Esempio n. 1
    def K_dominance_check(self, _V_best_d, Q_d):
        :param _V_best_d: a list of d-dimension
        :param Q_d: a list of d-dimension
        :return: True if _V_best_d is prefered to Q_d regarding self.Lambda_inequalities and using Kdominance
         other wise it returns False
        _d = len(_V_best_d)

        prob = LpProblem("Ldominance", LpMinimize)
        lambda_variables = LpVariable.dicts("l", range(_d), 0)

        for inequ in self.Lambda_ineqalities:
            prob += lpSum([inequ[j + 1] * lambda_variables[j] for j in range(0, _d)]) + inequ[0] >= 0

        prob += lpSum([lambda_variables[i] * (_V_best_d[i]-Q_d[i]) for i in range(_d)])


        status = prob.solve()
        result = value(prob.objective)

        if result < 0:
            return False

        return True
Esempio n. 2
def formulate(cp):

    prob = dippy.DipProblem("Coke",
                            display_mode = 'xdot',
#                           layout = 'bak',
                            display_interval = None,

    # create variables
    LOC_SIZES = [(l, s) for l in cp.LOCATIONS
                        for s in cp.SIZES]
    buildVars = LpVariable.dicts("Build", LOC_SIZES, cat=LpBinary)

    # create arcs
    flowVars = LpVariable.dicts("Arcs", cp.ARCS)
    BIG_M = max(sum(, sum(cp.demand.values()))
    for a in cp.ARCS:
        flowVars[a].bounds(0, BIG_M)

    # objective
    prob += 1e6 * lpSum(buildVars[(l, s)] * cp.build_costs[s] \
                        for (l, s) in LOC_SIZES) + \
                  lpSum(flowVars[(s, d)] * cp.transport_costs[(s, d)] \
                        for (s, d) in cp.ARCS), "min"

    # plant availability - assumes that SIZES are numeric,
    # which they should be
    for loc in cp.LOCATIONS:
        prob += lpSum(flowVars[(loc, i)] for i in cp.CUSTOMERS) \
             <= lpSum(buildVars[(loc, s)] * s for s in cp.SIZES)

    # one size
    for loc in cp.LOCATIONS:
        prob += lpSum(buildVars[(loc, s)] for s in cp.SIZES) == 1

    # conserve flow (mines)
    # flows are in terms of tonnes of coke
    for m in cp.MINES:
        prob += lpSum(flowVars[(m, j)] for j in cp.LOCATIONS) \

    # conserve flow (locations)
    # convert from coal to coke
    for loc in cp.LOCATIONS:
        prob += lpSum(flowVars[(m, loc)] for m in cp.MINES) - \
                cp.conversion_factor * \
                lpSum(flowVars[(loc, c)] for c in cp.CUSTOMERS) \
             >= 0

    for c in cp.CUSTOMERS:
        prob += lpSum(flowVars[(loc, c)] for loc in cp.LOCATIONS) \
             >= cp.demand[c]

    prob.cp = cp
    prob.buildVars = buildVars
    prob.flowVars = flowVars
    return prob
Esempio n. 3
def formulate(bpp):
    prob = dippy.DipProblem("Bin Packing",
                            display_mode = 'xdot',
#                           layout = 'bak',
                            display_interval = None,

    assign_vars = LpVariable.dicts("x",
                                   [(i, j) for i in bpp.BINS
                                    for j in bpp.ITEMS],
    use_vars    = LpVariable.dicts("y", bpp.BINS, cat=LpBinary)
    waste_vars  = LpVariable.dicts("w", bpp.BINS, 0, None)

    prob += lpSum(waste_vars[i] for i in bpp.BINS), "min_waste"

    for j in bpp.ITEMS:
        prob += lpSum(assign_vars[i, j] for i in bpp.BINS) == 1

    for i in bpp.BINS:
        prob.relaxation[i] += (lpSum(bpp.volume[j] * assign_vars[i, j]
                                for j in bpp.ITEMS) + waste_vars[i] 
                                == bpp.capacity * use_vars[i])

    for i in bpp.BINS:
        for j in bpp.ITEMS:
            prob.relaxation[i] += assign_vars[i, j] <= use_vars[i]

    if Bin_antisymmetry:
        for m in range(0, len(bpp.BINS) - 1):
            prob += use_vars[bpp.BINS[m]] >= use_vars[bpp.BINS[m + 1]]

    if Item_antisymmetry:
        for m in range(0, len(bpp.BINS)):
            for n in range(0, len(bpp.ITEMS)):
                if m > n:
                    i = bpp.BINS[m]
                    j = bpp.ITEMS[n]
                    prob += assign_vars[i, j] == 0

    # Attach the problem data and variable dictionaries
    # to the DipProblem 
    prob.bpp         = bpp
    prob.assign_vars = assign_vars
    prob.use_vars    = use_vars
    prob.waste_vars  = waste_vars

    return prob
 def _CreateLinearProblem(self):
         Generates a linear problem object (using PuLP) with all the mass
         balance constraints (Sv = 0), and with individual upper and lower
         bounds on reactions (as given by the model)
     lp = LpProblem("FBA", LpMaximize)
     # create the flux variables
     fluxes = LpVariable.dicts("v", self.reactions,
                               lowBound=-1000, upBound=1000)
     for d in self.model['reactions']:
         if d['id'] not in self.reactions:
             print d['id'], "is not found in the list of reactions"
         fluxes[d['id']].lowBound = d['lower_bound']
         fluxes[d['id']].upBound = d['upper_bound']
     # add the mass balance constraints for all metabolites
     mass_balance_constraints = {}
     for met in self.metabolites:
         row = self.S.loc[met, :]
         mul = [row[i] * fluxes[self.reactions[i]] for i in row.nonzero()[0]]
         mass_balance_constraints[met] = (lpSum(mul) == 0)
         lp += mass_balance_constraints[met], "mass_balance_%s" % met
     return lp, fluxes, mass_balance_constraints
Esempio n. 5
    def K_dominnace_check_2(self, u_d, v_d, _inequalities):

        :param u_d: a d-dimensional vector(list) like [ 8.53149891  3.36436796]
        :param v_d: tha same list like u_d
        :param _inequalities: list of constraints on d-dimensional Lambda Polytope like
         [[0, 1, 0], [1, -1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, -1], [0.0, 1.4770889, -3.1250839]]
        :return: True if u is Kdominance to v regarding given _inequalities otherwise False
        _d = len(u_d)

        prob = LpProblem("Kdominance", LpMinimize)
        lambda_variables = LpVariable.dicts("l", range(_d), 0)

        for inequ in _inequalities:
            prob += lpSum([inequ[j + 1] * lambda_variables[j] for j in range(0, _d)]) + inequ[0] >= 0

        prob += lpSum([lambda_variables[i] * (u_d[i]-v_d[i]) for i in range(_d)])


        status = prob.solve()

        result = value(prob.objective)
        if result < 0:
            return False

        return True
Esempio n. 6
def Solver():
    global  x,y

    prob = dippy.DipProblem("CVPMP", display_mode = display_mode,
                            layout = 'dot', display_interval = 0)
    X = [(i, j) for i in V for j in V]
    x = LpVariable.dicts("x", X, 0, 1, LpBinary)
    y = LpVariable.dicts("y", V, 0, 1, LpBinary)

    prob += (lpSum(d[i, j] * x[(i, j)] for i in V for j in V), "min")
    #linking constraints
    for j in V:
        prob += lpSum(x[(i,j)] for i in V) == 1
    for i in V:
        prob.relaxation[i] += lpSum(w[j] * x[(i, j)]
                                    for j in V) <= s[i]*y[i]

    prob += lpSum(y[i] for i in V) == p

    prob.relaxed_solver = solve_subproblem

    dippy.Solve(prob, {
        'TolZero'           : '%s' % tol,
        'doCut'        : '1',
        'generateInitVars'  : '1',
        'CutCGL'            : '1',

    #Make solution
    solution = []
    for i in V:
        if y[i].varValue:
            cluster = []
            for j in V:
                if x[(i, j)].varValue:


    return round(prob.objective.value()), solution
Esempio n. 7
 def test_pulp_030(self):
     # relaxed MIP
     prob = LpProblem("test030", const.LpMinimize)
     x = LpVariable("x", 0, 4)
     y = LpVariable("y", -1, 1)
     z = LpVariable("z", 0, None, const.LpInteger)
     prob += x + 4 * y + 9 * z, "obj"
     prob += x + y <= 5, "c1"
     prob += x + z >= 10, "c2"
     prob += -y + z == 7.5, "c3"
     self.solver.mip = 0
     print("\t Testing MIP relaxation")
     if self.solver.__class__ in [GUROBI_CMD, PULP_CHOCO_CMD, CHOCO_CMD, MIPCL_CMD, SCIP_CMD]:
         # gurobi command, choco and mipcl do not let the problem be relaxed
         pulpTestCheck(prob, self.solver, [const.LpStatusOptimal], {x: 3.0, y: -0.5, z: 7})
         pulpTestCheck(prob, self.solver, [const.LpStatusOptimal], {x: 3.5, y: -1, z: 6.5})
 def _set_variables(self):
     self.x_names = [
         f"x_{i}_{j}" for i in range(self.n) for j in range(self.n)
     self.x = [
         LpVariable(name=x_name, cat="Binary") for x_name in self.x_names
     self.x_np = np.array(self.x).reshape((self.n, self.n))
Esempio n. 9
 def add_var(self, name):
     Create a PuLP binary variable
     # return LpVariable(name, lowBound = 0, upBound = 1, cat = LpBinary)
     countedname = name + '_' + str(self.var_nb)
     self.var_nb += 1
     return LpVariable(countedname, cat=LpBinary)
Esempio n. 10
    def __init__(
    ): = 15  # t/h
        self.ub = 30  # t/h

        max_power = 6  # MW
        self.slope = (6 - 0) / (30 - 0)

        self.cont = LpVariable(
            name, 0, self.ub

        self.binary = LpVariable(
            '{}_bin'.format(name), lowBound=0, upBound=1, cat='Integer'
Esempio n. 11
 def test_pulp_122(self):
     Test the ability to use Elastic constraints (penalty unchanged)
     prob = LpProblem("test122", const.LpMinimize)
     x = LpVariable("x", 0, 4)
     y = LpVariable("y", -1, 1)
     z = LpVariable("z", 0)
     w = LpVariable("w")
     prob += x + 4 * y + 9 * z + w, "obj"
     prob += x + y <= 5, "c1"
     prob += x + z >= 10, "c2"
     prob += -y + z == 7, "c3"
     prob.extend((w >= -1).makeElasticSubProblem(penalty=1.1))
     print("\t Testing elastic constraints (penalty unchanged)")
     pulpTestCheck(prob, self.solver, [const.LpStatusOptimal],
                   {x: 4, y: -1, z: 6, w: -1.0})
Esempio n. 12
    def __init__(self, tansyo, umatan_, umatan__=None):

        super().__init__(tansyo, umatan_, umatan__)
        self.df = self.connect()
        self.odds = self.df['オッズ']
        self.l = len(self.df)
        # pulpで使う時の変数を設定する
        self.V = [LpVariable('v' + n, lowBound=0) for n in self.df.index]
Esempio n. 13
def ass(g, h=10):
    c = list(range(h))
    w = [LpVariable(f'w{j}', cat='Binary') for j in c]
    x = {i: [LpVariable(f'x{i},{j}', cat='Binary') for j in c] for i in g}
    lp = LpProblem()
    lp += lpSum(w)
    for i in g:
        lp += lpSum(x[i]) == 1
    for u, v in g.edges:
        for j in c:
            lp += x[u][j] + x[v][j] <= w[j]
    for j in c:
        lp += w[j] <= lpSum([x[i][j] for i in g])
    for j in c[1:]:
        lp += w[j] <= w[j - 1]
    return [[xi.varValue for xi in x[i]].index(1.0) for i in g]
Esempio n. 14
 def _set_variables(self):
     self.start_names = [
         f"start_{i}_{j}" for i in range(self.n_agents)
         for j in range(self.n_tasks)
     self.job_precedence_names = [
         f"job_j_precedes_k_{i}_{j}_{k}" for i in range(self.n_agents)
         for j in range(self.n_tasks) for k in range(self.n_tasks)
     self.job_is_chosen_names = [
         f"job_is_chosen_{i}_{j}" for i in range(self.n_agents)
         for j in range(self.n_tasks)
     auxiliary_variables_execution_names = [
         f"aux_execution_variable_{i}_{j}_{k}" for i in range(self.n_agents)
         for j in range(self.n_tasks) for k in ["rightway", "leftway"]
     self.start_variables = [
         LpVariable(name=start_name, cat="Integer")
         for start_name in self.start_names
     self.job_precedence_variables = [
         LpVariable(name=job_precedence_name, cat="Binary")
         for job_precedence_name in self.job_precedence_names
     self.job_is_chosen_variables = [
         LpVariable(name=job_is_chosen_name, cat="Binary")
         for job_is_chosen_name in self.job_is_chosen_names
     self.auxiliary_job_is_chosen_variables = [
         LpVariable(name=name, cat="Binary")
         for name in auxiliary_variables_execution_names
     self.start_variables_np = np.array(self.start_variables).reshape(
         (self.n_agents, self.n_tasks))
     self.job_precedence_variables_np = np.array(
             (self.n_agents, self.n_tasks, self.n_tasks))
     self.job_is_chosen_variables_np = np.array(
             (self.n_agents, self.n_tasks))
     self.auxiliary_job_is_chosen_variables_np = np.array(
             (self.n_agents, self.n_tasks, 2))
     self.auxiliary_start_variables_counter = 0
     self.lp_variables_created = True
Esempio n. 15
    def testAll(self):
                         [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
        self.assertEqual(self.schedule.getOpenPeriods(), [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])

        haveTeachers = [res for res in self.schedule.haveTeachers()]

        expr1 = [constr for constr in self.schedule.getValidityConstr()]
        expr2 = LpAffineExpression([(LpVariable("test_sched_1_0"), 1),
                                    (LpVariable("test_sched_1_1"), 1)]) <= 1
        self.assertEqual(expr1[0], expr2)

