Esempio n. 1
class TestISOSyncRun(PulpRPMTests):
    Test the ISOSyncRun object.
    def setUp(self):
        self.iso_sync_run = ISOSyncRun()
        self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_cancel_sync(self):
        Test what happens if cancel_sync is called when there is no Bumper.
        FakeBumper = MagicMock(spec_set=ISOBumper)

        self.iso_sync_run.bumper = FakeBumper()

    @patch('pulp_rpm.plugins.importers.iso_importer.sync.SyncProgressReport', autospec=True)
    def test_perform_sync(self, progress_report, curl_multi, curl):
        Assert that we perform all of the correct calls to various things during perform_sync().
        repo = MagicMock(spec=Repository)
        working_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "working")
        pkg_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'content')
        repo.working_dir = working_dir
        sync_conduit = importer_mocks.get_sync_conduit(type_id=TYPE_ID_ISO, pkg_dir=pkg_dir)
        config = importer_mocks.get_basic_config(
            feed_url='', max_speed='500.0', num_threads='5',
            ssl_client_cert="Trust me, I'm who I say I am.", ssl_client_key="Secret Key",
            ssl_ca_cert="Uh, I guess that's the right server.",
            proxy_url='', proxy_port='1234', proxy_user="******",

        report = self.iso_sync_run.perform_sync(repo, sync_conduit, config)

        # There should now be three Units in the DB, one for each of the three ISOs that our mocks
        # got us.
        units = [tuple(call)[1][0] for call in sync_conduit.save_unit.mock_calls]
        self.assertEqual(len(units), 3)
        expected_units = {
            'test.iso': {
                'checksum': 'f02d5a72cd2d57fa802840a76b44c6c6920a8b8e6b90b20e26c03876275069e0',
                'size': 16, 'contents': 'This is a file.\n'},
            'test2.iso': {
                'checksum': 'c7fbc0e821c0871805a99584c6a384533909f68a6bbe9a2a687d28d9f3b10c16',
                'size': 22, 'contents': 'This is another file.\n'},
            'test3.iso': {
                'checksum': '94f7fe923212286855dea858edac1b4a292301045af0ddb275544e5251a50b3c',
                'size': 34, 'contents': 'Are you starting to get the idea?\n'}}
        for unit in units:
            expected_unit = expected_units[unit.unit_key['name']]
            self.assertEqual(unit.unit_key['checksum'], expected_unit['checksum'])
            self.assertEqual(unit.unit_key['size'], expected_unit['size'])
            expected_storage_path = os.path.join(
                pkg_dir, unit.unit_key['name'], unit.unit_key['checksum'],
                str(unit.unit_key['size']), unit.unit_key['name'])
            self.assertEqual(unit.storage_path, expected_storage_path)
            with open(unit.storage_path) as data:
                contents =
            self.assertEqual(contents, expected_unit['contents'])
class TestISOSyncRun(PulpRPMTests):
    Test the ISOSyncRun object.
    def setUp(self):
        self.config = importer_mocks.get_basic_config(
            feed_url='', max_speed=500.0, num_threads=5,
            ssl_client_cert="Trust me, I'm who I say I am.", ssl_client_key="Secret Key",
            ssl_ca_cert="Uh, I guess that's the right server.",
            proxy_url='', proxy_port=1234, proxy_user="******",

        self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        self.pkg_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'content')

        # These checksums correspond to the checksums of the files that our curl mocks will generate. Our
        # curl mocks do not have a test4.iso, so that one is to test removal of old ISOs during sync
        self.existing_units = [
                 {'name': 'test.iso', 'size': 16,
                  'checksum': 'f02d5a72cd2d57fa802840a76b44c6c6920a8b8e6b90b20e26c03876275069e0'},
                 {}, '/path/test.iso'),
                 {'name': 'test2.iso', 'size': 22,
                  'checksum': 'c7fbc0e821c0871805a99584c6a384533909f68a6bbe9a2a687d28d9f3b10c16'},
                 {}, '/path/test2.iso'),
            Unit(TYPE_ID_ISO, {'name': 'test4.iso', 'size': 4, 'checksum': 'sum4'},
                 {}, '/path/test4.iso')]
        self.sync_conduit = importer_mocks.get_sync_conduit(type_id=TYPE_ID_ISO, pkg_dir=self.pkg_dir,

        self.iso_sync_run = ISOSyncRun(self.sync_conduit, self.config)

    def tearDown(self):

    def test__init__(self):
        Make sure the __init__ method does cool stuff.
        iso_sync_run = ISOSyncRun(self.sync_conduit, self.config)

        # Now let's assert that all the right things happened during initialization
        self.assertEqual(iso_sync_run.sync_conduit, self.sync_conduit)
        self.assertEqual(iso_sync_run._repo_url, '')
        # Validation of downloads should be enabled by default
        self.assertEqual(iso_sync_run._validate_downloads, True)
        # Deleting missing ISOs should be enabled by default
        self.assertEqual(iso_sync_run._remove_missing_units, False)

        # Inspect the downloader
        downloader = iso_sync_run.downloader
        # The iso_sync_run should be the event listener for the downloader
        self.assertEqual(downloader.event_listener, iso_sync_run)
        # Inspect the downloader config
        expected_downloader_config = {
            'max_speed': 500.0, 'num_threads': 5,
            'ssl_client_cert': "Trust me, I'm who I say I am.",
            'ssl_client_key': 'Secret Key',
            'ssl_ca_cert': "Uh, I guess that's the right server.", 'ssl_verify_host': 1,
            'ssl_verify_peer': 1, 'proxy_url': '',
            'proxy_port': 1234,
            'proxy_user': '******',
            'proxy_password': '******'}
        for key, value in expected_downloader_config.items():
            self.assertEquals(getattr(downloader.config, key), value)
        self.assertEquals(type(iso_sync_run.progress_report), SyncProgressReport)

    def test_cancel_sync(self):
        Test what happens if cancel_sync is called when there is no Bumper.
        # This just passes since the downloader library does not support cancellation. This helps us get one
        # more line of coverage though!

