Esempio n. 1
 def tryParse(t: 'Token',
              add_units: 'TerminCollection',
              can_be_set: bool = True,
              can_units_absent: bool = False) -> 'MeasureToken':
     """ Выделение вместе с наименованием
     if (not ((isinstance(t, TextToken)))):
         return None
     if (t.is_table_control_char):
         return None
     t0 = t
     whd = None
     minmax = 0
     wrapminmax1516 = RefOutArgWrapper(minmax)
     tt = NumbersWithUnitToken._isMinOrMax(t0, wrapminmax1516)
     minmax = wrapminmax1516.value
     if (tt is not None):
         t = tt.next0_
     npt = NounPhraseHelper.tryParse(
         Utils.valToEnum((NounPhraseParseAttr.PARSEPREPOSITION) |
                         NounPhraseParseAttr), 0)
     if (npt is None):
         whd = NumbersWithUnitToken._tryParseWHL(t)
         if (whd is not None):
             npt = NounPhraseToken(t0, whd.end_token)
         elif (t0.isValue("КПД", None)):
             npt = NounPhraseToken(t0, t0)
         elif ((isinstance(t0, TextToken)) and t0.length_char > 3
               and t0.getMorphClassInDictionary().is_undefined):
             npt = NounPhraseToken(t0, t0)
             return None
     elif (NumberHelper.tryParseRealNumber(t, True) is not None):
         return None
         dtok = DateItemToken.tryAttach(t, None)
         if (dtok is not None):
             return None
     t1 = npt.end_token
     t = npt.end_token
     name_ = MetaToken._new561(npt.begin_token, npt.end_token, npt.morph)
     units = None
     units2 = None
     internals_ = list()
     not0_ = False
     tt = t1.next0_
     first_pass3037 = True
     while True:
         if first_pass3037: first_pass3037 = False
         else: tt = tt.next0_
         if (not (tt is not None)): break
         if (tt.is_newline_before):
         if (tt.is_table_control_char):
         wrapminmax1510 = RefOutArgWrapper(minmax)
         tt2 = NumbersWithUnitToken._isMinOrMax(tt, wrapminmax1510)
         minmax = wrapminmax1510.value
         if (tt2 is not None):
             tt = tt2
             t = tt
             t1 = t
         if ((tt.isValue("БЫТЬ", None) or tt.isValue("ДОЛЖЕН", None)
              or tt.isValue("ДОЛЖНЫЙ", None)) or tt.isValue("МОЖЕТ", None)
             ((tt.isValue("СОСТАВЛЯТЬ", None)
               and not tt.getMorphClassInDictionary().is_adjective))):
             t = tt
             t1 = t
             if (tt.previous.isValue("НЕ", None)):
                 not0_ = True
         www = NumbersWithUnitToken._tryParseWHL(tt)
         if (www is not None):
             whd = www
             tt = www.end_token
             t = tt
             t1 = t
         if (len(internals_) > 0 and tt.is_comma_and):
         if (tt.isValue("ПРИ", None) or len(internals_) > 0):
             mt1 = MeasureToken.tryParse(tt.next0_, add_units, False, False)
             if (mt1 is not None and mt1.reliable):
                 tt = mt1.end_token
                 t = tt
                 t1 = t
         if ((isinstance(tt, NumberToken))
                 and (tt).typ == NumberSpellingType.WORDS):
             npt3 = NounPhraseHelper.tryParse(
                 tt, NounPhraseParseAttr.PARSENUMERICASADJECTIVE, 0)
             if (npt3 is not None):
                 tt = npt3.end_token
                 t1 = tt
                 if (len(internals_) == 0):
                     name_.end_token = t1
         mt0 = NumbersWithUnitToken.tryParse(tt, add_units, False, False)
         if (mt0 is not None):
         if (((tt.is_comma or tt.isChar('('))) and tt.next0_ is not None):
             www = NumbersWithUnitToken._tryParseWHL(tt.next0_)
             if (www is not None):
                 whd = www
                 tt = www.end_token
                 t = tt
                 t1 = t
                 if (tt.next0_ is not None and tt.next0_.is_comma):
                     tt = tt.next0_
                     t1 = tt
                 if (tt.next0_ is not None and tt.next0_.isChar(')')):
                     tt = tt.next0_
                     t1 = tt
             uu = UnitToken.tryParseList(tt.next0_, add_units, False)
             if (uu is not None):
                 t = uu[len(uu) - 1].end_token
                 t1 = t