                         [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
Esempio n. 16
 def test_importMPS_integer(self):
     name = self._testMethodName
     prob = LpProblem(name, const.LpMinimize)
     x = LpVariable("x", 0, 4)
     y = LpVariable("y", -1, 1)
     z = LpVariable("z", 0, None, const.LpInteger)
     prob += 1.1 * x + 4.1 * y + 9.1 * z, "obj"
     prob += x + y <= 5, "c1"
     prob += x + z >= 10, "c2"
     prob += -y + z == 7.5, "c3"
     filename = name + '.mps'
     _vars, prob2 = LpProblem.fromMPS(filename, sense=prob.sense)
     _dict1 = getSortedDict(prob)
     _dict2 = getSortedDict(prob2)
     print("\t Testing reading MPS files - integer variable")
     self.assertDictEqual(_dict1, _dict2)
Esempio n. 17
 def test_pulp_023(self):
     # Initial value (fixed)
     prob = LpProblem("test023", const.LpMinimize)
     x = LpVariable("x", 0, 4)
     y = LpVariable("y", -1, 1)
     z = LpVariable("z", 0, None, const.LpInteger)
     prob += x + 4 * y + 9 * z, "obj"
     prob += x + y <= 5, "c1"
     prob += x + z >= 10, "c2"
     prob += -y + z == 7.5, "c3"
     solution = {x: 4, y: -0.5, z: 7}
     for v in [x, y, z]:
     self.solver.optionsDict['warmStart'] = True
     print("\t Testing fixing value in MIP solution")
     pulpTestCheck(prob, self.solver, [const.LpStatusOptimal], solution)
Esempio n. 18
def formulate(module_name):

    m = ilib.import_module(module_name)

    lines = m.gap_data.splitlines()
    line = lines[1].split()  #first line is blank
    NUM_MACHINES = int(line[0])
    NUM_TASKS = int(line[1])
    MACHINES = list(range(NUM_MACHINES))
    TASKS = list(range(NUM_TASKS))
    MACHINES_TASKS = [(m, t) for m in MACHINES for t in TASKS]

    COSTS = []
    line_num = 2
    for m in MACHINES:
        line = lines[line_num].split()
        assert len(line) == NUM_TASKS
        COSTS.append([int(f) for f in line])
        line_num += 1

    for m in MACHINES:
        line = lines[line_num].split()
        assert len(line) == NUM_TASKS
        RESOURCE_USE.append([int(f) for f in line])
        line_num += 1

    line = lines[line_num].split()
    assert len(line) == NUM_MACHINES
    CAPACITIES = [int(f) for f in line]

    assignVars = []
    for m in MACHINES:
        v = []
        for t in TASKS:
            v.append(LpVariable("M%dT%d" % (m, t), cat=LpBinary))

    prob = DipProblem("GAP")

    # objective
    prob += lpSum(assignVars[m][t] * COSTS[m][t]
                  for m, t in MACHINES_TASKS), "min"

    # machine capacity (knapsacks, relaxation)
    for m in MACHINES:
        prob.relaxation[m] += lpSum(assignVars[m][t] * RESOURCE_USE[m][t]
                                    for t in TASKS) <= CAPACITIES[m]

        # assignment
    for t in TASKS:
        prob += lpSum(assignVars[m][t] for m in MACHINES) == 1

    prob.assignVars = assignVars
    prob.TASKS = TASKS

    return prob
Esempio n. 19
 def test_export_solver_json(self):
     if == 'CPLEX_DLL':
         warnings.warn("CPLEX_DLL does not like being exported")
     name = self._testMethodName
     prob = LpProblem(name, const.LpMinimize)
     x = LpVariable("x", 0, 4)
     y = LpVariable("y", -1, 1)
     z = LpVariable("z", 0)
     w = LpVariable("w", 0)
     prob += x + 4 * y + 9 * z, "obj"
     prob += x + y <= 5, "c1"
     prob += x + z >= 10, "c2"
     prob += -y + z == 7, "c3"
     prob += w >= 0, "c4"
     self.solver.mip = True
     logFilename = name + '.log'
     if == 'CPLEX_CMD':
         self.solver.optionsDict = dict(gapRel=0.1,
     elif in ['GUROBI_CMD', 'COIN_CMD', 'PULP_CBC_CMD']:
         self.solver.optionsDict = dict(gapRel=0.1,
     filename = name + '.json'
     self.solver.toJson(filename, indent=4)
     solver1 = getSolverFromJson(filename)
     print("\t Testing continuous LP solution - export solver JSON")
     pulpTestCheck(prob, solver1, [const.LpStatusOptimal], {
         x: 4,
         y: -1,
         z: 6,
         w: 0
Esempio n. 20
    def solve(self, max_menu_item=None, max_food_item=3, nutrition=DEFAULT_NUTR_REQS, exclude=None, include=None):
        """Create, formulate and solve the diet problem for given constraints
        self.prob = prob = LpProblem(__class__, LpMinimize)

        # Variables
        self.xm = xm = LpVariable.dicts('meals', self.meals, 0, max_menu_item, cat='Integer')
        self.xf = xf = LpVariable.dicts('foods', self.foods, 0, max_food_item, cat='Integer')

        # Objective
        prob += lpSum([i]['price']*xm[i] for i in self.meals)

        # Ensure that foods eaten are available under meals bought
        for j in self.foods:
            prob += lpSum([[i]['foods'].get(j, 0)*xm[i] for i in self.meals]) >= xf[j]

        # Must meet nutrition
        for r, (lower, upper) in nutrition.items():
            if lower:
                prob += lpSum([xf[i]*self.nutr[i][r] for i in self.foods]) >= lower
            if upper:
                prob += lpSum([xf[i]*self.nutr[i][r] for i in self.foods]) <= upper

        if include:
            for food in include:
                prob += xf[food] >= 1

        if exclude:
            for food in exclude:
                prob += xf[food] == 0

        # Solve and save
        status = LpStatus[prob.solve()]
        if status == 'Optimal':
        elif status == 'Infeasible':
            raise InfeasibleError()
        elif status == 'Unbounded':
            raise UnboundedError
            raise ValueError(status)

        solution = self.parse_solution()
        return solution
Esempio n. 21
def formulate(bpp, args):

    prob = DipProblem("Bin Packing")

    assign_vars = LpVariable.dicts("x", [(i, j) for i in bpp.BINS
                                         for j in bpp.ITEMS],
    use_vars = LpVariable.dicts("y", bpp.BINS, cat=LpBinary)
    waste_vars = LpVariable.dicts("w", bpp.BINS, 0, None)

    prob += lpSum(waste_vars[i] for i in bpp.BINS), "min_waste"

    for j in bpp.ITEMS:
        prob += lpSum(assign_vars[i, j] for i in bpp.BINS) == 1

    for i in bpp.BINS:
        prob.relaxation[i] += (lpSum(bpp.volume[j] * assign_vars[i, j]
                                     for j in bpp.ITEMS) +
                               waste_vars[i] == bpp.capacity * use_vars[i])

    for i in bpp.BINS:
        for j in bpp.ITEMS:
            prob.relaxation[i] += assign_vars[i, j] <= use_vars[i]

    if args.antisymmetryCutsBins:
        for m in range(0, len(bpp.BINS) - 1):
            prob += use_vars[bpp.BINS[m]] >= use_vars[bpp.BINS[m + 1]]

    if args.antisymmetryCutsItems:
        for m in range(0, len(bpp.BINS)):
            for n in range(0, len(bpp.ITEMS)):
                if m > n:
                    i = bpp.BINS[m]
                    j = bpp.ITEMS[n]
                    prob += assign_vars[i, j] == 0

    # Attach the problem data and variable dictionaries
    # to the DipProblem
    prob.bpp = bpp
    prob.assign_vars = assign_vars
    prob.use_vars = use_vars
    prob.waste_vars = waste_vars
    prob.tol = pow(pow(2, -24), old_div(2.0, 3.0))

    return prob
Esempio n. 22
 def test_export_dict_max(self):
     prob = LpProblem("test_export_dict_max", const.LpMaximize)
     x = LpVariable("x", 0, 4)
     y = LpVariable("y", -1, 1)
     z = LpVariable("z", 0)
     w = LpVariable("w", 0)
     prob += x + 4 * y + 9 * z, "obj"
     prob += x + y <= 5, "c1"
     prob += x + z >= 10, "c2"
     prob += -y + z == 7, "c3"
     prob += w >= 0, "c4"
     data = prob.toDict()
     var1, prob1 = LpProblem.fromDict(data)
     x, y, z, w = [var1[name] for name in ["x", "y", "z", "w"]]
     print("\t Testing maximize continuous LP solution")
         prob1, self.solver, [const.LpStatusOptimal], {x: 4, y: 1, z: 8, w: 0}
Esempio n. 23
def tsp2(pos):
        pos: 座標のリスト
    pos = np.array(pos)
    N = len(pos)
    m = LpProblem()
    v = {}
    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(i + 1, N):
            v[i, j] = v[j, i] = LpVariable("v%d%d" % (i, j), cat=LpBinary)
    m += lpDot(
        [np.linalg.norm(pos[i] - pos[j]) for i, j in v if i < j],
        [x for (i, j), x in v.items() if i < j],
    for i in range(N):
        m += lpSum(v[i, j] for j in range(N) if i != j) == 2
    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(i + 1, N):
            for k in range(j + 1, N):
                m += v[i, j] + v[j, k] + v[k, i] <= 2
    st = set()
    while True:
        u = unionfind(N)
        for i in range(N):
            for j in range(i + 1, N):
                if value(v[i, j]) > 0:
                    u.unite(i, j)
        gg = u.groups()
        if len(gg) == 1:
        for g_ in gg:
            g = tuple(g_)
            if g not in st:
                m += (lpSum(
                    v[i, j] for i in range(N) for j in range(i + 1, N)
                    if (i in g and j not in g) or (i not in g and j in g)) >=
    cn = [0] * N
    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(i + 1, N):
            if value(v[i, j]) > 0:
                if i or cn[i] == 0:
                    cn[i] += j
                cn[j] += i
    p, q, r = cn[0], 0, [0]
    while p != 0:
        q, p = p, cn[p] - q
    return value(m.objective), r
Esempio n. 24
 def test_export_dict_MIP(self):
     import copy
     prob = LpProblem("test_export_dict_MIP", const.LpMinimize)
     x = LpVariable("x", 0, 4)
     y = LpVariable("y", -1, 1)
     z = LpVariable("z", 0, None, const.LpInteger)
     prob += x + 4 * y + 9 * z, "obj"
     prob += x + y <= 5, "c1"
     prob += x + z >= 10, "c2"
     prob += -y + z == 7.5, "c3"
     data = prob.to_dict()
     data_backup = copy.deepcopy(data)
     var1, prob1 = LpProblem.from_dict(data)
     x, y, z = [var1[name] for name in ['x', 'y', 'z']]
     print("\t Testing MIP solution")
     pulpTestCheck(prob1, self.solver, [const.LpStatusOptimal], {x: 3, y: -0.5, z: 7})
     # we also test that we have not modified the dictionary when importing it
     self.assertDictEqual(data, data_backup)
Esempio n. 25
    def _initialize_vars(self):
        self.scaled_distances = self.h.scaled_distances
        self.n = len(self.h.S)
        self.t = len(self.h.hierarchy) - 1

