def load_consumer_id(context): """ Returns the consumer's ID if it is registered. @return: consumer id if registered; None when not registered @rtype: str, None """ filesystem_section = context.config.get('filesystem', None) if filesystem_section is None: return None consumer_cert_path = filesystem_section.get('id_cert_dir', None) consumer_cert_filename = filesystem_section.get('id_cert_filename', None) if None in (consumer_cert_path, consumer_cert_filename): return None full_filename = os.path.join(consumer_cert_path, consumer_cert_filename) bundle = Bundle(full_filename) if not bundle.valid(): return None content = x509 = X509.load_cert_string(content) subject = _subject(x509) return subject['CN']
def test_uid_invalid_certificate(self, fake_read, fake_valid): fake_read.return_value = CERTIFICATE fake_valid.return_value = False bundle = Bundle('') uid = bundle.uid() fake_valid.assert_called_with() self.assertTrue(uid is None)
def testWrite(self): b = Bundle(CRTFILE) b.write(BUNDLE) f = open(CRTFILE) s = f.close() self.assertEqual(BUNDLE.strip(), s.strip())
def test_cn(self, fake_read, fake_valid): fake_read.return_value = CERTIFICATE fake_valid.return_value = True bundle = Bundle('') cn = fake_valid.assert_called_with() fake_read.assert_called_with() self.assertEqual(cn, 'localhost')
def test_uid(self, fake_read, fake_valid): fake_read.return_value = VERIZON_CERTIFICATE fake_valid.return_value = True bundle = Bundle('') uid = bundle.uid() fake_valid.assert_called_with() fake_read.assert_called_with() self.assertEqual(uid, 'vzn-user')
def __init__(self): """ Read from file-system on construction. """ cfg = Config(CONFIG_PATH) files = cfg['filesystem'] path = os.path.join(files['id_cert_dir'], files['id_cert_filename']) Bundle.__init__(self, path)
def run_synchronization(self, progress, cancelled, options): """ Run a repo_sync() on this repository. :param progress: A progress report. :type progress: pulp_node.progress.RepositoryProgress :param options: node synchronization options. :type options: dict :return: The task result. """ warnings.warn(TASK_DEPRECATION_WARNING, NodeDeprecationWarning) bindings = resources.pulp_bindings() poller = TaskPoller(bindings) max_download = options.get(constants.MAX_DOWNLOAD_CONCURRENCY_KEYWORD, constants.DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_CONCURRENCY) node_certificate = options[constants.PARENT_SETTINGS][constants.NODE_CERTIFICATE] key, certificate = Bundle.split(node_certificate) configuration = { importer_constants.KEY_MAX_DOWNLOADS: max_download, importer_constants.KEY_MAX_SPEED: options.get(constants.MAX_DOWNLOAD_BANDWIDTH_KEYWORD), importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CLIENT_KEY: key, importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CLIENT_CERT: certificate, importer_constants.KEY_SSL_VALIDATION: False, } http = bindings.repo_actions.sync(self.repo_id, configuration) if http.response_code != httplib.ACCEPTED: raise RepoSyncRestError(self.repo_id, http.response_code) # The repo sync is returned with a single sync task in the Call Report task = http.response_body.spawned_tasks[0] result = poller.join(task.task_id, progress, cancelled) if cancelled(): self._cancel_synchronization(task) return result
def run_synchronization(self, progress, cancelled, options): """ Run a repo_sync() on this repository. :param progress: A progress report. :type progress: pulp_node.progress.RepositoryProgress :param options: node synchronization options. :type options: dict :return: The task result. """ bindings = resources.pulp_bindings() poller = TaskPoller(bindings) max_download = options.get( constants.MAX_DOWNLOAD_CONCURRENCY_KEYWORD, constants.DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_CONCURRENCY) node_certificate = options[constants.PARENT_SETTINGS][constants.NODE_CERTIFICATE] key, certificate = Bundle.split(node_certificate) configuration = { importer_constants.KEY_MAX_DOWNLOADS: max_download, importer_constants.KEY_MAX_SPEED: options.get(constants.MAX_DOWNLOAD_BANDWIDTH_KEYWORD), importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CLIENT_KEY: key, importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CLIENT_CERT: certificate, importer_constants.KEY_SSL_VALIDATION: False, } http = bindings.repo_actions.sync(self.repo_id, configuration) if http.response_code != httplib.ACCEPTED: raise RepoSyncRestError(self.repo_id, http.response_code) # The repo sync is returned with a single sync task in the Call Report task = http.response_body.spawned_tasks[0] result = poller.join(task.task_id, progress, cancelled) if cancelled(): self._cancel_synchronization(task) return result
def load_consumer_id(context): """ Returns the consumer's ID if it is registered. @return: consumer id if registered; None when not registered @rtype: str, None """ consumer_cert_path = context.config['filesystem']['id_cert_dir'] consumer_cert_filename = context.config['filesystem']['id_cert_filename'] full_filename = os.path.join(consumer_cert_path, consumer_cert_filename) bundle = Bundle(full_filename) if bundle.valid(): content = x509 = X509.load_cert_string(content) subject = _subject(x509) return subject['CN'] else: return None
