Esempio n. 1
 def getMachinesByDict(self, table, params):
     ctx = self.currentContext
     return xmlrpcCleanup(
             lambda m: ComputerLocationManager().
             doesUserHaveAccessToMachine(ctx.userid, m[0]),
             Inventory().getMachinesByDict(ctx, table, params)))
Esempio n. 2
def activate():
    logger = logging.getLogger()
    config = InventoryConfig()
    logger.debug("Inventory %s" % str(config.disable))
    if config.disable:
        logger.warning("Plugin inventory: disabled by configuration.")
        return False

    # When this module is used by the MMC agent, the global inventory variable is shared.
    # This means an Inventory instance is not created each time a XML-RPC call is done.
    if not InventoryLocation().init(
    ):  # does Inventory().activate() (which does the Inventory().db_check())
        return False"Plugin inventory: Inventory database version is %d" %

    ComputerManager().register("inventory", InventoryComputers)
    ProvisioningManager().register('inventory', InventoryProvisioner)
    ComputerLocationManager().register('inventory', InventoryLocation)


    # Register the panel to the DashboardManager
        from mmc.plugins.dashboard.manager import DashboardManager
        from mmc.plugins.inventory.panel import InventoryPanel
        DM = DashboardManager()
    except ImportError:

    return True
Esempio n. 3
    def inventoryExists(self, uuid):
        ctx = self.currentContext
        if uuid == '':
            return False

#        if not ComputerLocationManager().doesUserHaveAccessToMachine(ctx.userid, uuid):
#            return False
        return xmlrpcCleanup(Inventory().inventoryExists(ctx, uuid))
Esempio n. 4
 def doProvisioning(self, authtoken):
     userentry = authtoken.getInfos()[1]
     uid = authtoken.getLogin()
     if self.config.profileAttr and self.config.profilesEntity:
             profile = userentry[self.config.profileAttr][0].lower()
         except KeyError:
   "No profile information for user '%s' in attribute %s" % (uid, self.config.profileAttr))
             profile = ''
         profile = profile.strip()
             entities = self.config.profilesEntity[profile].split()
         except KeyError:
             if self.config.profilesEntity.has_key("default"):
                 entities = self.config.profilesEntity["default"].split()
       "Set the default profile to user.")
                 profile = 'default'
       "No entity defined in configuration file for profile '%s'" % profile)
       "Setting user's entity to empty")
                 entities = []
         if profile and entities:
             tmp = []
             for entity in entities:
                 if entity.startswith('%') and entity.endswith('%'):
                     attr = entity.strip('%')
                     if attr in userentry:
               "The user '%s' doesn't have an attribute '%s'" % (uid, attr))
                 elif entity.startswith('plugin:'):
                     plugin = entity.replace('plugin:', '')
                     searchpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'provisioning_plugins')
                         f, p, d = imp.find_module(plugin, [searchpath])
                         mod = imp.load_module(plugin, f, p, d)
                         klass = mod.PluginEntities
                         found = klass().get(authtoken)
                         if found:
                   "Plugin '%s' found these entities: %s" % (plugin, found))
                   "Plugin '%s' found no matching entity" % plugin)
                     except ImportError:
                         self.logger.error("The plugin '%s' can't be imported" % plugin)
                     except Exception, e:
                         self.logger.error("Error while using the plugin '%s'" % plugin)
             entities = tmp[:]
   "Setting user '%s' entities corresponding to user profile '%s': %s" % (uid, profile, str(entities)))
         Inventory().setUserEntities(uid, entities)
Esempio n. 5
def getLicensesCount(vendor, software, version):
    ctx = SecurityContext()
    ctx.userid = "root"

    def replace_splat(param):
        if '*' in param:
            return param.replace('*', '%')
        return param

    def check_param(param):
        if param == '' or param == '*' or param == '%':
            return None
        return replace_splat(param)

    software = check_param(software)
    vendor = check_param(vendor)
    version = check_param(version)
    if software is None:
        software = '%'
    return xmlrpcCleanup(Inventory().getAllSoftwaresImproved(ctx,
Esempio n. 6
 def validate(self):
     return True
Esempio n. 7
class InventoryComputers(ComputerI):
    def __init__(self, conffile = None):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger()
        self.config = InventoryConfig()
        self.inventory = Inventory()

    def getComputer(self, ctx, filt = None, empty_macs=False):
        ret = self.inventory.getMachinesOnly(ctx, filt)

        if type(ret) == list and len(ret) == 1:
            return ret[0].toDN(ctx, True)
            return {}

    def getMachineMac(self, ctx, filt): # TODO : need to sort!
        @return: dict of computer with their MAC addresses
                 {'UUID1', ['MAC1', 'MAC2'], 'UUID2': ['MAC1']}
        machines = self.inventory.getMachineNetwork(ctx, filt)
        ret = {}
        for m in machines:
            ret[m[2]] = []
            for net in m[1]:
        return ret