        # Create the model
        self.model = LpProblem(name="linear_program", sense=LpMinimize)

        # Initialize the decision variables
        self.c = []
        for i in range(self.n):
            self.c.append(LpVariable(name=f"c_i{i}", lowBound=0))

        self.z = []
        for i in range(self.t + 1):
            for j in range(len(self.h.hierarchy[i])):
                self.z[i].append(LpVariable(name=f"z_i{i}_j{j}", lowBound=0, upBound=1))
Esempio n. 26
 def test_pulp_021(self):
     # MIP with floats in objective
     prob = LpProblem("test021", const.LpMinimize)
     x = LpVariable("x", 0, 4)
     y = LpVariable("y", -1, 1)
     z = LpVariable("z", 0, None, const.LpInteger)
     prob += 1.1 * x + 4.1 * y + 9.1 * z, "obj"
     prob += x + y <= 5, "c1"
     prob += x + z >= 10, "c2"
     prob += -y + z == 7.5, "c3"
     print("\t Testing MIP solution with floats in objective")
         {x: 3, y: -0.5, z: 7},
Esempio n. 27
 def test_pulp_050(self):
     # Infeasible
     prob = LpProblem("test050", const.LpMinimize)
     x = LpVariable("x", 0, 4)
     y = LpVariable("y", -1, 1)
     z = LpVariable("z", 0, 10)
     prob += x + y <= 5.2, "c1"
     prob += x + z >= 10.3, "c2"
     prob += -y + z == 17.5, "c3"
     print("\t Testing an infeasible problem")
     if self.solver.__class__ is GLPK_CMD:
         # GLPK_CMD return codes are not informative enough
         pulpTestCheck(prob, self.solver, [const.LpStatusUndefined])
     elif self.solver.__class__ in [CPLEX_DLL, GUROBI_CMD]:
         # CPLEX_DLL Does not solve the problem
         pulpTestCheck(prob, self.solver, [const.LpStatusNotSolved])
         pulpTestCheck(prob, self.solver, [const.LpStatusInfeasible])
Esempio n. 28
 def _initialize_node_variables_lp(self):
     Initialize variables x_i^k for LP.
     for i in self.graph.nodes():
         self.x_variables[i] = {}
         for k in self.terminals:
             self.x_variables[i][k] = LpVariable("n %s, t %s" % (i, k), 0,
                                                 1, LpContinuous)
Esempio n. 29
    def __init__(

        self.size = size

        self.cont = LpVariable(name, 0, self.ub)
        self.binary = LpVariable("{}_bin".format(name),

        self.load = self.cont * (1 / 100)

        self.effy = {"electrical": 0.28, "thermal": 0.4}
Esempio n. 30
def min_independent_dominating_set_ilp(G):
    """Return a smallest independent dominating set in the graph.

    This method solves an integer program to compute a smallest
    independent dominating set. It solves the following integer program:

    .. math::

        \\sum_{v \\in V} x_v

    subject to

    ... math::

        x_v + \\sum_{u \\in N(v)} x_u \\geq 1 \\mathrm{ for all } v \\in V
        \\sum_{\\{u, v\\} \\in E} x_u + x_v \\leq 1 \\mathrm{ for all } e \\in E

    where *E* and *V* are the set of edges and nodes of G, and *N(v)* is
    the set of neighbors of the vertex *v*.

    G: NetworkX graph
        An undirected graph.

        A set of nodes in a smallest independent dominating set in the

    prob = LpProblem("min_total_dominating_set", LpMinimize)
    variables = {
        node: LpVariable("x{}".format(i + 1), 0, 1, LpBinary)
        for i, node in enumerate(G.nodes())

    # Set the domination number objective function
    prob += lpSum(variables)

    # Set constraints for domination
    for node in G.nodes():
        combination = [
            variables[n] for n in variables
            if n in closed_neighborhood(G, node)
        prob += lpSum(combination) >= 1

    # Set constraints for independence
    for e in G.edges():
        prob += variables[e[0]] + variables[e[1]] <= 1

    solution_set = {node for node in variables if variables[node].value() == 1}
    return solution_set
Esempio n. 31
def min_dominating_set_ilp(G):
    """Return a smallest dominating set in the graph.

    A dominating set in a graph *G* is a set *D* of nodes of *G* for
    which every node not in *D* has a neighbor in *D*.

    This method using integer programming to compute a smallest
    dominating set. It solves the following integer program: minimize

    .. math::

        \\sum_{v \\in V} x_v

    subject to

    ... math::

        x_v + \\sum_{u \\in N(v)} x_u \\geq 1 \\mathrm{ for all } v \\in V

    where *V* is the set of nodes of G and *N(v)* is the set of
    neighbors of the vertex *v*.

    G : NetworkX graph
        An undirected graph.

        A set of nodes in a smallest dominating set in the graph.

    See Also

    prob = LpProblem("min_total_dominating_set", LpMinimize)
    variables = {
        node: LpVariable("x{}".format(i + 1), 0, 1, LpBinary)
        for i, node in enumerate(G.nodes())

    # Set the total domination number objective function
    prob += lpSum([variables[n] for n in variables])

    # Set constraints
    for node in G.nodes():
        combination = [
            variables[n] for n in variables
            if n in closed_neighborhood(G, node)
        prob += lpSum(combination) >= 1

    solution_set = {node for node in variables if variables[node].value() == 1}
    return solution_set
Esempio n. 32
 def test_pulp_110(self):
     Test the ability to use fractional constraints
     prob = LpProblem("test110", const.LpMinimize)
     x = LpVariable("x", 0, 4)
     y = LpVariable("y", -1, 1)
     z = LpVariable("z", 0)
     w = LpVariable("w", 0)
     prob += x + 4 * y + 9 * z, "obj"
     prob += x + y <= 5, "c1"
     prob += x + z >= 10, "c2"
     prob += -y + z == 7, "c3"
     prob += w >= 0, "c4"
     prob += LpFractionConstraint(x, z, const.LpConstraintEQ, 0.5, name='c5')
     print("\t Testing fractional constraints")
     pulpTestCheck(prob, self.solver, [const.LpStatusOptimal],
                   {x: 10 / 3.0, y: -1 / 3.0, z: 20 / 3.0, w: 0})
Esempio n. 33
 def test_export_solver_dict_LP(self):
     if == "CPLEX_DLL":
         warnings.warn("CPLEX_DLL does not like being exported")
     prob = LpProblem("test_export_dict_LP", const.LpMinimize)
     x = LpVariable("x", 0, 4)
     y = LpVariable("y", -1, 1)
     z = LpVariable("z", 0)
     w = LpVariable("w", 0)
     prob += x + 4 * y + 9 * z, "obj"
     prob += x + y <= 5, "c1"
     prob += x + z >= 10, "c2"
     prob += -y + z == 7, "c3"
     prob += w >= 0, "c4"
     data = self.solver.toDict()
     solver1 = getSolverFromDict(data)
     print("\t Testing continuous LP solution - export solver dict")
     pulpTestCheck(prob, solver1, [const.LpStatusOptimal], {x: 4, y: -1, z: 6, w: 0})
Esempio n. 34
 def test_result_subtypes_2(self):
     problem = LpProblem()
     variable = LpVariable('x')
     problem += variable
     problem += (variable >= 0.0)
     function_result = solve_linear_problem(problem)
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(function_result[0], LpProblem))
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(function_result[1], LpAffineExpression))
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(function_result[2], int))
Esempio n. 35
 def test_export_dict_MIP(self):
     prob = LpProblem("test_export_dict_MIP", const.LpMinimize)
     x = LpVariable("x", 0, 4)
     y = LpVariable("y", -1, 1)
     z = LpVariable("z", 0, None, const.LpInteger)
     prob += x + 4 * y + 9 * z, "obj"
     prob += x + y <= 5, "c1"
     prob += x + z >= 10, "c2"
     prob += -y + z == 7.5, "c3"
     data = prob.to_dict()
     var1, prob1 = LpProblem.from_dict(data)
     x, y, z = [var1[name] for name in ['x', 'y', 'z']]
     print("\t Testing MIP solution")
     pulpTestCheck(prob1, self.solver, [const.LpStatusOptimal], {
         x: 3,
         y: -0.5,
         z: 7
def optimize():
    # define the limits of a reasonable adjustment
    no_adjustment = 0
    hardship = .15

    monthly_income = float(request.args['income'])
    spending_categories = ast.literal_eval(request.args['categories'])
    spending = ast.literal_eval(request.args['spending'])
    spending_minimum = ast.literal_eval(request.args['min'])

    # create adjustment factor variables for each spending category
    adjustment_factor_variable = {}
    for category in spending_categories:
        variable = LpVariable(category, no_adjustment, hardship)
        adjustment_factor_variable.update({category: variable})

    # define the linear optimization problem
    monthly_adjustments = LpProblem("total_adjustments", LpMinimize)

    # the objective is to minimize the total adjustments needed
    factors = []
    for category in spending_categories:
    monthly_adjustments += lpSum(factors)

    # we don't have the option to sell our possessions (negative adjustment factor)
    for category in spending_categories:
        monthly_adjustments += adjustment_factor_variable[category] >= 0

    # the adjustments cannot take us below a minimum standard of living
    for category in spending_categories:
        monthly_adjustments += spending[category] * (
            1 -
            adjustment_factor_variable[category]) >= spending_minimum[category]

    # we must live within our means
    linear_factors = []
    for category in spending_categories:
        linear_factors.append(spending[category] *
                              (1 - adjustment_factor_variable[category]))

    monthly_adjustments += lpSum(linear_factors) <= monthly_income

    # find budget adjustments that work
    status = monthly_adjustments.solve()
    successfully_optimized = status > 0

    # Return values of the variables
    new_budget = {}
    if successfully_optimized:
        for category in spending_categories:
            adjustment = value(adjustment_factor_variable[category])
            new_budget[category] = spending[category] * (1 - adjustment)
        new_budget = {}

    return jsonify(new_budget)
Esempio n. 37
def knapsack01(obj, weights, capacity):
    """ 0/1 knapsack solver, maximizes profit. weights and capacity integer """
    debug_subproblem = False
    assert len(obj) == len(weights)
    n = len(obj)
    if n == 0:
        return 0, []

    if debug_subproblem:
        relaxation = LpProblem('relaxation', LpMaximize)
        relax_vars = [str(i) for i in range(n)]
        var_dict   = LpVariable.dicts("", relax_vars, 0, 1, LpBinary)
        relaxation += (lpSum(var_dict[str(i)] * weights[i] for i in range(n)) 
                       <= capacity)
        relaxation += lpSum(var_dict[str(i)] * obj[i] for i in range(n))
        relax_obj = value(relaxation.objective)

        solution =  [i for i in range(n) if var_dict[str(i)].varValue > tol ]

        print relax_obj, solution

    c = [[0]*(capacity+1) for i in range(n)]
    added = [[False]*(capacity+1) for i in range(n)]
    # c [items, remaining capacity]
    # important: this code assumes strictly positive objective values
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(capacity+1):
            if (weights[i] > j):
                c[i][j] = c[i-1][j]
                c_add = obj[i] + c[i-1][j-weights[i]]
                if c_add > c[i-1][j]:
                    c[i][j] = c_add
                    added[i][j] = True
                    c[i][j] = c[i-1][j]