def register(consumer_id, display_name=None, description=None, notes=None, capabilities=None, rsa_pub=None): """ Registers a new Consumer :param consumer_id: unique identifier for the consumer :type consumer_id: str :param rsa_pub: The consumer public key used for message authentication. :type rsa_pub: str :param display_name: user-friendly name for the consumer :type display_name: str :param description: user-friendly text describing the consumer :type description: str :param notes: key-value pairs to pragmatically tag the consumer :type notes: dict :param capabilities: operations supported on the consumer :type capabilities: dict :raises DuplicateResource: if there is already a consumer or a used with the requested ID :raises InvalidValue: if any of the fields is unacceptable :return: A tuple of: (consumer, certificate) :rtype: tuple """ if not is_consumer_id_valid(consumer_id): raise InvalidValue(['id']) collection = Consumer.get_collection() consumer = collection.find_one({'id': consumer_id}) if consumer is not None: raise DuplicateResource(consumer_id) if notes is not None and not isinstance(notes, dict): raise InvalidValue(['notes']) if capabilities is not None and not isinstance(capabilities, dict): raise InvalidValue(['capabilities']) # Use the ID for the display name if one was not specified display_name = display_name or consumer_id # Creation consumer = Consumer(consumer_id, display_name, description, notes, capabilities, rsa_pub) _id =, safe=True) # Generate certificate cert_gen_manager = factory.cert_generation_manager() expiration_date = config.config.getint('security', 'consumer_cert_expiration') key, certificate = cert_gen_manager.make_cert(consumer_id, expiration_date, uid=str(_id)) factory.consumer_history_manager().record_event(consumer_id, 'consumer_registered') return consumer, Bundle.join(key, certificate)
def cn(self): """ Get the common name (CN) part of the certificate subject. Returns None, if the certificate is invalid. :return The common name (CN) part of the certificate subject or None when the certificate is not found or invalid. :rtype: str """ try: return except X509Error: log.warn('certificate: %s, not valid', self.path)
def testVerify(self): self.assertTrue(Bundle.haskey(KEY)) self.assertTrue(Bundle.haskey(KEY2)) self.assertFalse(Bundle.hascrt(KEY)) self.assertTrue(Bundle.hascrt(CERTIFICATE)) self.assertTrue(Bundle.hascrt(CERTIFICATE)) self.assertTrue(Bundle.hasboth(BUNDLE))
def uid(self): """ Get the userid (UID) part of the certificate subject. Returns None, if the certificate is invalid. :return The userid (UID) part of the certificate subject or None when the certificate is not found or invalid. :rtype: str """ try: return Bundle.uid(self) except X509Error: msg = _('certificate: %(p)s, not valid') log.warn(msg, {'p': self.path})
def register(self, id, display_name=None, description=None, notes=None, capabilities=None): """ Registers a new Consumer @param id: unique identifier for the consumer @type id: str @param display_name: user-friendly name for the consumer @type display_name: str @param description: user-friendly text describing the consumer @type description: str @param notes: key-value pairs to programmatically tag the consumer @type notes: dict @param capabilities: operations permitted on the consumer @type capabilities: dict @raises DuplicateResource: if there is already a consumer or a used with the requested ID @raises InvalidValue: if any of the fields is unacceptable """ if not is_consumer_id_valid(id): raise InvalidValue(['id']) existing_consumer = Consumer.get_collection().find_one({'id' : id}) if existing_consumer is not None: raise DuplicateResource(id) if notes is not None and not isinstance(notes, dict): raise InvalidValue(['notes']) if capabilities is not None and not isinstance(capabilities, dict): raise InvalidValue(['capabilities']) # Use the ID for the display name if one was not specified display_name = display_name or id # Generate certificate cert_gen_manager = factory.cert_generation_manager() expiration_date = config.config.getint('security', 'consumer_cert_expiration') key, crt = cert_gen_manager.make_cert(id, expiration_date) # Creation create_me = Consumer(id, display_name, description, notes, capabilities, certificate=crt.strip()) Consumer.get_collection().save(create_me, safe=True) factory.consumer_history_manager().record_event(id, 'consumer_registered') create_me.certificate = Bundle.join(key, crt) return create_me
def test_repository(self, *mocks): # Setup repository = Repository(REPO_ID) progress = Mock() cancelled = Mock(return_value=False) # Test options = { constants.MAX_DOWNLOAD_CONCURRENCY_KEYWORD: MAX_CONCURRENCY, constants.MAX_DOWNLOAD_BANDWIDTH_KEYWORD: MAX_BANDWIDTH, constants.PARENT_SETTINGS: PARENT_SETTINGS, } repository.run_synchronization(progress, cancelled, options) binding = mocks[1] key, certificate = Bundle.split(NODE_CERTIFICATE) expected_conf = { importer_constants.KEY_SSL_VALIDATION: False, importer_constants.KEY_MAX_DOWNLOADS: MAX_CONCURRENCY, importer_constants.KEY_MAX_SPEED: MAX_BANDWIDTH, importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CLIENT_KEY: key, importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CLIENT_CERT: certificate, } # Verify binding.assert_called_with(REPO_ID, expected_conf)
def __init__(self, user): path = str(os.path.join(getattr(settings, 'PULP_CERTIFICATE_PATH', 'certs'), "%s.crt" % user)) Bundle.__init__(self, path)
def testJoin(self): bundle = Bundle.join(KEY, CERTIFICATE) print bundle self.assertTrue(KEY.strip() in bundle) self.assertTrue(CERTIFICATE.strip() in bundle)
def testSplit(self): key, crt = Bundle.split(BUNDLE) self.assertEqual(key.strip(), KEY.strip()) self.assertEqual(crt.strip(), CERTIFICATE.strip())
def __init__(self): path = os.path.join(cfg.filesystem.id_cert_dir, cfg.filesystem.id_cert_filename) Bundle.__init__(self, path)
def testRead(self): b = Bundle(CRTFILE) b.write(BUNDLE) s = self.assertEqual(BUNDLE.strip(), s.strip())
def __init__(self): Bundle.__init__(self,
def __init__(self): path = os.path.join( cfg['filesystem']['id_cert_dir'], cfg['filesystem']['id_cert_filename']) BundleImpl.__init__(self, path)