Esempio n. 1
def _delete_worker(name, normal_shutdown=False):
    Delete the Worker with _id name from the database, cancel any associated tasks and reservations

    If the worker shutdown normally, no message is logged, otherwise an error level message is
    logged. Default is to assume the worker did not shut down normally.

    Any resource reservations associated with this worker are cleaned up by this function.

    Any tasks associated with this worker are explicitly canceled.

    :param name:            The name of the worker you wish to delete.
    :type  name:            basestring
    :param normal_shutdown: True if the worker shutdown normally, False otherwise.  Defaults to
    :type normal_shutdown:  bool
    if normal_shutdown is False:
        msg = _(
            'The worker named %(name)s is missing. Canceling the tasks in its queue.'
        msg = msg % {'name': name}
        msg = _("Cleaning up shutdown worker '%s'.") % name

    # Delete the worker document

    # Delete all reserved_resource documents for the worker

    # If the worker is a resource manager, we also need to delete the associated lock
    if name.startswith(RESOURCE_MANAGER_WORKER_NAME):

    # If the worker is a scheduler, we also need to delete the associated lock
    if name.startswith(SCHEDULER_WORKER_NAME):

    # Cancel all of the tasks that were assigned to this worker's queue
    for task_status in TaskStatus.objects(
            worker_name=name, state__in=constants.CALL_INCOMPLETE_STATES):
Esempio n. 2
    def tick(self):
        Superclass runs a tick, that is one iteration of the scheduler. Executes all due tasks.

        This method updates the last heartbeat time of the scheduler. We do not actually send a
        heartbeat message since it would just get read again by this class.

        :return:    number of seconds before the next tick should run
        :rtype:     float
        # Setting the celerybeat name
        celerybeat_name = constants.SCHEDULER_WORKER_NAME + "@" + platform.node(

        # this is not an event that gets sent anywhere. We process it
        # immediately.
        scheduler_event = {
            'timestamp': time.time(),
            'local_received': time.time(),
            'type': 'scheduler-event',
            'hostname': celerybeat_name

        old_timestamp = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(

        # Updating the current lock if lock is on this instance of celerybeat
        result = CeleryBeatLock.objects(celerybeat_name=celerybeat_name).\

        # If current instance has lock and updated lock_timestamp, call super
        if result == 1:
                _('Lock updated by %(celerybeat_name)s') %
                {'celerybeat_name': celerybeat_name})
            ret = self.call_tick(self, celerybeat_name)
            # check for old enough time_stamp and remove if such lock is present
                lock_timestamp = datetime.utcnow()

                # Insert new lock entry
                new_lock = CeleryBeatLock(celerybeat_name=celerybeat_name,
                    _("New lock acquired by %(celerybeat_name)s") %
                    {'celerybeat_name': celerybeat_name})
                # After acquiring new lock call super to dispatch tasks
                ret = self.call_tick(self, celerybeat_name)

            except mongoengine.NotUniqueError:
                # Setting a default wait time for celerybeat instances with no lock
                ret = constants.CELERY_TICK_DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME
                    _("Duplicate or new celerybeat Instance, "
                      "ticking again in %(ret)s seconds.") % {'ret': ret})
        return ret
Esempio n. 3
File: Progetto: alexxa/pulp
def _delete_worker(name, normal_shutdown=False):
    Delete the Worker with _id name from the database, cancel any associated tasks and reservations

    If the worker shutdown normally, no message is logged, otherwise an error level message is
    logged. Default is to assume the worker did not shut down normally.

    Any resource reservations associated with this worker are cleaned up by this function.

    Any tasks associated with this worker are explicitly canceled.

    :param name:            The name of the worker you wish to delete.
    :type  name:            basestring
    :param normal_shutdown: True if the worker shutdown normally, False otherwise.  Defaults to
    :type normal_shutdown:  bool
    if normal_shutdown is False:
        msg = _('The worker named %(name)s is missing. Canceling the tasks in its queue.')
        msg = msg % {'name': name}
        msg = _("Cleaning up shutdown worker '%s'.") % name

    # Delete the worker document

    # Delete all reserved_resource documents for the worker

    # If the worker is a resource manager, we also need to delete the associated lock
    if name.startswith(RESOURCE_MANAGER_WORKER_NAME):

    # If the worker is a scheduler, we also need to delete the associated lock
    if name.startswith(SCHEDULER_WORKER_NAME):

    # Cancel all of the tasks that were assigned to this worker's queue
    for task_status in TaskStatus.objects(worker_name=name,
        cancel(task_status['task_id'], revoke_task=False)
Esempio n. 4
    def tick(self):
        Superclass runs a tick, that is one iteration of the scheduler. Executes all due tasks.

        This method updates the last heartbeat time of the scheduler.

