Esempio n. 1
class Film(MovieModel):
    __primarylabel__ = "Movie"
    __primarykey__ = "title"

    awesome = Label()
    musical = Label()
    science_fiction = Label(name="SciFi")

    title = Property()
    tag_line = Property(key="tagline", default="Bit boring")
    year_of_release = Property(key="released")

    actors = RelatedFrom("Person", "ACTED_IN")
Esempio n. 2
class Thing(GraphObject):
    __primarykey__ = "name"

    p = Label()
    q = Label()

    x = Related("Thing", "X")
    y = Related("Thing", "Y")

    x_out = RelatedTo("Thing", "X")
    y_out = RelatedTo("Thing", "Y")

    x_in = RelatedFrom("Thing", "X")
    y_in = RelatedFrom("Thing", "Y")
Esempio n. 3
class Politician(GraphObject):
  name = Property()
  male = Label()
  female = Label()

  belongs = RelatedTo(PoliticalParty)
  mayor = RelatedTo(Institution)

  def __init__(self, name, gender, political_party_name, region_name, institution_name, charge, salary): = name
    if (gender == 'female'):
      self.female = True
      self.male = True

    if (political_party_name):
      political_party = PoliticalParty(political_party_name)

    if (institution_name and charge):
      institution = Institution(institution_name, region_name)
      if (charge == 'Alcalde'):
        self.mayor.add(institution, salary=salary)

  def getPoliticalParty(self):
    politicalPartyRelationship = self.belongs._related_objects[0]
    return politicalPartyRelationship[0]

  def getInstitution(self):
    institution = self.mayor._related_objects[0]
    return institution[0]

  def getSalary(self):
    institution = self.mayor._related_objects[0]
    return institution[1]['salary']

  def serialize(self):
    institution = self.getInstitution()
    return {
      'id': self.__node__.identity,
      'gender': 'male' if self.male else 'female',
      'politicalParty': self.getPoliticalParty().serialize(),
      'mayor': {
        'institution': institution.serialize(),
        'salary': self.getSalary()
Esempio n. 4
class Film(MovieGraphObject):
    __primarylabel__ = "Movie"
    __primarykey__ = "title"

    awesome = Label()
    musical = Label()
    science_fiction = Label(name="SciFi")

    title = Property()
    tag_line = Property(key="tagline")
    year_of_release = Property(key="released")

    actors = RelatedFrom("Person", "ACTED_IN")

    def __init__(self, title):
        self.title = title
Esempio n. 5
class Asset(GraphObject):
    asset = Label("Asset")

    __primarykey__ = "serial_number"

    name = Property()
    serial_number = Property()
    tag = Property()
    date_captured = Property()
Esempio n. 6
class Room(GraphObject):
    __primarykey__ = "name"

    room = Label("Room")

    name = Property()
    detail = RelatedTo("RoomDetail")
    date_updated = Property('updatedOn')

    category = RelatedTo("Category", "HAS_CATEGORY")
class Tech(GraphObject):
    ___primarykey__ = 'name'

    Assoc_ID = Property()
    Skill_ID = Property()
    Skill_Name = Property()
    Exp_Level = Property()
    tech = Label()

    person_knows = RelatedFrom("Person", "KNOWS")
Esempio n. 8
class RoomDetail(GraphObject):
    __primarykey__ = "room"

    room_detail = Label("RoomDetail")

    seat_count = Property()
    white_board = Property()
    projector = Property()
    date_updated = Property('updatedOn')

    room = RelatedTo("Room", "HAS_DETAIL")
Esempio n. 9
class Person(GraphObject):
    person = Label("Person")

    __primarykey__ = "serial_number"

    title = Property()
    firstname = Property()
    lastname = Property()
    mobile_number = Property('mobileNumber')
    email_address = Property('emailAddress')
    date_updated = Property('updatedOn')
Esempio n. 10
class StreamerNode(UserGraphObj):
    __primarylabel__ = 'Streamer'
    profile_img_url = Property()
    # LABELS
    #   A Label defined on a GraphObject provides an accessor to a label of the underlying central node.
    #   It is exposed as a boolean value, the setting of which allows the label to be toggled on or off.
    streamer = Label('Streamer')

    is_followed_by = RelatedFrom('User', 'IS_FOLLOWED_BY')
    is_following = RelatedTo('Streamer', 'IS_FOLLOWING')
Esempio n. 11
class Category(GraphObject):
    __primarykey__ = "name"

    category = Label("Category")

    name = Property()
    description = Property()

    room = RelatedTo("Room", "HAS_CATEGORY")

    def __str__(self):
        return f'{}'
Esempio n. 12
class Diagnosis(GraphObject):
    __primarylabel__ = "Diagnosis"

    evaluation = Label(name="EVALUATION")

    name = Property()
    diag_disease = RelatedTo("Disease")

    def to_dict(self):
        return {
Esempio n. 13
class Event(GraphObject):
    appointment = Label("Appointment")

    name = Property()
    subject = Property()
    agender = Property()
    start_date = Property('startsOn')
    end_date = Property('endsOn')

    organizer = Related(Person)
    attendee = RelatedTo(Person)
    room = Related(Room)
    date_updated = Property('updatedOn')
class Person(GraphObject):
    ___primarykey__ = 'name'