    def getMachineIp(self, ctx, filt): # TODO : need to sort!
        machines = self.inventory.getMachineNetwork(ctx, filt)
        ret = []
        for m in machines:
            ret.append(map(lambda i: i['IP'], m[1]))
        if len(ret) == 1:
            return ret[0]
        return ret

    def getMachineHostname(self, ctx, filt = None):
        machines = self.inventory.getMachinesOnly(ctx, filt)
        ret = []
        for m in machines:
        if len(ret) == 1:
            return ret[0]
        return ret

    def getComputersNetwork(self, ctx, filt):
        computers = self.inventory.getMachinesNetworkSorted(ctx, filt)
        ret = []
        for item in computers:
            tmp = [False, {'cn' : [item[0]], 'objectUUID':[item[2]]}]
            if not len(item[1]):
                tmp[1]['ipHostNumber'] = ''
                tmp[1]['macAddress'] = ''
                tmp[1]['subnetMask'] = ''
                tmp[1]['networkUuids'] = ''
                tmp[1]['ipHostNumber'] = item[1]['IP']
                tmp[1]['macAddress'] = item[1]['MACAddress']
                tmp[1]['subnetMask'] = item[1]['SubnetMask']
                tmp[1]['networkUuids'] = item[1]['networkUuids']
        return ret

    def getComputersList(self, ctx, filt = None):
        return self.getRestrictedComputersList(ctx, 0, -1, filt)

    def __restrictLocationsOnImagingServerOrEntity(self, filt, ctx):
        if filt.has_key('imaging_server') and filt['imaging_server'] != '':
            # Get main imaging entity uuid
            self.logger.debug('Get main imaging entity UUID of imaging server %s' % filt['imaging_server'])
            main_imaging_entity_uuid = ComputerImagingManager().getImagingServerEntityUUID(filt['imaging_server'])
            if main_imaging_entity_uuid != None:
                self.logger.debug('Found: %s' % main_imaging_entity_uuid)
                filt['imaging_entities'] = [main_imaging_entity_uuid]
                self.logger.debug('Get now children entities of this main imaging entity')
                # Get childs entities of this main_imaging_entity_uuid
                # Search only in user context
                for loc in self.inventory.getUserLocations(ctx.userid):
                    if ComputerImagingManager().isChildOfImagingServer(loc.uuid, main_imaging_entity_uuid):
                        self.logger.debug('Found %s as child entity of %s' % (loc.uuid, main_imaging_entity_uuid))
                self.logger.warn("can't get the entity that correspond to the imaging server %s"%(filt['imaging_server']))
                return [False]

        if 'imaging_entities' in filt:
            grep_entity = []
            for l in ctx.locations:
                if l.uuid in filt['imaging_entities']:
            if grep_entity:
                filt['ctxlocation'] = grep_entity
                self.logger.warn("the user '%s' try to filter on an entity he shouldn't access '%s'"%(ctx.userid, filt['entity_uuid']))
                return [False]
        return [True, filt]

    def getRestrictedComputersListLen(self, ctx, filt = {}):
        if filt == '':
            filt = {}

        filt = self.__restrictLocationsOnImagingServerOrEntity(filt, ctx)
        if not filt[0]: return 0
        filt = filt[1]

        return self.inventory.countMachinesOnly(ctx, filt)

    def getRestrictedComputersList(self, ctx, min = 0, max = -1, filt = {}, advanced = True, justId = False, toH = False):
        if filt == '':
            filt = {}

        filt = self.__restrictLocationsOnImagingServerOrEntity(filt, ctx)
        if not filt[0]: return {}
        filt = filt[1]

        filt['min'] = min
        filt['max'] = max

        if 'imaging_entities' in filt: # imaging group creation
            machines_uuids = map(lambda m:m.uuid(), self.inventory.getMachinesOnly(ctx, filt))
            # display only "imaging compliant" computers
            uuids = []
            networks = self.getComputersNetwork(ctx, {'uuids': machines_uuids})
            for network in networks:
                network = network[1]
                # Check if computer has macAddress and ipHostNumber
                if network['macAddress'] and network['ipHostNumber']:
                    logging.getLogger().debug("Computer %s cannot be added in an imaging group:" % network['cn'])
                    if not network['macAddress']:
                        logging.getLogger().debug("No MAC found !")
                    if not network['ipHostNumber']:
                        logging.getLogger().debug("No IP address found !")
            filt['uuids'] = uuids

        if justId:
            return map(lambda m:m.uuid(), self.inventory.getMachinesOnly(ctx, filt))
        elif toH:
            return map(lambda m:m.toH(), self.inventory.getMachinesOnly(ctx, filt))
            if filt.has_key('get'):
                return map(lambda m:m.toCustom(filt['get']), self.inventory.getMachinesOnly(ctx, filt))
                return self.inventory.getComputersOptimized(ctx, filt)

    def getTotalComputerCount(self):
        return self.inventory.getTotalComputerCount()

    def getComputerCount(self, ctx, filt = None):
        return self.getRestrictedComputersListLen(ctx, filt)

    def canAddComputer(self):
        return self.inventory.canAddMachine()

