def test_from_mime(): # create email from separated mime and test if it get reconstructed ok root_mime = mime.create.multipart("mixed") text_1 = mime.create.text("plain", randUnicode(length=3)) root_mime.append(text_1) attachments = [] for _ in range(2): a = mime.create.attachment("image/png", randStr(size=10), randUnicode(), AttachmentType.INLINE) attachments.append(a) a.to_string() root_mime.append(a) text_2 = mime.create.text("plain", randUnicode(length=3)) root_mime.append(text_2) for _ in range(3): a = mime.create.attachment("video/mp4", randStr(size=15), randUnicode(), AttachmentType.ATTACHMENT) attachments.append(a) a.to_string() root_mime.append(a) root_mime.headers["Message-Id"] = u"<{}>".format(EmailHelpers.newMessageId()) email = EmailV1.fromMime(root_mime.to_string(), [], {"user_id": u"*****@*****.**", "display_name": u"S B"}) # check if the attachments have been all separated properly body_mime = mime.from_string(email.body.content) assert len(attachments) == len(filter(lambda p: p.content_type.value == DUMMY_CONTENT_TYPE , # check att hashes are properly inserted as filenames assert map(lambda a: HexEncode(Sha256Sum(a.to_string())), attachments) == map(lambda p: p.content_disposition[1]["filename"], filter(lambda p: p.content_type.value == DUMMY_CONTENT_TYPE ,
def test_parse_mime_regular_attachment(): root_mime = mime.create.multipart("mixed") text_1 = mime.create.text("plain", randUnicode(length=1)) root_mime.append(text_1) for _ in range(3): att = mime.create.attachment(u"image/png", randStr(size=12355), randUnicode(), AttachmentType.ATTACHMENT) root_mime.append(att) text, html, attachments = parseMime(root_mime) assert text == text_1.body # non alternate text gets added to html assert html == u"<br>".join( [u"<div data-preveil-text>{}</div>".format(text_1.body)]) # all are regular atts assert all( map( lambda att: att.metadata.content_disposition == AttachmentType. ATTACHMENT, attachments)) # all the atts exist w right content assert map(lambda att: att.content.content, attachments) == map( lambda att_part: att_part.body, filter(lambda p: p.content_disposition[0] == AttachmentType.ATTACHMENT, #add some nested atts nested_mime = mime.create.multipart("mixed") html_1 = mime.create.text("html", randUnicode(length=454)) nested_mime.append(html_1) for _ in range(5): att = mime.create.attachment(u"application/octet-stream", randStr(size=545), randUnicode(length=12), AttachmentType.ATTACHMENT) nested_mime.append(att) root_mime.append(nested_mime) text, html, attachments = parseMime(root_mime) assert text == text_1.body # non alternate text gets added to html assert html == u"<br>".join( [u"<div data-preveil-text>{}</div>".format(text_1.body), html_1.body]) # all are regular atts assert all( map( lambda att: att.metadata.content_disposition == AttachmentType. ATTACHMENT, attachments)) # all the atts exist w right content assert map(lambda att: att.content.content, attachments) == map( lambda att_part: att_part.body, filter(lambda p: p.content_disposition[0] == AttachmentType.ATTACHMENT, +
def test_unknown_content_type_with_no_disposition(): root_mime = mime.create.multipart("mixed") text_1 = mime.create.text("plain", randUnicode(length=1332)) root_mime.append(text_1) att = mime.create.attachment(u"image/png", randStr(size=8722), randUnicode(), AttachmentType.ATTACHMENT) root_mime.append(att) content = randUnicode(length=1523) unknown_part = mime.create.text("plain", content) unknown_part.headers["Content-Type"] = mime.message.ContentType( u"xx", u"yy") root_mime.append(unknown_part) text, html, attachments = parseMime(root_mime) assert text == text_1.body # non alternate text gets added to html assert html == u"<br>".join( [u"<div data-preveil-text>{}</div>".format(text_1.body)]) assert len(attachments) == 2 # assert that the bad content type has translated in as a regular attachment assert map(lambda att: att.metadata.content_disposition, attachments) == [AttachmentType.ATTACHMENT] * 2 # all attachment still has the right content assert map(lambda att: att.content.content, attachments) == map( lambda p: p.body, filter(lambda p: p.content_type.value != u"text/plain",