    Assoc_ID = Property()
    Name = Property()
    Desig = Property()
    Dob = Property()
    Doj = Property()
    Loc_City = Property()
    Loc_Cntry = Property()
    person = Label()

    knows = RelatedTo("Tech")
Esempio n. 15
#coding: utf-8
from py2neo import Graph, Node, Relationship
from py2neo.matching import NodeMatcher, RelationshipMatcher
from py2neo.ogm import Label 
import re
import xlrd

# 连接neo4j数据库
graph = Graph("",username="******",password="******")
industry_category_layer4_label = Label()
concept_block_label = Label()
province_label = Label()
# name属性是label的唯一标识 = "行业四级分类" = "概念板块" = "地域板块"

file_name = 'A股板块分类-V1.xlsx'
workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(file_name) 
sheet_names= workbook.sheet_names()
industry_category_relation = "公司属于行业"
concept_block_relation = "公司属于概念板块"
province_block_relation = "公司属于地域板块"

product_lable = "产品类型"
common_category = []

def load_industry_category_layer4(sheet):
    row_count = 0
    new_industry_category_node_count = 0
Esempio n. 16
class User(BaseModel):
    Constructs an abstract representation (GraphObject) of a record in database, a User Node.   Can be used with `Graph`
    to match, update, or create a record in the neo4j DB.   The streamer `Label` is a boolean value that allows the
    "Streamer" label to be toggled on/off for a Node.  By default, GraphObjects represent User nodes.  A `Relationship`
    describes how User and Streamer nodes are associated.

    # The primary property key used for Cypher MATCH and MERGE operations
    __primarykey__ = 'twitch_uid'

    twitch_uid = Property()
    name = Property()
    display_name = Property()
    profile_img_url = Property()
    broadcaster_type = Property()
    total_followers = Property()
    total_followings = Property()

    # LABELS
    #  A Label defined on a GraphObject provides an accessor to a label of the underlying central node.
    #  It is exposed as a boolean value, the setting of which allows the label to be toggled on or off.
    streamer = Label('Streamer')

    is_followed_by = RelatedFrom('User', 'FOLLOWS')

    def create_or_update_from_twitch_client(some_streamer: TwitchStreamer):
        db_streamer = User()
            for key, val in some_streamer.as_dict().items():
                db_streamer.__setattr__(key, val)
            # TODO: Note that this updates an existing node; this may be undesirable if we want to compare
            #  total followers reported by Twitch to record in DB and perform an action
            # Add or Update in DB
  "Added {} to DB".format(some_streamer.display_name))
        except Exception as exc:
            module_logger.error("Failed to add streamer to db:  {}".format(some_streamer.display_name))

        return db_streamer

    def add_followers_to_streamer(some_streamer: TwitchStreamer, db_streamer: GraphObject) -> dict:
        Adds all followers to db for a given TwitchStreamer object and py2neo ogm object

        :param some_streamer: TwitchStreamer object and related methods
        :param db_streamer: An GraphObject representation of a Streamer node in the DB
        :return: List of follower id's obtained from twitch
        foll_list = some_streamer.get_all_follows()
        foll_nodes = []

        for each_fol in foll_list:
            db_follower = User()
                db_follower.twitch_uid = each_fol['from_id']
                db_follower.display_name = each_fol['from_name']
                # Commit to new follower to DB
                # Add Followed-by relationship to Streamer Node
                    db_follower, properties={'followed at': each_fol['followed_at']}

            except Exception as exc:
                module_logger.error("Failed to add follower to db: {}".format(each_fol['from_name']))

        # Save all updated follower references to DB
        # Return a list of follower id's from twitch
        return {'foll_id_list': [each_fol['from_id'] for each_fol in foll_list], 'foll_nodes': foll_nodes}

    def add_all_followers_followings(foll_dict: dict):
        for follower_id, foll_node in zip(foll_dict['foll_id_list'], foll_dict['foll_nodes']):
            # Fetch a followings list from twitch
            all_followings = twitch_client.get_all_follows(follower_id, 'from_id', skip_validation=True)

            for some_followed_stream in all_followings:
                # Attempt to find Streamer node in DB
                matched_streamer = User.match(graph, some_followed_stream['to_id']).first()

                if matched_streamer is None:
                    new_streamer = TwitchStreamer(some_followed_stream['to_name'])
                    matched_streamer = User.create_or_update_from_twitch_client(new_streamer)

                    foll_node, properties={'followed at': some_followed_stream['followed_at']}