def __call__(self, design_vars, model=None): """ Generate case. Parameters ---------- design_vars : dict Dictionary of design variables for which to generate values. model : Group The model containing the design variables (not used). Yields ------ list list of name, value tuples for the design variables. """ if self._seed is not None: np.random.seed(self._seed) size = sum([meta['size'] for name, meta in iteritems(design_vars)]) if self._samples is None: self._samples = size # generate design doe = pyDOE2.lhs(size, samples=self._samples, criterion=self._criterion, iterations=self._iterations, random_state=self._seed) # yield desvar values for doe samples for row in doe: retval = [] col = 0 var = 0 for name, meta in iteritems(design_vars): size = meta['size'] val = np.empty(size) for k in range(size): sample = row[col + k] lower = meta['lower'] if isinstance(lower, np.ndarray): lower = lower[k] upper = meta['upper'] if isinstance(upper, np.ndarray): upper = upper[k] val[k] = lower + sample * (upper - lower) retval.append((name, val)) var += 1 col += size yield retval
def _ese(self, dim, nt): # Parameters of maximinESE procedure P0 = lhs(dim, nt, criterion=None) J = 20 outer_loop = min(int(1.5 * dim), 30) inner_loop = min(20 * dim, 100) D0 = pdist(P0) R0 = np.corrcoef(P0) corr0 = np.max(np.abs(R0[R0 != 1])) phip0 = self._PhiP(P0) P, historic = self._maximinESE(P0, outer_loop=outer_loop, inner_loop=inner_loop, J=J, tol=1e-3, p=10, return_hist=True) return P
def select_training_points(self, Nsamples=40, method="LH"): """Select training points from the chain to train the GPs. Note: this method does not use the "scale" parameter. Args: Nsamples (int): number of samples to use; defualt is 40 method (string): keyword for selecting different ways of obtaining training points. Currently unused. """ #Create LH training samples x = pyDOE2.lhs(len(self.chain_cov), samples=Nsamples, criterion="center", iterations=5) #Transform them correctly x -= 0.5 #center the training points s = self.scale w = self.eigenvalues R = self.rotation_matrix #Snap the training points to the MCMC chain samples = * x[:] * np.sqrt(w), R.T)[:] + self.chain_means self.unrotated_samples = x self.unsnapped_samples = samples cov = self.chain_cov def sqdists(chain, s, cov): X = chain[:] - s r = np.linalg.solve(cov, X.T).T d = np.sum(X * r, axis=1) return d indices = np.array([np.argmin(sqdists(self.chain, s, cov)) \ for s in samples]) #Include the max liklihood point best_ind = np.argmax(self.lnlikes) self.training_inds = np.append(indices, best_ind) return
def lhs_of_variables(variables_dict, number_of_samples, method='m', random_seed=None): # generate a dict with the enumerated values to run for each variable in a latin hypercube experiment num_factors = len( variables_dict) # get the number of factors for the experiment design = pd.DataFrame(pyDOE2.lhs(num_factors, samples=number_of_samples, criterion=method, random_state=random_seed), columns=variables_dict.keys()) for var in variables_dict: max_var_value = variables_dict[var][1] min_var_value = variables_dict[var][0] design[var] = design[var].apply( lambda x: (max_var_value - min_var_value) * x + min_var_value) return design
def _ese(self, dim, nt, fixed_index=[], P0=[]): """ Parameters ---------- fixed_index : list When running an "ese" optimization, we can fix the indexes of the points that we do not want to modify """ # Parameters of maximinESE procedure if len(fixed_index) == 0: P0 = lhs(dim, nt, criterion=None, random_state=self.random_state) else: P0 = P0 self.random_state = np.random.RandomState() J = 20 outer_loop = min(int(1.5 * dim), 30) inner_loop = min(20 * dim, 100) D0 = pdist(P0) R0 = np.corrcoef(P0) corr0 = np.max(np.abs(R0[R0 != 1])) phip0 = self._PhiP(P0) P, historic = self._maximinESE( P0, outer_loop=outer_loop, inner_loop=inner_loop, J=J, tol=1e-3, p=10, return_hist=True, fixed_index=fixed_index, ) return P
def latin_hc(filename, num_evals): num_params = 5 DataDir = "../Data/" # galsim parameters para1 = np.linspace(1e4, 1e5, num_evals) # Flux para2 = np.linspace(0.1, 1., num_evals) # Radius para3 = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, num_evals) # g1 para4 = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, num_evals) # g2 para5 = np.linspace(0.2, 0.4, num_evals) # psf fwhm AllPara = np.vstack([para1, para2, para3, para4, para5]) # AllLabels = [r'Flux', r'Radius', r'Shear g1', r'Shear g2', r'PSF fwhm'] # latin hypercube lhd = pyDOE.lhs(AllPara.shape[0], samples=num_evals, criterion=None) # c cm corr m idx = (lhd * num_evals).astype(int) AllCombinations = np.zeros((num_evals, AllPara.shape[0])) for i in range(AllPara.shape[0]): AllCombinations[:, i] = AllPara[i][idx[:, i]] # Delete row when g1**2 + g2**2 > 1 del_rows = np.where(AllCombinations[:, 2]**2+AllCombinations[:, 3]**2 > 1.)[0] AllCombinations = np.delete(AllCombinations, del_rows, axis=0) np.savetxt(DataDir+filename, AllCombinations)
def _compute(self, nt): """ Implemented by sampling methods to compute the requested number of sampling points. The number of dimensions (nx) is determined based on `xlimits.shape[0]`. Arguments --------- nt : int Number of points requested. Returns ------- ndarray[nt, nx] The sampling locations in the unit hypercube. """ xlimits = self.options["xlimits"] nx = xlimits.shape[0] if isinstance(self.options["random_state"], np.random.RandomState): self.random_state = self.options["random_state"] elif isinstance(self.options["random_state"], int): self.random_state = np.random.RandomState( self.options["random_state"]) else: self.random_state = np.random.RandomState() if self.options["criterion"] != "ese": return lhs( nx, samples=nt, criterion=self.options["criterion"], random_state=self.random_state, ) elif self.options["criterion"] == "ese": return self._ese(nx, nt)
parser.add_argument("-gamma_lo", help="Lower bound on gamma", default=1) parser.add_argument("-gamma_hi", help="Upper bound on gamma", default=10) args = parser.parse_args() outname = args.outname ntrain, npts = args.ntrain, args.npts rhos, rt = args.rhos, args.rt cosmo = args.cosmo rs_lo, rs_hi = args.rs_by_rt_lo, args.rs_by_rt_hi alpha_lo, alpha_hi = args.alpha_lo, args.alpha_hi beta_lo, beta_hi = args.beta_lo, args.beta_hi gamma_lo, gamma_hi = args.gamma_lo, args.gamma_hi r_by_rt = np.logspace(-2, np.log10(2), npts) ndim = 4 design = lhs(ndim, ntrain, criterion='maximin') rs_arr = rt * design[:, 0] * (rs_hi - rs_lo) + rs_lo alpha_arr = design[:, 1] * (alpha_hi - alpha_lo) + alpha_lo beta_arr = design[:, 2] * (beta_hi - beta_lo) + beta_lo gamma_arr = design[:, 3] * (gamma_hi - gamma_lo) + gamma_lo cosmo = cosmology.setCosmology(cosmo) start = time() results = np.zeros((ntrain, ndim + npts)).astype('f4') gen = zip(range(ntrain), rs_arr, alpha_arr, beta_arr, gamma_arr) for i, rs, alpha, beta, gamma in gen: if np.mod(i, 100) == 0: print("...working on i = {0}".format(i))
eval_limit=5, cache_file=cache_file, cache_dir='test') driver = OptimizationDriver(init_problem, **driver_config) n_dim = 5 ### Sampling Example ## Parametric sweep levels = np.array([1, 1, 4, 1, 1]) design = pyDOE.fullfact(levels) levels[levels == 1] = 2 ff_scaled = design / (levels - 1) ## Latin Hypercube lhs_scaled = pyDOE.lhs(n_dim, criterion='center', samples=12) ## Execute Candidates num_evals = driver.sample(ff_scaled, design_name='test_s', cache_file=cache_file) num_evals = driver.parallel_sample(lhs_scaled, design_name='test_p', cache_file=cache_file) ### Optimization Example ## Show humpday optimizers # for i, f in humpday.OPTIMIZERS: # print(i, f.__name__)
