def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='GNSS time series stacker') parser.add_argument( 'project_file', type=str, nargs=1, metavar='{project cfg file}', help= "Project CFG file with all the stations being processed in Parallel.GAMIT" ) args = parser.parse_args() cnn = dbConnection.Cnn("gnss_data.cfg") GamitConfig = GamitConfiguration( args.project_file[0], check_config=False) # type: GamitConfiguration stations = station_list( cnn, GamitConfig.NetworkConfig, [Date(year=1999, doy=100), Date(year=1999, doy=128)]) # split the stations into subnet_count subnetworks archive = pyArchiveStruct.RinexStruct( cnn) # type: pyArchiveStruct.RinexStruct net_object = pyNetwork.Network(cnn, archive, GamitConfig, stations, Date(year=1999, doy=128)) generate_kml([Date(year=1999, doy=128)], net_object.sessions, GamitConfig)
def __init__(self, cnn, project, start_date, end_date, verbose=False): super(DRA, self).__init__() self.project = project self.cnn = cnn self.transformations = [] self.verbose = verbose if end_date is None: end_date = Date( print(' >> Loading GAMIT solutions for project %s...' % project) gamit_vertices = self.cnn.query_float( 'SELECT "NetworkCode" || \'.\' || "StationCode", "X", "Y", "Z", "Year", "DOY", "FYear" ' 'FROM gamit_soln WHERE "Project" = \'%s\' AND ("Year", "DOY") BETWEEN (%i, %i) AND (%i, %i) ' 'ORDER BY "NetworkCode", "StationCode"' % (project, start_date.year, start_date.doy, end_date.year, end_date.doy)) self.gamit_vertices = np_array_vertices(gamit_vertices) dates = self.cnn.query_float( 'SELECT "Year", "DOY" FROM gamit_soln WHERE "Project" = \'%s\' ' 'AND ("Year", "DOY") BETWEEN (%i, %i) AND (%i, %i) ' 'GROUP BY "Year", "DOY" ORDER BY "Year", "DOY"' % (project, start_date.year, start_date.doy, end_date.year, end_date.doy)) self.dates = [Date(year=int(d[0]), doy=int(d[1])) for d in dates] self.stations = self.cnn.query_float( 'SELECT "NetworkCode", "StationCode" FROM gamit_soln ' 'WHERE "Project" = \'%s\' AND ("Year", "DOY") ' 'BETWEEN (%i, %i) AND (%i, %i) ' 'GROUP BY "NetworkCode", "StationCode" ' 'ORDER BY "NetworkCode", "StationCode"' % (project, start_date.year, start_date.doy, end_date.year, end_date.doy), as_dict=True) i = 0 for d in tqdm(self.dates, ncols=160, desc=' >> Initializing the stack polyhedrons'): self.append(Polyhedron(self.gamit_vertices, project, d)) if i < len(self.dates) - 1: if d != self.dates[i + 1] - 1: for dd in [ Date(mjd=md) for md in list( range(d.mjd + 1, self.dates[i + 1].mjd)) ]: tqdm.write(' -- Missing DOY detected: %s' % dd.yyyyddd()) i += 1
def __init__(self, cnn, NetworkCode, StationCode, project): = cnn.query_float('SELECT "Year", "DOY", "Date", "ZTD" FROM gamit_ztd ' 'WHERE "Project" = \'%s\' AND "NetworkCode" = \'%s\' AND ' '"StationCode" = \'%s\' ' 'ORDER BY "Year", "DOY", "NetworkCode", "StationCode"' % (project, NetworkCode, StationCode), as_dict=True) = [Date(datetime=r['Date']) for r in] self.t = np.array([d.fyear for d in]) ts = np.arange(np.min([0].mjd), np.max([-1].mjd) + 1, 1) self.ts = np.array([Date(mjd=tts).fyear for tts in ts]) self.ztd = np.array([r['ZTD'] for r in]) self.type = 'ztd' self.stack_name = None
def __init__(self, cnn, name): = name # get the station list rs = cnn.query('SELECT "NetworkCode", "StationCode" FROM gamit_soln ' 'WHERE "Project" = \'%s\' GROUP BY "NetworkCode", "StationCode" ' 'ORDER BY "NetworkCode", "StationCode"' % name) self.stnlist = [Station(cnn, item['NetworkCode'], item['StationCode']) for item in rs.dictresult()] # get the epochs rs = cnn.query('SELECT "Year", "DOY" FROM gamit_soln ' 'WHERE "Project" = \'%s\' GROUP BY "Year", "DOY" ORDER BY "Year", "DOY"' % name) rs = rs.dictresult() self.epochs = [Date(year=item['Year'], doy=item['DOY']) for item in rs] # load the polyhedrons self.polyhedrons = [] print ' >> Loading polyhedrons. Please wait...' rs = cnn.query('SELECT * FROM gamit_soln WHERE "Project" = \'%s\' ' 'ORDER BY "Year", "DOY", "NetworkCode", "StationCode"' % name) self.polyhedrons = rs.dictresult() self.ts = [] self.etms = [] self.calculate_etms(cnn) self.cnn = cnn
def __init__(self, polyhedrons): # get the mean epoch date = [ for poly in polyhedrons] date = Date(mjd=np.mean(date)) # get the set of stations stn = [] for poly in polyhedrons: stn += poly.vertices['stn'].tolist() stn = np.unique(stn) # average the coordinates for each station poly = [] for s in stn: v = np.array([]) for p in polyhedrons: if not v.size: v = p.vertices[p.vertices['stn'] == s] else: v = np.concatenate((v, p.vertices[p.vertices['stn'] == s])) poly.append((s, np.mean(v['x']), np.mean(v['y']), np.mean(v['z']), date.year, date.doy, date.fyear)) pp = np.array(poly, dtype=[('stn', 'S8'), ('x', 'float64'), ('y', 'float64'), ('z', 'float64'), ('yr', 'i4'), ('dd', 'i4'), ('fy', 'float64')]) super(Combination, self).__init__(pp, polyhedrons[0].project, date)
def __init__(self, filename): self.path = os.path.dirname(filename) self.filename = os.path.basename(filename) self.version = 0 self.type = self.identify_rinex_type(filename) parts = self.split_filename(filename) try: if self.version < 3: self.StationCode = parts[0] self.monument = None self.receiver = None = None self.doy = parts[1] self.session = parts[2] self.year = parts[3] self.format_compression = parts[4] self.start_time = None self.data_source = None self.file_period = None self.data_frequency = None self.data_type = None = Date(year=check_year(self.year), doy=int(self.doy)) else: # DDG: lowercase station code to match the default station name conventions self.StationCode = parts[0][0:4].lower() self.monument = parts[0][4:5] self.receiver = parts[0][5:6] = parts[0][6:] self.session = None self.year = parts[2][0:4] self.doy = parts[2][4:7] self.format_compression = parts[6] self.start_time = parts[2] self.data_source = parts[1] self.file_period = parts[3] self.data_frequency = parts[4] self.data_type = parts[5] = Date(year=int(self.year), doy=int(self.doy)) self.month = = except Exception as e: raise RinexNameException(e)