def test_create_mime_headers_validity(): text = randUnicode(length=2012) html = randUnicode(length=2014) attachments = [] for _ in range(4): content = randStr(size=2017) _filename = randUnicode() f = FileStorage(stream=StringIO.StringIO(content), filename=_filename, content_type="image/jpeg") attachments.append(Attachment.fromFileStorage(f, AttachmentMetadata(f.filename, f.content_type))) message_id = randUnicode() _time = time.time() tos = [{"user_id": randUnicode()+"", "display_name": randUnicode()} for _ in range(12)] ccs = [{"user_id": randUnicode()+"", "display_name": randUnicode()} for _ in range(4)] bccs = [{"user_id": randUnicode()+"", "display_name": randUnicode()} for _ in range(3)] references = [randUnicode() for _ in range(5)] in_reply_to = randUnicode() subject = randUnicode() reply_tos = [{"user_id": randUnicode()+"", "display_name": randUnicode()} for _ in range(2)] sender = {"user_id": randUnicode()+"", "display_name": randUnicode()} raw_mime = createMime(text, html, attachments, message_id, _time, subject, tos, ccs, bccs, reply_tos, sender, in_reply_to, references) assert message_id == raw_mime.headers.get("Message-Id") assert tos == [{"user_id": to.address, "display_name": to.display_name} for to in addresslib.address.parse_list(raw_mime.headers.get("To"))] assert ccs == [{"user_id": cc.address, "display_name": cc.display_name} for cc in addresslib.address.parse_list(raw_mime.headers.get("Cc"))] assert bccs == [{"user_id": bcc.address, "display_name": bcc.display_name} for bcc in addresslib.address.parse_list(raw_mime.headers.get("Bcc"))] assert reply_tos == [{"user_id": rpt.address, "display_name": rpt.display_name} for rpt in addresslib.address.parse_list(raw_mime.headers.get("Reply-To"))] assert "{} <{}>".format(sender["display_name"], sender["user_id"]) == raw_mime.headers.get("From") assert subject == raw_mime.headers.get("Subject") assert references == raw_mime.headers.get("references").split(" ") assert in_reply_to == raw_mime.headers.get("in-reply-to") assert email.utils.formatdate(_time) == raw_mime.headers.get("Date") assert len(re.findall("=\n", raw_mime.to_string())) == 0
def test_create_mime_with_inline_attachment(): text = randUnicode(length=1024) html = randUnicode(length=1024) attachments = [] for _ in range(4): content = randStr(size=4096) _filename = randUnicode() f = FileStorage(stream=StringIO.StringIO(content), filename=_filename, content_type="image/jpeg") att = Attachment.fromFileStorage(f, AttachmentMetadata(f.filename, f.content_type)) att.metadata.content_disposition = AttachmentType.INLINE attachments.append(att) raw_mime = createMime(text, html, attachments) assert raw_mime.content_type.value == u"multipart/alternative" # 1 part is for text/plain content, and one for multipart/related assert set(["(multipart/related)", "(text/plain)"]) == set(map(lambda p: str(p), assert text == filter(lambda p:str(p) == "(text/plain)",[0].body related_part = filter(lambda p: str(p) == "(multipart/related)",[0] # one for html and rest inline atts assert len( == len(attachments) + 1 assert html == filter(lambda p:str(p) == "(text/html)",[0].body attachment_parts = filter(lambda p: p.content_disposition[0] == AttachmentType.INLINE, assert set(map(lambda att: att.metadata.filename, attachments)) == set(map(lambda att_part: att_part.content_disposition[1]["filename"], attachment_parts)) assert set(map(lambda att: att.content.content, attachments)) == set(map(lambda att_part: att_part.body, attachment_parts)) assert len(re.findall("=\n", raw_mime.to_string())) == 0