                 units = uu
                 if (tt.isChar('(') and t1.next0_ is not None
                         and t1.next0_.isChar(')')):
                     tt = t1.next0_
                     t = tt
                     t1 = t
                 elif (t1.next0_ is not None and t1.next0_.isChar('(')):
                     uu = UnitToken.tryParseList(t1.next0_.next0_,
                                                 add_units, False)
                     if (uu is not None and uu[len(uu) - 1].end_token.next0_
                             is not None and
                             uu[len(uu) - 1].end_token.next0_.isChar(')')):
                         units2 = uu
                         tt = uu[len(uu) - 1].end_token.next0_
                         t = tt
                         t1 = t
                 if (uu is not None and len(uu) > 0 and not uu[0].is_doubt):
         if (BracketHelper.canBeStartOfSequence(tt, False, False)):
             br = BracketHelper.tryParse(tt, BracketParseAttr.NO, 100)
             if (br is not None):
                 tt = br.end_token
                 t = tt
                 t1 = t
         if (tt.isValue("НЕ", None) and tt.next0_ is not None):
             mc = tt.next0_.getMorphClassInDictionary()
             if (mc.is_adverb or mc.is_misc):
         if (tt.isValue("ЯМЗ", None)):
         npt2 = NounPhraseHelper.tryParse(
             Utils.valToEnum((NounPhraseParseAttr.PARSEPREPOSITION) |
                             NounPhraseParseAttr), 0)
         if (npt2 is None):
             if (tt.morph.class0_.is_preposition
                     or tt.morph.class0_.is_conjunction):
                 to = NumbersWithUnitToken.M_TERMINS.tryParse(
                     tt, TerminParseAttr.NO)
                 if (to is not None):
                     if ((isinstance(to.end_token.next0_, TextToken))
                             and to.end_token.next0_.is_letters):
                 t1 = tt
             mc = tt.getMorphClassInDictionary()
             if (((isinstance(tt, TextToken)) and tt.chars.is_letter
                  and tt.length_char > 1)
                     and (((tt.chars.is_all_upper or mc.is_adverb
                            or mc.is_undefined) or mc.is_adjective))):
                 uu = UnitToken.tryParseList(tt, add_units, False)
                 if (uu is not None):
                     if (uu[0].length_char > 2 or len(uu) > 1):
                         units = uu
                         t = uu[len(uu) - 1].end_token
                         t1 = t
                 t = tt
                 t1 = t
                 if (len(internals_) == 0):
                     name_.end_token = tt
             if (tt.is_comma):
             if (tt.isChar('.')):
                 if (not MiscHelper.canBeStartOfSentence(tt.next0_)):
                 uu = UnitToken.tryParseList(tt.next0_, add_units, False)
                 if (uu is not None):
                     if (uu[0].length_char > 2 or len(uu) > 1):
                         units = uu
                         t = uu[len(uu) - 1].end_token
                         t1 = t
         tt = npt2.end_token
         t = tt
         t1 = t
         if (len(internals_) > 0):
         elif (t.isValue("ПРЕДЕЛ", None) or t.isValue("ГРАНИЦА", None)
               or t.isValue("ДИАПАЗОН", None)):
         elif (t.chars.is_letter):
             name_.end_token = t1
     t1 = t1.next0_
     first_pass3038 = True
     while True:
         if first_pass3038: first_pass3038 = False
         else: t1 = t1.next0_
         if (not (t1 is not None)): break
         if (t1.is_table_control_char):
         elif (t1.isCharOf(":,_")):
             www = NumbersWithUnitToken._tryParseWHL(t1.next0_)
             if (www is not None):
                 whd = www
                 t = www.end_token
                 t1 = t
         elif (t1.is_hiphen and t1.is_whitespace_after
               and t1.is_whitespace_before):
     if (t1 is None):
         return None
     mts = NumbersWithUnitToken.tryParseMulti(t1, add_units, False, not0_)
     if (mts is None):
         return None
     mt = mts[0]
     if (name_.begin_token.morph.class0_.is_preposition):
         name_.begin_token = name_.begin_token.next0_
