def run(self, args): try: interfaces = self.client.remote('pupyps', 'interfaces') families = { int(k):v for k,v in self.client.remote_const( 'pupyps', 'families' ).iteritems() } data = interfaces() families = { int(x):y for x,y in families.iteritems() } objects = [] for addr, addresses in data['addrs'].iteritems(): if args.iface and addr not in args.iface: continue color = "" if 'stats' in data and data['stats']: if addr in data['stats'] and not data['stats'][addr].get('isup'): color = 'darkgrey' elif not any([families[x.get('family')] == 'INET' for x in addresses]): color = 'grey' else: color = 'white' record = {} record['K'] = Color(addr, color or 'cyan') first = True for address in addresses: if first: first = False else: record = {} record['K'] = '' record['F'] = Color(families[address.get('family')], color) V = Color(address.get('address', '').split('%')[0], color or 'yellow') if address.get('netmask') != 'None': V = Line(V, Color(address.get('netmask'), color)) = '/' if address.get('broadcast') != 'None': V = Line(V, Color('brd '+address.get('broadcast'), color)) record['V'] = Line(V) objects.append(record) self.log(Table(objects, ['K', 'F', 'V'], legend=False)) except Exception, e: logging.exception(e)
def make_fields(item): items = [] if args.time: date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(item['date']) date_str = '' if == today: date_str = date.strftime('%H:%M:%S') elif == today.year: date_str = date.strftime('%d/%m %H:%M:%S') else: date_str = date.strftime('%Y/%d/%m %H:%M:%S') items.append(Color(date_str, 'lightgrey')) msg = item['msg'] if not args.width: msg = ' '.join([x.strip() for x in msg.split('\n')]) if item.get('type') in ('CRITICAL', 'EMERGENCY', 'ALERT', 'ERROR'): msg = Color(msg, 'lightred') elif item.get('type') == 'WARNING': msg = Color(msg, 'lightyellow') elif item.get('type') == 'DEBUG': msg = Color(msg, 'grey') items.append(msg) return Line(*items)
def do(server, handler, config, modargs): pj = None args = modargs.arguments clients_filter = modargs.filter or handler.default_filter try: module = server.get_module( server.get_module_name_from_category(modargs.module)) except PupyModuleUsageError, e: prog, message, usage = e.args handler.display(Line(Error(prog+':'), Color(message, 'lightred'))) handler.display(usage)
if all(not x['resource'] for x in info['creds']): del columns[columns.index('resource')] cids = set(x['cid'] for x in info['creds']) if len(cids) == 1: del columns[columns.index('cid')] caption += ' (cid={})'.format(list(cids)[0]) if credtype in ('plaintext', 'hash') or all( len(x['secret']) <= 64 for x in info['creds']): handler.display(TruncateToTerm( Table(info['creds'], columns, caption=Color(caption, 'yellow')))) else: caption = Line('{', Color(caption, 'yellow'), '}') handler.display(caption) parts = [] for cred in info['creds']: line = [] for column in columns: if column == 'secret' or not cred[column]: continue line.append(Color(column+':', 'yellow')) line.append(Color(cred[column], 'lightyellow')) line.append(NewLine()) line.append(cred['secret']) line.append(NewLine()) parts.append(Line(*line))
def do(server, handler, config, args): tables = [] if args.module: if handler.commands.has(args.module): command = handler.commands.get(args.module) tables.append( Line(Color('Command:', 'yellow'), Color(args.module + ':', 'green'), command.usage or 'No description')) if command.parser.add_help: tables.append(command.parser.format_help()) else: tables.append(command.parser.parse_args(['--help'])) for module in server.iter_modules(): if module.get_name().lower() == args.module.lower(): if module.__doc__: doc = module.__doc__.strip() else: doc = '' tables.append( Line(Color('Module:', 'yellow'), Color(args.module + ':', 'green'), doc.title().split('\n')[0])) if command.parser.add_help: tables.append(command.parser.format_help()) else: tables.append(command.parser.parse_args(['--help'])) clients = server.get_clients(handler.default_filter) if clients: ctable = [] for client in clients: compatible = module.is_compatible_with(client) ctable.append({ 'OK': Color('Y' if compatible else 'N', 'green' if compatible else 'grey'), 'CLIENT': Color(str(client), 'green' if compatible else 'grey') }) tables.append( Table(ctable, ['OK', 'CLIENT'], Color('Compatibility', 'yellow'), False)) for command, alias in config.items("aliases"): if command == args.module: tables.append( Line(Color('Alias:', 'yellow'), Color(args.module + ':', 'green'), alias)) else: commands = [] for command, description in handler.commands.list(): commands.append({'COMMAND': command, 'DESCRIPTION': description}) tables.append( Table(commands, ['COMMAND', 'DESCRIPTION'], Color('COMMANDS', 'yellow'))) if args.modules: modules = sorted(list(server.iter_modules()), key=(lambda x: x.category)) table = [] for mod in modules: compatible = all( mod.is_compatible_with(client) for client in server.get_clients(handler.default_filter)) compatible_some = any( mod.is_compatible_with(client) for client in server.get_clients(handler.default_filter)) if mod.__doc__: doc = mod.