def test_parse_mime_inline_attachment(): root_mime = mime.create.multipart("related") html_1 = mime.create.text("html", randUnicode(length=10)) root_mime.append(html_1) for _ in range(6): att = mime.create.attachment(u"image/png", randStr(size=235), randUnicode(), AttachmentType.INLINE) root_mime.append(att) text, html, attachments = parseMime(root_mime) assert text == u"" #the 3 attachments should be inline and have content id assigned to them assert len(attachments) == 6 assert all([ att.metadata.content_disposition == AttachmentType.INLINE for att in attachments ]) matches = re.findall("<div data-preveil-inline>(.*?)</div>", html, flags=re.DOTALL) # all are inline assert len(matches) == len(attachments) # make sure all the content ids are included content_ids = [re.findall('src="(.*?)"', img)[0] for img in matches] content_ids = [re.subn("cid:", "<", ci)[0] + ">" for ci in content_ids] assert content_ids == [att.metadata.content_id for att in attachments] # test when inline atts have content_id root_mime = mime.create.multipart("alternative") text_1 = mime.create.text("plain", randUnicode(length=19)) root_mime.append(text_1) related_mime = mime.create.multipart("related") html_1 = mime.create.text("html", randUnicode(length=15)) related_mime.append(html_1) att = mime.create.attachment(u"application/octet-stream", randStr(size=421), randUnicode(), AttachmentType.INLINE) cid = EmailHelpers.newMessageId() att.headers["Content-Id"] = cid related_mime.append(att) root_mime.append(related_mime) text, html, attachments = parseMime(root_mime) assert len(attachments) == 1 assert cid == attachments[0].metadata.content_id assert len(re.findall("data-preveil-inline", html)) == 0
def test_from_mime(): # create email from separated mime and test if it get reconstructed ok root_mime = mime.create.multipart("mixed") text_1 = mime.create.text("plain", randUnicode(length=3)) root_mime.append(text_1) attachments = [] for _ in range(2): a = mime.create.attachment("image/png", randStr(size=10), randUnicode(), AttachmentType.INLINE) attachments.append(a) a.to_string() root_mime.append(a) text_2 = mime.create.text("plain", randUnicode(length=3)) root_mime.append(text_2) for _ in range(3): a = mime.create.attachment("video/mp4", randStr(size=15), randUnicode(), AttachmentType.ATTACHMENT) attachments.append(a) a.to_string() root_mime.append(a) root_mime.headers["Message-Id"] = u"<{}>".format( EmailHelpers.newMessageId()) email = EmailV1.fromMime(root_mime.to_string(), [], overwrite_sender={ "user_id": u"*****@*****.**", "display_name": u"S B" }) # check if the attachments have been all separated properly body_mime = mime.from_string(email.body.content) assert len(attachments) == len( filter(lambda p: p.content_type.value == DUMMY_CONTENT_TYPE, # check att hashes are properly inserted as filenames assert map(lambda a: HexEncode(Sha256Sum(a.to_string())), attachments) == map( lambda p: p.content_disposition[1]["filename"], filter(lambda p: p.content_type.value == DUMMY_CONTENT_TYPE,
def test_parse_mime_inline_attachment(): root_mime = mime.create.multipart("related") html_1 = mime.create.text("html", randUnicode(length=10)) root_mime.append(html_1) for _ in range(6): att = mime.create.attachment(u"image/png", randStr(size=235), randUnicode(), AttachmentType.INLINE) root_mime.append(att) text, html, attachments = parseMime(root_mime) assert text == u"" #the 3 attachments should be inline and have content id assigned to them assert len(attachments) == 6 assert all([att.metadata.content_disposition == AttachmentType.INLINE for att in attachments]) matches = re.findall("<div data-preveil-inline>(.*?)</div>", html, flags=re.DOTALL) # all are inline assert len(matches) == len(attachments) # make sure all the content ids are included content_ids = [re.findall('src="(.*?)"',img)[0] for img in matches] content_ids = [re.subn("cid:", "<", ci)[0] + ">" for ci in content_ids] assert content_ids == [att.metadata.content_id for att in attachments] # test when inline atts have content_id root_mime = mime.create.multipart("alternative") text_1 = mime.create.text("plain", randUnicode(length=19)) root_mime.append(text_1) related_mime = mime.create.multipart("related") html_1 = mime.create.text("html", randUnicode(length=15)) related_mime.append(html_1) att = mime.create.attachment(u"application/octet-stream", randStr(size=421), randUnicode(), AttachmentType.INLINE) cid = EmailHelpers.newMessageId() att.headers["Content-Id"] = cid related_mime.append(att) root_mime.append(related_mime) text, html, attachments = parseMime(root_mime) assert len(attachments) == 1 assert cid == attachments[0].metadata.content_id assert len(re.findall("data-preveil-inline", html)) == 0