def execute_ga(self, x0, vlb, vub, vob, bits, pop_size, max_gen, random_state, Pm=None, Pc=0.5): """ Perform the genetic algorithm. Parameters ---------- x0 : ndarray Initial design values. vlb : ndarray Lower bounds array. vub : ndarray Upper bounds array. This includes over-allocation so that every point falls on an integer value. vob : ndarray Outer bounds array. This is purely for bounds check. bits : ndarray Number of bits to encode the design space for each element of the design vector. pop_size : int Number of points in the population. max_gen : int Number of generations to run the GA. random_state : np.random.RandomState, int Random state (or seed-number) which controls the seed and random draws. Pm : float or None Mutation rate. Pc : float Crossover rate. Returns ------- ndarray Best design point. float Objective value at best design point. int Number of successful function evaluations. """ comm = self.comm nobj = self.nobj self.lchrom = int(np.sum(bits)) if nobj > 1: xopt = [] fopt = [] # Needs to be divisible by number of objectives because of tournament selection # strategy. if np.mod(pop_size, nobj) > 0: pop_size += nobj - np.mod(pop_size, nobj) else: xopt = copy.deepcopy(vlb) fopt = np.inf # Needs to be divisible by two because tournament selection pits one half of the # population against the other half. if np.mod(pop_size, 2) == 1: pop_size += 1 self.npop = int(pop_size) fitness = np.zeros((self.npop, nobj)) # If mutation rate is not provided as input if Pm is None: Pm = (self.lchrom + 1.0) / (2.0 * pop_size * np.sum(bits)) elite = self.elite new_gen = np.round( lhs(self.lchrom, self.npop, criterion='center', random_state=random_state)) new_gen[0] = self.encode(x0, vlb, vub, bits) # Main Loop nfit = 0 for generation in range(max_gen + 1): old_gen = copy.deepcopy(new_gen) x_pop = self.decode(old_gen, vlb, vub, bits) # Evaluate fitness of points in this generation. if comm is not None: # Parallel # Since GA is random, ranks generate different new populations, so just take one # and use it on all. x_pop = comm.bcast(x_pop, root=0) cases = [((item, ii), None) for ii, item in enumerate(x_pop) if np.all(item - vob <= 0)] # Pad the cases with some dummy cases to make the cases divisible amongst the procs. # TODO: Add a load balancing option to this driver. extra = len(cases) % comm.size if extra > 0: for j in range(comm.size - extra): cases.append(cases[-1]) results = concurrent_eval(self.objfun, cases, comm, allgather=True, model_mpi=self.model_mpi) fitness[:] = np.inf for result in results: returns, traceback = result if returns: val, success, ii = returns if success: fitness[ii, :] = val nfit += 1 else: # Print the traceback if it fails print('A case failed:') print(traceback) else: # Serial for ii in range(self.npop): x = x_pop[ii] if np.any(x - vob > 0): # Exceeded bounds for integer variables that are over-allocated. success = False else: fitness[ii, :], success, _ = self.objfun(x, 0) if success: nfit += 1 else: fitness[ii, :] = np.inf # Find Pareto front. if nobj > 1: xopt, fopt = self.eval_pareto(x_pop, fitness, xopt, fopt) # Find best objective. else: # Elitism means replace worst performing point with best from # previous generation. if elite and generation > 0: max_index = np.argmax(fitness[:, 0]) old_gen[max_index] = min_gen x_pop[max_index] = min_x fitness[max_index, 0] = min_fit # Find best performing point in this generation. min_fit = np.min(fitness) min_index = np.argmin(fitness) min_gen = old_gen[min_index] min_x = x_pop[min_index] if min_fit < fopt: fopt = min_fit xopt = min_x # Evolve new generation. if nobj > 1: new_gen, new_obj = self.tournament_multi_obj(old_gen, fitness) else: new_gen = self.tournament(old_gen, fitness[:, 0]) new_gen = self.crossover(new_gen, Pc) new_gen = self.mutate(new_gen, Pm) return xopt, fopt, nfit
def wrapper(): return pydoe.lhs(self.dim, self.num_pts, iterations=1)
def run_initial_values_benchmark( self, log_file_name='sellar/results/log_file_initial_values.txt'): if path.exists(log_file_name): remove(log_file_name) s = '################### Running robustness to initial values test ################### \n' logfile = open(log_file_name, 'a+') logfile.writelines(s) logfile.close() print(s) test_cases = [('SLSQP', 'full_analytic', False), ('SLSQP', 'semi_analytic_fd', False), ('SLSQP', 'monolythic_fd', True), ('COBYLA', 'derivative_free', False)] for test_case in test_cases: optimizer = test_case[0] derivative_method = test_case[1] blackbox = test_case[2] prob_type = 'MDO' # Number of samples N = 50 res_num_compute = {'MDF': [], 'IDF': [], 'HYBRID': [], 'NVH': []} variables = {'x': (0., 10.), 'z1': (-10.0, 10.), 'z2': (0., 10.)} # DOE doe = lhs(len(variables.keys()), samples=N, criterion='center') initial_values = {'x': (0., 10.), 'z': np.zeros(2)} # Perform an analysis for each sample for sample in doe: lower_bound = variables['x'][0] upper_bound = variables['x'][1] initial_values['x'] = (upper_bound - lower_bound) * sample[0] + lower_bound lower_bound = variables['z1'][0] upper_bound = variables['z1'][1] z1 = (upper_bound - lower_bound) * sample[1] + lower_bound lower_bound = variables['z2'][0] upper_bound = variables['z2'][1] z2 = (upper_bound - lower_bound) * sample[2] + lower_bound initial_values['z'] = np.array([z1, z2]) prob_list = [ MDFProblem(name='MDF', optimizer=optimizer, derivative_method=derivative_method, blackbox=blackbox, log_file=log_file_name, print=False), IDFProblem(name='IDF', optimizer=optimizer, derivative_method=derivative_method, blackbox=blackbox, log_file=log_file_name, print=False), HybridProblem(name='HYBRID', optimizer=optimizer, derivative_method=derivative_method, blackbox=blackbox, log_file=log_file_name, print=False), NVHProblem(name='NVH', optimizer=optimizer, derivative_method=derivative_method, blackbox=blackbox, log_file=log_file_name, print=False) ] self.run_analysis(prob_list, initial_values=initial_values) for prob in prob_list: if prob.post_analysis_results['success']: res_num_compute[].append( prob.post_analysis_results['num_compute']) # Result analysis for i, (key, value) in enumerate(res_num_compute.items()): s = '> ---------- Running ' + prob_type + ' using ' + key + ' formulation and ' + \ optimizer + ' optimizer with ' + derivative_method + ' ------------ \n' max_num_compute = max(value) min_num_compute = min(value) mean_num_compute = np.mean(value) median_num_compute = np.median(value) percentage_of_success = len(value) / N * 100. res = 'Max number of evaluations : ' + str(max_num_compute) + '\n' \ 'Min number of evaluations : ' + str(min_num_compute) + '\n' \ 'Mean number of evaluations : ' + str(mean_num_compute) + '\n' \ 'Median number of evaluations : ' + str(median_num_compute) + '\n' \ 'Percentage of success : ' + str(percentage_of_success) + '\n' s += s + res logfile = open(log_file_name, 'a+') logfile.writelines(s) logfile.close() print(s)
def __data_inverse(self, data_row, num_samples, sampling_method): """Generates a neighborhood around a prediction. For numerical features, perturb them by sampling from a Normal(0,1) and doing the inverse operation of mean-centering and scaling, according to the means and stds in the training data. For categorical features, perturb by sampling according to the training distribution, and making a binary feature that is 1 when the value is the same as the instance being explained. Args: data_row: 1d numpy array, corresponding to a row num_samples: size of the neighborhood to learn the linear model sampling_method: 'gaussian' or 'lhs' Returns: A tuple (data, inverse), where: data: dense num_samples * K matrix, where categorical features are encoded with either 0 (not equal to the corresponding value in data_row) or 1. The first row is the original instance. inverse: same as data, except the categorical features are not binary, but categorical (as the original data) """ is_sparse = sp.sparse.issparse(data_row) if is_sparse: num_cols = data_row.shape[1] data = sp.sparse.csr_matrix((num_samples, num_cols), dtype=data_row.dtype) else: num_cols = data_row.shape[0] data = np.zeros((num_samples, num_cols)) categorical_features = range(num_cols) if self.discretizer is None: instance_sample = data_row scale = self.scaler.scale_ mean = self.scaler.mean_ if is_sparse: # Perturb only the non-zero values non_zero_indexes = data_row.nonzero()[1] num_cols = len(non_zero_indexes) instance_sample = data_row[:, non_zero_indexes] scale = scale[non_zero_indexes] mean = mean[non_zero_indexes] if sampling_method == 'gaussian': data = self.random_state.normal( 0, 1, num_samples * num_cols).reshape(num_samples, num_cols) data = np.array(data) elif sampling_method == 