Esempio n. 1
    def in_data_exchange(self, data):
        """Sends a (Mifare) command to the currently active target.

        The "data" parameter contains the command data as a bytearray.
        Returns the data returned by the command (as a bytearray).
        Raises an IOError if the command failed.
        logging.debug("InDataExchange sending: " + " ".join("{0:02X}".format(k)
                                                            for k in data))
        frame = Pn532Frame(
            data=bytearray([PN532_COMMAND_INDATAEXCHANGE, 0x01]) + data)
        response_frame = self.read_response()
        if response_frame.get_frame_type() == PN532_FRAME_TYPE_ERROR:
            raise IOError("InDataExchange failed (error frame returned)")
        response = response_frame.get_data()
        logging.debug("InDataExchange response: " +
                      " ".join("{0:02X}".format(k) for k in response))
        if response[1] != 0x00:
            # Only the status byte was returned. There was an error.
            if response[1] == 0x14:
                raise IOError("Mifare authentication failed")
                raise IOError(
                    "InDataExchange returned error status: {0:#x}".format(
        return response[2:]
Esempio n. 2
 def in_deselect(self):
     """Deselects the current target."""
     logging.debug("InDeselect sending...")
     frame = Pn532Frame(frame_type=PN532_FRAME_TYPE_DATA, data=bytearray([PN532_COMMAND_INDESELECT, 0x01]))
     response_frame = self.read_response()
     if response_frame.get_frame_type() == PN532_FRAME_TYPE_ERROR:
         raise IOError("InDeselect failed (error frame returned)")
     response = response_frame.get_data()
     logging.debug("InDeselect response: " + " ".join("{0:02X}".format(k) for k in response))
     if response[1] != 0x00:
         # Only the status byte was returned. There was an error.
         raise IOError("InDataExchange returned error status: {0:#x}".format(response[1]))
Esempio n. 3
 def set_max_retries(self, mx_rty_passive_activation):
     """Configure the PN532 for the number of retries attempted
     during the InListPassiveTarget operation (set to
     MIFARE_SAFE_RETRIES for a safe one-time check, set to
     MIFARE_WAIT_FOR_ENTRY so it waits until entry of a card).
     # We set MxRtyPassiveActivation to 5 because it turns out that one
     # try sometimes does not detect the card properly.
     frame = Pn532Frame(frame_type=PN532_FRAME_TYPE_DATA,
                                        0xFF, 0x01, mx_rty_passive_activation]))
Esempio n. 4
    def scan_field(self):
        """Scans the PN532's field for a Mifare card using the
        InListPassiveTarget operation.

        Returns the card's UID (a bytearray) if a card was in the field
        or False if no card was in the field. Only one card is
        detected at a time (the PN532 can handle two but this is not
        implemented here). False is never returned if the number of
        retries (see set_max_retries()) is set to MIFARE_WAIT_FOR_ENTRY.
        frame = Pn532Frame(frame_type=PN532_FRAME_TYPE_DATA,
                           data=bytearray([PN532_COMMAND_INLISTPASSIVETARGET, 0x01, 0x00]))
        response = self.read_response().get_data()
        target_count = response[1]
        if not target_count:
            self._uid = False
            return False
        uid_length = response[6]
        self._uid = response[7:7 + uid_length]
        return self._uid