    # backtrack to find solution
    i = n-1
    j = capacity

    solution = []
    while i >= 0 and j >= 0:
        if added[i][j]:
            j -= weights[i]
        i -= 1
    return c[n-1][capacity], solution
def pe185():
    Modelling as an integer programming problem.
    Then using PuLP to solve it. It's really fast, just 0.24 seconds. 
    For details, see
    from pulp import LpProblem, LpVariable, LpMinimize, LpInteger, lpSum, value

    constraints = [
        ('2321386104303845', 0),
        ('3847439647293047', 1),
        ('3174248439465858', 1),
        ('8157356344118483', 1),
        ('6375711915077050', 1),
        ('6913859173121360', 1),
        ('4895722652190306', 1),
        ('5616185650518293', 2),
        ('4513559094146117', 2),
        ('2615250744386899', 2),
        ('6442889055042768', 2),
        ('2326509471271448', 2),
        ('5251583379644322', 2),
        ('2659862637316867', 2),
        ('5855462940810587', 3),
        ('9742855507068353', 3),
        ('4296849643607543', 3),
        ('7890971548908067', 3),
        ('8690095851526254', 3),
        ('1748270476758276', 3),
        ('3041631117224635', 3),
        ('1841236454324589', 3)

    VALs = map(str, range(10))
    LOCs = map(str, range(16))
    choices = LpVariable.dicts("Choice", (LOCs, VALs), 0, 1, LpInteger)

    prob = LpProblem("pe185", LpMinimize)
    prob += 0, "Arbitrary Objective Function"

    for s in LOCs:
        prob += lpSum([choices[s][v] for v in VALs]) == 1, ""

    for c, n in constraints:
        prob += lpSum([choices[str(i)][v] for i,v in enumerate(c)]) == n, ""

    res = int(''.join(v for s in LOCs for v in VALs if value(choices[s][v])))

    # answer: 4640261571849533
    return res
Esempio n. 39
def formulate(bpp):
    prob = dippy.DipProblem("Bin Packing",
                            display_mode = 'xdot',
#                           layout = 'bak',
                            display_interval = None,

    assign_vars = LpVariable.dicts("x",
                                   [(i, j) for i in bpp.ITEMS
                                    for j in bpp.BINS],
    use_vars    = LpVariable.dicts("y", bpp.BINS, cat=LpBinary)
    waste_vars  = LpVariable.dicts("w", [(j, k) for j in bpp.BINS
                                          for k in bpp.LIMITS], 0, None)

    prob += lpSum(use_vars[j] for j in bpp.BINS), "min_bins"

    for j in bpp.BINS:
      for k in bpp.LIMITS:
        prob += lpSum(bpp.volume[i, k] * assign_vars[i, j] for i in bpp.ITEMS) \
                + waste_vars[j, k] == bpp.capacity[k] * use_vars[j]

    for i in bpp.ITEMS:
        prob += lpSum(assign_vars[i, j] for j in bpp.BINS) == 1

    for i in bpp.ITEMS:
        for j in bpp.BINS:
            prob += assign_vars[i, j] <= use_vars[j]

    for n in range(0, len(bpp.BINS) - 1):
        prob += use_vars[bpp.BINS[n]] >= use_vars[bpp.BINS[n + 1]]

    # Attach the problem data and variable dictionaries to the DipProblem 
    prob.bpp         = bpp
    prob.assign_vars = assign_vars
    prob.use_vars    = use_vars
    prob.waste_vars  = waste_vars

    return prob
Esempio n. 40
def solve_under_coverage(graph, min_coverage=80):

    prob = LpProblem("granularity selection", LpMinimize)
    codelet_vars = LpVariable.dicts("codelet",

    # Objective function: minimize the total replay cost of selected codelets

    # Compute replay time
    for n,d in graph.nodes(data=True):
      d['_total_replay_cycles'] = 0
      for inv in d['_invocations']:
        d['_total_replay_cycles'] = d['_total_replay_cycles'] + float(inv["Invivo (cycles)"])

    prob += lpSum([codelet_vars[n]*d['_total_replay_cycles'] for n,d in graph.nodes(data=True)])

    # and with good coverage
    prob += (lpSum([codelet_vars[n]*d['_coverage'] for n,d in graph.nodes(data=True)]) >= min_coverage)

    # selected codelets should match
    for n,d in graph.nodes(data=True):
        if not d['_matching']:
            prob += codelet_vars[n] == 0

    # Finally we should never include both the children and the parents
    for dad in graph.nodes():
        for son in graph.nodes():
            if not dad in nx.ancestors(graph, son):
            # We cannot select dad and son at the same time
            prob += codelet_vars[dad] + codelet_vars[son] <= 1

    if (LpStatus[prob.status] != 'Optimal'):
        raise Unsolvable()

    for v in prob.variables():
        assert v.varValue == 1.0 or v.varValue == 0.0
        if v.varValue == 1.0:

            for n,d in graph.nodes(data=True):
                if ("codelet_"+str(n)) ==
                    d["_selected"] = True
                    yield n
Esempio n. 41
def get_optimal_routes(sources, destinations):
    sources = collections.OrderedDict([(x['id'], x) for x in sources])
    destinations = collections.OrderedDict([(x['id'], x) for x in destinations])

    sources_points = [{'lat': x['lat'], 'lng': x['lng']} for x in sources.values()]
    destinations_points = [{'lat': x['lat'], 'lng': x['lng']} for x in destinations.values()]

    source_ids = [str(x['id']) for x in sources.values()]
    dest_ids = [str(x['id']) for x in destinations.values()]

    demand = {str(x['id']): convert_int(x['num_students']) for x in sources.values()}
    supply = {str(x['id']): convert_int(x['num_students']) for x in destinations.values()}"Calling gmaps api...")
    distances = gmaps.distance_matrix(origins=sources_points, destinations=destinations_points, mode='walking')

    costs = {}
    for i, origin in enumerate(distances['rows']):
        origin_costs = {}
        for j, entry in enumerate(origin['elements']):
            origin_costs[dest_ids[j]] = entry['duration']['value']
        costs[source_ids[i]] = origin_costs

    prob = LpProblem("Evaucation Routing for Schools",LpMinimize)
    routes = [(s,d) for s in source_ids for d in dest_ids]
    route_lookup = {'Route_{}_{}'.format(x.replace(' ','_'),y.replace(' ','_')):(x,y) for (x,y) in routes}
    route_vars = LpVariable.dicts("Route",(source_ids,dest_ids),0,None,LpInteger)
    prob += lpSum([route_vars[w][b]*(costs[w][b]**2) for (w,b) in routes])
    for dest in dest_ids:
        prob += lpSum([route_vars[source][dest] for source in source_ids]) <= supply[dest], "Students going to {} is <= {}".format(dest, supply[dest])
    for source in source_ids:
        prob += lpSum([route_vars[source][dest] for dest in dest_ids]) == demand[source], "Students leaving {} is {}".format(source, demand[source])"Optimizing routes...")

    if prob.status != 1:
        raise Exception("Algorithm could not converge to a solution")

    result = []
    for v in prob.variables():
        src, dst = route_lookup[]
        value = v.value()
        result.append({'src': sources[src], 'dst': destinations[dst], 'value': int(value)})
    return result
Esempio n. 42
    def _recurse(work_pairs, mae, grace=None):
        req = grace or 1.0

        demands = {
            'morning': mae[0],
            'afternoon': mae[1],
            'exam': mae[2],
        total_avg = float(sum([demands[i] for i in SHIFTS])) / work_pairs
        total_low, total_high = floor(total_avg), ceil(total_avg)
        work_pair_count = work_pairs
        avgs = [float(demands[i]) / work_pair_count for i in SHIFTS]
        lows = [floor(a) for a in avgs]
        highs = [ceil(a) for a in avgs]

        target = req * total_avg * float(sum([COSTS[i] for i in SHIFTS])) / len(SHIFTS)

        prob = LpProblem("Work Distribution", LpMinimize)
        var_prefix = "shift"
        shift_vars = LpVariable.dicts(var_prefix, SHIFTS, 0, cat=LpInteger)
        prob += lpSum([COSTS[i] * shift_vars[i] for i in SHIFTS]), "cost of combination"
        prob += lpSum([COSTS[i] * shift_vars[i] for i in SHIFTS]) >= target, "not too good"
        prob += lpSum([shift_vars[i] for i in SHIFTS]) >= total_low, "low TOTAL"
        prob += lpSum([shift_vars[i] for i in SHIFTS]) <= total_high, "high TOTAL"

        for shift, low, high in zip(SHIFTS, lows, highs):
            prob += lpSum([shift_vars[shift]]) >= low, "low %s" % shift
            prob += lpSum([shift_vars[shift]]) <= high, "high %s" % shift


        if not LpStatus[prob.status] == 'Optimal':
            next_grace = req - 0.1
            assert 0.0 < next_grace
            return _recurse(work_pairs, mae, next_grace)

        new_mae = [0, 0, 0]
        solution = [0, 0, 0]
        for v in prob.variables():
            for pos, name in enumerate(SHIFTS):
                if == "%s_%s" % (var_prefix, name):
                    solution[pos] = v.varValue
                    new_mae[pos] = mae[pos] - solution[pos]

        return (PairAlloc(solution), work_pairs - 1) + tuple(new_mae)
Esempio n. 43
    def __init__(self, home_list, work_list, util_matrix):
        """ Input a list of utils
            utils = [   #Works
                    #1 2 3 4 5
                    [2,4,5,2,1],#A   Homes
                    [3,1,3,2,3] #B
        self.util_matrix = util_matrix = dict((home, home.houses) for home in home_list) = dict((work, for work in work_list)
        self.utils = makeDict([home_list, work_list], util_matrix, 0)

        # Creates the 'prob' variable to contain the problem data
        self.prob = LpProblem("Residential Location Choice Problem", LpMinimize)

        # Creates a list of tuples containing all the possible location choices
        self.choices = [(h, w) for h in for w in]

        # A dictionary called 'volumes' is created to contain the referenced variables(the choices)
        self.volumes = LpVariable.dicts("choice", (,, 0, None, LpContinuous)

        # The objective function is added to 'prob' first
        self.prob += (
            lpSum([self.volumes[h][w] * self.utils[h][w] for (h, w) in self.choices]),

        # The supply maximum constraints are added to prob for each supply node (home)
        for h in
            self.prob += (
                lpSum([self.volumes[h][w] for w in]) <=[h],
                "Sum_of_Products_out_of_Home_%s" % h,

        # The demand minimum constraints are added to prob for each demand node (work)
        for w in
            self.prob += (
                lpSum([self.volumes[h][w] for h in]) >=[w],
                "Sum_of_Products_into_Work%s" % w,
Esempio n. 44
    def __generar_restricciones(self):
        X = LpVariable.dicts('X', self.variables, cat = LpBinary)
        self.cursado = LpProblem("Cursado",LpMaximize)

        # "\n\n Restricciones de dia-modulo\n\n"
        i = 1
        for r in self.r1.values():
            self.cursado += lpSum([X["".join(x)] for x in r]) <= 1, \
            "_1C" + str(i).zfill(3)
            i += 1

        #"\n\n Restricciones de cursado completo\n\n"

        for r in self.r2.values():
            self.cursado += int(r[0][0]) *X[r[0][1]+r[0][2]] == lpSum([X["".join(x[1:])] for x in r]), \
            "_2C" + str(i).zfill(3)
            i += 1

        #"\n\n Restricciones 1 sola comision\n\n"
        for r in self.r3.values():
            self.cursado += int(r[0][0]) *X[r[0][1]] == lpSum([X["".join(x[1:])] for x in r]), \
            "_3C" + str(i).zfill(3)
            i += 1

        #"\n\n Restricciones de Colision\n\n"
        for r in self.r4.values():
            self.cursado += lpSum([X["".join(x)] for x in r]) <= 1, \
            "_4C" + str(i).zfill(3)
            i += 1

        #"\n\n Restricciones de franja horaria\n\n"

        for r in [x + "" for x in ["".join(x) for x in self.r5]]:
            self.cursado += X[r] == 0, \
            "_5C" + str(i).zfill(3)
            i += 1

        self.X = X
Esempio n. 45
def build_sudoku_problem():

    # The values, rows and cols sequences all follow this form
    values = range(9)
    rows = range(9)
    columns = range(9)

    # The boxes list is created, with the row and column index of each square in each box
    boxes = []
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            box = [(rows[3 * i + k], columns[3 * j + l]) for k in range(3) for l in range(3)]

