Esempio n. 1
from pyDatalog import pyDatalog
from datalog import Datalog, kvp

db =

# app is a subspace for an open directory
app =, ('app,'))
Datalog(app, 10)

##   Relational Algebra   ##


# Select

# Project
q(X) <= r(X,Y)

# Join
q(X, Y, Z) <= r(X, Y) & s(X, Z)

##   Beyond Relational Algebra   ##

Esempio n. 2
from pyDatalog import pyDatalog
import time
from pyDatalog import pyEngine

pyDatalog.create_atoms('N,N1, X,Y, X0,X1,X2')

# when is it ok to have a queen in row X1 and another in row X2, separated by N columns
# this is memoized !
size = 7
ok(X1, N,
   X2) <= (X1._in(range(size))) & (X1 != X2) & (X1 != X2 + N) & (X1 != X2 - N)
queens(1, X) <= (X1._in(range(size))) & (X == (X1, ))  #TODO
queens(N, X) <= (N > 1) & (N1 == N - 1) & X0._in(range(size)) & queens(
    N1, Y) & ok(Y[0], N1, X0) & queens(N1, Y[1:] + (X0, )) & (X == Y + (X0, ))
print(queens(size, X))

# counting is 0-based, so this is actually the 8-queens solution
# there is a fixed penalty the first time around (JIT, ...), so let's measure performance the second time
start_time = time.time()
datalog_count = len(queens(size, X).data)
datalog_time = (time.time() - start_time)

# pure python solution found on, for comparison purposes

from itertools import permutations

n = 8
cols = range(n)

Esempio n. 3
This file shows how to use pyDatalog using facts stored in datalog.

It has 3 parts:
    1. create facts for 2 employees in the datalog engine
    2. define business rules
    3. Query the datalog engine
from pyDatalog import pyDatalog

""" 1. create facts for 3 employees in the datalog engine """
pyDatalog.create_atoms('salary', 'manager')

# John is the manager of Mary, who is the manager of Sam
+ (salary['John'] == 6800)

+ (manager['Mary'] == 'John')
+ (salary['Mary'] == 6300)

+ (manager['Sam'] == 'Mary')
+ (salary['Sam'] == 5900)

""" 2. define business rules """
pyDatalog.create_atoms('salary_class', 'indirect_manager', 'report_count', 'budget', 'lowest',
                       'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'N')
# the salary class of employee X is computed as a function of his/her salary
salary_class[X] = salary[X]//1000
# all the indirect managers of employee X are derived from his manager, recursively
indirect_manager(X,Y) <= (manager[X] == Y) & (Y != None)
indirect_manager(X,Y) <= (manager[X] == Z) & indirect_manager(Z,Y) & (Y != None)
Esempio n. 4
from pyDatalog import pyDatalog

# Facts

pyDatalog.create_atoms('has_field', 'bean_pair', 'str_cat', \
    'get_type', 'set_type')

+ has_field('o1', 'a', 't')
+ has_field('o1', 'b', 's')
+ bean_pair('o1', 'bean1')

+ bean_pair('o2', 'bean2')

+ str_cat('get-', 'a', 'get-a')
+ str_cat('get-', 'b', 'get-b')
+ str_cat('set-', 'a', 'set-a')
+ str_cat('set-', 'b', 'set-b')

+ get_type('t', '()->t')
+ get_type('s', '()->s')

+ set_type('t', 't->()')
+ set_type('s', 's->()')

# Rules

pyDatalog.create_atoms('O', 'Bean', 'A', 'B', 'T', 'S')

# Bean should have 'field' if O has 'field'
Esempio n. 5
from pyDatalog import pyDatalog

# Facts

pyDatalog.create_atoms('str_cat', 'has_field', 'object', 'void_arrow')

+ str_cat('get-','a','get-a')

# void_arrow(s, t) if s = void -> t
+ void_arrow('s', 't')

# well formed
+ object('o')
+ has_field('o', 'a', 't')
+ has_field('o', 'get-a', 's')

# well formed
+ object('r')

# ill formed - missing getter
+ object('p')
+ has_field('p', 'a', 't')

# ill formed - getter without field to get
+ object('q')
+ has_field('q', 'get-a', 's')

# ill formed - getter has wrong type
+ object('u')
+ has_field('u', 'a', 't')
Esempio n. 6
from pyDatalog import pyDatalog
from datalog import Datalog, kvp

db =

# app is a subspace for an open directory
app =, ('app,'))
Datalog(app, 10)

##   Relational Algebra   ##


# Select
r(X, 'foo')

# Project
q(X) <= r(X, Y)

# Join
q(X, Y, Z) <= r(X, Y) & s(X, Z)

##   Beyond Relational Algebra   ##

Esempio n. 7
This file shows how to use pyDatalog using facts stored in datalog.

