Esempio n. 1
def j_sparse_vector_wrapper_to_scipy_spmatrix(j_obj: JavaObject):
    Convert a Java object of `SparseVectorWrapper` to a scipy sparse matrix whose number of rows is 1.
    `j_obj.getSize()` must return a positive number.

      - To access i-th element, use `A[0, i]` rather than `A[i]`.
      - To convert the sparse matrix to a numpy.ndarray, use `A.todense()`.
      - For other usages, please refer to scipy documents.

    TODO: find a better type to represent `SparseVector` in Python side.

    :param j_obj: a Java object of `SparseVectorWrapper`
    :return: a scipy sparse matrix
    indices = np.frombuffer(j_obj.getIndicesBytes(), dtype="<i4")
    values = np.frombuffer(j_obj.getValuesBytes(), dtype="<f8")
    size = j_obj.getSize()
    indptr = np.array([0, indices.shape[0]], dtype=np.int32)
    return csr_matrix((values, indices, indptr),
                      shape=(1, size),
Esempio n. 2
def j_dense_vector_wrapper_to_np_array(j_obj: JavaObject):
    buffer, size = j_obj.getBytes(), j_obj.getSize()
    arr = np.frombuffer(buffer, dtype="<f8").reshape([size])
    return arr