def __init__(self, cnn, project, end_date): super(DRA, self).__init__() self.project = project self.cnn = cnn self.transformations = [] if end_date is None: end_date = Date( print ' >> Loading GAMIT solutions for project %s...' % project gamit_vertices = self.cnn.query_float( 'SELECT "NetworkCode" || \'.\' || "StationCode", "X", "Y", "Z", "Year", "DOY", "FYear" ' 'FROM gamit_soln WHERE "Project" = \'%s\' AND ("Year", "DOY") <= (%i, %i)' 'ORDER BY "NetworkCode", "StationCode"' % (project, end_date.year, end_date.doy)) self.gamit_vertices = np.array(gamit_vertices, dtype=[('stn', 'S8'), ('x', 'float64'), ('y', 'float64'), ('z', 'float64'), ('yr', 'i4'), ('dd', 'i4'), ('fy', 'float64')]) dates = self.cnn.query_float( 'SELECT "Year", "DOY" FROM gamit_soln WHERE "Project" = \'%s\' ' 'AND ("Year", "DOY") <= (%i, %i) ' 'GROUP BY "Year", "DOY" ORDER BY "Year", "DOY"' % (project, end_date.year, end_date.doy)) self.dates = [Date(year=int(d[0]), doy=int(d[1])) for d in dates] self.stations = self.cnn.query_float( 'SELECT "NetworkCode", "StationCode" FROM gamit_soln ' 'WHERE "Project" = \'%s\' AND ("Year", "DOY") <= (%i, %i) ' 'GROUP BY "NetworkCode", "StationCode" ' 'ORDER BY "NetworkCode", "StationCode"' % (project, end_date.year, end_date.doy), as_dict=True) for d in tqdm(self.dates, ncols=160, desc=' >> Initializing the stack polyhedrons'): self.append(Polyhedron(self.gamit_vertices, project, d))
def dra(cnn, project, dates): rs = cnn.query('SELECT "NetworkCode", "StationCode" FROM gamit_soln ' 'WHERE "Project" = \'%s\' AND "FYear" BETWEEN %.4f AND %.4f GROUP BY "NetworkCode", "StationCode" ' 'ORDER BY "NetworkCode", "StationCode"' % (project, dates[0].fyear, dates[1].fyear)) stnlist = rs.dictresult() # get the epochs ep = cnn.query('SELECT "Year", "DOY" FROM gamit_soln ' 'WHERE "Project" = \'%s\' AND "FYear" BETWEEN %.4f AND %.4f' 'GROUP BY "Year", "DOY" ORDER BY "Year", "DOY"' % (project, dates[0].fyear, dates[1].fyear)) ep = ep.dictresult() epochs = [Date(year=item['Year'], doy=item['DOY']) for item in ep] A = np.array([]) Ax = [] Ay = [] Az = [] for station in stnlist: print('stacking %s.%s' % (station['NetworkCode'], station['StationCode'])) try: etm = pyETM.GamitETM(cnn, station['NetworkCode'], station['StationCode'], project=project) except Exception as e: print(" Exception: " + str(e)) continue x = etm.soln.x y = etm.soln.y z = etm.soln.z Ax.append(np.array([np.zeros(x.shape), -z, y, np.ones(x.shape), np.zeros(x.shape), np.zeros(x.shape)]).transpose()) Ay.append(np.array([z, np.zeros(x.shape), -x, np.zeros(x.shape), np.ones(x.shape), np.zeros(x.shape)]).transpose()) Az.append(np.array([-y, x, np.zeros(x.shape), np.zeros(x.shape), np.zeros(x.shape), np.ones(x.shape)]).transpose()) x = np.column_stack((Ax, etm.A, np.zeros(etm.A.shape), np.zeros(etm.A.shape))) y = np.column_stack((Ay, np.zeros(etm.A.shape), etm.A, np.zeros(etm.A.shape))) z = np.column_stack((Az, np.zeros(etm.A.shape), np.zeros(etm.A.shape), etm.A)) A = np.row_stack((x, y, z))
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='GNSS time series stacker') parser.add_argument( 'project', type=str, nargs=1, metavar='{project name}', help= "Specify the project name used to process the GAMIT solutions in Parallel.GAMIT." ) parser.add_argument( 'stack_name', type=str, nargs=1, metavar='{stack name}', help= "Specify a name for the stack: eg. itrf2014 or posgar07b. This name should be unique " "and cannot be repeated for any other solution project") parser.add_argument( '-max', '--max_iters', nargs=1, type=int, metavar='{max_iter}', help="Specify maximum number of iterations. Default is 4.") parser.add_argument( '-exclude', '--exclude_stations', nargs='+', type=str, metavar='{net.stnm}', help="Manually specify stations to remove from the stacking process.") parser.add_argument( '-use', '--use_stations', nargs='+', type=str, metavar='{net.stnm}', help="Manually specify stations to use for the stacking process.") parser.add_argument( '-dir', '--directory', type=str, help= "Directory to save the resulting PNG files. If not specified, assumed to be the " "production directory") parser.add_argument('-redo', '--redo_stack', action='store_true', help="Delete the stack and redo it from scratch") parser.add_argument('-plot', '--plot_stack_etms', action='store_true', default=False, help="Plot the stack ETMs after computation is done") parser.add_argument( '-constrains', '--external_constrains', nargs='+', help= "File with external constrains parameters (position, velocity and periodic). These may be " "from a parent frame such as ITRF. " "Inheritance will occur with stations on the list whenever a parameter exists. " "Example: -constrains itrf14.txt " "Format is: net.stn x y z epoch vx vy vz sn_1y sn_6m cn_1y cn_6m se_1y se_6m ce_1y ce_6m " "su_1y su_6m cu_1y cu_6m ") parser.add_argument( '-d', '--date_end', nargs=1, metavar='date', help= 'Limit the polyhedrons to the specified date. Can be in wwww-d, yyyy_ddd, yyyy/mm/dd ' 'or fyear format') parser.add_argument('-np', '--noparallel', action='store_true', help="Execute command without parallelization.") args = parser.parse_args() cnn = dbConnection.Cnn("gnss_data.cfg") Config = pyOptions.ReadOptions( "gnss_data.cfg") # type: pyOptions.ReadOptions JobServer = pyJobServer.JobServer( Config, run_parallel=not args.noparallel) # type: pyJobServer.JobServer