It has 3 parts:
    1. create facts for 2 employees in the datalog engine
    2. define business rules
    3. Query the datalog engine
from pyDatalog import pyDatalog

""" 1. create facts for 3 employees in the datalog engine """
pyDatalog.create_atoms("salary", "manager")

# John is the manager of Mary, who is the manager of Sam
+(salary["John"] == 6800)

+(manager["Mary"] == "John")
+(salary["Mary"] == 6300)

+(manager["Sam"] == "Mary")
+(salary["Sam"] == 5900)

""" 2. define business rules """
pyDatalog.create_atoms("salary_class", "indirect_manager", "report_count", "budget", "lowest", "X", "Y", "Z", "N")
# the salary class of employee X is computed as a function of his/her salary
salary_class[X] = salary[X] // 1000

# all the indirect managers of employee X are derived from his manager, recursively
indirect_manager(X, Y) <= (manager[X] == Y) & (Y != None)
indirect_manager(X, Y) <= (manager[X] == Z) & indirect_manager(Z, Y) & (Y != None)
Esempio n. 8
# create table

# create rows for 3 employees
# John is the manager of Mary, who is the manager of Sam
John = Employee('John', None, 6800)
Mary = Employee('Mary', 'John', 6300)
Sam = Employee('Sam', 'Mary', 5900)


""" 4. Query the objects using the datalog engine """
pyDatalog.create_atoms('X, Y, N, lowest')

# the following python statements implicitly use the datalog clauses in the class definition

# What is the salary class of John ?
print(John.salary_class) # prints 6

# who has a salary of 6300 ?
X = pyDatalog.Variable()
Employee.salary[X] == 6300 # notice the similarity to a pyDatalog query
print(X) # prints [Employee: Mary]
print(X.v()) # prints Employee:Mary

# who are the indirect managers of Mary ?
Employee.indirect_manager(Mary, X)
print(X) # prints [Employee: John]
Esempio n. 9
def StrToList(A):
    C = []
    for i in A:
    return C

x = '双眼病变'
a = StrToList(x)
y = '双眼发病'
b = StrToList(y)
c = SBS(a, b)
from pyDatalog import pyDatalog

pyDatalog.create_atoms('N, N1, X, Y, X0, X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7')
pyDatalog.create_atoms('ok, queens, next_queen, pred, pred2')

size = 8
ok(X1, N, X2) <= (X1 != X2) & (X1 != X2 + N) & (X1 != X2 - N)

pred(N, N1) <= (N > 1) & (N1 == N - 1)
queens(1, X) <= (X1._in(range(size))) & (X1 == X[0])
queens(N, X) <= pred(N, N1) & queens(N1, X[:-1]) & next_queen(N, X)

pred2(N, N1) <= (N > 2) & (N1 == N - 1)
next_queen(2, X) <= (X1._in(range(8))) & ok(X[0], 1, X1) & (X1 == X[1])
next_queen(N, X) <= pred2(N, N1) & next_queen(N1, X[1:]) & ok(X[0], N1, X[-1])

print(queens(size, (X0, X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7)))
Esempio n. 10
from pyDatalog import pyDatalog

# Facts

pyDatalog.create_atoms('has_field', 'caja_output', 'str_cat')

# well formed
+ caja_output('c1')
+ has_field('c1', 'a', 't')
+ has_field('c1', 'a_v__', 't')
+ has_field('c1', 'a_w__', 'bool')
+ has_field('c1', 'b', 's')
+ has_field('c1', 'b_v__', 's')
+ has_field('c1', 'b_w__', 'bool')

# ill formed - missing b
+ caja_output('c2')
+ has_field('c2', 'a', 't')
+ has_field('c2', 'a_v__', 't')
+ has_field('c2', 'a_w__', 'bool')
+ has_field('c2', 'b_v__', 's')
+ has_field('c2', 'b_w__', 'bool')

