action="store_true", help="write the results of intermediate steps")
parser.add_argument("--config", type=str, help="the name of a configuration file")

# Visualisation
parser.add_argument("--visualise", action="store_true", help="make visualisations")

# Parse the command line arguments
arguments = parser.parse_args()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Determine the full input and output paths
if arguments.output is None: arguments.output = fs.cwd()
if arguments.input is None: arguments.input = fs.cwd()
arguments.input = fs.absolute(arguments.input)
arguments.output = fs.absolute(arguments.output)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Determine the log file path
logfile_path = fs.join(arguments.output, time.unique_name("log") + ".txt") if else None

# Determine the log level
level = "DEBUG" if arguments.debug else "INFO"

# Initialize the logger
log = logging.setup_log(level=level, path=logfile_path)
log.start("Starting prepare_image ...")
Esempio n. 39
    paths = remote.files_in_path(find_path, contains=config.contains, not_contains=config.not_contains, extension=config.extension, recursive=config.recursive, exact_name=config.exact_name, exact_not_name=config.exact_not_name)
    nfiles = len(paths)

    if nfiles == 0: log.warning("No files found")
    else: + " files found")
        for path in paths:
            if config.full: print(path)
            else: print(path.split(find_path)[1])
            if config.remove: remote.remove_file(path)


    # Determine path
    find_path = fs.cwd()

    # Loop over the files
    paths = fs.files_in_path(find_path, contains=config.contains, extension=config.extension, recursive=config.recursive,
                             exact_name=config.exact_name, exact_not_name=config.exact_not_name,
                             directory_not_contains=config.directory_not_contains, directory_exact_not_name=config.directory_exact_not_name)
    nfiles = len(paths)

    if nfiles == 0: log.warning("No files found")
    else: + " files found")
        for path in paths:
            if config.full: print(path)
            else: print(path.split(find_path)[1])
            if config.remove: fs.remove_file(path)
Esempio n. 40
# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Get simulations for each remote host
simulation_paths = dict()
for host_id in config.remotes:

    # Get the simulation paths
    paths_host = get_simulation_paths_for_host(host_id, as_dict=True)

    # Set the simulation paths
    simulation_paths[host_id] = paths_host

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Determine the output directory
output_path = config.output if config.output is not None else fs.cwd()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Loop over the simulation names and look for matches
for simulation_name in config.names:

    the_host_id = None

    # Loop over the remotes, look for match
    for host_id in simulation_paths:
        if simulation_name in simulation_paths[host_id]:
            the_host_id = host_id

    # Simulation file not found
Esempio n. 41
default_relative_sigma_level = 1.0

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

scales = ["log", "sqrt"]
default_colour = "jet"
default_interval = "pts"

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

default_mask_color = "black"

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Set the modeling path
modeling_path = fs.cwd()

# Create the maps collection
collection = MapsCollection.from_modeling_path(modeling_path)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Get maps
old_map_paths = collection.get_old_stellar_disk_map_paths()
young_map_paths = collection.get_young_map_paths(flatten=True)
ionizing_map_paths = collection.get_ionizing_map_paths(flatten=True)
dust_map_paths = collection.get_not_hot_dust_map_paths(flatten=True)

# Get map names
old_map_names = old_map_paths.keys()
young_map_names = young_map_paths.keys()
Esempio n. 42
definition.add_required("remote_path", "string", "remote path of the file or directory to retrieve")
definition.add_required("remote", "string", "remote host to retrieve from", choices=find_host_ids())
definition.add_optional("local_path", "string", "path of the local directory to store the file/directory")

config = parse_arguments("retrieve", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create remote
remote = Remote(host_id=config.remote)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Set full path of origin
origin = remote.absolute_path(config.remote_path)

# Set full path to the destination
if config.local_path is not None: destination = fs.absolute_or_in_cwd(config.local_path)
else: destination = fs.cwd()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Debugging
log.debug("Origin: " + origin)
log.debug("Destination: " + destination)

# Upload, destination)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 43
# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add flags
definition.add_flag("table", "save the extracted progress table")

# Get configuration
config = parse_arguments("plotprogress", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Look for a file in the current working directory that contains extracted progress information
progress_table_path = fs.join(fs.cwd(), "progress.dat")
if fs.is_file(progress_table_path): table = ProgressTable.from_file(progress_table_path)

# If extracted progress information is not present, first perform the extraction
else: table = extract_progress_cwd()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

if config.table and not fs.is_file(progress_table_path): table.saveto(progress_table_path)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Determine the path to the plotting directory
plot_path = fs.join(fs.cwd())