if args.max_iters: max_iters = int(args.max_iters[0]) else: max_iters = 4 print ' >> Defaulting to 4 iterations' if args.exclude_stations: exclude_stn = args.exclude_stations else: exclude_stn = [] if args.use_stations: use_stn = args.use_stations else: use_stn = [] dates = [Date(year=1980, doy=1), Date(] if args.date_end is not None: try: dates = process_date( [str(Date(year=1980, doy=1).fyear), args.date_end[0]]) except ValueError as e: parser.error(str(e)) # create folder for plots if if not os.path.exists( os.mkdir( else: if not os.path.exists('production'): os.mkdir('production') = 'production' # load the ITRF dat file with the periodic space components if args.external_constrains: constrains = load_constrains(args.external_constrains[0]) else: constrains = None # create the stack object stack = pyStack.Stack(cnn, args.project[0], args.stack_name[0], args.redo_stack, end_date=dates[1]) # stack.align_spaces(frame_params) # stack.to_json('alignment.json') # exit() for i in range(max_iters): # create the target polyhedrons based on iteration number (i == 0: PPP) target = calculate_etms(cnn, stack, JobServer, i) qbar = tqdm(total=len(stack), ncols=160, desc=' >> Aligning polyhedrons (%i of %i)' % (i + 1, max_iters)) # work on each polyhedron of the stack for j in range(len(stack)): qbar.update() if not stack[j].aligned: # do not move this if up one level: to speed up the target polyhedron loading process, the target is # set to an empty list when the polyhedron is already aligned if stack[j].date != target[j].date: # raise an error if dates don't agree! raise StandardError( 'Error processing %s: dates don\'t agree (target date %s)' % (stack[j].date.yyyyddd(), target[j].date.yyyyddd())) else: # should only attempt to align a polyhedron that is unaligned # do not set the polyhedron as aligned unless we are in the max iteration step stack[j].align(target[j], True if i == max_iters - 1 else False) # write info to the screen qbar.write( ' -- %s (%3i) %2i it: wrms: %4.1f T %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f ' 'R (%5.1f %5.1f %5.1f)*1e-9' % (stack[j].date.yyyyddd(), stack[j].stations_used, stack[j].iterations, stack[j].wrms * 1000, stack[j].helmert[-3] * 1000, stack[j].helmert[-2] * 1000, stack[j].helmert[-1] * 1000, stack[j].helmert[-6], stack[j].helmert[-5], stack[j].helmert[-4])) stack.transformations.append([ for poly in stack]) qbar.close() if args.redo_stack: # before removing common modes (or inheriting periodic terms), calculate ETMs with final aligned solutions calculate_etms(cnn, stack, JobServer, iterations=None, create_target=False) # only apply common mode removal if redoing the stack if args.external_constrains: stack.remove_common_modes(constrains) else: stack.remove_common_modes() # here, we also align the stack in velocity and coordinate space stack.align_spaces(constrains) # calculate the etms again, after removing or inheriting parameters calculate_etms(cnn, stack, JobServer, iterations=None, create_target=False) # save the json with the information about the alignment stack.to_json(args.stack_name[0] + '_alignment.json') # save polyhedrons to the database if args.plot_stack_etms: qbar = tqdm(total=len(stack.stations), ncols=160) for stn in stack.stations: # plot the ETMs qbar.update() qbar.postfix = '%s.%s' % (stn['NetworkCode'], stn['StationCode']) plot_etm(cnn, stack, stn, qbar.close()
def parse_monitor(cnn, monitor): lines = file_readlines(monitor) output = ''.join(lines) try: project, subnet, year, doy = re.findall( 'GamitTask initialized for (\w+.*?).(\w+\d+): (\d+) (\d+)', output, re.MULTILINE)[0] subnet = int(subnet[3:]) year = int(year) doy = int(doy) except: # maybe it is a project with no subnets try: project, year, doy = re.findall( 'GamitTask initialized for (\w+.*?): (\d+) (\d+)', output, re.MULTILINE)[0] subnet = 0 year = int(year) doy = int(doy) except: print(' -- could not determine project! ' + monitor) return try: node = re.findall('executing on (\w+)', output, re.MULTILINE)[0] except: node = 'PUGAMIT100' try: start_time = datetime.strptime( re.findall( ' \((\d+-\d+-\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+)\): Iteration depth: 1', output, re.MULTILINE)[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') except: print(' -- could not determine start_time! ' + monitor) return try: end_time = datetime.strptime( re.findall( ' \((\d+-\d+-\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+)\): Done processing h-files and generating SINEX.', output, re.MULTILINE)[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') except: print(' -- could not determine end_time! ' + monitor) return try: iterations = int( re.findall( ' \(\d+-\d+-\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+\): Iteration depth: (\d+)', output, re.MULTILINE)[-1]) except: print(' -- could not determine iterations!') return try: nrms = float( re.findall( 'Prefit nrms:\s+\d+.\d+[eEdD]\+\d+\s+Postfit nrms:\s+(\d+.\d+[eEdD][+-]\d+)', output, re.MULTILINE)[-1]) except: # maybe GAMIT didn't finish nrms = 1 try: updated_apr = re.findall(' (\w+).*?Updated from', output, re.MULTILINE)[0] updated_apr = [upd.replace('_GPS', '').lower() for upd in updated_apr] upd_stn = [] for stn in updated_apr: upd_stn += re.findall( 'fetching rinex for (\w+.\w+) %s' % stn.lower(), output, re.MULTILINE) upd_stn = ','.join(upd_stn) except: # maybe GAMIT didn't finish upd_stn = None try: wl = float(re.findall('WL fixed\s+(\d+.\d+)', output, re.MULTILINE)[0]) except: # maybe GAMIT didn't finish wl = 0 try: nl = float(re.findall('NL fixed\s+(\d+.\d+)', output, re.MULTILINE)[0]) except: # maybe GAMIT didn't finish nl = 0 try: oc = re.findall('relaxing over constrained stations (\w+.