# ill formed - a_v__ has wrong type
+ caja_output('c3')
+ has_field('c3', 'a', 't')
+ has_field('c3', 'a_v__', 's')
+ has_field('c3', 'a_w__', 'bool')
+ has_field('c3', 'b', 's')
+ has_field('c3', 'b_v__', 's')
Esempio n. 11
""" 3. create table and rows for 2 employees """
# create table

# create rows for 3 employees
# John is the manager of Mary, who is the manager of Sam
John = Employee('John', None, 6800)
Mary = Employee('Mary', 'John', 6300)
Sam = Employee('Sam', 'Mary', 5900)

""" 4. Query the objects using the datalog engine """
pyDatalog.create_atoms('X, Y, N, lowest')

# the following python statements implicitly use the datalog clauses in the class definition

# What is the salary class of John ?
print(John.salary_class)  # prints 6

# who has a salary of 6300 ?
X = pyDatalog.Variable()
Employee.salary[X] == 6300  # notice the similarity to a pyDatalog query
print(X)  # prints [Employee: Mary]
print(X.v())  # prints Employee:Mary

# who are the indirect managers of Mary ?
Employee.indirect_manager(Mary, X)
print(X)  # prints [Employee: John]
Esempio n. 12
from pyDatalog import pyDatalog
import time
from pyDatalog import pyEngine

pyDatalog.create_atoms('N,N1, X,Y, X0,X1,X2')

# when is it ok to have a queen in row X1 and another in row X2, separated by N columns
# this is memoized !
ok(X1, N, X2) <= (X1._in(range(size))) & (X1!=X2) & (X1!= X2+N) & (X1!=X2-N)
queens(1, X) <= (X1._in(range(size))) & (X==(X1,)) #TODO
queens(N, X) <= (N>1) & (N1==N-1) & X0._in(range(size)) & queens(N1, Y) &  ok(Y[0], N1, X0) & queens(N1, Y[1:]+(X0,)) & (X==Y+(X0,))  
print(queens(size, X))

# counting is 0-based, so this is actually the 8-queens solution
# there is a fixed penalty the first time around (JIT, ...), so let's measure performance the second time
start_time = time.time()
datalog_count = len(queens(size, X).data)
datalog_time = (time.time() - start_time)

# pure python solution found on, for comparison purposes

from itertools import permutations

n = 8
cols = range(n)
def queens():
Esempio n. 13
import itertools

import fdb
import fdb.tuple

from pyDatalog import pyDatalog, pyEngine


db =


class Datalog(object):

    def __init__(self, subspace, max_arity):
        self.subspace = subspace
        self.max_arity = max_arity

    ##   Generic FDB Predicates: kvp   ##

    def _get_generic_predicate(self, tr, prefix_tuple, partial_key):
        if partial_key:
            for k, v in tr[self.subspace.range(prefix_tuple)]:
                yield k, v
Esempio n. 14
from pyDatalog import pyDatalog
import time


# when is it ok to have a queen in row X1 and another in row X2, separated by N columns
# this is memoized !
ok(X1, N, X2) <= (X1!=X2) & (X1!= X2+N) & (X1!=X2-N)

queens0(X0) <= (X0._in(range(8)))
queens1(X0,X1) <= queens0(X0) & queens0(X1) & ok(X1,1,X0)
queens2(X0,X1,X2) <= queens1(X0,X1) & queens1(X1,X2) & ok(X0,2,X2)
queens3(X0,X1,X2,X3) <= queens2(X0,X1,X2) & queens2(X1,X2,X3) & ok(X0,3,X3)
queens4(X0,X1,X2,X3,X4) <= queens3(X0,X1,X2,X3) & queens3(X1,X2,X3,X4) & ok(X0,4,X4)
queens5(X0,X1,X2,X3,X4,X5) <= queens4(X0,X1,X2,X3,X4) & queens4(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5) & ok(X0,5,X5)
queens6(X0,X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6) <= queens5(X0,X1,X2,X3,X4,X5) & queens5(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6) & ok(X0,6,X6)
queens7(X0,X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7) <= queens6(X0,X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6) & queens6(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7) & ok(X0,7,X7)

# counting is 0-based, so this is actually the 8-queens solution
# there is a fixed penalty the first time around (JIT, ...), so let's measure performance the second time
start_time = time.time()
datalog_count = len(queens7(X0,X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7))
datalog_time = (time.time() - start_time)

# pure python solution found on, for comparison purposes

from itertools import permutations
Esempio n. 15
This file contains the code for the interactive online datalog tutorial.