     if (len(mts) > 1 and len(internals_) == 0):
         if (len(mt.units) == 0):
             if (units is not None):
                 for m in mts:
                     m.units = units
         res1 = MeasureToken._new1511(t0, mts[len(mts) - 1].end_token,
                                      name_.morph, True) = MiscHelper.getTextValueOfMetaToken(
             name_, GetTextAttr.FIRSTNOUNGROUPTONOMINATIVE)
         k = 0
         while k < len(mts):
             ttt = MeasureToken._new1506(mts[k].begin_token,
                                         mts[k].end_token, mts[k])
             if (whd is not None):
                 nams = Utils.asObjectOrNull(whd.tag, list)
                 if (k < len(nams)):
            = nams[k]
             k += 1
         tt1 = res1.end_token.next0_
         if (tt1 is not None and tt1.isChar('±')):
             nn = NumbersWithUnitToken._tryParse(tt1, add_units, True,
             if (nn is not None and nn.plus_minus_percent):
                 res1.end_token = nn.end_token
                 res1.nums = nn
         return res1
     if (not mt.is_whitespace_before):
         if (mt.begin_token.previous is None):
             return None
         if (mt.begin_token.previous.isCharOf(":),")
                 or mt.begin_token.previous.is_table_control_char):
             return None
     if (len(mt.units) == 0 and units is not None):
         mt.units = units
         if (mt.div_num is not None and len(units) > 1
                 and len(mt.div_num.units) == 0):
             i = 1
             while i < len(units):
                 if (units[i].pow0_ == -1):
                     j = i
                     while j < len(units):
                         units[j].pow0_ = (-units[j].pow0_)
                         j += 1
                     del mt.units[i:i + len(units) - i]
                 i += 1
     if ((minmax < 0) and mt.single_val is not None):
         mt.from_val = mt.single_val
         mt.from_include = True
         mt.single_val = (None)
     if (minmax > 0 and mt.single_val is not None):
         mt.to_val = mt.single_val
         mt.to_include = True
         mt.single_val = (None)
     if (len(mt.units) == 0):
         units = UnitToken.tryParseList(mt.end_token.next0_, add_units,
         if (units is None):
             if (can_units_absent):
                 return None
             mt.units = units
     res = MeasureToken._new1513(t0, mt.end_token, name_.morph, internals_)
     if (((not t0.is_whitespace_before and t0.previous is not None
           and t0 == name_.begin_token) and t0.previous.is_hiphen
          and not t0.previous.is_whitespace_before)
             and (isinstance(t0.previous.previous, TextToken))):
         name_.begin_token = res.begin_token = name_.begin_token.previous.previous = MiscHelper.getTextValueOfMetaToken(
     res.nums = mt
     for u in res.nums.units:
         if (u.keyword is not None):
             if (u.keyword.begin_char >= res.begin_char):
                 res.reliable = True
     if (len(res.internals) > 0 or not can_be_set):
         return res
     t1 = res.end_token.next0_
     if (t1 is not None and t1.is_comma_and):
         t1 = t1.next0_
     mts1 = NumbersWithUnitToken.tryParseMulti(t1, add_units, False, False)
     if ((mts1 is not None and len(mts1) == 1 and
          (t1.whitespaces_before_count < 3)) and len(mts1[0].units) > 0
             and not UnitToken.canBeEquals(mts[0].units, mts1[0].units)):
         res.is_set = True
         res.nums = (None)
             MeasureToken._new1506(mt.begin_token, mt.end_token, mt))
             MeasureToken._new1506(mts1[0].begin_token, mts1[0].end_token,
         res.end_token = mts1[0].end_token
     return res
Esempio n. 2
 def _tryParse(t: 'Token', add_units: 'TerminCollection', second: bool,
               can_omit_number: bool) -> 'NumbersWithUnitToken':
     if (t is None):
         return None
     while t is not None:
         if (t.is_comma_and or t.isValue("НО", None)):
             t = t.next0_
     t0 = t
     about_ = False
     min_max = 0
     wrapmin_max1523 = RefOutArgWrapper(min_max)
     ttt = NumbersWithUnitToken._isMinOrMax(t, wrapmin_max1523)
     min_max = wrapmin_max1523.value