    def canAssociateComputer2Location(self):
        return True

    def addComputer(self, ctx, params):
        name = params["computername"]
        comment = params["computerdescription"].encode("utf-8")
        ip = params['computerip']
        mac = params['computermac']
        net = params['computernet']
        location = None
        if params.has_key('location_uuid'):
            location = params['location_uuid']
        ret = self.inventory.addMachine(name, ip, mac, net, comment, location)
        return ret

    def neededParamsAddComputer(self):
        return [
            ['computerip', 'string', 'Computer\'s IP address'],
            ['computermac', 'string', 'Computer\'s MAC address'],
            ['computernet', 'string', 'Computer\'s netmask address']

    def checkComputerName(self, name):
        return pulse2.utils.checkComputerName(name)

    def isComputerNameAvailable(self, ctx, locationUUID, name):
        return self.inventory.isComputerNameAvailable(ctx, locationUUID, name)

    def canDelComputer(self):
        return True

    def delComputer(self, ctx, uuid, backup):
        return self.inventory.delMachine(uuid)

    def editComputerName(self, ctx, uuid, name):
        Edit the computer name

        @param ctx: the context
        @type: currentContext

        @param uuid: the machine uuid
        @type: str

        @param name: new computer name
        @type: str

        @returns: True if the name changed
        @type: bool

        return self.inventory.editMachineName(uuid, name)

    def getComputerByMac(self, mac):
        ret = self.inventory.getMachinesBy(None, 'Network', 'MACAddress', mac, False)
        if type(ret) == list:
            if len(ret) != 0:
                return ret[0]
                return None
        return ret

    def getComputersOS(self, uuids):
        return self.inventory.getComputersOS(uuids)

    def getComputersListHeaders(self, ctx):
        Computers list header is just hostname as Computer Name and Description as Description
        return self.config.display

    def getComputerByHostnameAndMacs(self, ctx, hostname, macs):
        Get machine who match given hostname and at least one of macs

        @param ctx: context
        @type ctx: dict

        @param hostname: hostname of wanted machine
        @type hostname: str

        @param macs: list of macs
        @type macs: list

        @return: UUID of wanted machine or False
        @rtype: str or None
        return self.inventory.getMachineByHostnameAndMacs(ctx, hostname, macs)
Esempio n. 8
 def getContext(self):
     s = SecurityContext()
     s.userid = self.userid
     s.locations = Inventory().getUserLocations(s.userid)
     s.locationsid = map(lambda e:, s.locations)
     return s
Esempio n. 9
def getMachinesBy(table, field, value):
    # TODO : ctx is missing....Inventory
    ctx = None
    return Inventory().getMachinesBy(ctx, table, field, value)
Esempio n. 10
def countInventoryHistory(days, only_new, pattern):
    return Inventory().countInventoryHistory(days, only_new, pattern)
Esempio n. 11
 def countMachineInventoryHistory(self, params):
     ctx = self.currentContext
     return Inventory().countComputerInventoryHistory(ctx, params)
Esempio n. 12
def getValuesFuzzy(table, field, fuzzy_value):
    return Inventory().getValuesFuzzy(table, field, fuzzy_value)
Esempio n. 13
 def getLastMachineInventoryFull(self, params):
     ctx = self.currentContext
     #        if not ComputerLocationManager().doesUserHaveAccessToMachine(ctx.userid, uuid):
     #            return False
     return xmlrpcCleanup(Inventory().getLastMachineInventoryFull(
         ctx, params))
Esempio n. 14
 def getMachineInventoryHistory(self, params):
     ctx = self.currentContext
     return xmlrpcCleanup(Inventory().getComputerInventoryHistory(
         ctx, params))
Esempio n. 15
 def getLastMachineInventoryPart2(self, part, params):
     ctx = self.currentContext
     #        uuid = name # TODO : get uuid from name, or something like that...
     #        ComputerLocationManager().doesUserHaveAccessToMachine(ctx.userid, uuid)
     return xmlrpcCleanup(Inventory().getLastMachineInventoryPart2(
         ctx, part, params))
Esempio n. 16
 def countLastMachineInventoryPart(self, part, params):
     ctx = self.currentContext
     return xmlrpcCleanup(Inventory().countLastMachineInventoryPart(
         ctx, part, params))
Esempio n. 17
 def getUUIDByMachineName(self, name):
     ctx = self.currentContext
     return xmlrpcCleanup(Inventory().getUUIDByMachineName(ctx, name))
Esempio n. 18
class InventoryComputers(ComputerI):
    def __init__(self, conffile = None):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger()
        self.config = InventoryConfig()
        self.inventory = Inventory()

    def getComputer(self, ctx, filt = None):
        ret = self.inventory.getMachinesOnly(ctx, filt)

        if type(ret) == list and len(ret) == 1:
            return ret[0].toDN(ctx, True)
            return {}

    def getMachineMac(self, ctx, filt): # TODO : need to sort!
        @return: dict of computer with their MAC addresses
                 {'UUID1', ['MAC1', 'MAC2'], 'UUID2': ['MAC1']}
        machines = self.inventory.getMachineNetwork(ctx, filt)
        ret = {}
        for m in machines:
            ret[m[2]] = []
            for net in m[1]:
        return ret

