def fileRegression(inputFile, model_name, model_type, feats=["gfcc", "mfcc"]):
    # Load classifier:

    if not os.path.isfile(inputFile):
        print("fileClassification: wav file not found!")
        return (-1, -1, -1)

    regression_models = glob.glob(model_name + "_*")
    regression_models2 = []
    for r in regression_models:
        if r[-5::] != "MEANS":
    regression_models = regression_models2
    regression_names = []
    for r in regression_models:
        regression_names.append(r[r.rfind("_") + 1::])

    # LOAD ONLY THE FIRST MODEL (for mt_win, etc)
    if model_type == 'svm' or model_type == "svm_rbf" or model_type == 'randomforest':
        [_, _, _, mt_win, mt_step, st_win, st_step,
         compute_beat] = load_model(regression_models[0], True)

    [Fs, x] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile(
        inputFile)  # read audio file and convert to mono
    x = audioBasicIO.stereo2mono(x)
    # feature extraction:
    [mt_features, s, _] = aF.mtFeatureExtraction(x, Fs, mt_win * Fs,
                                                 mt_step * Fs,
                                                 round(Fs * st_win),
                                                 round(Fs * st_step), feats)
    mt_features = mt_features.mean(
        axis=1)  # long term averaging of mid-term statistics
    if compute_beat:
        [beat, beatConf] = aF.beatExtraction(s, st_step)
        mt_features = numpy.append(mt_features, beat)
        mt_features = numpy.append(mt_features, beatConf)

    R = []
    for ir, r in enumerate(regression_models):
        if not os.path.isfile(r):
            print("fileClassification: input model_name not found!")
            return (-1, -1, -1)
        if model_type == 'svm' or model_type == "svm_rbf" \
                or model_type == 'randomforest':
            [model, MEAN, STD, mt_win, mt_step, st_win, st_step, compute_beat] = \
                load_model(r, True)
        curFV = (mt_features - MEAN) / STD  # normalization
        R.append(regressionWrapper(model, model_type, curFV))  # classification
    return R, regression_names
def fileClassification(inputFile,
                       feats=["gfcc", "mfcc"]):
    # Load classifier:

    if not os.path.isfile(model_name):
        print("fileClassification: input model_name not found!")
        return (-1, -1, -1)

    if not os.path.isfile(inputFile):
        print("fileClassification: wav file not found!")
        return (-1, -1, -1)

    if model_type == 'knn':
            classifier, MEAN, STD, classNames, mt_win, mt_step, st_win,
            st_step, compute_beat
        ] = load_model_knn(model_name)
            classifier, MEAN, STD, classNames, mt_win, mt_step, st_win,
            st_step, compute_beat
        ] = load_model(model_name)

    [Fs, x] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile(
        inputFile)  # read audio file and convert to mono
    x = audioBasicIO.stereo2mono(x)

    if isinstance(x, int):  # audio file IO problem
        return (-1, -1, -1)
    if x.shape[0] / float(Fs) <= mt_win:
        return (-1, -1, -1)

    # feature extraction:
    [mt_features, s, _] = aF.mtFeatureExtraction(x, Fs, mt_win * Fs,
                                                 mt_step * Fs,
                                                 round(Fs * st_win),
                                                 round(Fs * st_step), feats)
    mt_features = mt_features.mean(
        axis=1)  # long term averaging of mid-term statistics
    if compute_beat:
        [beat, beatConf] = aF.beatExtraction(s, st_step)
        mt_features = numpy.append(mt_features, beat)
        mt_features = numpy.append(mt_features, beatConf)
    curFV = (mt_features - MEAN) / STD  # normalization

    [Result, P] = classifierWrapperHead(classifier, model_type,
                                        curFV)  # classification
    return Result, P, classNames