    def test_download_failed_during_iso_download(self):
        self.iso_sync_run.progress_report.manifest_state = STATE_COMPLETE
        self.iso_sync_run.progress_report.isos_state = STATE_RUNNING
        url = ',31302/'
        report = DownloadReport(url, '/fake/destination')
        self.iso_sync_run._url_iso_map = {url: {'name': "fake.iso"}}


        # The url shouldn't be in the iso map anymore
        self.assertEqual(self.iso_sync_run._url_iso_map, {})

    def test_download_failed_during_manifest(self):
        self.iso_sync_run.progress_report.manifest_state = STATE_RUNNING
        url = ',31302/'
        report = DownloadReport(url, '/fake/destination')


        # The manifest_state should be failed
        self.assertEqual(self.iso_sync_run.progress_report.manifest_state, STATE_FAILED)

    def test_download_succeeded(self, download_failed):
        destination = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'test.txt')
        with open(destination, 'w') as test_file:
                'Descartes walks into a bar and sits down, the bartender walks up to him and says "You, my '
                'man, look like you need a stiff drink." Descartes considers this, and shakes his head "No, '
                'I don\'t think-" and ceases to exist.')
        unit = 'fake_unit'
        iso = {'name': 'test.txt', 'size': 217, 'destination': destination,
               'checksum': 'a1552efee6f04012bc7e1f3e02c00c6177b08217cead958c47ec83cb8f97f835',
               'unit': unit, 'url': ''}
        report = DownloadReport(iso['url'], destination)

        # Simulate having downloaded the whole file
        iso['bytes_downloaded'] = iso['size']
        report.bytes_downloaded = iso['size']
        # We need to put this on the url_iso_map so that the iso can be retrieved for validation
        self.iso_sync_run._url_iso_map = {iso['url']: iso}
        self.iso_sync_run.progress_report.isos_state = STATE_RUNNING


        # The url_iso map should be empty now
        self.assertEqual(self.iso_sync_run._url_iso_map, {})
        # The sync conduit should have been called to save the unit
        # The download should not fail
        self.assertEqual(download_failed.call_count, 0)

    def test_download_succeeded_honors_validate_downloads_set_false(self, download_failed):
        We have a setting that makes download validation optional. This test ensures that download_succeeded()
        honors that setting.
        # In this config, we will set validate_downloads to False, which should make our "wrong_checksum" OK
        config = importer_mocks.get_basic_config(feed_url='',

        iso_sync_run = ISOSyncRun(self.sync_conduit, config)

        destination = StringIO()
        destination.write('What happens when you combine a mosquito with a mountain climber? Nothing. You '
                          'can\'t cross a vector with a scalar.')
        unit = 'fake_unit'
        iso = {'name': 'test.txt', 'size': 114, 'destination': destination,
               'checksum': 'wrong checksum',
               'unit': unit, 'url': ''}
        report = DownloadReport(iso['url'], destination)

        # Let's fake having downloaded the whole file
        iso['bytes_downloaded'] = iso['size']
        report.bytes_downloaded = iso['size']
        # We need to put this on the url_iso_map so that the iso can be retrieved for validation
        iso_sync_run._url_iso_map = {iso['url']: iso}
        iso_sync_run.progress_report.isos_state = STATE_RUNNING


        # The url_iso map should be empty now
        self.assertEqual(iso_sync_run._url_iso_map, {})
        # The sync conduit should have been called to save the unit
        # The download should not fail
        self.assertEqual(download_failed.call_count, 0)

    def test_download_succeeded_honors_validate_downloads_set_true(self, download_failed):
        We have a setting that makes download validation optional. This test ensures that download_succeeded()
        honors that setting.
        # In this config, we will set validate_downloads to False, which should make our "wrong_checksum" OK
        config = importer_mocks.get_basic_config(feed_url='',

        iso_sync_run = ISOSyncRun(self.sync_conduit, config)

        destination = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'test.txt')
        with open(destination, 'w') as test_file:
            test_file.write('Boring test data.')
        unit = 'fake_unit'
        iso = {'name': 'test.txt', 'size': 114, 'destination': destination,
               'checksum': 'wrong checksum',
               'unit': unit, 'url': ''}
        report = DownloadReport(iso['url'], destination)

        # Let's fake having downloaded the whole file
        iso['bytes_downloaded'] = iso['size']
        report.bytes_downloaded = iso['size']
        # We need to put this on the url_iso_map so that the iso can be retrieved for validation
        iso_sync_run._url_iso_map = {iso['url']: iso}
        iso_sync_run.progress_report.isos_state = STATE_RUNNING


        # Because we fail validation, the save_unit step will not be called
        self.assertEqual(self.sync_conduit.save_unit.call_count, 0)
        # The download should be marked failed
        self.assertEqual(download_failed.call_count, 1)

    def test_download_succeeded_fails_checksum(self, download_failed):
        This test verifies that download_succeeded does the right thing if the checksum fails. Note
        that we are also implicitly testing that the default behavior is to validate downloads by
        not setting it in this test. There are two other tests that verify that setting the boolean
        explicitly is honored.
        destination = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'test.txt')
        with open(destination, 'w') as test_file:
            test_file.write('Boring test data.')
        unit = 'fake_unit'
        iso = {'name': 'test.txt', 'size': 114, 'destination': destination,
               'checksum': 'wrong checksum',
               'unit': unit, 'url': ''}
        report = DownloadReport(iso['url'], destination)