    def getMachineIp(self, ctx, filt): # TODO : need to sort!
        machines = self.inventory.getMachineNetwork(ctx, filt)
        ret = []
        for m in machines:
            ret.append(map(lambda i: i['IP'], m[1]))
        if len(ret) == 1:
            return ret[0]
        return ret

    def getMachineHostname(self, ctx, filt = None):
        machines = self.inventory.getMachinesOnly(ctx, filt)
        ret = []
        for m in machines:
        if len(ret) == 1:
            return ret[0]
        return ret

    def getComputersNetwork(self, ctx, filt):
        computers = self.inventory.getMachinesNetworkSorted(ctx, filt)
        ret = []
        for item in computers:
            tmp = [False, {'cn' : [item[0]], 'objectUUID':[item[2]]}]
            if not len(item[1]):
                tmp[1]['ipHostNumber'] = ''
                tmp[1]['macAddress'] = ''
                tmp[1]['subnetMask'] = ''
                tmp[1]['networkUuids'] = ''
                tmp[1]['ipHostNumber'] = item[1]['IP']
                tmp[1]['macAddress'] = item[1]['MACAddress']
                tmp[1]['subnetMask'] = item[1]['SubnetMask']
                tmp[1]['networkUuids'] = item[1]['networkUuids']
        return ret

    def getComputersList(self, ctx, filt = None):
        return self.getRestrictedComputersList(ctx, 0, -1, filt)

    def __restrictLocationsOnImagingServerOrEntity(self, filt, ctx):
        if filt.has_key('imaging_server') and filt['imaging_server'] != '':
            entity_uuid = ComputerImagingManager().getImagingServerEntityUUID(filt['imaging_server'])
            if entity_uuid != None:
                filt['location'] = entity_uuid
                self.logger.warn("can't get the entity that correspond to the imaging server %s"%(filt['imaging_server']))
                return [False]

        if filt.has_key('entity_uuid') and filt['entity_uuid'] != '':
            grep_entity = None
            for l in ctx.locations:
                if l.uuid == filt['entity_uuid']:
                    grep_entity = l
            if grep_entity != None:
                filt['location'] = [grep_entity]
                self.logger.warn("the user '%s' try to filter on an entity he shouldn't access '%s'"%(ctx.userid, filt['entity_uuid']))
                return [False]
        return [True, filt]

    def getRestrictedComputersListLen(self, ctx, filt = {}):
        if filt == '':
            filt = {}

        filt = self.__restrictLocationsOnImagingServerOrEntity(filt, ctx)
        if not filt[0]: return 0
        filt = filt[1]

        return self.inventory.countMachinesOnly(ctx, filt)

    def getRestrictedComputersList(self, ctx, min = 0, max = -1, filt = {}, advanced = True, justId = False, toH = False):
        if filt == '':
            filt = {}

        filt = self.__restrictLocationsOnImagingServerOrEntity(filt, ctx)
        if not filt[0]: return {}
        filt = filt[1]

        filt['min'] = min
        filt['max'] = max
        if justId:
            return map(lambda m:m.uuid(), self.inventory.getMachinesOnly(ctx, filt))
        elif toH:
            return map(lambda m:m.toH(), self.inventory.getMachinesOnly(ctx, filt))
            if filt.has_key('get'):
                return map(lambda m:m.toCustom(filt['get']), self.inventory.getMachinesOnly(ctx, filt))
                return self.inventory.getComputersOptimized(ctx, filt)

    def getTotalComputerCount(self):
        return self.inventory.getTotalComputerCount()

    def getComputerCount(self, ctx, filt = None):
        return self.getRestrictedComputersListLen(ctx, filt)

    def canAddComputer(self):
        return True

    def canAssociateComputer2Location(self):
        return True

    def addComputer(self, ctx, params):
        name = params["computername"]
        comment = params["computerdescription"].encode("utf-8")
        ip = params['computerip']
        mac = params['computermac']
        net = params['computernet']
        location = None
        if params.has_key('location_uuid'):
            location = params['location_uuid']
        ret = self.inventory.addMachine(name, ip, mac, net, comment, location)
        return ret

    def neededParamsAddComputer(self):
        return [
            ['computerip', 'string', 'Computer\'s IP address'],
            ['computermac', 'string', 'Computer\'s MAC address'],
            ['computernet', 'string', 'Computer\'s netmask address']

    def checkComputerName(self, name):
        return pulse2.utils.checkComputerName(name)

    def isComputerNameAvailable(self, ctx, locationUUID, name):
        return self.inventory.isComputerNameAvailable(ctx, locationUUID, name)

    def canDelComputer(self):
        return True

    def delComputer(self, ctx, uuid, backup):
        return self.inventory.delMachine(uuid)

    def getComputerByMac(self, mac):
        ret = self.inventory.getMachinesBy(None, 'Network', 'MACAddress', mac, False)
        if type(ret) == list:
            if len(ret) != 0:
                return ret[0]
                return None
        return ret