*)', output, re.MULTILINE)[0] oc = oc.replace('|', ',').replace('_GPS', '').lower() oc_stn = [] for stn in oc.split(','): oc_stn += re.findall( 'fetching rinex for (\w+.\w+) %s' % stn.lower(), output, re.MULTILINE) oc_stn = ','.join(oc_stn) except: # maybe GAMIT didn't finish oc_stn = None try: overcons = re.findall('GCR APTOL (\w+).{10}\s+([-]?\d+.\d+)', output, re.MULTILINE) if len(overcons) > 0: i = np.argmax(np.abs([float(o[1]) for o in overcons])) stn = overcons[int(i)][0] # get the real station code max_overconstrained = re.findall( 'fetching rinex for (\w+.\w+) %s' % stn.lower(), output, re.MULTILINE)[0] else: max_overconstrained = None except: # maybe GAMIT didn't finish max_overconstrained = None try: cnn.insert( 'gamit_stats', { 'Project': project, 'subnet': subnet, 'Year': year, 'DOY': doy, 'FYear': Date(year=year, doy=doy).fyear, 'wl': wl, 'nl': nl, 'nrms': nrms, 'relaxed_constrains': oc_stn, 'max_overconstrained': max_overconstrained, 'updated_apr': upd_stn, 'iterations': iterations, 'node': node, 'execution_time': int((end_time - start_time).total_seconds() / 60.0), 'execution_date': start_time }) except dbConnection.dbErrInsert: print(' -- record already exists ' + monitor)
def __init__(self, configfile): self.options = { 'path': None, 'repository': None, 'parallel': False, 'cups': None, 'node_list': None, 'ip_address': None, 'brdc': None, 'sp3_type_1': None, 'sp3_type_2': None, 'sp3_type_3': None, 'sp3_altr_1': None, 'sp3_altr_2': None, 'sp3_altr_3': None, 'grdtab': None, 'otlgrid': None, 'otlmodel': 'FES2014b', 'ppp_path': None, 'institution': None, 'info': None, 'sp3': None, 'frames': None, 'atx': None, 'height_codes': None, 'ppp_exe': None, 'ppp_remote_local': () } config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.readfp(open(configfile)) # get the archive config for iconfig, val in dict(config.items('archive')).iteritems(): self.options[iconfig] = val # get the otl config for iconfig, val in dict(config.items('otl')).iteritems(): self.options[iconfig] = val # get the ppp config for iconfig, val in dict(config.items('ppp')).iteritems(): self.options[iconfig] = os.path.expandvars(val).replace('//', '/') # frames and dates frames = [item.strip() for item in self.options['frames'].split(',')] atx = [item.strip() for item in self.options['atx'].split(',')] self.Frames = [] for frame, atx in zip(frames, atx): date = process_date(self.options[frame.lower()].split(',')) self.Frames += [{ 'name': frame, 'atx': atx, 'dates': (Date(year=date[0].year, doy=date[0].doy, hour=0, minute=0, second=0), Date(year=date[1].year, doy=date[1].doy, hour=23, minute=59, second=59)) }] self.options['frames'] = self.Frames self.archive_path = self.options['path'] self.sp3_path = self.options['sp3'] self.brdc_path = self.options['brdc'] self.repository = self.options['repository'] self.repository_data_in = os.path.join(self.repository, 'data_in') self.repository_data_in_retry = os.path.join(self.repository, 'data_in_retry') self.repository_data_reject = os.path.join(self.repository, 'data_rejected') self.sp3types = [ self.options['sp3_type_1'], self.options['sp3_type_2'], self.options['sp3_type_3'] ] self.sp3types = [ sp3type for sp3type in self.sp3types if sp3type is not None ] # alternative sp3 types self.sp3altrn = [ self.options['sp3_altr_1'], self.options['sp3_altr_2'], self.options['sp3_altr_3'] ] self.sp3altrn = [ sp3alter for sp3alter in self.sp3altrn if sp3alter is not None ] if self.options['parallel'] == 'True': self.run_parallel = True else: self.run_parallel = False return
def dra(cnn, project, dates): rs = cnn.query('SELECT "NetworkCode", "StationCode" FROM gamit_soln ' 'WHERE "Project" = \'%s\' AND "FYear" BETWEEN %.4f AND %.4f GROUP BY "NetworkCode", "StationCode" ' 'ORDER BY "NetworkCode", "StationCode"' % (project, dates[0].fyear, dates[1].fyear)) stnlist = rs.dictresult() # get the epochs ep = cnn.query('SELECT "Year", "DOY" FROM gamit_soln ' 'WHERE "Project" = \'%s\' AND "FYear" BETWEEN %.4f AND %.4f' 'GROUP BY "Year", "DOY" ORDER BY "Year", "DOY"' % (project, dates[0].fyear, dates[1].fyear)) ep = ep.dictresult() epochs = [Date(year=item['Year'], doy=item['DOY']) for item in ep] # delete DRA starting from the first requested epoch cnn.query('DELETE FROM gamit_dra WHERE "Project" = \'%s\' AND "FYear" >= %f' % (project, epochs[0].fyear)) # query the first polyhedron in the line, which should be the last polyhedron in gamit_dra poly = cnn.query_float('SELECT "X", "Y", "Z", "Year", "DOY", "NetworkCode", "StationCode" FROM gamit_dra ' 'WHERE "Project" = \'%s\' AND "FYear" = (SELECT max("FYear") FROM gamit_dra)' 'ORDER BY "NetworkCode", "StationCode"' % project) if len(poly) == 0: print ' -- Using gamit_soln: no pre-existent DRA found' # no last entry found in gamit_dra, use gamit_soln poly = cnn.query_float('SELECT "X", "Y", "Z", "Year", "DOY", "NetworkCode", "StationCode" FROM gamit_soln ' 'WHERE "Project" = \'%s\' AND "Year" = %i AND "DOY" = %i' 'ORDER BY "NetworkCode", "StationCode"' % (project, epochs[0].year, epochs[0].doy)) else: print ' -- Pre-existent DRA found. Attaching.' polyhedrons = poly bar = tqdm(total=len(epochs)-1, ncols=160) for date1, date2 in zip(epochs[0:-1], epochs[1:]): poly1 = [] # get the stations common stations between day i and day i+1 (in A format) s = cnn.query_float(sql_select_union(project, '"X", "Y", "Z", "NetworkCode", "StationCode"', date1, date2)) x = cnn.query_float(sql_select_union(project, '0, -"Z", "Y", 1, 0, 0', date1, date2)) y = cnn.query_float(sql_select_union(project, '"Z", 0, -"X", 0, 1, 0', date1, date2)) z = cnn.query_float(sql_select_union(project, '-"Y", "X", 