'lhs': data = lhs(num_cols, samples=num_samples).reshape(num_samples, num_cols) means = np.zeros(num_cols) stdvs = np.array([1] * num_cols) for i in range(num_cols): data[:, i] = norm(loc=means[i], scale=stdvs[i]).ppf(data[:, i]) data = np.array(data) else: warnings.warn( '''Invalid input for sampling_method. Defaulting to Gaussian sampling.''', UserWarning) data = self.random_state.normal( 0, 1, num_samples * num_cols).reshape(num_samples, num_cols) data = np.array(data) if self.sample_around_instance: data = data * scale + instance_sample else: data = data * scale + mean if is_sparse: if num_cols == 0: data = sp.sparse.csr_matrix( (num_samples, data_row.shape[1]), dtype=data_row.dtype) else: indexes = np.tile(non_zero_indexes, num_samples) indptr = np.array( range(0, len(non_zero_indexes) * (num_samples + 1), len(non_zero_indexes))) data_1d_shape = data.shape[0] * data.shape[1] data_1d = data.reshape(data_1d_shape) data = sp.sparse.csr_matrix( (data_1d, indexes, indptr), shape=(num_samples, data_row.shape[1])) categorical_features = self.categorical_features first_row = data_row else: first_row = self.discretizer.discretize(data_row) data[0] = data_row.copy() inverse = data.copy() for column in categorical_features: values = self.feature_values[column] freqs = self.feature_frequencies[column] inverse_column = self.random_state.choice(values, size=num_samples, replace=True, p=freqs) binary_column = (inverse_column == first_row[column]).astype(int) binary_column[0] = 1 inverse_column[0] = data[0, column] data[:, column] = binary_column inverse[:, column] = inverse_column if self.discretizer is not None: inverse[1:] = self.discretizer.undiscretize(inverse[1:]) inverse[0] = data_row return data, inverse
result.write(templ.render(x=x, z=z)) fh.write('%f %f %s\n' % (x, z, 'x_%.3f_z_%.3f' % (x, z))) fh.close() fh = open('nonapod_inputs_random_500/input_list', 'w') for i in range(500): x = random.uniform(min_x, max_x) z = random.uniform(min_z, max_z) with open('nonapod_inputs_random_500/x_%.3f_z_%.3f' % (x, z), 'w') as result: result.write(templ.render(x=x, z=z)) fh.write('%f %f %s\n' % (x, z, 'x_%.3f_z_%.3f' % (x, z))) fh.close() # Lastly, the latin hypercube sampling approach: sample_space_50 = lhs(2, samples=50) sample_space_500 = lhs(2, samples=500) # Transform those numbers in [0,1] to values in our space of interest for arr in [sample_space_50, sample_space_500]: arr[:, 0] = arr[:, 0] * (max_x - min_x) + min_x arr[:, 1] = arr[:, 1] * (max_z - min_z) + min_z fh = open('nonapod_inputs_latin_50/input_list', 'w') for x, z in sample_space_50: with open('nonapod_inputs_latin_50/x_%.3f_z_%.3f' % (x, z), 'w') as result: result.write(templ.render(x=x, z=z)) fh.write('%f %f %s\n' % (x, z, 'x_%.3f_z_%.3f' % (x, z))) fh.close() fh = open('nonapod_inputs_latin_500/input_list', 'w')
def checkmethods(self): pathfile_bladegen = 'D:\\Program Files\\ANSYS Inc\\v180\\aisol\\BladeModeler\\BladeGen' pathfile_cfturbo = 'C:\\Program Files\\CFturbo 10.3\\cfturbo.exe' pathfile_workbench = 'D:\\Program Files\\ANSYS Inc\\v180\\Framework\\bin\\Win64\\RunWB2.exe' pathfile_cfxsolve = 'D:\\Program Files\\ANSYS Inc\\v180\\CFX\\bin\\cfx5solve.exe' pathfile_cfxmondata = 'D:\\Program Files\\ANSYS Inc\\v180\\CFX\\bin\\cfx5mondata.exe' pathfile_cfxpost = 'D:\\Program Files\\ANSYS Inc\\v180\\CFX\\bin\\cfx5post.exe' current_path = os.getcwd() filepath_results = (current_path + '\\b_results') if not os.path.isdir(filepath_results): os.mkdir(filepath_results) bladegen_bat = 'B1_bat_bladegen.txt' cfturbo_bat = 'B1_bat_cfturbo.txt' workbench_bat = 'B2_bat_workbench.txt' cfxsolve_bat = 'B3_bat_cfxsolve.txt' cfxmondata_bat = 'B4_bat_cfxmondata.txt' cfxpost_bat = 'B5_bat_cfxpost.txt' if os.path.isfile(bladegen_bat): os.remove(bladegen_bat) if os.path.isfile(cfturbo_bat): os.remove(cfturbo_bat) if os.path.isfile(workbench_bat): os.remove(workbench_bat) if os.path.isfile(cfxsolve_bat): os.remove(cfxsolve_bat) if os.path.isfile(cfxmondata_bat): os.remove(cfxmondata_bat) if os.path.isfile(cfxpost_bat): os.remove(cfxpost_bat) # write bladegen basic bat file bladegen_bat_base = 'A1_bat_bladegen.txt' fp_bladegen01_bat = open(current_path + '\\' + bladegen_bat_base).readlines() fp_bladegen02_bat = open(bladegen_bat, 'w') try: for eachline in fp_bladegen01_bat: fp_bladegen02_bat.write( eachline.replace('bladegen_set_path', pathfile_bladegen)) finally: fp_bladegen02_bat.close() # write cfturbo basic bat file cfturbo_bat_base = 'A1_bat_cfturbo.txt' fp_cfturbo01_bat = open(current_path + '\\' + cfturbo_bat_base).readlines() fp_cfturbo02_bat = open(cfturbo_bat, 'w') try: for eachline in fp_cfturbo01_bat: fp_cfturbo02_bat.write( eachline.replace('cfturbo_set_path', pathfile_cfturbo)) finally: fp_cfturbo02_bat.close() # write workbench basic bat file workbench_bat_base = 'A2_bat_workbench.txt' fp_workbench01_bat = open(current_path + '\\' + workbench_bat_base).readlines() fp_workbench02_bat = open(workbench_bat, 'w') try: for eachline in fp_workbench01_bat: fp_workbench02_bat.write( eachline.replace('workbench_set_path', pathfile_workbench)) finally: fp_workbench02_bat.close() # write cfxsolve basic bat file core_cfx_num = self.core.currentText() cfxsolve_bat_base = 'A3_bat_cfxsolve.txt' fp_cfxsolve01_bat = open(current_path + '\\' + cfxsolve_bat_base).readlines() fp_cfxsolve02_bat = open(cfxsolve_bat, 'w') try: for eachline in fp_cfxsolve01_bat: fp_cfxsolve02_bat.write(eachline.replace('cfxsolve_set_path', pathfile_cfxsolve) \ .replace('corenum', core_cfx_num)) finally: fp_cfxsolve02_bat.close() # write cfxmondata basic bat file cfxmondata_bat_base = 'A4_bat_cfxmondata.txt' fp_cfxmondata01_bat = open(current_path + '\\' + cfxmondata_bat_base).readlines() fp_cfxmondata02_bat = open(cfxmondata_bat, 'w') try: for eachline in fp_cfxmondata01_bat: fp_cfxmondata02_bat.write( eachline.replace('cfxmondata_set_path', pathfile_cfxmondata)) finally: fp_cfxmondata02_bat.close() # write cfxpost basic bat file cfxpost_bat_base = 'A5_bat_cfxpost.txt' fp_cfxpost01_bat = open(current_path + '\\' + cfxpost_bat_base).readlines() fp_cfxpost02_bat = open(cfxpost_bat, 'w') try: for eachline in fp_cfxpost01_bat: fp_cfxpost02_bat.write( eachline.replace('cfxpost_set_path', pathfile_cfxpost)) finally: fp_cfxpost02_bat.close() # write all results results_file_path = 'pump_performance_data.xlsx' columns_head = [ 'x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4', 'x5', 'x6', 'x7', 'efficiency', 'head', 'power' ] if self.cb1.currentText() == 'Des': self.cb2.setEnabled(False) self.cb3.setEnabled(False) self.cb4.setEnabled(False) x = np.array([[60.5, 45.8, 49.7, 54.8, 60.7, 60.0, 65.8]]) pump_performance = objective_pump(x) all_data = np.hstack((x, pump_performance)) write_results_excel(all_data, results_file_path, columns_head) elif self.cb1.currentText() == 'Opt': self.cb2.showPopup() self.cb3.setEnabled(False) self.cb4.setEnabled(False) if self.cb2.currentText() == 'DOE': self.cb3.showPopup() self.cb4.setEnabled(False) self.cb3.setEnabled(True) if self.cb3.currentText() == 'New': x_initial = lhs(7, samples=5, criterion='center') ub_array = np.array( [70.0, 80.0, 80.0, 80.0, 80.0, 80.0, 68.0]) lb_array = np.array( [50.0, 40.0, 40.0, 40.0, 40.0, 40.0, 58.0]) x = np.multiply(x_initial, (ub_array - lb_array)) + lb_array filename_new_doe = 'DOE_new_design.xlsx' if not os.path.isdir(filename_new_doe): write_results_excel( x, filename_new_doe, ['x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4', 'x5', 'x6', 'x7']) else: os.rmdir(filename_new_doe) write_results_excel( x, filename_new_doe, ['x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4', 'x5', 'x6', 'x7']) pump_performance = objective_pump(x) all_data = np.hstack((x, pump_performance)) write_results_excel(all_data, results_file_path, columns_head) elif self.cb3.currentText() == 'Existed': filename_existed_doe = 'DOE_existed_design.xlsx' df = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_excel(filename_existed_doe)) x = df.to_numpy()[..., 1:] pump_performance = objective_pump(x) all_data = np.hstack((x, pump_performance)) write_results_excel(all_data, results_file_path, columns_head) elif