def default_casing_with_trajectory(): pipe = { 'od': 8, 'id': 7.2, 'shoeDepth': 1500, 'tocMd': 1000, 'weight': 100, 'yield': 80000, 'e': 29e6, 'top': 500 } df = { 'pipe': { 'tension': 1.1, 'compression': 1.1, 'burst': 1.1, 'collapse': 1.1, 'triaxial': 1.25 }, 'connection': { 'tension': 1.0, 'compression': 1.0 } } casing = pwploads.Casing(pipe, factors=df) casing.add_trajectory( r'' ) return casing, pipe
def default_casing(grade): pipe = { 'od': 8, 'id': 7.2, 'shoeDepth': 1500, 'tocMd': 1000, 'weight': 100, 'grade': grade, 'e': 29e6, 'top': 500 } df = { 'pipe': { 'tension': 1, 'compression': 1, 'burst': 1, 'collapse': 1, 'triaxial': 1 }, 'connection': { 'tension': 1.0, 'compression': 1.0 } } casing = pwploads.Casing(pipe, factors=df) return casing
def default_casing(): csg_od = 8 csg_id = 7 length = 1500 casing = pwploads.Casing(csg_od, csg_id, length, nominal_weight=100, yield_s=80000, df_burst=1.1, df_collapse=1.1, df_tension=1.3, df_compression=1.3, df_vme=1.25) return casing
def add_pwploads_app(): st.subheader('Load Cases APP') st.write( "This is a web based application to generate load cases along pipes." " This is part of the open source initiative by Pro Well Plan AS.") 'pwploads is a python package for load cases calculations in order to develop modern \ well designs easier and faster. New features are added as they are needed; ' 'suggestions and contributions of all kinds are very welcome.') st.markdown('[source code]' '(') st.markdown('[python package]' '(') st.markdown('[documentation]' '(') st.markdown('[About our Open Source initiative]' '(' 'open-source-boosting-the-digital-transformation)') st.markdown('#### 1. Load the wellbore trajectory') file_type = st.selectbox("File format", ['excel', 'csv'], key='file_type') trajectory = None uploaded_file = st.file_uploader('Load well trajectory: ', type=["xlsx", "csv"]) if uploaded_file: if file_type == 'excel': df = pd.read_excel(uploaded_file) else: df = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file) trajectory = wp.load(df, units='metric') st.markdown('#### 2. Create a casing with the specifications you need') # Default Values od_pipe = 8.0 id_pipe = 7.2 length_pipe = 1500 nominal_weight = 100 grade = 'L-80' df_vme = 1.25 df_burst = 1.1 df_collapse = 1.1 df_tension = 1.3 df_compression = 1.3 p_test = 4000 f_ov = 0 specs = False f_ov_status = False p_test_status = False v_avg = 0.3 e = 464 fric = 0.24 a = 1.5 cement = False rho_cem = 1.8 if st.checkbox('Set Casing Dimensions'): od_pipe = st.number_input('OD, [in]:', value=8.0, step=0.1) id_pipe = st.number_input('ID, [in]:', value=7.2, step=0.1) length_pipe = st.number_input('Pipe length, [m]:', value=1500, min_value=10, step=100) if st.checkbox('Set Material Properties'): nominal_weight = st.number_input('Nominal weight, [kg/m]:', value=100, step=1) grade = st.selectbox("Steel grade:", [ 'H-40', 'J-55', 'K-55', 'M-65', 'N-80', 'L-80', 'C-90', 'R-95', 'T-95', 'C-110', 'P-110', 'Q-125' ], index=5) if st.checkbox('Set Design Factors'): df_vme = st.number_input('Von Mises:', value=1.25, step=0.1) df_burst = st.number_input('API - Burst:', value=1.1, step=0.1) df_collapse = st.number_input('API - Collapse:', value=1.1, step=0.1) df_tension = st.number_input('API - Tension:', value=1.3, step=0.1) df_compression = st.number_input('API - Compression:', value=1.3, step=0.1) casing = pld.Casing(od_pipe, id_pipe, length_pipe, nominal_weight, int(grade[2:]) * 1000, df_tension, df_compression, df_burst, df_collapse, df_vme) st.markdown('#### 3. Set fluid') fluids_no = st.number_input('Number of fluids:', step=1, value=1) delta_tvd = float(length_pipe / fluids_no) rho_list = [] tvd_list = [] for x in range(fluids_no): st.write(' - fluid ' + str(x + 1)) rho_f = st.number_input('Fluid density, sg:', value=1.2, step=0.1, key='fluid' + str(x)) rho_list.append(rho_f) tvd_f = st.number_input('Final Depth, m:', value=float(delta_tvd * (x + 1)), step=100.0, key='tvd' + str(x)) tvd_list.append(tvd_f) tvd_list = tvd_list[:-1] st.markdown('#### 4. Modify parameters for load cases') if st.checkbox('Running in hole'): specs = True if st.checkbox('Overpull'): f_ov_status = True specs = True if st.checkbox('Green Cement Pressure Test'): p_test_status = True cement = True if p_test_status: p_test = st.number_input('Testing pressure, psi:', value=4000, step=100) if f_ov_status: f_ov = st.number_input('Overpull force, kN:', value=0, step=10) if specs: v_avg = st.number_input('Average running speed, m/s:', value=0.3, step=0.1) e = st.number_input("Young's modulus, psi x10^6:", value=464, step=1) fric = st.number_input('Sliding friction factor:', value=0.24, step=0.01) a = st.number_input('Ratio max speed / avg speed:', value=1.5, step=0.1) if cement: rho_cem = st.number_input('Cement density, sg:', value=1.8, step=0.1) if st.button('Generate plot'): if trajectory is not None: casing.add_trajectory(trajectory) e *= 1e6 / 14.504 casing.overpull(tvd_fluid=tvd_list, rho_fluid=rho_list, v_avg=v_avg, e=e, fric=fric, a=a, f_ov=f_ov) casing.running(tvd_fluid=tvd_list, rho_fluid=rho_list, v_avg=v_avg, e=e, fric=fric, a=a) casing.green_cement(tvd_fluid_int=tvd_list, rho_fluid_int=rho_list, rho_cement=rho_cem, p_test=p_test) fig = casing.plot() st.plotly_chart(fig) else: st.warning('No trajectory loaded') st.write('More features will be added soon...')
def add_pwploads_app(): st.subheader('Load Cases APP') st.write( "This is a web based application to generate load cases along pipes." " This is part of the open source initiative by Pro Well Plan AS.") 'pwploads is a python package for load cases calculations in order to develop modern \ well designs easier and faster. New features are added as they are needed; ' 'suggestions and contributions of all kinds are very welcome.') c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 = st.columns(5) with c1: st.markdown( "[![Github](]" "(") with c2: st.markdown("[![PyPI version](]" "(") with c3: st.markdown( "[![Documentation Status](]" "(") with c4: st.markdown( "[![Build Status](]" "(") st.markdown('#### 1. Load the wellbore trajectory') file_type = st.selectbox("File format", ['excel', 'csv'], key='file_type') trajectory = None uploaded_file = st.file_uploader('Load well trajectory: ', type=["xlsx", "csv"]) if uploaded_file: if file_type == 'excel': df = pd.read_excel(uploaded_file) else: df = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file) trajectory = wp.load(df, equidistant=False, set_info={'units': 'metric'}) st.markdown('#### 2. Create a casing with the specifications you need') df = { 'pipe': { 'tension': 1.1, 'compression': 1.1, 'burst': 1.1, 'collapse': 1.1, 'triaxial': 1.25 }, 'connection': { 'tension': 1.0, 'compression': 1.0 } } pipe = { 'od': 8, 'id': 7.2, 'shoeDepth': 1500, 'tocMd': 1000, 'weight': 100, 'yield': 80000, 'top': 200, 'e': 29e6 } settings = { 'densities': { 'mud': 1.2, 'cement': 1.8, 'cementDisplacingFluid': 1.3, 'gasKick': 0.5, 'completionFluid': 1.8 }, 'tripping': { 'slidingFriction': 0.24, 'speed': 0.3, 'maxSpeedRatio': 1.5 }, 'production': { 'resPressure': 5800, 'resTvd': 2000, 'fluidDensity': 1.7, 'packerFluidDensity': 1.3, 'packerTvd': 1450, 'perforationsTvd': 1600, 'poisson': 0.3 }, 'forces': { 'overpull': 0, 'preloading': 0 }, 'testing': { 'cementingPressure': 4000 } } # Default Values grade = 'L-80' conn_compression = 0.6 conn_tension = 0.6 if st.checkbox('Set Casing Dimensions'): pipe['od'] = st.number_input('OD, [in]:', value=8.0, step=0.1) pipe['id'] = st.number_input('ID, [in]:', value=7.2, step=0.1) pipe['shoeDepth'] = st.number_input('Shoe depth, [m]:', value=1500, min_value=10, step=100) pipe['top'] = st.number_input('Top depth MD, [m]:', value=1500, min_value=10, step=100) if st.checkbox('Set Material Properties'): pipe['weight'] = st.number_input('Nominal weight, [kg/m]:', value=100, step=1) grade = st.selectbox("Steel grade:", [ 'H-40', 'J-55', 'K-55', 'M-65', 'N-80', 'L-80', 