Esempio n. 1
def configure_solver_user_guide():
	print("Solver list: {}.".format(pulp.listSolvers()))
	print("Solver list (available): {}.".format(pulp.listSolvers(onlyAvailable=True)))

	solver = pulp.getSolver("CPLEX_CMD")
	solver = pulp.getSolver("CPLEX_CMD", timeLimit=10)

	path_to_cplex = r"C:\Program Files\IBM\ILOG\CPLEX_Studio128\cplex\bin\x64_win64\cplex.exe"
	solver = pulp.CPLEX_CMD(path=path_to_cplex)
Esempio n. 2
    def _get_solver(self, **kwargs):
        if SOLVER not in listSolvers():
            raise Exception(f"{SOLVER} is not supported by PuLP." +
                            f" Select one of the following:\n {listSolvers()}")

        if SOLVER in listSolvers(onlyAvailable=True):
            return getSolver(SOLVER, **kwargs)
        if SOLVER in SOLVER_PATHS:
            return getSolver(SOLVER, path=SOLVER_PATHS[SOLVER])
        raise Exception(
            f"{SOLVER} is not available. " +
            "Please install and enter correct path in config or use other solver.\n"
            + f"Available solvers are: {listSolvers(onlyAvailable=True)}")
Esempio n. 3
def _check_pulp_solver(solver: str) -> str:
    Depending on how `pulp` is installed, different solver are available. If installed
    via conda-forge, `COIN_CMD` is available; and if installed via PyPI, `PULP_CBC_CMD`
    and `PULP_CHOCO_CMD` are available. In fact, `PULP_CBC_CMD` is just a precompiled
    version of the COIN/CBC method, and it should behave the same as `COIN_CMD`.

    In this function, we select `PULP_CBC_CMD` if `COIN_CMD` is unavailable. In such,
    we get the same behavior regardless whether `pulp` is installed via conda-forge or
    from PyPI.

        Either `COIN_CMD` or `PULP_CBC_CMD`.
    solver = solver.upper()
    avail_solver = pulp.listSolvers(onlyAvailable=True)

    # switch to the other if requested solver is unavailable
    if solver not in avail_solver:
        if solver == "COIN_CMD":
            solver = "PULP_CBC_CMD"
        elif solver == "PULP_CBC_CMD":
            solver = "COIN_CMD"

    if solver not in avail_solver:
        raise ReactionMappingError(
            f"Cannot proceed to do atom mapping, because the default `pulp` solvers "
            f"`COIN_CMD` or `PULP_CBC_CMD` are unavailable on your machine. Your current "
            f"`pulp`installation supports {avail_solver}. Try one of these by passing "
            "`solver=<AVAILABLE_SOLVER>` to the function."
            "For more information of `pulp` solver, see: "

    return solver
Esempio n. 4
    def test_get_schema(self):
        response = self.client.get_schema("solve_model_dag")
        schema = {
            "config": get_pulp_jsonschema("solver_config.json"),
            "instance": get_pulp_jsonschema(),
            "solution": get_pulp_jsonschema(),

        schema["config"]["properties"]["solver"]["enum"] = pl.listSolvers()
        schema["config"]["properties"]["solver"]["default"] = "PULP_CBC_CMD"

        for (key, value) in schema.items():
            self.assertDictEqual(value, response[key])
Esempio n. 5
def lrs_ilp(s, verbosity=0):
    if len(s) == 1:
        return Solution(1, [[s[0]]])
            from pulp import (

            model = LpProblem("LRS", LpMaximize)

            # create variables
            x = [
                LpVariable("x_{}".format(i), 0, 1, LpInteger)
                for i in range(len(s))

            # node degree
            for j in range(len(s)):
                for i in range(j):
                    if s[i].char == s[j].char:
                        model += (j - i) * x[i] + sum([
                            x[l] if s[l].char != s[i].char else 0
                            for l in range(i + 1, j)
                        ]) + (j - i) * x[j] <= 2 * (j - i)