# Create a ProgressPlotter instance
Esempio n. 44

# Evolve

print("Final generation:", ga.currentGeneration)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Determine the path to the reference directory
ref_path = fs.join(fs.cwd(), "reference")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

best = ga.bestIndividual()

best_parameter_a = best.genomeList[0]
best_parameter_b = best.genomeList[1]

best_path = fs.join(ref_path, "best.dat")

with open(best_path, 'w') as best_file:
    best_file.write("Parameter a: " + str(best_parameter_a) + "\n")
    best_file.write("Parameter b: " + str(best_parameter_b) + "\n")
Esempio n. 45
# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from import filesystem as fs
from import introspection
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments
from pts.modeling.component.component import load_modeling_history

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Get configuration
config = parse_arguments("history", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Local table path
local_table_path = fs.join(introspection.pts_dat_dir("modeling"), "s4g", "s4g_p4_table8.dat")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Get the history
history = load_modeling_history(fs.cwd())

# Loop over the entries
for i in range(len(history)):
    print(history["Command"][i], history["Start time"][i], history["End time"][i])

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 46
definition.add_optional("max_npixels", "positive_integer", "maximum number of pixels")
definition.add_optional("downsample", "positive_real", "downsample with this factor")
definition.add_flag("show", "show after creating", False)
config = parse_arguments("fits_to_png", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Inform the user"Loading the FITS file ...")

# Load the FITS file
frame = Frame.from_file(config.filename)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

if config.output is not None: filepath = fs.absolute_or_in(config.output, fs.cwd())

    # Determine the path
    name = fs.strip_extension(
    filepath = fs.absolute_path(name + ".png")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Max npixels
if config.max_npixels is not None:

    # Determine downsample factor
    if frame.xsize > config.max_npixels or frame.ysize > config.max_npixels:

        factor = max(frame.xsize, frame.ysize) / float(config.max_npixels)
Esempio n. 47
# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add flags
definition.add_flag("table", "save the extracted timeline table")

# Get configuration
reader = ConfigurationReader("plottimeline")
config =

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Look for a file in the current working directory that contains extracted timeline information
timeline_table_path = fs.join(fs.cwd(), "timeline.dat")
if fs.is_file(timeline_table_path):
    table = TimeLineTable.from_file(timeline_table_path)

    # If extracted timeline information is not present, first perform the extraction

    # Create a SkirtSimulation object based on a log file present in the current working directory
    simulation = createsimulations(single=True)

    # Create a new TimeLineExtractor instance
    extractor = TimeLineExtractor()

    # Run the extractor and get the timeline table
    table =
Esempio n. 48
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

## \package Verify a batch of FITS files in the current working directory.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Ensure Python 3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

# Import astronomical modules
from import fits

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from import filesystem as fs

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Loop over all files in the current path
for path in fs.files_in_path(fs.cwd(), extension="fits"):

    # Open the file
    hdulist =

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 49
# Parse the command line arguments
arguments = parser.parse_args()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# If an input directory is given
if arguments.input is not None:

    # Determine the full path to the input directory
    input_path = fs.absolute(arguments.input)

    # Give an error if the input directory does not exist
    if not fs.is_directory(input_path): raise argparse.ArgumentError(input_path, "The input directory does not exist")

# If no input directory is given, assume the input is placed in the current working directory
else: input_path = fs.cwd()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# If an output directory is given
if arguments.output is not None:
    # Determine the full path to the output directory
    output_path = fs.absolute(arguments.output)
    # Create the directory if it does not yet exist
    if not fs.is_directory(output_path): fs.create_directory(output_path)

# If no output directory is given, place the output in the current working directory
else: output_path = fs.cwd()
Esempio n. 50
def run_configurable(table_matches, args, tables):
    This function ...
    :param table_matches:
    :param args:
    :param tables:

    # Determine the configuration method
    configuration_method = None
    if args.interactive: configuration_method = "interactive"
    elif args.arguments: configuration_method = "arguments"
    elif args.configfile is not None:
        configuration_method = "file:" + args.configfile
    elif args.rerun:
        configuration_method = "last"

    # Resolve
    subproject, index = table_matches[0]
    resolved = introspection.resolve_from_match(subproject, tables[subproject],

    # Get properties
    title = resolved.title
    command_name = resolved.command_name
    hidden = resolved.hidden
    description = resolved.description
    module_path = resolved.module_path
    class_name = resolved.class_name
    configuration_method_table = resolved.configuration_method
    configuration_module_path = resolved.configuration_module_path
    subproject_path = introspection.pts_subproject_dir(subproject)

    # Set
    sys.argv[0] = fs.join(
        module_path.replace(".", "/") + ".py"
    )  # this is actually not necessary (and not really correct, it's not like we are calling the module where the class is..)
    del sys.argv[1]  # but this is important

    # Get a list of the leftover arguments
    leftover_arguments = sys.argv[1:]

    # Welcome message
    if subproject == "modeling": welcome_modeling()
    elif subproject == "magic": welcome_magic()
    elif subproject == "dustpedia": welcome_dustpedia()
    elif subproject == "evolve": welcome_evolve()

    # Get the configuration definition
    definition = introspection.get_configuration_definition_pts_not_yet_in_pythonpath(

    # If not specified on the command line (before the command name), then use the default specified in the commands.dat file
    if configuration_method is None:
        configuration_method = configuration_method_table

    # Check whether arguments are passed and the configuration method is interactive
    if configuration_method == "interactive" and len(leftover_arguments) > 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "Arguments on the command-line are not supported by default for this command. Run with pts --arguments to change this behaviour."