    def getComputersListHeaders(self, ctx):
        Computers list header is just hostname as Computer Name and Description as Description
        return self.config.display
Esempio n. 19
 def getMachineInventoryDiff(self, params):
     ctx = self.currentContext
     # Use xmlrpcCleanup to clean all None values
     return xmlrpcCleanup(Inventory().getComputerInventoryDiff(ctx, params))
Esempio n. 20
def getValuesWhere(table, field1, value1, field2):
    return Inventory().getValuesWhere(table, field1, value1, field2)
Esempio n. 21
 def getMachineNumberByState(self):
     ctx = self.currentContext
     return xmlrpcCleanup(Inventory().getMachineNumberByState(ctx))
Esempio n. 22
def getValueFuzzyWhere(table, field1, value1, field2, fuzzy_value):
    return Inventory().getValueFuzzyWhere(table, field1, value1, field2,
Esempio n. 23
 def getMachineListByState(self, groupName):
     ctx = self.currentContext
     return xmlrpcCleanup(Inventory().getMachineListByState(ctx, groupName))
Esempio n. 24
def getInventoryHistory(days, only_new, pattern, max, min):
    # Use xmlrpcCleanup to clean the date values
    return xmlrpcCleanup(Inventory().getInventoryHistory(
        days, only_new, pattern, max, min))
Esempio n. 25
 def getMachineByHostnameAndMacs(self, hostname, macs):
     ctx = self.currentContext
     return xmlrpcCleanup(Inventory().getMachineByHostnameAndMacs(
         ctx, hostname, macs))
Esempio n. 26
def getTypeOfAttribute(klass, attr):
    return Inventory().getTypeOfAttribute(klass, attr)
Esempio n. 27
 def getMachines(self, pattern=None):
     ctx = self.currentContext
     return xmlrpcCleanup(Inventory().getMachines(ctx, pattern))
Esempio n. 28
    def doProvisioning(self, authtoken):
        from mmc.plugins.base import ldapUserGroupControl
        l = ldapUserGroupControl()
        userentry = authtoken.getInfos()[1]
        uid = userentry[self.config.ldap_uid][0]
        if l.existUser(uid):
            self.logger.debug("User %s already exists, so this user won't be added" % uid)
            givenName = userentry[self.config.ldap_givenName][0].decode("utf-8")
            sn = userentry[self.config.ldap_sn][0].decode("utf-8")
            l.addUser(uid, authtoken.getPassword(), givenName, sn)
        if self.config.profileAttr and self.config.profilesAcl:
            # Set or update the user right
                profile = userentry[self.config.profileAttr][0].lower()
            except KeyError:
      "No profile information for user %s in attribute %s" % (uid, self.config.profileAttr))
                profile = ""
            profile = profile.strip()
                entities = self.config.profilesEntity[profile].split()
      "*******ENTITE '%s' " % (entities))
            except KeyError:
                if self.config.profilesEntity.has_key("default"):
                    entities = self.config.profilesEntity["default"].split()
          "Set the default profile to user.")
                    profile = 'default'
          "No entity defined in configuration file for profile '%s'" % profile)
          "Setting user's entity to empty")
                    entities = []
            if profile and entities:
                tmp = []
                for entity in entities:
                    if entity.startswith('%') and entity.endswith('%'):
                        attr = entity.strip('%')
                        if attr in userentry:
                  "The user '%s' doesn't have an attribute '%s'" % (uid, attr))

                    elif entity.startswith('plugin:'):
                        plugin = entity.replace('plugin:', '')
                        searchpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'provisioning_plugins')
                            f, p, d = imp.find_module(plugin, [searchpath])
                            mod = imp.load_module(plugin, f, p, d)
                            klass = mod.PluginEntities
                            found = klass().get(authtoken)
                            if found:
                      "Plugin '%s' found these entities: %s" % (plugin, found))
                      "Plugin '%s' found no matching entity" % plugin)
                        except ImportError:
                            self.logger.error("The plugin '%s' can't be imported" % plugin)
                        except Exception, e:
                            self.logger.error("Error while using the plugin '%s'" % plugin)