            # objective
            model += sum([x[i] * s[i].length for i in range(len(s))])

            # depending on pulp version, solvers have to be created differently
                from pulp import getSolver, listSolvers

                solvers = [getSolver(s, msg=0) for s in listSolvers()]
                from pulp import COIN_CMD, PULP_CBC_CMD, PulpSolverError

                solvers = [COIN_CMD(msg=0), PULP_CBC_CMD(msg=0)]

            solved = False
            for solver in solvers:
                if solved:
                    solved = True
                except PulpSolverError:

            if not solved:
                raise ImportError

            sol = [s[i] for i in range(len(s)) if x[i].varValue > 0.999]

            return Solution(sum([run.length for run in sol]), [sol])
        except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError) as e:
            if verbosity == 1:
                    "PuLP itself or some of its properties could not be loaded. Solving model with DP instead."
            elif verbosity >= 2:
                print("Error loading PuLP solver:")
                print("Solving model with DP instead.")
            return lrs_dp(s)
        if verbosity >= 1:
                "Unexpected error occured while loading PuLP. Solving model with DP instead."
        return lrs_dp(s)
Esempio n. 6
注意clpex临时生成的lp文件,默认放在用户临时目录中,可以使用solver = pl.CPLEX_CMD(keepFiles=True),存放临时文件到
import pulp as pl

def getCplexSolver():
    solver = pl.CPLEX_CMD(keepFiles=True)
    return solver

if __name__ == '__main__':
    solver_list = pl.listSolvers()
    available_solver_list = pl.listSolvers(onlyAvailable=True)
    # solver = pl.CPLEX_PY()
    # solver = pl.CPLEX_CMD(keepFiles=True,options = ['epgap = 0.25'])
    # print(solver)
    # path_to_cplex = r'D:\IBM\ILOG\CPLEX_Studio_Community1210\cplex\bin\x64_win64\cplex.exe'
    # solver = pl.CPLEX_CMD(path=path_to_cplex)
    # model = pl.LpProblem("Example", pl.LpMinimize)
    # _var = pl.LpVariable('a')
    # _var2 = pl.LpVariable('a2')
    # model += _var + _var2 == 1
    # result = model.solve(solver)
    # print(result)
Esempio n. 7
Pour de nombreuses personnes, la réponse est simple, voire insignifiante. 
Un siège coûte 12,50 $ pour les autobus de 40 sièges et 13,33 $ pour les autobus de 30 sièges.
 On devrait donc préférer les bus 40 places aux bus 30 places. 
 Nous dépensons donc d'abord 3500 $ (7 * 500 $) pour 7 autobus et 280 enfants, 
 puis nous ajoutons un huitième autobus pour 400 $ (30 sièges) pour les 20 enfants restants. 
 Le coût total est de 3900 $.

Cela a l'air bien. Mais ce n'est pas la meilleure solution. 
Avec 6 bus 40 places (240 enfants et 3000 $) et 2 bus 30 places (60 enfants, 800 $), 
nous pouvons déplacer les enfants et ne payer que 3800 $). Nous pouvons économiser 100 $! 


import pulp

solver_list = pulp.listSolvers(onlyAvailable=True)

# import cplex

bus_problem = pulp.LpProblem("bus", pulp.LpMinimize)

nbBus40 = pulp.LpVariable('nbBus40', lowBound=0, cat='Integer')
nbBus30 = pulp.LpVariable('nbBus30', lowBound=0, cat='Integer')

# Objective function
bus_problem += 500 * nbBus40 + 400 * nbBus30, "cost"

# Constraints
bus_problem += 40 * nbBus40 + 30 * nbBus30 >= 300
Esempio n. 8
    lag_total = libpysal.weights.lag_spatial(w, np.ones(data[sel_var].shape))
    lag_sel = libpysal.weights.lag_spatial(w, data[sel_var])
    lag_nonsel = lag_total - lag_sel
    # Now calculating edge counts
    g11 = (lag_sel*data[sel_var]).sum()
    g12 = (lag_nonsel*data[sel_var]).sum()
    g1 = g11/(g11+g12) #No correction for minimum edge
    p1 = data[sel_var].sum()/data.shape[0]
    # Now calculating CI
    if (g1 < p1) & (p1 < 0.5):
        ci = (g1 - p1)/g1
        ci = (g1 - p1)/(1 - p1)
    return ci

print( pulp.listSolvers(onlyAvailable=True) )
# Much better success with CPLEX than with default coin for more
# Weight to the edges part
solver = pulp.getSolver('CPLEX_CMD', timeLimit=10)

