Esempio n. 1
def test_vacf_methods():
    import numpy as np
    import math
    from pwtools import pydos

    def assrt(a, b):
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(a, b)

    # random velocity array: 10 atoms, 50 steps, 50 x  (10,3) arrays
    a = np.random.rand(50, 10, 3) + 1.0
    # random mass vector
    m = np.random.rand(10) * 10.0 + 1.0

    p1 = pydos.pyvacf(a, method=1)
    p2 = pydos.pyvacf(a, method=2)
    p3 = pydos.pyvacf(a, method=3)
    p1m = pydos.pyvacf(a, method=1, m=m)
    p2m = pydos.pyvacf(a, method=2, m=m)
    p3m = pydos.pyvacf(a, method=3, m=m)

    assrt(p1, p2)
    assrt(p1, p3)
    assrt(p2, p3)
    assrt(p1m, p2m)
    assrt(p1m, p3m)
    assrt(p2m, p3m)

    f1 = pydos.fvacf(a, method=1)
    f2 = pydos.fvacf(a, method=2)
    f1m = pydos.fvacf(a, method=1, m=m)
    f2m = pydos.fvacf(a, method=2, m=m)

    assrt(f1, f2)
    assrt(f1m, f2m)

    assrt(p1, f1)
    assrt(p2, f1)
    assrt(p3, f1)
    assrt(p1, f2)
    assrt(p2, f2)
    assrt(p3, f2)

    assrt(p1m, f1m)
    assrt(p2m, f1m)
    assrt(p3m, f1m)
    assrt(p1m, f2m)
    assrt(p2m, f2m)
    assrt(p3m, f2m)
Esempio n. 2
def test_vacf_methods():
    import numpy as np
    import math
    from pwtools import pydos

    def assrt(a, b):

    # random velocity array: 10 atoms, 50 steps, 50 x  (10,3) arrays
    a = np.random.rand(50,10,3) + 1.0
    # random mass vector
    m = np.random.rand(10) * 10.0 + 1.0

    p1 = pydos.pyvacf(a, method=1)
    p2 = pydos.pyvacf(a, method=2)
    p3 = pydos.pyvacf(a, method=3)
    p1m = pydos.pyvacf(a, method=1, m=m)
    p2m = pydos.pyvacf(a, method=2, m=m)
    p3m = pydos.pyvacf(a, method=3, m=m)

    assrt(p1,  p2)
    assrt(p1,  p3)
    assrt(p2,  p3)
    assrt(p1m, p2m)
    assrt(p1m, p3m)
    assrt(p2m, p3m)

    f1 = pydos.fvacf(a, method=1)
    f2 = pydos.fvacf(a, method=2)
    f1m = pydos.fvacf(a, method=1, m=m)
    f2m = pydos.fvacf(a, method=2, m=m)

    assrt(f1,  f2)
    assrt(f1m, f2m)

    assrt(p1,  f1)
    assrt(p2,  f1)
    assrt(p3,  f1)
    assrt(p1,  f2)
    assrt(p2,  f2)
    assrt(p3,  f2)

    assrt(p1m,  f1m)
    assrt(p2m,  f1m)
    assrt(p3m,  f1m)
    assrt(p1m,  f2m)
    assrt(p2m,  f2m)
    assrt(p3m,  f2m)
Esempio n. 3
def test_f2py_flib_openmp():
    import numpy as np
    from pwtools import _flib
    from pwtools.pydos import fvacf
    from pwtools.common import backtick
    import os
    import sys

    OMP_DCT = {'num_threads': None}

    def omp_num_threads(action='check', num=1, omp_dct=OMP_DCT, err=False):
        key = 'OMP_NUM_THREADS'
        has_key = key in os.environ
        if action == 'check':
            if has_key:
                print("[omp_num_threads] os.environ['%s']: %s" %
                      (key, os.environ[key]))
                print("[omp_num_threads] shell$ echo %s" % (key))
                print(backtick('echo $%s' % key))
                if err and os.environ[key] != '3':
                    return 'err'
                print("[omp_num_threads] no os.environ['%s']" % key)
                if err:
                    return 'err'
        elif action == 'backup':
            if has_key:
                print("[omp_num_threads] backup os.environ['%s'] = '%s'" %
                      (key, os.environ[key]))
                omp_dct['num_threads'] = os.environ[key]
                omp_dct['num_threads'] = None
        elif action == 'restore':
            if has_key:
                print("[omp_num_threads] restoring os.environ['%s'] = '%s'" \
                    %(key, omp_dct['num_threads']))
                os.environ[key] = omp_dct['num_threads']
        elif action == 'set':
            print("[omp_num_threads] setting os.environ['%s'] = '%s'" %
                  (key, str(num)))
            os.environ[key] = str(num)

    rand = np.random.rand

    nat = 10
    nstep = 500
    vel = rand(nstep, nat, 3)
    mass = rand(nat)
    cc = np.zeros((nstep, ))

    bar = '-' * 70

    ret = omp_num_threads('check', err=True)
    if ret == 'err':
        $ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=3
    before running this test.""")
        print(bar + '\n')

    omp_num_threads('set', num=4)