    # The problem variable is created to contain the problem data
    problem = LpProblem("Sudoku Problem", LpMinimize)
    # The problem variables are created
    choices = LpVariable.dicts("Choice", (rows, columns, values), 0, 1, LpBinary)
    # The arbitrary objective function is added
    problem += 0, "Arbitrary Objective Function"

    # A constraint ensuring that only one value can be in each square is created
    for r in rows:
        for c in columns:
            problem += lpSum(choices[r][c][v] for v in values) == 1, "unique_val_" + str(r) + '_' + str(c)

    # The row, column and box constraints are added for each value
    for v in values:
        for r in rows:
            problem += lpSum(choices[r][c][v] for c in columns) == 1, "row_" + str(v) + '_' + str(r)

        for c in columns:
            problem += lpSum(choices[r][c][v] for r in rows) == 1, "col_" + str(v) + '_' + str(c)

        for box_index, b in enumerate(boxes):
            problem += lpSum(choices[r][c][v] for (r, c) in b) == 1, "box_" + str(v) + '_' + str(box_index)

    return problem, choices, values, rows, columns
Esempio n. 46
	def learn_two_cat2(self, performance_table):
		"""This version of learnTwoCat checks whether or not an alternative is to be kept
		in the learning process. This method is also faster than the previous version
		if len(self.categories) != 2:
			raise SemanticError, "The learnTwoCat() method requires exactly two categories."

		prob = LpProblem("twoCat2", LpMaximize)
		alts = filter(lambda a: a.__class__.__name__ != "LimitProfile", performance_table.alts)
		crits = self.crits

		alts_name = [ for alt in alts]
		crits_name = [ for crit in crits]

		self.categories.sort(key=lambda c: c.rank)

		alts1 = [alt for alt in alts if alt.category == self.categories[0]]
		alts2 = [alt for alt in alts if alt.category == self.categories[1]]

		#small float number
		epsilon = 0.0001

		#variables (v: variable, d: dict of variables)
		v_lambda = LpVariable("lambda", lowBound=0.5, upBound=1)
		d_gamma = LpVariable.dicts("gamma", alts_name, cat=LpBinary)
		d_p = LpVariable.dicts("p", crits_name, lowBound=0, upBound=1)
		d_gb = LpVariable.dicts("gb", crits_name, lowBound=0, upBound=1)
		d_delta = LpVariable.dicts("delta", \
			[ + for alt in alts for crit in crits]\
			, cat=LpBinary)
		d_c = LpVariable.dicts("c", \
			[ + for alt in alts for crit in crits]\
			, lowBound=0, upBound=1)

		prob += sum(d_gamma[] for alt in alts)

		for alt in alts2:
			prob += sum(d_c[ +] for crit in crits) + epsilon <= v_lambda + 2 * (1 - d_gamma[])
		for alt in alts1:
			prob += sum(d_c[ +] for crit in crits) >= v_lambda - 2 * (1 - d_gamma[])
		for alt in alts:
			for crit in crits:
				prob += d_c[ +] <= d_p[]
				prob += d_c[ +] <= d_delta[ +]
				prob += d_c[ +] >= d_delta[ +] + d_p[] - 1
				prob += d_delta[ +] >= performance_table[alt][crit] - d_gb[] + epsilon
				prob += d_delta[ +] <= performance_table[alt][crit] - d_gb[] + 1
		prob += sum(d_p[] for crit in crits)  == 1


		#update parameters
		self.cutting_threshold = v_lambda.value()

		for crit in crits:
			crit.weight = d_p[].value()

		for crit in crits:
			self.lp_performance_table[self.limit_profiles[0]][crit] = d_gb[].value()
		self.ignoredAlternatives = []
		for alt in alts:
			if d_gamma[].value() == 0:
Esempio n. 47
def opAss_LP(machineList, PBlist, PBskills, previousAssignment={}, weightFactors = [2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 1], Tool={}):
    from pulp import LpProblem, LpMaximize, LpVariable, LpBinary, lpSum, LpStatus
    import pulp
    import copy
    import glob
    import os 
    import time
    from Globals import G

    machines = machineList.keys()
    sumWIP = float(sum([machineList[mach]['WIP'] for mach in machines ]))
    # define LP problem    
    prob = LpProblem("PBassignment", LpMaximize)
    obj = []
    # declare variables...binary assignment variables (operator i to machine j)
    PB_ass = LpVariable.dicts('PB', [(oper,mach) for oper in PBlist for mach in machines if machineList[mach]['stationID'] in PBskills[oper]] , 0, 1, cat=pulp.LpBinary)
    # objective...assignment of PBs to stations with higher WIP...sum of WIP associated with stations where PB is assigned
    if weightFactors[0]>0 and sumWIP>0:
        obj.append([machineList[mach]['WIP']*PB_ass[(oper,mach)]*weightFactors[0]/float(sumWIP) for oper in PBlist for mach in machines if machineList[mach]['stationID'] in PBskills[oper]])
    # second set of variables (delta assignment between stations) to facilitate the distribution of PBs across different stations
    if weightFactors[1]>0:
        stationGroup = {}
        for mach in machines:
            if machineList[mach]['stationID'] not in stationGroup:
                stationGroup[machineList[mach]['stationID']] = []
        Delta_Station = LpVariable.dicts("D_station", [(st1, st2) for i1, st1 in enumerate(stationGroup.keys()) for st2 in stationGroup.keys()[i1 + 1:]])
        # calculate global max number of machines within a station that will be used as dividers for Delta_Station  
        maxNoMachines = 0
        for st in stationGroup:
            if len(stationGroup[st]) > maxNoMachines:
                maxNoMachines = len(stationGroup[st])
        # calculation of DeltaStation values 
        for i, st1 in enumerate(stationGroup.keys()):
            tempList = []
            for mach1 in stationGroup[st1]:
                for oper1 in PBlist:
                    if st1 in PBskills[oper1]:
            for st2 in stationGroup.keys()[i+1:]:
                finalList = copy.copy(tempList)
                for mach2 in stationGroup[st2]:                
                    for oper2 in PBlist:
                        if st2 in PBskills[oper2]:
                prob += lpSum(finalList)>= Delta_Station[(st1,st2)]
                prob += lpSum([i*-1 for i in finalList])>= Delta_Station[(st1,st2)]
        # integration of second obj
        normalisingFactorDeltaStation = 0
        for i in range(len(stationGroup)):
            normalisingFactorDeltaStation += i
        for i1, st1 in enumerate(stationGroup.keys()):
            for st2 in stationGroup.keys()[i1+1:]:
                obj.append(Delta_Station[(st1,st2)]*weightFactors[1]/float(normalisingFactorDeltaStation) )
    # min variation in PB assignment
    if weightFactors[2]>0:
        Delta_Assignment = []
        OldAss = {}
        for pb in previousAssignment:
            if pb in PBlist:
                for station in PBskills[pb]:
                    for mach in machineList:
                        if machineList[mach]['stationID'] == station:
                            Delta_Assignment.append([pb, mach])
                            if previousAssignment[pb] == mach:
                                OldAss[(pb,mach)] = 1
                                OldAss[(pb,mach)] = 0
        # create delta assignment variables
        Delta_Ass = LpVariable.dicts("D_Ass",[(d[0],d[1]) for d in Delta_Assignment])
        # integration of third objective
        for d in Delta_Assignment:
            obj.append(Delta_Ass[(d[0], d[1])]*(-1.0*weightFactors[2]/(2*len(previousAssignment))) )

        # calculation of Delta_Ass
        for d in Delta_Assignment:
            if OldAss[(d[0],d[1])] == 1:
                prob += lpSum(OldAss[(d[0],d[1])] - PB_ass[(d[0],d[1])]) <= Delta_Ass[(d[0],d[1])]
                prob += lpSum(PB_ass[(d[0],d[1])] - OldAss[(d[0],d[1])]) <= Delta_Ass[(d[0],d[1])]  
    # 4th obj = fill a subline
    if weightFactors[3]>0:
        # verify whether there are machines active in the sublines
        subline={0:{'noMach':0, 'WIP':0}, 1:{'noMach':0, 'WIP':0}}
        for mach in machineList:
            if machineList[mach]['stationID'] in [0,1,2]:
                subline[machineList[mach]['machineID']]['noMach'] += 1
                subline[machineList[mach]['machineID']]['WIP'] += machineList[mach]['WIP']
        chosenSubLine = False      
        # choose subline to be filled first
        if subline[0]['noMach'] == 3:        
            # case when both sublines are fully active
            if subline[1]['noMach'] == 3:
                if subline[0]['WIP'] >= subline [1]['WIP']:
                    chosenSubLine = 1
                    chosenSubLine = 2        
                chosenSubLine = 1
        elif subline[1]['noMach'] == 3:
            chosenSubLine = 2
        #create variable for the chosen subline
        if chosenSubLine:
            chosenSubLine -= 1
            subLine = LpVariable('SubL', lowBound=0)
            sub = []
            for station in range(3):
                mach = Tool[station][chosenSubLine].name        #'St'+str(station)+'_M'+str(chosenSubLine)
                for oper in PBlist:
                    if station in PBskills[oper]:
            prob += lpSum(sub) >= subLine
    # 5th objective: prioritise machines with furthest in time last assignment 
    LastAssignmentSum = float(sum([machineList[mach]['lastAssignment'] for mach in machines ]))
    if LastAssignmentSum > 0 and weightFactors[4]>0:
        obj += [machineList[mach]['lastAssignment']*PB_ass[(oper,mach)]*weightFactors[4]/float(LastAssignmentSum) for oper in PBlist for mach in machines if machineList[mach]['stationID'] in PBskills[oper]]
    # 6th objective: max the number of pb assigned
    if weightFactors[5]>0:
        obj += [PB_ass[(oper,mach)]*weightFactors[5]/float(len(PBlist)) for oper in PBlist for mach in machines if machineList[mach]['stationID'] in PBskills[oper]]
    prob += lpSum(obj)
    # constraint 1: # operators assigned to a station <= 1
    for machine in machines:
        prob += lpSum([PB_ass[(oper,machine)] for oper in PBlist if machineList[machine]['stationID'] in PBskills[oper]]) <= 1
    # constraint 2: # machines assigned to an operator <= 1
    for operator in PBlist:
        prob += lpSum([PB_ass[(operator,machine)] for machine in machines if machineList[machine]['stationID'] in PBskills[operator]]) <= 1
    # write the problem data to an .lp file.
    if LpStatus[prob.status] != 'Optimal':
        print 'WARNING: LP solution ', LpStatus[prob.status]
    PBallocation = {}
    for mach in machines:
        for oper in PBlist:
            if machineList[mach]['stationID'] in PBskills[oper]:
                if PB_ass[(oper,mach)].varValue > 0.00001:
    files = glob.glob('*.mps')
    for f in files:
    files = glob.glob('*.lp')
    for f in files:
    return PBallocation
Esempio n. 48
File: Progetto: coin-or/Dip
numBlockVars = [10]
numBlockCons = [5]
numLinkingCons = 10
numVars = sum(numBlockVars)
numCons = sum(numBlockCons) + numLinkingCons

VARIABLES = dict(((i, j), 0) for i in range(numBlocks) 
                 for j in range(numBlockVars[i]))  

for k in range(numBlocks):
    CONSTRAINTS.append(["C"+str(k)+"_"+str(j) for j in range(numCons)])
CONSTRAINTS.append(["C"+str(numBlocks)+"_"+str(j) for j in range(numCons)])

#Generate random MILP
var = LpVariable.dicts("x", VARIABLES, 0, 1, LpBinary)
numCons = len(CONSTRAINTS)
numVars = len(VARIABLES)

OBJ, MAT, RHS = GenerateRandomBlock(VARIABLES, CONSTRAINTS[numBlocks])

prob += -lpSum([OBJ[i]*var[i] for i in var]), "Objective"