self.cb2.currentText() == 'AI': self.cb4.showPopup() self.cb3.setEnabled(False) self.cb4.setEnabled(True) f_objective = lambda x: objective_pump(x) numpop = 20 numiter = 500 functiondim = 2 lb = -32 * np.ones([1, functiondim]) ub = 32 * np.ones([1, functiondim]) echo = 'on' if self.cb4.currentText() == 'PSO': from pso_algorithm import pso xgbest, fgbest, fbest = pso(f_objective, numpop, functiondim, lb, ub, numiter, echo) ''' elif self.cb4.currentText() == 'GSA': from gsa_algorithm import gsa [xgbest,fgbest,fbest]=gsa(f_objective,numpop,functiondim,lb,ub,numiter,echo) elif self.cb4.currentText() == 'GA': from ga_algorithm import ga [xgbest,fgbest,fbest]=gsa(f_objective,numpop,functiondim,lb,ub,numiter,echo) elif self.cb4.currentText() == 'BA': from ba_algorithm import ba [xgbest,fgbest,fbest]=ba(f_objective,numpop,functiondim,lb,ub,numiter,echo) elif self.cb4.currentText() == 'ABC': from abc_algorithm import abc [xgbest,fgbest,fbest]=abc(f_objective,numpop,functiondim,lb,ub,numiter,echo) ''' all_data = np.hstack((xgbest, fgbest)) filename_global_best = 'IA_global_best.xlsx' write_results_excel(all_data, filename_global_best, ['x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4', 'x5', 'x6', 'y']) filename_iteration_best = 'IA_iteration_best.xlsx' write_results_excel(fbest, filename_iteration_best, ['y'])
def run( self, seed, n, dims, sample_type, scale, scale_factor, outfile, x0, x1, n_line, hard_bounds, ): np.random.seed(seed) n_samples = n n_dims = dims hard_bounds = hard_bounds sample_type = sample_type if sample_type == "random": x = np.random.random((n_samples, n_dims)) elif sample_type == "grid": subdivision = int(pow(n_samples, 1 / float(n_dims))) temp = [np.linspace(0, 1.0, subdivision) for i in range(n_dims)] X = np.meshgrid(*temp) x = np.stack([xx.flatten() for xx in X], axis=1) elif sample_type == "lhs": x = doe.lhs(n_dims, samples=n_samples, random_state=seed) elif sample_type == "lhd": _x = doe.lhs(n_dims, samples=n_samples, random_state=seed) x = norm(loc=0.5, scale=0.125).ppf(_x) elif sample_type == "star": _x =[0] x = 0.5 * (_x + 1.0) # transform to center at 0.5 (range 0-1) elif sample_type == "ccf" or sample_type == "ccc" or sample_type == "cci": _x = np.unique(doe.ccdesign(n_dims, face=sample_type), axis=0) x = 0.5 * (_x + 1.0) else: raise ValueError(sample_type + " is not a valid choice for sample_type!") scales = process_scale(scale) if scales is not None: limits = [] do_log = [] for scale in scales: limits.append((scale[0], scale[1])) if len(scale) < 3: scale.append("linear") if scale[2] == "log": do_log.append(True) else: do_log.append(False) x = scale_samples(x, limits, do_log=do_log) # scale the whole box x = scale_factor * x # add x0 if x0 is not None: x0 = np.atleast_2d(np.load(x0)) if scales is not None: sa = scale_factor * np.array(scales)[:, :2].astype("float") center = np.mean(sa, axis=1) else: center = scale_factor * 0.5 # Loop over all x0 points all_x = [] for _x0 in x0: _x = x + _x0 - center # replace the first entry with x0 for the random ones if sample_type == "lhs" or sample_type == "lhd": _x[0] = _x0 else: # add it for the stencil points _x = np.insert(_x, 0, _x0, axis=0) if x1 is not None: x1 = np.load(x1) line_range = np.linspace(0, 1, n_line + 1, endpoint=False)[1:] line_samples = _x0 + np.outer(line_range, (x1 - _x0)) _x = np.vstack((_x, line_samples)) all_x.append(_x) x = np.vstack(all_x) if hard_bounds: if scales is None: x = np.clip(x, 0, 1) else: for i, dim in enumerate(scales): x[:, i] = np.clip(x[:, i], dim[0], dim[1]) print(x), x)
def get_unit_latin_hypercube(dims, n_samples): return pyDOE2.lhs(n=dims, samples=n_samples, criterion='correlation')
def main(): # num_lhc = 100 # num_evals = np.logspace(2, 4, num=num_lhc) num_lhc = 1 num_evals = [512] num_params = 5 verbose = True np.random.seed(7) set_name = 'training' ######################################################################### ####### Parameters -- these should follow the following syntax ######## # para = np.linspace(lower_lim, upper_lim, total_eval) for n in range(num_lhc): nevals =[n]) # cosmology parameters - excluding tau and dark energy para1 = np.linspace(1e4, 1e5, nevals) # Flux para2 = np.linspace(0.1, 1., nevals) # Radius para3 = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, nevals) # g1 para4 = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, nevals) # g2 para5 = np.linspace(0.2, 0.4, nevals) # psf fwhm # redshift parameters if (num_params == 7): para6 = np.linspace(0.5, 1.5, nevals) # z_m para7 = np.linspace(0.05, 0.5, nevals) # FWHM # no other known option yet - can insert other options, or read from text file elif (num_params > 5): print("unknown parameter option") if (num_params == 5): AllPara = np.vstack([para1, para2, para3, para4, para5]) AllLabels = [ r'Flux', r'Radius', r'Shear g1', r'Shear g2', r'PSF fwhm' ] elif (num_params == 7): AllPara = np.vstack( [para1, para2, para3, para4, para5, para6, para7]) AllLabels = [ r'$\tilde{\omega}_m$', r'$\tilde{\omega}_b$', r'$\tilde{\sigma}_8$', r'$\tilde{' r'h}$', r'$\tilde{n}_s$', r'$\tilde{z}_m$', r'$\tilde{FWHM}$' ] ######################################################################### # latin hypercube lhd = pyDOE.lhs(AllPara.shape[0], samples=nevals, criterion=None) # c cm corr m idx = (lhd * nevals).astype(int) AllCombinations = np.zeros((nevals, AllPara.shape[0])) for i in range(AllPara.shape[0]): AllCombinations[:, i] = AllPara[i][idx[:, i]] # Delete row when g1**2 + g2**2 > 1 del_rows = np.where( AllCombinations[:, 2]**2 + AllCombinations[:, 3]**2 > 1.)[0] AllCombinations = np.delete(AllCombinations, del_rows, axis=0) # np.savetxt('lhc_'+str(nevals)+'_'+str(num_params)+'_'+set_name+'.txt', AllCombinations) # if verbose: # print(lhd) # lhd = norm(loc=0, scale=1).ppf(lhd) # this applies to both factors here # if verbose: f, a = plt.subplots(AllPara.shape[0], AllPara.shape[0], sharex=True, sharey=True) plt.subplots_adjust(left=None, bottom=None, right=None, top=None, wspace=None, hspace=None) plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 4}) for i in range(AllPara.shape[0]): for j in range(i + 1): print(i, j) if (i != j): a[i, j].scatter(lhd[:, i], lhd[:, j], s=1, alpha=0.7) a[i, j].grid(True) a[j, i].set_visible(False) else: # a[i,i].set_title(AllLabels[i]) a[i, i].text(0.4, 0.4, AllLabels[i], size='x-large') hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(lhd[:, i], density=True, bins=12) # a[i,i].bar(hist) a[i, i].bar(bin_edges[:-1], hist / hist.max(), width=0.09, alpha=0.5) plt.xlim(0, 1) plt.ylim(0, 1) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('../Data/Plots/LatinSq.pdf', figsize=(5000, 5000), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=900)
opt_method = input( 'Which method do you want to choose? design of experiment or intelligent algorithm(DOE/IA): ' ) while opt_method not in choose_opt_method: opt_method = input( 'Which method do you want to choose? design of experiment or intelligent algorithm(DOE/IA): ' ) if opt_method == choose_opt_method[0]: print('DOE is choosed') choose_DOE = ('New', 'Existed') DOE_opt = input('Is the DOE New or Existed(New or Existed): ') while DOE_opt not in choose_DOE: DOE_opt = input('Is the DOE New or Existed(New or Existed): ') if DOE_opt == choose_DOE[0]: print('DOE is New') x_initial = lhs(7, samples=5, criterion='center') ub_array = np.array([70.0, 80.0, 80.0, 80.0, 80.0, 80.0, 68.0]) lb_array = np.array([50.0, 40.0, 40.0, 40.0, 40.0, 40.0, 58.0]) x = np.multiply(x_initial, (ub_array - lb_array)) + lb_array filename_new_doe = 'DOE_new_design.xlsx' if not os.path.isdir(filename_new_doe): write_results_excel(x, filename_new_doe, ['x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4', 'x5', 'x6', 'x7']) else: os.rmdir(filename_new_doe) write_results_excel(x, filename_new_doe, ['x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4', 'x5', 'x6', 'x7']) pump_performance = objective_pump(x) all_data = np.hstack((x, pump_performance)) write_results_excel(all_data, results_file_path, columns_head) else:
cache_dir=run_name + '/' + case, reconnect_cache=False, write_csv=write_to_csv) driver = OptimizationDriver(prob.create_problem, **driver_config) # More information about sampling: if sampling_method is 'fullfact': # Full factorial parametric sweep levels = np.array([N_levels] * prob.get_problem_dimen()) design = pyDOE.fullfact(levels) levels[levels == 1] = 2 samples = design / (levels - 1) elif sampling_method is 'lhs': # Latin Hypercube Sampling of design space samples = pyDOE.lhs(prob.get_problem_dimen(), criterion='cm', samples=N_samples) # Saves sampling values for post-process analysis if save_samples: with open(driver.options['cache_dir'] + '/' + case + '_' + sampling_method + '_samples.csv', 'w', newline='') as f: csv_writer = csv.writer(f) csv_writer.writerows(samples) # Breaking sampling into small batches to reduce impacts of memory leak N_samples_per_batch = len(samples) / N_smb for i in range(N_smb): start = int(i * N_samples_per_batch)
def lhs(samples: int, attributes: int, *args, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: return pyDOE2.lhs(attributes, samples, *args, **kwargs)
def generateTradeStudy(tradeStudy): fileName = os.getcwd() + '\\Results\\' + tradeStudy.fileName runHPOP = tradeStudy.runHPOP epoch = tradeStudy.epoch a = tradeStudy.a e = tradeStudy.e i = tradeStudy.i RAAN = tradeStudy.RAAN AoP = tradeStudy.AoP TA = tradeStudy.TA Cd = tradeStudy.Cd Cr = tradeStudy.Cr DragArea = tradeStudy.DragArea SunArea = tradeStudy.SunArea Mass = tradeStudy.Mass OrbPerCal = tradeStudy.OrbPerCal GaussQuad = tradeStudy.GaussQuad SigLvl = tradeStudy.SigLvl SolFlxFile = tradeStudy.SolFlxFile AtmDen = tradeStudy.AtmDen SecondOrderOblateness = tradeStudy.SecondOrderOblateness numberOfRuns = tradeStudy.numberOfRuns howToVary = tradeStudy.howToVary varyCols = tradeStudy.varyCols varyValues = tradeStudy.varyValues setSunAreaEqualToDragArea = tradeStudy.setSunAreaEqualToDragArea np.random.seed(seed=1) # Generate Additional Columns Rp = a * (1 - e) Ra = a * (1 + e) p = a * (1 - e**2) rs, vs = coe2rv(GM_earth * 1e-9, p, e, i * np.pi / 180, RAAN * np.pi / 180, AoP * np.pi / 180, TA * np.pi / 180) x = rs[0] y = rs[1] z = rs[2] Vx = vs[0] Vy = vs[1] Vz = vs[2] CdAM = Cd * DragArea / Mass CrAM = Cr * SunArea / Mass # Generate Dataframe to store all of the runs data = [ epoch, a, e, i, RAAN, AoP, TA, Rp, Ra, p, x, y, z, Vx, Vy, Vz, Cd, Cr, DragArea, SunArea, Mass, CdAM, CrAM, OrbPerCal, GaussQuad, SigLvl, SolFlxFile, AtmDen, SecondOrderOblateness ] columns = [ 'epoch', 'a', 'e', 'i', 'RAAN', 'AoP', 'TA', 'Rp', 'Ra', 'p', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'Vx', 'Vy', 'Vz', 'Cd', 'Cr', 'Drag Area', 'Sun Area', 'Mass', 'Cd*Drag Area/Mass', 'Cr*Sun Area/Mass', 'Orb Per Calc', 'Gaussian Quad', 'Flux Sigma Level', 'SolarFluxFile', 'Density Model', '2nd Order Oblateness' ] df = pd.DataFrame(data=data, index=columns).T df[df.columns[:-3]] = df[df.columns[:-3]].astype(float) # Grid Search if howToVary.lower() == 'gridsearch': # Create grid search of parameters and update the Dataframe numOfLevels = [len(val) for val in varyValues] runs = fullfact(numOfLevels).astype(int) paramdf = pd.DataFrame() for ii in range(len(runs.T)): paramdf[varyCols[ii]] = varyValues[ii][runs[:, ii]] df = pd.concat([df] * len(runs), ignore_index=True) for col in paramdf.columns: df[col] = paramdf[col] # Latin Hypercube elif howToVary.lower() == 'latinhypercube': # Generate runs lhd = lhs(len(varyCols), samples=numberOfRuns) # lhd = stats.norm(loc=0, scale=1).ppf(lhd) # Convert to a normal distribution lhd = pd.DataFrame(lhd) adjustEpoch = False if 'epoch' in varyCols: date1 = yydddToDatetime(varyValues[0][0]) date2 = yydddToDatetime(varyValues[0][1]) deltaDays = lhd[0] * (date2 - date1).days minDate = [varyValues[0][0] for i in range(numberOfRuns)] varyCols.remove('epoch') varyValues = varyValues[1:] lhd = lhd.drop(0, axis=1) adjustEpoch = True lhd.columns = varyCols # Replace string columns with categories strii = [ ii for ii in range(len(varyValues)) if isinstance(varyValues[ii][0], str) ] for ii in strii: lhd.iloc[:, ii] = pd.cut(lhd.iloc[:, ii], len(varyValues[ii]), labels=varyValues[ii]) # Replace float columns with values in range varyValues = np.array(varyValues) floatii = lhd.dtypes == float lhsMinMax = varyValues[floatii] lhsMinMax = np.concatenate(lhsMinMax, axis=0).reshape(-1, 2) lhd.loc[:, floatii] = lhd.loc[:, floatii] * ( lhsMinMax[:, 1] - lhsMinMax[:, 0]) + lhsMinMax[:, 0] indxs = [ ii for ii in range(len(varyCols)) if varyCols[ii] in ['Orb Per Calc', 'Gaussian Quad', 'Flux Sigma Level'] ] lhd.iloc[:, indxs] = lhd.iloc[:, indxs].round() # Create df df = pd.concat([df] * len(lhd), ignore_index=True) if adjustEpoch == True: df['epoch'] = [ adjustDate(yyddd, deltaDay) for yyddd, deltaDay in zip(minDate, deltaDays) ] for col in lhd.columns: df[col] = lhd[col] # Perturb elif howToVary.lower() == 'perturb': # Sample from a normal distribution rv = stats.norm() rvVals = rv.rvs((numberOfRuns, len(varyCols))) # Create perturbation df pertdf = pd.DataFrame(rvVals) * varyValues pertdf.columns = varyCols # Duplicate original df by the number of runs df = pd.concat([df] * numberOfRuns, ignore_index=True) if 'epoch' in varyCols: df['epoch'] = [ adjustDate(yyddd, deltaDay) for yyddd, deltaDay in zip(df['epoch'], pertdf['epoch']) ] varyCols.remove('epoch') varyValues = varyValues[1:] for col in varyCols: df[col] = df[col] + pertdf[col] # Update dependant values df = updateDf(df, runHPOP, varyCols, setSunAreaEqualToDragArea) # Convert all columns to floats and round to the 10th decimal, otherwise there are some numerical rounding issues. cols = [ col for col in df.columns if col not in ['SolarFluxFile', 'Density Model', '2nd Order Oblateness'] ] df[cols] = df[cols].astype(float) for col in cols: df[col] = np.round(df[col], 10) # Add results df['LT Orbits'] = np.nan df['LT Years'] = np.nan df['LT Runtime'] = np.nan if runHPOP == True: df['HPOP Years'] = np.nan df['HPOP Runtime'] = np.nan = 'Run ID' df = df.reset_index() df.to_csv(fileName) # Create a new csv to store the results return df
def run_initial_values_benchmark(self, log_file_name='ema/results/log_file_initial_values.txt'): if path.exists(log_file_name): remove(log_file_name) s = '################### Running robustness to initial values test ################### \n' logfile = open(log_file_name, 'a+') logfile.writelines(s) logfile.close() print(s) # Set to true to print detail of each sample print_option = False test_cases = [('SLSQP', 'full_analytic', False), ('SLSQP', 'semi_analytic_fd', False)] for test_case in test_cases: optimizer = test_case[0] derivative_method = test_case[1] blackbox = test_case[2] prob_type = 'MDO' # Number of samples N = 50 res_num_compute = { 'MDF': [], 'IDF': [], 'HYBRID': [], 'NVH': [] } # Scale to make sure that a solution exist k_os = 1. # Bounds of the variables of the DOE # lower_bound = 0.1 # upper_bound = 1. variables = { 'N_red': (0.1, 8.), 'J_mot': (1e-6, 1.e-1), 'T_em': (0.1, 100.) } # DOE doe = lhs(len(variables.keys()), samples=N, criterion='center') # Perform an analysis for each sample for sample in doe: initial_values = copy.copy(variables) for i, (key, value) in enumerate(initial_values.items()): upper_bound = value[1] lower_bound = value[0] initial_values[key] = (upper_bound - lower_bound) * sample[i] + lower_bound prob_list = [ MDFProblem(name='MDF', optimizer=optimizer, derivative_method=derivative_method, blackbox=blackbox, log_file=log_file_name, scale=k_os, print=print_option), IDFProblem(name='IDF', optimizer=optimizer, derivative_method=derivative_method, blackbox=blackbox, log_file=log_file_name, scale=k_os, print=print_option), HybridProblem(name='HYBRID', optimizer=optimizer, derivative_method=derivative_method, blackbox=blackbox, log_file=log_file_name, scale=k_os, print=print_option), NVHProblem(name='NVH', optimizer=optimizer, derivative_method=derivative_method, blackbox=blackbox, log_file=log_file_name, scale=k_os, print=print_option)] self.run_analysis(prob_list, initial_values=initial_values) for prob in prob_list: if prob.post_analysis_results['success']: res_num_compute[].append(prob.post_analysis_results['num_compute']) # Result analysis for i, (key, value) in enumerate(res_num_compute.items()): s = '> ---------- Running ' + prob_type + ' using ' + \ key + ' formulation and ' + optimizer + ' optimizer with ' + \ derivative_method + ' at scale ' + str(k_os) + ' ------------ \n' try: max_num_compute = max(value) min_num_compute = min(value) mean_num_compute = np.mean(value) median_num_compute = np.median(value) percentage_of_success = len(value) / N * 100. res = 'Max number of evaluations : ' + str(max_num_compute) + '\n' \ 'Min number of evaluations : ' + str(min_num_compute) + '\n' \ 'Mean number of evaluations : ' + str(mean_num_compute) + '\n' \ 'Median number of evaluations : ' + str(median_num_compute) + '\n' \ 'Percentage of success : ' + str(percentage_of_success) + '\n' s += s + res except: s += s + 'All samples failed. \n' pass logfile = open(log_file_name, 'a+') logfile.writelines(s) logfile.close() print(s)