                entities = tmp[:]
      "****Setting user '%s' entities corresponding to user profile '%s': %s" % (uid, profile, str(entities)))
                from pulse2.database.inventory import Inventory
                Inventory().setUserEntities(uid, entities)
                acls = self.config.profilesAcl[profile]
            except KeyError:
      "No ACL defined in configuration file for profile '%s'" % profile)
      "Setting ACL to empty")
                acls = None
            if profile and acls:
      "Setting MMC ACL corresponding to user profile %s: %s" % (profile, str(acls)))
            entry = l.getDetailedUser(uid)
            if not "lmcUserObject" in entry["objectClass"]:
                l.changeUserAttributes(uid, "objectClass", entry["objectClass"])
            l.changeUserAttributes(uid, "lmcAcl", acls)
            if self.config.profileGroupMapping:
                # Set user group membership according to mapping
                for prof in self.config.profilesAcl:
                    groupname = self.config.profileGroupPrefix + prof
                    if prof != profile:
                        # Delete the user from a group not belonging to her/his
                        # profile
                            l.delUserFromGroup(groupname, uid)
                            self.logger.debug('Deleting user %s from group %s' % (uid, groupname))
                        except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
                            # The group does not exist
                        # Add the user to this group
                        except ldap.ALREADY_EXISTS:
                            # This group already exists
                        self.logger.debug('Adding user %s to group %s' % (uid, groupname))
                        l.addUserToGroup(groupname, uid)
Esempio n. 29
 def __init__(self):
     self.db = Inventory()
     self.ctx = SecurityContext()
     self.ctx.userid = "root"
Esempio n. 30
 def getMachineByOwner(self, user):
     ctx = self.currentContext
     return xmlrpcCleanup(Inventory().getMachineByOwner(ctx, user))
Esempio n. 31
class InventoryComputers(ComputerI):
    def __init__(self, conffile = None):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger()
        self.config = InventoryConfig()
        self.inventory = Inventory()

    def getComputer(self, ctx, filt = None, empty_macs=False):
        ret = self.inventory.getMachinesOnly(ctx, filt)

        if type(ret) == list and len(ret) == 1:
            return ret[0].toDN(ctx, True)
            return {}

    def getMachineMac(self, ctx, filt): # TODO : need to sort!
        @return: dict of computer with their MAC addresses
                 {'UUID1', ['MAC1', 'MAC2'], 'UUID2': ['MAC1']}
        machines = self.inventory.getMachineNetwork(ctx, filt)
        ret = {}
        for m in machines:
            ret[m[2]] = []
            for net in m[1]:
        return ret

    def getMachineIp(self, ctx, filt): # TODO : need to sort!
        machines = self.inventory.getMachineNetwork(ctx, filt)
        ret = []
        for m in machines:
            ret.append(map(lambda i: i['IP'], m[1]))
        if len(ret) == 1:
            return ret[0]
        return ret

    def getMachineHostname(self, ctx, filt = None):
        machines = self.inventory.getMachinesOnly(ctx, filt)
        ret = []
        for m in machines:
        if len(ret) == 1:
            return ret[0]
        return ret

    def getComputersNetwork(self, ctx, filt):
        computers = self.inventory.getMachinesNetworkSorted(ctx, filt)
        ret = []
        for item in computers:
            tmp = [False, {'cn' : [item[0]], 'objectUUID':[item[2]]}]
            #if not item[1]:
            if not len(item[1]):
                tmp[1]['ipHostNumber'] = ''
                tmp[1]['macAddress'] = ''
                tmp[1]['subnetMask'] = ''
                tmp[1]['networkUuids'] = ''
                tmp[1]['ipHostNumber'] = item[1]['IP']
                tmp[1]['macAddress'] = item[1]['MACAddress']
                tmp[1]['subnetMask'] = item[1]['SubnetMask']
                tmp[1]['networkUuids'] = item[1]['networkUuids']
        return ret

    def getComputersList(self, ctx, filt = None):
        return self.getRestrictedComputersList(ctx, 0, -1, filt)

    def __restrictLocationsOnImagingServerOrEntity(self, filt, ctx):
        if 'imaging_server' in filt and filt['imaging_server'] != '':
            # Get main imaging entity uuid
            self.logger.debug('Get main imaging entity UUID of imaging server %s' % filt['imaging_server'])
            main_imaging_entity_uuid = ComputerImagingManager().getImagingServerEntityUUID(filt['imaging_server'])
            if main_imaging_entity_uuid != None:
                self.logger.debug('Found: %s' % main_imaging_entity_uuid)
                filt['imaging_entities'] = [main_imaging_entity_uuid]
                self.logger.debug('Get now children entities of this main imaging entity')
                # Get childs entities of this main_imaging_entity_uuid
                # Search only in user context
                for loc in self.inventory.getUserLocations(ctx.userid):
                    if ComputerImagingManager().isChildOfImagingServer(loc.uuid, main_imaging_entity_uuid):
                        self.logger.debug('Found %s as child entity of %s' % (loc.uuid, main_imaging_entity_uuid))
                self.logger.warn("can't get the entity that correspond to the imaging server %s"%(filt['imaging_server']))
                return [False]

        if 'imaging_entities' in filt:
            grep_entity = []
            for l in ctx.locations:
                if l.uuid in filt['imaging_entities']:
            if grep_entity:
                filt['ctxlocation'] = grep_entity
                self.logger.warn("the user '%s' try to filter on an entity he shouldn't access '%s'"%(ctx.userid, filt['entity_uuid']))
                return [False]
        return [True, filt]

    def getRestrictedComputersListLen(self, ctx, filt = {}):
        if filt == '' or filt is None:
            filt = {}

        filt = self.__restrictLocationsOnImagingServerOrEntity(filt, ctx)
        if not filt[0]: return 0
        filt = filt[1]

        return self.inventory.countMachinesOnly(ctx, filt)