#Linking constraints
for j in CONSTRAINTS[numBlocks]:
    prob += lpSum([MAT[i, j]*var[i] for i in var]) <= RHS[j], j

for k in range(numBlocks):
    OBJ, MAT, RHS = GenerateRandomBlock([(k, i) for i in range(numBlockVars[k])], 
Esempio n. 49
                   branch_strategy = MOST_FRACTIONAL,
                   search_strategy = DEPTH_FIRST,
                   complete_enumeration = False,
                   display_interval = None,
                   binary_vars = True):
    if T.get_layout() == 'dot2tex':
        cluster_attrs = {'name':'Key', 'label':r'\text{Key}', 'fontsize':'12'}
        T.add_node('C', label = r'\text{Candidate}', style = 'filled',
                      color = 'yellow', fillcolor = 'yellow')
        T.add_node('I', label = r'\text{Infeasible}', style = 'filled',
                      color = 'orange', fillcolor = 'orange')
        T.add_node('S', label = r'\text{Solution}', style = 'filled',
                      color = 'lightblue', fillcolor = 'lightblue')
        T.add_node('P', label = r'\text{Pruned}', style = 'filled',
                      color = 'red', fillcolor = 'red')
        T.add_node('PC', label = r'\text{Pruned}$\\ $\text{Candidate}', style = 'filled',
                      color = 'red', fillcolor = 'yellow')
        cluster_attrs = {'name':'Key', 'label':'Key', 'fontsize':'12'}
        T.add_node('C', label = 'Candidate', style = 'filled',
                      color = 'yellow', fillcolor = 'yellow')
        T.add_node('I', label = 'Infeasible', style = 'filled',
                      color = 'orange', fillcolor = 'orange')
        T.add_node('S', label = 'Solution', style = 'filled',
                      color = 'lightblue', fillcolor = 'lightblue')
        T.add_node('P', label = 'Pruned', style = 'filled',
                      color = 'red', fillcolor = 'red')
        T.add_node('PC', label = 'Pruned \n Candidate', style = 'filled',
                      color = 'red', fillcolor = 'yellow')
    T.add_edge('C', 'I', style = 'invisible', arrowhead = 'none')
    T.add_edge('I', 'S', style = 'invisible', arrowhead = 'none')
    T.add_edge('S', 'P', style = 'invisible', arrowhead = 'none')
    T.add_edge('P', 'PC', style = 'invisible', arrowhead = 'none')
    T.create_cluster(['C', 'I', 'S', 'P', 'PC'], cluster_attrs)
    # The initial lower bound
    # The number of LP's solved, and the number of nodes solved
    node_count = 1
    iter_count = 0
    lp_count = 0
    if binary_vars:
        var   = LpVariable.dicts("", VARIABLES, 0, 1)
        var   = LpVariable.dicts("", VARIABLES)
    numCons = len(CONSTRAINTS)
    numVars = len(VARIABLES)
    # List of incumbent solution variable values
    opt = dict([(i, 0) for i in VARIABLES])
    pseudo_u = dict((i, (OBJ[i], 0)) for i in VARIABLES)
    pseudo_d = dict((i, (OBJ[i], 0)) for i in VARIABLES)
    print("Starting Branch and Bound")
    if branch_strategy == MOST_FRACTIONAL:
        print("Most fractional variable")
    elif branch_strategy == FIXED_BRANCHING:
        print("Fixed order")
    elif branch_strategy == PSEUDOCOST_BRANCHING:
        print("Pseudocost brancing")
        print("Unknown branching strategy %s" %branch_strategy)
    if search_strategy == DEPTH_FIRST:
        print("Depth first search strategy")
    elif search_strategy == BEST_FIRST:
        print("Best first search strategy")
        print("Unknown search strategy %s" %search_strategy)
    # List of candidate nodes
    Q = PriorityQueue()
    # The current tree depth
    cur_depth = 0
    cur_index = 0
    # Timer
    timer = time.time()
    Q.push(0, -INFINITY, (0, None, None, None, None, None, None))
    # Branch and Bound Loop
    while not Q.isEmpty():
        infeasible = False
        integer_solution = False
        (cur_index, parent, relax, branch_var, branch_var_value, sense,
        rhs) = Q.pop()
        if cur_index is not 0:
            cur_depth = T.get_node_attr(parent, 'level') + 1
            cur_depth = 0
        if LB > -INFINITY:
            print("Node: %s, Depth: %s, LB: %s" %(cur_index,cur_depth,LB))
            print("Node: %s, Depth: %s, LB: %s" %(cur_index,cur_depth,"None"))
        if relax is not None and relax <= LB:
            print("Node pruned immediately by bound")
            T.set_node_attr(parent, 'color', 'red')
        #    LP Relaxation
        # Compute lower bound by LP relaxation
        prob = LpProblem("relax", LpMaximize)
        prob += lpSum([OBJ[i]*var[i] for i in VARIABLES]), "Objective"
        for j in range(numCons):
            prob += (lpSum([MAT[i][j]*var[i] for i in VARIABLES])<=RHS[j],\
        # Fix all prescribed variables
        branch_vars = []
        if cur_index is not 0:
            sys.stdout.write("Branching variables: ")
            if sense == '>=':
                prob += LpConstraint(lpSum(var[branch_var]) >= rhs)
                prob += LpConstraint(lpSum(var[branch_var]) <= rhs)
            print(branch_var, end=' ')
            pred = parent
            while not str(pred) == '0':
                pred_branch_var = T.get_node_attr(pred, 'branch_var')
                pred_rhs = T.get_node_attr(pred, 'rhs')
                pred_sense = T.get_node_attr(pred, 'sense')
                if pred_sense == '<=':
                    prob += LpConstraint(lpSum(var[pred_branch_var])
                                         <= pred_rhs)
                    prob += LpConstraint(lpSum(var[pred_branch_var])
                                         >= pred_rhs)
                print(pred_branch_var, end=' ')
                pred = T.get_node_attr(pred, 'parent')
        # Solve the LP relaxation
        lp_count = lp_count +1
        # Check infeasibility
        infeasible = LpStatus[prob.status] == "Infeasible" or \
            LpStatus[prob.status] == "Undefined"
        # Print status
        if infeasible:
            print("LP Solved, status: Infeasible")
            print("LP Solved, status: %s, obj: %s" %(LpStatus[prob.status],
        if(LpStatus[prob.status] == "Optimal"):
            relax = value(prob.objective)
            # Update pseudocost
            if branch_var != None:
                if sense == '<=':
                    pseudo_d[branch_var] = (
                    old_div((pseudo_d[branch_var][0]*pseudo_d[branch_var][1] +
                    old_div((T.get_node_attr(parent, 'obj') - relax),
                    (branch_var_value - rhs))),(pseudo_d[branch_var][1]+1)),
                    pseudo_u[branch_var] = (
                    old_div((pseudo_u[branch_var][0]*pseudo_d[branch_var][1] +
                     old_div((T.get_node_attr(parent, 'obj') - relax),
                     (rhs - branch_var_value))),(pseudo_u[branch_var][1]+1)),
            var_values = dict([(i, var[i].varValue) for i in VARIABLES])
            integer_solution = 1
            for i in VARIABLES:
                if (abs(round(var_values[i]) - var_values[i]) > .001):
                    integer_solution = 0
            # Determine integer_infeasibility_count and
            # Integer_infeasibility_sum for scatterplot and such
            integer_infeasibility_count = 0
            integer_infeasibility_sum = 0.0
            for i in VARIABLES:
                if (var_values[i] not in set([0,1])):
                    integer_infeasibility_count += 1
                    integer_infeasibility_sum += min([var_values[i],
            if (integer_solution and relax>LB):
                LB = relax
                for i in VARIABLES:
                    # These two have different data structures first one
                    #list, second one dictionary
                    opt[i] = var_values[i]
                print("New best solution found, objective: %s" %relax)
                for i in VARIABLES:
                    if var_values[i] > 0:
                        print("%s = %s" %(i, var_values[i]))
            elif (integer_solution and relax<=LB):
                print("New integer solution found, objective: %s" %relax)
                for i in VARIABLES:
                    if var_values[i] > 0:
                        print("%s = %s" %(i, var_values[i]))
                print("Fractional solution:")
                for i in VARIABLES:
                    if var_values[i] > 0:
                        print("%s = %s" %(i, var_values[i]))
            #For complete enumeration
            if complete_enumeration:
                relax = LB - 1
            relax = INFINITY
        if integer_solution:
            print("Integer solution")
            BBstatus = 'S'
            status = 'integer'
            color = 'lightblue'
        elif infeasible:
            print("Infeasible node")
            BBstatus = 'I'
            status = 'infeasible'
            color = 'orange'
        elif not complete_enumeration and relax <= LB:
            print("Node pruned by bound (obj: %s, UB: %s)" %(relax,LB))
            BBstatus = 'P'
            status = 'fathomed'
            color = 'red'
        elif cur_depth >= numVars :
            print("Reached a leaf")
            BBstatus = 'fathomed'
            status = 'L'
            BBstatus = 'C'
            status = 'candidate'
            color = 'yellow'
        if BBstatus is 'I':
            if T.get_layout() == 'dot2tex':
                label = '\text{I}'
                label = 'I'
            label = "%.1f"%relax
        if iter_count == 0:
            if status is not 'candidate':
                integer_infeasibility_count = None
                integer_infeasibility_sum = None
            if status is 'fathomed':
                if T._incumbent_value is None:
                    print('WARNING: Encountered "fathom" line before '+\
                        'first incumbent.')
            T.AddOrUpdateNode(0, None, None, 'candidate', relax,
                             label = label,
                             obj = relax, color = color,
                             style = 'filled', fillcolor = color)
            if status is 'integer':
                T._previous_incumbent_value = T._incumbent_value
                T._incumbent_value = relax
                T._incumbent_parent = -1
                T._new_integer_solution = True
#           #Currently broken
#           if ETREE_INSTALLED and T.attr['display'] == 'svg':
#               T.write_as_svg(filename = "node%d" % iter_count,
#                                 nextfile = "node%d" % (iter_count + 1),
#                                 highlight = cur_index)
            _direction = {'<=':'L', '>=':'R'}
            if status is 'infeasible':
                integer_infeasibility_count = T.get_node_attr(parent,
                integer_infeasibility_sum = T.get_node_attr(parent,
                relax = T.get_node_attr(parent, 'lp_bound')
            elif status is 'fathomed':
                if T._incumbent_value is None:
                    print('WARNING: Encountered "fathom" line before'+\
                        ' first incumbent.')
                    print('  This may indicate an error in the input file.')
            elif status is 'integer':
                integer_infeasibility_count = None
                integer_infeasibility_sum = None
            T.AddOrUpdateNode(cur_index, parent, _direction[sense],
                                 status, relax,
                                 branch_var = branch_var,
                                 branch_var_value = var_values[branch_var],
                                 sense = sense, rhs = rhs, obj = relax,
                                 color = color, style = 'filled',
                                 label = label, fillcolor = color)
            if status is 'integer':
                T._previous_incumbent_value = T._incumbent_value
                T._incumbent_value = relax
                T._incumbent_parent = parent
                T._new_integer_solution = True
            # Currently Broken
#           if ETREE_INSTALLED and T.attr['display'] == 'svg':
#               T.write_as_svg(filename = "node%d" % iter_count,
#                                 prevfile = "node%d" % (iter_count - 1),
#                                 nextfile = "node%d" % (iter_count + 1),
#                                 highlight = cur_index)
            if T.get_layout() == 'dot2tex':
                _dot2tex_label = {'>=':' \geq ', '<=':' \leq '}
                T.set_edge_attr(parent, cur_index, 'label',
                                   str(branch_var) + _dot2tex_label[sense] +
                T.set_edge_attr(parent, cur_index, 'label',
                                   str(branch_var) + sense + str(rhs))
        iter_count += 1
        if BBstatus == 'C':
            # Branching:
            # Choose a variable for branching
            branching_var = None
            if branch_strategy == FIXED_BRANCHING:
                #fixed order
                for i in VARIABLES:
                    frac = min(var[i].varValue-math.floor(var[i].varValue),
                               math.ceil(var[i].varValue) - var[i].varValue)
                    if (frac > 0):
                        min_frac = frac
                        branching_var = i
                        # TODO(aykut): understand this break
            elif branch_strategy == MOST_FRACTIONAL:
                #most fractional variable
                min_frac = -1
                for i in VARIABLES:
                    frac = min(var[i].varValue-math.floor(var[i].varValue),
                               math.ceil(var[i].varValue)- var[i].varValue)
                    if (frac> min_frac):
                        min_frac = frac
                        branching_var = i
            elif branch_strategy == PSEUDOCOST_BRANCHING:
                scores = {}
                for i in VARIABLES:
                    # find the fractional solutions
                    if (var[i].varValue - math.floor(var[i].varValue)) != 0:
                        scores[i] = min(pseudo_u[i][0]*(1-var[i].varValue),
                    # sort the dictionary by value
                branching_var = sorted(list(scores.items()),
                                       key=lambda x : x[1])[-1][0]
                print("Unknown branching strategy %s" %branch_strategy)
            if branching_var is not None:
                print("Branching on variable %s" %branching_var)
            #Create new nodes
            if search_strategy == DEPTH_FIRST:
                priority = (-cur_depth - 1, -cur_depth - 1)
            elif search_strategy == BEST_FIRST:
                priority = (-relax, -relax)
            elif search_strategy == BEST_ESTIMATE:
                priority = (-relax - pseudo_d[branching_var][0]*\
                                 (math.floor(var[branching_var].varValue) -\
                            -relax + pseudo_u[branching_var][0]*\
                                 (math.ceil(var[branching_var].varValue) -\
            node_count += 1
            Q.push(node_count, priority[0], (node_count, cur_index, relax, branching_var,
                    '<=', math.floor(var[branching_var].varValue)))
            node_count += 1
            Q.push(node_count, priority[1], (node_count, cur_index, relax, branching_var,
                    '>=', math.ceil(var[branching_var].varValue)))
            T.set_node_attr(cur_index, color, 'green')
        if T.root is not None and display_interval is not None and\
                iter_count%display_interval == 0:

    timer = int(math.ceil((time.time()-timer)*1000))
    print("Branch and bound completed in %sms" %timer)
    print("Strategy: %s" %branch_strategy)
    if complete_enumeration:
        print("Complete enumeration")
    print("%s nodes visited " %node_count)
    print("%s LP's solved" %lp_count)
    print("Optimal solution")
    #print optimal solution
    for i in sorted(VARIABLES):
        if opt[i] > 0:
            print("%s = %s" %(i, opt[i]))
    print("Objective function value")
    if T.attr['display'] is not 'off':
    T._lp_count = lp_count
    return opt, LB
def weak_rev_lin_con(crn, eps, ubound):
    m = crn.n_complexes
    n = crn.n_species
    # Y is n by m
    Y = np.array(crn.complex_matrix).astype(np.float64)
    # Ak is m by m
    Ak = np.array(crn.kinetic_matrix).astype(np.float64)
    # M is n by m
    M =

    print("Input CRN defined by\nY =\n", Y)
    print("\nM =\n", M)    
    print("\nAk =\n", Ak)
    print("\nComputing linearly conjugate network with min deficiency ... START\n")

    # Ranges for iteration
    col_range = range(1, m+1)
    row_range = range(1, n+1)

    # Set up problem model object
    prob = LpProblem("Weakly Reversible Linearly Conjugate Network", LpMaximize)
    # Get a list of all off-diagonal entries to use later to greatly
    # simplify loops
    off_diag = [(i, j) for i,j in product(col_range, repeat=2) if i != j]
    # Decision variables for matrix A, only need off-diagonal since A
    # has zero-sum columns
    A = LpVariable.dicts("A", [(i, j) for i in col_range for j in col_range])
    Ah = LpVariable.dicts("Ah", [(i, j) for i in col_range for j in col_range])
    # Decision variables for the diagonal of T
    T = LpVariable.dicts("T", row_range, eps, ubound)
    # Binary variables for counting partitions used and assigning complexes to linkage classes
    delta = LpVariable.dicts("delta", off_diag, 0, 1, "Integer")
    # Objective
    prob += -lpSum(delta[i, j] for (i,j) in off_diag)
    # Y*A = T*M
    for i in row_range:
        for j in col_range:
            prob += lpSum( Y[i-1, k-1]*A[k, j] for k in col_range ) == M[i-1, j-1]*T[i]
    # A and Ah have zero-sum columns
    for j in col_range:
        prob += lpSum( A[i,j] for i in col_range ) == 0    
        prob += lpSum( Ah[i,j] for i in col_range ) == 0
        prob += lpSum( Ah[j,i] for i in col_range ) == 0
    # Off-diagonal entries are nonnegative and are switch on/off by delta[i,j]
    for (i,j) in off_diag:
        # A constraints
        prob += A[i, j] >= 0
        prob += A[i, j] - eps*delta[i, j] >= 0
        prob += A[i, j] - ubound*delta[i, j] <= 0
        # Ah constraints
        prob += Ah[i, j] >= 0
        prob += Ah[i, j] - eps*delta[i, j] >= 0
        prob += Ah[i, j] - ubound*delta[i, j] <= 0
    # Diagonal entries of A, Ah are non-positive
    for j in col_range:
        prob += A[j, j] <= 0
        prob += Ah[j, j] <= 0
    status = prob.solve(solver=CPLEX()) 
    # Problem successfully solved, report results
    if status == 1:
        # Get solutions to problem
        Tsol = np.zeros((n, n))
        Asol = np.zeros((m,m))
        for i in col_range:
            for j in col_range:
                Asol[i-1, j-1] = value(A[i, j])
        for i in row_range:
            Tsol[i-1, i-1] = value(T[i])
        print("\nA =\n", Asol)
        print("\nT =\n", Tsol)

        print("No solution found")
Esempio n. 51
	def learn_two_cat(self, performance_table):
		"""Learn parameters for two categories and two training sets of alternatives."""		
		if len(self.categories) != 2:
			raise SemanticError, "The learnTwoCat() method requires exactly two categories."

		prob = LpProblem("twoCat", LpMaximize)

		alts = filter(lambda a: a.__class__.__name__ != "LimitProfile", performance_table.alts)
		crits = self.crits

		alts_name = [ for alt in alts if alt.__class__.__name__ != "LimitProfile"]
		crits_name = [ for crit in crits]

		self.categories.sort(key=lambda c: c.rank)

		alts1 = [alt for alt in alts if alt.category == self.categories[0]]
		alts2 = [alt for alt in alts if alt.category == self.categories[1]]

		#small float number
		epsilon = 0.00001

		#variables (v: variable, d: dict of variables)
		v_lambda = LpVariable("lambda", lowBound=0.5, upBound=1)
		v_alpha = LpVariable("alpha", lowBound=0)
		d_x = LpVariable.dicts("x", alts_name, lowBound=0)
		d_y = LpVariable.dicts("y", alts_name, lowBound=0)
		d_p = LpVariable.dicts("p", crits_name, lowBound=0, upBound=1)
		d_gb = LpVariable.dicts("gb", crits_name, lowBound=0, upBound=1)
		d_delta = LpVariable.dicts("delta", \
			[ + for alt in alts for crit in crits]\
			, cat=LpBinary)
		d_c = LpVariable.dicts("c", \
			[ + for alt in alts for crit in crits]\
			, lowBound=0, upBound=1)

		prob += v_alpha

		for alt in alts2:
			prob += sum(d_c[ +] for crit in crits) + d_x[] == v_lambda
		for alt in alts1:
			prob += sum(d_c[ +] for crit in crits) == v_lambda + d_y[]

		for alt in alts:
			prob += v_alpha <= d_x[]
			prob += v_alpha <= d_y[]
			prob += d_x[] >= epsilon
			for crit in crits:
				prob += d_c[ +] <= d_p[]
				prob += d_c[ +] >= d_delta[ +] + d_p[] - 1
				prob += d_c[ +] <= d_delta[ +]
				prob += d_delta[ +] >= performance_table[alt][crit] - d_gb[] + epsilon
				prob += d_delta[ +] <= performance_table[alt][crit] - d_gb[] + 1

		prob += sum(d_p[] for crit in crits) == 1


		#status = prob.solve()

		#update parameters
		self.cutting_threshold = v_lambda.value()

		for crit in crits:
			crit.weight = d_p[].value()

		for crit in crits:
			performance_table[self.limit_profiles[0]][crit] = d_gb[].value()
Esempio n. 52

def cross(i1, i2):
    r = []
    for a in i1:
        for b in i2:
            r.append((a, b))
    return r


prob = dippy.DipProblem("Coke", LpMinimize)

# create variables
buildVars = LpVariable.dicts("Build", LOC_SIZES, None, \
                             None, LpBinary)
prob.buildVars = buildVars

# create arcs
flowVars = LpVariable.dicts("Arcs", ARCS)
for a in ARCS:
    flowVars[a].bounds(0, BIG_M)


# objective
prob += 1e6 * lpSum(buildVars[(l, s)] * SIZE_COSTS[s] \
                    for (l, s) in LOC_SIZES) + \
              lpSum(flowVars[(s, d)] * ARC_COSTS[(s, d)] \
                    for (s, d) in ARCS), "min"
Esempio n. 53
	def learn(self, performance_table):
		"""Learn parameters"""

		prob = LpProblem("Learn", LpMaximize)

		alts = filter(lambda a: a.__class__.__name__ != "LimitProfile", performance_table.alts)
		crits = self.crits

		alts_name = [ for alt in alts]
		crits_name = [ for crit in crits]
		categories = self.categories
		categories.sort(key=lambda c: c.rank, reverse=True)	
		categoriesUp = list(categories)
		firstCat = categoriesUp.pop(0)
		categoriesDown = list(categories)
		lastCat = categoriesDown.pop()
		categories0 = list(categories)
		categories0.insert(0, Category(rank = (categories[0].rank + 1), name = "fake")) #add a fake category on the first position
		alternativesByCat = {}
		for cat in categories:
			alternativesByCat[cat] = [alt for alt in alts if alt.category == cat]
		#small float number
		epsilon = 0.000001

		#variables (v: variable, d: dict of variables)
		v_lambda = LpVariable("lambda", lowBound=0.5, upBound=1)
		v_alpha = LpVariable("alpha", lowBound=0)
		d_x = LpVariable.dicts("x", alts_name, lowBound=0)
		d_y = LpVariable.dicts("y", alts_name, lowBound=0)
		d_p = LpVariable.dicts("p", crits_name, lowBound=0, upBound=1)
		d_gb = LpVariable.dicts("gb", \
								[ + for crit in crits for cat in categories0], \
								lowBound=0, \
		d_deltaInf = LpVariable.dicts("deltaInf", \
									  [ + for alt in alts for crit in crits], \
		d_deltaSup = LpVariable.dicts("deltaSup", \
									  [ + for alt in alts for crit in crits], \
		d_cInf = LpVariable.dicts("cInf", \
								  [ + for alt in alts for crit in crits], \
								  lowBound=0, upBound=1)
		d_cSup = LpVariable.dicts("cSup", \
								  [ + for alt in alts for crit in crits], \
								  lowBound=0, upBound=1)

		prob += v_alpha

		for crit in crits:
			prob += d_gb[ + "fake"] == 0
			prob += d_gb[ +] == 1

		for cat in categoriesDown:
			for alt in alternativesByCat[cat]:
				prob += sum(d_cSup[ +] for crit in crits) + d_x[] == v_lambda
		for cat in categoriesUp:
			for alt in alternativesByCat[cat]:
				prob += sum(d_cInf[ +] for crit in crits) == v_lambda + d_y[]
		for alt in alts:
			prob += v_alpha <= d_x[]
			prob += v_alpha <= d_y[]
			prob += d_x[] >= epsilon
			for crit in crits:
				prob += d_cInf[ +] <= d_p[]
				prob += d_cSup[ +] <= d_p[]
				prob += d_cInf[ +] <= d_deltaInf[ +]
				prob += d_cSup[ +] <= d_deltaSup[ +]
				prob += d_cInf[ +] >= d_deltaInf[ +] + d_p[] - 1
				prob += d_cSup[ +] >= d_deltaSup[ +] + d_p[] - 1
		prev_cat_name = "fake"
		for cat in categories:
			for alt in alternativesByCat[cat]:
				for crit in crits:
					prob += d_deltaInf[ +] >= performance_table[alt][crit] - d_gb[ + prev_cat_name] + epsilon
					prob += d_deltaSup[ +] >= performance_table[alt][crit] - d_gb[ +] + epsilon
					prob += d_deltaInf[ +] <= performance_table[alt][crit] - d_gb[ + prev_cat_name] + 1
					prob += d_deltaSup[ +] <= performance_table[alt][crit] - d_gb[ +] + 1
			prev_cat_name =

		prev_cat_name =
		for cat in categoriesUp:
			for crit in crits:
				prob += d_gb[ +] >= d_gb[ + prev_cat_name]
			prev_cat_name =
		prob += sum(d_p[] for crit in crits) == 1
		print prob

		#status = prob.solve()