def test_attachment_to_mime(): filename = randUnicode() content_type = "image/png" content_disposition = randUnicode() content_id = randUnicode() metadata = AttachmentMetadata(filename, content_type, content_disposition, content_id) blob = randStr(size=1024) attachement = Attachment(metadata, Content(blob)) att_mime = attachement.toMime() assert att_mime.headers.get("Content-Id") == content_id assert att_mime.headers.get("Content-Disposition") == (content_disposition, {"filename": filename}) assert att_mime.headers.get("Content-Type") == content_type assert att_mime.body == blob
def test_parse_mime_regular_attachment(): root_mime = mime.create.multipart("mixed") text_1 = mime.create.text("plain", randUnicode(length=1)) root_mime.append(text_1) for _ in range(3): att = mime.create.attachment(u"image/png", randStr(size=12355), randUnicode(), AttachmentType.ATTACHMENT) root_mime.append(att) text, html, attachments = parseMime(root_mime) assert text == text_1.body # non alternate text gets added to html assert html == u"<br>".join([u"<div data-preveil-text>{}</div>".format(text_1.body)]) # all are regular atts assert all(map(lambda att: att.metadata.content_disposition == AttachmentType.ATTACHMENT, attachments)) # all the atts exist w right content assert map(lambda att: att.content.content, attachments) == map(lambda att_part: att_part.body, filter(lambda p: p.content_disposition[0] == AttachmentType.ATTACHMENT, #add some nested atts nested_mime = mime.create.multipart("mixed") html_1 = mime.create.text("html", randUnicode(length=454)) nested_mime.append(html_1) for _ in range(5): att = mime.create.attachment(u"application/octet-stream", randStr(size=545), randUnicode(length=12), AttachmentType.ATTACHMENT) nested_mime.append(att) root_mime.append(nested_mime) text, html, attachments = parseMime(root_mime) assert text == text_1.body # non alternate text gets added to html assert html == u"<br>".join([u"<div data-preveil-text>{}</div>".format(text_1.body), html_1.body]) # all are regular atts assert all(map(lambda att: att.metadata.content_disposition == AttachmentType.ATTACHMENT, attachments)) # all the atts exist w right content assert map(lambda att: att.content.content, attachments) == map(lambda att_part: att_part.body, filter(lambda p: p.content_disposition[0] == AttachmentType.ATTACHMENT, +
def test_invalid_content_disposition(): root_mime = mime.create.multipart("mixed") text_1 = mime.create.text("plain", randUnicode(length=1653)) root_mime.append(text_1) att = mime.create.attachment(u"image/png", randStr(size=2052), randUnicode(), u"invalidCD") root_mime.append(att) text, html, attachments = parseMime(root_mime) assert text == text_1.body # non alternate text gets added to html assert html == u"<br>".join([u"<div data-preveil-text>{}</div>".format(text_1.body)]) assert len(attachments) == 1 # assert that the bad CD has translated as a regular attachment assert attachments[0].metadata.content_disposition == AttachmentType.ATTACHMENT # all attachment still has the right content assert attachments[0].content.content == filter(lambda p: p.content_disposition[0] == u"invalidCD",[0].body
def test_attachment_to_mime(): filename = randUnicode() content_type = "image/png" content_disposition = randUnicode() content_id = randUnicode() metadata = AttachmentMetadata(filename, content_type, content_disposition, content_id) blob = randStr(size=1024) attachement = Attachment(metadata, Content(blob)) att_mime = attachement.toMime() assert att_mime.headers.get("Content-Id") == content_id assert att_mime.headers.get("Content-Disposition") == (content_disposition, { "filename": filename }) assert att_mime.headers.get("Content-Type") == content_type assert att_mime.body == blob