        """testing _flib.vacf(vel,mass,cc,1,1), no nthreads from Python -- extension
    called directly ... does NOT read os.environ, reacts only if OMP_NUM_THREADS
    has been set in the shell BEFORE this test script was called""")
    cc = _flib.vacf(vel, mass, cc, 1, 1)
    print(bar + '\n')


    nthreads = 2
        "testing _flib.vacf(vel,mass,cc,1,1,nthreads), setting nthreads = %i" %
    cc = _flib.vacf(vel, mass, cc, 1, 1, nthreads)
    print(bar + '\n')


        "testing _flib.vacf(vel,mass,cc,1,1), no nthreads from Python, take two"
    print("*" * 70)
    print("""!!! POSSIBLE F2PY BUG !!! 
    After calling omp_set_num_threads() in the last test, OMP_NUM_THREADS is no
    longer recognized on the Fortran side!!! nthreads is still at the value from
    the last test: %s, that is WRONG
    !!! POSSIBLE F2PY BUG !!!""" % nthreads)
    print("*" * 70)
    cc = _flib.vacf(vel, mass, cc, 1, 1)
    print(bar + '\n')


    nthr = 2
    print("""testing pydos.fvacf(vel, m=mass, nthreads=%i) --
    override any OMP_NUM_THREADS setting in the environment AND os.environ""" %
    cc = fvacf(vel, m=mass, nthreads=nthreads)
    print(bar + '\n')


        """testing pydos.fvacf(vel, m=mass, nthreads=None): no nthreads from Python -- It
    reads os.environ (workaround for f2py bug).""")
    cc = fvacf(vel, m=mass, nthreads=None)
    print(bar + '\n')

Esempio n. 4
def test_f2py_flib_openmp():
    import numpy as np
    from pwtools import _flib
    from pwtools.pydos import fvacf
    from pwtools.common import backtick
    import os
    import sys

    OMP_DCT = {'num_threads': None}
    def omp_num_threads(action='check', num=1, omp_dct=OMP_DCT, err=False):
        key = 'OMP_NUM_THREADS'
        has_key = os.environ.has_key(key)
        if action == 'check':
            if has_key:
                print "[omp_num_threads] os.environ['%s']: %s" %(key, os.environ[key])
                print "[omp_num_threads] shell$ echo %s" %(key)
                print backtick('echo $%s' %key)
                if err and os.environ[key] != '3':
                    return 'err'
                print "[omp_num_threads] no os.environ['%s']" %key
                if err:
                    return 'err'
        elif action == 'backup':
            if has_key:
                print "[omp_num_threads] backup os.environ['%s'] = '%s'" %(key, os.environ[key])
                omp_dct['num_threads'] = os.environ[key]
                omp_dct['num_threads'] = None
        elif action == 'restore':
            if has_key:
                print "[omp_num_threads] restoring os.environ['%s'] = '%s'" \
                    %(key, omp_dct['num_threads'])
                os.environ[key] = omp_dct['num_threads']
        elif action == 'set':
            print "[omp_num_threads] setting os.environ['%s'] = '%s'" %(key, str(num))
            os.environ[key] = str(num)

    rand = np.random.rand

    nat = 10 
    nstep = 500 
    vel = rand(nstep, nat, 3)
    mass = rand(nat) 
    cc = np.zeros((nstep,))

    bar = '-'*70

    ret = omp_num_threads('check', err=True)
    if ret == 'err':
        print bar
        print """Do 
        $ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=3
    before running this test."""
        print bar + '\n'

    omp_num_threads('set', num=4)


    print bar
    print """testing _flib.vacf(vel,mass,cc,1,1), no nthreads from Python -- extension
    called directly ... does NOT read os.environ, reacts only if OMP_NUM_THREADS
    has been set in the shell BEFORE this test script was called"""
    cc = _flib.vacf(vel,mass,cc,1,1)
    print bar + '\n'


    print bar
    nthreads = 2
    print "testing _flib.vacf(vel,mass,cc,1,1,nthreads), setting nthreads = %i" %nthreads
    cc = _flib.vacf(vel,mass,cc,1,1,nthreads)
    print bar + '\n'


    print bar
    print "testing _flib.vacf(vel,mass,cc,1,1), no nthreads from Python, take two"
    print "*" * 70
    print """!!! POSSIBLE F2PY BUG !!! 
    After calling omp_set_num_threads() in the last test, OMP_NUM_THREADS is no
    longer recognized on the Fortran side!!! nthreads is still at the value from
    the last test: %s, that is WRONG
    !!! POSSIBLE F2PY BUG !!!""" %nthreads
    print "*" * 70
    cc = _flib.vacf(vel,mass,cc,1,1)
    print bar + '\n'


    print bar
    nthr = 2
    print """testing pydos.fvacf(vel, m=mass, nthreads=%i) --
    override any OMP_NUM_THREADS setting in the environment AND os.environ""" %nthreads
    cc = fvacf(vel, m=mass, nthreads=nthreads)
    print bar + '\n'


    print bar
    print """testing pydos.fvacf(vel, m=mass, nthreads=None): no nthreads from Python -- It
    reads os.environ (workaround for f2py bug)."""
    cc = fvacf(vel, m=mass, nthreads=None)
    print bar + '\n'
