Esempio n. 1
def readGTFile(gtLogPath):
    startGT, endGT, labelGT = aS.readSegmentGT(gtLogPath)
    flagsGT, classNamesGT = aS.segs2flags(startGT, endGT, labelGT, 1.0)    
    classNamesGT2 = sortEventNames(classNamesGT)
    flagsGT2 = [classNamesGT2.index(classNamesGT[f]) for f in flagsGT]
    classNamesGT = classNamesGT2
    flagsGT = flagsGT2
    return flagsGT, classNamesGT
Esempio n. 2
    hmm.means_ = means
    hmm.covars_ = cov
    cls = hmm.predict(mt_feats_norm_or.T)

# Post-process method 2: median filtering:
cls = scipy.signal.medfilt(cls, 13)
cls = scipy.signal.medfilt(cls, 11)

sil = sil_all[imax]
class_names = ["speaker{0:d}".format(c) for c in range(nSpeakersFinal)]

# load ground-truth if available
gt_file = filename.replace('.wav', '.segments')
# if groundturh exists
if os.path.isfile(gt_file):
    [seg_start, seg_end, seg_labs] = readSegmentGT(gt_file)
    flags_gt, class_names_gt = segs2flags(seg_start, seg_end, seg_labs,

if plot_res:
    fig = plt.figure()
    if n_speakers > 0:
        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
    ax1.axis((0, duration, -1, len(class_names)))
    ax1.plot(np.array(range(len(cls))) * mt_step + mt_step / 2.0, cls)

if os.path.isfile(gt_file):
Esempio n. 3
def fileGreenwaySpeakerDiarization(filename, output_folder, speech_key="52fe944f29784ae288482e5eb3092e2a", service_region="eastus2",
                                   n_speakers=2, mt_size=2.0, mt_step=0.2,
                                   st_win=0.05, lda_dim=35):
        - filename:        the name of the WAV file to be analyzed
                            the filename should have a suffix of the form: ..._min_3
                            this informs the service that audio file corresponds to the 3rd minute of the dialogue
        - output_folder    the folder location for saving the audio snippets generated from diarization                           
        - speech_key       mid-term window size            
        - service_region       the number of speakers (clusters) in
                           the recording (<=0 for unknown)
        - n_speakers       the number of speakers (clusters) in
                           the recording (<=0 for unknown)
        - mt_size (opt)    mid-term window size
        - mt_step (opt)    mid-term window step
        - st_win  (opt)    short-term window size
        - lda_dim (opt     LDA dimension (0 for no LDA)
        - plot_res         (opt)   0 for not plotting the results 1 for plotting
        - save_plot        (opt)   1|True for saving plot in output folder
        - cls:             this is a vector with speaker ids in chronological sequence of speaker dialogue.
        - output:          a list of python dictionaries containing dialogue sequence information.
                            - dialogue_id
                            - sequence_id
                            - start_time
                            - end_time
                            - text

    filename_only = filename if "/" not in filename else filename.split("/")[-1]
    nameoffile = filename_only.split("_min_")[0]
    timeoffile = filename_only.split("_min_")[1]

    [fs, x] = audioBasicIO.read_audio_file(filename)
    x = audioBasicIO.stereo_to_mono(x)
    duration = len(x) / fs

    [classifier_1, MEAN1, STD1, classNames1, mtWin1, mtStep1, stWin1, stStep1, computeBEAT1] = aT.load_model_knn(
        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "pyAudioAnalysis/data/models", "knn_speaker_10"))
    [classifier_2, MEAN2, STD2, classNames2, mtWin2, mtStep2, stWin2, stStep2, computeBEAT2] = aT.load_model_knn(
        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "pyAudioAnalysis/data/models", "knn_speaker_male_female"))

    [mt_feats, st_feats, _] = aF.mid_feature_extraction(x, fs, mt_size * fs,
                                                        mt_step * fs,
                                                        round(fs * st_win),
                                                        round(fs*st_win * 0.5))