def lp_clumpy(data, w, sel_n, crime_var, theta):
    gi = list(data.index)
    crime = data[crime_var]
    theta_obs = 1.0 - theta
    P = pulp.LpProblem("Choosing_Cases_to_Audit", pulp.LpMaximize)
    S = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("Selecting_Grid_Cell", [i for i in gi], lowBound=0, upBound=1, cat=pulp.LpInteger)
    E = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("Edge_Weights", [i for i in gi], lowBound=0, cat=pulp.LpContinuous)
    #Objective Function
    P += pulp.lpSum( theta*crime[i]*S[i] + theta_obs*E[i] for i in gi)
    # Constraint 1, total areas selected
    P += pulp.lpSum( S[i] for i in gi ) == sel_n
Esempio n. 9
 def __init__(self, Ar, Di, Co, Ca, Ta, In, Th):
     # Assigning initial properties of object
     self.Ar = Ar
     self.Di = Di
     self.Co = Co
     self.Ca = Ca
     self.Ta = Ta
     self.In = In
     self.Th = Th
     self.subtours = []  #empty subtours to start
     self.objective = -1  #objective values
     self.pairs = None  #where to stuff the matched areas
     # Creating inequality metrics
     SumCalls = sum(Ca.values())
     MaxIneq = (SumCalls / Ta) * (1 + In)
     MinIneq = (SumCalls / Ta) * (1 - In)
     self.ineq = [MaxIneq, MinIneq]
     # Creating contiguity graph
     G = networkx.Graph()
     for i in Ar:
         for j in Co[i]:
             G.add_edge(i, j)
     self.co_graph = G
     # Creating threshold vectors for decision variables
     NearAreas = {}
     Thresh = []
     for s in Ar:
         NearAreas[s] = []
         for d in Ar:
             if Di[s][d] < Th:
                 Thresh.append((s, d))
     self.NearAreas = NearAreas
     self.Thresh = Thresh
     # Setting up the pulp problem
     P = pulp.LpProblem("P-Median", pulp.LpMinimize)
     # Decision variables
     assign_areas = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("SD",
                                          [(s, d) for (s, d) in Thresh],
     # Just setting the y_vars as the diagonal sources/destinations
     y_vars = {s: assign_areas[(s, s)] for s in Ar}
     tot_constraints = 0
     self.assign_areas = assign_areas
     self.y_vars = y_vars
     # Function to minimize
     P += pulp.lpSum(Ca[d] * Di[s][d] * assign_areas[(s, d)]
                     for (s, d) in Thresh)
     # Constraint on max number of areas
     P += pulp.lpSum(y_vars[s] for s in Ar) == Ta
     tot_constraints += 1
     # Constraint nooffbeat if local is not assigned (1)
     # Second is contiguity constraint
     for s, d in Thresh:
         P += assign_areas[(s, d)] - y_vars[s] <= 0
         tot_constraints += 1
         if s != d:
             # Identifying locations contiguous in nearest path
             both = set(networkx.shortest_path(G, s, d)) & set(Co[d])
             # Or if nearer to the source
             nearer = [a for a in Co[d] if Di[s][a] < Di[s][d]]
             # Combining, should alwayss have at least 1
             comb = list(both | set(nearer))
             # Contiguity constraint
             P += pulp.lpSum(assign_areas[(s, a)] for a in comb
                             if a in NearAreas[s]) >= assign_areas[(s, d)]
             tot_constraints += 1
     # Constraint every destination covered once
     # Then Min/Max inequality constraints
     for (sl, dl) in zip(Ar, Ar):
         P += pulp.lpSum(assign_areas[(s, dl)] for s in NearAreas[dl]) == 1
         P += pulp.lpSum(assign_areas[(sl, d)] * Ca[d]
                         for d in NearAreas[sl]) <= MaxIneq
         P += pulp.lpSum(assign_areas[(sl, d)] * Ca[d]
                         for d in NearAreas[sl]) >= MinIneq * y_vars[sl]
         tot_constraints += 3
     self.model = P
     print(f'Total number of decision variables {len(Thresh)}')
     print(f'Total number of constraints {tot_constraints}')
     av_solv = pulp.listSolvers(onlyAvailable=True)
     print(f'Available solvers from pulp, {av_solv}')
Esempio n. 10
from cornflow_client.constants import (
import cornflow_client.airflow.dag_utilities as utils

import pulp as pl
import orloge as ol
import os

config = get_pulp_jsonschema("solver_config.json")

config["properties"]["solver"]["enum"] = pl.listSolvers()
config["properties"]["solver"]["default"] = "PULP_CBC_CMD"

class Instance(InstanceCore):
    schema = get_pulp_jsonschema()

class Solution(SolutionCore):
    schema = get_pulp_jsonschema()

class PuLPSolve(ExperimentCore):
    def solve(self, options: dict):
        options = dict(options)
        options["msg"] = 0