0, 0, 0, 1', date1, date2)) # polyhedron of the common stations Xx = cnn.query_float(sql_select_union(project, '"X", "Y", "Z"', date1, date2)) X = numpy.array(Xx).transpose().flatten() # for vertex in stations for v in s: poly1 += [np.array(pp[0:3], dtype=float) - np.array(v[0:3]) for pp in poly if pp[-2] == v[-2] and pp[-1] == v[-1]] # residuals for adjustment L = np.array(poly1) A = numpy.row_stack((np.array(x), np.array(y), np.array(z))) A[:, 0:3] = A[:, 0:3]*1e-9 # find helmert transformation c, _, _, v, _, p, it = adjust_lsq(A, L.flatten()) # write some info to the screen tqdm.write(' -- %s (%3i): translation (mm mm mm) scale: (%6.1f %6.1f %6.1f) %10.2e ' % (date2.yyyyddd(), it, c[-3] * 1000, c[-2] * 1000, c[-1] * 1000, c[-4])) # make A again with all stations s = cnn.query_float(sql_select(project, '"Year", "DOY", "NetworkCode", "StationCode"', date2)) x = cnn.query_float(sql_select(project, '0, -"Z", "Y", 1, 0, 0', date2)) y = cnn.query_float(sql_select(project, '"Z", 0, -"X", 0, 1, 0', date2)) z = cnn.query_float(sql_select(project, '-"Y", "X", 0, 0, 0, 1', date2)) A = numpy.row_stack((np.array(x), np.array(y), np.array(z))) A[:, 0:3] = A[:, 0:3] * 1e-9 Xx = cnn.query_float(sql_select(project, '"X", "Y", "Z"', date2)) X = numpy.array(Xx).transpose().flatten() X = (, c) + X).reshape(3, len(x)).transpose() # save current transformed polyhedron to use in the next iteration polyhedrons += poly poly = [x.tolist() + list(s) for x, s in zip(X, s)] # insert results in gamit_dra for pp in poly: cnn.insert('gamit_dra', NetworkCode=pp[-2], StationCode=pp[-1], Project=project, X=pp[0], Y=pp[1], Z=pp[2], Year=date2.year, DOY=date2.doy, FYear=date2.fyear) bar.update() bar.close() # plot the residuals for stn in tqdm(stnlist): NetworkCode = stn['NetworkCode'] StationCode = stn['StationCode'] # load from the db ts = cnn.query_float('SELECT "X", "Y", "Z", "Year", "DOY" FROM gamit_dra ' 'WHERE "NetworkCode" = \'%s\' AND "StationCode" = \'%s\' AND ' '"Project" = \'%s\' ORDER BY "Year", "DOY"' % (NetworkCode, StationCode, project)) ts = np.array(ts) if ts.size: try: # save the time series gsoln = pyETM.GamitSoln(cnn, ts, NetworkCode, StationCode, project) # create the ETM object etm = pyETM.GamitETM(cnn, NetworkCode, StationCode, False, False, gsoln) etm.plot(pngfile='%s/%s.%s_SOL.png' % (project, NetworkCode, StationCode), residuals=True, plot_missing=False) if ts.shape[0] > 2: dts = np.append(np.diff(ts[:,0:3], axis=0), ts[1:, -2:], axis=1) dra = pyETM.GamitSoln(cnn, dts, NetworkCode, StationCode, project) etm = pyETM.DailyRep(cnn, NetworkCode, StationCode, False, False, dra) etm.plot(pngfile='%s/%s.%s_DRA.png' % (project, NetworkCode, StationCode), residuals=True, plot_missing=False) except Exception as e: tqdm.write(' -->' + str(e))
import dbConnection import pyETM from pyDate import Date cnn = dbConnection.Cnn('gnss_data.cfg') stns = cnn.query('SELECT * FROM stations WHERE "NetworkCode" NOT LIKE \'?%\'') for stn in stns.dictresult(): print ' >> working on %s.%s' % (stn['NetworkCode'], stn['StationCode']) etm = pyETM.PPPETM(cnn, stn['NetworkCode'], stn['StationCode']) dates = [Date(mjd=mjd) for mjd in etm.soln.mjd]
def align_spaces(self, target_dict): # get the list of stations to use during the alignment use_stations = target_dict.keys() # reference date used to align the stack # epochs SHOULD all be the same. Get first item and then the epoch ref_date = Date(fyear=target_dict.values()[0]['epoch']) # convert the target dict to a list target_list = [] stack_list = [] tqdm.write(' >> Aligning coordinate space...') for stn in use_stations: if not np.isnan(target_dict[stn]['x']): target_list.append((stn, target_dict[stn]['x'], target_dict[stn]['y'], target_dict[stn]['z'], ref_date.year, ref_date.doy, ref_date.fyear)) # get the ETM coordinate for this station net = stn.split('.')[0] ssn = stn.split('.')[1] ts = pyETM.GamitSoln(self.cnn, self.get_station(net, ssn), net, ssn, etm = pyETM.GamitETM(self.cnn, net, ssn, gamit_soln=ts) stack_list += etm.get_etm_soln_list() c_array = np.array(stack_list, dtype=[('stn', 'S8'), ('x', 'float64'), ('y', 'float64'), ('z', 'float64'), ('yr', 'i4'), ('dd', 'i4'), ('fy', 'float64')]) comb = Polyhedron(c_array, 'etm', ref_date) # build a target polyhedron from the target_list vertices = np.array(target_list, dtype=[('stn', 'S8'), ('x', 'float64'), ('y', 'float64'), ('z', 'float64'), ('yr', 'i4'), ('dd', 'i4'), ('fy', 'float64')]) target = Polyhedron(vertices, 'target_frame', ref_date) # start aligning the coordinates tqdm.write(' -- Aligning polyhedron at %.3f (%s)' % (ref_date.fyear, ref_date.yyyyddd())) scale = False # align the polyhedron to the target r_before, r_after, a_stn = comb.align(target, scale=scale, verbose=True) # extract the Helmert parameters to apply to the rest of the polyhedrons # remove the scale factor helmert = comb.helmert tqdm.write(' -- Reporting coordinate space residuals (in mm) before and after frame alignment\n' ' Before After | Before After ') # format r_before and r_after to satisfy the required print_residuals format r_before = r_before.reshape(3, r_before.shape[0] / 3).transpose() r_after = r_after.reshape(3, r_after.shape[0] / 3).transpose() residuals = np.stack((r_before, r_after), axis=2) stn_lla = [] for i, stn in enumerate(a_stn): n = stn.split('.')[0] s = stn.split('.')[1] # get the lat lon of the station to report back in the json lla = self.cnn.query_float('SELECT lat, lon FROM stations WHERE "NetworkCode" = \'%s\' ' 'AND "StationCode" = \'%s\'' % (n, s))[0] stn_lla.append([lla[0], lla[1]]) # print residuals to screen print_residuals(n, s, residuals[i], lla[0], lla[1], ['X', 'Y', 'Z']) # save the position space residuals self.position_space = {'stations': {'codes': a_stn.tolist(), 'latlon': stn_lla}, 'residuals_before_alignment': r_before.tolist(), 'residuals_after_alignment': r_after.tolist(), 'reference_date': ref_date, 'helmert_transformation': comb.helmert.tolist(), 'comments': 'No scale factor estimated.'