def execute_ga(self, x0, vlb, vub, vob, bits, pop_size, max_gen, random_state, Pm=None, Pc=0.5): """ Perform the genetic algorithm. Parameters ---------- x0 : ndarray Initial design values vlb : ndarray Lower bounds array. vub : ndarray Upper bounds array. This includes over-allocation so that every point falls on an integer value. vob : ndarray Outer bounds array. This is purely for bounds check. bits : ndarray Number of bits to encode the design space for each element of the design vector. pop_size : int Number of points in the population. max_gen : int Number of generations to run the GA. random_state : np.random.RandomState, int Random state (or seed-number) which controls the seed and random draws. Pm : float or None Mutation rate Pc : float Crossover rate Returns ------- ndarray Best design point float Objective value at best design point. int Number of successful function evaluations. """ comm = self.comm xopt = copy.deepcopy(vlb) fopt = np.inf self.lchrom = int(np.sum(bits)) if np.mod(pop_size, 2) == 1: pop_size += 1 self.npop = int(pop_size) fitness = np.zeros((self.npop, )) # If mutation rate is not provided as input if Pm is None: Pm = (self.lchrom + 1.0) / (2.0 * pop_size * np.sum(bits)) elite = self.elite new_gen = np.round(lhs(self.lchrom, self.npop, criterion='center', random_state=random_state)) new_gen[0] = self.encode(x0, vlb, vub, bits) # Main Loop nfit = 0 for generation in range(max_gen + 1): old_gen = copy.deepcopy(new_gen) x_pop = self.decode(old_gen, vlb, vub, bits) # Evaluate points in this generation. if comm is not None: # Parallel # Since GA is random, ranks generate different new populations, so just take one # and use it on all. x_pop = comm.bcast(x_pop, root=0) cases = [((item, ii), None) for ii, item in enumerate(x_pop) if np.all(item - vob <= 0)] # Pad the cases with some dummy cases to make the cases divisible amongst the procs. # TODO: Add a load balancing option to this driver. extra = len(cases) % comm.size if extra > 0: for j in range(comm.size - extra): cases.append(cases[-1]) results = concurrent_eval(self.objfun, cases, comm, allgather=True, model_mpi=self.model_mpi) fitness[:] = np.inf for result in results: returns, traceback = result if returns: val, success, ii = returns if success: fitness[ii] = val nfit += 1 else: # Print the traceback if it fails print('A case failed:') print(traceback) else: # Serial for ii in range(self.npop): x = x_pop[ii] if np.any(x - vob > 0): # Exceeded bounds for integer variables that are over-allocated. success = False else: fitness[ii], success, _ = self.objfun(x, 0) if success: nfit += 1 else: fitness[ii] = np.inf # Elitism means replace worst performing point with best from previous generation. if elite and generation > 0: max_index = np.argmax(fitness) old_gen[max_index] = min_gen x_pop[max_index] = min_x fitness[max_index] = min_fit # Find best performing point in this generation. min_fit = np.min(fitness) min_index = np.argmin(fitness) min_gen = old_gen[min_index] min_x = x_pop[min_index] if min_fit < fopt: fopt = min_fit xopt = min_x # Evolve new generation. new_gen = self.tournament(old_gen, fitness) new_gen = self.crossover(new_gen, Pc) new_gen = self.mutate(new_gen, Pm) return xopt, fopt, nfit
def execute_ga(self, vlb, vub, bits, pop_size, max_gen, random_state): """ Perform the genetic algorithm. Parameters ---------- vlb : ndarray Lower bounds array. vub : ndarray Upper bounds array. bits : ndarray Number of bits to encode the design space for each element of the design vector. pop_size : int Number of points in the population. max_gen : int Number of generations to run the GA. random_state : np.random.RandomState, int Random state (or seed-number) which controls the seed and random draws. Returns ------- ndarray Best design point float Objective value at best design point. int Number of successful function evaluations. """ comm = self.comm xopt = copy.deepcopy(vlb) fopt = np.inf self.lchrom = int(np.sum(bits)) if np.mod(pop_size, 2) == 1: pop_size += 1 self.npop = int(pop_size) fitness = np.zeros((self.npop, )) Pc = 0.5 Pm = (self.lchrom + 1.0) / (2.0 * pop_size * np.sum(bits)) elite = self.elite # TODO: from an user-supplied intial population # new_gen, lchrom = encode(x0, vlb, vub, bits) new_gen = np.round( lhs(self.lchrom, self.npop, criterion='center', random_state=random_state)) # Main Loop nfit = 0 for generation in range(max_gen + 1): old_gen = copy.deepcopy(new_gen) x_pop = self.decode(old_gen, vlb, vub, bits) # Evaluate points in this generation. if comm is not None: # Parallel # Since GA is random, ranks generate different new populations, so just take one # and use it on all. x_pop = comm.bcast(x_pop, root=0) cases = [((item, ii), None) for ii, item in enumerate(x_pop)] results = concurrent_eval(self.objfun, cases, comm, allgather=True, model_mpi=self.model_mpi) fitness[:] = np.inf for result in results: returns, traceback = result if returns: val, success, ii = returns if success: fitness[ii] = val nfit += 1 else: # Print the traceback if it fails print('A case failed:') print(traceback) else: # Serial for ii in range(self.npop): x = x_pop[ii] fitness[ii], success, _ = self.objfun(x, 0) if success: nfit += 1 else: fitness[ii] = np.inf # Elitism means replace worst performing point with best from previous generation. if elite and generation > 0: max_index = np.argmax(fitness) old_gen[max_index] = min_gen x_pop[max_index] = min_x fitness[max_index] = min_fit # Find best performing point in this generation. min_fit = np.min(fitness) min_index = np.argmin(fitness) min_gen = old_gen[min_index] min_x = x_pop[min_index] if min_fit < fopt: fopt = min_fit xopt = min_x # Evolve new generation. new_gen = self.tournament(old_gen, fitness) new_gen = self.crossover(new_gen, Pc) new_gen = self.mutate(new_gen, Pm) return xopt, fopt, nfit
nsims = main.nsims except AttributeError: nsims = 5 # import parameter ranges table loginfo("Reading in lhs parameter range data from <" + dir_path + "\input\lhs\lhs_param_ranges_vvwm.csv>.") param_ranges = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(dir_path, "input", "lhs", "lhs_param_ranges_vvwm.csv")) print(param_ranges) # create list of input parameter names param_names = param_ranges["Parameter"].to_list() # conduct lhs sampling lhs_design = lhs(n=len(param_names), samples=nsims) print("LHS Design w/o Uniform: ", "\n", lhs_design.round(2)) for i in range(0, len(param_names)): lhs_design[:, i] = param_ranges.loc[i, "Min"] + (lhs_design[:, i]) * ( param_ranges.loc[i, "Range"]) #JMS 10-20-20 print("Uniformly Sampled from LHS Design: ", "\n", lhs_design) # convert to data frame lhs_df = pd.DataFrame(lhs_design, columns=param_names) print(round(lhs_df, 3)) # write out loginfo("Writing simulated parameter data to <" + dir_path + "\io\lhs_sampled_params_vvwm.csv>.") lhs_df.to_csv(os.path.join(dir_path, "io", "lhs_sampled_params_vvwm.csv"))