    MidTermFeatures2 = np.zeros((mt_feats.shape[0] + len(classNames1) +
                                 len(classNames2), mt_feats.shape[1]))

    for i in range(mt_feats.shape[1]):
        cur_f1 = (mt_feats[:, i] - MEAN1) / STD1
        cur_f2 = (mt_feats[:, i] - MEAN2) / STD2
        [res, P1] = aT.classifierWrapper(classifier_1, "knn", cur_f1)
        [res, P2] = aT.classifierWrapper(classifier_2, "knn", cur_f2)
        MidTermFeatures2[0:mt_feats.shape[0], i] = mt_feats[:, i]
        MidTermFeatures2[mt_feats.shape[0]:mt_feats.shape[0] +
                         len(classNames1), i] = P1 + 0.0001
        MidTermFeatures2[mt_feats.shape[0] +
                         len(classNames1)::, i] = P2 + 0.0001

    mt_feats = MidTermFeatures2    # TODO
    iFeaturesSelect = [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 41,
                       42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53]

    mt_feats = mt_feats[iFeaturesSelect, :]

    (mt_feats_norm, MEAN, STD) = aT.normalizeFeatures([mt_feats.T])
    mt_feats_norm = mt_feats_norm[0].T
    n_wins = mt_feats.shape[1]

    # remove outliers:
    dist_all = np.sum(distance.squareform(distance.pdist(mt_feats_norm.T)),
    m_dist_all = np.mean(dist_all)
    i_non_outliers = np.nonzero(dist_all < 1.2 * m_dist_all)[0]

    # TODO: Combine energy threshold for outlier removal:
    #EnergyMin = np.min(mt_feats[1,:])
    #EnergyMean = np.mean(mt_feats[1,:])
    #Thres = (1.5*EnergyMin + 0.5*EnergyMean) / 2.0
    #i_non_outliers = np.nonzero(mt_feats[1,:] > Thres)[0]
    # print i_non_outliers

    perOutLier = (100.0 * (n_wins - i_non_outliers.shape[0])) / n_wins
    mt_feats_norm_or = mt_feats_norm
    mt_feats_norm = mt_feats_norm[:, i_non_outliers]

    # LDA dimensionality reduction:
    if lda_dim > 0:
        # [mt_feats_to_red, _, _] = aF.mtFeatureExtraction(x, fs, mt_size * fs,
        # st_win * fs, round(fs*st_win), round(fs*st_win));
        # extract mid-term features with minimum step:
        mt_win_ratio = int(round(mt_size / st_win))
        mt_step_ratio = int(round(st_win / st_win))
        mt_feats_to_red = []
        num_of_features = len(st_feats)
        num_of_stats = 2
        # for i in range(num_of_stats * num_of_features + 1):
        for i in range(num_of_stats * num_of_features):

        # for each of the short-term features:
        for i in range(num_of_features):
            curPos = 0
            N = len(st_feats[i])
            while (curPos < N):
                N1 = curPos
                N2 = curPos + mt_win_ratio
                if N2 > N:
                    N2 = N
                curStFeatures = st_feats[i][N1:N2]
                mt_feats_to_red[i +
                curPos += mt_step_ratio
        mt_feats_to_red = np.array(mt_feats_to_red)
        mt_feats_to_red_2 = np.zeros((mt_feats_to_red.shape[0] +
                                      len(classNames1) + len(classNames2),
        for i in range(mt_feats_to_red.shape[1]):
            cur_f1 = (mt_feats_to_red[:, i] - MEAN1) / STD1
            cur_f2 = (mt_feats_to_red[:, i] - MEAN2) / STD2
            [res, P1] = aT.classifierWrapper(classifier_1, "knn", cur_f1)
            [res, P2] = aT.classifierWrapper(classifier_2, "knn", cur_f2)
                              i] = mt_feats_to_red[:, i]
            mt_feats_to_red_2[mt_feats_to_red.shape[0]                              :mt_feats_to_red.shape[0] + len(classNames1), i] = P1 + 0.0001
            mt_feats_to_red_2[mt_feats_to_red.shape[0] +
                              len(classNames1)::, i] = P2 + 0.0001
        mt_feats_to_red = mt_feats_to_red_2
        mt_feats_to_red = mt_feats_to_red[iFeaturesSelect, :]
        #mt_feats_to_red += np.random.rand(mt_feats_to_red.shape[0], mt_feats_to_red.shape[1]) * 0.0000010
        (mt_feats_to_red, MEAN, STD) = aT.normalizeFeatures(
        mt_feats_to_red = mt_feats_to_red[0].T
        #dist_all = np.sum(distance.squareform(distance.pdist(mt_feats_to_red.T)), axis=0)
        #m_dist_all = np.mean(dist_all)
        #iNonOutLiers2 = np.nonzero(dist_all < 3.0*m_dist_all)[0]
        #mt_feats_to_red = mt_feats_to_red[:, iNonOutLiers2]
        Labels = np.zeros((mt_feats_to_red.shape[1], ))
        LDAstep = 1.0
        LDAstepRatio = LDAstep / st_win
        # print LDAstep, LDAstepRatio
        for i in range(Labels.shape[0]):
            Labels[i] = int(i*st_win/LDAstepRatio)
        clf = sklearn.discriminant_analysis.LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(
            n_components=lda_dim), Labels)
        mt_feats_norm = (clf.transform(mt_feats_norm.T)).T