    def getRestrictedComputersList(self, ctx, min = 0, max = -1, filt = {}, advanced = True, justId = False, toH = False):
        if filt == '' or filt is None:
            filt = {}

        filt = self.__restrictLocationsOnImagingServerOrEntity(filt, ctx)
        if not filt[0]: return {}
        filt = filt[1]

        filt['min'] = min
        filt['max'] = max

        if 'imaging_entities' in filt: # imaging group creation
            machines_uuids = map(lambda m:m.uuid(), self.inventory.getMachinesOnly(ctx, filt))
            # display only "imaging compliant" computers
            uuids = []
            networks = self.getComputersNetwork(ctx, {'uuids': machines_uuids})
            for network in networks:
                network = network[1]
                # Check if computer has macAddress and ipHostNumber
                if network['macAddress'] and network['ipHostNumber']:
                    logging.getLogger().debug("Computer %s cannot be added in an imaging group:" % network['cn'])
                    if not network['macAddress']:
                        logging.getLogger().debug("No MAC found !")
                    if not network['ipHostNumber']:
                        logging.getLogger().debug("No IP address found !")
            filt['uuids'] = uuids

        if justId:
            return map(lambda m:m.uuid(), self.inventory.getMachinesOnly(ctx, filt))
        elif toH:
            return map(lambda m:m.toH(), self.inventory.getMachinesOnly(ctx, filt))
            if 'get' in filt:
                return map(lambda m:m.toCustom(filt['get']), self.inventory.getMachinesOnly(ctx, filt))
                return self.inventory.getComputersOptimized(ctx, filt)

    def getTotalComputerCount(self):
        return self.inventory.getTotalComputerCount()

    def getComputerCount(self, ctx, filt = None):
        return self.getRestrictedComputersListLen(ctx, filt)

    def canAddComputer(self):
        return self.inventory.canAddMachine()

    def canAssociateComputer2Location(self):
        return True

    def addComputer(self, ctx, params):
        name = params["computername"]
        comment = params["computerdescription"].encode("utf-8")
        ip = params['computerip']
        mac = params['computermac']
        net = params['computernet']
        location = None
        if 'location_uuid' in params:
            location = params['location_uuid']
        ret = self.inventory.addMachine(name, ip, mac, net, comment, location)
        return ret

    def neededParamsAddComputer(self):
        return [
            ['computerip', 'string', 'Computer\'s IP address'],
            ['computermac', 'string', 'Computer\'s MAC address'],
            ['computernet', 'string', 'Computer\'s netmask address']

    def checkComputerName(self, name):
        return pulse2.utils.checkComputerName(name)

    def isComputerNameAvailable(self, ctx, locationUUID, name):
        return self.inventory.isComputerNameAvailable(ctx, locationUUID, name)

    def canDelComputer(self):
        return True

    def delComputer(self, ctx, uuid, backup):
        return self.inventory.delMachine(uuid)

    def editComputerName(self, ctx, uuid, name):
        Edit the computer name

        @param ctx: the context
        @type: currentContext

        @param uuid: the machine uuid
        @type: str

        @param name: new computer name
        @type: str

        @returns: True if the name changed
        @type: bool

        return self.inventory.editMachineName(uuid, name)

    def getComputerByMac(self, mac):
        ret = self.inventory.getMachinesBy(None, 'Network', 'MACAddress', mac, False)
        if type(ret) == list:
            if len(ret) != 0:
                return ret[0]
                return None
        return ret

    def getComputersOS(self, uuids):
        return self.inventory.getComputersOS(uuids)

    def getComputersListHeaders(self, ctx):
        Computers list header is just hostname as Computer Name and Description as Description
        return self.config.display

    def getComputerByHostnameAndMacs(self, ctx, hostname, macs):
        Get machine who match given hostname and at least one of macs

        @param ctx: context
        @type ctx: dict

        @param hostname: hostname of wanted machine
        @type hostname: str

        @param macs: list of macs
        @type macs: list

        @return: UUID of wanted machine or False
        @rtype: str or None
        return self.inventory.getMachineByHostnameAndMacs(ctx, hostname, macs)
Esempio n. 32
 def __init__(self, conffile = None):
     self.logger = logging.getLogger()
     self.config = InventoryConfig()
     self.inventory = Inventory()
Esempio n. 33
def getValues(table, field):
    return Inventory().getValues(table, field)
Esempio n. 34
class exportedReport(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.db = Inventory()
        self.ctx = SecurityContext()
        self.ctx.userid = "root"

    def _getEntitiesIds(self, entities=[]):
        Return a list of entities ids for the request