     if (ttt is not None):
         t = ttt.next0_
         if (t is None):
             return None
     if (t is None):
         return None
     if (t.isChar('~') or t.isValue("ОКОЛО", None)
             or t.isValue("ПРИМЕРНО", None)):
         t = t.next0_
         about_ = True
         if (t is None):
             return None
     if (t0.isChar('(')):
         mt0 = NumbersWithUnitToken._tryParse(t.next0_, add_units, False,
         if (mt0 is not None and mt0.end_token.next0_ is not None
                 and mt0.end_token.next0_.isChar(')')):
             if (second):
                 if (mt0.from_val is not None and mt0.to_val is not None
                         and mt0.from_val == (-mt0.to_val)):
                     return None
             mt0.begin_token = t0
             mt0.end_token = mt0.end_token.next0_
             uu = UnitToken.tryParseList(mt0.end_token.next0_, add_units,
             if (uu is not None and len(mt0.units) == 0):
                 mt0.units = uu
                 mt0.end_token = uu[len(uu) - 1].end_token
             return mt0
     plusminus = False
     unit_before = False
     dty = NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.UNDEFINED
     uni = None
     tok = NumbersWithUnitToken.M_TERMINS.tryParse(t, TerminParseAttr.NO)
     if (tok is not None):
         t = tok.end_token.next0_
         dty = (Utils.valToEnum(tok.termin.tag,
         if (not tok.is_whitespace_after):
             if (t is None):
                 return None
             if (t.isCharOf(":")):
             elif (isinstance(t, NumberToken)):
             elif (t.is_comma and t.next0_ is not None
                   and t.next0_.isValue("ЧЕМ", None)):
                 t = t.next0_.next0_
                 if (t is not None and t.morph.class0_.is_preposition):
                     t = t.next0_
                 return None
         if (t is not None and t.isChar('(')):
             uni = UnitToken.tryParseList(t.next0_, add_units, False)
             if (uni is not None):
                 t = uni[len(uni) - 1].end_token.next0_
                 while t is not None:
                     if (t.isCharOf("):")):
                         t = t.next0_
                 mt0 = NumbersWithUnitToken._tryParse(
                     t, add_units, False, can_omit_number)
                 if (mt0 is not None and len(mt0.units) == 0):
                     mt0.begin_token = t0
                     mt0.units = uni
                     return mt0
     elif (t.isChar('<')):
         dty = NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.LS
         t = t.next0_
         if (t is not None and t.isChar('=')):
             t = t.next0_
             dty = NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.LE
     elif (t.isChar('>')):
         dty = NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.GT
         t = t.next0_
         if (t is not None and t.isChar('=')):
             t = t.next0_
             dty = NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.GE
     elif (t.isChar('≤')):
         dty = NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.LE
         t = t.next0_
     elif (t.isChar('≥')):
         dty = NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.GE
         t = t.next0_
     if (t is not None and t.isChar(':')):
         t = t.next0_
     if (t is not None):
         if (t.isChar('+') or t.isValue("ПЛЮС", None)):
             t = t.next0_
             if (t is not None and not t.is_whitespace_before):
                 if (t.is_hiphen):
                     t = t.next0_
                     plusminus = True
                 elif ((t.isCharOf("\\/") and t.next0_ is not None
                        and not t.is_newline_after) and t.next0_.is_hiphen):
                     t = t.next0_.next0_
                     plusminus = True
         elif (second and ((t.isCharOf("\\/÷…~")))):
             t = t.next0_
         elif ((t.is_hiphen and t == t0 and not second)
               and NumbersWithUnitToken.M_TERMINS.tryParse(
                   t.next0_, TerminParseAttr.NO) is not None):
             tok = NumbersWithUnitToken.M_TERMINS.tryParse(
                 t.next0_, TerminParseAttr.NO)
             t = tok.end_token.next0_