    if n_speakers <= 0:
        s_range = range(2, 10)
        s_range = [n_speakers]
    clsAll = []
    sil_all = []
    centersAll = []

    for iSpeakers in s_range:
        k_means = sklearn.cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=iSpeakers)
        cls = k_means.labels_
        means = k_means.cluster_centers_

        # Y = distance.squareform(distance.pdist(mt_feats_norm.T))
        sil_1 = []
        sil_2 = []
        for c in range(iSpeakers):
            # for each speaker (i.e. for each extracted cluster)
            clust_per_cent = np.nonzero(cls == c)[0].shape[0] / \
            if clust_per_cent < 0.020:
                # get subset of feature vectors
                mt_feats_norm_temp = mt_feats_norm[:, cls == c]
                # compute average distance between samples
                # that belong to the cluster (a values)
                Yt = distance.pdist(mt_feats_norm_temp.T)
                silBs = []
                for c2 in range(iSpeakers):
                    # compute distances from samples of other clusters
                    if c2 != c:
                        clust_per_cent_2 = np.nonzero(cls == c2)[0].shape[0] /\
                        MidTermFeaturesNormTemp2 = mt_feats_norm[:, cls == c2]
                        Yt = distance.cdist(mt_feats_norm_temp.T,
                                                  + clust_per_cent_2)/2.0)
                silBs = np.array(silBs)
                # ... and keep the minimum value (i.e.
                # the distance from the "nearest" cluster)
        sil_1 = np.array(sil_1)
        sil_2 = np.array(sil_2)
        sil = []
        for c in range(iSpeakers):
            # for each cluster (speaker) compute silhouette
            sil.append((sil_2[c] - sil_1[c]) / (max(sil_2[c],
                                                    sil_1[c]) + 0.00001))
        # keep the AVERAGE SILLOUETTE

    imax = np.argmax(sil_all)
    # optimal number of clusters
    nSpeakersFinal = s_range[imax]

    # generate the final set of cluster labels
    # (important: need to retrieve the outlier windows:
    # this is achieved by giving them the value of their
    # nearest non-outlier window)
    cls = np.zeros((n_wins,))
    for i in range(n_wins):
        j = np.argmin(np.abs(i-i_non_outliers))
        cls[i] = clsAll[imax][j]

    # Post-process method 1: hmm smoothing
    for i in range(1):
        # hmm training
        start_prob, transmat, means, cov = \
            trainHMM_computeStatistics(mt_feats_norm_or, cls)
        hmm = hmmlearn.hmm.GaussianHMM(start_prob.shape[0], "diag")
        hmm.startprob_ = start_prob
        hmm.transmat_ = transmat
        hmm.means_ = means
        hmm.covars_ = cov
        cls = hmm.predict(mt_feats_norm_or.T)

    # Post-process method 2: median filtering:
    cls = scipy.signal.medfilt(cls, 13)
    cls = scipy.signal.medfilt(cls, 11)

    sil = sil_all[imax]
    class_names = ["speaker{0:d}".format(c) for c in range(nSpeakersFinal)]

