Esempio n. 1
 def clean(self, conduit):
     Notify all handlers to clean up artifacts.
     Dispatch clean() to ALL handlers.
     @param conduit: A handler conduit.
     @type conduit: L{pulp.agent.lib.conduit.Conduit}
     @return: A dispatch report.
     @rtype: L{DispatchReport}
     NAME = 'clean'
     dispatch_report = report.DispatchReport()
     for type_id, handler in self.container.all():
         method = getattr(handler, NAME, 0)
         if not callable(method):
             _report = method(conduit)
             _report.aggregation_key = type_id
         except NotImplementedError:
             # optional
         except Exception:
             _logger.exception('handler failed')
             _report = report.CleanReport()
             _report.aggregation_key = type_id
     return dispatch_report
Esempio n. 2
 def update(self, conduit, units, options):
     Update content unit(s).
     Unit is: {type_id:<str>, unit_key:<dict>}
     @param conduit: A handler conduit.
     @type conduit: L{pulp.agent.lib.conduit.Conduit}
     @param units: A list of content units.
     @type units: list
     @param options: Unit update options.
     @type options: dict
     @return: A dispatch report.
     @rtype: L{DispatchReport}
     dispatch_report = report.DispatchReport()
     collated = Units(units)
     for type_id, units in collated.items():
             handler = self.__handler(type_id, CONTENT)
             _report = handler.update(conduit, units, dict(options))
             _report.aggregation_key = type_id
         except Exception:
             _logger.exception('handler failed')
             _report = report.HandlerReport()
             _report.aggregation_key = type_id
     mgr = RebootManager(conduit, self, options)
     reboot_report = mgr.reboot(dispatch_report.num_changes)
     return dispatch_report
Esempio n. 3
 def unbind_all(self, conduit, repo_id, options):
     Unbind a repository on all handlers.
     @param conduit: A handler conduit.
     @type conduit: L{pulp.agent.lib.conduit.Conduit}
     @param repo_id: A repository ID.
     @type repo_id: str
     @param options: Unbind options.
     @type options: dict
     @return: A list of UnbindReports
     @rtype: list
     reports = []
     for type_id, handler in self.container.all(BIND):
             _report = handler.unbind(conduit, repo_id, options)
             _report.aggregation_key = type_id
         except Exception:
             _logger.exception('handler failed')
             _report = report.BindReport(repo_id)
             _report.aggregation_key = type_id
     return reports
Esempio n. 4
 def unbind(self, conduit, bindings, options):
     Unbind a repository.
     @param conduit: A handler conduit.
     @type conduit: L{pulp.agent.lib.conduit.Conduit}
     @param bindings: A list of bindings to be removed.
       Each binding is: {type_id:<str>, repo_id:<str>}
     @type bindings: list
     @param options: Unbind options.
     @type options: dict
     @return: A dispatch report.
     @rtype: L{DispatchReport}
     dispatch_report = report.DispatchReport()
     for binding in bindings:
         repo_id = binding['repo_id']
         type_id = binding.pop('type_id', None)
             if type_id:
                 handler = self.__handler(type_id, BIND)
                 _report = handler.unbind(conduit, repo_id, options)
                 _report.aggregation_key = type_id
                 reports = self.unbind_all(conduit, repo_id, options)
                 for r in reports:
         except Exception:
             _logger.exception('handler failed')
             _report = report.BindReport(repo_id)
             _report.aggregation_key = type_id
     return dispatch_report
Esempio n. 5
 def bind(self, conduit, bindings, options):
     Bind a repository.
     @param conduit: A handler conduit.
     @type conduit: L{pulp.agent.lib.conduit.Conduit}
     @param bindings: A list of bindings to add/update.
       Each binding is: {type_id:<str>, repo_id:<str>, details:<dict>}
         The 'details' are at the discretion of the distributor.
     @type bindings: list
     @param options: Bind options.
     @type options: dict
     @return: A dispatch report.
     @rtype: L{DispatchReport}
     dispatch_report = report.DispatchReport()
     for binding in bindings:
         type_id = binding.pop('type_id')
             handler = self.__handler(type_id, BIND)
             _report = handler.bind(conduit, binding, options)
             _report.aggregation_key = type_id
         except Exception:
             _logger.exception('handler failed')
             _report = report.BindReport(binding['repo_id'])
             _report.aggregation_key = type_id
     return dispatch_report
Esempio n. 6
 def profile(self, conduit):
     Get an installed content unit report.
     Each handler registered to support content operations is
     called and the returned profile reports are aggregated by
     the type_id to which each handler is registered.
     @param conduit: A handler conduit.
     @type conduit: L{pulp.agent.lib.conduit.Conduit}
     @return: A dispatch report.
     @rtype: L{DispatchReport}
     NAME = 'profile'
     dispatch_report = report.DispatchReport()
     for type_id, handler in self.container.all(CONTENT):
         method = getattr(handler, NAME, 0)
         if not callable(method):
             _report = method(conduit)
             _report.aggregation_key = type_id
         except NotImplementedError:
             # optional
         except Exception:
             _logger.exception('handler failed')
             _report = report.ProfileReport()
             _report.aggregation_key = type_id
     return dispatch_report
Esempio n. 7
 def reboot(self, conduit, options):
     Schedule a reboot.
     Uses os.uname()[0] as type_id.  For linux this would be: 'Linux'
     @param conduit: A handler conduit.
     @type conduit: L{pulp.agent.lib.conduit.Conduit}
     @param options: reboot options.
     @type options: dict
     @return: A dispatch report.
     @rtype: L{DispatchReport}
     dispatch_report = report.DispatchReport()
         type_id = os.uname()[0]
         handler = self.__handler(type_id, SYSTEM)
         _report = handler.reboot(conduit, options)
         _report.aggregation_key = type_id
     except Exception:
         _logger.exception('handler failed')
         _report = report.RebootReport()
     return dispatch_report