             dty = (Utils.valToEnum(tok.termin.tag,
         elif (t.is_hiphen and t == t0
               and ((t.is_whitespace_after or second))):
             t = t.next0_
         elif (t.isChar('±')):
             t = t.next0_
             plusminus = True
         elif ((second and t.isChar('.') and t.next0_ is not None)
               and t.next0_.isChar('.')):
             t = t.next0_.next0_
             if (t is not None and t.isChar('.')):
                 t = t.next0_
     if (t is None):
         return None
     num = NumberHelper.tryParseRealNumber(t, True)
     if (num is None):
         uni = UnitToken.tryParseList(t, add_units, False)
         if (uni is not None):
             unit_before = True
             t = uni[len(uni) - 1].end_token.next0_
             delim = False
             while t is not None:
                 if (t.isCharOf(":,")):
                     delim = True
                     t = t.next0_
             if (not delim):
                 if (t is None or not t.is_whitespace_before):
                     return None
                 if (t.next0_ is not None and t.is_hiphen
                         and t.is_whitespace_after):
                     delim = True
                     t = t.next0_
             num = NumberHelper.tryParseRealNumber(t, True)
     res = None
     rval = 0
     if (num is None):
         tt = NumbersWithUnitToken.M_SPEC.tryParse(t, TerminParseAttr.NO)
         if (tt is not None):
             rval = (tt.termin.tag)
             unam = tt.termin.tag2
             for u in UnitsHelper.UNITS:
                 if (u.fullname_cyr == unam):
                     uni = list()
                     uni.append(UnitToken._new1517(t, t, u))
             if (uni is None):
                 return None
             res = NumbersWithUnitToken._new1519(t0, tt.end_token, about_)
             t = tt.end_token.next0_
             if (not can_omit_number):
                 return None
             if ((uni is not None and len(uni) == 1
                  and uni[0].begin_token == uni[0].end_token)
                     and uni[0].length_char > 3):
                 rval = (1)
                 res = NumbersWithUnitToken._new1519(
                     t0, uni[len(uni) - 1].end_token, about_)
                 t = res.end_token.next0_
                 return None
         if ((t == t0 and t0.is_hiphen and not t.is_whitespace_before)
                 and not t.is_whitespace_after and (num.real_value < 0)):
             return None
         t = num.end_token.next0_
         res = NumbersWithUnitToken._new1519(t0, num.end_token, about_)
         rval = num.real_value
     if (uni is None):
         uni = UnitToken.tryParseList(t, add_units, False)
         if (uni is not None):
             if ((plusminus and second and len(uni) == 1)
                     and uni[0].unit == UnitsHelper.UPERCENT):
                 res.end_token = uni[len(uni) - 1].end_token
                 res.plus_minus_percent = True
                 tt1 = uni[0].end_token.next0_
                 uni = UnitToken.tryParseList(tt1, add_units, False)
                 if (uni is not None):
                     res.units = uni
                     res.end_token = uni[len(uni) - 1].end_token
                 res.units = uni
                 res.end_token = uni[len(uni) - 1].end_token
             t = res.end_token.next0_
         res.units = uni
         if (len(uni) > 1):
             uni1 = UnitToken.tryParseList(t, add_units, False)
             if (((uni1 is not None and uni1[0].unit == uni[0].unit and
                   (len(uni1) < len(uni))) and uni[len(uni1)].pow0_ == -1
                  and uni1[len(uni1) - 1].end_token.next0_ is not None) and
                     uni1[len(uni1) - 1].end_token.next0_.isCharOf("/\\")):
                 num2 = NumbersWithUnitToken._tryParse(
                     uni1[len(uni1) - 1].end_token.next0_.next0_, add_units,
                     False, False)
                 if (num2 is not None and num2.units is not None
                         and num2.units[0].unit == uni[len(uni1)].unit):
                     res.units = uni1
                     res.div_num = num2
                     res.end_token = num2.end_token