        # Let's fake having downloaded the whole file
        iso['bytes_downloaded'] = iso['size']
        report.bytes_downloaded = iso['size']
        # We need to put this on the url_iso_map so that the iso can be retrieved for validation
        self.iso_sync_run._url_iso_map = {iso['url']: iso}
        self.iso_sync_run.progress_report.isos_state = STATE_RUNNING


        # Because we fail validation, the save_unit step will not be called
        self.assertEqual(self.sync_conduit.save_unit.call_count, 0)
        # The download should be marked failed
        self.assertEqual(download_failed.call_count, 1)

    @patch('', side_effect=importer_mocks.ISOCurl)
    @patch('', side_effect=importer_mocks.CurlMulti)
    def test_perform_sync(self, curl_multi, curl):
        Assert that perform_sync() makes appropriate changes to the DB and filesystem.
        repo = MagicMock(spec=Repository)
        working_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "working")
        repo.working_dir = working_dir


        # There should now be three Units in the DB, but only test3.iso is the new one
        units = [tuple(call)[1][0] for call in self.sync_conduit.save_unit.mock_calls]
        self.assertEqual(len(units), 1)
        expected_unit = {'checksum': '94f7fe923212286855dea858edac1b4a292301045af0ddb275544e5251a50b3c',
                         'size': 34, 'contents': 'Are you starting to get the idea?\n', 'name': 'test3.iso'}
        unit = units[0]
        self.assertEqual(unit.unit_key['checksum'], expected_unit['checksum'])
        self.assertEqual(unit.unit_key['size'], expected_unit['size'])
        expected_storage_path = os.path.join(
            self.pkg_dir, unit.unit_key['name'], unit.unit_key['checksum'],
            str(unit.unit_key['size']), unit.unit_key['name'])
        self.assertEqual(unit.storage_path, expected_storage_path)
        with open(unit.storage_path) as data:
            contents =
        self.assertEqual(contents, expected_unit['contents'])
        # There should be 0 calls to sync_conduit.remove_unit, since remove_missing_units is False by default
        self.assertEqual(self.sync_conduit.remove_unit.call_count, 0)

    @patch('', side_effect=importer_mocks.ISOCurl)
    @patch('', side_effect=importer_mocks.CurlMulti)
    def test_perform_sync_remove_missing_units_set_false(self, curl_multi, curl):
        # Make sure the missing ISOs don't get removed if they aren't supposed to
        config = importer_mocks.get_basic_config(
            feed_url='', max_speed=500.0, num_threads=5,
            proxy_url='', proxy_port=1234, proxy_user="******",
            proxy_password='******', remove_missing_units=False,
            ssl_client_cert="Trust me, I'm who I say I am.", ssl_client_key="Secret Key",
            ssl_ca_cert="Uh, I guess that's the right server.")

        iso_sync_run = ISOSyncRun(self.sync_conduit, config)

        repo = MagicMock(spec=Repository)
        working_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "working")
        repo.working_dir = working_dir

        report = iso_sync_run.perform_sync()

        # There should now be three Units in the DB
        units = [tuple(call)[1][0] for call in self.sync_conduit.save_unit.mock_calls]
        self.assertEqual(len(units), 1)
        expected_unit = {'checksum': '94f7fe923212286855dea858edac1b4a292301045af0ddb275544e5251a50b3c',
                         'size': 34, 'contents': 'Are you starting to get the idea?\n', 'name': 'test3.iso'}
        unit = units[0]
        self.assertEqual(unit.unit_key['checksum'], expected_unit['checksum'])
        self.assertEqual(unit.unit_key['size'], expected_unit['size'])
        expected_storage_path = os.path.join(
            self.pkg_dir, unit.unit_key['name'], unit.unit_key['checksum'],
            str(unit.unit_key['size']), unit.unit_key['name'])
        self.assertEqual(unit.storage_path, expected_storage_path)
        with open(unit.storage_path) as data:
            contents =
        self.assertEqual(contents, expected_unit['contents'])
        # There should be 0 calls to sync_conduit.remove_unit, since remove_missing_units is False by default
        self.assertEqual(self.sync_conduit.remove_unit.call_count, 0)

    @patch('', side_effect=importer_mocks.ISOCurl)
    @patch('', side_effect=importer_mocks.CurlMulti)
    def test_perform_sync_remove_missing_units_set_true(self, curl_multi, curl):
        # Make sure the missing ISOs get removed when they are supposed to
        # Make sure the missing ISOs don't get removed if they aren't supposed to
        config = importer_mocks.get_basic_config(
            feed_url='', max_speed=500.0, num_threads=5,
            proxy_url='', proxy_port=1234, proxy_user="******",
            proxy_password='******', remove_missing_units=True,
            ssl_client_cert="Trust me, I'm who I say I am.", ssl_client_key="Secret Key",
            ssl_ca_cert="Uh, I guess that's the right server.")

        iso_sync_run = ISOSyncRun(self.sync_conduit, config)

        repo = MagicMock(spec=Repository)
        working_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "working")
        repo.working_dir = working_dir

        report = iso_sync_run.perform_sync()

