Esempio n. 1
def _validate_proxy_username(config):
    The proxy_username is optional. If it is set, this method will ensure that it is a string,
    and it will
    also ensure that the proxy_password and proxy_url settings are set.

    :param config: The configuration object that we are validating.
    :type  config: pulp.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration
    proxy_username = config.get(importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_USER)
    # Proxy username is not required unless the password is set
    if proxy_username is None and config.get(
            importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_PASS) is None:
    elif proxy_username is None:
        # If proxy_password is set, proxy_username must also be set
        msg = _(
            'The configuration parameter <%(password_name)s> requires the <%(username_name)s> '
            'parameter '
            'to also be set.')
        msg = msg % {
            'password_name': importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_PASS,
            'username_name': importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_USER
        raise configuration_utils.ValidationError(msg)

    if not isinstance(proxy_username, basestring):
        msg = _(
            'The configuration parameter <%(name)s> should be a string, but it was %(type)s.'
        msg = msg % {
            'name': importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_USER,
            'type': type(proxy_username)
        raise configuration_utils.ValidationError(msg)
Esempio n. 2
def _validate_ssl_client_cert(config):
    Make sure the ssl_client_cert is a string, if it is set.

    :param config: The configuration object that we are validating.
    :type  config: pulp.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration
    ssl_client_cert = config.get(importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CLIENT_CERT)
    if ssl_client_cert is None and config.get(
            importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CLIENT_KEY) is None:
        # ssl_client_cert is not required
    elif ssl_client_cert is None:
        # If the key is set, we should also have a cert
        msg = _(
            'The configuration parameter <%(key_name)s> requires the <%(cert_name)s> parameter to '
            'also '
            'be set.')
        msg = msg % {
            'key_name': importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CLIENT_KEY,
            'cert_name': importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CLIENT_CERT
        raise configuration_utils.ValidationError(msg)

    if not isinstance(ssl_client_cert, basestring):
        msg = _(
            'The configuration parameter <%(name)s> should be a string, but it was %(type)s.'
        msg = msg % {
            'name': importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CLIENT_CERT,
            'type': type(ssl_client_cert)
        raise configuration_utils.ValidationError(msg)
Esempio n. 3
def _validate_proxy_url(config):
    Make sure the proxy_url is a string, if it is set.

    :param config: The configuration object that we are validating.
    :type  config: pulp.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration
    dependencies = [
        importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_PASS, importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_PORT,
    proxy_url = config.get(importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_HOST)
    if proxy_url is None and all(
        [config.get(parameter) is None for parameter in dependencies]):
        # Proxy url is not required
    elif proxy_url is None:
        msg = _(
            'The configuration parameter <%(name)s> is required when any of the following other '
            'parameters are defined: ' + ', '.join(dependencies) + '.')
        msg = msg % {'name': importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_HOST}
        raise configuration_utils.ValidationError(msg)
    if not isinstance(proxy_url, basestring):
        msg = _(
            'The configuration parameter <%(name)s> should be a string, but it was %(type)s.'
        msg = msg % {
            'name': importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_HOST,
            'type': type(proxy_url)
        raise configuration_utils.ValidationError(msg)
Esempio n. 4
def _validate_proxy_password(config):
    The proxy_password setting is optional. However, if it is set, it must be a string. Also,
    if it is set,
    proxy_user must also be set.

    :param config: The configuration object that we are validating.
    :type  config: pulp.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration
    proxy_password = config.get(importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_PASS)
    if proxy_password is None and config.get(
            importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_USER) is None:
        # Proxy password is not required
    elif proxy_password is None:
        # If proxy_password is set, proxy_username must also be set
        msg = _(
            'The configuration parameter <%(username_name)s> requires the <%(password_name)s> '
            'parameter '
            'to also be set.')
        msg = msg % {
            'password_name': importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_PASS,
            'username_name': importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_USER
        raise configuration_utils.ValidationError(msg)

    if not isinstance(proxy_password, basestring):
        msg = _(
            'The configuration parameter <%(proxy_password_name)s> should be a string, but it was '
        msg = msg % {
            'proxy_password_name': importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_PASS,
            'type': type(proxy_password)
        raise configuration_utils.ValidationError(msg)
Esempio n. 5
def _validate_max_speed(config):
    Make sure the max speed can be cast to a number, if it is defined.