from pyDatalog import pyDatalog
pyDatalog.create_atoms('parent,bill,ancestor,descendents,manager, X,Y,Z,N,F,  factorial,odd,even, _split')

+ parent(bill,'John Adams')

print(parent(bill,X)) # prints [('John Adams',)]

# specify what an ancestor is
ancestor(X,Y) <= parent(X,Y)
ancestor(X,Y) <= parent(X,Z) & ancestor(Z,Y)

print(ancestor(bill, X)) # prints [('John Adams',)]

# the manager of bill is John Adams. Bill has only one manager.
+ (manager[bill]=='John Adams') 

print(manager[bill]==X) # prints [('John Adams',)]

# use expressions and recursion to evaluate factorials
(factorial[N] == F) <= (N < 2) & (F==1)
(factorial[N] == F) <= (N > 1) & (F == N*factorial[N-1])

print(factorial[3]==N) # prints [(6,)]

# aggregate function
# calculate the list of descendents, sorted by their name, and separated by ','
Esempio n. 16
    assert result == [(John, 6800)]

    result = Employee.p(John, Employee.salary[John]) # TODO
    result = (Employee.salary[X]==6800) & Employee.p(X, Employee.salary[X]) # TODO
    print (result)
if __name__ == "__main__":
    #cProfile.runctx('test()', globals(), locals())
    """ In-line queries using create_atoms                    """
    pyDatalog.create_atoms('p', 'Y, eq, Z')
    assert (Y._value() == ['a',])
    X = pyDatalog.Variable()
    p(X) & (X=='b')
    assert (X._value() == [])
    def test2():
        p2(X) <= p(X)
Esempio n. 17
:Institucion: Instituto Tecnologico de Costa Rica
:Curso: Inteligencia Artificial
:Grupo: 2
:Semestre: I Semestre 2018
:Autores: Fernanda Alvarado Vargas,[email protected] /
          Minor Sancho Valverde,[email protected] /
          Freyser Jimenez Mena, [email protected] /
:Fecha: 06/17/2018
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
from pyDatalog import pyDatalog
import csv
from time import time
import numpy as np
lenguajes1 = ['idioma_x', 'idioma_y', 'idioma_z']

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
################################### 1 ##################################
Funcion que nos permite obtener los datos de cada linea del archivo.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def buscar_dos_puntos_mayor_rendimiento(lista):
    acum = []
    for i in lista:
        pos = i.find(':')
Esempio n. 18
from pyDatalog import pyDatalog

# Facts

pyDatalog.create_atoms("has_field", "spec", "model")

# well formed
+has_field("spec1", "a", "t")
+has_field("spec1", "b", "s")
+has_field("spec1", "id", "string")

# ill formed - id has wrong type
+has_field("spec2", "a", "t")
+has_field("spec2", "b", "s")
+has_field("spec2", "id", "t")

# well formed
+has_field("model1-1", "attributes", "attrs1-1")
+has_field("model1-1", "cid", "string")
+has_field("model1-1", "id", "string")

+has_field("attrs1-1", "a", "t")
+has_field("attrs1-1", "b", "s")
+has_field("attrs1-1", "id", "string")

# ill formed - missing fields from attrs
Esempio n. 19
# give me all the X that have a salary of 110

# not Y?
print((salary[X]==Y) & ~(Y==110))

# give me the net salary for all X

pyDatalog.create_atoms('factorial, N, F') # gives datalog capability to these words

def run_program():

    N = pyDatalog.Variable()
    F = pyDatalog.Variable()
    file_in = open("sample_datalog_program.dl", 'r')
    mc =
    print mc
    def _(): # the function name is ignored
        #+ (factorial[1]==1)
        #(factorial[N] == F) <= (N > 1) & (F == N*factorial[N-1])
Esempio n. 20
from pyDatalog import pyDatalog
# OUT: pyDatalog version 0.12.0

# create some atoms. an atomic could a symbol, varaiable (and others)
pyDatalog.create_atoms('people, alice, bob')

# insert a fact
+ people(alice)

# 'people' is a symbol
print people
# OUT: <pyDatalog.pyParser.Symbol object at 0x93e744c>

# declare a variable

# query the instances of people
# OUT: [('alice',)]
# it's a unary tuple

for i in people(X): print i
# OUT: ('alice',)

