Esempio n. 1
def core(out, in_, k, c, h):
    '''void core(u8*out, const u8*in, const u8*k, const u8*c, int h)'''
    w = IntArray(u32, size=16)
    x = IntArray(u32, size=16)
    y = IntArray(u32, size=16)
    t = IntArray(u32, size=4)

    for i in range(4):
        x[5 * i] = ld32(c[4 * i:])
        x[1 + i] = ld32(k[4 * i:])
        x[6 + i] = ld32(in_[4 * i:])
        x[11 + i] = ld32(k[16 + 4 * i:])

    for i in range(16):
        y[i] = x[i]

    for i in range(20):
        for j in range(4):
            for m in range(4):
                t[m] = x[(5 * j + 4 * m) % 16]
            t[1] ^= L32(t[0] + t[3], 7)
            t[2] ^= L32(t[1] + t[0], 9)
            t[3] ^= L32(t[2] + t[1], 13)
            t[0] ^= L32(t[3] + t[2], 18)
            for m in range(4):
                w[4 * j + (j + m) % 4] = t[m]
        for m in range(16):
            x[m] = w[m]

    if h:
        for i in range(16):
            x[i] += y[i]
        for i in range(4):
            x[5 * i] -= ld32(c[4 * i:])
            x[6 + i] -= ld32(in_[4 * i:])
        for i in range(4):
            out[4 * i:] = st32(out[4 * i:], x[5 * i])
            out[16 + 4 * i:] = st32(out[16 + 4 * i:], x[6 + i])
        for i in range(16):
            out[4 * i:] = st32(out[4 * i:], x[i] + y[i])
Esempio n. 2
def crypto_hashblocks_sha512_tweet(x, m, n):
    '''int crypto_hashblocks_sha512_tweet(u8*x, const u8*m, u64 n)'''
    z = IntArray(u64, size=8)
    b = IntArray(u64, size=8)
    a = IntArray(u64, size=8)
    w = IntArray(u64, size=16)
    t = u64()

    for i in range(8):
        z[i] = a[i] = dl64(x[8 * i:])

    m_off = 0
    while n >= 128:
        for i in range(16):
            w[i] = dl64(m[8 * i + m_off:])

        for i in range(80):
            for j in range(8):
                b[j] = a[j]
            t = a[7] + Sigma1(a[4]) + Ch(a[4], a[5], a[6]) + K[i] + w[i % 16]
            b[7] = t + Sigma0(a[0]) + Maj(a[0], a[1], a[2])
            b[3] += t

            for j in range(8):
                a[(j + 1) % 8] = b[j]
            if i % 16 == 15:
                for j in range(16):
                    w[j] += w[(j + 9) % 16] + sigma0(w[(j + 1) % 16]) + sigma1(
                        w[(j + 14) % 16])

        for i in range(8):
            a[i] += z[i]
            z[i] = a[i]

        m_off += 128
        n -= 128

    for i in range(8):
        x[8 * i:] = ts64(x[8 * i:], z[i])

    return n
Esempio n. 3
def crypto_sign_ed25519_tweet_open(m, mlen, sm, n, pk):
    '''int crypto_sign_ed25519_tweet_open(u8*m, u64*mlen, const u8*sm, u64 n, const u8*pk)'''
    t = IntArray(u8, size=32)
    h = IntArray(u8, size=64)
    p = [gf() for i in range(4)]
    q = [gf() for i in range(4)]

    mlen = -1
    if n < 64: return -1

    if unpackneg(q, pk): return -1

    for i in range(n):
        m[i] = sm[i]
    for i in range(32):
        m[i + 32] = pk[i]
    crypto_hash_sha512_tweet(h, m, n)
    scalarmult(p, q, h)

    scalarbase(q, sm[32:])
    add(p, q)
    pack(t, p)

    n -= 64
    if crypto_verify_32_tweet(sm, t):
        for i in range(n):
            m[i] = 0
        return -1

    for i in range(n):
        m[i] = sm[i + 64]
    # There is no (simple?) way to return this argument's value back to the
    # user in python.  Rather than redefining the return value of this function
    # it is better to advise the user that ``mlen`` does not work as it does in
    # the C implementation and that its value will be equal to ``-1`` if ``n <
    # 64`` or decryption fails and ``n - 64`` otherwise.
    mlen = n
    return 0
Esempio n. 4
def M(o, a, b):
    '''void M(gf o, const gf a, const gf b)'''
    t = IntArray(i64, size=31)
    for i in range(16):
        for j in range(16):
            t[i + j] += a[i] * b[j]
    for i in range(15):
        t[i] += 38 * t[i + 16]
    for i in range(16):
        o[i] = t[i]


    return o
Esempio n. 5
def crypto_sign_ed25519_tweet_keypair(pk, sk):
    '''int crypto_sign_ed25519_tweet_keypair(u8*pk, u8*sk)'''
    d = IntArray(u8, size=64)
    p = [gf() for i in range(4)]

    randombytes(sk, 32)
    crypto_hash_sha512_tweet(d, sk, 32)
    d[0] &= 248
    d[31] &= 127
    d[31] |= 64