# import parameter ranges table loginfo("Reading in lhs parameter range data from <" + dir_path + r"\input\lhs\lhs_param_ranges.csv>.") param_ranges = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(dir_path, "input", "lhs", "lhs_param_ranges.csv")) print(param_ranges) # create list of input parameter names param_names = param_ranges["Parameter"].to_list() # parameter conditions: # por >= fc (happens automatically), fc >= wp, MaxRate>=MinRate # conduct lhs sampling lhs_design = lhs( n=len(param_names), samples=3 * nsims ) # take 3x as many samples as needed, in case some don't meet conditions # uniformly sample for i in range(0, len(param_names)): lhs_design[:, i] = param_ranges.loc[ i, "Min"] + (lhs_design[:, i]) * (param_ranges.loc[i, "Range"]) # filter on conditions: fc >= wp, MaxRate >= MinRate lhs_design = lhs_design[np.where( lhs_design[:, 11] < lhs_design[:, 10])[0]] # fc >= wp lhs_design = lhs_design[np.where( lhs_design[:, 6] < lhs_design[:, 5])[0]] # MaxRate >= MinRate lhs_design = lhs_design[:nsims] # only take first nsims rows meeting condition # convert to data frame lhs_df = pd.DataFrame(lhs_design, columns=param_names) print(round(lhs_df, 3))
def run_doe_benchmark(self, log_file_name='ema/results/log_file_doe.txt'): if path.exists(log_file_name): remove(log_file_name) s = '################### Running robustness to doe test ################### \n' logfile = open(log_file_name, 'a+') logfile.writelines(s) logfile.close() print(s) test_cases = [('SLSQP', 'full_analytic', False), ('SLSQP', 'semi_analytic_fd', False), ('SLSQP', 'monolythic_fd', True), ('COBYLA', 'derivative_free', False)] for test_case in test_cases: optimizer = test_case[0] derivative_method = test_case[1] blackbox = test_case[2] prob_type = 'MDA' # Set to true to print detail of each sample print_option = False # Number of samples N = 50 res_num_compute = { 'MDF': [], 'IDF': [], 'HYBRID': [], 'NVH': [] } # Scale to make sure that a solution exist for IDF and HYBRID k_os = 2. variables = { 'F_ema': (7.e4 * 0.5, 7.e4 * 2.), 'N_red': (1., 10.), 'p': (1.59e-3 * 0.5, 1.59e-3 * 2.), 'A_max': (2. * 0.5, 2.* 2.) } # DOE doe = lhs(len(variables.keys()), samples=N, criterion='center') # Perform an analysis for each sample for sample in doe: initial_values = copy.copy(variables) for i, (key, value) in enumerate(initial_values.items()): upper_bound = value[1] lower_bound = value[0] initial_values[key] = (upper_bound - lower_bound) * sample[i] + lower_bound prob_list = [ MDFProblem(name='MDF', prob_type=prob_type, optimizer=optimizer, derivative_method=derivative_method, blackbox=blackbox, log_file=log_file_name, scale=k_os, print=print_option), IDFProblem(name='IDF', prob_type=prob_type, optimizer=optimizer, derivative_method=derivative_method, blackbox=blackbox, log_file=log_file_name, scale=k_os, print=print_option), HybridProblem(name='HYBRID', prob_type=prob_type, optimizer=optimizer, derivative_method=derivative_method, blackbox=blackbox, log_file=log_file_name, scale=k_os, print=print_option), NVHProblem(name='NVH', prob_type=prob_type, optimizer=optimizer, derivative_method=derivative_method, blackbox=blackbox, log_file=log_file_name, scale=k_os, print=print_option)] self.run_analysis(prob_list, initial_values=initial_values) for prob in prob_list: if prob.post_analysis_results['success']: res_num_compute[].append(prob.post_analysis_results['num_compute']) # Result analysis for i, (key, value) in enumerate(res_num_compute.items()): s = '> ---------- Running ' + prob_type + ' using ' + key + ' formulation and ' + \ optimizer + ' optimizer with ' + derivative_method + \ ' at scale ' + str(k_os) + ' ------------ \n' if len(value) == 0: value = [0.] max_num_compute = max(value) min_num_compute = min(value) mean_num_compute = np.mean(value) median_num_compute = np.median(value) percentage_of_success = len(value) / N * 100. res = 'Max number of evaluations : ' + str(max_num_compute) + '\n' \ 'Min number of evaluations : ' + str(min_num_compute) + '\n' \ 'Mean number of evaluations : ' + str(mean_num_compute) + '\n' \ 'Median number of evaluations : ' + str(median_num_compute) + '\n' \ 'Percentage of success : ' + str(percentage_of_success) + '\n' s += s + res logfile = open(log_file_name, 'a+') logfile.writelines(s) logfile.close() print(s)
def lhsdesign(n, min_range, max_range, k=5, include_vertices=False): """Returns the Latin Hypercube Sampling for a given range of values. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of samples of the hypercube. min_range : np.array 1-by-p or p-by-1 array containing the minimum values for each variable. max_range : np.array 1-by-p or p-by-1 array containing the maximum values for each variable. k : int, optional Number of iterations to attempt to improve the design. include_vertices : bool To include or not the vertices of the hypercube in the sample. Returns ------- out : np.array n-by-p array containing the Latin Hypercube Sampling. Raises ------ ValueError If ndim of either `min_range` or `max_range` is not 2. If the `min_range` or `max_range` aren't vectors. """ # check input ranges dimensions. If ndim != 1, raise error if min_range.ndim != 1 or max_range.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("Input ranges must be 1D arrays.") else: # both have ndim == 1, check if they have the same size if min_range.size != max_range.size: raise ValueError( "min_range and max_range must have the same number of elements" ) # min_range = min_range.reshape(1, -1) # max_range = max_range.reshape(1, -1) p = min_range.size # proceed with normal calculations slope = np.tile(max_range - min_range, (n, 1)) offset = np.tile(min_range, (n, 1)) # create normalized LH x_normalized = lhs(p, samples=n, iterations=k, criterion='maximin') if include_vertices: vertices = get_vertices(min_range, max_range) # scale and return the LH return np.vstack((x_normalized * slope + offset, vertices)) else: # scale and return the LH return x_normalized * slope + offset
def DOE(DOE_Seed, LHD_SampleSize, LHD_SamplingStrategy, IDM_path, DPM_path, LHD_iterations, RandomiseCFGs, Offset, InfoOnly, make_single_files, DPM_base_name, test_mode): np.random.seed(DOE_Seed) #fix print("STARTING\n") #Load the Import Design Matrix IDM_f = open(IDM_path, encoding='utf-8') IDM = [] csvReader = csv.reader(IDM_f, delimiter="\t") i = 0 for row in csvReader: if (i >= 1): IDM.append(row) i += 1 IDM_f.close() #Conv numerics to numerics for row in range(0, len(IDM)): IDM[row][1] = float(IDM[row][1]) IDM[row][2] = float(IDM[row][2]) IDM[row][3] = float(IDM[row][3]) #Calculate the size of the full-factorial and the number of LHD parameters Indicator_DPM = [ ] #Hold information on the kind of the parameter in the final DPM Factorials = [] #Hold Factorial series, also that of FactPower LHD_factors = 0 for row in range(0, len(IDM)): Indicator_DPM.append(IDM[row][4]) if IDM[row][4] == "LHD": LHD_factors += 1 elif IDM[row][4] == "Factorial" or IDM[row][4] == "Fact": val = IDM[row][1] tmp = [val] while (val + IDM[row][3] <= IDM[row][2]): val += IDM[row][3] tmp.append(val) tmp = np.asarray(tmp) #tmp = np.arange(IDM[row][1],IDM[row][2],IDM[row][3]) Factorials.append([IDM[row][0], tmp]) #parname, #items elif IDM[row][4] == "FactPower": tmp = [] pw = int(0) while (IDM[row][1] * IDM[row][3]**pw <= IDM[row][2]): tmp.append(IDM[row][1] * IDM[row][3]**pw) pw += 1 Factorials.append([IDM[row][0], np.asarray(tmp)]) #parname, #items #Calculate the size of the LHD sample part SampleMult = 1 if LHD_factors == 0: if (LHD_SampleSize < 0): SampleMult = round(-LHD_SampleSize) #use as multiplicator LHD_SampleSize = 0 elif LHD_factors == 1: print("It is not possible to have a single LHD factor.\n") print("Instead, consider to make it 'Fact' and add -N 20 (example) \ to multiply the complete setting by 20.") return "ERROR" elif LHD_SampleSize < 0: #implies -N argument LHD_SampleSize *= -LHD_factors LHD_SampleSize = round(LHD_SampleSize) #Calculate the size of the overal sample FactSampleSize = 1 for item in range(len(Factorials)): FactSampleSize *= Factorials[item][1].size SampleSize = int(max(1, LHD_SampleSize) * FactSampleSize) if len(Factorials) > 0: print ("Factorial design with ",len(Factorials), " factors and ", \ FactSampleSize, "configurations.