		#update parameters
		self.cutting_threshold = v_lambda.value()

		for crit in crits:
			crit.weight = d_p[].value()
		for cat in categoriesDown:
			for crit in crits:
				performance_table[cat.lp_sup][crit] = d_gb[ +].value()
Esempio n. 54
def schedule(Jobs, Agents, D, C, R, B, P, M):
    Finds the optimal scheduling of Jobs to Agents (workers) given
    Jobs - a set of Jobs (an iterable of hashable objects)
    Agents - a set of Agents/workers (an iterable of hashable objects)
    D - Dictionary detailing execution cost of running jobs on agents :
        D[job, agent] = time to run job on agent
    C - Dictionary detailing Communication cost sending results  of jobs
        between  agents :
        C[job, a1, a2] = time to comm results of job on from a1 to a2
    R - Additional constraint on start time of jobs, usually defaultdict(0)
    B - Dict saying which jobs can run on which agents:
        B[job, agent] == 1 if job can run on agent
    P - Dictionary containing precedence constraints - specifies DAG:
        P[job1, job2] == 1 if job1 immediately precedes job2
    M - Upper bound on makespan

    prob - the pulp problem instance
    X - Dictionary detailing which jobs were run on which agents:
        X[job][agent] == 1 iff job was run on agent
    S - Starting time of each job
    Cmax - Optimal makespan


    # Set up global precedence matrix
    Q = PtoQ(P)

    # The prob variable is created to contain the problem data
    prob = LpProblem("Scheduling Problem - Tompkins Formulation", LpMinimize)

    # The problem variables are created
    # X - 1 if job is scheduled to be completed by agent
    X = LpVariable.dicts("X", (Jobs, Agents), 0, 1, LpInteger)
    # S - Scheduled start time of job
    S = LpVariable.dicts("S", Jobs, 0, M, LpContinuous)

    # Theta - Whether two jobs overlap
    Theta = LpVariable.dicts("Theta", (Jobs, Jobs), 0, 1, LpInteger)
    # Makespan
    Cmax = LpVariable("C_max", 0, M, LpContinuous)

    # 4.2.2 CONSTRAINTS #

    # Objective function
    prob += Cmax

    # Subject to:

    # 4-1 Cmax is greater than the ending schedule time of all jobs
    for job in Jobs:
        prob += Cmax >= S[job] + lpSum([D[job, agent] * X[job][agent]
            for agent in Agents if B[job, agent]>0])

    # 4-2 an agent cannot be assigned a job unless it provides the services
    # necessary to complete that job
    for job in Jobs:
        for agent in Agents:
            if B[job, agent] == 0:
                prob += X[job][agent] == 0

    # 4-3 specifies that each job must be assigned once to exactly one agent
    for job in Jobs:
        prob += lpSum([X[job][agent] for agent in Agents]) == 1

    # 4-4 a job cannot start until its predecessors are completed and data has
    # been communicated to it if the preceding jobs were executed on a
    # different agent
    for (j,k), prec in P.items():
        if prec>0: # if j precedes k in the DAG
            prob += S[k]>=S[j]
            for a in Agents:
                for b in Agents:
                    if B[j,a] and B[k,b]: # a is capable of j and b capable of k
                        prob += S[k] >= (S[j] +
                                (D[j,a] + C[j,a,b]) * (X[j][a] + X[k][b] -1))

    # 4-5 a job cannot start until after its release time
    for job in Jobs:
        if R[job]>0:
            prob += S[job] >= R[job]

    # Collectively, (4-6) and (4-7) specify that an agent may process at most
    # one job at a time

    # 4-6
    for j in Jobs:
        for k in Jobs:
            if j==k or Q[j,k]!=0:
            prob += S[k] - lpSum([D[j,a]*X[j][a] for a in Agents]) - S[j] >= (
            # The following line had a < in the paper. We've switched to <=
            # Uncertain if this is a good idea
            prob += S[k] - lpSum([D[j,a]*X[j][a] for a in Agents]) - S[j] <= (
    # 4-7 if two jobs j and k are assigned to the same agent, their execution
    # times may not overlap
    for j in Jobs:
        for k in Jobs:
            for a in Agents:
                prob += X[j][a] + X[k][a] + Theta[j][k] + Theta[k][j] <= 3

    return prob, X, S, Cmax
Esempio n. 55
	def learn2(self, performance_table):
		"""This version of learn checks whether or not an alternative is to be kept
		in the learning process. This method is also faster than the previous version

		prob = LpProblem("Learn", LpMaximize)

		alts = filter(lambda a: a.__class__.__name__ != "LimitProfile", performance_table.alts)
		crits = self.crits

		alts_name = [ for alt in alts]
		crits_name = [ for crit in crits]
		categories = self.categories
		categories.sort(key=lambda c: c.rank, reverse=True)	
		categoriesUp = list(categories)
		firstCat = categoriesUp.pop(0)
		categoriesDown = list(categories)
		lastCat = categoriesDown.pop()
		categories0 = list(categories)
		categories0.insert(0, Category(rank = (categories[0].rank + 1), name = "fake")) #add a fake category on the first position
		alternativesByCat = {}
		for cat in categories:
			alternativesByCat[cat] = [alt for alt in alts if alt.category == cat]
		#small float number
		epsilon = 0.001

		#variables (v: variable, d: dict of variables)
		v_lambda = LpVariable("lambda", lowBound=0.5, upBound=1)
		d_gamma = LpVariable.dicts("gamma", alts_name, cat=LpBinary)
		d_p = LpVariable.dicts("p", crits_name, lowBound=0, upBound=1)
		d_gb = LpVariable.dicts("gb", \
								[ + for crit in crits for cat in categories0], \
								lowBound=0, \
		d_deltaInf = LpVariable.dicts("deltaInf", \
									  [ + for alt in alts for crit in crits], \
		d_deltaSup = LpVariable.dicts("deltaSup", \
									  [ + for alt in alts for crit in crits], \
		d_cInf = LpVariable.dicts("cInf", \
								  [ + for alt in alts for crit in crits], \
								  lowBound=0, upBound=1)
		d_cSup = LpVariable.dicts("cSup", \
								  [ + for alt in alts for crit in crits], \
								  lowBound=0, upBound=1)

		prob += sum(d_gamma[] for alt in alts)

		for crit in crits:
			prob += d_gb[ + "fake"] == 0
			prob += d_gb[ +] == 1
		for cat in categoriesDown:
			for alt in alternativesByCat[cat]:
				tmp = + #fixed a weird bug with pulp
				prob += sum(d_cSup[tmp] for crit in crits) + epsilon <= v_lambda + 2 * (1 - d_gamma[])
		for cat in categoriesUp:
			for alt in alternativesByCat[cat]:
				tmp = + #fixed a weird bug with pulp
				prob += sum(d_cInf[tmp] for crit in crits) >= v_lambda - 2 * (1 - d_gamma[])					

		for alt in alts:	   
			for crit in crits:
				prob += d_cInf[ +] <= d_p[]
				prob += d_cSup[ +] <= d_p[]
				prob += d_cInf[ +] <= d_deltaInf[ +]
				prob += d_cSup[ +] <= d_deltaSup[ +]
				prob += d_cInf[ +] >= d_deltaInf[ +] + d_p[] - 1
				prob += d_cSup[ +] >= d_deltaSup[ +] + d_p[] - 1
		prev_cat_name = "fake"
		for cat in categories:
			for alt in alternativesByCat[cat]:
				for crit in crits:
					prob += d_deltaInf[ +] >= performance_table[alt][crit] - d_gb[ + prev_cat_name] + epsilon
					prob += d_deltaSup[ +] >= performance_table[alt][crit] - d_gb[ +] + epsilon
					prob += d_deltaInf[ +] <= performance_table[alt][crit] - d_gb[ + prev_cat_name] + 1
					prob += d_deltaSup[ +] <= performance_table[alt][crit] - d_gb[ +] + 1
			prev_cat_name =

		prev_cat_name =
		for cat in categoriesUp:
			for crit in crits:
				prob += d_gb[ +] >= d_gb[ + prev_cat_name]
			prev_cat_name =
		prob += sum(d_p[] for crit in crits) == 1
		print prob
		#update parameters
		self.cutting_threshold = v_lambda.value()

		for crit in crits:
			crit.weight = d_p[].value()
		for cat in categoriesDown:
			for crit in crits:
				performance_table[cat.lp_sup][crit] = d_gb[ +].value()		
		self.ignoredAlternatives = []
		for alt in alts:
			if d_gamma[].value() == 0:
Esempio n. 56
from math import floor, ceil

tol = pow(pow(2, -24), 2.0 / 3.0)
debug_print = False



prob = dippy.DipProblem("Bin Packing")

assign_vars = LpVariable.dicts("AtLocation",
              [(i, j) for i in data.LOCATIONS
                      for j in data.PRODUCTS],
              0, 1, LpBinary)
use_vars    = LpVariable.dicts("UseLocation",
              data.LOCATIONS, 0, 1, LpBinary)
waste_vars  = LpVariable.dicts("Waste",
              data.LOCATIONS, 0, data.CAPACITY)

# objective: minimise waste
prob += lpSum(waste_vars[i] for i in LOCATIONS), "min"

# assignment constraints
for j in PRODUCTS:
    prob += lpSum(assign_vars[(i, j)] for i in LOCATIONS) == 1

# Aggregate capacity constraints
for i in LOCATIONS:
Esempio n. 57
    numVars = 40
    numCons = 20
    density = 0.2
    maxObjCoeff = 10
    maxConsCoeff = 10
    CONSTRAINTS = ["C"+str(i) for i in range(numCons)]
    if layout == 'ladot':
        VARIABLES = ["x_{"+str(i)+"}" for i in range(numVars)]
        VARIABLES = ["x"+str(i) for i in range(numVars)]
    OBJ = {i : randint(1, maxObjCoeff) for i in VARIABLES}
    MAT = {i : [randint(1, maxConsCoeff) if random() <= density else 0
                for j in CONSTRAINTS] for i in VARIABLES}
    RHS = [randint(int(numVars*density*maxConsCoeff/2), int(numVars*density*maxConsCoeff/1.5)) for i in CONSTRAINTS]

var   = LpVariable.dicts("", VARIABLES, 0, 1)


#Branching strategies

#search strategies
DEPTH_FIRST = "Depth First"
BEST_FIRST = "Best First"

#Selected branching strategy
branch_strategy = FIXED
search_strategy = BEST_FIRST
Esempio n. 58
    x -= (x >> 1) & 0x5555555555555555
    x = (x & 0x3333333333333333) + ((x >> 2) & 0x3333333333333333)
    x = (x + (x >> 4)) & 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f
    return ((x * 0x0101010101010101) & 0xffffffffffffffff ) >> 56

labels = range(2**nmice)
# Only use labels with a Hamming weight <= 3
nonzeros = [i for i in labels if popcount(i) in [0,1,2,3]]

# Initialize problem
prob = LpProblem("drunk_mice", LpMinimize)

# This is the answer, the allocation of bottles to each label:
allocs = LpVariable.dicts(
    0, nbottles,

# They must sum to nbottles:
prob += lpSum(allocs) == nbottles

# This is the number we are minimizing
worst_loss = LpVariable(

prob += worst_loss, "obj"
Esempio n. 59
    from facility_ex2 import ASSIGNMENTS
except ImportError:
    ASSIGNMENTS = [(i, j) for i in LOCATIONS for j in PRODUCTS]

    from facility_ex2 import ASSIGNMENT_COSTS
except ImportError:
    ASSIGNMENT_COSTS = dict((i, 0) for i in ASSIGNMENTS)

display_mode = 'xdot'

prob = dippy.DipProblem("Facility Location", display_mode = display_mode,
                        layout = 'dot', display_interval = 0)

assign_vars = LpVariable.dicts("x", ASSIGNMENTS, 0, 1, LpBinary)
use_vars    = LpVariable.dicts("y", LOCATIONS, 0, 1, LpBinary)

debug_print = False

debug_print_lp = False

prob += (lpSum(use_vars[i] * FIXED_COST[i] for i in LOCATIONS) +
         lpSum(assign_vars[j] * ASSIGNMENT_COSTS[j] for j in ASSIGNMENTS), 

# assignment constraints
for j in PRODUCTS:
    prob += lpSum(assign_vars[(i, j)] for i in LOCATIONS) == 1

# Aggregate capacity constraints