        :return:    number of seconds before the next tick should run
        :rtype:     float

        if celery_version.startswith('4') and self.schedule_changed:
            # Setting _heap = None is a workaround for this bug in Celery4
            # Once 3958 is released and updated in Fedora this can be removed
            self._heap = None

        now = ensure_tz(datetime.utcnow())
        old_timestamp = now - timedelta(seconds=constants.PULP_PROCESS_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL)

        # Updating the current lock if lock is on this instance of celerybeat
        result = CeleryBeatLock.objects(name=CELERYBEAT_NAME).\

        # If current instance has lock and updated lock_timestamp, call super
        if result == 1:
            _logger.debug(_('Lock updated by %(celerybeat_name)s')
                          % {'celerybeat_name': CELERYBEAT_NAME})
            ret = self.call_tick(CELERYBEAT_NAME)
            # check for old enough time_stamp and remove if such lock is present
                lock_timestamp = datetime.utcnow()

                # Insert new lock entry
                new_lock = CeleryBeatLock(name=CELERYBEAT_NAME, timestamp=lock_timestamp)
                _logger.debug(_("New lock acquired by %(celerybeat_name)s") %
                              {'celerybeat_name': CELERYBEAT_NAME})

                if not self._first_lock_acq_check:
                    msg = _("Failover occurred: '%s' is now the primary celerybeat "
                            "instance") % CELERYBEAT_NAME

                # After acquiring new lock call super to dispatch tasks
                ret = self.call_tick(CELERYBEAT_NAME)

            except mongoengine.NotUniqueError:
                # Setting a default wait time for celerybeat instances with no lock
                ret = constants.PULP_PROCESS_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL

                if self._first_lock_acq_check:
          "Hot spare celerybeat instance '%(celerybeat_name)s' detected.")
                                 % {'celerybeat_name': CELERYBEAT_NAME})

        self._first_lock_acq_check = False
        return ret
Esempio n. 5
    def tick(self):
        Superclass runs a tick, that is one iteration of the scheduler. Executes
        all due tasks.

        This method adds a call to trim the failure watcher and updates the
        last heartbeat time of the scheduler. We do not actually send a
        heartbeat message since it would just get read again by this class.

        :return:    number of seconds before the next tick should run
        :rtype:     float

        # Setting the celerybeat name
        celerybeat_name = SCHEDULER_WORKER_NAME + "@" + platform.node()

        # this is not an event that gets sent anywhere. We process it
        # immediately.
        scheduler_event = {'timestamp': time.time(),
                           'type': 'scheduler-event',
                           'hostname': celerybeat_name}

        old_timestamp = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(seconds=CELERYBEAT_WAIT_SECONDS)

        # Updating the current lock if lock is on this instance of celerybeat
        result = CeleryBeatLock.objects(celerybeat_name=celerybeat_name).\

        # If current instance has lock and updated lock_timestamp, call super
        if result == 1:
            _logger.debug(_('Lock updated by %(celerybeat_name)s')
                          % {'celerybeat_name': celerybeat_name})
            ret = self.call_tick(self, celerybeat_name)
            # check for old enough time_stamp and remove if such lock is present
                lock_timestamp = datetime.utcnow()

                # Insert new lock entry
                new_lock = CeleryBeatLock(celerybeat_name=celerybeat_name,
      "New lock acquired by %(celerybeat_name)s") %
                             {'celerybeat_name': celerybeat_name})
                # After acquiring new lock call super to dispatch tasks
                ret = self.call_tick(self, celerybeat_name)

            except mongoengine.NotUniqueError:
                # Setting a default wait time for celerybeat instances with no lock
                ret = TICK_SECONDS
      "Duplicate or new celerybeat Instance, "
                               "ticking again in %(ret)s seconds.")
                             % {'ret': ret})
        return ret
Esempio n. 6
    def tick(self):
        Superclass runs a tick, that is one iteration of the scheduler. Executes all due tasks.

        This method updates the last heartbeat time of the scheduler.

        :return:    number of seconds before the next tick should run
        :rtype:     float

        if celery_version.startswith('4') and self.schedule_changed:
            # Setting _heap = None is a workaround for this bug in Celery4
            # Once 3958 is released and updated in Fedora this can be removed
            self._heap = None

        now = ensure_tz(datetime.utcnow())
        old_timestamp = now - timedelta(

        # Updating the current lock if lock is on this instance of celerybeat
        result = CeleryBeatLock.objects(name=CELERYBEAT_NAME).\

        # If current instance has lock and updated lock_timestamp, call super
        if result == 1:
                _('Lock updated by %(celerybeat_name)s') %
                {'celerybeat_name': CELERYBEAT_NAME})
            ret = self.call_tick(CELERYBEAT_NAME)
            # check for old enough time_stamp and remove if such lock is present
                lock_timestamp = datetime.utcnow()

                # Insert new lock entry
                new_lock = CeleryBeatLock(name=CELERYBEAT_NAME,
                    _("New lock acquired by %(celerybeat_name)s") %
                    {'celerybeat_name': CELERYBEAT_NAME})

                if not self._first_lock_acq_check:
                    msg = _(
                        "Failover occurred: '%s' is now the primary celerybeat "
                        "instance") % CELERYBEAT_NAME

                # After acquiring new lock call super to dispatch tasks
                ret = self.call_tick(CELERYBEAT_NAME)

            except mongoengine.NotUniqueError:
                # Setting a default wait time for celerybeat instances with no lock
                ret = constants.PULP_PROCESS_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL

                if self._first_lock_acq_check:
                        _("Hot spare celerybeat instance '%(celerybeat_name)s' detected."
                          ) % {'celerybeat_name': CELERYBEAT_NAME})

        self._first_lock_acq_check = False
        return ret