    :rtype: tuple
    max_speed = config.get(importer_constants.KEY_MAX_SPEED)
    # max_speed is not required
    if max_speed is None:

        max_speed = float(max_speed)
        if max_speed <= 0:
            raise ValueError()
    except ValueError:
        msg = _(
            'The configuration parameter <%(max_speed_name)s> must be set to a positive numerical '
            'value, '
            'but is currently set to <%(max_speed_value)s>.')
        msg = msg % {
            'max_speed_name': importer_constants.KEY_MAX_SPEED,
            'max_speed_value': max_speed
        raise configuration_utils.ValidationError(msg)
Esempio n. 6
def _validate_proxy_port(config):
    The proxy_port is optional. If it is set, this will make sure the proxy_url is also set,
    and that the port
    is a positive integer.

    :param config: The configuration object that we are validating.
    :type  config: pulp.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration
    proxy_port = config.get(importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_PORT)
    if proxy_port is None:
        # Proxy port is not required

        proxy_port = _cast_to_int_without_allowing_floats(proxy_port)
        if proxy_port < 1:
            raise ValueError()
    except ValueError:
        msg = _(
            'The configuration parameter <%(name)s> must be set to a positive integer, '
            'but is currently '
            'set to <%(value)s>.')
        msg = msg % {
            'name': importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_PORT,
            'value': proxy_port
        raise configuration_utils.ValidationError(msg)
Esempio n. 7
def _validate_num_threads(config):
    Make sure the num_threads value is a positive integer, if it is set.

    :param config: The configuration object that we are validating.
    :type  config: pulp.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration
    num_threads = config.get(importer_constants.KEY_MAX_DOWNLOADS)
    if num_threads is None:
        # We don't require num_threads to be set

        num_threads = _cast_to_int_without_allowing_floats(num_threads)
        if num_threads < 1:
            raise ValueError()
    except ValueError:
        msg = _(
            'The configuration parameter <%(num_threads_name)s> must be set to a positive '
            'integer, but '
            'is currently set to <%(num_threads)s>.')
        msg = msg % {
            'num_threads_name': importer_constants.KEY_MAX_DOWNLOADS,
            'num_threads': num_threads
        raise configuration_utils.ValidationError(msg)
Esempio n. 8
def _validate_feed_url(config):
    Make sure the feed_url is a string, if it is set.
    feed_url = config.get(importer_constants.KEY_FEED)
    if feed_url and not isinstance(feed_url, basestring):
        msg = _('<%(feed_url)s> must be a string.')
        msg = msg % {'feed_url': importer_constants.KEY_FEED}
        raise configuration_utils.ValidationError(msg)
Esempio n. 9
def _validate_ssl_cert(config, setting_name):
    Ensure that the setting_name from config is a valid SSL certificate, if it is given. This
    setting is not

    :param config:       The config to validate
    :type  config:       pulp.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration
    :param setting_name: The name of the setting that needs to be validated
    :type  setting_name: str
    ssl_cert = config.get(setting_name)
    if not ssl_cert:
        # The cert is not required
    if not yum_utils.validate_cert(ssl_cert):
        msg = _("The SSL certificate <%(s)s> is not a valid certificate.")
        msg = msg % {'s': setting_name}
        raise configuration_utils.ValidationError(msg)
Esempio n. 10
def _validate_ssl_ca_cert(config):
    Make sure the ssl_ca_cert is a string, if it is set.

    :param config: The configuration object that we are validating.
    :type  config: pulp.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration
    ssl_ca_cert = config.get(importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CA_CERT)
    if ssl_ca_cert is None:
        # ssl_ca_cert is not required
    if not isinstance(ssl_ca_cert, basestring):
        msg = _(
            'The configuration parameter <%(name)s> should be a string, but it was %(type)s.'
        msg = msg % {
            'name': importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CA_CERT,
            'type': type(ssl_ca_cert)
        raise configuration_utils.ValidationError(msg)
Esempio n. 11
def _validate_ssl_client_key(config):
    Make sure the ssl_client_key is a string and that the cert is also provided, if the key is set.

    :param config: The configuration object that we are validating.
    :type  config: pulp.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration
    ssl_client_key = config.get(importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CLIENT_KEY)
    if ssl_client_key is None:
        # ssl_client_key is not required

    if not isinstance(ssl_client_key, basestring):
        msg = _(
            'The configuration parameter <%(name)s> should be a string, but it was %(type)s.'
        msg = msg % {
            'name': importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CLIENT_KEY,
            'type': type(ssl_client_key)
        raise configuration_utils.ValidationError(msg)