} for poly in tqdm(self, ncols=160, desc=' -- Applying coordinate space transformation'): if != ref_date: poly.align(helmert=helmert, scale=scale) tqdm.write(' >> Aligning velocity space...') # choose the stations that have a velocity use_stn = [] for stn in use_stations: if not np.isnan(target_dict[stn]['vx']): use_stn.append(stn) # load the polynomial terms of the stations etm_objects = self.cnn.query_float('SELECT etms."NetworkCode", etms."StationCode",, ' 'stations.lon, params FROM etms ' 'LEFT JOIN stations ON ' 'etms."NetworkCode" = stations."NetworkCode" AND ' 'etms."StationCode" = stations."StationCode" ' 'WHERE "object" = \'polynomial\' AND soln = \'gamit\' AND stack = \'%s\' ' 'AND etms."NetworkCode" || \'.\' || etms."StationCode" IN (\'%s\') ' 'ORDER BY etms."NetworkCode", etms."StationCode"' % (, '\', \''.join(use_stn)), as_dict=True) # first, align the velocity space by finding a Helmert transformation that takes vx, vy, and vz of the stack at # each station and makes it equal to vx, vy, and vz of the ITRF structure dvx = np.zeros(len(etm_objects)) dvy = np.zeros(len(etm_objects)) dvz = np.zeros(len(etm_objects)) for s, p in enumerate(etm_objects): stn_ts = self.get_station(p['NetworkCode'], p['StationCode']) self.cnn.query('DELETE FROM etms WHERE "soln" = \'gamit\' AND "NetworkCode" = \'%s\' AND ' '"StationCode" = \'%s\' AND stack = \'%s\' ' % (p['NetworkCode'], p['StationCode'], # save the time series ts = pyETM.GamitSoln(self.cnn, stn_ts, p['NetworkCode'], p['StationCode'], # create the ETM object pyETM.GamitETM(self.cnn, p['NetworkCode'], p['StationCode'], False, False, ts) q = self.cnn.query_float('SELECT params FROM etms ' 'WHERE "object" = \'polynomial\' AND soln = \'gamit\' ' 'AND "NetworkCode" = \'%s\' AND "StationCode" = \'%s\' AND stack = \'%s\' ' % (p['NetworkCode'], p['StationCode'],, as_dict=True)[0] params = np.array(q['params']) params = params.reshape((3, params.shape[0] / 3)) # first item, i.e. params[:][0] in array is position # second item is velocity, which is what we are interested in v = np.array(lg2ct(params[0, 1], params[1, 1], params[2, 1], p['lat'], p['lon'])).flatten() # put the residuals in an array td = target_dict['%s.%s' % (p['NetworkCode'], p['StationCode'])] dvx[s] = v[0] - np.array(td['vx']) dvy[s] = v[1] - np.array(td['vy']) dvz[s] = v[2] - np.array(td['vz']) scale = False A = self.build_design(etm_objects, scale=scale) # loop through the frequencies L = np.row_stack((dvx.flatten(), dvy.flatten(), dvz.flatten())).flatten() c, _, _, _, wrms, _, it = adjust_lsq(A, L) tqdm.write(' -- Velocity space transformation: ' + ' '.join(['%7.4f' % cc for cc in c]) + ' wrms: %.3f it: %i' % (wrms * 1000, it)) # loop through all the polyhedrons for poly in tqdm(self, ncols=160, desc=' -- Applying velocity space transformation'): t = np.repeat( - ref_date.fyear, poly.Ax.shape[0]) poly.vertices['x'] = poly.vertices['x'] - t *, c) poly.vertices['y'] = poly.vertices['y'] - t *, c) poly.vertices['z'] = poly.vertices['z'] - t *, c) tqdm.write(' -- Reporting velocity space residuals (in mm/yr) before and after frame alignment\n' ' Before After | Before After ') dvxa = np.zeros(len(etm_objects)) dvya = np.zeros(len(etm_objects)) dvza = np.zeros(len(etm_objects)) for s, p in enumerate(etm_objects): # redo the etm for this station stn_ts = self.get_station(p['NetworkCode'], p['StationCode']) self.cnn.query('DELETE FROM etms WHERE "soln" = \'gamit\' AND "NetworkCode" = \'%s\' AND ' '"StationCode" = \'%s\' AND stack = \'%s\'' % (p['NetworkCode'], p['StationCode'], # save the time series ts = pyETM.GamitSoln(self.cnn, stn_ts, p['NetworkCode'], p['StationCode'], # create the ETM object pyETM.GamitETM(self.cnn, p['NetworkCode'], p['StationCode'], False, False, ts) q = self.cnn.query_float('SELECT params FROM etms ' 'WHERE "object" = \'polynomial\' AND soln = \'gamit\' ' 'AND "NetworkCode" = \'%s\' AND "StationCode" = \'%s\' AND stack = \'%s\'' % (p['NetworkCode'], p['StationCode'],, as_dict=True)[0] params = np.array(q['params']) params = params.reshape((3, params.shape[0] / 3)) # first item, i.e. params[:][0] in array is position # second item is velocity, which is what we are interested in v = np.array(lg2ct(params[0, 1], params[1, 1], params[2, 1], p['lat'], p['lon'])).flatten() # put the residuals in an array td = target_dict['%s.%s' % (p['NetworkCode'], p['StationCode'])] dvxa[s] = v[0] - np.array(td['vx']) dvya[s] = v[1] - np.array(td['vy']) dvza[s] = v[2] - np.array(td['vz']) lla = self.cnn.query_float('SELECT lat, lon FROM stations WHERE "NetworkCode" = \'%s\' ' 'AND "StationCode" = \'%s\'' % (p['NetworkCode'], p['StationCode']))[0] print_residuals(p['NetworkCode'], p['StationCode'], np.array([[dvx[s], dvxa[s]], [dvy[s], dvya[s]], [dvz[s], dvza[s]]]), lla[0], lla[1], ['X', 'Y', 'Z']) # save the position space residuals self.velocity_space = {'stations': {'codes': [p['NetworkCode'] + '.' + p['StationCode'] for p in etm_objects], 'latlon': [[p['lat'], p['lon']] for p in etm_objects]}, 'residuals_before_alignment': np.column_stack((dvx.flatten(), dvy.flatten(), dvz.flatten())).tolist(), 'residuals_after_alignment': np.column_stack((dvxa.flatten(), dvya.flatten(), dvza.flatten())).tolist(), 'reference_date': ref_date, 'helmert_transformation': c.tolist(), 'comments': 'Velocity space transformation.'} tqdm.write(' -- Done!')