__doc__.strip() else: doc = '' category = mod.category name = mod.get_name() brief = doc.title().split('\n')[0] if compatible: pass elif compatible_some: category = Color(category, 'grey') name = Color(name, 'grey') brief = Color(brief, 'grey') else: category = Color(category, 'darkgrey') name = Color(name, 'darkgrey') brief = Color(brief, 'darkgrey') table.append({ 'CATEGORY': category, 'NAME': name, 'HELP': brief }) tables.append( TruncateToTerm( Table(table, ['CATEGORY', 'NAME', 'HELP'], Color('MODULES', 'yellow')))) else: aliased = [] for module, description in server.get_aliased_modules(): aliased.append({'MODULE': module, 'DESCRIPTION': description}) if aliased: tables.append( Table(aliased, ['MODULE', 'DESCRIPTION'], Color('ALIASED MODULES', 'yellow'))) aliases = [] for command, alias in config.items("aliases"): aliases.append({'ALIAS': command, 'COMMAND': alias}) if aliases: tables.append( Table(aliases, ['ALIAS', 'COMMAND'], Color('ALIASES', 'yellow'))) if not args.modules: tables.append( Line('Use', Color('help -M', 'green'), 'command to show all available modules')) handler.display(MultiPart(tables))
class FStat(PupyModule): '''Show a bit more info about file path. ACLs/Caps/Owner for now''' dependencies = { 'all': ['pupyutils.basic_cmds', 'fsutils', 'fsutils_ext'], 'windows': ['junctions', 'ntfs_streams', ''], 'linux': ['xattr', 'posix1e', 'prctl', '_prctl'] } @classmethod def init_argparse(cls): cls.arg_parser = PupyArgumentParser(prog='stat', description=cls.__doc__) cls.arg_parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='Print more information (certificates for example)') cls.arg_parser.add_argument('path', type=str, nargs=REMAINDER, help='path of a specific file', completer=remote_path_completer) def run(self, args): getfilesec = self.client.remote('fsutils_ext', 'getfilesec') path = ' '.join(args.path) try: sec = getfilesec(path) except Exception, e: self.error(' '.join(x for x in e.args if type(x) in (str, unicode))) return ctime, atime, mtime, size, owner, group, header, mode, extra = sec owner_id, owner_name, owner_domain = owner group_id, group_name, group_domain = group default = { 'Created': file_timestamp(ctime, time=True), 'Accessed': file_timestamp(atime, time=True), 'Modified': file_timestamp(mtime, time=True), 'Size': '{} ({})'.format(size_human_readable(size), size), 'Owner': '{}{} ({})'.format(owner_domain + '\\' if owner_domain else '', owner_name, owner_id), 'Group': '{}{} ({})'.format(group_domain + '\\' if group_domain else '', group_name, group_id), 'Mode': mode, } infos = [] infos.append( Table([{ 'Property': p, 'Value': default[p] } for p in ('Created', 'Accessed', 'Modified', 'Size', 'Owner', 'Group', 'Mode')], ['Property', 'Value'], legend=False)) oneliners = [] certificates = None for extra, values in extra.iteritems(): if extra == 'Certificates': certificates = [ load_cert_string(cert, FORMAT_DER).as_text() for cert in values ] elif isinstance(values, dict): records = [{ 'KEY': k.decode('utf-8'), 'VALUE': v.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) } for k, v in values.iteritems()] infos.append(Table(records, ['KEY', 'VALUE'], caption=extra)) elif isinstance(values, (list, tuple)): if all( isinstance(value, (list, tuple)) and len(value) == 2 for value in values): infos.append( List('{}: {}'.format(key, value) for key, value in values)) else: infos.append(List(values, caption=extra)) elif isinstance(values, int): oneliners.append('{}: {}'.format(extra, values)) elif '\n' in values: infos.append(Line(extra + ':', values)) else: oneliners.append(extra + ': ' + values) if args.verbose: magic = '' if header: with Magic() as libmagic: magic = libmagic.id_buffer(header) if magic: oneliners.append('Magic: {}'.format(magic)) if certificates: infos.extend(certificates) if oneliners: infos.append(List(oneliners, caption='Other')) self.log(MultiPart(infos))
class FStat(PupyModule): '''Show a bit more info about file path. ACLs/Caps/Owner for now''' dependencies = { 'all': ['pupyutils', 'fsutils', 'fsutils_ext'], 'windows': ['junctions', 'ntfs_streams'], 'linux': ['xattr', 'posix1e', 'prctl', '_prctl'] } @classmethod def init_argparse(cls): cls.arg_parser = PupyArgumentParser(prog='stat', description=cls.__doc__) cls.arg_parser.add_argument('path', type=str, nargs=REMAINDER, help='path of a specific file', completer=remote_path_completer) def run(self, args): getfilesec = self.client.remote('fsutils_ext', 'getfilesec') path = ' '.join(args.path) try: sec = getfilesec(path) except Exception, e: self.error(' '.join(x for x in e.args if type(x) in (str, unicode))) return ctime, atime, mtime, size, owner, group, header, mode, extra = sec owner_id, owner_name, owner_domain = owner group_id, group_name, group_domain = group magic = '' if header: with Magic() as libmagic: magic = libmagic.id_buffer(header) default = { 'Created': file_timestamp(ctime, time=True), 'Accessed': file_timestamp(atime, time=True), 'Modified': file_timestamp(mtime, time=True), 'Size': '{} ({})'.format(size_human_readable(size), size), 'Owner': '{}{} ({})'.format(owner_domain + '\\' if owner_domain else '', owner_name, owner_id), 'Group': '{}{} ({})'.format(group_domain + '\\' if group_domain else '', group_name, group_id), 'Mode': mode, } infos = [] infos.append( Table([{ 'Property': p, 'Value': default[p] } for p in ('Created', 'Accessed', 'Modified', 'Size', 'Owner', 'Group', 'Mode')], ['Property', 'Value'], legend=False)) if magic: infos.append('Magic: {}'.format(magic)) for extra, values in extra.iteritems(): if type(values) in (list, tuple): infos.append(List(values, caption=extra)) else: infos.append(Line(extra + ':', values)) self.log(MultiPart(infos))