    # load ground-truth if available
    gt_file = filename.replace('.wav', '.segments')
    # if groundturh exists
    if os.path.isfile(gt_file):
        [seg_start, seg_end, seg_labs] = readSegmentGT(gt_file)
        flags_gt, class_names_gt = segs2flags(
            seg_start, seg_end, seg_labs, mt_step)

    # if plot_res:
    #     fig = plt.figure()
    #     if n_speakers > 0:
    #         ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
    #     else:
    #         ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
    #     ax1.set_yticks(np.array(range(len(class_names))))
    #     ax1.axis((0, duration, -1, len(class_names)))
    #     ax1.set_yticklabels(class_names)
    #     ax1.plot(np.array(range(len(cls)))*mt_step+mt_step/2.0, cls)

    # if os.path.isfile(gt_file):
    #     if plot_res:
    #         ax1.plot(np.array(range(len(flags_gt))) *
    #                  mt_step + mt_step / 2.0, flags_gt, 'r')
    #     purity_cluster_m, purity_speaker_m = \
    #         evaluateSpeakerDiarization(cls, flags_gt)
    #     print("{0:.1f}\t{1:.1f}".format(100 * purity_cluster_m,
    #                                     100 * purity_speaker_m))
        # if plot_res:
        #     plt.title("Cluster purity: {0:.1f}% - "
        #               "Speaker purity: {1:.1f}%".format(100 * purity_cluster_m,
        #                                                 100 * purity_speaker_m))
    # if plot_res:
    #     plt.xlabel("time (seconds)")
    #     # print s_range, sil_all
    #     if n_speakers <= 0:
    #         plt.subplot(212)
    #         plt.plot(s_range, sil_all)
    #         plt.xlabel("number of clusters")
    #         plt.ylabel("average clustering's sillouette")
    #     if save_plot:
    #         plt.savefig(
    #             f"{output_folder}{filename_only}".replace(".wav", ".png"))
    #     else:
    #         pass

    # Create Time Vector
    time_vec = np.array(range(len(cls)))*mt_step+mt_step/2.0

    # Find Change Points
    speaker_change_index = np.where(np.roll(cls, 1) != cls)[0]

    # Create List of dialogue convos
    output_list = []
    temp = {}
    for ind, sc in enumerate(speaker_change_index):
        temp['dialogue_id'] = str(
        temp['sequence_id'] = str(ind)
        temp['speaker'] = list(cls)[sc]
        temp['start_time'] = time_vec[sc]
        temp['end_time'] = time_vec[speaker_change_index[ind+1] -
                                    1] if ind+1 < len(speaker_change_index) else time_vec[-1]
        temp["text"] = ""
        temp = {}

    def snip_transcribe(output_list, filename, output_folder=output_folder,
                        speech_key=speech_key, service_region=service_region):
        speech_config = speechsdk.SpeechConfig(
            subscription=speech_key, region=service_region)

        def recognized_cb(evt):
            if evt.result.reason == speechsdk.ResultReason.RecognizedSpeech:
                # Do something with the recognized text
                output_list[ind]['text'] = output_list[ind]['text'] + \

        for ind, diag in enumerate(output_list):
            t1 = diag['start_time']
            t2 = diag['end_time']
            newAudio = AudioSegment.from_wav(filename)
            chunk = newAudio[t1*1000:t2*1000]
            filename_out = output_folder + f"snippet_{diag['sequence_id']}.wav"
            # Exports to a wav file in the current path.
            chunk.export(filename_out, format="wav")
            done = False

            def stop_cb(evt):
                """callback that signals to stop continuous recognition upon receiving an event `evt`"""
                print('CLOSING on {}'.format(evt))
                nonlocal done
                done = True

            audio_input = speechsdk.AudioConfig(filename=filename_out)
            speech_recognizer = speechsdk.SpeechRecognizer(
                speech_config=speech_config, audio_config=audio_input)
            output_list[ind]['snippet_path'] = filename_out



            # Start continuous speech recognition
            while not done:


        return output_list

    output = snip_transcribe(output_list, filename,
    output_json = {filename_only: output}

    with open(f"{output_folder}{nameoffile}_{timeoffile}.txt", "w") as outfile:
        json.dump(output_json, outfile)

    return cls, output_json