def __init__(self, in_rinex, otl_coeff, options, sp3types, sp3altrn, antenna_height, strict=True, apply_met=True, kinematic=False, clock_interpolation=False, hash=0, erase=True, decimate=True, solve_coordinates=True, solve_troposphere=105, back_substitution=False, elev_mask=10, x=0, y=0, z=0): assert isinstance(in_rinex, pyRinex.ReadRinex) # DDG: if RINEX 3 version, convert to RINEX 2 (no PPP support) if in_rinex.rinex_version >= 3: # DDG: make a new object and convert to RINEX 3 to leave the other one untouched rinexobj = pyRinex.ReadRinex(in_rinex.NetworkCode, in_rinex.StationCode, in_rinex.origin_file, no_cleanup=in_rinex.no_cleanup, allow_multiday=in_rinex.allow_multiday) rinexobj.ConvertRinex(2) else: # file is in RINEX 2 format, use file as is rinexobj = in_rinex PPPSpatialCheck.__init__(self) self.rinex = rinexobj self.epoch = self.antH = antenna_height self.ppp_path = options['ppp_path'] self.ppp = options['ppp_exe'] self.options = options self.kinematic = kinematic self.ppp_version = None self.file_summary = None self.proc_parameters = None self.observation_session = None self.coordinate_estimate = None self.clock_estimates = None # DDG: do not allow clock interpolation before May 1 2001 self.clock_interpolation = clock_interpolation if > Date(year=2001, month=5, day=1) else False self.frame = None self.atx = None # DDG: now accepts solving for a fixed coordinate PPP self.solve_coordinates = solve_coordinates self.solve_troposphere = solve_troposphere self.back_substitution = back_substitution self.elev_mask = elev_mask self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z = None self.lon = None self.h = None self.sigmax = None self.sigmay = None self.sigmaz = None self.sigmaxy = None self.sigmaxz = None self.sigmayz = None self.clock_phase = None self.clock_phase_sigma = None self.phase_drift = None self.phase_drift_sigma = None self.clock_rms = None self.clock_rms_number = None self.hash = hash self.processed_obs = None self.rejected_obs = None self.orbit_type = None self.orbits1 = None self.orbits2 = None self.clocks1 = None self.clocks2 = None self.eop_file = None self.sp3altrn = sp3altrn self.sp3types = sp3types self.otl_coeff = otl_coeff self.strict = strict self.apply_met = apply_met self.erase = erase self.out = '' self.summary = '' self.pos = '' self.rootdir = os.path.join('production', 'ppp') fieldnames = ('NetworkCode', 'StationCode', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'Year', 'DOY', 'ReferenceFrame', 'sigmax', 'sigmay', 'sigmaz', 'sigmaxy', 'sigmaxz', 'sigmayz', 'hash') self.record = dict.fromkeys(fieldnames) # determine the atx to use self.frame, self.atx = determine_frame(self.options['frames'], self.epoch) if os.path.isfile(self.rinex.rinex_path): # generate a unique id for this instance self.rootdir = os.path.join(self.rootdir, str(uuid.uuid4())) path = os.path.join(self.rootdir, self.rinex.rinex[:-3]) self.path_sum_file = path + 'sum' self.path_pos_file = path + 'pos' self.path_ses_file = path + 'ses' self.path_res_file = path + 'res' try: # create a production folder to analyze the rinex file if not os.path.exists(self.rootdir): os.makedirs(self.rootdir) os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.rootdir, 'orbits')) except Exception: # could not create production dir! FATAL raise try: self.get_orbits(self.sp3types) except (pySp3.pySp3Exception, pyClk.pyClkException, pyEOP.pyEOPException): if sp3altrn: self.get_orbits(self.sp3altrn) else: raise self.write_otl() self.copyfiles() self.config_session() # make a local copy of the rinex file # decimate the rinex file if the interval is < 15 sec. # DDG: only decimate when told by caller if self.rinex.interval < 15 and decimate: self.rinex.decimate(30) copyfile(self.rinex.rinex_path, os.path.join(self.rootdir, self.rinex.rinex)) else: raise pyRunPPPException('The file ' + self.rinex.rinex_path + ' could not be found. PPP was not executed.')
def __init__(self, rinexobj, otl_coeff, options, sp3types, sp3altrn, antenna_height, strict=True, apply_met=True, kinematic=False, clock_interpolation=False, hash=0, erase=True, decimate=True): assert isinstance(rinexobj, pyRinex.ReadRinex) PPPSpatialCheck.__init__(self) self.rinex = rinexobj self.epoch = self.antH = antenna_height self.ppp_path = options['ppp_path'] self.ppp = options['ppp_exe'] self.options = options self.kinematic = kinematic self.ppp_version = None self.file_summary = None self.proc_parameters = None self.observation_session = None self.coordinate_estimate = None self.clock_estimates = None # DDG: do not allow clock interpolation before May 1 2001 self.clock_interpolation = clock_interpolation if > Date(year=2001, month=5, day=1) else False self.frame = None self.atx = None self.x = None self.y = None self.z = None = None self.lon = None self.h = None self.sigmax = None self.sigmay = None self.sigmaz = None self.sigmaxy = None self.sigmaxz = None self.sigmayz = None self.clock_phase = None self.clock_phase_sigma = None self.phase_drift = None self.phase_drift_sigma = None self.clock_rms = None self.clock_rms_number = None self.hash = hash self.processed_obs = None self.rejected_obs = None self.orbit_type = None self.orbits1 = None self.orbits2 = None self.clocks1 = None self.clocks2 = None self.eop_file = None self.sp3altrn = sp3altrn self.sp3types = sp3types self.otl_coeff = otl_coeff self.strict = strict self.apply_met = apply_met self.erase = erase self.out = '' self.summary = '' self.pos = '' self.rootdir = os.path.join('production', 'ppp') fieldnames = ['NetworkCode', 'StationCode', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'Year', 'DOY', 'ReferenceFrame', 'sigmax', 'sigmay', 'sigmaz', 'sigmaxy', 'sigmaxz', 'sigmayz', 'hash'] self.record = dict.fromkeys(fieldnames) # determine the atx to use self.frame, self.atx = determine_frame(self.options['frames'], self.epoch) if os.path.isfile(self.rinex.rinex_path): # generate a unique id for this instance self.rootdir = os.path.join(self.rootdir, str(uuid.uuid4())) try: # create a production folder to analyze the rinex file if not os.path.exists(self.rootdir): os.makedirs(self.rootdir) os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.rootdir, 'orbits')) except Exception: # could not create production dir! FATAL raise try: self.get_orbits(self.sp3types) except (pySp3.pySp3Exception, pyClk.pyClkException, pyEOP.pyEOPException): if sp3altrn: self.get_orbits(self.sp3altrn) else: raise self.write_otl() self.copyfiles() self.config_session() # make a local copy of the rinex file # decimate the rinex file if the interval is < 15 sec. # DDG: only decimate when told by caller if self.rinex.interval < 15 and decimate: self.rinex.decimate(30) copyfile(self.rinex.rinex_path, os.path.join(self.rootdir, self.rinex.rinex)) else: raise pyRunPPPException('The file ' + self.rinex.rinex_path + ' could not be found. PPP was not executed.') return