        # There should now be three Units in the DB
        units = [tuple(call)[1][0] for call in self.sync_conduit.save_unit.mock_calls]
        self.assertEqual(len(units), 1)
        expected_unit = {'checksum': '94f7fe923212286855dea858edac1b4a292301045af0ddb275544e5251a50b3c',
                         'size': 34, 'contents': 'Are you starting to get the idea?\n', 'name': 'test3.iso'}
        unit = units[0]
        self.assertEqual(unit.unit_key['checksum'], expected_unit['checksum'])
        self.assertEqual(unit.unit_key['size'], expected_unit['size'])
        expected_storage_path = os.path.join(
            self.pkg_dir, unit.unit_key['name'], unit.unit_key['checksum'],
            str(unit.unit_key['size']), unit.unit_key['name'])
        self.assertEqual(unit.storage_path, expected_storage_path)
        with open(unit.storage_path) as data:
            contents =
        self.assertEqual(contents, expected_unit['contents'])

        # There should be 0 calls to sync_conduit.remove_unit, since remove_missing_units is False by default
        self.assertEqual(self.sync_conduit.remove_unit.call_count, 1)
        removed_unit = self.sync_conduit.remove_unit.mock_calls[0][1][0]
        self.assertEqual(removed_unit.unit_key, {'name': 'test4.iso', 'size': 4, 'checksum': 'sum4'}) 

    @patch('', side_effect=importer_mocks.ISOCurl)
    @patch('', side_effect=importer_mocks.CurlMulti)
    def test__download_isos(self, curl_multi, curl):
        # We need to mark the iso_downloader as being in the ISO downloading state
        self.iso_sync_run.progress_report.isos_state = STATE_RUNNING
        # Let's put three ISOs in the manifest
        manifest = [
            {'name': 'test.iso', 'size': 16, 'expected_test_data': 'This is a file.\n',
             'checksum': 'f02d5a72cd2d57fa802840a76b44c6c6920a8b8e6b90b20e26c03876275069e0',
             'url': '', 'destination': os.path.join(self.pkg_dir, 'test.iso')},
            {'name': 'test2.iso', 'size': 22, 'expected_test_data': 'This is another file.\n', 
             'checksum': 'c7fbc0e821c0871805a99584c6a384533909f68a6bbe9a2a687d28d9f3b10c16',
             'url': '', 'destination': os.path.join(self.pkg_dir, 'test2.iso')},
            {'name': 'test3.iso', 'size': 34, 'expected_test_data': 'Are you starting to get the idea?\n',
             'checksum': '94f7fe923212286855dea858edac1b4a292301045af0ddb275544e5251a50b3c',
             'url': '', 'destination': os.path.join(self.pkg_dir, 'test3.iso')},]


        # There should have been two calls to the sync_conduit per ISO, for a total of six calls. Once each to
        # initialize the unit, and once each to save it
        self.assertEqual(self.sync_conduit.init_unit.call_count, 3)
        self.assertEqual(self.sync_conduit.save_unit.call_count, 3)

        for index, iso in enumerate(manifest):
            expected_relative_path = os.path.join(iso['name'], iso['checksum'],
                                                  str(iso['size']), iso['name'])
                {'name': iso['name'], 'size': iso['size'], 'checksum': iso['checksum']},
                {}, expected_relative_path)
            unit = self.sync_conduit.save_unit.call_args_list[index][0][0]
            self.assertEqual(unit.unit_key['name'], iso['name'])
            self.assertEqual(unit.unit_key['checksum'], iso['checksum'])
            self.assertEqual(unit.unit_key['size'], iso['size'])

            # The file should have been stored at the final destination
            expected_destination = os.path.join(self.pkg_dir, expected_relative_path)
            with open(expected_destination) as written_file:
                self.assertEqual(, iso['expected_test_data'])

    @patch('', side_effect=importer_mocks.ISOCurl)
    @patch('', side_effect=importer_mocks.CurlMulti)
    def test__download_manifest(self, curl_multi, curl):
        manifest = self.iso_sync_run._download_manifest()

        expected_manifest = [
            {'url': '', 'name': 'test.iso', 'size': 16,
             'checksum': 'f02d5a72cd2d57fa802840a76b44c6c6920a8b8e6b90b20e26c03876275069e0'},
            {'url': '', 'name': 'test2.iso', 'size': 22,
             'checksum': 'c7fbc0e821c0871805a99584c6a384533909f68a6bbe9a2a687d28d9f3b10c16'},
            {'url': '', 'name': 'test3.iso', 'size': 34,
             'checksum': '94f7fe923212286855dea858edac1b4a292301045af0ddb275544e5251a50b3c'}]

        self.assertEqual(manifest, expected_manifest)

    @patch('', side_effect=importer_mocks.ISOCurl)
    @patch('', side_effect=importer_mocks.CurlMulti)
    def test__download_manifest_failed(self, download_succeeded, curl_multi, curl):
        Make sure we handle the situation correctly when the manifest fails to download.
        download_succeeded.side_effect = self.iso_sync_run.download_failed
        self.iso_sync_run.progress_report.manifest_state = STATE_RUNNING
  'This should have raised an IOError, but it did not.')
        except IOError, e:
            self.assertEqual(str(e), 'Could not retrieve')
class TestISOSyncRun(PulpRPMTests):
    Test the ISOSyncRun object.
    def fake_download(self, requests):
        requests = list(requests)
        req = requests[0]
            # try to write the manifest data
        except AttributeError:
            # this happens for all requests except the manifest

        reports = []
        for r in requests:
            # pretend everything worked great
            report = DownloadReport(r.url, r.destination,

    def setUp(self):
        config = {
            importer_constants.KEY_FEED: '',
            importer_constants.KEY_MAX_SPEED: 500.0,
            importer_constants.KEY_MAX_DOWNLOADS: 5,
            importer_constants.KEY_SSL_VALIDATION: False,
            importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CLIENT_CERT: "Trust me, I'm who I say I am.",
            importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CLIENT_KEY: "Secret Key",
            importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CA_CERT: "Uh, I guess that's the right server.",
            importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_HOST: '',
            importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_PORT: 1234,
            importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_USER: "******",
            importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_PASS: '******',
            importer_constants.KEY_VALIDATE: False,

        self.config = importer_mocks.get_basic_config(**config)

        self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        self.pkg_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'content')