'C-90', 'R-95', 'T-95', 'C-110', 'P-110', 'Q-125' ], index=5) conn_compression = st.number_input( 'Connection compression strength, [%]:', value=60, step=1, min_value=0, max_value=100) / 100 conn_tension = st.number_input('Connection tension strength, [%]:', value=60, step=1, min_value=0, max_value=100) / 100 if st.checkbox('Set Design Factors'): df['pipe']['triaxial'] = st.number_input('Von Mises:', value=1.25, step=0.1) df['pipe']['burst'] = st.number_input('API - Burst:', value=1.1, step=0.1) df['pipe']['collapse'] = st.number_input('API - Collapse:', value=1.1, step=0.1) df['pipe']['tension'] = st.number_input('API - Tension:', value=1.3, step=0.1) df['pipe']['compression'] = st.number_input('API - Compression:', value=1.3, step=0.1) df['connection']['compression'] = st.number_input( 'Connection - Compression:', value=1.0, step=0.1) df['connection']['tension'] = st.number_input('Connection - Tension:', value=1.0, step=0.1) pipe['yield'] = int(grade[2:]) * 1000 casing = pld.Casing(pipe, conn_compression, conn_tension, df) st.markdown('#### 3. Set parameters') if st.checkbox('Set densities, sg'): settings['densities']['mud'] = st.number_input('Mud:', value=1.2, step=0.1) settings['densities']['cement'] = st.number_input('Cement:', value=1.8, step=0.1) settings['densities']['cementDisplacingFluid'] = st.number_input( 'Displacing fluid (cementing):', value=1.3, step=0.1) settings['densities']['gasKick'] = st.number_input('Gas kick:', value=0.5, step=0.1) settings['densities']['completionFluid'] = st.number_input( 'Completion fluid:', value=1.8, step=0.1) if st.checkbox('Set tripping parameters'): settings['tripping']['slidingFriction'] = st.number_input( 'Sliding friction factor:', value=0.24, step=0.01) settings['tripping']['speed'] = st.number_input( 'Sliding friction factor, m/s:', value=0.3, step=0.1) settings['tripping']['maxSpeedRatio'] = st.number_input( 'Max / Avg speed ratio:', value=1.5, step=0.1) if st.checkbox('Set production parameters'): settings['production']['resPressure'] = st.number_input( 'Reservoir pressure, psi:', value=5800, step=100) settings['production']['resTvd'] = st.number_input( 'Reservoir depth (tvd), m:', value=2000, step=100) settings['production']['fluidDensity'] = st.number_input( 'Production fluid density, sg:', value=1.7, step=0.1) settings['production']['packerFluidDensity'] = st.number_input( 'Packer fluid density, sg:', value=1.3, step=0.1) settings['production']['packerTvd'] = st.number_input( 'Packer depth (tvd), m:', value=1450, step=100) settings['production']['perforationsTvd'] = st.number_input( 'Depth (tvd) of perforations:', value=1600, step=100) if st.checkbox('Set additional forces'): settings['forces']['overpull'] = st.number_input('Overpull, kN:', value=0, step=10) settings['forces']['preloading'] = st.number_input('Preload, kN:', value=0, step=10) if st.checkbox('Set testing'): settings['testing']['cementingPressure'] = st.number_input( 'Cementing Pressure test, psi:', value=4000, step=100) plots = { 'Triaxial Envelope': 'vme', 'Load Profiles': 'pressureDiff', 'Safety Factors (Axial)': 'axial', 'Safety Factors (Burst)': 'burst', 'Safety Factors (Collapse)': 'collapse' } plot_type = st.selectbox("Generate Plot", ['None'] + list(plots.keys())) if plot_type != 'None': if trajectory is not None: casing.add_trajectory(trajectory.trajectory) casing.run_loads(settings) fig = casing.plot(plot_type=plots[plot_type]) st.plotly_chart(fig) else: st.warning('No trajectory loaded') st.write('More features will be added soon...')
} df = { 'pipe': { 'tension': 1.1, 'compression': 1.1, 'burst': 1.1, 'collapse': 1.1, 'triaxial': 1.25 }, 'connection': { 'tension': 1.0, 'compression': 1.0 } } casing = pwploads.Casing(pipe, factors=df) casing.add_trajectory( r'' ) settings = { 'densities': { 'mud': 1.7, 'cement': 1.8, 'cementDisplacingFluid': 1.3, 'gasKick': 0.5, 'completionFluid': 1.8, 'injectionFluid': 1.3 }, 'tripping': { 'slidingFriction': 0.24,