    # Create the configuration
    config = create_configuration(definition, command_name, description,

    ## SAVE THE CONFIG if requested
    if config.write_config:

    # If this is not a re-run
    if not args.rerun:
        if not fs.is_directory(introspection.pts_user_config_dir):
        config_cache_path = fs.join(introspection.pts_user_config_dir,
                                    command_name + ".cfg")

    # Setup function
    if subproject == "modeling": setup_modeling(command_name, fs.cwd())
    elif subproject == "magic": setup_magic(command_name, fs.cwd())
    elif subproject == "dustpedia": setup_dustpedia(command_name, fs.cwd())
    elif subproject == "evolve": setup_evolve(command_name, fs.cwd())

    # Initialize the logger
    log = initialize_pts(config, remote=args.remote, command_name=command_name)

    # Exact command name
    exact_command_name = subproject + "/" + command_name

    # If the PTS command has to be executed remotely
    if args.remote is not None:
        run_remotely(exact_command_name, config, args.keep, args.remote, log)

        # The PTS command has to be executed locally
        run_locally(exact_command_name, module_path, class_name, config,
                    args.input_files, args.output_files, args.output, log)

    # Finish function
    if subproject == "modeling": finish_modeling(command_name, fs.cwd())
    elif subproject == "magic": finish_magic(command_name, fs.cwd())
    elif subproject == "dustpedia": finish_dustpedia(command_name, fs.cwd())
    elif subproject == "evolve": finish_evolve(command_name, fs.cwd())
Esempio n. 51
level = "DEBUG" if config.debug else "INFO"

# Initialize the logger
log = logging.setup_log(level=level)
log.start("Starting setup ...")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Inform the user"Resolving the galaxy name ...")

# Get the NGC name of the galaxy
ngc_name = catalogs.get_ngc_name(

# Inform the user"Galaxy NGC ID is '" + ngc_name + "'")

# Determine the path to the new directory
path = fs.join(fs.cwd(), ngc_name)

# Create the directory

# Determine the path to the data directory
data_path = fs.join(path, "data")

# Create the data directory

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 52
from pts.core.simulation.output import output_type_choices

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Input and output
                        "input directory for the simulation(s)",
                        "output directory for the simulation(s)",

# Various flags
    "treats the given input and output paths as being relative to the ski/fski file"
                    "emulate the simulation while limiting computation")

# Other
definition.add_flag("keep", "keep remote input and output")
Esempio n. 53
from pts.magic.misc.dustpedia import DustPediaDatabase, get_account
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, ConfigurationReader

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Get configuration
reader = ConfigurationReader("plot_galaxies")
config =

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Determine the log file path
logfile_path = fs.join(fs.cwd(), time.unique_name("log") + ".txt") if else None

# Determine the log level
level = "DEBUG" if config.debug else "INFO"

# Initialize the logger
log = logging.setup_log(level=level, path=logfile_path)
log.start("Starting plot_galaxies ...")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Local table path
local_table_path = fs.join(introspection.pts_dat_dir("modeling"), "s4g", "s4g_p4_table8.dat")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 54
config = parse_arguments("scaling_plots", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Set figsize
if config.small:
    figsize = "8,6"
    figsize_timelines = "8,8"
    figsize = "12,9"
    figsize_timelines = "12,12"

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Locate the scaling test suite directory
suite_path = fs.join(fs.cwd(), config.suite_name)
if not fs.is_directory(suite_path): raise ValueError("The directory '" + suite_path + "' does not exist")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Make directory for output
output_path = fs.create_directory_in(fs.cwd(), time.unique_name("scaling_plots"))

# Make subdirectories
single_node_path = fs.create_directory_in(output_path, "Single-node comparison")
multi_node_path = fs.create_directory_in(output_path, "Load balancing and multi-node scaling")
communication_path = fs.create_directory_in(output_path, "Communication")
hybridization_path = fs.create_directory_in(output_path, "Hybridization")
photon_packages_path = fs.create_directory_in(output_path, "Increased number of photon packages")
memory_path = fs.create_directory_in(output_path, "Memory scaling")