        # These checksums correspond to the checksums of the files that our curl mocks will generate. Our
        # curl mocks do not have a test4.iso, so that one is to test removal of old ISOs during sync
        self.existing_units = [
                 {'name': 'test.iso', 'size': 16,
                  'checksum': 'f02d5a72cd2d57fa802840a76b44c6c6920a8b8e6b90b20e26c03876275069e0'},
                 {}, '/path/test.iso'),
                 {'name': 'test2.iso', 'size': 22,
                  'checksum': 'c7fbc0e821c0871805a99584c6a384533909f68a6bbe9a2a687d28d9f3b10c16'},
                 {}, '/path/test2.iso'),
            Unit(TYPE_ID_ISO, {'name': 'test4.iso', 'size': 4, 'checksum': 'sum4'},
                 {}, '/path/test4.iso')]
        self.sync_conduit = importer_mocks.get_sync_conduit(type_id=TYPE_ID_ISO, pkg_dir=self.pkg_dir,

        self.iso_sync_run = ISOSyncRun(self.sync_conduit, self.config)

    def tearDown(self):

    def test__init__(self):
        Make sure the __init__ method does cool stuff.
        iso_sync_run = ISOSyncRun(self.sync_conduit, self.config)

        # Now let's assert that all the right things happened during initialization
        self.assertEqual(iso_sync_run.sync_conduit, self.sync_conduit)
        self.assertEqual(iso_sync_run._repo_url, '')
        # Validation of downloads should be disabled by default
        self.assertEqual(iso_sync_run._validate_downloads, False)
        # Deleting missing ISOs should be enabled by default
        self.assertEqual(iso_sync_run._remove_missing_units, False)

        # Inspect the downloader
        downloader = iso_sync_run.downloader
        # The iso_sync_run should be the event listener for the downloader
        self.assertEqual(downloader.event_listener, iso_sync_run)
        # Inspect the downloader config
        expected_downloader_config = {
            'max_speed': 500.0, 'max_concurrent': 5,
            'ssl_client_cert': "Trust me, I'm who I say I am.",
            'ssl_client_key': 'Secret Key',
            'ssl_ca_cert': "Uh, I guess that's the right server.", 'ssl_validation': False,
            'proxy_url': '',
            'proxy_port': 1234,
            'proxy_username': '******',
            'proxy_password': '******'}
        for key, value in expected_downloader_config.items():
            self.assertEquals(getattr(downloader.config, key), value)
        self.assertEquals(type(iso_sync_run.progress_report), SyncProgressReport)

    def test__init___ssl_validation(self):
        Make sure the SSL validation is on by default.
        # It should default to True
        config = importer_mocks.get_basic_config(**{importer_constants.KEY_FEED: ''})
        iso_sync_run = ISOSyncRun(self.sync_conduit, config)
        self.assertEqual(iso_sync_run.downloader.config.ssl_validation, True)

        # It should be possible to explicitly set it to False
        config = importer_mocks.get_basic_config(**{importer_constants.KEY_FEED: '',
                                                    importer_constants.KEY_SSL_VALIDATION: False})
        iso_sync_run = ISOSyncRun(self.sync_conduit, config)
        self.assertEqual(iso_sync_run.downloader.config.ssl_validation, False)

        # It should be possible to explicitly set it to True
        config = importer_mocks.get_basic_config(**{importer_constants.KEY_FEED: '',
                                                    importer_constants.KEY_SSL_VALIDATION: True})
        iso_sync_run = ISOSyncRun(self.sync_conduit, config)
        self.assertEqual(iso_sync_run.downloader.config.ssl_validation, True)

    def test__init___with_feed_lacking_trailing_slash(self):
        In bug we had a problem where feed URLs that didn't
        have trailing slashes would get their last URL component clobbered when we used urljoin to determine
        the path to PULP_MANIFEST. The solution is to have __init__() automatically append a trailing slash to
        URLs that lack it so that urljoin will determine the correct path to PULP_MANIFEST.
        config = importer_mocks.get_basic_config(
            **{importer_constants.KEY_FEED: ''})

        iso_sync_run = ISOSyncRun(self.sync_conduit, config)

        # Humorously enough, the _repo_url attribute named no_trailing_slash should now have a trailing slash
        self.assertEqual(iso_sync_run._repo_url, '')

           side_effect=HTTPThreadedDownloader.cancel, autospec=HTTPThreadedDownloader.cancel)
    def test_cancel_sync(self, cancel):
        Test what happens if cancel_sync is called when there is no Bumper.
        # This just passes since the downloader library does not support cancellation. This helps us get one
        # more line of coverage though!