def test_create_mime_with_regular_attachment(): text = randUnicode(length=1024) html = randUnicode(length=1024) attachments = [] for _ in range(4): content = randStr(size=4096) _filename = randUnicode() f = FileStorage(stream=StringIO.StringIO(content), filename=_filename, content_type="image/jpeg") attachments.append( Attachment.fromFileStorage( f, AttachmentMetadata(f.filename, f.content_type))) raw_mime = createMime(text, html, attachments) assert raw_mime.content_type.value == u"multipart/mixed" # 1 part is for text/html content, and one for each attachment assert len( == len(attachments) + 1 body_parts = filter( lambda p: p.content_type.value == u"multipart/alternative", assert len(body_parts) == 1 body_part = body_parts[0] assert set(["(text/html)", "(text/plain)"]) == set(map(lambda p: str(p), attachment_parts = filter( lambda p: p.content_disposition[0] == AttachmentType.ATTACHMENT, assert set(map(lambda att: att.metadata.content_disposition, attachments)) == set( map(lambda att_part: att_part.content_disposition[0], attachment_parts)) assert set(map(lambda att: att.metadata.filename, attachments)) == set( map(lambda att_part: att_part.content_disposition[1]["filename"], attachment_parts)) assert set(map(lambda att: att.content.content, attachments)) == set( map(lambda att_part: att_part.body, attachment_parts)) assert len(re.findall("=\n", raw_mime.to_string())) == 0
def test_invalid_content_disposition(): root_mime = mime.create.multipart("mixed") text_1 = mime.create.text("plain", randUnicode(length=1653)) root_mime.append(text_1) att = mime.create.attachment(u"image/png", randStr(size=2052), randUnicode(), u"invalidCD") root_mime.append(att) text, html, attachments = parseMime(root_mime) assert text == text_1.body # non alternate text gets added to html assert html == u"<br>".join( [u"<div data-preveil-text>{}</div>".format(text_1.body)]) assert len(attachments) == 1 # assert that the bad CD has translated as a regular attachment assert attachments[ 0].metadata.content_disposition == AttachmentType.ATTACHMENT # all attachment still has the right content assert attachments[0].content.content == filter( lambda p: p.content_disposition[0] == u"invalidCD",[0].body
def test_create_mime_with_regular_attachment(): text = randUnicode(length=1024) html = randUnicode(length=1024) attachments = [] for _ in range(4): content = randStr(size=4096) _filename = randUnicode() f = FileStorage(stream=StringIO.StringIO(content), filename=_filename, content_type="image/jpeg") attachments.append(Attachment.fromFileStorage(f, AttachmentMetadata(f.filename, f.content_type))) raw_mime = createMime(text, html, attachments) assert raw_mime.content_type.value == u"multipart/mixed" # 1 part is for text/html content, and one for each attachment assert len( == len(attachments) + 1 body_parts = filter(lambda p: p.content_type.value == u"multipart/alternative", assert len(body_parts) == 1 body_part = body_parts[0] assert set(["(text/html)", "(text/plain)"]) == set(map(lambda p: str(p), attachment_parts = filter(lambda p: p.content_disposition[0] == AttachmentType.ATTACHMENT, assert set(map(lambda att: att.metadata.content_disposition, attachments)) == set(map(lambda att_part: att_part.content_disposition[0], attachment_parts)) assert set(map(lambda att: att.metadata.filename, attachments)) == set(map(lambda att_part: att_part.content_disposition[1]["filename"], attachment_parts)) assert set(map(lambda att: att.content.content, attachments)) == set(map(lambda att_part: att_part.body, attachment_parts)) assert len(re.findall("=\n", raw_mime.to_string())) == 0
def test_create_mime_with_inline_attachment(): text = randUnicode(length=1024) html = randUnicode(length=1024) attachments = [] for _ in range(4): content = randStr(size=4096) _filename = randUnicode() f = FileStorage(stream=StringIO.StringIO(content), filename=_filename, content_type="image/jpeg") att = Attachment.fromFileStorage( f, AttachmentMetadata(f.filename, f.content_type)) att.metadata.content_disposition = AttachmentType.INLINE attachments.append(att) raw_mime = createMime(text, html, attachments) assert raw_mime.content_type.value == u"multipart/alternative" # 1 part is for text/plain content, and