    scalarbase(p, d)
    pack(pk, p)

    for i in range(32):
        sk[32 + i] = pk[i]
    return 0
Esempio n. 6
def crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_tweet_open(m, c, d, n, y, x):
    '''int crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_tweet_open(u8*m, const u8*c, u64 d, const u8*n, const u8*y, const u8*x)'''
    k = IntArray(u8, size=32)
    crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_tweet_beforenm(k, y, x)
    return crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_tweet_open_afternm(
        m, c, d, n, k)
Esempio n. 7
def crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_tweet_beforenm(k, y, x):
    '''int crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_tweet_beforenm(u8*k, const u8*y, const u8*x)'''
    s = IntArray(u8, size=32)
    crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_tweet(s, x, y)
    return crypto_core_hsalsa20_tweet(k, _0, s, sigma)
Esempio n. 8
def par25519(a):
    '''u8 par25519(const gf a)'''
    d = IntArray(u8, size=32)
    pack25519(d, a)
    return d[0] & 1
Esempio n. 9
def crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_tweet_verify(h, m, n, k):
    '''int crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_tweet_verify(const u8*h, const u8*m, u64 n, const u8*k)'''
    x = IntArray(u8, size=16)
    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_tweet(x, m, n, k)
    return crypto_verify_16_tweet(h, x)
Esempio n. 10
def crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_tweet(out, m, n, k):
    '''int crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_tweet(u8*out, const u8*m, u64 n, const u8*k)'''
    s = u32()
    u = u32()
    x = IntArray(u32, size=17)
    r = IntArray(u32, size=17)
    h = IntArray(u32, size=17)
    c = IntArray(u32, size=17)
    g = IntArray(u32, size=17)

    for j in range(16):
        r[j] = k[j]
    r[3] &= 15
    r[4] &= 252
    r[7] &= 15
    r[8] &= 252
    r[11] &= 15
    r[12] &= 252
    r[15] &= 15

    while n > 0:
        c[:17] = 17 * [u32()]
        for j in range(16):
            if j >= n:
                j -= 1
            c[j] = m[j]
        j += 1
        c[j] = 1
        m = m[j:]
        n -= j
        add1305(h, c)

        for i in range(17):
            x[i] = 0
            for j in range(17):
                x[i] += h[j] * (r[i - j] if j <= i else 320 * r[i + 17 - j])

        for i in range(17):
            h[i] = x[i]
        u = 0

        for j in range(16):
            u += h[j]
            h[j] = u & 255
            u >>= 8

        u += h[16]
        h[16] = u & 3
        u = 5 * (u >> 2)

        for j in range(16):
            u += h[j]
            h[j] = u & 255
            u >>= 8

        u += h[16]
        h[16] = u

    for j in range(17):
        g[j] = h[j]
    add1305(h, minusp)
    s = -(h[16] >> 7)
    for j in range(17):
        h[j] ^= s & (g[j] ^ h[j])

    for j in range(16):
        c[j] = k[j + 16]
    c[16] = 0
    add1305(h, c)
    for j in range(16):
        out[j] = h[j]

    return 0
Esempio n. 11
def crypto_stream_xsalsa20_tweet_xor(c, m, d, n, k):
    '''int crypto_stream_xsalsa20_tweet_xor(u8*c, const u8*m, u64 d, const u8*n, const u8*k)'''
    s = IntArray(u8, size=32)
    crypto_core_hsalsa20_tweet(s, n, k, sigma)
    return crypto_stream_salsa20_tweet_xor(c, m, d, n[16:], s)
Esempio n. 12
def crypto_stream_salsa20_tweet(c, d, n, k):
    '''int crypto_stream_salsa20_tweet(u8*c, u64 d, const u8*n, const u8*k)'''
    return crypto_stream_salsa20_tweet_xor(c, IntArray(u8), d, n, k)
Esempio n. 13
class gf(IntArray):
    def __init__(self, init=()):
        IntArray.__init__(self, i64, init=init, size=16)

def randombytes(c, s):
    insert s random bytes into c
    if lt_py3:
        c[:s] = bytearray(os.urandom(s))
        c[:s] = os.urandom(s)

_0 = IntArray(u8, size=16)
_9 = IntArray(u8, size=32, init=[9])

gf0 = gf()
gf1 = gf([1])
_121665 = gf([0xDB41, 1])
D = gf([
    0x78a3, 0x1359, 0x4dca, 0x75eb, 0xd8ab, 0x4141, 0x0a4d, 0x0070, 0xe898,
    0x7779, 0x4079, 0x8cc7, 0xfe73, 0x2b6f, 0x6cee, 0x5203
D2 = gf([
    0xf159, 0x26b2, 0x9b94, 0xebd6, 0xb156, 0x8283, 0x149a, 0x00e0, 0xd130,
    0xeef3, 0x80f2, 0x198e, 0xfce7, 0x56df, 0xd9dc, 0x2406
X = gf([
    0xd51a, 0x8f25, 0x2d60, 0xc956, 0xa7b2, 0x9525, 0xc760, 0x692c, 0xdc5c,