        # Assert that the cancel Mock was called
        # The progress report's state should now be cancelled
        self.assertEqual(self.iso_sync_run.progress_report.state, SyncProgressReport.STATE_CANCELLED)

    def test_download_failed_during_iso_download(self):
        self.iso_sync_run.progress_report._state = SyncProgressReport.STATE_ISOS_IN_PROGRESS
        url = ',31302/'
        iso = models.ISO('test.txt', 217, 'a1552efee6f04012bc7e1f3e02c00c6177b08217cead958c47ec83cb8f97f835')
        report = DownloadReport(url, '/fake/destination', iso)


    def test_download_failed_during_manifest(self):
        self.iso_sync_run.progress_report._state = SyncProgressReport.STATE_MANIFEST_IN_PROGRESS
        url = '' +\
        report = DownloadReport(url, '/fake/destination')
        report.error_report = {'why': 'because'}


        # The manifest_state should be failed
        self.assertEqual(self.iso_sync_run.progress_report.error_message, report.error_report)

    def test_download_succeeded(self, download_failed):
        destination = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'test.txt')
        with open(destination, 'w') as test_file:
                'Descartes walks into a bar and sits down, the bartender walks up to him and says "You, my '
                'man, look like you need a stiff drink." Descartes considers this, and shakes his head "No, '
                'I don\'t think-" and ceases to exist.')
        unit = MagicMock()
        unit.storage_path = destination
        iso = models.ISO('test.txt', 217, 'a1552efee6f04012bc7e1f3e02c00c6177b08217cead958c47ec83cb8f97f835',
        iso.url = ''
        report = DownloadReport(iso.url, destination, iso)

        # Simulate having downloaded the whole file
        iso.bytes_downloaded = iso.size
        report.bytes_downloaded = iso.size
        self.iso_sync_run.progress_report._state = SyncProgressReport.STATE_ISOS_IN_PROGRESS


        # The sync conduit should have been called to save the unit
        # The download should not fail
        self.assertEqual(download_failed.call_count, 0)

    def test_download_succeeded_honors_validate_units_set_false(self, download_failed):
        We have a setting that makes download validation optional. This test ensures that download_succeeded()
        honors that setting.
        # In this config, we will set validate_units to False, which should make our "wrong_checksum" OK
        config = importer_mocks.get_basic_config(**{importer_constants.KEY_FEED: '',
                                                    importer_constants.KEY_VALIDATE: False})

        iso_sync_run = ISOSyncRun(self.sync_conduit, config)

        destination = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'test.iso')
        with open(destination, 'w') as test_iso:
            test_iso.write('What happens when you combine a mosquito with a mountain climber? Nothing. You '
                           'can\'t cross a vector with a scalar.')
        unit = MagicMock()
        unit.storage_path = destination
        iso = models.ISO('test.txt', 114, 'wrong checksum', unit)
        iso.url = ''
        report = DownloadReport(iso.url, destination, iso)

        # Let's fake having downloaded the whole file
        iso.bytes_downloaded = iso.size
        report.bytes_downloaded = iso.size
        iso_sync_run.progress_report._state = SyncProgressReport.STATE_ISOS_IN_PROGRESS


        # The sync conduit should have been called to save the unit
        # The download should not fail
        self.assertEqual(download_failed.call_count, 0)

    def test_download_succeeded_honors_validate_units_set_true(self, download_failed):
        We have a setting that makes download validation optional. This test ensures that download_succeeded()
        honors that setting.
        # In this config, we will set validate_units to False, which should make our "wrong_checksum" OK
        config = importer_mocks.get_basic_config(**{importer_constants.KEY_FEED: '',
                                                    importer_constants.KEY_VALIDATE: True})

        iso_sync_run = ISOSyncRun(self.sync_conduit, config)

        destination = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'test.txt')
        with open(destination, 'w') as test_file:
            test_file.write('Boring test data.')
        unit = MagicMock()
        unit.storage_path = destination
        iso = models.ISO('test.txt', 114, 'wrong checksum', unit)
        iso.url = ''
        report = DownloadReport(iso.url, destination, iso)

        # Let's fake having downloaded the whole file
        iso.bytes_downloaded = iso.size
        report.bytes_downloaded = iso.size
        iso_sync_run.progress_report._state = SyncProgressReport.STATE_ISOS_IN_PROGRESS


        # Because we fail validation, the save_unit step will not be called
        self.assertEqual(self.sync_conduit.save_unit.call_count, 0)
        # The download should be marked failed
        self.assertEqual(download_failed.call_count, 1)

    def test_download_succeeded_fails_checksum(self, download_failed):
        This test verifies that download_succeeded does the right thing if the checksum fails. Note
        that we are also implicitly testing that the default behavior is to validate downloads by
        not setting it in this test. There are two other tests that verify that setting the boolean
        explicitly is honored.
        self.config.override_config[importer_constants.KEY_VALIDATE] = True

        iso_sync_run = ISOSyncRun(self.sync_conduit, self.config)

        destination = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'test.txt')
        with open(destination, 'w') as test_file:
            test_file.write('Boring test data.')
        unit = MagicMock()
        unit.storage_path = destination
        iso = models.ISO('test.txt', 114, 'wrong checksum', unit)
        iso.url = ''
        report = DownloadReport(iso.url, destination, iso)

        # Let's fake having downloaded the whole file
        iso.bytes_downloaded = iso.size
        report.bytes_downloaded = iso.size
        iso_sync_run.progress_report._state = SyncProgressReport.STATE_ISOS_IN_PROGRESS