# add more instance of people
+ people(bob)
for i in people(X): print i
# OUT: ('alice',)
# OUT: ('bob',)

# you can see from below, an atom may be a symbol or a var
Esempio n. 21
from pyDatalog import pyDatalog

# Facts

pyDatalog.create_atoms('has_field', 'model')

+ has_field('spec1', 'a', 't')
+ has_field('spec1', 'b', 's')
+ has_field('spec1', 'id', 'string')
+ model('spec1', 'model1')

+ has_field('spec2', 'x', 'bool')
+ model('spec2', 'model2')

+ model('spec3', 'model3')

# Rules

pyDatalog.create_atoms('Spec', 'Model', 'Attrs', 'A', 'B', 'T', 'S')

+ attrs('model1', 'attrs1')
+ attrs('model2', 'attrs2')
+ attrs('model3', 'attrs3')

# Model should have a 'cid' field
has_field(Model, 'cid', 'string') <= \
    model(Spec, Model)
Esempio n. 22
from pyDatalog import pyDatalog

# Facts

pyDatalog.create_atoms('has_field', 'caja_pair', 'str_cat')

+ has_field('o1', 'a', 't')
+ has_field('o1', 'b', 's')

# caja_pair(o, c) if c = freeze(o)
+ caja_pair('o1', 'c1')

+ str_cat('a', '_v__', 'a_v__')
+ str_cat('b', '_v__', 'b_v__')
+ str_cat('a', '_w__', 'a_w__')
+ str_cat('b', '_w__', 'b_w__')

# Rules

pyDatalog.create_atoms('O', 'C', 'A', 'B', 'T')

# 'field' is copied over
has_field(C, A, T) <= \
    caja_pair(O, C) & \
    has_field(O, A, T)

# 'field_v__' is added with same type
has_field(C, B, T) <= \
    caja_pair(O, C) & \
Esempio n. 23
                                             == N) & Employee.p(X, N)
    assert result == [(John, 6800)]
    result = Employee.p(John, Employee.salary[John]) # TODO
    result = (Employee.salary[X]==6800) & Employee.p(X, Employee.salary[X]) # TODO
    print (result)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    #cProfile.runctx('test()', globals(), locals())
    """ In-line queries using create_atoms                    """

    pyDatalog.create_atoms('p', 'Y, eq, Z')

    assert (Y._value() == [

    X = pyDatalog.Variable()
    p(X) & (X == 'b')
    assert (X._value() == [])


    def test2():
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Nov  7 10:49:15 2019

@author: Moi

from pyDatalog import pyDatalog
pyDatalog.create_terms('factorial, N')

factorial[N] = N*factorial[N-1] 
factorial[1] = 1


pyDatalog.create_atoms('salary', 'manager')

# John is the manager of Mary, who is the manager of Sam
+ (salary['John'] == 6800)

+ (manager['Mary'] == 'John')
+ (salary['Mary'] == 6300)

Esempio n. 25
from pyDatalog import pyDatalog
import time


# when is it ok to have a queen in row X1 and another in row X2, separated by N columns
# this is memoized !
ok(X1, N, X2) <= (X1 != X2) & (X1 != X2 + N) & (X1 != X2 - N)

queens0(X0) <= (X0._in(range(8)))
queens1(X0, X1) <= queens0(X0) & queens0(X1) & ok(X1, 1, X0)
queens2(X0, X1, X2) <= queens1(X0, X1) & queens1(X1, X2) & ok(X0, 2, X2)
queens3(X0, X1, X2,
        X3) <= queens2(X0, X1, X2) & queens2(X1, X2, X3) & ok(X0, 3, X3)
    X0, X1, X2, X3,
    X4) <= queens3(X0, X1, X2, X3) & queens3(X1, X2, X3, X4) & ok(X0, 4, X4)
queens5(X0, X1, X2, X3, X4, X5) <= queens4(X0, X1, X2, X3, X4) & queens4(
    X1, X2, X3, X4, X5) & ok(X0, 5, X5)
queens6(X0, X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6) <= queens5(
    X0, X1, X2, X3, X4, X5) & queens5(X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6) & ok(X0, 6, X6)
queens7(X0, X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6,
        X7) <= queens6(X0, X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6) & queens6(
            X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7) & ok(X0, 7, X7)

# counting is 0-based, so this is actually the 8-queens solution
print(queens7(X0, X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7))

# there is a fixed penalty the first time around (JIT, ...), so let's measure performance the second time