\n") if LHD_factors > 0: print ("Latin Hyper Cube design with ", LHD_factors, " Factors and ",\ LHD_SampleSize, " distinct design points for each\n") if SampleMult > 1: print("All is multiplied by ", SampleMult, ". \nNote: This makes only", \ "sense if at least one random factor exists (like seed)\n") if test_mode > 0 and test_mode < SampleSize: print("\nTest mode selected. Sample Size is now:", test_mode) print("Overal sample size is: ", SampleSize * SampleMult) if (InfoOnly != 0): print("\nExit. Info only mode.\n") return "Done" #Create a reduced form design point matrix of the factorial factors. Fact_DPM = np.empty([FactSampleSize, len(Factorials)], "float64") loops = 1 for col in range(0, len(Factorials)): row = 0 while row < FactSampleSize: for item in range(Factorials[col][1].size): loop_count = 0 while loop_count < loops: Fact_DPM[row][col] = Factorials[col][1][item] loop_count += 1 row += 1 loops *= Factorials[col][1].size #increase the number of repeated vals #select sampling method for LHD part if LHD_SampleSize > 0: print("Using strategy " + LHD_SamplingStrategy + " for the LHS") if (LHD_SamplingStrategy == "corr" or LHD_SamplingStrategy == "correlation"): print("with " + str(LHD_iterations) + " iterations \n") #Provide the LHD Matrix as raw if LHD_SamplingStrategy == "none": LHD_raw = pyDOE2.lhs(LHD_factors, samples=LHD_SampleSize, iterations=LHD_iterations) else: LHD_raw = pyDOE2.lhs(LHD_factors, samples=LHD_SampleSize, criterion=LHD_SamplingStrategy, iterations=LHD_iterations) #Print correlation matrix a = np.corrcoef(LHD_raw) print("Correlation Matrix:") print(a) #Normalise to values LHD_DPM = np.copy(LHD_raw) for row in range(LHD_SampleSize): LHD_col = 0 for col in range(len(Indicator_DPM)): if Indicator_DPM[col] == "LHD": LHD_DPM[row][LHD_col] *= (IDM[col][2] - IDM[col][1] ) #spannwidth LHD_DPM[row][LHD_col] += IDM[col][1] #add minimum #Now, correct to step-size LHD_DPM[row][LHD_col] = round(LHD_DPM[row][LHD_col] / IDM[col][3]) LHD_DPM[row][LHD_col] *= IDM[col][3] LHD_col += 1 #Provide a "Header" for the DPM with Parameter Names and ConfigID DPM_header = [] #header for row in range(len(IDM)): DPM_header.insert(row, IDM[row][0]) DPM_header.insert(0, "ABMAT_ConfigID") Indicator_DPM.insert(0, "ID") #Define the complete Design Point Matrix, un-normalised, samples*(Pars+1) DPM = np.empty([SampleSize * SampleMult, len(DPM_header)], "float64") row = 0 for mult in range(SampleMult): #multiply for LHD_row in range(max(LHD_SampleSize, 1)): #loop through LHD and for each design-vector add the complete factorial #sub-space for Fact_row in range(FactSampleSize): LHD_item = 0 Fact_item = 0 for col in range(len(Indicator_DPM)): if Indicator_DPM[col] == "ID": DPM[row][ col] = row + 1 #Set the ConfigID, starting with 1# elif Indicator_DPM[col] == "LHD": DPM[row][col] = LHD_DPM[LHD_row][LHD_item] LHD_item += 1 elif Indicator_DPM[col] == "Factorial" or Indicator_DPM[ col] == "FactPower": DPM[row][col] = Fact_DPM[Fact_row][Fact_item] Fact_item += 1 elif Indicator_DPM[col] == "Fixed": DPM[row][col] = IDM[col - 1][1] #Minimum elif Indicator_DPM[col] == "Random": DPM[row][col] = IDM[col - 1][2] - IDM[col - 1][1] #Span DPM[row][col] *= np.random.uniform() #randomise DPM[row][col] += IDM[col - 1][1] #add minimum #Now, correct to step-size DPM[row][col] = round(DPM[row][col] * IDM[col - 1][3]) DPM[row][col] /= IDM[col - 1][3] else: print("Error! Unknown Type of Variable: ", \ Indicator_DPM[col] ) row += 1 #mix the order? Is espescially important in case of distributed "packages" #of simulations and factorial designs, where the simulation time may vary #with the factorial's values. E.g. scale parameters. if (RandomiseCFGs == "Yes"): np.random.shuffle(DPM) for row in range(SampleSize * SampleMult): DPM[row][ 0] = row + 1 + Offset #Assign the unique configuration ids """ Save the DPM to a tab-separated file """ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(DPM_path + "\\"), exist_ok=True) #Create dir if necessary sample = range(SampleSize * SampleMult) if (not make_single_files): #Save everything to a tsv file. out_file = DPM_path + "\\DPM_" + DPM_base_name + ".tsv" DPM_f = open(out_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline='') csvWriter = csv.writer(DPM_f, delimiter="\t") csvWriter.writerow(DPM_header) if test_mode > 0 and test_mode < SampleSize * SampleMult: sample = random.sample(sample, test_mode) for row in sample: csvWriter.writerow(DPM[row]) DPM_f.close() else: #create single tsv files for row in range(SampleSize): if test_mode > 0 and test_mode < SampleSize * SampleMult: sample = random.sample(sample, test_mode) print(sample) for row in sample: out_file = DPM_path + "\\DPM_" + DPM_base_name + "_" + str( int(DPM[row][0])) + ".tsv" DPM_f = open(out_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline='') csvWriter = csv.writer(DPM_f, delimiter="\t") csvWriter.writerow(DPM_header) csvWriter.writerow(DPM[row]) DPM_f.close() return "DoneA"
def test_notebook_4(): print("\n Notebook4 tested...") # Define SPM design parameters d_e = PositiveParameter("d_e", [50, 500], "mm", "External stator diameter") d_i = PositiveParameter("d_i", [20, 300], "mm", "Internal stator diameter") e_tooth = PositiveParameter("e_tooth", [3, 60], "mm", "Tooth thikness") e_yoke = PositiveParameter("e_yoke", [2, 20], "mm", "Yoke thikness") w_pm = PositiveParameter("w_pm", [2, 20], "mm", "Permanent magnet width") r_i = PositiveParameter("r_i", [5, 100], "mm", "Rotor internal radius") j = PositiveParameter("j", [0.1, 1000], "A/m**2", "Winding current density") B_R = PositiveParameter("B_R", [1.1], "tesla", "Permanent magnet remanence") B_SAT = PositiveParameter("B_SAT", [0.02], "tesla", "Iron induction saturation") MU_0 = PositiveParameter("MU_0", [1.26e-6], "H/m", "Vacuum permeability") t_l = PositiveParameter("t_l", [0.01, 100], "N", "Linear torque") parameter_set = PositiveParameterSet(d_e, d_i, e_tooth, e_yoke, w_pm, r_i, j, B_R, B_SAT, MU_0, t_l) # Perform dimensional analysis on linear torque pi_set, _ = buckingham_theorem(parameter_set, False) # Define new parameters for joule losses definition p_jl = PositiveParameter("p_jl", [0.01, 1000], "W/m", "Linear joule losses") RHO_WIND = PositiveParameter("RHO_WIND", [17000], "ohm*m", "Linear winding resistivity") s_wind = PositiveParameter("s_wind", [1, 100], "mm**2", "Winding total cross section") parameter_set = PositiveParameterSet(d_e, d_i, e_tooth, e_yoke, w_pm, r_i, j, B_R, B_SAT, MU_0, RHO_WIND, s_wind, p_jl) # Perform dimensional analysis on joule losses pi_set, _ = buckingham_theorem(parameter_set, False) # Calculate levels bounds = numpy.array([[30, 150], [10, 100], [750, 3000]]) doe_levels = lhs(3, samples=27, criterion="maximin", random_state=42) doe = bounds[:, 0] + doe_levels / doe_levels.max(axis=0) * (bounds[:, 1] - bounds[:, 0]) # Show matrix doe_data = pandas.DataFrame(doe, columns=["d_e", "h", "omega_max"]) doe_data.to_excel("output.xls") os.remove("output.xls") doe_data.head(n=numpy.shape(doe)[0]) # Plot 3D figure fig = plot.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d") ax.scatter(doe[:, 0], doe[:, 1], doe[:, 2]) ax.set_xlabel("$D_e$") ax.set_ylabel("$h$") ax.set_zlabel("$\omega_{max}$") doe = pandas.read_excel("notebooks/04_motor_example/output.xls") # Declare directly the pi_set problem doePI = doe[[ "pi01", "pi02", "pi03", "pi1", "pi2", "pi3", "pi4", "pi5", "pi6" ]].values pi1 = PositiveParameter("pi1", [0.1, 1], "", "t_l*b_r**-1*j**-1*d_e**-3") pi2 = PositiveParameter("pi2", [0.1, 1], "", "p_j*rho_win**-1*d_e**-2*j**-2") pi3 = PositiveParameter( "pi3", [0.1, 1], "", "p_fe*delta_p**-1*omega_max**1.5*b_r**-2*d_iron**-1*d_e**-2") pi4 = PositiveParameter("pi4", [0.1, 1], "", "mu_0*j*d_e*b_r**-1") pi5 = PositiveParameter("pi5", [0.1, 1], "", "d_i*d_e**-1") pi6 = PositiveParameter("pi6", [0.1, 1], "", "e_tooth*d_e**-1*n") pi7 = PositiveParameter("pi7", [0.1, 1], "", "e_yoke*d_e**-1*n") pi8 = PositiveParameter("pi8", [0.1, 1], "", "w_pm*d_e**-1") pi9 = PositiveParameter("pi9", [0.1, 1], "", "r_i*d_e**-1") pi_set = PositiveParameterSet(pi1, pi2, pi3, pi4, pi5, pi6, pi7, pi8, pi9) # Perform sensitivity analysis pi_sensitivity(pi_set, doePI, useWidgets=False, test_mode=True) # Perform dependency analysis pi_dependency(pi_set, doePI, useWidgets=False, test_mode=True)