Esempio n. 1
def forward_declare(
    node: ProtoNode,
    root: ProtoNode,
    output: OutputFile,
) -> None:
    """Generates code forward-declaring entities in a message's namespace."""
    if node.type() != ProtoNode.Type.MESSAGE:

    namespace = node.cpp_namespace(root)
    output.write_line(f'namespace {namespace} {{')

    # Define an enum defining each of the message's fields and their numbers.
    output.write_line('enum class Fields {')
    with output.indent():
        for field in node.fields():
            output.write_line(f'{field.enum_name()} = {field.number()},')

    # Declare the message's encoder class and all of its enums.
    output.write_line('class Encoder;')
    for child in node.children():
        if child.type() == ProtoNode.Type.ENUM:
            generate_code_for_enum(child, node, output)

    output.write_line(f'}}  // namespace {namespace}')
Esempio n. 2
def generate_code_for_package(file_descriptor_proto, package: ProtoNode,
                              output: OutputFile) -> None:
    """Generates code for a single .pb.h file corresponding to a .proto file."""

    assert package.type() == ProtoNode.Type.PACKAGE

    output.write_line(f'// {os.path.basename(} automatically '
                      f'generated by {PLUGIN_NAME} {PLUGIN_VERSION}')
    output.write_line('#pragma once\n')
    output.write_line('#include <cstddef>')
    output.write_line('#include <cstdint>\n')
    output.write_line('#include "pw_protobuf/codegen.h"')

    for imported_file in file_descriptor_proto.dependency:
        generated_header = _proto_filename_to_generated_header(imported_file)
        output.write_line(f'#include "{generated_header}"')

    if package.cpp_namespace():
        file_namespace = package.cpp_namespace()
        if file_namespace.startswith('::'):
            file_namespace = file_namespace[2:]

        output.write_line(f'\nnamespace {file_namespace} {{')

    for node in package:
        forward_declare(node, package, output)

    # Define all top-level enums.
    for node in package.children():
        if node.type() == ProtoNode.Type.ENUM:
            generate_code_for_enum(node, package, output)

    # Run through all messages in the file, generating a class for each.
    for node in package:
        if node.type() == ProtoNode.Type.MESSAGE:
            generate_code_for_message(node, package, output)

    # Run a second pass through the classes, this time defining all of the
    # methods which were previously only declared.
    for node in package:
        if node.type() == ProtoNode.Type.MESSAGE:
            define_not_in_class_methods(node, package, output)

    if package.cpp_namespace():
        output.write_line(f'\n}}  // namespace {package.cpp_namespace()}')