        @param entitites: a list of entities uuids
        @return: list of entities ids
        # Be sure to get all entities
        self.ctx.locations = None
        if hasattr(self.ctx, 'locationsid'):
            del self.ctx.locationsid
        # get all entities uuids for the current user
        if entities == []:
            entities = [entity.toH()['uuid'] for entity in self.db.getAllEntities(self.ctx)]
        return [fromUUID(str(entity)) for entity in entities]

    def _getComputerCountByOSes(self, entities, os_names, results, oper=operator.add):
        os_results = []
        if os_names:
            for entity in self._getEntitiesIds(entities):
                self.ctx.locationsid = [entity]
                os_count = self.db.getMachineByOsLike(self.ctx, os_names, count=1)
                os_results.append({'entity_id': entity, 'value': os_count})
        for os_result in os_results:
            count = False
            for result in results:
                if os_result['entity_id'] == result['entity_id']:
                    if result['value'] is not None and os_result['value'] is not None:
			result['value'] = oper(result['value'], os_result['value'])
			result['value'] = 0
                    count = True
            if not count and oper == operator.add:
        return results

    def getComputerCountByOSes(self, entities, os_names, exclude_names=[]):
        Get computer count for os_names

        @param os_names: list of OS names to count
        @param exclude_names: list of OS names to exclude

        @return: count of machines by entity
        if isinstance(os_names, basestring):
            os_names = [os_names]

        os_names = [os_name.replace('*', '%') for os_name in os_names]
        exclude_names = [exclude_name.replace('*', '%') for exclude_name in exclude_names]

        results = self._getComputerCountByOSes(entities, os_names, [])
        results = self._getComputerCountByOSes(entities, exclude_names,
                                               results, operator.sub)

        return results

    def getComputerCountByTypes(self, entities, types):
        Get computer count for types

        @param types: list of computer types to count

        @return: count of machines by entity
        if isinstance(types, basestring):
            types = [types]
        types = [type.replace("*", "%") for type in types]

        results = []
        type_results = []
        if types:
            for entity in self._getEntitiesIds(entities):
                self.ctx.locationsid = [entity]
                type_count = self.db.getMachineByType(self.ctx, types, count=1)
                type_results.append({'entity_id': entity, 'value': type_count})
        for type_result in type_results:
            count = False
            for result in results:
                if type_result['entity_id'] == result['entity_id']:
                    result['value'] += type_result['value']
                    count = True
            if not count:
        return results

    def getComputerCountByState(self, entities, state):
        result = []
        state = state.replace("*", "%")
        for entity in self._getEntitiesIds(entities):
            self.ctx.locationsid = [entity]
            state_count = self.db.getMachineByState(self.ctx, state, count=1)
            result.append({'entity_id': entity, 'value': state_count})
        return result

    def _constructSoftwareTuple(self, soft):
        @param soft: string or dict
        @return: software tuple:
            (name, version, vendor)
        name = version = vendor = None
        if soft and isinstance(soft, basestring):
            name = soft.replace('*', '%')
        elif type(soft) == dict:
            name = soft.get('name', None)
            if name:
                name = name.replace('*', '%')
            version = soft.get('version', None)
            if version:
                version = version.replace('*', '%')
            vendor = soft.get('vendor', None)
            if vendor:
                vendor = vendor.replace('*', '%')
        if name is None:
            logger.error("Missing software name")
            return None
        return (name, version, vendor)

    def _constructSoftwaresList(self, softs):
        @param softs: dict, string, list of mixed string and dict
        @return: list of software tuples
            [(name, version, vendor),
             (name, version, vendor),
             (name, version, vendor),
        if type(softs) == list:
            return [self._constructSoftwareTuple(soft) for soft in softs]
        if softs:
            return [self._constructSoftwareTuple(softs)]
        return []

    def _getComputerCountBySoftwares(self, entities, softs, results, oper=operator.add):
        soft_results= []
        if softs:
            for entity in self._getEntitiesIds(entities):
                self.ctx.locationsid = [entity]
                soft_count = self.db.getAllSoftwaresImproved(self.ctx, [soft[0] for soft in softs],
                        version=[soft[1] for soft in softs],
                        vendor=[soft[2] for soft in softs],
                soft_results.append({'entity_id': entity, 'value': soft_count})
        for soft_result in soft_results:
            count = False
            for result in results:
                if soft_result['entity_id'] == result['entity_id']:
		    if result['value'] is not None and soft_result['value'] is not None:
                    	result['value'] = oper(result['value'], soft_result['value'])
			result['value'] = 0
                    count = True
            if not count and oper == operator.add:
        return results

    def getComputerCountBySoftwares(self, entities, soft_names, exclude_names={}):
        Get computer count for software names

        @param soft_names: list of softwares to count
        @param exclude_names: list of softwares to exclude

        soft_names can be a simple string (ie: 'Mozilla Firefox*')
        soft_names can be a dict (ie: {'name': 'Mozilla Firefox', 'version': '24.0', vendor:'Mozilla'})
        soft_names can be a list of mixed dict and strings

        Same for exclude_names

        @return: count of machines by entity
        softs = self._constructSoftwaresList(soft_names)
        excludes = self._constructSoftwaresList(exclude_names)
        results = self._getComputerCountBySoftwares(entities, softs, [])
        results = self._getComputerCountBySoftwares(entities, excludes,
                                                    results, operator.sub)
        return results
Esempio n. 35
 def __init__(self, conffile = None):
     self.logger = logging.getLogger()
     self.config = InventoryConfig()
     self.inventory = Inventory()