def __init__(self, cnn, project, redo=False): super(Stack, self).__init__() self.project = project self.cnn = cnn if redo: # if redoing the stack, ignore the contents of the stacks table print ' >> Redoing stack' self.cnn.query('DELETE FROM stacks WHERE "Project" = \'%s\'' % self.project) print ' >> Loading GAMIT solutions for project %s...' % project gamit_vertices = self.cnn.query_float( 'SELECT "NetworkCode" || \'.\' || "StationCode", "X", "Y", "Z", "Year", "DOY", "FYear" ' 'FROM gamit_soln WHERE "Project" = \'%s\' ' 'ORDER BY "NetworkCode", "StationCode"' % project) self.gamit_vertices = np.array(gamit_vertices, dtype=[('stn', 'S8'), ('x', 'float64'), ('y', 'float64'), ('z', 'float64'), ('yr', 'i4'), ('dd', 'i4'), ('fy', 'float64')]) dates = self.cnn.query_float('SELECT "Year", "DOY" FROM gamit_soln WHERE "Project" = \'%s\' ' 'GROUP BY "Year", "DOY" ORDER BY "Year", "DOY"' % project) self.dates = [Date(year=int(d[0]), doy=int(d[1])) for d in dates] self.stations = self.cnn.query_float('SELECT "NetworkCode", "StationCode" FROM gamit_soln ' 'WHERE "Project" = \'%s\' ' 'GROUP BY "NetworkCode", "StationCode" ' 'ORDER BY "NetworkCode", "StationCode"' % project, as_dict=True) for d in tqdm(self.dates, ncols=160, desc=' >> Initializing the stack polyhedrons'): self.append(Polyhedron(self.gamit_vertices, project, d)) else: print ' >> Preserving the existing stack' print ' >> Determining differences between current stack and GAMIT solutions for project %s...' % project # load the vertices that don't have differences wrt to the GAMIT solution stack_vertices = self.cnn.query_float( 'SELECT "NetworkCode" || \'.\' || "StationCode", "X", "Y", "Z", "Year", "DOY", "FYear" FROM stacks ' 'WHERE ("Year", "DOY") NOT IN (' ' SELECT "Year", "DOY" FROM (' ' SELECT "NetworkCode", "StationCode", "Year", "DOY", \'not in stack\' ' ' AS note FROM gamit_soln WHERE "Project" = \'%s\' EXCEPT ' ' SELECT "NetworkCode", "StationCode", "Year", "DOY", \'not in stack\' ' ' AS note FROM stacks WHERE "Project" = \'%s\'' ' ) AS missing_stack GROUP BY "Year", "DOY" ORDER BY "Year", "DOY") AND ' '"Project" = \'%s\' ORDER BY "NetworkCode", "StationCode"' % (project, project, project)) print ' >> Loading pre-existing stack for project %s' % project # load the vertices that were different gamit_vertices = self.cnn.query_float( 'SELECT "NetworkCode" || \'.\' || "StationCode", "X", "Y", "Z", "Year", "DOY", "FYear" FROM gamit_soln ' 'WHERE ("Year", "DOY") IN (' ' SELECT "Year", "DOY" FROM (' ' SELECT "NetworkCode", "StationCode", "Year", "DOY", \'not in stack\' ' ' AS note FROM gamit_soln WHERE "Project" = \'%s\' EXCEPT ' ' SELECT "NetworkCode", "StationCode", "Year", "DOY", \'not in stack\' ' ' AS note FROM stacks WHERE "Project" = \'%s\'' ' ) AS missing_stack GROUP BY "Year", "DOY" ORDER BY "Year", "DOY") AND ' '"Project" = \'%s\' ORDER BY "NetworkCode", "StationCode"' % (project, project, project)) self.stack_vertices = np.array(stack_vertices, dtype=[('stn', 'S8'), ('x', 'float64'), ('y', 'float64'), ('z', 'float64'), ('yr', 'i4'), ('dd', 'i4'), ('fy', 'float64')]) self.gamit_vertices = np.array(gamit_vertices, dtype=[('stn', 'S8'), ('x', 'float64'), ('y', 'float64'), ('z', 'float64'), ('yr', 'i4'), ('dd', 'i4'), ('fy', 'float64')]) dates = self.cnn.query_float('SELECT "Year", "DOY" FROM stacks WHERE "Project" = \'%s\' UNION ' 'SELECT "Year", "DOY" FROM gamit_soln WHERE "Project" = \'%s\' ' 'ORDER BY "Year", "DOY"' % (project, project)) self.dates = [Date(year=d[0], doy=d[1]) for d in dates] self.stations = self.cnn.query_float('SELECT "NetworkCode", "StationCode" FROM gamit_soln ' 'WHERE "Project" = \'%s\' UNION ' 'SELECT "NetworkCode", "StationCode" FROM stacks ' 'WHERE "Project" = \'%s\' ' 'ORDER BY "NetworkCode", "StationCode"' % (project, project), as_dict=True) for d in tqdm(self.dates, ncols=160, desc=' >> Initializing the stack polyhedrons'): try: # try to append the stack vertices self.append(Polyhedron(self.stack_vertices, project, d, aligned=True)) except ValueError: # if value error is risen, then append the gamit vertices tqdm.write(' -- Appending %s from GAMIT solutions' % d.yyyyddd()) self.append(Polyhedron(self.gamit_vertices, project, d, aligned=False))
def __init__(self, cnn, name, max_iters=4, exclude=(), use=()): = name # incorporate the list of stations to remove from the stacking process self.exclude = [{ 'NetworkCode': item[0], 'StationCode': item[1] } for item in [item.lower().split('.') for item in exclude]] self.use = [{ 'NetworkCode': item[0], 'StationCode': item[1] } for item in [item.lower().split('.') for item in use]] self.max_iters = max_iters self.iter = 0 self.ts = [] self.cnn = cnn self.json = dict() # get the station list rs = cnn.query( 'SELECT "NetworkCode", "StationCode" FROM gamit_soln ' 'WHERE "Project" = \'%s\' GROUP BY "NetworkCode", "StationCode" ' 'ORDER BY "NetworkCode", "StationCode"' % name) self.stnlist = [ Station(cnn, item['NetworkCode'], item['StationCode']) for item in rs.dictresult() ] # if none selected, use all if not self.use: for stn in self.stnlist: if stn.dictionary not in self.use and stn.dictionary not in self.exclude: self.use += [stn.dictionary] else: # if stations are included in the use list, then exclude the other for stn in self.stnlist: if stn.dictionary not in self.use and stn.dictionary not in self.exclude: self.exclude += [stn.dictionary] # get the epochs rs = cnn.query( 'SELECT "Year", "DOY" FROM gamit_soln ' 'WHERE "Project" = \'%s\' GROUP BY "Year", "DOY" ORDER BY "Year", "DOY"' % name) rs = rs.dictresult() self.epochs = [Date(year=item['Year'], doy=item['DOY']) for item in rs] # load the polyhedrons self.polyhedrons = [] print ' >> Loading polyhedrons. Please wait...' self.polyhedrons = cnn.query_float( 'SELECT * FROM gamit_soln WHERE "Project" = \'%s\' ' 'ORDER BY "Year", "DOY", "NetworkCode", "StationCode"' % name, as_dict=True)