one for multipart/related assert set(["(multipart/related)", "(text/plain)"]) == set(map(lambda p: str(p), assert text == filter(lambda p: str(p) == "(text/plain)",[0].body related_part = filter(lambda p: str(p) == "(multipart/related)",[0] # one for html and rest inline atts assert len( == len(attachments) + 1 assert html == filter(lambda p: str(p) == "(text/html)",[0].body attachment_parts = filter( lambda p: p.content_disposition[0] == AttachmentType.INLINE, assert set(map(lambda att: att.metadata.filename, attachments)) == set( map(lambda att_part: att_part.content_disposition[1]["filename"], attachment_parts)) assert set(map(lambda att: att.content.content, attachments)) == set( map(lambda att_part: att_part.body, attachment_parts)) assert len(re.findall("=\n", raw_mime.to_string())) == 0
def test_unknown_content_type_with_no_disposition(): root_mime = mime.create.multipart("mixed") text_1 = mime.create.text("plain", randUnicode(length=1332)) root_mime.append(text_1) att = mime.create.attachment(u"image/png", randStr(size=8722), randUnicode(), AttachmentType.ATTACHMENT) root_mime.append(att) content = randUnicode(length=1523) unknown_part = mime.create.text("plain", content) unknown_part.headers["Content-Type"] = mime.message.ContentType(u"xx", u"yy") root_mime.append(unknown_part) text, html, attachments = parseMime(root_mime) assert text == text_1.body # non alternate text gets added to html assert html == u"<br>".join([u"<div data-preveil-text>{}</div>".format(text_1.body)]) assert len(attachments) == 2 # assert that the bad content type has translated in as a regular attachment assert map(lambda att: att.metadata.content_disposition, attachments) == [AttachmentType.ATTACHMENT]*2 # all attachment still has the right content assert map(lambda att: att.content.content, attachments) == map(lambda p: p.body, filter(lambda p: p.content_type.value != u"text/plain",
def test_create_mime_headers_validity(): text = randUnicode(length=2012) html = randUnicode(length=2014) attachments = [] for _ in range(4): content = randStr(size=2017) _filename = randUnicode() f = FileStorage(stream=StringIO.StringIO(content), filename=_filename, content_type="image/jpeg") attachments.append( Attachment.fromFileStorage( f, AttachmentMetadata(f.filename, f.content_type))) message_id = randUnicode() _time = time.time() tos = [{ "user_id": randUnicode() + "", "display_name": randUnicode() } for _ in range(12)] ccs = [{ "user_id": randUnicode() + "", "display_name": randUnicode() } for _ in range(4)] bccs = [{ "user_id": randUnicode() + "", "display_name": randUnicode() } for _ in range(3)] references = [randUnicode() for _ in range(5)] in_reply_to = randUnicode() subject = randUnicode() reply_tos = [{ "user_id": randUnicode() + "", "display_name": randUnicode() } for _ in range(2)] sender = { "user_id": randUnicode() + "", "display_name": randUnicode() } raw_mime = createMime(text, html, attachments, message_id, _time, subject, tos, ccs, bccs, reply_tos, sender, in_reply_to, references) assert message_id == raw_mime.headers.get("Message-Id") assert tos == [{ "user_id": to.address, "display_name": to.display_name } for to in addresslib.address.parse_list(raw_mime.headers.get("To"))] assert ccs == [{ "user_id": cc.address, "display_name": cc.display_name } for cc in addresslib.address.parse_list(raw_mime.headers.get("Cc"))] assert bccs == [{ "user_id": bcc.address, "display_name": bcc.display_name } for bcc in addresslib.address.parse_list(raw_mime.headers.get("Bcc"))] assert reply_tos == [{ "user_id": rpt.address, "display_name": rpt.display_name } for rpt in addresslib.address.parse_list( raw_mime.headers.get("Reply-To"))] assert "{} <{}>".format(sender["display_name"], sender["user_id"]) == raw_mime.headers.get("From") assert subject == raw_mime.headers.get("Subject") assert references == raw_mime.headers.get("references").split(" ") assert in_reply_to == raw_mime.headers.get("in-reply-to") assert email.utils.formatdate(_time) == raw_mime.headers.get("Date") assert len(re.findall("=\n", raw_mime.to_string())) == 0