        # Because we fail validation, the save_unit step will not be called
        self.assertEqual(self.sync_conduit.save_unit.call_count, 0)
        # The download should be marked failed
        self.assertEqual(download_failed.call_count, 1)

    def test_perform_sync(self, mock_download):
        Assert that perform_sync() makes appropriate changes to the DB
        mock_download.side_effect = self.fake_download

        report = self.iso_sync_run.perform_sync()

        # There should now be three Units in the DB, but only test3.iso is the new one
        units = [tuple(call)[1][0] for call in self.sync_conduit.save_unit.mock_calls]
        self.assertEqual(len(units), 1)
        expected_unit = {
            'checksum': '94f7fe923212286855dea858edac1b4a292301045af0ddb275544e5251a50b3c',
            'size': 34, 'contents': 'Are you starting to get the idea?\n', 'name': 'test3.iso'}
        unit = units[0]
        self.assertEqual(unit.unit_key['checksum'], expected_unit['checksum'])
        self.assertEqual(unit.unit_key['size'], expected_unit['size'])
        expected_storage_path = os.path.join(
            self.pkg_dir, unit.unit_key['name'], unit.unit_key['checksum'],
            str(unit.unit_key['size']), unit.unit_key['name'])
        self.assertEqual(unit.storage_path, expected_storage_path)
        # The state should now be COMPLETE
        # There should be 0 calls to sync_conduit.remove_unit, since remove_missing_units is False
        # by default
        self.assertEqual(self.sync_conduit.remove_unit.call_count, 0)

        self.assertEqual(report.summary['state'], ISOProgressReport.STATE_COMPLETE)

    def test_perform_local_sync(self, mock_download):
        Assert that perform_sync() works equally well with a local feed
        mock_download.side_effect = self.fake_download
        self.config.override_config[importer_constants.KEY_FEED] = 'file:///a/b/c'
        self.iso_sync_run = ISOSyncRun(self.sync_conduit, self.config)

        report = self.iso_sync_run.perform_sync()

        # There should now be three Units in the DB, but only test3.iso is the new one
        units = [tuple(call)[1][0] for call in self.sync_conduit.save_unit.mock_calls]
        self.assertEqual(len(units), 1)
        expected_unit = {
            'checksum': '94f7fe923212286855dea858edac1b4a292301045af0ddb275544e5251a50b3c',
            'size': 34, 'contents': 'Are you starting to get the idea?\n', 'name': 'test3.iso'}
        unit = units[0]
        self.assertEqual(unit.unit_key['checksum'], expected_unit['checksum'])
        self.assertEqual(unit.unit_key['size'], expected_unit['size'])
        expected_storage_path = os.path.join(
            self.pkg_dir, unit.unit_key['name'], unit.unit_key['checksum'],
            str(unit.unit_key['size']), unit.unit_key['name'])
        self.assertEqual(unit.storage_path, expected_storage_path)
        # The state should now be COMPLETE
        # There should be 0 calls to sync_conduit.remove_unit, since remove_missing_units is False
        # by default
        self.assertEqual(self.sync_conduit.remove_unit.call_count, 0)

        self.assertEqual(report.summary['state'], ISOProgressReport.STATE_COMPLETE)

    def test_perform_sync_malformed_pulp_manifest(self, download):
        Assert the perform_sync correctly handles the situation when the PULP_MANIFEST file is not
        in the expected format.
        def fake_download(request_list):
            for request in request_list:
                request.destination.write('This is not what a PULP_MANIFEST should look like.')
        download.side_effect = fake_download


        self.assertEquals(type(self.iso_sync_run.progress_report), SyncProgressReport)
                         'The PULP_MANIFEST file was not in the expected format.')

    def test_perform_sync_manifest_io_error(self, download):
        Assert the perform_sync correctly handles the situation when retrieving the PULP_MANIFEST
        file raises an IOError.
        download.side_effect = IOError()


        self.assertEquals(type(self.iso_sync_run.progress_report), SyncProgressReport)

    def test_perform_sync_remove_missing_units_set_false(self, mock_download):
        mock_download.side_effect = self.fake_download

        # Make sure the missing ISOs don't get removed if they aren't supposed to
        config = importer_mocks.get_basic_config(**{
            importer_constants.KEY_FEED: '',
            importer_constants.KEY_MAX_SPEED: 500.0,
            importer_constants.KEY_MAX_DOWNLOADS: 5,
            importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_HOST: '',
            importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_PORT: 1234,
            importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_USER: "******",
            importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_PASS: '******',
            importer_constants.KEY_UNITS_REMOVE_MISSING: False,
            importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CLIENT_CERT: "Trust me, I'm who I say I am.",
            importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CLIENT_KEY: "Secret Key",
            importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CA_CERT: "Uh, I guess that's the right server.",
            importer_constants.KEY_VALIDATE: False,

        self.iso_sync_run = ISOSyncRun(self.sync_conduit, config)

        report = self.iso_sync_run.perform_sync()

        # There should now be three Units in the DB
        units = [tuple(call)[1][0] for call in self.sync_conduit.save_unit.mock_calls]
        self.assertEqual(len(units), 1)
        expected_unit = {'checksum': '94f7fe923212286855dea858edac1b4a292301045af0ddb275544e5251a50b3c',
                         'size': 34, 'contents': 'Are you starting to get the idea?\n', 'name': 'test3.iso'}
        unit = units[0]
        self.assertEqual(unit.unit_key['checksum'], expected_unit['checksum'])
        self.assertEqual(unit.unit_key['size'], expected_unit['size'])
        expected_storage_path = os.path.join(
            self.pkg_dir, unit.unit_key['name'], unit.unit_key['checksum'],
            str(unit.unit_key['size']), unit.unit_key['name'])
        self.assertEqual(unit.storage_path, expected_storage_path)
        # There should be 0 calls to sync_conduit.remove_unit, since remove_missing_units is False by default
        self.assertEqual(self.sync_conduit.remove_unit.call_count, 0)

    def test_perform_sync_remove_missing_units_set_true(self, mock_download):
        mock_download.side_effect = self.fake_download