     if (dty != NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.UNDEFINED):
         if (dty == NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.GE
                 or dty == NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.FROM):
             res.from_include = True
             res.from_val = rval
         elif (dty == NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.GT):
             res.from_include = False
             res.from_val = rval
         elif (dty == NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.LE
               or dty == NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.TO):
             res.to_include = True
             res.to_val = rval
         elif (dty == NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.LS):
             res.to_include = False
             res.to_val = rval
     is_second_max = False
     if (not second):
         iii = 0
         wrapiii1522 = RefOutArgWrapper(iii)
         ttt = NumbersWithUnitToken._isMinOrMax(t, wrapiii1522)
         iii = wrapiii1522.value
         if (ttt is not None and iii > 0):
             is_second_max = True
             t = ttt.next0_
     next0__ = (None if second or plusminus or
                ((t is not None and t.is_newline_before)) else
                NumbersWithUnitToken._tryParse(t, add_units, True, False))
     if (next0__ is not None and
         ((next0__.to_val is not None or next0__.single_val is not None))
             and next0__.from_val is None):
         if (len(next0__.units) > 0):
             if (len(res.units) == 0):
                 res.units = next0__.units
             elif (not UnitToken.canBeEquals(res.units, next0__.units)):
                 next0__ = (None)
         elif (len(res.units) > 0 and not unit_before
               and not next0__.plus_minus_percent):
             next0__ = (None)
         if (next0__ is not None):
             res.end_token = next0__.end_token
         if (next0__ is not None and next0__.to_val is not None):
             res.to_val = next0__.to_val
             res.to_include = next0__.to_include
         elif (next0__ is not None and next0__.single_val is not None):
             if (next0__.begin_token.isCharOf("/\\")):
                 res.div_num = next0__
                 res.single_val = rval
                 return res
             elif (next0__.plus_minus_percent):
                 res.single_val = rval
                 res.plus_minus = next0__.single_val
                 res.plus_minus_percent = True
                 res.to_include = True
                 res.to_val = next0__.single_val
                 res.to_include = True
         if (next0__ is not None):
             if (res.from_val is None):
                 res.from_val = rval
                 res.from_include = True
             return res
     elif ((next0__ is not None and next0__.from_val is not None
            and next0__.to_val is not None)
           and next0__.to_val == (-next0__.from_val)):
         if (len(next0__.units) == 1
                 and next0__.units[0].unit == UnitsHelper.UPERCENT
                 and len(res.units) > 0):
             res.single_val = rval
             res.plus_minus = next0__.to_val
             res.plus_minus_percent = True
             res.end_token = next0__.end_token
             return res
         if (len(next0__.units) == 0):
             res.single_val = rval
             res.plus_minus = next0__.to_val
             res.end_token = next0__.end_token
             return res
         res.from_val = (next0__.from_val + rval)
         res.from_include = True
         res.to_val = (next0__.to_val + rval)
         res.to_include = True
         res.end_token = next0__.end_token
         if (len(next0__.units) > 0):
             res.units = next0__.units
         return res
     if (dty == NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.UNDEFINED):
         if (plusminus and ((not res.plus_minus_percent or not second))):
             res.from_include = True
             res.from_val = (-rval)
             res.to_include = True
             res.to_val = rval
             res.single_val = rval
             res.plus_minus_percent = plusminus
     return res