        # Make sure the missing ISOs get removed when they are supposed to
        config = importer_mocks.get_basic_config(**{
            importer_constants.KEY_FEED: '',
            importer_constants.KEY_MAX_SPEED: 500.0,
            importer_constants.KEY_MAX_DOWNLOADS: 5,
            importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_HOST: '',
            importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_PORT: 1234,
            importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_USER: "******",
            importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_PASS: '******',
            importer_constants.KEY_UNITS_REMOVE_MISSING: True,
            importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CLIENT_CERT: "Trust me, I'm who I say I am.",
            importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CLIENT_KEY: "Secret Key",
            importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CA_CERT: "Uh, I guess that's the right server.",
            importer_constants.KEY_VALIDATE: False,

        self.iso_sync_run = ISOSyncRun(self.sync_conduit, config)

        repo = MagicMock(spec=Repository)
        working_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "working")
        repo.working_dir = working_dir

        report = self.iso_sync_run.perform_sync()

        # There should now be three Units in the DB
        units = [tuple(call)[1][0] for call in self.sync_conduit.save_unit.mock_calls]
        self.assertEqual(len(units), 1)
        expected_unit = {'checksum': '94f7fe923212286855dea858edac1b4a292301045af0ddb275544e5251a50b3c',
                         'size': 34, 'contents': 'Are you starting to get the idea?\n', 'name': 'test3.iso'}
        unit = units[0]
        self.assertEqual(unit.unit_key['checksum'], expected_unit['checksum'])
        self.assertEqual(unit.unit_key['size'], expected_unit['size'])
        expected_storage_path = os.path.join(
            self.pkg_dir, unit.unit_key['name'], unit.unit_key['checksum'],
            str(unit.unit_key['size']), unit.unit_key['name'])
        self.assertEqual(unit.storage_path, expected_storage_path)

        # There should be 0 calls to sync_conduit.remove_unit, since remove_missing_units is False by default
        self.assertEqual(self.sync_conduit.remove_unit.call_count, 1)
        removed_unit = self.sync_conduit.remove_unit.mock_calls[0][1][0]
        self.assertEqual(removed_unit.unit_key, {'name': 'test4.iso', 'size': 4, 'checksum': 'sum4'})

    def test__download_isos(self, mock_download):
        mock_download.side_effect = self.fake_download

        # We need to mark the iso_downloader as being in the ISO downloading state
        self.iso_sync_run.progress_report._state = SyncProgressReport.STATE_ISOS_IN_PROGRESS
        # Let's put three ISOs in the manifest
        manifest = StringIO()
        manifest = models.ISOManifest(manifest, '')
        # Add expected test data to each ISO
        manifest._isos[0].expected_test_data = 'This is a file.\n'
        manifest._isos[1].expected_test_data = 'This is another file.\n'
        manifest._isos[2].expected_test_data = 'Are you starting to get the idea?\n'


        # There should have been two calls to the sync_conduit per ISO, for a total of six calls. Once each to
        # initialize the unit, and once each to save it
        self.assertEqual(self.sync_conduit.init_unit.call_count, 3)
        self.assertEqual(self.sync_conduit.save_unit.call_count, 3)

        for index, iso in enumerate(manifest):
            expected_relative_path = os.path.join(, iso.checksum,
                {'name':, 'size': iso.size, 'checksum': iso.checksum},
                {}, expected_relative_path)
            unit = self.sync_conduit.save_unit.call_args_list[index][0][0]
            self.assertEqual(unit.unit_key['checksum'], iso.checksum)
            self.assertEqual(unit.unit_key['size'], iso.size)

    def test__download_manifest(self, mock_download):
        mock_download.side_effect = self.fake_download

        manifest = self.iso_sync_run._download_manifest()

        expected_manifest_isos = [
            {'url': '', 'name': 'test.iso', 'size': 16,
             'checksum': 'f02d5a72cd2d57fa802840a76b44c6c6920a8b8e6b90b20e26c03876275069e0'},
            {'url': '', 'name': 'test2.iso', 'size': 22,
             'checksum': 'c7fbc0e821c0871805a99584c6a384533909f68a6bbe9a2a687d28d9f3b10c16'},
            {'url': '', 'name': 'test3.iso', 'size': 34,
             'checksum': '94f7fe923212286855dea858edac1b4a292301045af0ddb275544e5251a50b3c'}]

        for index, iso in enumerate(manifest):
            self.assertEqual(, expected_manifest_isos[index]['name'])
            self.assertEqual(iso.url, expected_manifest_isos[index]['url'])
            self.assertEqual(iso.size, expected_manifest_isos[index]['size'])
            self.assertEqual(iso.checksum, expected_manifest_isos[index]['checksum'])

    def test__download_manifest_failed(self, download_succeeded, mock_download):
        Make sure we handle the situation correctly when the manifest fails to download.
        mock_download.side_effect = self.fake_download
        download_succeeded.side_effect = self.iso_sync_run.download_failed
        self.iso_sync_run.progress_report._state = SyncProgressReport.STATE_MANIFEST_IN_PROGRESS
  'This should have raised an IOError, but it did not.')
        except IOError, e:
            self.assertEqual(str(e), 'Could not retrieve')